update! this was because I had an undiagnosed anxiety disorder.
absolutely no one:
my heart, suddenly: *panics*
me, just lying in bed:
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dm’d a session today where i had to come up with a knight npc on the spot his name is Sir Sire and he’s a himbo
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saw newsies live and in person for the first time in a long time today
and yes i cried at the once and for all key change
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Shit heard in the fine arts building
“You done fucked with the wrong depressed Man-Man.”
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Shit heard in the fine arts building
“It’s a normal play until suddenly - Hi! Satan’s here!”
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omg same
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So I got a dna test for me and my dog at Christmas, and honestly I was more than a little shocked.
As for my dog, it said he’s like 45% Irish Setter and 20% German shepherd, with a little Italian greyhound and frenchie thrown in. This was pretty surprising, since he looks nothing like the breeds it says he is. But that was nothing compared to how shocked I was at my own results.
According to my dna test, I’m about 98% pug.
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ok we all know that BMI is bullshit and created by a eugenicist and is no way an actual reflection of someone’s health right? right.
HOWEVER it will never not be funny to me that because i’m medically considered ✨obese✨ i’m considered “at risk” enough to get the covid vaccine early. con the system y’all.
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Stages of Stoned - Explained by Steve Harrington (feat. Robin Buckley)
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kk slider is really branching out
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Please remember to VOTE tomorrow! 
You can register to vote on Election Day in the following states:
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C.!
Vote like this country depends on it, because it does!
source: @votesaveamerica
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Japanese legend: you have the face of who you loved most in a past life
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thinkin bout that time i was auditioning for a game show and one of the questions was like “this greek poetess wrote many poems but none are saved in their entirety” and my gay ass was the only one that knew it was sappho
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the stapler in question:
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