adrixnpucey · 5 years
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Mad props to @trapezingtwin
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
He paused, it was unusual this girl was inviting him somewhere. Most people knew him even though no one really knew him. Most people where to afraid to ask him anywhere with his reputation. But he had a feeling she wasn’t like most people. Not one to loose his manners twice in a conversation he extended and hand and said, “Pleasure. I’m Adrian Pucey. I don’t much like tea, but the Leaky Cauldron sounds nice. After you then?” He finished with a single eye brow raised.
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Normally he’d snap back, make some comment or even just ignore them. But something about this particular Hufflepuff made him act differently. He took a deep breath and sort of looked around before making eye contact again. “I’m sorry.” It was short but probably the most polite thing he’s ever said to anyone outside of his house. He’s not sure why but he felt the need to keep talking, “I should’ve been paying attention. I just had a lot on my mind. Got distracted.” He finished shortly, his posture still rigid and his face was set, except for the corner of his mouth that was twitching slightly threatening the smallest of smiles.
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     frown  instantly  turned  into  a  smile  at  the  apology,  glad  he  had  at  least  some  manners,  and  nods  in  response  to  his  explanation,  she  could  understand  that.       ❛   understandable.      i’m  cassie,  cassie  teller.     and  perhaps  i  could  help  with  whatever’s  distracting  you,  i  was  about  to  head  to  the  leaky  cauldron  for  a  cup  of  tea,  fancy  joining  me?   ❜      her  uncle  always  said  her  willingness  to  talk  to  strangers  would  be  her  downfall,  and  for  a  moment,  she  could  see  where  he  was  coming  from.     but  the  leaky  cauldron  was  perfectly  safe,  and  personally,  she’d  always  believed  people  were  good  until  proven  otherwise.
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
Normally he’d snap back, make some comment or even just ignore them. But something about this particular Hufflepuff made him act differently. He took a deep breath and sort of looked around before making eye contact again. “I’m sorry.” It was short but probably the most polite thing he’s ever said to anyone outside of his house. He’s not sure why but he felt the need to keep talking, “I should’ve been paying attention. I just had a lot on my mind. Got distracted.” He finished shortly, his posture still rigid and his face was set, except for the corner of his mouth that was twitching slightly threatening the smallest of smiles.
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As Adrian walked through the aisles of Flourish and Blotts his mother’s words rang in his ears, ‘head held high, back straight, shoulders squared. You’re a Pucey. That means perfection darling.’ He found the book he was looking for and grabbed it off the shelf. He gave the cover a glance over before, straightening his posture again and turning around to pay. He approach the counter and placed the book on the counter avoiding any human contact. Not waiting for a price to be given haven already known it he simply reached in his pocket pulled out some money and placed it on top of the book, waiting for the assistant to put the money away he grabbed the book and it a short, clipped tone said, “keep the change.” He strode over to the door arm extended to open it when the door opened suddenly and he was face to face with someone, “watch it.” He spat before realising who it actually was there.
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      she  frowned  at  the  harsh  words,  hands  resting  on  her  hips  as  she  raised  an  eyebrow.       ❛   that’s  no  way  to  speak  to  a  lady.   ❜      she  was  half  joking,  stepping  to  the  side  so  he  was  welcome  to  leave,  though  she  looks  expectantly,  hoping  for  an  apology.      did  nobody  have  manners  these  days?      that  was,  perhaps,  one  of  the  few  things  she  enjoyed  about  the  muggle  world,  people  were  polite,  said  please  and  thank  you  and  sorry,  there  was  a  lot  of  entitlement  whenever  she  visited  diagon  alley,  pureblood  families  clearly  thinking  themselves  above  others.      she  hated  that.
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
He smirked at the fellow Slytherin, taking his time to fully take her in. “I’m begging your pardon Ms Perkins.” He said in a slightly sarcastic tone before seriously adding, “I didn’t realise it was you. What books are you here for?”
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As Adrian walked through the aisles of Flourish and Blotts his mother’s words rang in his ears, ‘head held high, back straight, shoulders squared. You’re a Pucey. That means perfection darling.’ He found the book he was looking for and grabbed it off the shelf. He gave the cover a glance over before, straightening his posture again and turning around to pay. He approach the counter and placed the book on the counter avoiding any human contact. Not waiting for a price to be given haven already known it he simply reached in his pocket pulled out some money and placed it on top of the book, waiting for the assistant to put the money away he grabbed the book and it a short, clipped tone said, “keep the change.” He strode over to the door arm extended to open it when the door opened suddenly and he was face to face with someone, “watch it.” He spat before realising who it actually was there.
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It seemed like Pansy’s luck she waited most of the summer to purchase her school books. Her parents could have sent the housekeeper to run those errands, but the Slytherin witch preferred to complete those tasks herself. She believed the margin of error would be substantially smaller when she went in person. Consequently, Pansy made the trek to Diagon Alley with Flourish and Blotts as the first stop on her list. With her book list clutched in one manicured hand, she wrenched the door open and almost crashed into fellow Slytherin, Adrian Pucey. ❛ Hello to you too. I’m disappointed, Pucey. I would have thought your manners are much better than that. ❜ She scolded with a lighthearted smirk.
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
Taking a second to realize who it was he recognized the brunette man. “Longbottom.” He greeted in a monotone voice before his face lit up a bit and he took a step forward, ignoring the apology. “Whats this then Longbottom? Wish list?” He asked as he plucked the paper from his hands and stepped back quickly before he could protest. “Did grammy give you enough money?” He asked in a condescending tone as he ripped the list in half and threw it back at him. “Tsk tsk, don’t litter Neville.” He shouldered him as he walked past and made his way to exit the building. He paused for a minute part of him wanted to turn back, he felt bad really, Neville had never done any harm to him. Hell Neville had never done harm to anyone. But Adrian was a Pucey, and a Slytherin and its what was expected of him. Right?
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As Adrian walked through the aisles of Flourish and Blotts his mother’s words rang in his ears, ‘head held high, back straight, shoulders squared. You’re a Pucey. That means perfection darling.’ He found the book he was looking for and grabbed it off the shelf. He gave the cover a glance over before, straightening his posture again and turning around to pay. He approach the counter and placed the book on the counter avoiding any human contact. Not waiting for a price to be given haven already known it he simply reached in his pocket pulled out some money and placed it on top of the book, waiting for the assistant to put the money away he grabbed the book and it a short, clipped tone said, “keep the change.” He strode over to the door arm extended to open it when the door opened suddenly and he was face to face with someone, “watch it.” He spat before realising who it actually was there.
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Neville adored diagon alley. He liked crowd watching and seeing all the new things in the shops, not that he could afford a lot of it. But today he was on a mission, supplies list in hand he was was making his way through the throngs of people, one destination in mind. The last thing he needed to get was his books and this was the perfect time to do it. Noticing the sign for Flourish and Blots, he once again checked the list so he could easily find the books. Opening the door though, he came face to face with a slytherin. Could he maybe squeeze by? Pretend like they hadn’t run into each other? Doubtful. “Sorry. My bad.” He said although thinking about it, he did reach the door first. However he also knew the slytherin would probably never admit he was in the wrong. 
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
He raised his eyebrows and puffed his chest a little, sub consciously standing up straighter. He was Pucey after all, and he had grown to expect some respect from others. Tilting his head as he talked he started by asking, “or what?” He paused eyes flickering over her before adding with a snide tone, “love.” With a scoff he added, “whatever, this is pathetic. Move. Please.” He added the last word with a bit of pain, but his manners were ingrained in him.
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      Katya was basically out for a stroll , sunglasses on . The sun didn’t hurt her as it did her siblings and others of her her kind . ( well, half her kind ) . Though it did made her feel weak and tired  . Enough to go back and go for a small nap until the night came and she got her fill of blood . No one could know or even remember it was her given she was able to rid of those nasty memories . If she decided to let them live , after all .  “ Careful with that very sharp tongue, love . “ She smiled at him . 
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
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Adrian Puceys ball outfit
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
“Yaxley” he drawled the name out and gave a scoff, “I should’ve known it’d be you barging through like an animal.” He flashed her the briefest smile before giving her a nod, “good to see you again Jade.” Her gestured to the store, “got much to buy?”
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As Adrian walked through the aisles of Flourish and Blotts his mother’s words rang in his ears, ‘head held high, back straight, shoulders squared. You’re a Pucey. That means perfection darling.’ He found the book he was looking for and grabbed it off the shelf. He gave the cover a glance over before, straightening his posture again and turning around to pay. He approach the counter and placed the book on the counter avoiding any human contact. Not waiting for a price to be given haven already known it he simply reached in his pocket pulled out some money and placed it on top of the book, waiting for the assistant to put the money away he grabbed the book and it a short, clipped tone said, “keep the change.” He strode over to the door arm extended to open it when the door opened suddenly and he was face to face with someone, “watch it.” He spat before realising who it actually was there.
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
As Adrian walked through the aisles of Flourish and Blotts his mother’s words rang in his ears, ‘head held high, back straight, shoulders squared. You’re a Pucey. That means perfection darling.’ He found the book he was looking for and grabbed it off the shelf. He gave the cover a glance over before, straightening his posture again and turning around to pay. He approach the counter and placed the book on the counter avoiding any human contact. Not waiting for a price to be given haven already known it he simply reached in his pocket pulled out some money and placed it on top of the book, waiting for the assistant to put the money away he grabbed the book and it a short, clipped tone said, “keep the change.” He strode over to the door arm extended to open it when the door opened suddenly and he was face to face with someone, “watch it.” He spat before realising who it actually was there.
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
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“quidditch is what we play to win. we don’t lose.”
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
Damn Daniel back at it again with that muse...yeah I brought in a second one aha but here he is....
dacre montgomery:  cismale : he/him: student : highest in the room Travis Scott  ϟ  Did you see ADRIAN PUCEY ? you know ,  24 year old PUREBLOOD who IS IN SLYTHERIN . Some say HE can be quite CLEVER but are known to be MALICIOUS . they ARE SECRETLY aligned with THE DEATH EATERS.  maybe that’s why they remind me of stoic face, clipped mannerisms and pressed quidditch robes .   ϟ 
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The Basics
Name: Adrian Tomas Pucey
Status: pureblood
Occupation: student
House: slytherin
Alignment: death eaters (secret)
The Bio
Both of Adrian’s parents are pure bloods and have come from relatively long lines of pure bloods. They are also both Death Eaters
His father is almost militant in the way he runs the household and takes ‘discipline’ very seriously. While growing up if Adrian ever stepped out of line he would be beaten, locked away, starved, used as an ash tray. Mainly non-magical punishments because his father believed that magic was too pure to use on such filth. Because of this he has multiple scars and marks all over his body. There was only one time when his father used magic as a punishment. After speaking out of turn at a Death Eater meeting he snuck into his father used the cruciatus curse on him in front of everyone there
Adrian understands though that proper punishment is necessary and he must learn his place if he wants to become a good Death Eater like his parents.
He tries very hard to be perfect in every way he can. He has very good grades, and is a Slytherin Quidditch Team Chaser. He is one of the only one on the team who doesn’t use dirty tricks and instead relies on actual skill
Right now he is set to become a death eater, but he is slowly beginning to question it
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adrixnpucey · 5 years
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Slytherin aesthetic. 
open for requests and ideas…. thanks for the support!
“Ill clap when i’m impressed”
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