ad-astrum · 4 months
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Scandinavian Stavkirke - Wisconsin
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ad-astrum · 4 months
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New Moon in Aquarius Magick Circle
If you want to see a timelapse of the candles burning, I posted that on my YouTube and tiktok 🩷
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ad-astrum · 5 months
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ad-astrum · 5 months
here's a tip about working with Dionysos that nobody asked for
invoke him using epithets, and be specific
like maybe don't call on Zagreus the Hunter to bless your grapevine - consider Korymbophoros the Cluster-Laden
I generally wouldn't call on Chthonios of the Underworld to bless your theatrical production - Dithyrambos the Hymned is a more appropriate option
Meilichios the Gentle might not be the best aspect to call on before attending a protest with heavy police presence - for that, consider Lyseus the Liberator
does this make sense? call on him using epithets! always always use epithets if you can manage it, be specific about what aspect you want to talk to - he is Polynomos and Polymorphos, Many-Named and Multiply-Born for a reason
there are exceptions, obviously, where you could get really specific about why for example Chthonios IS the best aspect to bless your musical (maybe you're doing Hadestown?) but put some thought into it
try and match the epithets to what it is you're trying to accomplish or honor, rather than choosing them at random or based on how they sound sonically or how badass they seem
that's it, that's the tip
easy, simple, effective
have fun
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ad-astrum · 5 months
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by odwyer_sio9
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ad-astrum · 5 months
dolls as votive offerings
A few snippets from Jennifer Larson’s Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore concerning the connection of the nymphai to dolls:
“An anonymous epigram in Leonidas’ style (Anth. Pal. 9.328) speaks also of xesmata (carved images) dedicated to the naiad nymphs. Dolls or dolllike votives were left in the water basins, much as we throw coins into fountains today.”
“ancient sources tell us that one of the words for doll was numphê.”
“The abbreviated term kosmion also appears as a synonym for doll or doll-like votive in the Palatine Anthology 9.326.3, which describes dedications placed in or around a fountain of the nymphs. Korai, too, could be both dolls and small votive images; both were supplied by the terra-cotta craftspeople known as coroplasts. Korai, probably doll-sized, were among the dedications in the shrine of Acheloös and the nymphs on the Ilissos (Pl. Phdr. 230b). Thus, there were several terms signifying “doll,” among which numphê seems to have been widely recognized. Dolls were made of a variety of materials, although generally only the terra-cotta examples have been preserved.”
Dolls were also associated with various goddesses:
“We can at least note here that the kosmêsis of sacred images was a serious matter in Greek religion and that the dressing of dolls could have been seen as a form of play with close analogies to the ritual dressing and ornamentation of cult images often undertaken by older girls and women.”
“dedications of dolls and doll-like votives are widely attested in the archaeological record, and […] toys such as Timareta’s tambourine and ball were common gifts to the gods. (Boys dedicated their toys to the ephebic gods Apollo  and Hermes.) As such, they must have marked the child’s entry into adult status or, perhaps, particularly in the case of the dolls, represented hopes for successful maturation.”
“Objects such as these show how nebulous the distinction between toys and religious articles can be, and it is probably unwise to insist on a strict one. As we have seen, certain dolls referred to as dagudes were thought to be images of Aphrodite, and it would not be surprising if playing with Aphrodite and Adonis toys contributed to girls’ socialization in this part of the Greek world, just as dolls that represented Hera might have existed in Boiotia alongside analogous sacred images.”
There is also mention of dolls being left as votive offerings for the nymphai in various places in Magna Graecia in Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia (Casadio and Johnston, eds).
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ad-astrum · 5 months
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Oikos Shrine January 13, 2023
I decided to change my household boundaries shrine into a shrine for all the Hellenic household Gods (at least by Attic tradition + Hera)— Oikos worship. Hestia is of course front and center with a symbolic hearth candle.
Gods left to right: Hekate, Apollo Argyieus [of the Streets], Hestia, Zeus Ktesios [of Possessions] (jar pseudo-kathiskos), Hermes, Zeus Herkeios [of the House], Hera Oikos [of the Family].
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ad-astrum · 5 months
A Modern Understanding of Dionysus Hestios
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Photo from a vineyard I worked on.
[ID: A close-up image of a Chardonnay white-wine grapevine with three clusters. The clusters are green with some red. Bright green leaves cover the top of the clusters, while below a black irrigation line is visible. The ground below is covered in woodchips, except for a single plant below the clusters].
HESTIOS IS A FUN YET OBSCURE EPITHET OF DIONYSUS.  We can infer some of its context due to Zeus Hestios, that being a protector of the home and hearth. This epithet of Dionysus is a favourite of mine—for my home and hearth, he is a household deity as I am a viticulturist and winemaker. My life and livelihood is partially bound by grapevines as I currently work at an orchard that is establishing a vineyard and my responsibility is to make it happen. 
The context of this epithet is little known beyond a passage in Pausanias’ iconic Description of Greece: 
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. 2. 5 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : "From the gate to the Kerameikos [in Athens] there are porticoes . . . containing shrines of gods, and a gymnasium called that of Hermes. In it is the house of Poulytion . . . [which] in my time it was devoted to the worship of Dionysos. This Dionysos they call Melpomenos (Minstrel) [i.e. of Melpomene, the muse of tragedy], on the same principle as they call Apollon Mousegetes (Leader of the Muses) . . . After the precinct of Apollon is a building that contains earthen ware images, Amphiktyon, king of Athens, Dionysos Hestios (Feasting or Of the Hearth) and other gods. Here also is Pegasos of Eleutherai, who introduced the god [Dionysos] to the Athenians. Herein he was helped by the oracle at Delphoi, which called to mind that the god once dwelt in Athens in the days of Ikarios."
Dionysus Hestios is mentioned in Athens, along with his myth of his devotee Pegasos bringing his cult to the city. Other than references to Zeus Hestios, I have not found any more context for this epithet beyond protecting the home/hearth. Therefore, this aspect of him will be a contender for a strong upg basis. 
In my times in wine, I’ve gathered my own gnosis of Dionysus Hestios. He is a protector of the hearth, but in my personal experience, the table wine aspect of Dionysus.
Table wine is named exactly for what it is, a wine that sits at your dinner table and a key part of a meal. Italy especially is famous for its cheap table wines, many of which I’ve had at my own tables and dinners. Most commercial wines these days are made to be drinkable on their own—while table wines are uncomfortable and harsh on the tongue. With food, they transform, turning these harsh and bitter wines into something truly enjoyable. It also makes the food taste better. For anyone unknowing, that’s why wine and food pairing is a thing. Unfortunately, the table wine market is slowly beginning to crumble—most modern wine drinkers enjoy more of a good tasting drink instead of a complement of one’s meal. If you have the chance, I recommend buying some and trying it in pairings—it’s a dying market, sadly, and one that has an ancient history behind it. 
While table wines slowly fade, there is always a place for them in our lives. I myself have fond memories of a terribly bitter wine being served at my family’s table, and while I hated the taste, I’ve come to fall in love with them in recent years. Dionysus Hestios as a god of the home is a god of table wine, the happy smiles and festive memories of people having their Chianti with some steak or pasta. It’s the thrill of a good food pairing, a decanter, and the hundred years history of people making wine for the common folk instead of just for the aristocrats and their “noble” grapes. 
Dionysus Hestios, Hearth warmer, master  Of your craft, joy becoming  Protect our heart and wine, Let us dance and joy,  Under your blessings  Of the woody grapevine. 
DIONYSUS CULT 1 - Ancient Greek Religion. (n.d.). https://www.theoi.com/Cult/DionysosCult.html
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ad-astrum · 5 months
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my small travel shrine while I stay away from home <3 tomorrow I will be attending a special gathering, so be prepared for some photos of my devotional garbs for Aphrodite !! <33 I'm beyond excited. I'll mainly be posting them on Her side blog @aphrodisianbaby if you're interested :3
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ad-astrum · 5 months
Could you explain all that’s on your alter and what it means? I’m trying to redo and get mine together
i have many different permanent shrines in my house, all eclectic and unique to the God(s) whom it's dedicated to. this came right after I posted a temporary shrine so I'll include that too in case that sparked your ask :)
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i like to set up temporary shrines in my home and in my travels so I can honor specific epithets or moments in life. i always take items off the individual main shrines of the Gods in order to build the small ones. this one started as honoring Dionysos and welcoming the month of Dionysia but grew as I felt Apollon and Hermès wanted to join as well. this is the first honoring space I've had with just these three since the very beginning of my practice.
starting on the left, this is where Apollon is. He only has a few items, but I'll be brief this post isn't 8 years long
the glass contains white wine. my mom is a wine fanatic and gave me a bunch because she had accumulated it from gifts and dislikes white. so i give it to the Theoi as an offering occasionally.
the candle holder in the back is the only one I could find to hold the yellow candle i wanted to use lol
I got the brass incense burner at a local Christian second hand store. i believe i found it at the same time i found my Artemis statue. i got it because i thought it was adorable and it has a handle
i believe the stone is a yellow banded agate. I got it at Goodwill in a pack and it's been His ever since
the statue is of the roman Romulus and Remus, which I got at an underground antique shop with my closest friend. though I've always seen Artemis and Apollon instead, and Leto as their protective wolf-mother
Dionysos takes up a majority of this space, but He also has the most votives on His shrine to add
Dionysos's statue has a jewelry draped on it; a bracelet I made at my first festival, a rosary my grandmother gave to me with the crucifix replaced with a charm of the Hanged Man, and a leopard necklace i bought from a woman with a pop up booth. i always drape my totums in decor like jewelry or ribbons, I don't know when I started but I like to give special attention and adornment to the images of the Theoi
in the center sits a red fox skull, it was gifted to me by a friend. only second to the leopard, the red fox is an animal i closely associate with Dionysos and feel very connected to personally
I put two phalluses, a candle and a tiger's eye carving, on this shrine for protection and abundance. i use the phallus as a protective votive often, especially if Dionysos is involved
below the skull, I have a pyrite and a banded amethyst. I've always closely associated the two with Dionysos, but this amethyst in particular has been there for me through a lot
there's a little za 🍃 on there for Them all, but mainly Dionysos
there's a small totum of a leopard, it's there because i wanted it to be. leopards are extremely sacred to Dio in my worship, along with any other feline, but especially them
the silver champagne glass is full of red wine. the stem has grapevines and ivy growing up it, it was perfect for Him. I generally keep it full of wine 24/7
in the bottom left corner, there's a red book called Toasts and Tributes. it's a book of toasts and poems from 1904 that i use as a prayer book for Dionysos. i like to blindly flip through the pages and let the right one fall open, and use the first one I see as a prayer. a few name Him directly, as you can't have a toast without naming the God of wine !
Hermès has few items both here and on His main shrine. this is mostly because most of His stuff is in my car, including His little statue
the orange vase has an image of Hermès on the front. i picked it up from a lovely antiques dealer in my town. the other side has an image of Psyke, but it's almost always turned to show Hermès
within the vase i have rodent bones I picked up from the side of the road, and a chicken feather from my flock. my worship doesn't involve my chickens much, but i like to ask Him to watch over them occasionally
the candle in the back is there simply because I like candles to show my worship is "active" and the shrine is being used in a sacred way. when I blow them out, it's a time of rest for the space
on the far right, there's a golden candle holder with wings. I got it around when Hermès and i first began our relationship
on it, I have a ring with wings on it. i wear it when i travel or when I wish to Honor him in my day to day life
my permanent shrines are simply the shrines for the Gods whose shrines have grown disproportionately over a long time. in the case of Dionysos and Aphrodite, Their shrines are simply too big to put anywhere else. i am very votive-centric in my worship, and I have a crow brain, so They all have too many trinkets I've found an collected throughout my life
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there's waaaay too much to go over everything, so I'll go over what's most important to me and why i have it :)
i have enough seashells to build a temple for Her. i seriously have so many that I've collected and found at Goodwill, it's a problem. i view the beach as the juxtaposition of Aphrodite—where the sky and the sea clash passionately. about half of these I have collected whenever I got the chance to be on an ocean beach
images of Aphrodite are very common for me to stumble upon,l so I've collected quite a few items. because of this quite a few sub-shrines have emerged within this shrine. epithets are distinct in nature yet part of the whole, in my opinion, so i rarely worship epithets without worshipping the root Deity as well
Fragrance is sacred and common as hell in my worship of Aphrodite so you can see multiple fragrant items littered around. perfumes, incense, dried roses, oil diffusers, and more. fragrance is easy, fast, and sensory friendly for me and was common in antiquity as well. it's a win-win
dressing up or devoting outfits to Aphrodite is something I do frequently, so jewelry is littered everywhere. all of it is gifted and thrifted <3 Aphrodite is extremely generous
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this is Aphrodite Areia's epithet shrine, the print in the back honoring Ares Gynaecothoenas
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and this is my little shrine to Hestia :3 I sometimes use the matches to light my fireplace. i bought the small statue on a whim when I found it at a local shop. She seems to prefer it simple and minimal
I'm gonna end it here because this is getting long. if you have a specific Deity in mind, few Gods i worship have been private about Their shrines. i hope this helps inspire you. add things for fun or just because you want to and give things that just feel like they should go. eventually, you'll have a haven of memories and of personal sacredness. trust and They will guide you well
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ad-astrum · 5 months
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Hermes Altar Box & A Fresh Serving Of Tea Specially Formulated As A Hermes Inspired Blend 🍵
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ad-astrum · 5 months
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Fleet-footed sir, I travel above the clouds Whisked away to another land Adventure and fantastic experiences await me there If you would guide me to all that is good
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ad-astrum · 5 months
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an update to my shine on a warm July evening 🌠🍓
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ad-astrum · 1 year
.•° ✿ °•.
green week / rusalki week — may 16 through pentecost
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"Green Week is connected to Slavic rituals of celebrating the full spring and the reborn greenery (the nature fully reborn after winter) after all the tree branches had already turned green. Its core nature is a form of maintenance of the rhythm of the nature, with magical practices of purifying the surroundings from demons or evil spirits that might have an effect on the further process of growth towards the end of spring. Goal of these rituals was designed to boost nature’s fertility, the ability to grow, and to prepare the soil, crops and livestock for the upcoming summer season and the later (expectantly abundant) harvest."
• adorning houses, pathways and shrines with green branches (particularly of the birch-tree), herbs and flowers
• sweeping floors with a green birch-tree branch to ‘purify’ it
• scattering sweet flag / calamus on floors as a protective barrier
• adorning cattle with flowers and incensing them with sacred smoke (more about it here)
• rolling eggs around cattle’s sides in rituals of protection and of boosting the fertility (same ritual was performed for humans)
• burning bonfires around which joyful celebrations with dances and singing were organized
• walking with torches around crop fields to get rid of evil spirits and demons
• walking with so-called ‘gaik’ or ‘maik’ (branches decorated with flowers and ribbons, held on a long stick)
some other ways we can celebrate in current time:
• honor your ancestors, especially the ones that passed away too early or in tragic circumstances (you can also honor Rod, the god of fate, bloodlines, ancestral magic and ancestral knowledge)
• honor the spirits of local woods and bodies of water - you could help clean the woods and waters and give offerings asking for blessings of abundance and good luck
• honor the gods - especially deities connected with spring, fertility, youth and beauty such as Lelya, Dodola/Perperuna, Mokosh, Lada, Jarilo, Vesna, Zhiva, Dazbog, Morana (in her spring-planting-mother aspect), Kostroma and Kupalo
• dress a birch tree, make offerings and perform rirtuals in front of it - you can take a couple of sticks found nearby home, for good luck and success
• while I discourage this course of action this particular year, because of the virus situation normally you’d also want to organize a party and sing and dance with your friends, or go watch/play sports game of some sort
• perform rituals and cast spells connected to wealth, health, beauty, happiness, friendship, love and fertility
• make a bonfire. us slavs love bonfires. slavs also love jumping through bonfires for good luck, but please make sure to spread the kindling around first and try not get hurt while performing your feat of agility.
• get a sword, real or fake and dance with it. don’t get hurt, it would ruin the fun.
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ad-astrum · 2 years
Moon Water
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What is moon water? Moon water is water that has been charged in moonlight. It’s great to use for tea spells, bath spells, making cleansing sprays, scrying, and so much more! The powers of moon water correspond with the moon phase it is made in. Full moon water is the most common and the most versatile type.
How do you make it? There are lots of methods of making moon water and everyone can make their own method. Here’s a simple way you can make moon water:
- Fill a transparent container with water. Rain water works great if you have it but tap water works too! If you plan on consuming the moon water, please use water that it safe to consume and cover your container.
- Set the container of water outside on a night with the moon phase corresponding to what you are making the moon water for. Leave it out for a couple hours or all night. It’s best if it doesn’t sit out in the sunlight though. If you can’t leave it outside, a windowsill that gets a good amount of moonlight works too.
- That’s it! You have moon water! Take it inside and store it somewhere out of the sunlight.
Making it your own: There are lots of ways to make moon water and lots of ways to customize the process. Some people put crystals in their moon water (please make sure they won’t dissolve or that the water is still safe to consume) or herbs. You can make as much or as little as you’d like and there are lots of different types of waters to use such as river, snow, or sea water (don’t consume them though). Experiment with what you like and don’t like! Witchcraft is personal!
Moon Phases:
New- New beginnings, clean slates
Waxing- Growth, bringing things into your life, happiness, new enthusiasm, new love
Full- Manifestation, healing, strength, fertility, happiness, divination, protection
Waning- Banishing, releasing
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ad-astrum · 2 years
The altar drips with golden light, A honey-sweet sacrifice from Helios’ palms. It refracts across my wrists as I hold my offering,  cool, pure water, and I am filled with the steady pulse of your divinity. Let the first words I speak be praise to you,  my dearest gods. In the hours before the world stirs,  May you feel the embrace of praise. Greet us, Theoi,  your worshipers across the Earth.    Hestia, I offer you the warmth of my home and the flame of my family’s ever-burning love.  I gift to you the pleasant scents around me, Spouted from a gentle candle, And every meal we cherish today.   Hestia, I praise you and ask for your blessing. Zeus, whether thunder rumbles or blue fills the sky,  Your hand has been gracious to me.  Accept my offering of the Arete I pursue, the Xenia I offer others,  and the courage I may feel today.  Zeus, I praise you and ask for your blessing. Hera, my mother of gilded petals, I offer you my nurturing acts and guidance, Directed by the knowledge of your heart. Carrying your lotus-tipped sceptre, May you find a place to watch and guide the Earth. Hera, I praise you and ask for your blessing. Apollon, drenched in light,  Take my devotion in the form of the music I play and the care I take in preserving my health.  Being so bright and knowing all, you must hear my praise. Carry it with you, Phoibos, and remember me.  Apollon, I praise you and ask for your blessing.  Artemis, you shimmer under sunlight and glow beneath the moon; In the beauty of nature, I see your face. I offer you my adoration of all I see today, Looking at the wilderness with endearment and joy. You guard the forests, the flowers, the trees…   Artemis, I praise you and ask for your blessing. Hephaistos, you rise from your forge with immaculate metals and soot-covered hands. I feel your direction when I make and design, So my creations are yours in dedication. I offer you all that I create,  naming you as my patron in craft.  Hephaistos, I praise you and ask for your blessing.  Aphrodite, pearl-cheeked and rose-lipped,  I offer you my act of pursuing beauty,  In clothing, makeup, and other sensual delights.  My perfume and my jewelry are symbols of yours; Take them as markings of devotion.  Aphrodite, I praise you and ask for your blessing.  Ares, through rage you create change,  Burning holes through destructive societies.  I offer you my efforts to campaign against hate, against discrimination, and against harassment.  You guide us towards truth and justice.  Ares, I praise you and ask for your blessing.  Athena, covered in your favour for thought,  I offer my writing, studying, and problem solving to you.  When knowledge and creativity unite,  Innovation and ingenuity take over; You guide all scholars, dearest daughter of Zeus. Athena, I praise you and ask for your blessing.  Dionysos, you’re a hunter of peace in chaos; In dance, you find stillness, In revelry, a steady calm. I offer you my passions and joys, Those that excite and soothe me.  Dionysos, I praise you and ask for your blessing.  Demeter, you sow seeds in our fields, Bringing life and opportunity to Gaia’s dark surface.  I offer you the love I shower onto my plants, Watching as they grow and praise you, too.  We shout hymns to you, together. Demeter, I praise you and ask for your blessing. Poseidon, the sea rumbles with your strength, as cleansing as it is terrifying.  I offer you the swells of emotion and power within my heart. May we come together at a tide,  and the will of the gods be fulfilled.  Poseidon, I praise you and ask for your blessing.  Hermes, mischief and merriment follow your feet,  Trailing through the mortal world you cross.  I offer you the traveling of my own feet, Though they cannot stray far,  and the joy I may bring with me. Hermes, I praise you and ask for your blessing.  Hestia, though you are first, you are also last, and I praise you once again.  Guide me through the day, dear tender, and melt away the dust of mortal discomfort.  Khaire, Theoi, each of you clear and shining in the day.
Daily Hymn / Prayer to the Theoi  |   Amaranta Argyris @breathing-in-gilded-dust (via breathing-in-gilded-dust)
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ad-astrum · 2 years
15% off CBD flower (and other herbs!)
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Hi there!
I recently started working with Sacred Smoke Herbals’s CBD flower for divinatory purposes, and just thought I’d mention the types I’ve tried and how I like them/what I use them for. As a secondary benefit, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and smoking this flower has been extremely valuable for my pain management. 
Of course, they also have many witchy items like herbs and altar supplies–this is a great resource for those as well!
Another benefit is that they offer prerolls, which is extremely invaluable to me–I no longer have the dexterity to roll my own flower.
So far, in the order shown above, I’ve tried:
- Bubba Kush Hemp Flower
     This is my favorite for pain management! If I’ve had a stressful day, this soothes my muscles and allows me to relax enough to fall asleep.
- Astral Traveler Prerolls
     These were my most unexpected surprise! After smoking before bedtime, I had my first lucid dream in about 14 years. For clear reasons, these are also fantastic if you’re working with astral traveling!
- Sour Space Candy Hemp Flower   
     A variety that many folks are already aware of–this strain indeed does promote euphoria and relaxation. I find that I’m the most creative after using this!
- Wild CBD Honey
     The first thing you should know is that the bees who produced this honey are allowed to freely forage in wildflowers and taken excellent care of. With that out of the way, this is my favorite thing to add to a cup of chamomile tea before bed! It’s extremely relaxing and tastes amazing.
If anything here seems interesting to you, you can use my code ADELAIDE15 to get 15% and free shipping over 35$ on all of your orders! You can also click the link below to take advantage of this offer.
I’ve ordered more than I mentioned in this post, so if anyone would like me to do any more detailed reviews, please let me know! 
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