a-twst-oc · 3 years
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Antoine lost the baguette battle
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a-twst-oc · 3 years
Rook speaks French
Antoine also speaks French
There can only be one!
*Le Festin intensifies*
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a-twst-oc · 3 years
I'm not dead!
Hello! The mod of this blog here!
I would like to apologize for my sudden disappearance without telling anyone. I do like drawing but then I wanted to draw things that wasn't related to Antoine. Since this blog was focused on the little chef, I didn't post things for a long time.
But now I have found inspirations to draw Antoine again and maybe I shpuld considered changing the blog a bit.
Thank you everyone who supported me!
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
I know I haven't been active lately but feel free to ask!
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Twst Anniversary Ask Game 🎉
I thought this would be fun, feel free to reblog this and have your followers send in asks!
How did you get into Twst?
Whose hand did you take? Would you have changed it? (If you don’t have the game: Who was your initial favorite? Who is it now?)
Unpopular opinion about Twst?
Share something that’s special about Twst to you
Favorite characters from each dorm?
Favorite card story/scene?
Favorite event?
Favorite ships?
Favorite BGM?
Favorite headcanon?
Favorite dynamic?
Ships you can’t stand?
Do you have any Twst merch?
Which dorm would you be in?
How would you try to woo Eliza?
Which characters would you get along with irl?
…Who would you stay away from?
Anything you want to happen in-game in the future?
Anything you would change?
(Make up a question!)
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
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Thank you so much! I'm feeling a bit shy and a little flattered now. However, think you should be the one deserving of more followers!
Please follow my friends who are very talented and deserve more follows!
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
A Present?
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I found Antoine passed out on the ground.
And there a letter with the initials L.V. next to a plate of.... Something...
I think I know what just happened.
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
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Antoine wasn't so happy when the Magicammonsters came. Of course, Antoine being the only Pomefiore beastman around, the Magicammonsters took notice of his ears and tail. They began pulling on them, thinking that it was part of his costume, and said how real they feel.
This caused great distress to Antoine so, he told them to stop because his ears and tail are real and the pulling is hurting him. However, they started to take pictures of him! They were so amazed that there was a beastman student from Pomefiore that they decided to make a post about it! Antoine kept saying to not take pictures of him because they were in the Mirror Chamber and they weren't allowed to take pictures in there! Then Epel nearly started a fight then things kind of went downhill from there...
Antoine is currently trying to soothe his sore ears and tail in his room.
Poor Antoine.
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Hello. Do you have any rules for interactions?
A Little Mod speaks
Ah sorry! I totally forgot to put rules! I just didn't think this blog would remain unnoticed and only a place where I just make it all about Antoine. I just put character interactions in case someone does want to talk to him but didn't expect anyone to use it until that last post happened...
But that doesn't excuse that fact that I should set ground rules for interactions since I clearly put that in the description.
So please listen up and read the rules carefully! Any rules that are broken in the ask would result in the deletion of the ask!
Please be respectful and kind when in this blog! I think this doesn't need to be elaborated.
No NSFW please! I tend to struggle to write that stuff and Antoine is still a minor! Kisses are fine but nothing beyond that please!
I don't actually ship Antoine with anyone so most of the relationship are platonic. Unless you want a relationship headcannon.
Rping as another twst character is fine and rping as ocs is good as well but please DM your oc bio so I least know something about it. 
Please be patient! This blog is something I made for fun so I might take a while on answering it!
Thank you for reading and respecting the rules!
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Antoine, I couldn't help but wonder about the throwing soap bars to the people who didn't wash their hands thing. Who was the people that faced the soap bars rage when they didn't wash their hands? (It can be anybody in the school, I apologize for the weird question😅) (-From cureharmony_ on Instagram🙂)
M-my first ask?!
Clutching the piece of paper with his gloved hands, Antoine scans over the words over and over again. His grip was a bit too tight on the paper that it threaten to tear in his grip.
"I-I never knew that I would receive a letter... How do I even respond to this? Should I act formal about or be relaxed when responding to it or...?" He rambles off as he shakes a bit. He doesn’t know if that was from excitement or nervousness. 
After a bit of venting, he finally calms down and begins writing his reply. With a shaky deep breath, he puts his pen on the paper.
“No no! It’s okay! Your question isn’t strange at all. In fact, my habit of throwing soap bars is a weird trait of mine isn’t it?“
“Most of the time, the victims of my... Erm... ‘Soap bar of Doom’ attack... Were people who were unaware of my habit and carelessly walked in, asking about something”
“Normally, I would remind them to wash their hands but sometimes it slips out of my mind and would talk for a while until I realized that they didn’t wash their hands at all and made contact with the kitchen... Something would kind of snap within me and that triggers my ‘Soap bar of Doom’ attack... Which is just me hurling a soap bar in a fit of blind rage. Quite unfitting of me if I am honest with myself. But it ends the same way, the person often flees the kitchen and I am left with a task to clean up the kitchen to make sure nothing gets contaminated”
“But there is one exception where I don’t get angry and throw a soap bar at something... And that is... Mr. Hunt”
“He... Is kind of scary, wait, scratch that. He terrifies me! He comes in out of nowhere at times just to talk to me and I would freak out and instinctively throw a soap bar at him to defend myself! He would always dodge it and just talk to me like nothing happened! But I’m still shaking in fear at the fact that he just pops in and I have no idea how he came in with no detection!”
“It doesn’t help that he is a hunter as well... A frightening individual. No matter how much I respect him as my vice dorm leader and upperclassman... My guard is always up when he is around..”
“Sorry that I went on a rant there but I hope my answer will quell your curiosity! Thank you for asking me and congrats! You are my first ask!”
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Day 14: Broom
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Another late work but I’m having fun.
Today we have Antoine reenacting a familiar scene. Better help him out before it gets too messy!
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Day 13: Key
Ah, I’m late again...
“What drove me to become a chef..?”
Another question, another day and Antoine was once again cooking with you at the sidelines. It almost seems like a normal routine between you two, he would cook, you would come visit and pop a random question when he wasn’t too preoccupied.
Today you ask what his motivation is for his passion.
Antoine paused on rolling the dough and thought for a bit. His tail swaying back and forth and ears twitching little. He looks up at the ceiling while tapping his chin lightly, flour once again staining his chin. The dorm leader would probably scold him if he ever got caught but this was one of the rare moments where the small chef didn’t care. Whenever there was a topic about cooking, he always thought on that subject only.
“I believe it started with a cookbook...” he started, his face turning into a fond look.
“I got that book from a traveling merchant. I think it was the cover that drew me in. I brought it home with me and after looking through the first of the recipes, it got me hooked!” he added, his voicing raising in volume and the sound of excitement showing his voice. It was cute, his tail was wagging back and forth like an excited pup- er, rat... Boy... 
 “Then I tried experimenting with different flavors like combining a strawberry and cheese. Each of them have their own special flavors but both..”, he lets out a happy sigh and he leans into his hands. His elbows help prop himself up and he presses his body against the counter. Now his face was really covered in flour now. “You end up discovering something new…” he finishes as a soft smile appears on his face before snapping out of that state.
A small blush creeps up his cheek. “Ah, sorry, I must have gone on a tangent… I should really stop that bat habit” he said while he looks away in embarrassment. His ears drooped down a little. Poor Antoine.
You tell him that you forgive him.
“M-merci! You are far too kind” he replied, his posture changing completely due to his raised mood. The blush seemed to grow but it was hard to tell due to the flour tainting his cheeks. 
You merely give him a smile.
“But you want to know what was the key point to passion..?” he said, finally looking back at you with flour covered cheeks.
“It was the chef catchphrase… ‘Only the fearless can be great’...” he answered. There was a sparkle in his eyes. “I know I’m not the bravest when it comes to dealing with the predators in this school… But I do know that I can be bold when it comes to cooking!” he said, his tail wagging like crazy. “If I ever want to fulfill my dream, I must have courage” he added as you internally laugh at how adorable he looks right now.
But that sudden excitement dissipates instantly when he realizes what he just did. Quickly, he wipes the flour off his face with a towel and pats the flour off his hands. 
“Oh dear I’ve done it again… I look so indecent right now. The Dorm Leader would hate that” he sighs out as he finishes his clean up. The ever looming reminder that his Dorm Leader can come in here at any moment, looms over his head. Antoine looks back at you and approaches you where you were positioned at. Gently, he takes his hands into yours and gives you a closed eye smile. “But… Thank you for asking me that question, it brought back pleasant memories” he said before opening his eyes to look at you.
“And thank you for being my friend”
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
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I got 10+ followers?!
I know this blog is small and I expected slowly growth. I thought maybe 5 followers at least and it would be just the people I now who is following me but-
Where did the rest of you come from?!
But seriously, I would like to thank you all for the support and thank you for enjoying my content.
I know 10+ followers isn't a crazy amount but I appreciate the fact that there are people who like this blog.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Day 12: Honey
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Antoine is now stronger! That means he can help you out more!
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Day 11: Mirror
It was a quiet day today in the Pomefiore dorm kitchen. For the first time in a while, Antoine was doing nothing in the kitchen today. Today he is having tea time with his best friends, Mob-kun and you.
Everyone seem to be enjoying their tea and snacks until you brought up a question
“You want to know how my entrance ceremony went?” Antoine asked for verification as he held his tea cup, the scent of Chamomile waft through the air. He was trying his best to keep his posture up, you never know when the Dorm leader or his vice would come in. He rather not get another lecture on tea time etiquette.
“Well... I say it was normal.. But then I remember your entrance ceremony. That wasn’t normal” he said before letting out a soft chuckle, his hand covering his mouth before setting it down. “ Désolé (sorry), I do think the Ceremony was entertaining in a strange way. Aside from the fire, it was quite a turn of events that I would have never expected to happen” he said, setting down the tea cup on the saucer.
He leans back on his chair and looks up, seemingly in deep thought. His hand went up to his chin before he regains his posture. “Alright I’ll tell you what happened at my ceremony...”
Although the robes covered his ears, it was surprisingly comfy to wear. He nervously glance around to see many unfamiliar faces. He focused on the faces within his group and realized he was the shortest, even the red haired boy was taller than him!
“Antoine Ratt”
Antoine nearly jumped when he heard his name being called and looked towards the headmaster, Dire Crowley. 
“Please step in front of the mirror”
He give the crow a brief nod before coming forward and stood in front of the Mirror of Darkness.
“State thy name”
He took a deep breath.
“Antoine Ratt”
There was a moment of silence as Antoine held his breath, wondering where he’ll be placed in.
“The shape of thy soul is passionate on thy dream and willing to perfect thy skill through sheer diligence... “
“Therefore, they are suited for Pomefiore!”
There it was. 
He was presented to his dorm leader. A cold beauty.
That was where his journey began
“As you can see... My ceremony wasn’t anything special if you remove all the fire” Antoine said, concluding the story. He tries to poor another cup but none comes out. “Oh dear..”, he sighed, “Looks like I need to make another batch” he said, getting up from his seat to prepare for more tea.
“By the way...”
You look at him.
“Which dorm do you think you would go if it was possible?”
You needed to think about that.
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Day 10: Test
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Shh... Antoine and Mob-kun are in a middle of an exam.
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Day 9: Piece
“Hm? What are you listening to?”
It was another day in Antoine’s kitchen, well more like the kitchen belong to the dorm but Antoine practically lives there now due to how many times he comes here. Today, like always, you gave him a visit and once again, he was cooking, not that you mind. Just talking to him was enough and besides, you get to try his cooking in the end! 
He must have heard the music playing in your headphones. Oops, you must have been playing too loud, your bad!
You explain to him the song.
“Piece of My World? I think I heard of that title before. I heard it is a popular song. I think Mob-kun was the one who first mention it to me. I haven’t gotten to listening to it yet” he replied while mixing a bowl of ingredients. “Mostly because I’ve been busy lately... From avoiding VDC and classes to cooking, I have no time for myself” he added as he lets out a sigh. 
Now that you think of it, when did Antoine had a proper break? Sure he’ll stop cooking once and while and still go to sleep but when did he have a time to rewind? 
And that thought gave you an idea.
You asked if he wants to listen with you.
“That is a particularly strange question. Tell me, why did you ask?”
You tell him that needs to take a break.
“But I’m In the middle of something and I...” he trailed off as you give him a stern look. He looks back at his mixing bowl before looking back at you, complementing for a brief moment before lowering his hand to set the whisk and bowl down. 
“I suppose I should take a rest... Let me put this in the fridge first. It needs to chill anyway” he said before beginning the process of covering the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the fridge, earning a nod from you. He washes his hands while his tail sway from left to right.
Antoine pull out a chair from the counter and sits down on your right. It took a while for you to adjust but you manage to put one of the headphones into his rat ears. His ears twitches a bit due to how sensitive they were. He tried his best not to jolt when he felt it in his ear.
You play the song.
He almost jump on how sudden the song started but quickly regain his posture and continue listen. It was... Nice. He could understand why it was so popular, the music and lyrics were very catchy.
After that song, you ask him how he thinks.
“I think... The music is great, I should really get in touch with media more” he said with a soft smile on his face. You smiled back at him before he gently held your hand.
“You know, I should take breaks more often, it’s nice. Just hanging out with you is nice.”
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a-twst-oc · 4 years
Day 8: Treat
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When it comes to treats you can count on Antoine to make plenty of that! Sure he mostly focus on fancier side for dishes but just for this holiday, it would be sweets!
From cookies to candy apples, you can bet he'll make them all and you want to know the actual treat?
He is going to share it with all of you!
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