a-catnapster · 7 years
“Not sure if I need to see an arthritis specialist or not, see what doctor says tomorrow. 
Talking to this guy from OkCupid, see what happens.”
-My mom taking it one day at a time
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a-catnapster · 7 years
Dream home.
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a-catnapster · 7 years
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Hello, and a happy March to you all! Here are your journal prompts for this month. I hope you enjoy them!
1. Respond to these prompts in a notebook or journal.
* Use art, make a collage, use hand lettering or simply handwrite your entries.
2. Be creative and have fun!
Tag #Journaling-Junkie and #March2017JournalChallenge
so we can all like and reblog your wonderful creations and encourage one another to keep up the great writing! :) Message me if you have any questions and I will do my best to help you! Happy writing, journalers of Tumblr! ~JJ
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a-catnapster · 7 years
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After teaching junior high art classes for 35 years, Alma Thomas started her fine art career at the age of 68. Her popularity grew over the years and when President Obama was in the White House he chose an Alma Thomas painting, making her the first African-American woman to have her artwork featured there. Get the book on @amazon or @ammobooks link also in profile. . . #womenshistorymonth #almathomas #artist #gouache #midcenturymodern #women #ammobooks #girlpower #ellensurrey
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a-catnapster · 7 years
Every 40 seconds someone dies by an act of suicide. It’s good to remember this as a reminder to be grateful for the people we have in our lives and to see how far we’ve come. Every person is valuable and no life means nothing. It may seem like you’re not going anywhere in the future, but the future is never set so anything can happen. Please, stay alive, to someone you are everything. You are loved, you are needed, you are desired, you are important.
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a-catnapster · 7 years
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“So this, I believe, is the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?”
- Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
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a-catnapster · 7 years
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a-catnapster · 7 years
100% agree.
Look after yourself as a plant
Nourish your body Drink a lot of water Love your roots Be kind to yourself
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a-catnapster · 7 years
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a-catnapster · 7 years
I recruited some extra friends from @goldenbayhotelandspa to help out with today's workout! ✌🏼 Can't wait for you to see this video!! Who else brings🦎🤣🌸 you wildlife and the burn all in one?! #rebeccalouise
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a-catnapster · 7 years
Ahh, it’s lovely.
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Art via http://ift.tt/2hKHidA
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a-catnapster · 7 years
I’ve given myself permission today to just be laaaazaaaay. Yippie! So why not blog a bit? I haven’t been on Tumblr in about a year, but I just might give it another try. If anything, it can be a place to sort of share my thoughts without worrying about it.
Getting back to the lazy part, I totally am allowed to do nothing all day. And it’s not lazy in the negative sense. My body was tired and my mind was exhausted. So I am using this day to write, to read, to watch silly YouTube videos and just rest. Self-care, baby! 
Who else loves self-care? What do you do to take care of yo’self?
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a-catnapster · 7 years
I love elephants!
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a-catnapster · 7 years
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Today is the start of Inspired Unfollowing, a week of consciously choosing the content you consume online. Here’s the general idea, but to get the full scoop, click the link in my profile! . . .
What we surround ourselves with – both in real life and online – has a great impact on how we feel and live every single day. It’s all too easy to fall into patterns, to do something you’ve always done simply because you’ve always done it, but it’s a big mistake to be passive when it come to online consumption. There are a great many things we cannot control in this life, but one that we can is what we look at on our computers or phones. . . .
So I came up with the idea of Inspired Unfollowing, a week of reflecting on what I’ve been consuming online so I can actively choose whether I want to continue doing so. I hope you’ll join me this week in taking control of what you consume! . . .
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Surrounding yourself with positive, inspiring social media does NOT mean avoiding things that might evoke negative emotions (i.e., upsetting but important news stories) or people whose beliefs differ from yours. One of the worst things any of us could do at a time like this would be to avoid people who are different from us. In fact, I encourage you to find some accounts and websites that don’t hold your views and visit them periodically to open your mind to a new perspective. There’s a big difference between things that add value – such as news, even if it’s not positive news, or people who share opposing views, but who do so in a kind, thoughtful way – and things that make you feel terrible without providing useful information. http://ift.tt/2kjvrYI
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a-catnapster · 7 years
Does the sun ask itself, “Am I good? Am I worthwhile? Is there enough of me?” No, it burns and it shines. Does the sun ask itself, “What does the moon think of me? How does Mars feel about me today?” No it burns, it shines. Does the sun ask itself, “Am I as big as other suns in other galaxies?” No, it burns, it shines.
Andrea Dworkin, Our blood: prophecies and discourses on sexual politics (1976)
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a-catnapster · 7 years
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Go where you feel alive
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a-catnapster · 7 years
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Happy New Year, everyone! Here is your 2017 January Journal Challenge! Thanks so much for your patience and thank you all for following my blog. I really appreciate it.
If you have any questions about the writing prompts, please don’t hesitate to write me a message and I will respond as soon as I can.
Feel free to tag or mention me in your entries. I will like and reblog as often as I can. I look forward to sharing this experience with you and am excited to get to know you better!
Tags: #Journaling-Junkie, #2017JanuaryJournalChallenge
Be creative and have fun! :)
Love and warm wishes to you all this year.
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