agayturtlewriting · 1 year
you are in love (true love)
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summary: "Strange look on her face, pauses, then says, "You're my best friend"."
Wanda and Natasha have been friends for a while, they're the only ones who can't see that maybe their relationship is deeper than that, maybe a planned vacation will make them stop denying it.
OR You Are in Love by Taylor Swift but make it wandanat.
words: 3k // Read on ao3
tags: no powers au, fluff, everyone lives yay
“Remember that one time Tony was convinced Clint had hired Laura to act as his girlfriend?” Natasha says softly as she brings the cup of coffee to her lips, trying not to disturb the peace and silence around them, a teasing smile on her face as she recalls that night. 
Wanda giggles, “And then he spent the whole party trying to get Laura to confess it to him but Clint thought he was flirting with her?”. The redhead, no longer able to suppress her amusement, moves her left arm from behind her head to rest the back of her hand on top of her lips, successfully wiping the drops of coffee that came out of her mouth as she tried to hold back her chuckles. Beside her, the brunette shifts to her side so she can look at her. Natasha has this thing when she laughs where she goes from this teasing smirk, back to her serious face, a futile attempt at stopping herself, until she can’t take it anymore and just allows herself to let go and fully laughs.
When their laughter stops and they sit, once again, in a comfortable silence, in the back of Natasha’s truck, in the middle of the night, a pile of blankets over both of their bodies. Natasha’s eyes hold a softness and adoration reserved for moments like this, where Wanda’s eyes shine under the moonlight and the only sound around them is the low music and faint voices coming from the cabin in which they’re staying along with the rest of their friends. Their yearly summer trips to visit the lake and stay in Tony’s family’s cabin has been going strong since highschool and have slowly gotten new additions in the form of college and work friends. No matter where life takes them, they always come back to each other.
Wanda and Natasha’s relationship, or friendship, as they often have to clarify, has always been a recurring conversation topic for their friends, everyone else being able to see how their bond was different from the one the rest of them had. But whether it was the subconscious fear of ruining their already good friendship that stopped them from realizing it themselves, or the constant presence of a significant other in one of their lives that stopped them from doing something about it, their friends always decided to let them figure this one out for themselves. Coming to the conclusion that any attempts to shake them out of their denial only resulted in laughter from the both of them, or painfully awkward silences with their respective partners.
Clint and Nat had been best friends since they were kids. When Natasha’s family moved next door, Clint’s parents pushed him to talk to her, to welcome her to Westview. Clint thought she was badass. Natasha, on the other hand, found him rather annoying. They’ve been inseparable ever since. An arrow shaped pendant dangles from her neck as a reminder of this, and also Clint’s archery obsession. So it’s not weird, in moments like these, where she and Wanda are in their own little bubble, to find him protecting said bubble from the rest of their friends, specially Pietro and Yelena, who had already stated multiple times throughout this trip that they were determined to finally get them to realize their feelings for each other no matter what. It was the first time in a while that they were both single and emotionally stable enough for this, Yelena’s words, not his.
“Are they really still out there?” Tony’s voice brings Clint back from his thoughts, “it’s been like forty five minutes do they think we don’t notice?”.
Clint moves away from the window he had been using to check on them, giving them the privacy they had gone out looking for, “I don’t think they care about that, man. They probably haven’t even noticed it’s been that long.” 
A breeze snaps Natashas out of her trance, her now empty coffee cup forgotten between the pillows under her head. The redhead sees the way Wanda’s body slightly shivers and decides it would be better to head back inside and eventually go to bed. “Come on, let’s go back in with everyone else”.
The brunette’s only response is a tired groan as she lays on her back once again, eyes closed and body fully splayed out on the pillows they had stolen from the cabin. Natasha lets out a soft, short laugh. She continues to get up, looking around and thinking about the easiest way to get all the pillows and blankets back inside with them. That is until the back of her shirt is being pulled by a warm hand, not being able to react, a soft thud can be heard as she finds herself once again fully laying down, her body facing upwards and all pillow related thoughts fully gone.
“Ow?” Wanda only chuckles at Natasha’s complaint, “What was that for?”
“Look up.” Wanda’s voice is soft, and barely above a whisper. Her shoulder brushes against Natasha’s and the redhead can swear she can hear her own heartbeat. 
The silence that settles around them feels different, Natasha can sense it, there’s something that wasn’t there before, or maybe she just couldn’t see it. Her brain knows what to do, understands the simplicity of Wanda’s request, but her eyes betray her, only being able to look at the smile on the brunette’s lips, the soft curve of her cheeks, her nose, she can’t help but think back to all the moments she’s seen her nose scrunch when she laughs. She gazes at her messy brown hair and the faint smell of strawberries that invades her senses as she takes a deep breath in. Her gaze sets, finally, on Wanda’s eyes, a deep shade of green that resembles the forest around them. Wanda’s soft laugh breaks her out of her trance.
“I can feel you staring,” there’s a soft air of teasing in her tone, “should I be scared? Is this where you murder me?” The fake gasp she lets out brings an undeniable smile to Natasha’s lips.
“Perhaps” her voice is quiet but teasing, an attempt at being mysterious. Her eyes drift away from Wanda’s, finally looking up at the sky, where the clouds that had been there before, seem to have disappeared completely, allowing them to look at a sea of stars. The moon shining brightly amongst them.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this” Wanda’s quiet statement brings the redhead’s eyes back to her.
“Of what? Laying in the back of my truck on Tony’s soft elegant couch pillows? Possible murders?” a glint of amusement in her eyes.
Wanda chuckles, tearing her eyes away from the stars in the sky and into the ones in Nat’s eyes. “You know me so well” sarcasm dripping from every word, the soft smile never leaving her lips. A crinkle appears between her eyebrows at a thought she seems to push away, not fully out of her mind, but far away enough that Natasha can’t seem to figure it out. The redhead’s always been good at that, figuring out what Wanda’s thinking about, what she’s feeling, sensing the worry coming from the brunette, she reaches for her hand.
Wanda not only allows it, but interlaces their fingers, seemingly deep in thought, she opens her mouth but no sounds come out as she immediately closes it again. There’s a pause, and Wanda purses her lips, “You’re my best friend,” her tone is soft, as if scared, like there’s so much more she wishes she could be saying instead, but that’s all she seems to be able to get out, the words hold more meaning than she could ever explain, “you know that, right?”.
Her gaze is desperate as it finds Natasha’s, there’s something in it the redhead doesn’t recognize, she can’t put her finger on it, but she smiles, softly, and only for her. She brings her free hand up, and almost hesitates before it softly cups Wanda’s cheek, she’s warm, and her hands are cold, but the brunette leans into her touch anyway, closing her eyes for only a second, the comfort of Nat’s touch not lasting nearly enough.
“I know.”
Natasha’s never hesitated to initiate physical contact with Wanda before, she’s never had to think about it twice, or felt like she might need to stop herself before letting it happen. She decides not to dwell on the sudden change. Natasha wonders if Wanda’s lips taste like strawberries too.
The silence that settles between them is different, and they can both feel it. Something’s shifted, and Wanda might just be too scared to figure out what. So she shifts too, away from Natasha’s touch, and slowly sits up, leaving the redhead confused. “We should go back inside, it’s getting late.”
Natasha only reacts when the warmth of the blankets is gone, Wanda dragging them inside, walking away from her. She thinks back to everything that had just happened, zeroes in on every uttered word, every touch, trying to figure out which one of them was too long, too soft, too much. Looking at the cabin’s door she doesn’t find Wanda’s shadow, she can faintly hear the brunette already bidding goodnight to their friends. Instead, she finds a confused Yelena looking at her from the front porch. Natasha stares back at her for what feels like too long, gears struggling to turn in her mind for once. Yelena’s expression changes into an annoyed questioning one. Something between a what did you do? and a aren’t you gonna go after her?, the redhead can’t pinpoint which one it is, but gets up anyway, not to explain what had just happened to Yelena, but to follow her gut and go after Wanda. 
Finding the younger Maximoff twin proves to be easy enough, seeing as she and Natasha are apparently sharing a room. The redhead makes a mental note to either thank or murder Yelena later, the blonde’s future is yet to be decided by what’s about to happen. Natasha knocks softly on the door, not wanting to walk in on Wanda changing or something, although it wouldn’t be the first time.
Wanda’s voice comes muffled from the other side of the door, “Come in”.
The room is dark, the lights are off but the curtains are open and Natasha can see the outline of Wanda’s body in the twin sized bed, she’s laying on her side, facing the other side of the room, her back towards her. The redhead makes another mental note, reminding herself to close them before going to sleep to avoid being woken up by the sun shining on their faces early in the morning. The music stops and the chatter coming from the living room starts fading as the rest of their friends decide to head to bed too, tired from being in a car for hours to get to the cabin. Natasha steps slowly into the room to gather some of her clothes and quickly walks to the bathroom to take a quick shower. 
When she’s done and ready for bed, she stares at herself in the mirror for a couple of seconds too long, her mind drifting to the moment she shared with Wanda outside, to the warmth of their intertwined hands and the softness of the brunette’s cheek in her palm. She shakes the thought away and turns off the bathroom light as she makes her way to where she’ll be spending the night. The soft thuds of her footsteps are the only sound as she softly opens the door, scared to wake up the brunette. She gets in the bed as gently as she can, trying to be as quiet and slow as possible. She’s shared a bed with Wanda before, this doesn’t have to be different from that, why would it be different.
Just as the redhead settles under the covers, Wanda immediately shifts on the bed so she can turn to look at her. Natasha freezes. Neither of them speak, the only sounds around them being the whistling of the wind outside, and Bucky’s faint snores coming from the room next to theirs. The light coming in from the window allows the redhead to look at the soft but slightly worried expression on Wanda’s face. Natasha winces as she remembers something.
Wanda’s frown turns into a confused one, “What?” her voice barely above a whisper.
Natasha’s eyes remain closed “I forgot to close the curtains”. The embarrassed expression on the older girl’s face forces a soft chuckle from Wanda’s lips. At the sound of her laugh, Nat’s eyes open as she gives the other girl a sheepish smile.
The silence between them lasts no longer than a couple of seconds before Wanda speaks up again. “Can I ask you something?” her voice laced with uncertainty.
Natasha could never say no to her, not when she’s laying so calmly next to her, her voice soft, and as sweet as ever, the faint sokovian accent barely present in her words. “What’s up?”
Wanda pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and Natasha’s eyes follow each one of her movements. “Why don’t you want to kiss me?”.
The redhead’s eyes widen at the question, she feels her heart beating in her ears and she nearly chokes on her own spit, “What?” Her voice is rough and she clears her throat.
“At Tony’s party, he made us all play spin the bottle to prove Clint and Laura weren’t actually a thing and you didn’t want to kiss me when the bottle landed on me, you just… spun it again.” Wanda’s voice sounds almost hurt.
Natasha’s eyes betray her once again, showing her obvious surprise and confusion, she gulps, “Back in highschool”.
“You wanna know why I didn’t kiss you.” she repeats as if trying to wrap her head around it.
“I just said that, yes.”
Natasha ponders on the question for a second, “Why?”.
“Well why didn’t you?” Natasha can see her face more clearly now, her eyes having adjusted to the lack of light, Wanda seems actually hurt.
For a second, the redhead thinks about all the possible outcomes. She could lie in an attempt to preserve their friendship, tell her she just didn’t think of it as anything much, that she saw her as too good of a friend to kiss her. She could tell her she didn’t think Wanda would want to herself. She could say she didn’t wanna feed into the neverending teasing their friends put them through. She could lie through her teeth and tell her she just… didn’t want to. But Wanda’s looking at her like they’re the only two people that matter in the world, like she’s ready for whatever Natasha can throw at her, like she’s preparing herself for an answer that might just hurt her feelings a little too much. And Natasha could never hurt Wanda like that, so she doesn’t.
“I was scared” her voice is quiet, she’s scared right now.
Wanda’s brow furrows, not fully understanding yet, “Of what?”. 
Natasha ponders for a second on what the best way to respond would be, “I’m not sure, things changing between us, I guess”, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. This is it. “I didn’t want you to see me differently… I was scared you’d realize that maybe I saw you differently…”
Wanda's gaze softens, and she swears if they stay in silence one more second Natasha will be able to hear her heart beating faster. But the redhead’s eyes remain closed, and she’s chewing at her bottom lip. And for the first time that night, Wanda decides to be the one to initiate contact between them, so she softly lays her hand on Natasha’s cheek, her thumb dragging her lip away from between her teeth. 
When Natasha opens her eyes all she can see is the fondness in Wanda’s eyes. The understanding, the patience, the love. Something in her is screaming at her to do something about it, to finally tell Wanda how much she adores her, to hold her, to kiss her, to love her. She’s sure Wanda can feel it, she has to be able to feel it, right?
There’s a tenderness in Natasha’s eyes that Wanda’s not sure she’s ever seen before, and it’s directed at her, and she’s never felt more loved. But along with the affection in her gaze there’s fear, and the brunette realizes she still hasn’t said anything. There are many things she wants to say, so many things she’s been waiting to tell her, but she holds back, purses her lips for a second, and smiles.
“You’re such an idiot.”
Natasha's expression changes completely and her brows furrow, what the fuck is going on? “Wha-”
Wanda’s lips crash against hers and her breath hitches. Her lips are soft, and sweet, and Natasha’s never regretted something as much as she regrets not having done this before. She snaps out of her thoughts and kisses her back. The brunette’s hand shifts from her cheek to the back of her neck, pulling her closer, and Natasha’s hands settle on top of the covers, right on Wanda’s waist. The sheets wrinkle in Natasha’s now closed fist as she tries to stop her hands from shaking.
Wanda slowly pulls away and Natasha can feel the brunette’s smile against her lips, causing a smile of her own to form. She didn’t think she could love Wanda’s smile more, but right now, with it pressed against hers, she knows she had been wrong.
The brunette’s hand brushes through her red locks and Natasha slowly opens her eyes, only to find Wanda’s already looking at her. “This okay?”
Natasha’s smile grows even bigger, “More than okay”, and this time she’s the one kissing Wanda. There’s no crowd of teenagers around them, or an empty Coke bottle between them telling them to kiss. The mattress squeaks under them and Natasha gets even closer to her, and Wanda giggles at the sound, or the redhead’s eagerness to deepen the kiss, she’s not sure, but she chuckles right back, because Wanda’s laugh feels even sweeter when it’s pressed against her lips.
Natasha wonders if it’s too soon to tell Wanda she loves her, it probably is, right? She pushes that thought away as her hands brush the brunette’s hair away from her face. And Natasha smiles between kisses, because Wanda’s lips do taste like strawberries too.
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agayturtlewriting · 1 year
comfort and chaos
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summary: It's Natasha's birthday, so it's only right Wanda finally gets to meet Yelena seeing as they've planned to spend the day together. And I mean, they're already on the road so.
words: 1.4k // Read on AO3
tags: fluff, angst, post endgame, road trip (kinda), a little painful
Wanda never liked the smell of a new car. The mix between leather and faint gasoline always gave her a weird feeling. 
So when she takes a deep breath in, and the smell of Natasha’s lavender perfume fills her senses, a wave of comfort rushes over her entire body. The brunette’s eyes locked in on the car in front of hers. Wanda wonders how many hours it’s been since the trip started, calculating how much time there was left until she’d be meeting one of the most important people in Natasha’s life.
“What if she doesn’t like me?” Wanda’s voice is hoarse, the nerves getting the best of her. Her eyes slightly widen at the sound and she quickly reaches to her left for the pink water bottle occupying one of the cup holders on the center console, right next to Natasha’s dark gray one.
Natasha’s eyes don’t leave the road, but there’s a slight smirk on her lips, “Who?”.
“What do you mean who? Who else are we meeting? Oh my god, are your parents also going to be there?” Wanda’s mind starts racing at the thought of meeting her fiancée’s parents. Non biological as they are, they’re still important to Nat.
Natasha chuckles at the younger woman’s increasingly panicked voice, but is fast to clear any doubts. “Wands, chill. It’s just going to be Lena, I don’t think Melina and Alexei will be around, don’t worry about that,” her gaze shifts from the road to the passenger side, sending Wanda a warm smile, “plus, I’ll be right there with you”.
Wanda huffs at Natasha’s slightly teasing tone, but the sincerity in the last words warms her heart. 
The brunette knows Yelena’s story from what Nat has told her. She knows about her time in the Red Room, their rekindling before Thanos, and the fact that Yelena, just like Wamda, had been blipped, and by consequence, forced to miss five years of her life. Five years Natasha spent working day and night to bring them back, to bring everyone back.
Natasha reaches over the console and softly places her hand on top of Wanda’s leg, giving her a reassuring squeeze and a loving smile. Wanda’s eyes are still locked on the road in front of them but her shoulders relax at the feeling. The next couple of minutes are spent in a comfortable silence, the soft music coming from the radio being the only sound filling the car.
“Why am I even doing this?” Wanda softly mumbles to herself.
Natasha’s eyes once again snap from the road to look at the brunette, “Hey! We are going to Ohio for my birthday, and you’re meeting Lena because she’s cool and I know she’ll love you just as much as I do.” The redhead’s words hold nothing but love for both girls, but there’s an ever present smirk on her lips, “Okay maybe not as much, because I’d have to fight her if she did,” Wanda’s lips twitch at the playful tone and she lets out a small laugh as she rolls her eyes, “buuut, I told her a lot about you, and she knows how much you mean to me, she’ll be on her best behavior, I made sure of it”.
The thought of Natasha telling her sister about her makes Wanda feel giddy. She doesn’t think she’s ever loved anyone the way she loves Nat, and she’s sure she’d never been loved that way either before she met Natasha. For a moment she wonders what Pietro’s reaction would’ve been to her and Natasha becoming girlfriends. The older Maximoff twin had always been very protective of her, and with time so grew Natasha. She thinks they would’ve liked each other, as annoying as Pietro could be at times, he was an undeniably charming guy, and she’s sure Nat would’ve found it amusing.
The sun has already started setting and the sky is a mix of colors, the clouds seem to part just for them as the redhead’s car approaches a dirt lookout on the side of the road, and Wanda can’t seem to take her eyes off of it.
As if Natasha was able to read her mind, the car slowly gets off the road and onto the viewpoint. The view of the seemingly never ending trees beneath the orange sky grasps Wanda’s attention as her mind starts to wander.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Natasha’s soft voice has never failed to make Wanda’s insides feel fuzzy and warm, there’s so much love in everything Nat does. Wanda wonders if the rest of the world is too focused on the Black Widow persona to see this side of her.
“Just thinking”, the brunette’s voice is just as quiet, as if speaking up would burst the bubble they’ve immersed themselves in. 
Natasha smiles at the girl’s vagueness, “About?”.
“You”, sometimes Wanda’s convinced that’s all she’s able to think about.
A comfortable silence falls upon them and Wanda can’t help but think about how the sunlight always seems to hit Natasha just right. How it always accentuates the slight curve of her cheeks and the green in her eyes. Her mind circles back to her earlier thoughts and she thinks that even if she combined every nice word she knows in English and Sokovian, she wouldn’t be able to explain the love she feels for Natasha. So she looks at her instead, hoping her eyes are expressive enough to let the redhead feel everything she can’t say to her.
Natasha’s voice matches the soft look in her eyes, she knows, “I love you”.
“I love you so, so much”, Wanda’s voice betrays her as it breaks.
Natasha, once again, reaches over the console to wipe the tears away from Wanda’s cheeks, who closes her eyes at the feeling, “I’m here,” her voice barely above a whisper, “I’ve got you, I’m right here”. Her left hand lowering to hold the brunette’s warm one as she rests their foreheads together.
The way the world seems to stop spinning just for them makes Wanda wonder if this is the feeling that the movies she’s seen have tried to replicate. Her fingers curl around the wedding band on the redhead’s ring finger, she twists it and pulls.
Wanda can almost feel Nat’s soft breaths on her slightly parted lips, her eyes shut tight. 
“You, Wanda Maximoff, are the love of my-“
Wanda’s eyes snap open at the sound of her phone vibrating. She takes a moment to recompose herself before she’s reaching to her right and grabbing her phone from the remaining cup holder in the center console, next to her water bottle. She lifts it slightly, only to see Clint’s name in the caller ID. She closes her eyes and slumps down on her seat, the phone still vibrating in her hand, and she lets out a deep sigh before silencing it. The ring between her fingers feels cold, she quickly looks down at the familiar silver band and puts it back on.
Her eyes drift to the empty passenger side as she lifts her hands to grip at the steering wheel and she finally allows her tears to flow freely down her face. She lets her head fall on it, she thinks her forehead stings from the impact but the pain in her heart screams for her attention so loud she can’t hear anything else. No matter how much she tries to go back to Natasha, she can’t.
Her phone dings and she knows Clint must’ve sent her a text. The message is long, and when Natasha’s name catches her eye, she quickly deletes the notification, a reminder to meet Yelena quickly replacing it.
With a final deep breath Wanda opens the door, she’s greeted by the familiar smell of grass and a cold breeze that makes her adjust her coat. Her feet walk mindlessly through the path she’s gotten acquainted with, for a second she wonders if she’s even going in the right direction, but the sight of a cherry blossom tree confirms she is. A few feet in front of it stands a blonde with a long black coat, facing away from her.
Wanda stops walking when she sees the gravestone, the all too familiar feeling of grief surrounding her, pulling at her heart, and making her sick to her stomach. At the bottom of it sit the words “daughter, sister, avenger”, she doesn’t need to get closer to recognize them, the image haunts her every thought, and engraved at the top, right above an hourglass symbol, in black slim letters sits Natasha Romanoff’s name.
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agayturtlewriting · 2 years
of coffee and guitars - Chapter 1
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summary: When Natasha comes back to Westview to visit her friends, she quickly catches the attention of a certain Wanda Maximoff, who just so happens to have joined her friend group while she was away.
Warnings: discontinued (at least for now), coffee shop au, no powers au
Words: 2.7k // Read this on AO3
Note: i started this a really long time ago and i haven't had the inspiration or time to continue it, BUT I MIGHT, you never know
Chapter 1 - Westview
Wanda Maximoff didn’t always like the idea of living in a small town, wanting to know more of the world, more than just a little town in Sokovia. Pietro on the other hand, loved the idea of everyone knowing each other, the calm of smaller towns. Wanda’s twin had always been the most popular out of the two, so he never had any issues when it came to making friends and meeting new people. When the situation in Sokovia forced them to leave the comfort of their birth town, Pietro took matters into his own hands, working his ass off so they would be able to get to the US and find a house in Westview, a town bigger than the last one the had lived in, with nice neighbors and new friends, courtesy of Pietro’s socializing skills.
Years went by with Pietro being one of the only constants of Wanda’s life, that and music. The brunette had always found comfort in music, not only listening to it but also writing her own, not that she would ever show them to anyone but it still made her feel a certain type of confort that she couldn’t find anywhere else. So when she got a job at a café in Westview that had open mic nights and Pietro tried to get her to sing one of the nights, she would use the excuse of being on the clock and having to keep an eye on the customers.
“Oh come on, I bet your boss wouldn’t even complain about you missing a couple of minutes of work if he heard you sing.” Pietro sported a teasing smile on his face, knowing Wanda had been dying to get on the small stage in the back of the café since the day they got there.
“I’m trying to piss off Fury even more, you’ve already managed to break enough glasses by trying to slide them across the counter and he’s been nice enough to not make you pay for them.” Wanda’s voice was serious, trying to hide the small smile that formed on her lips when she thought about how supportive her brother had always been of her and her love for singing.
“Hey, you never know, you might get some girls while doing it too.” The smirk on the older Maximoff twin getting bigger by the second. “Aren’t guitarists supposed to get all the girls and stuff?”
The playful grin in Pietro’s face did not falter when his sister turned her face from the glass she was drying to glare at him. The banter between the two was interrupted by a hand on Pietro’s shoulder, making him turn to look at their friend.
“What are you two arguing about now?” Bucky sported a small smile when he spoke and turned to look at Wanda, who offered him a drink that he gladly took.
After living in Westview for a couple of years, the twins had gotten close to a couple of people, finding themselves in the same friend group, which consisted in a group of old college friends, of which some had left town but visited every now and then, and some had decided to go back to their homes in Westview, like Bucky, one of Wanda’s closest and oldest friends. Pietro had introduced the two after the man had walked into the shop asking for a check up on his bike. The oldest Maximoff grew rapidly on him, his social skills bringing out a smile out of Bucky, who was more quiet and reserved, matching Wanda’s energy more than Pietro’s, which is why the silver haired man had pushed him to introduce the two in the first place. And when Bucky got a job in the shop with Pietro, the three became even closer.
“Oh you know, the usual, I’m being wrongly accused of breaking private property and Wanda’s being too shy to get on stage.”
Bucky let out a small laugh at Pietro’s comment, earning him a glare from Wanda, who hit him with the rag she was still holding. 
“I have tables to clean, don’t break anything while I’m gone, please .” 
“Okay mom .” Bucky’s smile got wider at the sight of the twins’ banter and Pietro’s teasing comment.
Wanda moved behind the counter looking for a tray to get the glasses left behind on different tables across the café by earlier customers. When she reached the tables near the small stage her eyes wandered to it, thinking about how it would be to be standing on it instead of observing from behind the counter. Her thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening and Bucky’s voice, she saw the man getting up walking quickly to greet whoever had just entered.
“Nat? Oh my god what are you doing here! How have you been?” Bucky’s voice was filled with happiness and excitement and Wanda wondered who he was talking to, not recognizing the name, having to wait for their hug to be over to be able to see the woman her friend was excitedly talking to. 
When Bucky’s body was out of the way and ushering his friend to walk with him to the counter, Wanda was met with a beautiful redhead. The woman, who Wanda assumed was one of Bucky’s old friends, was soon being introduced to her brother, who didn’t hesitate to give her an award winning smile. Wanda walked over behind the counter once again, placing the tray filled with glasses on top of it, making a mental note to go back to get the rest of the glasses that were left on the tables later, her mind being clouded with the image of the redhead on the other side of the counter, who offered her a small smile when she walked up to the group.
Bucky was fast to speak, clearly being happy to see the redhead. “Nat, this is Wanda, Pietro’s sister, and Wanda, this is Natasha.”
Wanda’s palms were sweating at the sight of Nat smiling sweetly at her, realizing that she was supposed to say something now, she rushed to clean her hands on her jeans to then extend her arm over the counter and offer Natasha a nervous handshake and a small “Hi”. Natasha gladly reciprocated the motion with a curious look, the smile on her lips never faltering and Wanda couldn’t help but notice how soft Natasha’s hands were, and how warm they felt against her cold hands.
“You can just call me Nat.” The redhead’s words made Wanda smile in return.
“Nat” Wanda repeated softly as if trying to see how the name felt on her tongue, “I’m Wanda”. Realizing that Bucky had already introduced her, Wanda’s eyes opened slightly more as she broke the handshake, realizing she had been holding on to Natasha’s hand for longer than she meant to. At the panic she felt at the thought of having already embarrassed herself in front of the redhead, who was once again looking at her with a curious smile, Wanda quickly decided to correct herself while also averting her gaze from Natasha’s piercing one. “I mean there’s no nickname, or like shorter version just- everyone just calls me Wanda, I mean I know Bucky just said that but I-”
Although amused by the interaction, Pietro decided to intervene, not wanting to see his sister go on a full rant over how her name didn’t really have any nicknames because it was already quite short, which she had already done once before when she had been drunkenly introduced to Steve, another one of their friends. “I don’t mean to be rude little sis, but I’m starving and you promised we would go eat as soon as you were done with your shift, and according to my phone, you are”.
At the sound of her brother’s voice, Wanda’s head instantly turned to look at him, and when she saw the small smirk on Pietro’s face she realized he was definitely gonna tease her about her interaction with the redhead, still she couldn’t help but let out a small sigh, trying to calm her breathing after having panicked over re-introducing herself to Natasha. Although technically, she couldn’t re-introduce herself if she hadn’t done it herself, she was just restating her name, she thought. Nevertheless, she made sure to shoot Pietro a thankful smile for stopping her from further embarrassing herself, knowing she’d rather deal with her brother’s teasing.
Wanda saw the glint in Bucky’s eyes, knowing he wanted to gonna ask the redhead to join them for lunch, but it was quickly replaced with doubt, clearly having realized the way Wanda’s demeanor had changed when talking to Natasha, and not wanting to make the brunette uncomfortable by inviting his old friend without making sure Wanda was okay with it first.
As Bucky’s gaze met Wanda’s, she took this as him silently asking for her permission, and the brunette took the opportunity to regain her composure, and decided to invite Nat herself  “You can join us if you want, we’re just gonna go eat at this small restaurant down the block, I mean if you’re not busy of course.”
At the invitation, Natasha looked at Bucky, who sent her a reassuring smile, not failing to let her know they wouldn’t mind sharing the table with one more person, which got a small laugh out of her. “Sure, yeah that sounds nice, I just need to use the bathroom first, I’ll be right back”.
The redhead had clearly been in the café before, but still looked a bit lost, so Wanda watched as Bucky walked with her towards the bathroom, leaving her and Pietro alone.
At the sound of her brother’s voice and the teasing tone he had already taken, Wanda let out a displeased sigh, knowing he was clearly about to make fun of her. “ What? ” Her tone got a laugh out of Pietro, which made her groan and put her hands over her face, hiding the small blush that quickly crept onto her cheeks.
“Wanna tell me more about how your name doesn’t have any nicknames, Wandy Wands .”
“I swear to god, Pietro, I will drive your car into a lake if you ever call me that again.”
At the mention of his car, Pietro quickly sat up straighter, but before he could reply they were both interrupted by Bucky and Natasha walking back to them, ready to go, and Wanda couldn't help but watch as the redhead walked towards them, the way her hair moved, and the sound of her laugh at Bucky's excitement to have her back.
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agayturtlewriting · 2 years
the way i loved you - wandanat
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summary: "It's 2am and I'm cursing your name..."
Wanda and Natasha's relationship didn't last longer than a couple of months, but Natasha can't help but wonder if they made the right choice when they ended things.
or The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift but it's wandanat
Warnings: light angst with a happy ending
Words: 3.7 k // Read this on AO3
“You should tell her.” 
Natasha was sitting on the side of her bed, face hiding behind her hands, debating on whether anything was even worth it anymore. She had seen the way Wanda and Vision looked at each other, everyone in the team could see it. So when Clint had come to her with news from the couple, her stomach dropped just by the look in his eyes, and when he told her he had overheard Vision and Wanda talking about their future together, she swore she was going to be sick, they had been together for a couple of months and they were clearly very into each other, probably deeply in love at the point, but she would rather lie to herself than admit that.
Clint was nervous, he kept running his hands through his hair, keeping the blonde strands from sticking to his face, his hair was wet and his shirt was inside out, in any other situation Natasha would’ve made fun of him for it, but seeing as he seemed to have rushed to her room after hearing the couple, she couldn’t help but appreciate how deeply he cared. He was, after all, the only other member of the team that was aware of Natasha and Wanda’s relationship, he had walked in on them cuddling in Nat’s bed, and swore to keep it a secret, which he did. So when the pair decided to end things, he was the only one who could comfort them. And when Vision and Wanda started dating, he spent many afternoons in Natasha’s room watching old movies, she didn’t want to admit it, but the breakup had affected her more than she thought it would, and seeing the brunette laughing and smiling with the synthezoid only made things harder, and Clint could see right through her tough exterior, she was hurt.
“Nat...” The archer tried to get her attention again, his voice was quiet, scared that if he spoke too loud she would just break.
The redhead slowly removed her hands from her face, her eyes were watery but she was too taken aback to care about appearing nonchalant anymore. “And what am I supposed to say Clint?” She stood up from the bed and started walking towards the bathroom. “Hey sorry to bother you but I’m still in love with you please don’t marry the robot.” Her voice was weak, and although her remark was full of sarcasm, the fact that she admitted her feelings for the witch surprised both of them. She had avoided putting a name to the way she was feeling, she wasn’t jealous, no, she didn’t want to be jealous, she didn’t love her, no, she couldn’t love her.
She opened the door to the bathroom and immediately went to stand in front of the sink, she placed her hands on it like it was the only thing keeping her from falling, and when she looked up she saw her face in the mirror, she looked broken, her eyes were filled with unshed tears and when her lip quivered, she rushed to put a hand over her mouth, as if keeping everything she was hiding from everyone inside. She closed her eyes now with a hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream, so she couldn’t tell Clint that she regretted breaking up with Wanda, that it was all her fault, that she should’ve never let her insecurities get the best of her, that she couldn’t stand seeing her with Vision when she knew he will never love her like she can, the way she deserved to be loved, that he wouldn’t challenge her like she could. But her realizations came too late, and Wanda was soon to be married, god she was engaged .
Pull yourself together Natasha, god this is pathetic. 
Clint stays in the room in complete silence, allowing her to feel everything she needs to feel. Minutes passed and Natasha was slowly recomposing herself, when she walked out of the bathroom she was a different person than when she walked in. The sight of the door opening caught the blonde’s attention, he was now sitting on the couch next to her bed, and he instantly shot up when he saw her walking out of the bathroom, inspecting her face for any traces of… well, anything. He had known Nat for years, they were best friends, so he knew that after big stuff like this, the redhead would usually shut everyone out, he had expected her to ask him to leave, to ask him for some time be alone with her thoughts, so when she walked past him and laid on the bed without saying a word, he knew this time things were different, she didn’t want to be alone, not anymore.
Natasha laid on her bed in silence, an arm over her eyes, as trying to keep her from thinking about the brunette, of seeing her again in her head, seeing the way she used to look when she had just woken up, the way she would smile when she realized Nat was still laying next to her in bed. She realized that maybe Wanda was happy with Vision, no, she knew Wanda was happy. Vision was always a nice guy, sweet, caring, and he was able to give the brunette something that Nat was never able to, stability. The thought of Wanda getting married to someone else still bothered her, but she realized she wasn’t the only one deserving of the girl’s love, if she could even still call herself deserving of it after the pain she put her through. 
Breaking up with Wanda is something Natasha did impulsively, she didn’t sleep on it, she didn’t talk to the girl about it before doing it, she tried to let her down easy but god it was hard to see the person you’re in love with cry, and it’s even harder when you know you’re the reason behind the tears. She tried to convince herself she did it to protect her, to shield her from the pain she would inevitably cause her, she didn’t know how to properly love and care for someone, and Wanda deserved better than that. Wanda deserved the world. In reality, Natasha was scared. She was terrified . Growing up in the red room she was always taught that love was for children, that love made you weak, it made you unreliable, too emotional, so when she caught herself smiling at the thought of the brunette, she was scared, and instead of talking to Wanda about it, she ended things. She didn’t explain much, just enough to give her a reason for the breakup, but not enough to reveal how deep her feelings for the brunette were.
She fucked up something good, and it haunted her.
She was slowly allowing herself to fall asleep with the image of the Maximoff girl stuck in her head, unable to process anything else going on around her, so when she heard Clint’s voice talking to her, the bubble she had created around herself disappeared, along with Wanda’s smile.
“Nat?” His voice was still quiet, as if trying not to upset her again. The red head remained in the same position, not even acknowledging the blond’s presence.
“Nat.” But when he spoke again, his voice was firmer, so she decided to speak.
“Clint I really don’t wanna talk about this can we just-” Her eyes were still closed behind her arm. But she couldn’t finish her sentence before Clint was talking again.
“No Nat, can you just-”
“Barton I swear to god-” Her brain failed her to complete the sentence, the moment she opened her eyes she saw her friend no longer sitting on the couch, but standing by the door instead, and behind him stood her . She looked anxious, she was pulling the sleeves of her shirt over her hands, Natasha had spent enough time taking in all of her details to know that was a sign of the Maximoff girl’s nervous demeanor.
But when they locked eyes, Natasha knew she was fucked. Wanda looked just as beautiful as always, but there was something on her mind. The redhead couldn’t help but wonder if she cried when Vision proposed. She quickly ushered the thought out of her mind, standing up as to seem taller, bigger, her usual intimidating self, but when Wanda shot her a shy smile, her stance immediately softened.
“Wanda, hi. Did you need anything?” 
The brunette’s gaze lowered to the floor, for a second Natasha debated on dropping hers as well, to look at the girl’s hands, expecting to find a new addition to her ring finger, but she decided against it. 
“Can we talk?” Her voice was soft, Nat’s never been good at saying no to her, but not trusting her voice enough to talk without sounding absolutely smitten, she gave her a small nod.
Clint took in the sight in front of him, knowing better than to just stand there, mumbling an excuse and walking out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Something about coffee, or food, Natasha wasn’t sure, she wasn’t paying attention to him, not since the brunette had walked in.
Nat motioned Wanda to sit on the bed while she stood in front of it, her back hitting the wall as she tried to relax. She could tell something was up, Wanda was always quiet, but never this quiet, and they tried to fix their friendship after Wanda had started seeing Vision, so they could at least be able to spend time together without all the awkward silences.
“Is everything okay?” Natasha tried, but when Wanda didn’t reply her worry started to increase. “Wands- Wanda, sorry.” The nickname slip caused both of their eyes to widen, she hadn’t called her that in a very long time. It was at this that the Maximoff girl decided to look at her with an indescribable look in her eyes, making Natasha question her again. “Is there something wrong?”
“No. Well yes? I mean no, nothing’s wrong, which is kinda like a problem in itself cause like I don’t know, I-” The brunette was clearly not fully convinced on what she was feeling.
“Wanda you’re rambling, hey look at me, it’s okay, take your time.” 
The tone of Nat’s voice made Wanda’s eyes feel watery and she forced herself to look away from her, she was being sweet, and caring, and it was just too much.
They sat in silence for a minute, Natasha letting Wanda take her time to compose her thoughts, but seeing her there, sitting on the edge of her bed, picking at her sleeves, twisting the rings on her left hand, she just couldn’t stop herself from asking.
“Is this about Vision?”
The mention of Vision made Wanda’s eyes shoot up from the floor and right into Natasha’s eyes, she looked nervous, maybe even scared. The redhead could feel her heart going crazy, this was it, she was gonna tell her about the engagement, she was gonna tell her she’s not invited, she was praying her thoughts weren’t too loud, not wanting Wanda to know what she was thinking about.
“I mean, in a way I guess.” The thought of Vision doing anything to hurt Wanda made Natasha’s blood boil.
“Did he do something? Are you okay? Wanda what happened I swear to god I-”
At this, the brunette was quick to interfere. “No! No, god no. He didn’t do anything. He’s- he’s perfect.”
Natasha wanted to say something, well, she wanted to scream, she knew Vision was a nice guy, and she was glad Wanda had found someone like him, but she couldn’t help but wonder, if he wasn’t in the picture, would she still have a chance? If she hadn’t let her insecurities win, would they still be together? Before she could keep spiraling, her thoughts were interrupted by Wanda’s voice.
“Vis is basically the perfect guy,” she chuckled dryly, “he’s sensible, and he’s incredible, anyone would be lucky to be with someone like him.” 
Natasha knew Vision was a good person, but hearing Wanda talk about him like this made her heart ache, but she let her continue.
“He always says everything I need to hear and I feel like I couldn’t ask for anything better.” She was progressively getting more and more agitated with every word, her hands no longer playing with her sleeves, but flailing around while she spoke, which made Natasha furrow her brows. “He respects my space! And he always calls exactly when he says he will and he’s charming, and endearing, and I’m comfortable ! ” But right when the redhead was gonna open her mouth, Wanda shot up from the bed, looking directly at her with tears in her eyes.
“Wanda…” Natasha slowly moved towards her, a confused and worried look in her face.
“No!” The brunette made a motion for her to stop walking, so she did. “Just, let me speak please.” Natasha was getting more and more worried by the second.
“He’s, god, he’s just so fucking perfect!” Natasha would be lying if she said she wasn’t startled, Wanda was never one to curse. “But I miss going on a drive to nowhere in the middle of the night and just screaming, and kissing in the rain, and watching shitty tv shows at 2am, and fuck I miss feeling so in love I think I’m going crazy. Like that feeling you get when you’re in a rollercoaster and it’s going up and your stomach feels weird cause you’re already expecting the fall. God I miss the fall! I miss falling, I feel like I’m stuck in the buildup of a huge roller coaster waiting for the drop but it just never comes.”
When she was done talking she was breathless. She could feel the tears on her face, she didn’t even realize when she had started crying, all she knew was that now that she had started, she couldn’t stop. Natasha was silent, taking it all in, not knowing what to say, so she watched as Wanda sat back on the bed again, her hands over her face.
“He doesn’t see the smile I’m faking, but I’m not even hurting cause at this point I don’t think I’m feeling anything at all.” 
“Wanda…” Natasha couldn’t stop herself from walking towards the girl anymore. When she arrived next to the bed, Wanda slowly stood up again, only this time, they were only inches apart from each other.
“But you” Wanda was looking directly at her, a finger pointed straight at her chest, she took a step forward and Natasha couldn’t help but stumble backwards. “you were wild and crazy, and just so frustrating, and intoxicating, and so fucking complicated.”
Before she could do anything, Wanda was pushing her with every word, making her stumble backwards, but Natasha was too stunned to do anything but let herself be pushed until her back met the wall. The older girl didn’t know what to do, was she allowed to hug her? Did Wanda even want her to? But all her questions were left in the back of her mind when she felt Wanda’s head on her shoulder, and Natasha couldn’t help but put her arms around her.
“You’re such an idiot.” The redhead was snapped out of the moment, Wanda’s voice wasn’t louder than a whisper.
“I know.”
They stayed in that position for what felt like hours. After not being able to be that close for so long, they couldn’t help but stay. Natasha knew that this was her last chance to make things right, the last chance she would have to explain everything to Wanda before she got married. She felt bad knowing that she would probably make a mess by telling the brunette everything, but her mind was going at a hundred miles per second and she couldn’t stop it now.
She gathered all the courage she could, and took a deep breath, knowing that the minute she spoke, she wouldn’t be able to change her mind about it. “Wanda-”
“I fell in love with an idiot”
Natasha froze. “What?”
Wanda quickly separated herself from the redhead, her eyes widening when she saw that Natasha wasn’t saying anything. “Oh my god I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why i said that I’m sorry Nat please I’m so sorry-”
“God I’m such an idiot, I’m so sorry I’m just gonna leave I’m sorry.” She was running her hands through her hair while she spoke, and just as she was finished she rushed for the door. But before she could reach it, she felt a familiar hand gently grab her wrist, stopping her.
Realizing the action had in fact stopped the brunette from leaving, Natasha let her hand drop to Wanda’s. And it was only then that she realized the brunette’s hand was decorated by her usual rings, her ring finger naked. Maybe Vision didn’t get her a ring. Either way, Natasha couldn’t help but feel a rush of confidence wash over her at the sight. This was it, now or never.
“I’m sorry.” Natasha could feel the palms of her hands sweating already, so she dropped Wanda’s hand to dry her hands on the sweatpants she was wearing.
“No Nat-”
“I let you speak, can you listen now? Please.” Natasha’s voice was pleading. And she took Wanda’s small nod as a cue to keep going. “Listen, I fucked up, I know I did and I was unfair. I shouldn’t have let you go, I was scared and I was stupid and I should’ve talked to you about it instead of assuming you would rather break up than work on it. When I realized I was in love with you I just panicked, I wasn’t used to feeling like that, god I’m still not used to it but I just- I just can’t stop loving you.” At the use of the word, Wanda’s eyes shot up, they had never got to tell each other that when they were together, Wanda knew she was in love, but things ended before she could tell her. She couldn’t stop herself before a muffled sob escaped her lips. “And I know you’re happy with Vision, he’s a good guy and you seem glad, and that’s all I can wish for, I just, Wanda I just want you to be happy, if you’re happy then I’m happy, and if Vision is the reason behind your happiness than I can learn to make peace with that. I’m sorry if this is a lot but I just needed to tell you this now, before you guys get married I guess I-”
Wanda was taken aback by Natasha’s honesty, but she had confessed her love for her and that was something she definitely hadn’t expected her to do when she walked into her room. But her heart stopped at the use of the word married . “What? Who told you that” 
Natasha’s heart ached at the reply, this was more than a confirmation, she had hoped maybe Clint had been wrong, maybe his hearing aid wasn’t working well, maybe-
“Nat?” Wanda’s voice stopped her from spiraling, once again. “Vision and I aren’t getting married.”
“I mean, he asked” the brunette was once again playing with the sleeves of her shirt, “but I said no.”
“What? Why?”
“Seriously Nat? Have you just not been listening to anything I’ve said?” Natasha could tell her mood quickly changed from shy to annoyed.
“You were literally just talking about how perfect he is! What do you mean?!” 
“Yeah but he’s not you !” Wanda took a step forward, her face inches away from Natasha’s. “He’s all those stupid perfect things but I still can’t help but love you . And I hate that I still love you, god you’re so frustra-” Her angry rant was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on hers.
Natasha could feel Wanda relax with the kiss, even if she was surprised by it. The redhead had spent sleepless nights wondering what would happen if she just kissed her, wishing she could taste Wanda’s lipgloss one last time. The brunette’s lips always tasted like strawberries and coke and Natasha couldn’t help but miss it from day one. The older girl swore she could spend hours kissing her, her lips were always soft and her kisses were intoxicating in the best way possible.
It took Wanda a second to react, but when she came back to her senses, she brought her arms to Natasha’s shoulders, playing with the small hairs on the back of her neck, running her fingers through her hair.
They don’t know how long they spent like that, probably a minute or two, but it felt like hours. And when they broke apart, Natasha was the first to open her eyes, her forehead still resting against the brunette’s, her eyes scanning the taller girl’s face looking for any signs of regret or discomfort, but she couldn’t find any.
“I’m sorry I was an ass.”
The comment made the brunette chuckle, and as she finally opened her eyes, she could see the smile on the redhead's face, and she knew her face probably didn’t look much different.
“Did you mean it?” Wanda’s voice was quiet, scared that if she spoke too loud, the image in front of her would vanish and she would realize she had made it all up in her mind. When she saw the look of confusion on Natasha’s face she decided to elaborate. “When you said you loved me, did you mean it?”
“I did. I do. I’m sorry it took me so long to get my head out of my ass and just say it but I love you, I always have, and at this point I feel like I always will.” Natasha’s voice was determined but sweet, as if trying to let Wanda know that she meant every single word, and that there’s no pressure for her to reply.
“I love you too.”
Wanda quickly leaned forward again, closing the distance between them for a slow sweet kiss. Natasha could swear she had never been happier than she was with Wanda Maximoff in her arms. She made a silent promise to herself that she would do everything she could to keep that beautiful smile on her face.
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