Mina: Iida, you can't change yourself for a girl!
Jirou: Yeah! No matter how much of a goth baddie she is! 
Momo: If she doesn't like how you are, the she doesn't deserve you!
*All of 1-A agrees*
Bakugou:...I don't care
Mineta: personally I am so proud of the fact you changed yourself for a baddie with big chesticals 
*Everyone glares at them*
Iida: ...... You know, this has gone long enough
Kirishima: what has?
Iida: this secret that I have withheld from all of you since all of UA! But. No more, I didn't change for my girlfriend, I changed for society!
Bakugou:.... pardon?
Iida: I changed myself once I entered high school, because I thought there would be no way that a person of my lifestyle could ever be a respected hero. But I have come to the realization, that I can be a hero and be who I truly am! Class of 1-A, the truth is......I'm an E-boy!!!
*Everyone's eyes go wide*
Iida: *nods* I used to have long hair! Dyed it black the second the roots started showing! And my eye color?! *Takes off glasses and takes out blue colored eye contacts* it's actually red! *Puts glasses on. Unbuttons uniform* and I got this tattoo on our junior year! *Shows a tattoo of a snake wrapped around a rose on his chest* and I have a box under my bed full of silver skull rings and demonic necklaces! 
*Everyone's jaws are on the floor*
Iida: Now that I have revealed myself to you all, you can now expect me to fully go back into my old hobbies and I understand this is all a shock, considering the person I was pretending to me all this time, but I hope that you come to expect me just as I have. *Walks towards the door* now, if you excuse me, that beautiful curvy goth girl outside is waiting for me to take her to Wingstop, the after I will take her to my bedroom where I will pound her into my mattress until she is sobbing and stars cloud her vision! Good day to you all and have a great fucking summer! *Leaves*
*Everyone stays silent, wide eyed*
Mineta:.......I always did suspect it was all an act
A headcanon I have of Iida, because HOW ELSE do you explain the fact he doesn't have his red eyes like in the manga??!!
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modern AU Luffy x reader. pregnancy when you broke up. Pure Fluff
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Inspired: season 8 episode 24 of FRIENDS; @portgasbru
trigger warning: swearing and description of birth 
I know Luffy's a little of out character, but I thought that in the modern world he would be a little less childish and a bit of a burnt out adult. A person that was a very energetic and silly kid, but grow up in a not so free feeling world. Unlike his anime. 
"Deep breaths. Deep breaths." Luffy repeats, soothing her back and rubbing her forearm.
"MY BREATHS CAN'T GET ANY DEEPER!!!" She shouts out despite being out of breath. "Help me out of bed, I need to walk." She demands, holding out her hand for him to grab.
He springs out of the bed and helps her feet onto the floor. Grabbing into her side and her arm, they start pacing around the hospital room, Luffy holding her close.
Her pants and groans of pain, die down just a little bit as they both rub her swollen belly and take slow steps.
"Oh good Lord!" She whines out, the sweat on her forehead causing her hair to stick to her face. "Luffy, I swear to fucking God, I hate you so much!"
"What did I do?!" He asks, dewildered.
"You did this to me!!"
"Well, it was really a team effort." He jokes, rubbing his neck for self comfort.
She stops in her tracks and glares at him, taking a deep breath as her contraction stops for the moment.
Luffy holds (y/n) by her waist and looks over her stomach, he sighs anxiously, "this baby sure is takin' its time."
"No kidding."
Near the end of last year, Luffy and (y/n) broke up, and as fate would have it, about three days after, (y/n) found out she was pregnant.
Despite all that happened, she told Luffy, he is the father, it was in his right for him to know. (Y/n) Of course made it clear she didn't want him to do anything he didn't want to or become a part of something so sudden with hardly any preparation, but he wanted to be in the baby's life and she did always wanted children.
Thus, they agreed to have the baby, and share custody. Nothing more, nothing less. They could be parents and not have to be forced to date again.
Nine months later and after some preparations, her water broke and they rushed to the hospital. Now waiting for her to fully dilate in a semi private room, at the moment, no other person was in the room.
Luffy sets himself next to (y/n) and carefully wraps his arms around her, placing loving hand on her belly and laying his head on a pillow.
"...Luffy? Can I tell you something?" She whispers.
"I'm really scared right now."
"Scared?" He repeats, raising an eyebrow.
"Everyone and their mom's been telling me horror stories of deliveries gone wrong and yeah, I know pain was always gonna happen, but now that it's actually happening, im-im scared."
Luffy glances to the side, licking his lips as if the confession wasn't shocking at all. "It's ok, bab-(y/n). Everythin's gonna be fine."
"You don't know that." She whispers, crossing her arms in a self hug.
"Yes I do. Everythin' will be fine. This baby will be happy and healthy-well. Maybe not happy, babies come out crying right? Healthy then. Definitely healthy." He reassures, getting a little sidetracked.
She giggles, rubbing a circle on her stomach, "yeah?"
"Yeah. I promise."
The two smile and stare at each other. (Y/n) Awkwardly giggles and looks away.
"...you know what we haven't done?" She asks, changing the subject. "Agree on a name."
Luffy's expression immediately drops and he crosses his arms, turning away from her, "I'm telling you, Solo is an amazin' name."
"We are not naming our-could-be son after Han Solo!!"
"HE'S SO AMAZING!!" He raises his arms to his side in protest. "And we are not namin' our-could-be daughter Persephone."
"I don't like Persephone anymore." She confesses, placing a soothing hand on one of her swollen ankles.
"I was thinking, if it's a girl, Céleste?"
"Céleste...." He repeats in a whisper. "Yeah, I'm good with that."
"And if it's a boyyyy...." She trials off tilting her head to the side as if it follows her sentence. "Ace."
Luffy snaps his head around and raises his eyebrows in an annoyed expression, "that's not funny."
She laughs softly, running a hand through her hair. Her sweat wetting her palm. "It's a little funny."
He doesn't reply, but leans against the headboard, "Arie." He deadpans, staring down at the foot of the bed. "If it's a boy, Arie."
"....Arie," she repeats, smiling to herself, "ok, Arie it is."
"Welp, that took us longer than it should have." He chuckles, combing his hat hair with his fingers.
She takes notice, biting a nail, a habit she hopes doesn't pass onto her baby. "Luffy? Why did you take off your hat?"
"Your hat." She points to his signature straw hat sitting on the beige night stand next to the bed.
"Oh, um-"
"You don't like taking it off. You wore it to our first date. Hell, you wore it when we were conceiving this thing." She chuckles, gesturing to her belly.
"Hehe, yeah, that thing's seen a lot." He whispers, a light blush on his cheeks.
"Why'd you take it off?"
Luffy pauses, and scratches his neck for the possible millionth time now, and glances around the room to not meet her eyes.
"Uh, the doctor looked at me kinda funny when she saw me wearin' it."
"So? I've seen you wear that thing with a full fancy suit."
"Well, I..I need to mature a little, don't you think?"
"What?! No! Where is this coming from? Who are you?! Luffy wouldn't say that!"
"I'm gonna be a father now, (y/n), I need to start actin' my age-"
"Don't ever say that again." She pouts, glancing down at his shirt to avoid eye contact, "I like that you're immature, you've always made me laugh and it's admirable how you're never afraid to be yourself in any situation. Why would you want to change that?"
He pauses, taking his head off the headboard and putting his arms between his legs, his elbows resting on his knees.
"Please, put it back on." She tucks a hair behind her ear, "It makes me anxious when you take it off."
"Huh? Why?" He raises his head a little.
"Because! It makes you look serious, especially when you're frowning. How am I supposed to be less scared, if you look like your getting ready for something bad?"
Luffy sighs, seeing her worried expression. Without saying anything, he reaches towards the nightstand and places his hat back on his head, not bothering to adjust the string.
(Y/n) Also stays silent, laying her head right under his shoulder, her fingers gently adjusting the string to tighten perfectly around Luffy's jawline.
He let's her, not speaking or moving, not even watching, instead focusing on the outside world, right through the room window. Watching as the people walk by, probably none of them having to deal with an accidental pregnancy or the complicated feelings it brings.
"Can you....talk?" She asks, softly, lowering her hands from the string and placing them on her lap.
"What?" He snaps his focus back to her, forcing his gaze away from the couple below sitting in a park bench as they drink coffee together. A bittersweet nostalgia feeling eating at his heart.
She frowns softly, her eyes feeling with a bit of anxiousness. "Talk. About...anything really. I love hearing you talk." She whispers, remembering all the times she used to ask him to talk in order to fall asleep.
"Anything?" He snorts, "don't get me started." He crosses his arms and titles his head, thinking of something to say that would help her forget about basically pushing out a nine pound bowling ball.
"I saw the trailer for a movie, but I don't remember what the movie was called. So I made Zoro drive me to the movie theater, to see if I could recognize it by the poster. Turns out it wasn't a movie, it was an ad for car insurance."
She laughs and grabs his arm, "how do you mix that up?"
"Ads are becoming movie level, (y/n). Don't judge me!" He giggles, playfully scolding her. "Anyways, I bought popcorn and then me and Zoro went to go see Oppenheimer instead."
"Is it good? I haven't watched it yet."
"Yeah, it was. Really loud though." He explains, rubbing his ears as if he can still hear it perfectly.
"I wanna see sonic three!" She states, bouncing her feet on the bed slightly.
"Oooh, me too!" His eyes lights up in excitement, the exact way she likes them. "Let's go see it when it comes out!"
"Uh, when it does, we'll have a seven month old."
"We'll take 'em with us!"
" I don't think the other people there would appreciate that." She giggles.
"Oh, right. Fuck." He exclaims, scratching his leg while thinking of a new solution.
She smiles brightly at him, reaching towards his hat and fixing it to balance better on his head. The action causes Luffy to pause and watch her as her eyes glance at him more times than actually needed.
She puts her hand on the bed, in the space between the two. He clears his throat and rubs his cheek.
"I've...I've been thinking." He starts, placing his arm across her back, rubbing his leg nervously.
"You can think?" She jokes, Luffy only ignoring it.
".....I think-"
The door opens, causing (y/n) and Luffy to turn. The doctor walks in, putting on clean new gloves. "Nineteen hours." She exclaims, stopping right at the foot of the bed, "How you doing?"
"Like if this baby doesn't come out now, I'm gonna cut my stomach open and make 'em." She deadpans, causing Luffy to widen his eyes.
The doctor nods in understanding, checking her dilation, an action (y/n) unfortunately became used too. "Welp, you're in luck."
"I'm sorry?" Luffy asks, getting off the bed in shock. The contraption pain forgotten for (y/n).
"You're fully dilated. Let's go have this baby." She proudly announces, calling in nurses to help move the bed.
"Wait-wait. No-what? What. What!?" She panics, as they roll her away into the hallways, Luffy right next to her, holding her hand. "I'm not ready for this!"
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!" (y/n) Sobs out, inhaling rapidly.
"Ok, we stop in five seconds." The doctor announces. "Five.......four-"
"Threetwoone!" (Y/n) Whines out, immediately stopping and laying her head on the angled bed. Panting and crying.
"You're doing great, (y/n)." Luffy praises, moving the hair from her face. Her sweat sticking to his finger. His other hand wrapped around her leg, helping her keep them open.
"Take a break, alright? breathe and we start again in ten minutes." The doctor explains, pushing her chair away slightly.
"No. No. No. I can't. I can't push anymore." She whimpers, covering her face with a hand as she cries.
"Yes, yes you can, (y/n). You're the strongest woman I know." Luffy reassures, adjusting his grip.
"Talk. Talk. Talk. Please. Luffy, please." She pants. Grabbing onto the sheets and she pushes herself up more.
"Uh-um. I-I don't know what to say." He awkwardly laughs, whipping the sweat from his palms on one of the pillows.
"What were you gonna tell me? Back in the room, you were gonna tell me something."
"Oh. That, um. Can that wait-"
"Please. Please. Please. I-I need a distraction." She begs, closing her eyes tightly.
"I ... I was just gonna say that.... I think we should try again."
"Try what?" She asks, turning her head to look at him.
"Us." He exclaims, "when-when we broke up. I-I actually died. Like my chest hurt and I couldn't get out of bed. Then when you told me you were pregnant, I immediately thought that we should get back together." He confesses. "But you know, you told me you didn't want that, and I wanted to respect it, but after all these months, I kept missing you. You were right there, but I couldn't call you mine anymore and I missed it."
He glances at the floor and gulps, "I-I think we should try again. We have a kid now, we should be a family. I want to be a family. And I think you do too." He pauses, "I know I didn't say it enough when we were together, but I love you. I love you a lot and I don't think it can ever go away, because it can barely even fit in my body."
(Y/n) Stays silent, looking up at him with a wide eyed expression, her sobs causing her body to shake a bit and her tears still spill out of her eyes.
Luffy glances around the room, and clears his throat, "can you say something?" He whispers.
"...I don't know what to say." She confesses.
".... Say you still love me too."
"I do still love you." She breathed, "and honestly? When I found out I was pregnant, I hoped that it meant we got to try again, but I was scared, because what happens if we get hurt again and our baby gets in the mix."
"We won't get hurt again." He insisted, "I know I'm an idiot and pretty dumb, and I don't make good decisions, but it's okay, because you're amazing and perfect and i would learn calculus for you. I know with all my being we'll do it right this time. You deserve it, I deserve it. They deserve it."
They both pause and stare at each other in full love and tenderness. Leaning in, they smash their lips together in a passionate kiss. The hat sliding backwards a little and he places his hand on her cheek, they continue the kiss for a few more seconds.
The doctor places her hand on her heart and cooes. "I'm gonna call my baby daddy after this." One of the nurses whispers. The other three nod in understanding.
"Ok, if you guys are ready let's finish this up." The doctor pushed her chair closer, placing her hands on the bed.
The two pull away and turn back towards the doctor, "yes, please." (Y/n) Exclaims, the pain intensifying as another contraption starts. Luffy wraps his arm around her leg again and hold her hand with his other.
"Ok, now. Push."
She continues to push and cry, repeating the action for the next hour, when finally. The room is filled with baby cries.
(Y/n) Screams and sobs for the last time as she watches Luffy cut the umbilical cord. The nurse holds up the baby in front of them. "It's a boy." She says softly, before taking him away.
(Y/n) And Luffy smile at each other, he wipes away her tears, and she traced the scar on his cheek, a small action she didn't know she missed doing.
The nurse gives back the baby, now wrapped in a blue blanket. (Y/n) Takes him and places him perfectly in her arms. Luffy kisses him in his forehead as (y/n) admires him.
"Do we have a name?" A nurse asks, her hands on her hips, admiring the baby as well.
"Arie." Luffy and (y/n) reply in union, before glancing back at each other. They smile brightly, before sharing another kiss, the hat falling off this time, the string tugging on Luffy's neck a bit.
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actually-well-written · 2 months
Zombies can't have pets? Let's change that.
Zed necrodopolis x reader (NSFW)
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"A five, six seven, eight!" Shouts a small voice chants a cheer, echoing through the tunnels.
Trying to get away from the loud music and green smoking from the zombie party, which was held underground in a bunker, making it impossible to escape the noise. Yet (Y/n) was able to hear the voice and follow it through the path and soon became curious as to who was chatting.
Finally, she soon reaches a space in the bunker. A room that's small and cramped space with little natural light, as it is hidden underground, and instead was decorated with lights. A staircase leading out of the bunker stands in the middle of the room, the base covered with cardboard, somewhat resembling a stage.
(Y/n) Turns the corner and finds a little girl with green pigtails , waving around white pom-poms and chanting the same cheer your cousin Alison gave at Zed's first football game.
"That's really good." (Y/n) Smiles, walking closer.
The little girl gasps and stops. She quickly gets of the 'stage' and hides her pom-poms behind her dog plushie.
"I wasn't cheering!" She states, holding her hands behind her back as if she was just caught with a cookie jar.
(Y/n) Giggles, "it's ok. I won't tell a soul." She promises, pretending to sip her lips. "You must be Zoey. Zed's sister."
"I am. Are you (Y/n)?"
"The one and only. How'd you know?" She asks, sitting down on the 'stage'.
"Zed talks about you a lot. When he thinks I'm not around." She explains, sitting down next to her, dog plush in hand.
"Oh, yeah? What's he say?"
"That's your really pretty." She combs her fingers through the dogs stuffed fur. "And you 'have a nice rack'? I don't know what that means." She deadpans.
(Y/n) Chocks in her own spit in surprise, "oh, that so?" She covers the bottom half of her face with her hand, resting her elbow on her knee. Blushing at both the fact Zed thinks something like that about her and the possibility he says _more_ things like that about her.
"Do you like cheering?" She asks, trying the change the subject and push her blush and from her face.
"Yeah! I love cheer!" She smiles. "Your cousins good."
"She is isn't she?"
"Zoey?! What are you doing here?" Zed pops out from being the corner.
"Please. I'm not gonna miss a zombie mash." Zoey sasses.
Zed rolls his eyes playfully and leans on the wall, crossing his arms, "well, come on. The party is almost over and you need to go to bed."
"Oh, come on." She pouts, but then smirks, and starts clapping her hands and pats her lap. "Come on. Who's a good boy?"
Zed tensions as he looks over at (Y/n) nervously, afraid to act like a dog in front of his crush. (Y/n) Only Raises an eyebrow in confusion as Zed looks around the room in embarrassment. He sighs and quietly lets out a bark, his arms still crossed.
"Zed?" Zoey asked confused at why her older brother suddenly doesn't want to participate in their inside joke.
(Y/n), now somewhat understanding what's happening, starting patting her lap as well. "Come on, Zed! Be a good boy for Zoey." She giggles.
Zed's eyes widen in shock, and he blushes at the fact (Y/n) just called him a good boy. Even if he was aware it was a joke.
Zed shakes his head, but his blush doesn't go away, so he carries on with the act. Panting and hanging his hands under his chin. He barks and woofs, making his way to Zoey and kneeling down.
She pats his head and shakes his 'paw'. "Good boy." She praises.
"Yeah. What a good boy~" (Y/n) teases. Smirking at the now even redier zombie before her.
Zed clears his throat, "uh-Zoey? G-go find Eliza. She'll take you home." His voice just as flushed as his face.
Zoey nods, getting up and taking her pom-poms and her plushie. She runs off back down the tunnel back to the party.
"Bye, Zoey!" (Y/n) Shouts. "She's cute kid."
"Yeah. Um, thanks?" Zed stands back up, (Y/n) following.
"What was that about?" She asks, giggling.
Zed scratches the back of his neck, "just something I do to cheer her up. She wants a dog."
"Why can't she have one?"
Zed raises his eyebrows confusion at the question, "cause Zombies can't have one?"
"What?! That's so messed up!"
"You didn't know?"
She shakes her head, "Zed if I never meet you I would still believe all the propaganda they show us humans."
"Right, propaganda. I know that word." He rambles, the last bit of his blush finally fading.
"Well, what about you?"
"What would you like the have as a pet?"
"Oh, when I was younger I wanted a bunny."
"Oh." And that's when it hit her. And idea. A fun idea. "A bunny?"
Zed chuckles, "yeah, yeah. A football player likes cute little animals. What can I say, I'm not following a stereotype."
"Do you have anything important tomorrow?"
"In your classes?"
Zed smirks and crosses his arms, "are you suggesting we play hookie?"
(Y/n) Playfully scoffs, "nooo, I was simply going to ask if you would meet me in the zombie safe zone we meet in during lunch."
"What's for?"
She shrugs, "find out~"
"Um, ok?"
(Y/n) Smiles and kisses his cheek. "Alright, see you tomorrow!" She waves good bye and runs back the same way as Zoey.
Zed places his hand over the kiss and smiles. _What is she planning?_ He thought.
"(Y/n)? Are you here?" Zed whisper-yells, as he closes the hatch door of the zombie safe room.
Suddenly a pair of arms comes out from behind the shelves of emergency supplies and wraps around Zed's waist.
"Hi!" (Y/n) Smiles into Zed's up, looking up at him.
Zed flinches at first, but then smiles. "Oh, hey."
She lets go of him and sits down on the stall.
"Soo? What's up?"
She giggles and takes her hair from her shoulder. Playing with the ends of it, she twists it around her finger. She pops her mouth and reaches into her bag, which Zed hadn't noticed was there.
She takes something out and hides it behind her back, "come here."
"...I'm.. nervous." He jokes, in a nervous laugh.
"Don't be nervous. Come on."
She playfully rolls her eyes, "don't worry so much. Come on." She stitches her tone into a baby voice, one that a person uses with their dog. "Come on, Zed. Be a good boy. Come here~"
Zed blushes, the embarrassment and arousal of the praise getting to him again. He places his bag on the floor and slowly walks towards to shorter girl. "Y-yes?"
"Kneel down."
He places his knees on the ground and looks up at her in confusion. "What are you-" without realizing it, she finishes placing something around his neck and adjusts it. "Wha-IS THIS A COLLAR?!?!" He asks, turning a bright red.
(Y/n) Smiles innocently and then places a white bunny ear headband on her head.
"What-what is happening?!" Zed asks, his voice cracking.
"Look I know it's weird and I shouldn't be thinking like this, but-" she blushes and slowly knees down next the Zed. She bites her lip and whispers, "so you wanna do a roleplay with me?"
"....yes...... please..." Zed whispers back, his blush reaching his ears.
She smiles and blushes as well, "o-okay! Well, um it's simple. You're my good boy, "she gently tugs on the collar, "and I'm your good bunny girl." She points to her bunny ears. "Got it?"
He gulps and nods to the floor, "hehe, no one told me high school would be like this." He jokes.
She giggles, "ok, well. Anything you want to say? Any rules?"
"Um, no. I don't think? Just say red if, you know, wanna stop."
She nods, "same to you."
He nods.
They both sit in silence, Zed staring down at the floor and (Y/n) staring at him. The hallways outside the door loud with students walking through it.
"Did you want me to start or-" she asks quietly.
"Oh, right. Sorry." Zed takes a deep breath and places his hands on her back, pushing her gently towards him. Kissing her softly.
She places her hands on the sides of his face, slowly rubbing his cheek with her thumb. The kiss quickly becoming a passionate make out.
Zed rubs her back up and down and places the palm of his other hand on the back of her head, his long fingers accidentally knocking the headband off.
(Y/n) Pulls the kiss apart and giggles against his lips. "Careful there, sir~" She teases, placing the headband back in her head.
"Sir? I thought I was you're good boy?" Zed teases back, kissing a trail down her jaw.
"Ptff, you haven't done anything good yet." She pants, placing her hand on his head.
"Oh, yeah? What do I need to do then bunny? How can I be a good boy?" He asks, moving to her neck.
(Y/n) blushes at the sudden confidence, but quickly calms herself, and pulls his hair, slightly pushing his head back and away from her neck.
"Stand up." She demands.
He obeys, standing back on his feet. "And?" He asks, (Y/n) still kneeling down.
She hums, pretending to think. Quietly she takes off her shirt. Zed covers his eyes. "...what are you doing?"
"Oh, right. Sorry." He chuckles, taking his hands off his eyes. "Nice rack." He smirks.
"So I've heard." She giggles. Crawling over to his legs she takes off his belt.
"It's ok." She gently unzips his fly and unbuttons his pants. "I know what I'm doing. Just relax." She takes off his pants and his boxers. His member sprong out and hit her on her face. "Wow.....big." she mumbles out.
"Uh, thanks?" He gasps out. "Is-is it gonna fit in your-"
She cuts him off by placing kisses along the sides of his shaft. Once she texted the base she started licking around it.
Zed covers his mouth and watches with widen eyes and a flushes face.
She smirks up at him and takes it into her mouth. "Hmm, it's tastes pretty sweet." She mumbles out.
He shuts his eyes and roughly grabs a patch of her hair for support. She giggles at his flustered-ness and bops her head.
"Wait. Wait. Wait."
She halts for a moment, "already?"
"No-I-I need to sneeze."
"....are you serious-"
Zed covers his mouth with his arm and sneezes three times. "sorry. Did I ruin the moment?"
"...yeah." she playfully rolls her eyes. "It's ok, I can keep going-"
"No, it's fine." He pushes her head back and gets back on the ground. He grabs her wrists and pins her to the floor. "I wanna use my bunny girl now." He states in a low growl.
(Y/n) gulps, pulling against his strength, but fails. "I-I have a con-"
"It probably wouldn't fit anyways."
"Cocky, much?"
He laughs, and rolls his eyes. He slowly puts a hand up her skirt, moving her panties to the side, fingers dipping through her folds.
(Y/n) let out a moan as he rubs through her slick. “All this and I've barely touched you, bunny?” He teases, now lining up his cock and he slowly sinks into her soaking heat.
“Fuckkk.” Zed groans out, one hand gripping her hip and moves his other to hold her hand tightly for support. He begins to thrust in and out of her at an agonizing pace. She closes her eyes tight and uses her other hand to wrap around his neck.
“Fuck, Zed, fuck me.” she moan, hips slapping into his own with each harsh thrust
"Am I your good boy, bunny?” He asks, still relentlessly pounding into you.
"So good, you fuck me so good, Zed.” she praise him, rubbing her hand up and down his neck as her climax straying to build up.
"Better than any human?"
"Way better. And bigger." She giggles, her moans interrupting. "Just-pull out, ok?"
"Yeah, got it."
"Am I a good bunny?"
"Best bunny. Best fucking bunny."
He pulls his hand from hers, dipping it down to circle her clit. Her orgasm washing over as he continues to pound.
"Lord, now I need to sneeze." She pants out.
He laughs as his hips stutter and he’s pulling out, pumping his cock a few times before his white ropes shoot across her legs.
Zed exhales and lays down on top of her, slightly squishing her, but she doesn't say anything. She wraps her arms around him and they both lay in the silence.
"....now what?" He asks.
"...um, we go to class, I guess." She shrugs.
"......after that?!?" He asks, raising his head to look at you in bewilderment.
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