Ik this is an unpopular opinion, but people who ship Levi and eren (before the time skip) are questionable at best
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Gimme y'alls favorite headcanons
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I love analyzing characters personalities, send my a character from any of the following and I'll do a character analysis
- death note
- assassantion classroom
- attack of titan
- soul eater
- seraph of the end
- demon slayer
- my hero academia
- ouran highschool host club
Or alternatively you can ask me my thoughts about ships in each fandom and I'll give my honest opinion
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Assassination classroom is one of my favorite anime ever because
1. The underdogs save the world troupe (it's my favorite)
2. The dynamic between the characters are amazing
3. The plot was extremely well thought out
4. Rio Nakamura
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People out here rlly saying that Mika and Yuu act like brothers, like what kinda relationship do y'all have with your siblings.( Not ship hating just not understanding)
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Me, my boyfriend, and his boyfriend
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I'm currently obsessed with the breakfast club au's right now, but I'm asking any fanfic writers, if you may, please write one for percy jackson or assassination classroom. Like I'm begging you.
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Kaang parenting adition
I keep seeing people say that they couldn't see Katara and Aang being bad parents and that it wouldn't make sense. It makes total sense when you think about it. Katara didn't grow up having a mom and Aang didn't have parents at all. It would also make sense that Tenzin was favored by Aang more than Kya and Bumi. Tenzin was an air bender from the start. So Aang would want to teach him as much air bending as possible. He had the whole air bending Nation weighing on his shoulders. Also, Aang would most likely take solace in the fact that there was another air bender. It would have been familiar. He also didn't even tell the air nomads that he had other children. And Katara didn't have a mother to look up to and ask for advice, so she wouldn't know how to raise kids. She also most likely took more of a liking to Kya because she was a water bender. Leaving Bumi to find someone else to follow and look up to. All I'm saying is that it would make sense to me if they weren't the best parents in the world.
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Songs that my OPT's would vibe to
Eremin- ocean eyes- Billie elish
Levihan- unsteady- xambasadors
Inotan- hold on- cord overstreet
Zennezu- thinking out loud- Ed Sheeran
Karmagisa- sweet but psycho- Ava max
Kataang- perfect- Ed Sheeran
Tokka- someone to you- banners
Maiko- 2020 Anne Marie
Nalu- clarity- Zedd, foxes
Victuuri- love me like you do- Ellie Goulding
Kiribaku- lovely- Billie Ellish, kahlid
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(About Katara)
People really need to stop hating on Katara. Her mom died, for her. That can fuck someone up. She probably has some type of survivors guilt. She brings up her mom so much because she never even got to process and cope with it because after that her entire village got thrown into the 100 year war. Her father left and she acted as a mother figure to sokka, she older brother, and I know that it was his mom to. But while Katara was doing chores and trying to keep together what little family she had at the time, he was wasting his time playing solider, he criticized her for having bending abilities, which probably was a sore spot for a little while, because her mother died simply because she was trying to protect her. Then when she wanted to go on an adventure with the avatar, he basically told her that she couldn't, acted like the parent figure for once, and basically when Katara told him to fuck off, he got mad. Then when she finally was able to let it all out, she got mad. She let herself feel mad about it for the first time, when we see other characters (predominantly male) go to get revenge, they praise them for it,but when a female character let's herself feel angry, she gets stigmatized as just being an over sensitive girl. And people compare Katara losing her mom to aang losing his people, 1st of all, your pain is just as valid as everyone elses. We all say things we don't mean, we have all belittled someone else's problems because we are feeling pain as well, and we regretted it. We need to stop saying that Katara is annoying just because of the pain the she deals with.
She is a complex character with complex feelings.
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