ajax-nikias · 4 years
world building: Cooking Troll Meat
Troll meat, though one helluva task to acquire for a variety of reasons, is indeed edible by other beings. Where getting the meat is one fight in itself, cooking it is a hellish task alone.
There are a number of things that have to be kept in mind with cooking troll meat. It takes a lot of patience and tedious hurtles to tackle before it can be safely served:
The healing has to stop. Just because the meat is removed from the body does not mean the cells on the chunk immediately die. It will attempt to regrow where it was severed from with what energy or resources remain in that bit, leaving the chunk with strands of regrown muscle tissue, tendons, and skin reaching out like roots on a potato left unused for too long. If not outright burned, it will heal from how the heat damages it. You either wait it out and risk it rotting before you can cook it or burn it, which will kill the cells like any burn does, but ruins the meat. To top it all off, if not preserved properly it will go bad in on average a single day, as the healing factor will begin eating at the meat (akin to starving itself) if the bacteria lingering on it does not rot it first.
Troll meat is terribly tough. In order to cook troll meat thoroughly from the outside both to rid it of bacteria and maybe stop the healing factor, it would dry out the meat and leave it terribly tough to chew – tougher than it already is. The best way to approach this is either slow cooking the meat to soften it or take the polar opposite approach and intentionally dry it out. Stews and jerky are the most popular approaches for those who get their hands on troll meat.
It needs to be cooked enough to kill lingering bacteria. Diseases that would kill humans and otherwise but do not affect trolls would linger on troll tissue. It has to be cooked enough to be rid of these while keeping the aforementioned issues in mind.
It needs heavy seasoning. The term “you are what you eat” applies in the context of flavor, as what something eats is what nourishes them while they’re alive. With that said, trolls eat everything natural. Everything. Other meat, bone, skin, fur, horns, teeth, organs, trees, dirt, bugs, cloth… If it is natural, they can and will eat it. Tthey will eat a lot of things throughout their lives, all of which help fuel their healing and in turn are distributed throughout the entire body one way or another. As something edible, the end result of how troll meat tastes on its own is a hairline away from inedible from flavor alone, with or without the previous noted traits.
If determined and lucky enough, one can enjoy a meal where cooked troll meat is a part of the dish – if they get their hands on some in the first place by some stroke of luck. It is a delicacy of sorts for a reason and not because of good ingredients, but from sheer rarity of both the ingredient itself and the sheer difficulty of preparing it.
(Shout-out to @ajax-nikias / @kanlaughingalonewithawatermelon / @bluebirds-and-inkstains for helping with their cooking knowledge!)
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
"Hey big guy, I heard it's your birthday. I also heard you like pears, and, well, I wasn't able to get a cart of 'em but I hope a barrel is enough." (ajax-nikias)
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He really likes pears.
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
💕 Ajax Nikias c:
Calculate the chemistry between our muses by sending 💕!
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
Calculate the chemistry between our muses by sending 💕!
I will find out their chances at a successful relationship using this site! (x)
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
Reblog if you’re open to improvisational rp and just “winging it” with threads
Whether it’s the first interactions between the muses so the chemistry is still up in the air and it’s still unknown as to whether or not they’ll click before potential plotting, or the muses have too much minds of their own and run wild the moment you set them loose in a thread, plotting is hard and occasionally your pre-planned threads jump the track and go in totally different directions than anticipated thanks to the muses’ creative differences. Reblog this to let your rp partners know that you don’t mind simply jumping straight into in-character interactions and threads.
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
What Tarot Card Are You? Your Result: Hermit
It’s a skill, to look inside yourself, one you have mastered. The endless corridors and shifting thoughts are mapped to very carefully. This all takes time, of course. And those twisting hallways are so very difficult to map. It would be so easy to get lost. You know this space so well. Wouldn’t it be a lovely place to stay? So well-known and comforting. Why go back? How nice, how easy, to dissolve, to hide from the rest of the world and all the people in it. Why bother, when you are so good at looking inside yourself. Like enlightenment, the self. Retreating this far inwards is like retreating just as far out, into the vast ether. So comforting. The thing that was you looks at the thing that was the old woman. There is no you anymore. Goodbye.
Sometimes, when the world is quiet and he doesn’t have something to busy his hands, the void that hollows him out is undeniable.
Tagged By: @erratic-onslaught Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
“listen, i know you don’t want to, but.. maybe you should rest for a while. you’re not gonna get anywhere like this.” [[- guns-puns-andbotany]]
His only response is shuddered breath, a hand rising to rub at his eyes, exhaustion and his sleepless days pulling at him.  “I can’t,” Ajax finally says, the words barely more than a whisper, a quiver to them that betrays his exhaustion, “If I rest, I’ll sleep, and if I sleep...” His voice trails off, and there’s a moment where he jolts, right on the edge of sleeping, “I have to get this done before I can risk it.” (@guns-puns-andbotany)
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
CARING FOR STUBBORN MUSES. for when the person you’re trying to care for insists they don’t need your help.
“at least let me clean the wound!” “you’ll be even worse off if you don’t let me bandage this.” “i really think you need to see a doctor.” “i made you some soup, and i’m going to sit here until you eat it. i can wait.” “your feelings matter too! i can’t help you if i don’t even know what’s making you upset!” “..i’m here if you need anything, okay?” “stop trying to push yourself! you can’t do this on your own!” “listen, i know you don’t want to, but.. maybe you should rest for a while. you’re not going to get anywhere like this.” “i’ll make you a deal: i’ll just get you some bandages, and nothing else, and you stop making a fuss over it.” “how long has it last been since you slept?” “have you even been taking your medicine?” “i know you think you have to get through this by yourself, but you have people here to help you.” “let me take care of you, for once.” “you’re gonna hurt yourself even more if you do stupid things like that!” “i hate to break it to you, but you’re not supposed to do any strenuous physical activity for the next couple weeks, and if i have to personally make sure you don’t every waking hour of the day then i’m fully prepared to do that.” “it’s okay to cry in front of me, you know. you don’t have to carry this alone.” “stop trying to act like you’re not bleeding out in front of me!! this is serious!” “listen, asshole. i’m gonna carry you home whether you like it or not. you’re not in any condition to get there yourself.” “oh my god, why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?!”
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
((Aaaaaaaaa thank you! You did wonderfully with him <3 It was wonderful getting to watch you draw
✎ Sialia or Ajax! If ya don't mind ^3^
Send ✎ and the name of a character and I’ll do a quick sketch of them.
(Not accepting anymore!)
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I love this guy
I hope I did him justice! I really love Ajax a lot and I’m happy I finally had a moment to draw him seriously and not stuffing 10 marshmallows into his mouth and being called a coward and told to do 20
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
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Some of you have already been in the first round–but to make it brief:  this account is a semi-automated question generator that asks random blogs random questions about their muses!
The point is:  reblog this post to get yourself added onto the list, to show me that you’re ok with receiving questions, and to get even more people aware of the process.  I’ll still seek out blogs on my own, but you can do this to expedite the process!
Multimuses, in the tags, you can list the muses you want questions directed to in the following format:  (muse1-muse2-muse3) and so on and so forth.  If not, it just won’t be directed to anyone!
Thanks and happy developing!
(In which I realize you can’t put commas in tags.)
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
And Hale has a handicap.  No sniff tricks.  It’s too easy if he can just smell him out! ))
@kanlaughingalonewithawatermelon replied to your post:
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Fuckin dammit Ajax This is how you get sick
You kiss a guy who eats carcasses and branches on a daily basis and doesn't know how a toothbrush works
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
Listen, sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the things you care about.  (let’s be real, he does uh, he does not stand a chance in a spar with that man)
@kanlaughingalonewithawatermelon replied to your post:
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Fuckin dammit Ajax This is how you get sick
You kiss a guy who eats carcasses and branches on a daily basis and doesn't know how a toothbrush works
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
He squints at the troll, leaning forward to emphasis his suspicion.  “If I find out you’ve been makin’ me embarrassed on purpose...” His voice trails off, unable to find a proper threat.
💖 (ajax-nikias)
Send “💖” and my muse will admit something they find cute about yours.
The troll points at his own face with a cheeky grin. " 'e turns pink sometimes." he answers as that grin lengthens with a chuckle. "Pink an' shy."
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
“Auro, huh?” Ajax leans back and has to take a long moment to think about it, “I wouldn’t exactly call the guy cute, y’know? He’s more handsome than anything. And it feels cheap to share an answer with Hale...Though smiles are just universally cute.”
He takes another second, and then snaps his fingers and jolts upright, nodding, “His eyes! Again, I’d still call ‘em more handsome than cute, but I think they’ll work well enough for what ye’re askin.”
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
“Hey! I don’t ‘turn pink’ that often!” As if to prove himself wrong, Ajax’s face lights up in a blush as he defends himself. “‘Sides, it wouldn’t happen at all if someone had the decency to...well...stay decent.” He trails off slightly at the end, not having thought his sentence all the way through when he started.  He opens his mouth to say something more, and then snaps it shut instead, halfheartedly glaring at the troll.
💖 (ajax-nikias)
Send “💖” and my muse will admit something they find cute about yours.
The troll points at his own face with a cheeky grin. " 'e turns pink sometimes." he answers as that grin lengthens with a chuckle. "Pink an' shy."
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
💖 [- erratic-onslaught]
“Y’know, for having such big tusks and fangs, you’ve got a pretty doopy grin,” Ajax admits with an easy smile, “Changes your whole face. You go from huge and scary to jus’ a cute, lovable goofball.”
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ajax-nikias · 4 years
Send “💖” and my muse will admit something they find cute about yours.
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