accio-samulet · 1 year
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The Lavender Haze video is out now. There is lots of lavender. There is lots of haze. There is my incredible costar Laith Ashley who I absolutely adored working with. This was the first video I wrote out of the 3 that have been released, and this one really helped me conceptualize the world and mood of Midnights, like a sultry sleepless 70’s fever dream. Hope you like it 😁
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accio-samulet · 2 years
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accio-samulet · 2 years
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accio-samulet · 2 years
Aww, look. It's the marauders, celebrating James' 62nd birthday, right now.
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accio-samulet · 2 years
James Potter being an Aries just makes sense
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accio-samulet · 2 years
no thoughts just the idea of james potter
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accio-samulet · 2 years
bruce hitting alfred w “you’re not my dad” immediately after turning down his Nirvana playlist while residual eye makeup runs down his face within the first twenty minutes of the film. at last. an adaptation that truly Gets Him
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accio-samulet · 2 years
literally me the second I heard duel of the fates in the kenobi trailer:
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accio-samulet · 2 years
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accio-samulet · 2 years
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accio-samulet · 2 years
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accio-samulet · 2 years
yooo who THE FUCK gave you the right to post this??! i’m just trying to have a chill friday night and now i can’t stop thinking about this man. the things i would do to actually have a partner like this exist,, pls end me
theres just something about calling adrian pucey ‘pretty boy’ and him rolling his eyes and just brushing it off because he knows your being an idiot and kind of making fun of him around your friends. he doesn’t hate it though he just doesn’t know what to do with it or say back
but when your alone, body on top of his. your lips meeting his skin and treating him like he’s delicate cargo. His hands roaming your own body, fingers lingering just underneath your clothes. Your kisses meet his jawline and you follow along until your mumbling against his ear ‘my pretty boy’ and adrian has to take in a breath to try to stop his heart from beating out of his chest because his yours
your pretty boy….
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accio-samulet · 2 years
yes hes my comfort character, and yes he does beat the shit out of people. he multitasks idk
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accio-samulet · 2 years
im on tumblr bc im a romantic this energy doesnt exist on any other platform
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accio-samulet · 2 years
reblogging bc i think it got overshadowed by my other valentine’s day fic ♡
a letter for my love — adrian pucey x gn!reader
Summary: What’s a better way to express your love to someone other than through a letter?
Warning: sad ending oops
Notes: no gender/pronouns, physical traits, etc. mentioned <3
Word Count: 0.5k
A/N: yk, i didn’t plan for this to go the way it did, but i just couldn’t stop typing so here we are… i’m sorry lol. also, this is VERY short compared to my other fics, but it’s a letter so it makes sense yk? i hope y’all still enjoy!
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Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. 
Y/N, sweetheart, darling, partner in crime, my other half, my one and only. There are so many names in the world I could call you, but none could truly capture the love I feel for you. You make me the man I strive to be every day and I will forever thank whatever god or entity put you in my life.
Keep reading
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accio-samulet · 2 years
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Inspo. From my fave show Psych
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accio-samulet · 2 years
unplanned valentine — adrian pucey x fem!reader
Summar: One way or another, Y/N seems to always spend Valentine’s Day with Adrian Pucey.
Warnings: none I believe
Notes: reader uses she/her pronouns, no other physical traits mentioned I think? kinda implied that the reader is Slytherin, but never actually stated
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: i have such mixed feelings about this fic, i like it at times but don’t at others?? i just really wanted another adrian valentine’s day fic so here we go! (tbh i’m thinking about revisiting this concept when i have more time and write out each year yk?)
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February 14th.
Valentine’s Day.
Everyone had different feelings about it. Most people either hated or loved it. It was filled with overly affectionate couples, cheap boxes of chocolate, more roses and bouquets than you could imagine. The Great Hall was even decorated for the occasion. Petals and hearts floating in the sky, shining various shades of pink and red upon the room. The house elves had even gone as far as making some of the food heart-shaped.
Y/N smiled at the gesture as she started to prepare her breakfast for the day. Y/N was impartial about the particular day in February. It’s not like she looked forward to the day. She never had a valentine herself, unless you count the next door neighbor from when she was 8, but there was no reason to hate the day either. It was simply there, like any other day.
“Any special plans for today?” a voice before her spoke. Y/N looked up and saw her roommate and friend, Melanie. She sat down against from Y/N and began to prep her own plate.
“You already know the answer to that, Mel. I’ve never had plans,” she answered. Melanie rolled her eyes and let out a laugh.
“I don’t understand how you can be so right, but so wrong at the same time.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you were right about how I already knew the answer before I even asked, but your actual answer was far from the truth,” she exclaimed. Y/N titled in her head in confusion.
“Oh, come on, Y/N! You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Melanie said in disbelief.
“Sorry, but don’t have the faintest idea,” Y/N said, shaking her head.
“You’re ridiculous! You always say you never have plans, but somehow, one way or another, you end up doing something with Adrian Pucey,” her roommate explained. Now, it was Y/N’s turn to laugh.
“That’s a total lie! Last year, I was in the library all night cramming for the History of Magic exam. I remember because you left me to study all by myself!” she argued.
“No, I left you because Adrian was already in our usual spot and you decided to go join him instead of finding another table. I did not want to be a third wheel. And the year before that, you helped him practice for the upcoming quidditch match because all his teammates were busy, you know because it’s Valentine’s Day! It’s happened every year since you’ve been friends with him,” Melanie explained. Y/N thought about it for a second.
She met Adrian back in second year, but surely there was no way it happened every year, right? Second year, she had to stay behind after classes and brew a potion all evening with her partner, which happened to be Adrian. Third year, she had to planned to hang out with a group of their friends, but everyone cancelled, except Adrian. Fourth year, she had detention... with Adrian (they were caught out past curfew). Fifth year, quidditch with Adrian. Sixth year, studying with Adrian. Y/N eyes widened in shock as she realized.
“Oh Merlin, I’ve spent every Valentine’s Day with Adrian Pucey,” she mumbled. Melanie looked back at her in triumph and smirked. “O-okay, just because I somehow end up hanging out with him does not mean that’s going to happen this year or that it even means something for that matter. Like you said, we’re just friends!” Y/N argued back.
“Friends my arse! Anyone with a brain can see you two like each other. One of these days, you two will finally realize it and then stop pretending you don’t,” Melanie retorted back. 
“I have no clue what you’re talking about, Mel” she lied, not being able to look her friend in the eyes as she spoke.
“Fine, pretend all you want. But mark my words, one way or another you’ll end up hanging out with Adrian today,” she declared. Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but closed it, deciding to leave the subject alone. Soon enough, Adrian walked into Great Hall and sat down next to her. Y/N greeted him with a smile and then looked over at Melanie, who was clearly smirking at the two. 
Y/N sat near the Black Lake, enjoying the oddly warm weather. It seemed like everywhere she went in the castle, there were couples celebrating the day. Despite a few of them being outside like her, she managed to find a spot away from them and any reminders of the holiday. She found herself getting more annoyed as the day went on, but she wasn’t sure exactly why. She knew it had some idea with what happened at breakfast, but it didn’t explain why it bothered her. The holiday had never bothered her in the past.
She took deep breath, allowing the fresh air to fill her body. The sounds of the lake and forest helped her relax. She drew her focus back to the book in front of her. She sighed, realizing she had been mindlessly reading the past few pages and not actually retaining any of the information. Y/N closed the book and threw it to the side out of frustration. She laid down on her back, closing her eyes in attempt to calm down.
“Merlin, I would hate to see what that book ever did to you,” a deep voice spoke. Y/N opened her eyes and saw Adrian standing above her. She couldn’t help but smile at his presence.
“Hi Adrian. Sorry, it’s just been a rough day,” she exclaimed. He gave her a knowing look.
“I’m sorry, love. I was actually hoping I could come sit with you, but I get it if you just want some alone time,” he said, his voice filled with concern. 
“No, you’re fine! I always enjoy your company,” she replied. She sat up and moved to make room for him. He blushed at the comment before sitting down next to her, their legs barely brushing against each other. “Hopefully your day has been better than mine?”
“Unfortunately not, but now you’re here and the day’s not over yet,” he hinted at. Y/N smiled at his words.
“Who knows? Maybe I’ll actually make your day worst and you’ll never wish to see me again,” she joked.
“I highly doubt that,” he said, laughing at her wild thoughts. 
“I’ll take that as a challenge then!” she replied cheerfully. “Let’s see, what annoys Adrian Pucey the most?” She pretended to think, but knew exactly what she was going to do. Before he could react, Y/N reached over and messed up his hair. 
“Oi, stop it!” He tried to swat her hands away, but she was determined. Adrian took her by surprise and started to tickle the girl.
“H-hey! That’s n-not fair, s-stop it,” she attempted to say through laughter. She tried to escape from his grip, but he was too strong. 
“Take it back and I’ll stop,” he said, giving her a break. Y/N didn’t reply straight way, deciding to mess with him some more, but he wasn’t going to let go either. He went to tickle her again.
“F-fine, I take it back!” she cried out. He stopped, but didn’t let go of the girl beneath him. Y/N looked up at the boy above her and time seemed to stop. He was close, but neither of them were brave enough to close the distance.
“Hey Adrian, can I ask you something?” Y/N whispered, suddenly feeling courageous.
“Of course, sweetheart,” he replied, still not moving away from his position. Y/N blushed at the nickname he always seemed to call her. It was either that or “love”, but almost never her actual name.
“Have you ever noticed that we always seem to spend Valentine’s Day together?” she asked, barely above a whisper. The boy in front of her gave a shy smile.
“I may have noticed,” he said, not giving her the whole truth.
“Did you make it that way on purpose?”
“I may have,” he whispered. He never thought he would admit it out loud, but he always looked forward to doing something with Y/N on this day, whether she knew it or not.
Y/N saw his eyes glance down to her lips and back up to her eyes. Both of them knew what they were thinking, but afraid to finally make the move. Adrian seemed to move closer, their lips almost touching. Having waited long enough, Y/N took a chance and closed the gap between them with a soft kiss. She felt his hand touch the side of her head, bringing her closer to him. She smiled into the kiss, realizing what was actually happening. Adrian gave another small kiss before resting his forehead against her head.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, love.”
Y/N finally parted ways with Adrian (after almost getting another detention for being out past curfew, they lost track of time) and made her way back to her dorm. When she walked in, Melanie was already on her bed waiting for her to return.
“Sooo, how was hanging out with Adrian?” she asked knowingly.  Y/N was too shy to admit she was right and blushed at the question.
“Oh, shut up!” she mumbled in response. Melanie smirked at her friend’s answer.
“I knew it! Tell me everything.”
taglist: @limerenze​ ♡
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