after-the-chrysalis · 4 years
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after-the-chrysalis · 4 years
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after-the-chrysalis · 4 years
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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Fun Psychology facts here!
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
Having to face responsibilities after getting out of treatment
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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You’ve come a lot farther than you often think. You’re doing so great! :))
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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When in doubt choose recovery
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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Eyes are the window to the soul
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
Beautiful things are coming. I trust that
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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3 months sober 👍🏽
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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Read the full article here: 
7 Tips to Set Healthy Boundaries with Others
Or visit our website @psych2go.net
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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I wanted to bring awareness because somthing horrible happened to me and I may be blind in my left eye forever.
Most people have herpes simplex, it is the type of herpes that causes cold sores. This virus remains dormant in your nerves. It can stay in your spinal cord and brain, your lips, fingers and toes, your sinus cavities, your anus, your joints, so on and so forth..
I had cold sores as a child but haven't as an adult and havent thought anything of it since childhood.
I am an addict in recovery. I am 14 months sober and am learning healthy boundaries in friendships and with my marriage. My husband is in treatment now, I have already completed mine. I work in a recovery center, empowering women and getting them off of the street and reuniting them with their children and families.
I have a friend I got really close with who used me for a year. I finally hit my breaking point with her. I have done so much for her and never asked for anything in return except love, and mutual respect for feelings. She said very ugly things to me and I really lost it. It had been building up to this fight and I finally was almost ready to risk it all and put my hands on her. (I didn't). I almost have full custody of my children and I couldn't lose all of my progress.
I took a shower to calm down. I cried out to God for help and fell to my knees and sobbed. I couldn't believe who I was becoming. I went to bed and at 4am the next morning I woke up with extreme eye pain. I went to the doctor the next morning and got on antibiotics and they told me if symptoms worsened I needed to go to an emergency eye clinic.
They did.
I had a rash all over.
I started going blind in that eye.
My pupils dialated unevenly.
I got sick and had an intense headache, became disorented and felt drunk. I also hurt like I couldn't stay awake and kept nodding off. The light hurt. My throat swelled and I lost my voice. My eye swelled and my cheek and eyebrow turned red. I was like, OH MY GOD IM GOING TO DIE.
I couldn't drive so my mother-in-law picked me up and drove me to the clinic. It turnes out this is herpes simplex of the eye caused by stress. Excuse me? What the.. Did y'all just say to me? After 8 years of crystal meth addiction amd smoking sythetic weed to the point of 20 seizures a day and fighting my husband every single day not knowing which moment would be my last I get into it with someone and NOW I'M FRICKIN BLIND?! yes.
And I still am suffering. I am struggling with fatigue and lethargy. I can hardly function at my desk job or pull myself up to stand. I have to take a pill 5 times a day. I'm having sleep paralysis, and still have a rash flare up.
So, I've blocked her on every single platform she knows how to contact me on. I've decided to fast and delete all social media and messaging apps (except this) and block her on my phone without giving her any explanation and I don't think I owe her one. Am I wrong for that?
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All of this to say.. Take care of yourself. Too much stress can give you an aneurysm, stroke, heart attack, meningitis or make you go blind in your eye.@after-the-chrysalis
And yes my eyes do change colors due to lighting and backround.
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
Don’t forget that you deserve the same compassion, forgiveness, and love that you give to those around you
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
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after-the-chrysalis · 5 years
Do we really want to be rid of our resentments, our anger, and our fear?
Many of us cling to our fears, doubts, self-loathing or hatred because there is a certain distorted security in familiar pain. It seems safer to embrace what we do know than to let go of it for fear of the unknown.
Narcotics Anonymous Book/pg 33
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