a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
My Sister read the first chapter and gave us some edits. This is the result:
After opening the doors, the stillness reached me first. The residence was shabby, cheerless...empty. The house seemed to be frozen in time. It seemed to be frozen with the hope that the owner would someday return, abandoned, just like I was told it would be.
Walking over the creaking floorboards I scanned around for clues. Wilting red flowers adorned the aged cabinets at the sides of the passage. Ancient paintings of people I don't know watched me as I found my way to the kitchen. Everything appeared broken, abandoned and depressed as if the room was reminiscing over better times.
The living room wasn't much. Dull sofas lined the walls. I debated resting from my trip up but decided against it. The fireplace was sooty and charred logs lay scattered in the grate. Above it was a mirror that caught my eye. It was smashed but dust encompassing it informed me that it hadn't been disturbed in years. I stared as it reflected back thousands of distorted versions of myself, as if millions of parallel worlds were gazing through.
Glass fragments lay on the ground. I bent to collect one but paused as something caught my eye. Something under the sofa.
I reached under and pulled it out. It was a family photo. A mother, father, and son. They seemed happy. But it was broken in a way that revealed someone had done it deliberately. I removed the photo and slid it into my pocket.
Wandering within the untouched corridors, I glanced through the windows. They were covered in dirt and filth but were just translucent enough to discover the window of a room I hadn't noticed before. I found the corridor on that side of the house. I opened each door along the wall, pushing hard on each heavy panel. One by one they screeched open and their contests became as usless as the last. The room should have been the last door at the end. But as the last door slowly crawled open the only thing visible was a vase of withered sunflowers.
I sighed and turned back but flinched as a door previously unseen hung menacingly behind me. How had I missed it? It was pristine but unnatural and stood slightly ajar.. As if someone had been here recently.
My hand hesitated over the handle. However, my curiosity was greater than the fear of the unknown.
The door swung open revealing a bathroom. Quite literally, in the sense that it was a room with a single bath in the centre. The back wall upheld a window that cast a spotlight on the tub.
I walked slowly and crouched feeling watched by a mysterious force. As I reached the bath, the strong scent of flowers fought against the previous fume of rot. The water was clear and crystal with blossoms of every colour and variety drifting gracefully on the surface. It was beautiful - aside from the submerged woman in the water.
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
Chapter 4
A/N This chapter took a lot of doing. Mod HelpMe wrote it, I (ButterNugget) edited it, helpme edited that and mod GayBoi read through it for spell check reasons, and then I did the same. Phew, a lot of work done, it would seem! I hope you enjoy our latest edition to the story, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Now, on with the story.....
When we awoke, groggily opening our tired eyes, Rebecca tossed me a strip of paper with names scribbled all over it. As I tried to decipher her rushed cursive handwriting, she told me they were "Leads.", before spinning back around to continue whatever it is she was working on. Something important, as she was always a bit blunt when she was really focused on something. I made a mental note to grab her a coffee when we're out. I turned to Ryan, who shrugged, not bothered by Rebecca's antics, and stood to get our coats.
"Oh 'beca!” I said, remembering what I had forgotten last night in my excited and fearful storytelling, “I found this on the floor in the house." She regarded me with an arched brow, probably annoyed that I had withheld possibly vital information, as she spun her chair around to face me once more. I handed her the slightly wrinkled photograph. Her eyebrow went much higher.
"I found it under the sofa. The frame was smashed and it looked like it had been done on purpose. It might be a clue" I explained hurriedly, any way I could escape Rebecca's growing frustration.
She looked at it, flipping it over a couple times, scanning it closely- as though it was a crown jewel. Well, this was Rebecca- any piece of evidence when she was working on a case, was important.
She spoke. "It might be the family.” I let out a sigh of relief, “I'll look it up on the database and let you know what I find."
She glanced up at me, reading my expression perfectly, and grinned, "A double espresso please. I'm not planning on sleeping."
I grinned back, "And you tell us to sleep."
Ryan and I turned to leave but, before we could walk out the door, she yelled to me, "I'd like to go the house to get pictures and more information at some point"
To which I yelled back, " Tomorrow!". And closed the door.
Ryan and I walked through the corridor of the station, planning what would happen next, and what things we needed to do before we were stopped by the chief. He was a similar height to myself, but had a much straighter posture, making him seem to tower over people. His hair was shot through with streaks of grey and his face was slightly wrinkled with age and stress.
"Deecan, we need to talk." He said with a tone that told us there was no room for debate. He focused his eyes on me, without even glancing at my comrade. I nodded slowly to him, then to Ryan - who understood and left with a slight nod, and a cheerful wave.
I let the chief lead me to his office. A small room with marroon painted walls, a small dark wood bookshelf, multiple steel cabinets for paperwork, and a old wooden desk with two shabby looking chairs on one side and a shiny, red leather chair on the other.
"Sit." I sat. He sat too, on the side with his nice chair. Typical. He looked at me analytically and I squirmed under the gaze. It always felt like he was looking through your skin, and straight into your head - it made me uncomfortable.
“About your case." He started, his eyes leaving mine for a moment.
"I know, I know. There's no use in chasing fairytales, but cheif-" I began.
He held up his hand to silence me. I halted my manic explanation.
"What are you trying to accomplish?” He asked. "What are you trying to prove?"
"I'm trying to... to..." I trailed off, not sure myself.
“To what? To solve the case nobody else could? To arrest the perpetrator so they may not harm anyone else? Ambition? selflessness? What drives you to solve a case that has been reduced to nothing more than rumours? Why do I feel as though I can't trust you with this? What are you trying to prove to yourself? To me? To your friends? What motivates you to solve a case that is over 25 years old?”
I honestly didn't know. Why did I want to solve the case? I hung my head, feeling like an admonished child. He shook his head slowly.
“Kid, you’ve done a lot for this station, and you are one of the best detectives on my team. You don't have to prove anything.” he said in a much softer tone. Chief was always pushing me to look at everything from different angles, to put myself in someone else’s shoes. To work smarter. He was always teaching me, little things here and there. He was my mentor. And my friend.
"Think about it then come back to me." I nodded, " Go, continue your case."
I quietly left the office, gently closing the door behind me, as once again, questions began buzzing at the back of my mind. I needed a coffee. Bad.
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
New chapter out soon 👍👍
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
I Dance To Forget
Chapter 1
Dedicated to Alex (sea pickle), Toni (Tortilla chips), sharkysnarky (my parabati ), every FNAF lover and the girl at school who has a Bill Cipher backpack and cool GF merch.
Years ago....
Violet surveyed the small town around her, her vibrant forest green eyes surveying the buildings and shops. It was just past noon and the sun lay low in the horizon, casting a lazy golden glow across the small buildings, a contrast to the sharp chill in the air marking the end of autumn and the start of winter. A gust of wind whipped Violets flaming auburn hair about her, loosening it from the low ponytail down her back. A thick, scarlet trench coat that once belonged to her mother prevented the cold from freezing the female any further as she slipped on the icy cobbles of the street, her jet black platform boots doing little to help her.
Violet had moved to Hurricane , Utah recently, having graduated studying art and mechanics in college at the age of 22, rather unconventional for a lady, as all of her teachers would say. Deciding that it was time to try something else, Violet left home to start anew. Her travels had lead her here to the small town of hurricane Utah. Said travels had lead to a road block- the money she had been saving all of her life was now dwindling, and Violet was tiring of travelling too and, although seeing new and exciting things was interesting, wanted to settle down, if only for a short period of time.
On her first day here, Violet had purchased a small, cheap apartment that was located at the edge of town. The outside of the block was grim. The walls that once used to be a soft beige colour were now disgusting- streaks of grime and mould running down the walls, all plant life of the area withered and dead. in the dusty windows dirty curtains hung limply, cracks in the glass, covered with rotted tape, more frequent than violet would of liked. Inside the apartment wasn’t as bad; the wooden floor was old and creaky- but not rotten, the walls thin and dusty- but not damp. And so, Violet bought the cheap apartment. It had 1 small bedroom, a rather dated bathroom and a small kitchen/living/dining area with limited facilities.
Presently, Violet was searching for a job. She needed a source of income for food and rent. So here she was, slipping on the cobbled street and feeling miserable in the cold. Deciding to go “home” and continue her search tomorrow, she trekked back to the place where she had left her car. Sure enough the dilapidated vehicle was exactly where she left it, it’s not like anybody would bother to steal it anyway- the car was a similar age to violet- it had been passed down, through her siblings until Violet , the youngest, got it. There were scratches along the sides and dents in the bumpers, a wing mirror had been cracked and the tires were wearing thin after much use over the years. The paint was peeling and the once fine interior of the car was scuffed, stained and smelled slightly of fish thanks to the time Violets oldest brother, Michael, had spilt fish oil everywhere in the car.
Normally Violet would’ve driven her car around the town but today the car had had enough and decided to not start again after parking in the car park so she could go and shop for food. And so Violet was doomed to walk.
She quickly fished her car keys out of her pocket, desperate to get out of the cold and turn on the heaters in her car.
Unlocking the door she hurriedly climbed into the cramped interior, quickly shutting the door behind her. Tearing off her black gloves and flinging then onto the passenger seat, Violet plunged the key into the ignition and twisted it. By some divine miracle the cars engine spluttered and started. Manoeuvring out of the car park, the heavily damaged car limped out onto the road and onto the road towards the outskirts of the town. Somewhere Violet must’ve taken a wrong turn as she soon found she was going down a road she didn’t recognise. Half an hour later and well out of town panic started to set in. The road was surrounded by barren fields. Realising she couldn’t turn around on the limited road space she decided she had to turn around somewhere she turned into a busy car park to do just that. The road leading down to it was thin and could barely fit the now shuddering vehicle. Violet was greeted with the sight of a cheery, scarlet concrete building with a bright yellow sign depicting a golden bear and rabbit waving and smiling. The purple writing proclaimed
Fredbears family diner
with smaller writing underneath saying
a place for adults and children alike, where fantasy and fun comes to life
In one of the windows a cardboard sign read “ hiring” and underneath was a phone number. Looking closer into the window you could see a brightly lit area full with smiling faces and laughter. Slightly nodding her head Violet grabs her pen and notebook from the backseats and scribbled down the number and drove back to the apartment. Quickly using the phone box near the block she pressed on the buttons and put the correct amount of coins into the slot. Holding the phone to her ear, the shining black plastic smooth in her hand, She waited for someone to pick up.
“Hello this is Fredbears family diner, how can I help you?” Came a suave, British male voice out of the receiver
“Hello, I have come to ask about the sign in your window, the one that says your hiring? I’ve called to apply.” Was her nervous reply
“Of course, what’s your name?”
“Violet Harris”
“Ok then Miss Harris, are you able to come in for an interview tomorrow at 2:30?”
“I’m free”
“Great, just walk into the diner and ask for me”
“And what’s your name?” She asked curiously
After giving William her details, Violet drove the extra block to her apartment and retrieved The shopping she had stored in her cars boot from earlier and made her way into her new home.
She packed the food away into the limited cupboard space and barely cold mini-fridge.
Done for the day she cooked herself dinner and got to bed early.
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
I Dance To Forget
I knew, somewhere inside of me, that he was trouble- the moment I met him. Now I must pay for my mistake. I hope that by telling you my story you won’t end up like I did. Cold. Dark. Alone. I’ve begun to forget my own name. Sometimes I pretend that I’ve turned back time. When I was alive. Where I am now? That is not life. It is death. I can hear the screams of the children. He condemned them too. I must retell my story..... one more time..... one more....
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
Yo waddup my dude!
Hello there, I am ButteredNuggets17 and this my first time on any sort of social media like this, so please forgive me if I make any mistakes. I will be mainly posting stories and artwork in here, and I will try and keep the content.... well.... good. I will not (and never will) post anything too adult, although I may touch topics that are very serious and not to be taken lightly. Please don’t request...... smuts......please........ I don’t deal well with......... that..........Also- I will post fan fiction as well as original stories, and I would like to say that all characters belong to their respective owners. I am also helping with my friends (sharkysnarky) story which is known on a-blog-for-a-story- and is brilliant (because my friend has all the big brain ideas) so go like or re-blog their story for me, I recommend it! I think that’s all I’ve got to say for now...... uh.... I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Bye for now! And thank you for reading!
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
Hello there, I am ButteredNuggets17 and this my first time on any sort of social media like this, so please forgive me if I make any mistakes. I will be mainly posting stories and artwork in here, and I will try and keep the content.... well.... good. I will not (and never will) post anything too adult, although I may touch topics that are very serious and not to be taken lightly. Please don’t request...... smuts......please........ I don’t deal well with......... that..........Also- I will post fan fiction as well as original stories, and I would like to say that all characters belong to their respective owners. I am also helping with my friends (sharkysnarky) story which is known on a-blog-for-a-story- and is brilliant (because my friend has all the big brain ideas) so go like or re-blog their story for me, I recommend it! I think that’s all I’ve got to say for now...... uh.... I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Bye for now! And thank you for reading!
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
Yo Dudes Just A Reminder
Reblogs are really appreciated! And better than likes!
If you do like our work like and reblog! It really means a lot to us and it helps spread our work throughout tumblr
-thank you!
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
Here we are!!!!
Hey y'all
If you're looking for the story chapters, they've been moved to our new account, @a-blog-for-a-story.
Any support would be greatly appreciated.
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
Chapter 3
Thanks to mod ButterNugget again for editing, and to mod GayBoi and mod PissBoi for helping to develop the characters.
As soon as i got to the the station, I hurriedly signed in at the front desk before sprinting to the forensics department to tell my friends what happened, maybe find out if I was insane by seeing corpses in bathtubs filled with flowers, they would know what to do. They always did, right?
10 minutes later
My friends gaped at me.
Ryan was first to speak, or rather, utter words in a barely cognitive sentence.
“Uhhh.... I um.....” he ordered his thoughts
"You mean to tell me that you found a dead body, in a bathtub, in an abandoned house, that then disappeared, without a trace like some kind of...... some kind of ghost!?" His voice rose progressively higher as he worded each syllable, with the “ghost” ending up as a squeak. I couldn't tell if it was from excitement or if he was keeling over with the idea that I may be insane. Maybe both.
"In a nutshell, but just about." I told him.
We stared at each other for a while, unsure how to continue, or where to go with the conversation now that he had summed it up. Awkward silence ensued.
Luckily, Rebecca knew how to split awkward silences, coughed to draw our attention.
"Are we sure is the body we're looking for, though? I mean, in the story it was the boy that went missing, right?" She pointed out. The story was over 25 years old and a closed case, one with barely any evidence and closed because so. Once again the case was open- and it was our duty to solve it.
Me and Ryan jumped out of our staring contest and instead turned our stares on her. She had a point- it was a boy that disappeared, not a girl.
"So we spent 3 days searching for a body but found a different one instead?" Ryan said, tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well, yes?" She said. “But it is a lead, none the less- and something that needs to be investigated” We both groaned. "Look on the bright side, I wasn't here over those 3 days. I’m well rested now and I'm back and ready to help!" I hate to say it, but I think both me and Ryan had forgotten that she was on her honeymoon with her wife, and now she’s back working so soon. Too soon.
"How can you help us? We've tried everything." I complained, feeling completely inconsolable.
"That's a lie." She began, "Here's what's going to happen. You two are going to have a nap on the sofa over there because you two look awful." She had a point. We had barely slept during our investigation, to busy researching, searching and god knows what else- living on late night takeaways and leftovers and relaying on coffee. Lots of coffee.
"And I'm going to do some digging!"
"But that's what we've been doing." Ryan moaned, giving her an upset look, as though he had offended her.
"But you've been searching for the wrong things!" She exclaimed, clearly excited to solve this puzzle.
" Leave it to me!"
"Our hero." Me and Ryan said in unison before collapsing on the sofa, finally resting our exhausted bodies and minds, as Rebecca worked, late into the night.
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
Chapter 2
Thanks to mod ButterNugget for editing and improving my awful drafts.
She was the most beautiful person that I had ever seen. She had an unearthly and inhuman appearance about her. As though she was not from this world. Then again, she wasn’t- she was dead. Her lips were full but tinged a pallid shade of blue with the look as though she had been gone for a while, but her body had not decayed. Her jet black hair floated in the water like a dark halo, the raven strands gently moving about, as though their owner may be dead- but they had retained life.
Young, beautiful, and dead. Though her skin had lost all colour- she looked like she could’ve woken up at any moment, and stepped out of the bath. It sent shivers down my spine.
Her skin was pale and her blue veins showed through. Her neck was thin like a flower stem, and it seemed just as fragile. Nasty, red blotches covered her body in a way that resembled a man's hands, the only colour on the landscape of pale flesh.
Strangled, beaten, abused. Yet there she lay peacefully as if the world had paused around her, revolving only in this single moment.
But it was the flowers that confused me. Different types and colours, bright petals splashing colour around the corpse, and mingling with its raven locks. Like a piece of morbidly beautiful abstract art. Why would a murderer leave flowers on the person they killed? Unless they weren't from the murderer? Or was it a suicide? The possibilities thundered through my head, vibrating at the back of my skull, like a swarm of angry bees- each vying for my attention.
My pocket vibrated and I was knocked out of my reverie. I pulled out my phone and turned it on.
where are you?
you're late. :(
Two messages from my co-worker, Ryan. I check the time. 9:32.
"AH SHIT!" Half an hour late! Chief is going to kill me. I ran to the door but caught myself. One final time, I checked the body but.... there was only frigid water. The bath was empty.
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a-blog-for-a-story · 5 years
Chapter 1
After opening the doors, the stillness reached me first. The residence was shabby, cheerless...empty. The house seemed to be frozen in time. It seemed to be frozen with the hope that the owner would someday return. It seemed to be abandoned, just like I was told it would be.
Walking over the creaking floorboards and past the discoloured blue walls, I scanned around for clues.
Wilting red flower arrangements adorned the aged cabinets at the sides of the passage. Ancient paintings of people I don't know watched me as I found my way toward the kitchen.
Cobwebs dropped down from the ceiling as the cupboard doors dangled off their hinges. Everything appeared broken, abandoned and depressed as if the room was unhappy and reminiscing over better times.
The living room wasn't much. Dull sofas lined the walls. I debated resting from my trip up but decided against it, after spying more than a few springs poking through. The fireplace was sooty and charred logs lay scattered in the grate. Above it was a mirror that caught my eye. It was smashed and yet the dust encompassing it informed me that it hadn't been disturbed for years. However, it still reflected back thousands of distorted versions of myself, as if millions of parallel worlds were gazing through.
Glass frahments littered the floor. I idly leaned down to pick one up, but something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. Something under the sofa...
I reached under and pulled it out. It was a family photo. A mother, father, and son. They seemed...happy. But it was broken in a way that revealed someone had done it deliberately. I removed the photo and slid it into my pocket.
Wandering within the untouched corridors, I glanced through the windows. They were covered in dirt and filth but were just translucent enough to discover the window of a room I hadn't noticed before.
I located the hallway the room should be on and walked to the end. A vase of withered sunflowers and another window but nothing more.
I turned back to continue searching the house and spotted a door behind me. Had I missed it?
It was pristine and unspoiled but the handle was polished with use and the door stood slightly ajar... As if someone had been here recently.
My hand hesitated over the handle. The fear of being caught was great but...I pushed open the door... My curiosity was greater.
The door swung open revealing a bathroom. Quite literally, in the sense that it was a room with a single bath in the centre. The back wall upheld a window that cast a spotlight on the tub. All other walls, including the one I just came through, were covered in enough shadow to be undetectable to the human eye. It appeared as if I could walk in any direction and come into contact with nothing but the void.
I walked to the tub. The water was as clear as crystal with blossoms of every colour and variety drifting on the surface. It was almost beautiful aside from the submerged woman in the water.
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