alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
How to Ask a Girl to Hang Out (Without It Sounding Like a Date)
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Social cues can be tough to read without the vagaries of a dating site. Newcomers to Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, and many other online dating platforms often find themselves entrenched in decidedly sticky, awkward situations. Fortunately, all of this can be avoided - so long as you know how to behave, of course. However, learning the local customs and etiquette of sites like Tinder can still be challenging, so you will need to proceed cautiously. In this guide, you will learn how to spend time with someone without it seeming like a date. With this knowledge, you can curb the initial awkwardness of meeting someone new and fraternize, instead, with candor and confidence.
How do you ask someone out platonically?
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Source Asking someone out platonically may seem counterintuitive if your intention is to date them. However, there are a few good reasons why taking the time to get to know someone first as a friend can actually improve your chances of success further down the line. Although sites like Tinder tend to favor a rapid-fire approach, once you exchange numbers with someone and get to know them a little better, things can slow down drastically. At this point, you may realize that the person you have been chatting with may not be the one for you. Still, it never hurts to gain new friends. To this end, you will need to know how to ask them out platonically. You should ask them out in a casual environment and have an activity in mind before popping the question. For example, you could say: “I’m keen on doing something this weekend. Want to join me?” Afterward, if the waters seem to get a little muddier, it does not hurt to be upfront about your intentions. Find out what a woman thinks when a guy asks her out.  1. Be casual The first step is simple in theory but tricky in practice. In order to ask someone out platonically, your approach needs to be casual - or rather, friendly. Of course, the definition of casual is different for everyone, and as such, there is no one to go about it, no singular series of words that will always have the desired effect. However, you can improve your chances by asking them out in a semi-crowded environment. Being around people in a casual setting tends to dispel all notions of romance, so there is no use in waiting for everyone to leave before you pop the question.
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Of course, this does not apply to online settings. For example, if you are asking someone out over Tinder or WhatsApp, your best bet is to simply ask whenever the conversation allows for it. Keep your message short and simple. Leave out the heart emojis - do not give them any reason to suspect that your intentions are anything but platonic in nature. For example: I would love to get to know you better. Do you have time this Thursday or Friday evening for a coffee? I know this great place downtown. Here is how to ask your crush out without sounding desperate.  2. Have an activity or venue in mind It does not do to ask someone out without some idea of where the two of you might hang out or what you might be doing there. Simply asking someone to hang out is not enough - often, this only leads to more awkwardness, not to mention the fact that these sorts of plans tend to fall through. Having an activity and a venue in mind can prevent that. Be sure to include this in your initial message or as early into the conversation as possible if you are doing it in person. Possible activities include going to a concert, going on a hike, or visiting a jazz bar or art gallery.
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Find out more great first-date ideas from my complete online dating success guide.  3. Be upfront about your intentions Although it may initially seem abrupt and presumptive, being clear about your intentions can alleviate the tension of that initial encounter and set both parties at ease. Of course, you should still remember to be polite and frienly wdhen you do this. If declaring your intentions seems a bit too brazen for you, you could instead offer for them to bring some friends along. This should lay any doubts about the nature of your relationship to rest, at least for the time being.
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Of course, if you met on a dating site, your intentions should no doubt already be as clear as day. If you are interested in them romantically, you do not need to let them know directly - telling them that you think they are cute and want to get to know them better should be enough.
Where is a good place to hang out with someone?
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Source Now that you know how to ask someone out, you may be parched for ideas as to what to do and where to go. Fortunately, there are plenty of fun activities for the two of you to enjoy as friends, such as going hiking or rock climbing, going to a concert, or even watching a movie together (provided it is the right movie, of course). Go hiking or rock climbing There is nothing like the smell of damp sweat to dispel any notions of romance. Hiking and rock climbing are both fun activities to enjoy with a friend. Not only are they a good source of exercise, but they also do not have any opportunities for tension (romantic or not) to build. As soon as you can feel the awkwardness come surging in, all you need to do is mantle the next rock or climb the next hill. Additionally, both hiking and rock climbing typically do not cost much, if anything. Most hiking and rock climbing also offer group discounts, which is a good excuse to invite some extra people along (thus preventing any awkwardness) and save some money. Go to a concert Concert venues are loud and packed full of people - and they are the perfect place to bring a friend. Granted, going to a concert may be expensive depending on where you live, but if you happen to come into possession of a couple of tickets, they make great fun. Additionally, due to how loud the venues are, there is not much room for talking, meaning you will not need to worry about having to suffer through any awkward conversations. Afterward, if you would like to get to know your friend a little more, you can visit the food stalls or an ice cream shop, but be careful about steering the conversation into murky territory. Go to a movie Contrary to what every romantic comedy ever would have you believe, going to see a movie with someone is actually quite restrictive in terms of romance - which is perfect for a platonic date. The movie you see should be something you are both interested in: comedies and action films are both safe bets, but you may want to avoid watching any romantic dramas. Still, going to watch a movie together is a better idea if you have already gotten to know each other better, even if the relationship is platonic in nature. Of course, there are plenty of other places to take your friend, but venues with lots of people tend to work best in avoiding any awkwardness.
How should you act when hanging out with someone (without it being a date)?
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Source Knowing how to act in a non-romantic setting can be tough if either of you has already given off the impression of wanting something more than friendship. Fortunately, with the right attitude and demeanor, you should be able to avoid any unnecessary tension. The keyword, again, is casual. Just because the person you are spending time with happens to be the same gender you find yourself sexually attracted to, it does not mean that you need to act any different than you would with any of your other friends. In general, you should avoid asking too many generic questions. Focus instead on getting to know them better on a deeper level. Ask for their opinions on things or find out about their favorite movies, foods, books, places, you name it. Additionally, do not sit too close to them or touch them unnecessarily. This may seem simple, but you would be surprised by how many people find themselves unconsciously touching their friends.
What does it mean if you hang out with someone alone?
Hanging out with someone alone does not necessarily imply that the two of you share a romantic connection. However, if you have asked her out on a dating app and she has agreed to meet you in person, this is a good sign she wants to get to know you better. Again, the best way to approach this is to act as if you are among friends - do not try to alter your behavior to seem more appealing, as so many people often do. Instead, give the person you are hanging out with a clear picture of who you are and what you want without filtering anything out.
Reasons to Avoid Asking Someone Out
In spite of everything we have covered, it may be that you still have your doubts about asking someone out platonically - and those doubts may not be unfounded either. There are a few reasons as to why you may want to avoid asking someone out, even as a friend. The first is simple: if they are in a relationship, the chances are that most of their spare time is likely being taken up by their significant other. Additionally, it is best to avoid potentially awkward relationships such as these.
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Another reason to avoid asking someone out would be not knowing them well enough. You may be casual acquaintances, but until you have a solid grasp of their personality, you should not ask to hang out with them.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, asking someone out as a friend is not as daunting as it may initially seem. While there is still plenty of room for error, so long as you keep things as casual as possible, you should be able to avoid any awkwardness or tension. If you are interested in more dating advice, be sure to check out our Online Dating Success Guide, which is packed full of tips and tricks to help you get ahead. Additionally, if you would like to spruce up your online dating credentials, take a look at our online dating profile writing services. We also offer text message feedback to ensure that your conversational skills are always at their sharpest. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
What to Say When Someone Says They’re Tired Over Text?
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Being in a committed relationship with someone often means sharing in each other’s burdens. This requires patience and understanding from both parties and a willingness to help one another when the time calls for it. Of course, sometimes, the people you love may suffer in silence. As much as you’d love to help them, you’re unable to if they won’t open up. People hide their pain in different ways. In most cases, however, they’ll simply say they’re tired without further elaboration. Naturally, this can leave you wondering what to do.
What does it mean when someone says they're tired over text?
When someone says they’re tired, they are most likely referring to this exact sensation; feeling anxious without relief or stressed out without rest. It’s also possible that something specific is sapping their energy. Either way, knowing exactly why someone is tired is crucial for informing your response - a little insight can go a long way to helping your potential partners and loved ones through tough times. Let’s face it - keeping up with the hustle and bustle of everyday life is tough. Aside from your numerous responsibilities, each day presents new challenges. Sometimes it seems that two more are bound to take their place for every problem solved. Unfortunately, a day is only made up of 24 hours - there’s only so much time a person can spare to recharge and refocus. No one is immune to the feeling of being overwhelmed - and no one is immune to the depressive, paralyzing effects of being pulled in too many directions at once. Let's look at some possible reasons why they may be feeling this way. It could mean that they’re feeling overwhelmed by everything
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Source Life - hard enough as it is - has a way of making things somehow harder. It’s no secret that bad things often befall good people. That diligent office worker you walk past every day on your way to work could be buckling under the weight of their responsibilities, be it family, friends, work, or - more likely - everything at once. Hell, that diligent office worker could be you. Unfortunately, these issues often affect people in subtle ways. What seems like a molehill at first could turn out to be the tip of an immense mountain waiting to erupt out of the ground and send your life into a tailspin. Worse still, these molehills/mountains rarely appear alone. When your friend, partner, family member, or even crush tells you that they’re tired, it’s possible that they’re actually feeling overwhelmed. Unfortunately, while fatigue may be a symptom of their predicament, no amount of sleep will be enough to abate their ills. In the case of a partner or spouse, this could lead to changes in their behavior and moods, which may give you the impression of them pulling away. They may be less talkative, less active, and less cheery overall. However, a receptive ear and a gentle touch often make them feel better, if only temporarily. Learn what to do when someone says they'll text you but they don't. It could mean that something specific is dragging them down Of course, life doesn’t need to pull out all the stops in order to drag you down. Sometimes all it takes for someone to feel burned out is a single problem that seems infuriatingly unsolvable. It is important to understand that stress affects people in different ways. Some people may be visibly disheveled or shaken, while others prefer to keep their feelings hidden. Additionally, the causes for stress or anxiety are different for everyone - what may seem like a minor annoyance to you may just be the bane of another’s existence. When something specific is nagging at someone and wearing them out, they may literally feel tired - again, fatigue is often a symptom of stress. However, these specific issues can sometimes be resolved a little easier through concerted effort. Of course, a solitary issue can quickly get out of hand if it is not addressed soon enough. This, in turn, can lead back to that overwhelming feeling. Naturally, changes in behavior and disposition are sure to follow. Here are 3 signs when you should stop texting someone.  It could also just mean that they’re sleepy Of course, while life can be tough at times and while things can get out of hand, sometimes when a person says they’re tired, it means that they want to go to bed. However, this can be tough to ascertain if you’re chatting over the phone. Text messages have a funny way of obscuring one’s true intent. Your partner may seem cheery and excited in one message, then seem glib or deadpan in the next. Usually, however, your crush or partner will eventually tell you that they want to go to bed, even if they have to endure a conversation a little bit longer. Learn how to tell if your text conversation is going well. 
What to say when someone says they're tired over text?
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Source Not everyone is a qualified therapist. You may be at a loss for words about how you should respond when someone tells you they’re tired or feeling spent and overwhelmed. However, helping a loved one through a difficult time may not be as difficult as you think. Look, some things just need to run their natural course. After speaking to multiple people and dealing with numerous issues, you will learn that some problems just can’t be solved by conventional means. Additionally, forcing a solution may end up doing more harm than good in the long run. Helping someone with their feelings of being overwhelmed requires a much subtler touch. You will have to be gentle and understanding - most importantly, you will need to be patient. Issues like this are rarely resolved quickly. Fortunately, with some delicacy, you should be able to help anyone who’s going through a rough time. Ask them why they feel so tired If you ask someone how they’re doing and they say that they’re tired, you have two courses of action: you could be a jerk and brush over their feelings, or you could stop what you’re doing and take the time to ask them about it. The latter option is most preferable. If you’re chatting over the phone, it could be as simple as sending a message like: “What’s wrong?” There’s always the chance that they’re just sleepy after all, but it’s better to play it safe. In person, this is much easier. If you’re on a date with someone, you’ll most likely pick up on the changes in their demeanor, at which point you should ask them how they’re doing and what’s getting them down.
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This solution may seem obvious and easy, but you’d be surprised by how many people simply brush over other people’s feelings or fail to notice the changes in another’s behaviors. Just be vigilant and give your partner the attention they deserve. Find out if you should block someone who's ignored you.  Be patient and listen - don’t offer solutions unless asked.
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Source As mentioned, getting someone to open up and talk about their feelings will require some delicacy. After asking your partner why they’re feeling tired, they may be reluctant to respond honestly. At this point, your immediate instinct may be to drop the subject and move on to another. However, you should instead gently prod them again and see if they open up. If they don’t, don’t get upset with them for not wanting to talk about their feelings. Simply trust that they will talk to you when they’re ready and move on. However, if your partner does open up, now is the time to let them vent as much as they need to. Don’t interrupt them or cut them off to offer a solution to their problems. Often, getting something off your chest is enough to make you feel better, so let your partner speak for as long as they need to.
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When they’re done, take your time to absorb everything they’ve said. If they want advice, they will ask for it. Otherwise, give them a hug (unless you’re speaking over the phone) and let them know that you’re there for them. Thank them for opening up as well. Let them get some sleep. Of course, if all your crush or partner really needs a good night’s sleep, don’t pester them with questions about how they feel. Again, when someone says they’re tired over text, it can be difficult to determine what they’re feeling. If you ask them what’s wrong and they tell you that they’re sleepy, simply let them be and say good night.
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Final Thoughts
Patience is a virtue when it comes to helping people cope with their struggles. Resilience is also a virtue - you shouldn’t let someone else’s pain overwhelm you in turn. Hopefully, thanks to this guide and the insight it provides, that won’t happen. If you’re looking for more dating insight, be sure to check out the Online Dating Success Guide, which details everything you need to know about finding love and romance on the Internet. Additionally, if you think your profile needs a touch-up, consider using our profile writing services to boost your chances of finding a match. Lastly, we also offer text message feedback which can vastly improve your conversational skills. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
I Always Have To Start The Conversation With My Boyfriend (Is This Bad?)
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Communication is key in any relationship, but quite often this can reduce as your relationship progresses. Many women end up worrying as they are often always the ones to start the conversation with their boyfriend instead of their boyfriend messaging them first. It is also concerning if they are taking too long to respond to messages. If you have noticed this, it may mean a number of different things. Never fear however, as a dating and relationship expert, I often hear these concerns and can give you some useful advice. So, let's take a look at what this might mean.
I always have to start a conversation with my boyfriend - is that bad?
If you are the one who always has to initiate the conversation with your boyfriend, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad sign. Whether it’s ‘good’ or ‘bad’ depends on your expectations of how you wish to communicate and how you have been communicating in the past. For example, if you have always been the one who has initiated texts and are OK with this arrangement, then it’s completely fine. However, if your boyfriend was the one who often messaged you first but has recently stopped texting you, that may be a sign there may be problems with the relationship. In this case, it’s best to be upfront with how you feel and let him know about your concerns.
What To Text Your Boyfriend When You Haven’t Heard From Him All Day
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Source If you are used to your boyfriend texting you all the time, but he has not texted you all day, you may start to worry that something is not right. However, it is important to note that there may be a perfectly normal reason for their lack of communication – they might be busy at work or caught up with their family meaning that they just haven’t had the time to pick up their phone. If you are worried and want to send them a text message, it is important to stay relaxed and not appear overwhelming in your message. Simply message to ask if everything is ok, instead of accusing them of anything or looking like you are stressing out. They may reply to this instantly or take a little time to respond if they are caught up. What to do if your girlfriend is not starting the conversation? My blog post can help. Here is an example of how you might phrase your message:
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You can see that the message above appears casual but still gets across the concerns that you have. It gives your boyfriend the opportunity to explain why you haven’t heard from them but doesn’t come across as possessive or overbearing. Instead, it clearly shows that you care. Does your partner take forever to text back? Here’s what it could mean.
Why Does My Boyfriend Never Initiate Conversation?
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Source There are many explanations why your boyfriend might not be the one starting the conversations – the first question that you need to ask yourself is has he always been like this? Or has this happened all of a sudden? This will help you narrow down the reason for their lack of initiative. If He Has Started Conversations In The Past If your boyfriend is usually good at opening the conversation, but this has changed recently, it may be due to him going through a rough time. This would be if he is stressed or busy at work, or concerned about a family member or friend, so his attention is elsewhere. He may not have shared this information with you are he doesn’t want to worry you or talk about his feelings. Alternatively, if you have been texting for a while he might feel like he has spoken about everything and is finding it difficult to continue the conversation. This happens in relationships and is natural when talking to someone for a long time. It is however important, that you think of new conversation topics or new experiences to share in order to keep the communication going. If He Has Always Left Starting The Conversation To You If throughout the time you have been talking, you are always the one starting the conversation, it may be that your boyfriend is simply a shy quiet guy. While being with you may get him out of his shell, it does not mean that he will take control of conversations. If your boyfriend has always been like this, then you shouldn’t be worried as there is no change in behavior. You may want to express to him how you feel and ask him to make a little bit of an effort in starting up conversations. It is important to be patient in this process as it may not come naturally to them.
How To Revive Your Conversation – Texting Etiquette
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Source If you feel like your messages are full of dying conversation and you are struggling to keep the chat going, this may not be the most positive sign. On the other hand, you may just need to make it easier for your boyfriend to reply. Take a look at our top tips to keep the conversation going: Always ask open-ended questions This stops dry conversations where the person on the other end can only reply with a few words. Open-ended questions give them more of a chance to expand on their answers. Take a look at the example below:
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As you can see from the conversation above, asking open-ended questions is a great way to get them to give you more detail in their messages. The questions act as prompts, allowing your partner to understand what to include in their reply. If you do need to ask closed questions that would often get a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response in return, try asking a few questions at a time, like the last message so that you are not left with a simple one-word answer. Keep the conversation going using icebreakers In order to keep the conversation going, it is important to include a good selection of comments and a mix of questions in order to get good responses from your boyfriend. If you find that the conversation is drying out, there are a number of ice breakers that you can use to ignite it again. This might include asking about holiday plans, favorite memories, the best meal they have ever eaten or what their goals are for the next year. This will allow them to talk to you with lots of detail and should ignite passion within the conversation. Does not texting him back make him want you more? See my thoughts here. Why Is My Boyfriend Never Making Plans? If you’re in a relationship with someone, it is entirely understandable that you will want to spend all your time with them. However, it is important that you continue to have your own life outside of your relationship, meaning that you have to spend some time away from each other as this is healthy for any relationship. Time apart allows you to reflect, and work on yourself. Spending too much time together can lead to you feeling cramped and that you have nothing to talk about – meaning that your text conversations will dry up. Having space apart will mean that you have stories to tell each other, you can share what you have been up to throughout the day and you can plan when you are next meeting up. Your partner may not be making plans with you if he is busy at work or his priorities lie elsewhere – for example if he needs to look after a family member. If this is for the short term, be patient as things like this may crop up throughout your relationship. If you find that this is becoming permanent, however, it may be time to ask him if something else is going on – for example, does he not feel the same way he did before for you. Learn how to text a busy girl and keep her engaged. What To Do If My Boyfriend Never Initiates Hanging Out If you are beginning to feel like your boyfriend is ghosting you and doesn’t want to hang out, or that you are always the one trying to make the plans, the best way to deal with this is, to be honest, and upfront about it. Simply ask him if everything is ok, and see what his response is. Take a look at the example below:
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If they respond by reassuring you and explaining why they may have been more distant, this will put your mind at ease. If, however, they respond by saying that they want to talk and they think there are problems in your relationship, you may find that they are losing interest. No matter the outcome it is better to know what is going on so that you don’t worry and overthink the situation. What if it is a girl losing interest? Check out my blog post here. Asking this question may lead to you discussing these issues with your boyfriend and going your separate ways. This will take time to process, so use this time to work on yourself. Once you have processed this, why not try and get back into dating? Looking to start afresh and date? Here’s how to write your tinder profile.
The Take-Away
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Source Relationships can be complex things, and communication is key to their success. As you can see from our guide above, however, there are a number of different reasons why your boyfriend may not be instigating these messages, leaving you to do all the hard work. To try and rectify these, and increase the communication within your relationship, try out some of the conversation starters that we suggested above. If you notice that there is no improvement and no explanation for your boyfriend’s lack of effort, this may be a sign that the relationship is fizzling out, and as hard as it is, it may be time to start afresh. As a communication and relationship expert, I can teach you how to communicate with your partner or someone you are dating via text messages. With my one-on-one coaching, you can gain an insight into how to make a strong first impression while communicating via text messages and get feedback on the direction of your text discussions. I'll also work with you to improve your dating life with a magnetic dating profile. Lastly, if you really want to make a new beginning in your love life, be sure to check out my complete online dating success guide. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
What Does a Good Airbnb Bio Look Like? (Profile Examples)
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Taking the time to craft the perfect Airbnb bio will help you to build trust with your potential guests and show them your credibility, reliability, and professionalism. Read on to find out what makes a good Airbnb bio, why you should write one, and what you should include in your bio description.
What is a Good Airbnb Bio?
A good Airbnb bio contains a friendly profile photo, captivating description, five-star guest reviews, verification, and references. Your description should contain a bit of information about yourself and your hobbies, along with an explanation of what made you let your short-term rental property on Airbnb. The bio should be friendly yet professional, and conversational yet informative.
Why Should I Write a Good Airbnb Bio?
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Source The main reasons to spend a bit of time crafting a great Airbnb bio are to build trust with potential guests, show your uniqueness, and demonstrate your reliability and professionalism. Need a hand writing the perfect Airbnb bio copy? Get in touch for more information about my Airbnb copywriting service and vacation rental copywriting service. Building Trust Writing a great Airbnb bio is a fantastic way to build trust with your potential guests. Including all the necessary verifications, along with references and details of your experience, helps to put guests’ minds at ease when they’re booking a stay in a new country. Airbnb hosts with a complete ‘Describe Yourself’ section come across as more authentic and trustworthy than those without.
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Source This Airbnb bio is great, it explains why the host decided to set up an Airbnb account and gives some of their experience to make them seem more credible and trustworthy. Showing Uniqueness The Airbnb bio is also a great way to showcase what makes you different from other Airbnb hosts in the local area. Perhaps you run an Airbnb experience or have a particular passion that your guests may be interested in. Whatever it is, writing a good bio description is a great way to make your Airbnb profile, and hence your Airbnb listing, stand out from the rest. You could also include a reference to any Airbnb experiences that you run, or any Airbnb guidebook that you have created. Both of these demonstrate that you are truly an expert in your local area. Learn how to write a professional Airbnb Experience listing. Reliability and Professionalism Whether you run your Airbnb as a brand or business, or with family and friends, an Airbnb bio is a good way to come across as professional and reliable. A complete Airbnb profile gives a good first impression, and lots of guests like seeing a friendly profile photo so they know who they’re booking with. Verification and Status As part of your Airbnb profile, you should also get verified by uploading your identification to the site. You’ll need to submit your name and address, and upload any government-issued identification, for example, a driving license, passport, or visa. In some cases, you may also need to provide Airbnb with another photo of yourself, separate from your profile photo. In addition to this, get references from friends and family or previous guests at your property. This not only shows that you are trustworthy but also demonstrates professionalism and authenticity. If you don’t yet have any guest reviews, you can ask any of your friends who use Airbnb to leave reviews for you on your profile. Lastly, you should aim to achieve superhost status. Being a superhost gives you a badge so that guests can easily recognize you as a committed and reliable Airbnb host when scrolling through listings. You can earn superhost status by being very responsive and having a low cancellation rate. Learn the secrets of becoming a Superhost
What Should I Write in My Airbnb Intro?
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Source In your Airbnb introduction, you should introduce yourself and your family, let your potential guests know a bit about your background and your occupation, and let them know why you signed up to Airbnb. Give some details of your hobbies and interests, and any languages you speak so that your guests feel more at ease. Introduce Yourself and Your Family Firstly, let your potential guests know who you are. You could include: - Your name - Whether you are married - How many kids you have, if you have any For example: “Hello! My name is Sam and my partner Joe and I love to buy and refurbish old English properties.” Read more about writing the best Airbnb profile description. Give Your Background and Occupation Next, give a little bit of information about your background and occupation. You could include: - Where you grew up - How long you have lived where you live - What jobs you have had in the past - If you’re retired For example: “I grew up in the English countryside, while Joe grew up in the USA. Together, we’ve lived in Devon for over a decade. We bought a farm here after retiring from our city jobs in Finance and IT, and we’ve never looked back!” Why Did You Sign Up to Airbnb? It’s also important to show your guests why you have vacation rental properties on Airbnb. You can get creative with this, answers like ‘for the money’ aren’t going to cut it! For example: “When we bought the farm, we took on a huge renovation project to bring it into the modern-day. We loved the process so much that we’ve decided to do it to short-term rental properties all over Devon, so that our guests can experience the magic of the area of England that we call home. Guests like you help to fund our passion for older architecture and preserving historic buildings.” Hobbies and Interests You can also include some personal information that is unrelated to your Airbnb: - What hobbies do you enjoy? - Do you play any sports? - Do you have any special interests? For example: “When we’re not doing up properties, Joe and I like to find quiet fishing spots along some of the UK’s most beautiful rivers. I’m a big fan of Irish Folk music, and Joe is more of a Rock n’ Roll guy!” Read more ways to make your Airbnb listing stand out from the crowd. Spoken Languages It’s also useful to include any extra languages that you speak, to put any foreign guests at ease. Communication barriers can be hard to overcome, but online messaging makes it much simpler thankfully! For example: “We’re both native English speakers, and Joe also has a degree in French and Italian. I can speak basic Mandarin too!”
How Do I Describe Myself on Airbnb?
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Source When you write your ‘Describe Yourself’ section on Airbnb, the aim is to come across as polite and friendly, yet professional. Stay away from sarcasm or too many jokes, but keep the bio light-hearted and slightly informal. Keep it relatable, as this will help you to build trust with your potential guests while they are deciding whether to make a booking.
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Source In the example above, the Airbnb host has done a great job of explaining why he provides Airbnb accommodation for all kinds of different people. However, the description isn’t very personal; after reading, we don’t know anything about Julian as a person, where he lives, or what he does. The host is a superhost and has had their identity verified, making them appear more credible. However, the photo doesn’t give us any indication of who the host is. It would be better if it were a picture of a smiling face! Read more about writing irresistible Airbnb photo captions.
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Source In this example, the host has a great profile picture that really helps guests learn more about her. The description includes an explanation of their hosting style and a bit about where they live, however it doesn’t mention their occupation or any hobbies. The host is a superhost and is verified, both of which are appealing to potential guests. Download my Airbnb Superhost Checklist for more information about becoming a Superhost and increasing your bookings. In conclusion, an Airbnb bio is a great way to build trust with potential guests, demonstrate your credibility and make your listing stand out from the rest. Include a great profile photo, bio description, verification, and some five-star guest reviews to boost your vacation rental bookings and occupancy rate. Make sure that your bio is friendly, professional, and relatable to guests. Need a hand writing the perfect Airbnb bio?  Get help from an experienced Airbnb copywriter to maximize your bookings and increase your occupancy rate this year. With tips and tricks on Airbnb SEO, listing optimization, and writing guidebooks and guest manuals, look no further than AlexWongCopywriting.com for all things Airbnb. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
“Sorry, I’ve Been Busy”: What the Text Means & How To Respond
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Despite the popularity of sites like Tinder and Bumble, many newcomers to sites such as these have a certain naivete which, while admirable, can often lead to them becoming disillusioned and crestfallen. One such situation that everyone is likely to encounter at some point or another is when someone they are chatting to seemingly vanishes off the face of the earth for a while before unceremoniously reemerging some days - even weeks - later.
"Sorry I've been busy" Text-What it really means
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
How to Make your Airbnb Stand Out (Tips & Ideas for Hosts)
With so many vacation rental properties to choose from, it can feel like yours is getting lost amongst the others. So, what can you do to boost your listing’s chances of getting a high occupancy rate? Read on to find out how to make your Airbnb listing stand out, and how to attract more customers.
How To Make your Airbnb Stand Out
There are many ways you can make your Airbnb property stand out from the rest. Use high-quality, professionally-taken photographs that display a light, minimalist property with some unique features and design aspects. Write a captivating title and description, and put some effort into your Airbnb host profile. Achieve superhost status, get some great guest reviews and ensure that your listing performs well in the search algorithm by responding quickly and limiting cancellations. Read more about increasing your viewings on Airbnb.
How Do I Get People to Rent My Airbnb?
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Source If you’re looking for ways to increase the number of guests booking your Airbnb property, ask yourself the following questions: - Do you have plenty of high-quality photos available to potential guests that showcase your property in its best light? - Do you have a captivating Airbnb listing description and title to draw readers in? - Have you spent time perfecting your Airbnb host profile? - Do you have Airbnb superhost status? - Is your listing honest and authentic? - Have you established a niche for your short-term rental property? If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, then there are pieces of your listing and Airbnb profile that are yet to be optimized in order to maximize listing viewings and boost your occupancy rate. High-Quality Photos One of the first things you should be doing when setting up your Airbnb listing is posting high-quality photos of your property and the surrounding area, in order to make your listing stand out from the rest. Ideally, you should hire a professional to take these photos; it will make all the difference.
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Source The listing above has some fantastic photos of the property, depicting its moody setting and some of the activities available nearby. Get some close-up shots of any unique features of your property, as well as wider angle shots of whole rooms. Get some fantastic photos taken of the exterior of your property, as well as some stunning photos of the scenery and any important local attractions. Read more about writing irresistible Airbnb photo captions. Captivating Description If your Airbnb listing isn’t performing as well as you want it to, then it may be because your description isn’t appealing to your target guests. Make sure your Airbnb listing description is grammatically correct and scans well so that guests can quickly read through and pick out the important points. Make sure your description contains the unique selling points of your short-term rental property, the story behind it, some text to showcase your knowledge of the local area, and any answers to frequently asked questions. Include a call to action at the end to make sure your guests know what they need to do to secure your property. For example: “Sleep under the stars with our one-of-a-kind glamping pod in the heart of the New Forest. With a breakfast service, a private bathroom and a hearty campfire, experience a night of luxury out in nature. Please note: - The glamping pod has stairs to access and so is not suitable for guests with reduced mobility - Children and pets are very much welcome, but please let the host know in advance - There is plenty of free, on-road parking available nearby. Drop Andy a message to secure your trip while dates are still available!” Read more about writing a great Airbnb listing description with examples. Great Airbnb Host Profile Create a fantastic Airbnb host profile in order to allow your guests to get to know you when they decide to book. Include a great Airbnb profile picture, your name, and some interesting facts about you. Let your guests know the story behind your Airbnb properties, and make them aware of your hosting style. Read more about what to write in the Airbnb ‘describe yourself’ field.
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Source In the Airbnb host profile above, the host gives a little bit of detail about themselves, their family, and why they host on Airbnb. Superhost Status Become an Airbnb Superhost by responding to guests quickly, maintaining a low cancellation rate, and by gathering some great guest reviews. You can do these things by ensuring you always have access to your Airbnb account and by providing great communication and service to your guests. Make sure your property is clean and presentable when new guests check in, and be on hand to answer questions.
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Source The ‘superhost’ badge is shown to guests scrolling past, letting them know that this host is reliable and attentive. Learn my checklist on how to become a superhost and take your Airbnb business to the next level.  Honesty and Authenticity Providing a truly fantastic stay for your guests will result in more five-star reviews and, as a result, a higher ranking in Airbnb’s search algorithm. This is a guaranteed way to make your listing stand out from the rest! Be honest in your listing, giving as much detail about who the property is not suitable for, as well as who it is suitable for.
How Do I Get My Airbnb Noticed?
One of the best ways to make your Airbnb stand out is to put thought and effort into the way it looks. This means hiring a professional photographer to get some great snaps of your property, ensuring the lighting is great and reducing any clutter in the photos. You may want to consider hiring a professional staging company or designer to help you select great-looking furniture and furnishings to give your property the upper hand. When it comes to furnishing your property, less is more. Stay away from items that can clutter up space such as cables and books, and instead opt for a more minimalist design. Feel free to include aspects of your personality in the design, and mirror some aspects of the surrounding area to create a cohesive feel.
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Source In the example above, the host has used minimal but tasteful furniture that will appeal to many different types of guests. The green kitchen still gives the property a huge amount of character while appearing thoughtful and clean.
How Do I Become Popular on Airbnb?
In order to become popular on Airbnb, you ultimately need to provide a great experience for your guests. Be friendly and helpful before, during, and after their stay, and act with professionalism and integrity at all times. Make sure your property is clean and tidy before guests move in, and set the expectations of your guests to avoid negative reviews. Read about how to respond to negative guest reviews.
How Do I Attract More Customers on Airbnb?
You can successfully attract more customers on Airbnb and increase your occupancy rate by promoting your listing yourself, employing a competitive pricing strategy, and writing an eye-catching title and description. In addition to this, you could boost your bookings by establishing relationships with local businesses, and optimizing your listing for the Airbnb search algorithm. Hosts can also attract more customers by offering an Airbnb experience, giving them a unique selling point. You could offer a free cooking class, a walking tour of the city, or a photography session as part of the experience. Read more about Airbnb experiences and my copywriting services. Promoting Your Listing As well as letting all your friends and family know about your vacation rental property, why not post about it on social media! Even better, created social media accounts dedicated to the property and post recommendations for the local area and bonus photos of your property. Building a following, however small, will boost the reach of your property and encourage more people to book with you. Read more about promoting your listing on Airbnb. Competitive Pricing At least when you first post your listing, you’ll need to have a competitive pricing strategy. This is necessary, especially before you have any reviews, to attract guests and get that all-important feedback. Research Airbnb properties in your local area and charge slightly less. You can offer instant-book, or incentivize longer bookings with discounts. Once the five-star reviews start flowing, feel free to increase your prices to make the most of your short-term rental property. Eye-Catching Title and Description Stunning photographs are the first thing your guests will see, but your title and description are second on the list. Make sure your title includes only the most relevant of information about your property and includes abbreviations to make the most of the character count. Make the most out of the 50 characters of available space and show prospects why they should book with you. Need help writing a great listing title or listing description? Take a look at my Airbnb copywriting services here for more information about how I can help boost your Airbnb occupancy rate with fantastic copy.
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Source In the example above, the host has described the property in an exciting way, which makes the reader want to click on the listing to find out more. To improve it, they could substitute the word ‘with’ with the abbreviation ‘w/’ to make better use of the character limit. Relationships with Local Businesses Another fantastic way of increasing the number of bookings for your Airbnb property is to work with local businesses, for example, restaurants, bars, cafes, and attractions. You may be able to strike up a deal whereby you promote the local business to your guests, in exchange for giving them a discount. In addition to this, the local business could promote your Airbnb to their customers in exchange for a booking discount. An Airbnb guidebook or house manual is a fantastic way to summarise all of your recommendations for local businesses and attractions. If you need a hand in writing a perfect guidebook all about your local area, get in touch. Airbnb Algorithm Optimisation Make sure your listing stands out from the crowd by optimizing it to perform well in Airbnb’s search algorithm. You can improve your Airbnb Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) by reducing your prices, achieving superhost status, avoiding cancellations, and getting great guest reviews. Read more here about boosting Airbnb sales and using Airbnb SEO to rank higher. In conclusion, you can make your Airbnb listing stand out from the crowd by using high-quality photos, becoming a superhost, being a responsive and attentive host, and getting great guest reviews. In addition to this, you can improve the design of your property, reduce cancellations and write amazing Airbnb copy to attract the attention of potential guests. Read more about my Airbnb copywriting service and vacation rental copywriting service. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
How To Make Money with Airbnb Experiences (Helpful Examples)
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Airbnb Experiences are a great way for hosts to make extra money while fitting in time for their passion around other commitments. Read on to find out how to make money with Airbnb experiences, the types of experiences you can offer, and why you should consider hosting an Airbnb experience for enthusiastic travelers.
How To Make Money with Airbnb Experiences
In order to get started with making money with Airbnb experiences, you first need to think of a unique experience idea and create an Airbnb account. Next, create your experience on the Airbnb website and fill in all the details that Airbnb prompts you for. Then, you’ll need to describe your experience and qualifications and describe the experience in detail. Once that’s complete, upload some high-quality photos of your experience in action and submit your application. Once accepted, you can get to work providing your guests with an unforgettable experience! Need help writing a great Airbnb experience description? Get in touch for more information.
Making Money with Airbnb Experiences
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Source Research Your Idea Before jumping into creating your Airbnb experience, you’ll need to do your research, and spend some time thinking about what will make your experience different from other experiences in the area. Search for other experiences on Airbnb similar to the one you’re considering, and take a look at the details and the price. This is necessary first to make sure that Airbnb will accept an application like yours, and secondly to make sure your experience is financially viable for you. Create an Airbnb account Once you’ve got a winning idea, you can do ahead and create your account with Airbnb. Create an Experience and Enter the Details Next, create the new experience on your account and enter the details that Airbnb requires. You’ll probably be asked about the location and type of experience, and be asked to choose from a list of activities. Read more about how to create an Airbnb experience. Describe Your Experience and Qualifications After you’ve given Airbnb the basic details of your experience, you’ll need to answer some questions about what makes you an authority on the subject. You’ll be prompted to answer questions like ‘How long have you been doing XYZ?’ and ‘Do you have any formal certificates and awards in XYZ?’. This is necessary so that Airbnb can establish what makes you qualified to offer such an experience. Describe the Airbnb Experience Next, you’ll be prompted to write a description of the Airbnb experience, noting factors like: - What guests will be expected to do during the experience; - What itinerary the guests will be following; and - Specific details of what sets this activity apart from others.
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Source This experience description is great because it details exactly who the experience is for, and what guests can expect from the service. The itinerary is clear, and prospective customers are referred to a social media account for even more examples of the photos they can expect. The description even includes the photographer’s top tips, such as bringing an extra pair of shoes to walk around in, and when the crowds are smallest. Upload Photos Then, there’ll be a place to upload seven high-quality images that represent your activity or service. These photos should ideally show people engaging with the activity, and perhaps a location shot of where the activity will be taking place. Natural lighting and candid photos work best with Airbnb. Learn how to write irresistible photo captions. Wait for Your Application Result Now there’s nothing you can do other than wait for Airbnb to get back to you with a result on your application. If your application is denied on the first try, don’t worry! You can tweak bits of your application and try again. Make sure to really focus on your personal expertise and what makes your experience different from all the others available. Get to Work! With a successful application under your belt, your Airbnb experience is now live! You can get to work facilitating wonderful memories for tourists wanting to learn from the locals. Remember, providing a brilliant service or experience and exceeding expectations is the best way to get five-star guest reviews. Read more: secret writing great guest reviews.
What Are Airbnb Experiences?
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Source An Airbnb experience is an activity designed and led by a local for tourists. The phrase ‘live like a local’ is often used by Airbnb to describe the ‘experiences’ part of the site, as the idea is to give tourists an authentic and genuine experience, immersed in local culture. Airbnb hosts can share their skills and passions with anyone who wants to learn, regardless of whether they have a place to host them or not.
How Much Money Can I Make with an Airbnb Experience?
The amount of money you can make with an Airbnb experience depends on the type of experience you offer and the value you provide, the number of people booking your experience, and whether you have any expenses or not. You can receive tips from happy travelers, and offer certain promotions and discounts to incentivize large groups to join your tour or activity. Art and Culture In the US, art and cultural experiences vary considerably in price depending on what they are. A photography session may cost anywhere between $40 - $100 per person, while tours may cost more than this, depending on how long the tours typically last for.
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Types of ‘Arts and Culture’ experiences in England. Source Food and Drink Food and drink tours typically cost more than $50 per person, and more if they involve a class of some sort. Generally speaking, the more unique the activity, the more an Airbnb host is able to charge for it. The amount charged also depends significantly on experience level. An ex-Michelin Star chef will likely charge more than a local with no professional cooking experience.
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Types of ‘Food and Drink’ experiences in Italy. Source Maximizing Income from Airbnb Experiences In order to maximize the income that you receive from your Airbnb experience, you should try different price ranges, testing and measuring the number of bookings vs. the amount of income you make with each price you test. In addition to this, consider setting up an experience with few or no expenses, so that everything you charge you can keep as a profit.
What Are the Most Popular Airbnb Experiences?
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Source There are many different types of Airbnb experiences. Airbnb itself tends to categorize experiences into four sections: Art and Culture, Food and Drink, Entertainment, and Sports. Photography Services Did you really go on holiday if you didn’t post 50 photos on Instagram to prove it? In the age of social media, photography services are a massively popular type of Airbnb experience. Whether your photography is related to specific architecture in your city, or whether you specialize in certain aesthetics of photo shoots, the demand for this type of service is big.
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Source Airbnb really values unique experiences, so if you’re planning on offering a photography experience, make sure it will stand out from the rest. Walking Tours Another popular type of Airbnb experience is a walking/sightseeing tour. This is popular with all kinds of different tourists, not just the ones who want to post everything on social media. You could offer a local tour of historical spots, a tour of local restaurants, a tour of street art in your city, or tours to celebrity or historical figure homes in the area. Activities and Classes There are a huge variety of activities and classes available when looking for Airbnb experiences. Whether you’re an experienced surfer, ex-professional chef, roller-skating champion, or just a person with a passion, hosting activities and classes is a great way to make an extra income by doing what you love. Some activities could include: - Sports like football, surfing, archery, tennis, snowboarding or golf - Classes like cooking, yoga, meditation, painting or pottery When deciding what kind of experience to offer, look to the hobbies that you already enjoy and have experience in. Read the Airbnb SEO Cheat Sheet here. Nightlife and Shopping Tours Another popular type of Airbnb experience is entertainment tours, for example, nightlife, bars, and shopping tours. These tours are aimed at a more niche target audience and will depend on your personal expertise and hobbies. You could do a tour of luxury shops, popular clothing stores, local markets, and unique, quirky stores in the area. You could even partner with local businesses in the area to offer exclusive discounts and incentives for recommending to friends or family. Another great place to recommend local attractions is your guidebook. Learn how to create a professional guidebook and manual for guests here.
Are Airbnb Experiences Good?
Hosting Airbnb experiences is a great way to get paid for doing something that you love while meeting new people and working very flexible hours. You set your schedule, meaning that you can work as much or as little as you’d like. Your passion for your tour or activity will show, inspiring your guests and encouraging fantastic new memories. Make money with Airbnb experiences by setting up your account and giving Airbnb all of the details of your expertise and experience. Get paid for your passion and give back to the tourists who visit your local area. Whether it’s a photography session, boxing class, or yoga session on the beach, get creative and craft a magical and unique experience! Check out my Airbnb copywriting services for more information about crafting the perfect Airbnb listing description, Airbnb guidebook, or Airbnb experiences copy. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
Airbnb Guidebooks: What to Include and How to Create Them
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An Airbnb guidebook gives hosts the opportunities to showcase their local knowledge of the local area, build trust with potential guests and save themselves the time of providing personal recommendations to everyone who sends them a message. Read on to find out examples of what to include in your Airbnb welcome pack, why you should provide one, and how to write one on the Airbnb platform.
Airbnb Guidebook Ideas
In your Airbnb guidebook, you could include recommendations for: - Dining and drink e.g., the best restaurants, fast food options, unique coffee shops, convenience stores, supermarkets, delis, pharmacies, bars, and pubs; - Entertainment e.g., nightclubs, live music, karaoke events, cinemas, comedy clubs, bowling alleys, art galleries, museums, and libraries; - Activities e.g., local beaches, hiking routes, parks, playgrounds, sports equipment hire, unique sports lessons and activities, shopping malls, water parks, theme parks, and circus events; - Sight-seeing e.g., sites of historical or cultural interest and novel attractions; and - Events and festivals e.g., local markets, and day festivals. Do you want a hand in crafting the perfect Airbnb welcome book for your guests? Check out my Airbnb guidebook-writing service.
What is an Airbnb Guidebook?
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Source An Airbnb guidebook is a custom digital guest book and travel guide made by an Airbnb host to give their guests a better understanding of the local area and provide them with recommendations for local events, activities, dining, and entertainment options. Creating a welcome book is a way for Airbnb hosts to save time by consolidating their recommendations into an easy-to-access, easily digestible document that they can send out to guests.
Why Should Hosts Create an Airbnb Guest Book?
Creating a guidebook will save you time and ensure that your guests make the most of their stay in your vacation rental property. Instead of sending messages to every guest with personalized recommendations for what to do during their stay, you can compile everything into one document for all guests to access. When your guests feel that they have been able to see and do everything they wanted during their trip, they are more likely to leave better guest reviews that reflect the attentiveness and helpfulness of the Airbnb host. This, in turn, increases an Airbnb host’s overall rating, increasing listing views and bookings. Read more about how to increase your views on Airbnb and attract more guests to your listing. Not only will creating a guidebook save you time, but it will also show off your extensive knowledge of the local area and thereby increase your credibility as a great Airbnb host. As a result, over time you will be able to charge a more premium price for your short-term rental property. Read more about how to boost your Airbnb sales.
What Should be in an Airbnb Guidebook?
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Source In your Airbnb welcome book, you could include recommendations for local dining, entertainment, activities, sight-seeing tours, and events or festivals. Make sure that you have visited these places and done these experiences yourself so that you can provide truly great and unique recommendations to your guests. Aim to arm them with the ‘knowledge of a local’, rather than just listing prime tourist hotspots. Read more about creating unique Airbnb experiences for your guests. Dining and Drink Recommendations Are there a few underrated restaurants or bars nearby? Why not recommend them to your guests! Let them know about unique cafes, outstanding food, and fantastic pubs or breweries in the nearby area. Your guests will appreciate the local recommendations, especially if there is an overwhelming choice in your local area. For example: “At the time of writing, there are five pubs on the local high street, all serving traditional English pub food. My wife, Julie, and I particularly love the Red Lion pub (next to the Co-op) for a hearty Sunday lunch and a fantastic range of ales. They are reasonably priced and just a short walk from the property.” Entertainment Recommendations Depending on who your guests usually are, you may want to provide them with recommendations for local entertainment options. This could include great bars, live music, nightclubs, or karaoke events that they might want to visit. Taking the time to consider what your typical clientele are after goes a long way to building trust with your guests. Activities Recommendations Airbnb hosts can recommend all sorts of activities to their guests. From directions to the nearest beach, recommendations for where to rent sports equipment, or unique activities on offer in the area, there are usually many activities around to choose from and so your guests will appreciate the direction. Is the area famous for a fantastic circus, waterpark or theme park? If so, let your guests know! Read more about what to include in your Airbnb house manual. Sight-Seeing Recommendations You may want to take the time to recommend some sightseeing day trips and tours to your guests. If your property is near to some sites of historic interest or cultural significance then make your guests aware of this! They may not have fully researched everything on offer in the area before making a booking with you. “Stonehenge, a one-of-a-kind prehistoric monument and World Heritage Site, is just a 20-minute drive from The Cottage. See the website for more details about booking tickets or a tour from an expert in European pre-history.” Learn how to write the perfect pre-booking message to send to guests Events and Festivals Recommendations Are there any festivals or events going on in the area during the year? Include an up-to-date list of times and dates for local markets, festivals, or fun events that your guests can get involved with. This, along with providing fantastic Airbnb experiences, is one of the best ways for your guests to feel like they are ‘living like a local’.
How Do I Create a Great Welcome Packet on Airbnb?
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Source When you’re creating an Airbnb welcome pack you need to make sure it is tailored to your guests, is short and sweet, and is always up-to-date. Make sure you include only personal recommendations, mention any unique and special features, and include fantastic photos to show your guests exactly what activities and events they could attend. Tailor it to Your Guests Have your ideal guest in mind when writing your guidebook, and tailor it to them. If you usually host families, for example, include recommendations for local daytime activities such as theme parks and beach equipment hire. If you usually host to couples, consider including recommendations for fantastic local hiking routes or couples’ spa days. If you host to groups of young people, include recommendations for all the best bars and nightclubs in the area. Personal Recommendations Only Make sure that you truly do recommend everything in the Airbnb guest book. You don’t want to risk damaging the trust you have built with your guests by recommending them a place or activity that turns out not to be very enjoyable. For example: “I have attended the local waterpark with my two young children every year since they were born; the diverse range of slides suits all age groups and creates truly wonderful days out all summer long!” Short and Sweet Keep your Airbnb welcome pack brief and easy to read. Use a contents table, page numbers, short paragraphs, bullet points, and images to break up the text so that guests can pick out important information when they have a quick scan through it. You may want to consider categorizing events by guest type, e.g., families or couples, or by event type, e.g., dining, outdoor activities, or sight-seeing. Fantastic Photos Including some high-quality photos of the activities and places that you recommend in your Airbnb guidebook is a great way of making it more engaging and interesting for your guests to read. Consider using a template on a free website such as Canva for unique and exciting layout ideas. Read more about writing irresistible Airbnb photo captions. Up-to-date Information Lastly, make sure that your guidebook is always up-to-date. Providing outdated information about opening times, events or locations is a recipe for a negative guest review. Make sure to check the accuracy of all the information in your Airbnb welcome pack every couple of months, and make adjustments where needed. If you don’t want to continually check your guidebook is up-to-date, exclude information that may be subject to change and instead refer guests to a company’s website for accurate information. For example: “The opening hours of the fantastic local park and playground frequently change according to the seasons and variation in demand. Please take a look at this website for up-to-date opening hours during your stay.”
Creating an Airbnb Guidebook for Guests
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Source Follow this step-by-step procedure to create or edit an Airbnb welcome pack on your Airbnb account: - Click ‘listings’ and select one of your listings - Click ‘info for guests’ - Click ‘pre-booking details’ - Next to where it says ‘guidebooks’, click ‘edit’ - Click ‘create’ - Edit the title and cover of your guidebook, and choose the listings that correspond with the guidebook - Click ‘add to guidebook’ to add your recommendations - When you’ve finished, click ‘done’. You can learn more information here.  In your Airbnb guidebook, you could include recommendations for local dining and drink, entertainment, activities, sightseeing, and events and festivals. Keep the guidebook short and sweet, personal to your ideal guest, and up-to-date at all times. Include some great photos and ensure that it is formatted in a way that makes it exciting and engaging for guests to read. Need help crafting the perfect Airbnb listing description or welcome book? Get in touch today to find out more about my Airbnb guidebook-writing service. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
What Should be Included in an Airbnb Guest Manual? (Quick Guide)
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Providing your guests with an Airbnb guest manual is a fantastic way to save you, the Airbnb host, time and hassle, and get more bookings. An Airbnb guest manual is a set of instructions and notes written by you that is made available to guests online or on the Airbnb app when they have a booking for your vacation rental property. Read on to find out why you should take the time to write an Airbnb welcome book, or get an expert to write one for you, and what to include in it.
What Should be Included in an Airbnb Guest Manual?
In an Airbnb guest manual, you should include the Wi-Fi password for the property, instructions regarding parking their vehicles or directions from local public transport, and instructions on how to use appliances and electronics in the vacation rental property. You should include instructions on how to get to local amenities and how to use amenities within the property, such as recycling and rubbish collection. You may also want to include emergency information, for example, what to do in the event of a fire, and your contact details, in case your guests do not have them saved.
Why Should I Write an Airbnb Guest Manual?
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Source You should provide your guests with an Airbnb welcome book to save yourself time, prevent damages and breakages in your short-term rental property, make your guests’ stay more effortless and enjoyable, and make sure your guests respect your house rules and any agreements you have with neighboring properties. Going the extra mile is one of the easiest ways to stand out from other hosts. Read more about writing irresistible Airbnb descriptions. To Save You Time Firstly, having an Airbnb manual that your guests can refer to when they have a question saves you countless hours of messages to and from. Instead of answering questions that you receive from every guest, you can simply refer them to your manual when they make a booking. That way, they will be able to find details like the Wi-Fi password and instructions for the TV without getting in contact with you. Putting this kind of system in place is worth the initial time investment as it helps to make your income stream more passive and make the booking process smoother. To Prevent Damage and Breakages The less that guests have to look for or figure out on their own, the less likely they are to cause accidental damage or breakages. If you know, for example, that the lock on the front door is stiff, you can let guests know how to best open the door so that you don’t end up with a door that has been forced open and a lock that is now broken. “Please bear in mind that this characterful property was built over 100 years ago, and as such, it is more delicate than a modern building! Avoid slamming the doors and windows as this may cause damage. Creaky floorboards are perfectly normal in this property!” In the example above, the host has reminded guests of some of the pitfalls of an older building in a light-hearted way. This makes the request to avoid damage seem very reasonable, as it is part of respecting the older architecture. To Make it Easy for Your Guests Provide simple instructions for your guests to look through if they stumble across a problem. Especially after a long day of traveling, your guests may not want to spend hours figuring out how the air conditioning works, or how to log into their Netflix account on the TV. Make it as easy as possible for your guests to find what they need by providing clear, short instructions for common tasks. Read more about what to include in your Airbnb house manual to create a better stay for your guests. To Respect Neighbours Providing a guest manual is a great way to respect any agreements you have with your neighbors when it comes to things like parking, noise, and outdoor space. Provide detailed instructions for where your guests can park their vehicle, to avoid disagreements with neighbors over parking spaces! “Samuel, our lovely neighbor, shares a driveway with us. He typically parks his van on the left-hand side of the drive, closest to the white fence. As such, please make sure to park your vehicle on the right-hand side, and never block in another vehicle without asking first!” In this example, the issue of parking is addressed in a friendly way, encouraging guests to be respectful of the neighbor’s parking space. To Avoid Negative Guest Reviews If a guest can’t find a particular password, item, or appliance, they may assume that you don’t have one, and worse, that you falsely advertised the short-term rental property. They may give you a call at unsociable hours, or bombard you with a string of messages to try and fix the problem. Throw in a time difference between you and them and you have a recipe for a negative guest review! Learn how to respond to negative guest reviews.
What is the Difference Between an Airbnb Guest Manual and an Airbnb Guidebook?
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Source An Airbnb welcome book/guest manual is a specific set of pre-written instructions and notes about the property or location for your guests to follow when they check in to the vacation rental property. It will typically include instructions for how to work appliances and electronics, including connecting to Wi-Fi, and instructions for parking a vehicle or finding the property from nearby public transport. An Airbnb guidebook, on the other hand, is a digital guidebook where you can share personal recommendations for the local area including coffee shops, bars, and restaurants, shopping and sightseeing attractions. If you offer any Airbnb experiences, this would be the place to include them. You can upload your guide to your Airbnb listing, share it with guests, and even print it out for easy reference. Read more about my Airbnb guidebook-writing services.
What Should be in an Airbnb Guidebook?
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Source In your Airbnb guidebook, you should include information that may be relevant to the local area. This includes any restaurant and shopping recommendations, unique experiences, outdoor activities, and any other information that would be relevant to your guests. The most important features of a guidebook are that it should be fairly short, and easy for guests to scan quickly. Recommendations should be your own; the guidebook should contain information that your guests can’t easily find on a review website such as TripAdvisor. You should include relevant photos, and make sure to keep the guidebook updated with local attractions and activities. Learn the 9 secrets to attracting more guests
How Do I Make a Guest Manual and Guidebook on Airbnb?
The most important part of an Airbnb guest manual or Airbnb guidebook is the content. Having said that, a striking design and beautiful layout can create a brilliant first impression for guests. Consistent branding, colors, and messages are important for gaining the trust of your guests and getting those all-important guest reviews. Make Your Own Airbnb Manual or Guidebook There are many free and easy-to-use online tools, such as Canva, for creating beautiful guidebooks and manuals that contain all the relevant information for your guests. Search for templates and edit them to fit your branding and colors, then simply download them as a pdf and upload them to your Airbnb listing. Employ an Expert to Make Your Manual or Guidebook If you don’t have the time to write the content for or design your manual or guidebook, enlist the help of a professional copywriter to write an Airbnb guidebook or an Airbnb house manual for you. A single one-off time and financial investment like this will be well worth it in the long run.
Airbnb House Manual Example
The example below is a template for how to start your Airbnb house manual. Fill in the relevant sections with your instructions and upload them to Airbnb! Alternatively, check out more information about my Airbnb guidebook writing service or Airbnb house manual writing service. Dear Guest, Welcome to The Cottage! Thank you so much for choosing to stay in this beautiful area of Cornwall. We know that you’re going to love our recently renovated property and the magic of the local area. In this manual, you’ll find some useful information to help you make the most of your stay here. Please have a read of the instructions before you check in, and let us know if you have any questions! Have a great stay! Best wishes, Anna & John Manual Contents - Check-in Instructions - Parking - Wi-Fi - House Rules - Appliances Instructions - Electronics Instructions - Public Transport - Airbnb Guidebook - Emergency Information and Contact Details - Check-out Instructions Make sure to keep each section brief and easy for your guests to scan through. Include a contents section so that your guests can easily find what they are looking for, and keep it friendly and light-hearted throughout. You may also want to include a reminder to leave a review at the end of the manual! In conclusion, creating an Airbnb house manual and Airbnb guidebook can save you time and hassle, make your guests’ stay more enjoyable, and limit damages to your property. In your Airbnb manual, include information about how to check-in and check-out, how to connect to the Wi-Fi, and how to use appliances and electronics in the property. Provide emergency information and your contact details if something goes wrong. Create your manual on a free website such as Canva, or enlist the help of an Airbnb expert to write your Airbnb manual for you. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
How to Create a 5-Star Airbnb Experience (Must-Read!)
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Airbnb Experiences are a fantastic way for hosts to earn extra money while showcasing their passion and expertise on a topic. Whether that’s leading a five-star tour of the local city, showcasing your cooking skills with a class, or providing a relaxing yoga session in a secluded location, your guests will want uniqueness, passion, and exclusivity from your Airbnb Experience. Read on to find out how to create an Airbnb Experience and 15+ ideas for your own unique Airbnb Experience.
How to Create an Airbnb Experience
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Source In order to host an experience that your guests will love, you need to have passion, expertise, and enthusiasm for your local area and activity. The experience must be unique, exclusive, and related to the local area. You’ll need a captivating title, description, and photos for your Airbnb listing, in addition to details of your qualifications, requirements of guests, and the location in which it takes place.
What are Experiences on Airbnb?
Airbnb Experiences are in-person or online activities conducted by local hosts from anywhere in the world. Experts in the local area can share their passion for an activity, cause, culture, and local area creating an experience that showcases the magic of where they live. Airbnb Experiences allow tourists to fully immerse themselves in a new culture when traveling, and the uniqueness and diversity of these tours and activities mean that fantastic memories can be created. Hosts of Airbnb Experiences typically have a passion or hobby that they want to share with people visiting the area. This could be cooking a certain cuisine, touring the ‘unknown’ spots of a local city, or teaching outdoor activities. Need some help writing your Airbnb Experiences listing to attract guests? Get in touch to find out more about my Airbnb Experiences Copywriting service.
What Makes a Good Airbnb Experience?
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Source The main features needed to create a five-star Airbnb Experience are passion, expertise, enthusiasm, and creativity of the Airbnb host. In general, great Airbnb Experiences are unique, exclusive, and relate to the local area. Passion Passion is contagious, and without it, hosting an experience will seem just like any other job. Your guests need to be able to feel how much you care about the local area or hobby that you are displaying. Good Airbnb Experiences are led by hosts who have a great deal of respect and understanding of their craft, and genuinely love what they do. Expertise It goes without saying that a good Airbnb Experience relies on the knowledge and expertise of the Airbnb host. Without this, the guests may as well have tried the activity or walked the tour themselves. Guests want to fully understand and experience the sport, art, or activity they have embarked on, and the expertise of the host is a crucial part of this.
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Source In the example above, the host has clearly demonstrated fantastic expertise on the topic of the royal family, London geography, and British and European history. He has even included some of his credentials in the title of his Airbnb listing, which draws guests to his listing and develops trust from the very first click. Showcase your expertise in a dazzling Airbnb profile. Enthusiasm Like passion, your enthusiasm for your activity will be passed on to the guests who are experiencing it. When you love what you do, your guests will love it too! Host an experience that makes you feel invigorated and fulfilled. Creativity and Uniqueness Hosts of Airbnb Experiences need to be adaptable and creative in order to make their experience stand out from the rest. What is going to make your tour, activity, or lesson different from others in the local area? Perhaps it is the location, the price point, or the originality of the idea that makes it unique. Guests want to feel that they’re getting the true experience of being a local. It’s a bonus if your guests can’t do the same experience anywhere else in the world!
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Source In the example above, the Airbnb host is certainly not short on creativity and uniqueness. Glow night kayaking is probably something that hasn’t crossed most guests’ minds until they see the amazing photos and videos provided by this host! Relation to Local Area Fantastic Airbnb Experiences include the local area in the way they are run. Whether that is interjections from the host with information relating to the history and culture of the local area, or whether that is linked by a special location in which the activity or class is taking place. Exclusivity Guests don’t want to feel like typical tourists when they embark on an Airbnb Experience. This is why the exclusivity of your tour, activity, or class is important. In the example below, the host has highlighted the personal aspect of the Airbnb Experience that they run, sharing the names and history of the members of their family that are involved in the class. This generates a feeling that this is truly a one-of-a-kind experience, that you won’t get anywhere else in the world!
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How to Create an Airbnb Experience Listing
When you host an experience, you need to provide certain details in order to create a fantastic Airbnb Experience listing to draw people in. You’ll need a title, description, location information, details about the experience, photos, your requirements, and the price of the experience. Title Write a captivating and unique title for your Airbnb Experience in order to grab the attention of scrolling guests, and intrigue them to click on your listing. Read the five golden rules to writing compelling Airbnb titles. Description Craft a description that details the ins and outs of your experience, including what you’ll be doing and how it will provide guests with a unique flavor of life as a local. Read more about writing great Airbnb listing descriptions. Location Make sure you include the location of your experience so that guests can plan their trip accordingly. Highlight key landmarks and destinations that are a short distance away for their convenience. Details Write down some details of what your guests will need to bring, and what will already be provided for them. Include the start time of your experience, and how long it will last. You’ll also need to include the maximum group size, which is typically less than 10 people for an Airbnb Experience in order to maintain a certain uniqueness and exclusivity. Qualifications Include some information about what makes you qualified to teach or run your activity. Some details about your background and credentials go a long way to making guests feel confident when booking with you. Photos Include up to seven high-quality photos relating to the experience, the local area, and previous guests enjoying themselves. Read my seven tips for writing irresistible Airbnb photo captions. Requirements and Expectations Provide information about the minimum age of your guests, and what their required skill level is before undertaking the activity or class. You may want to highlight if your activity is not suitable for some guests, for example, if your cooking class isn’t suitable for vegetarians or certain food intolerances, or if your activity is only suitable for those with prior experience.
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Source In the Airbnb Experience description for a paragliding activity day in France above, the host has a clearly defined description and expectations for the guests. They have even included information related to the different flights they offer, and their ability to cater to disabled individuals. Price Detail the price of the experience per guest, so your potential customers have all of the information they need to make a decision before they set off on their trip.
Airbnb Experience Ideas
Airbnb Experiences typically fall into one of three categories: culture and history, food and drink and nature and outdoors. Culture and History - Guided tours - History talks - History and culture classes - Art and music classes - Tour of ‘photo-worthy’ spots - Street art tours - Shopping tour - Trip across a border Need a fantastic guidebook to accompany your tour or class? Read more about my Airbnb Guidebook-Writing service. Food and Drink - Food tours - Drink tours - Wine tasting - Cooking or baking classes Nature and Outdoor - Sports and dance lessons - Hikes or runs - Activity and event photography - Sunset/sunrise tours View Airbnb Experiences in your local area here. In conclusion, hosting an Airbnb Experience requires passion, enthusiasm, expertise, and creativity. You’ll want to make sure that your experience provides guests with some magical and unique memories from their stay in your local area. Do you want some assistance crafting a perfectly-written, captivating Airbnb Experiences listing? Get in touch today to find out more about my Airbnb Experiences Copywriting service. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
How To Ask Your Crush To Hang Out (Without Sounding Desperate)
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When you like someone, it can be an intimidating thought to ask them out. This is because asking someone on a date, or to hang out lets them know that you are interested and means that you risk being rejected. If you have noticed flirting in your conversation, this may be a sign that they are likely to say yes but it is not a guarantee, which can make people anxious. Many worry that by asking someone out, they will sound desperate, and they do not want to be seen in this way but there are many ways to ask someone out in a natural manner.
How To Ask Your Crush To Hang Out Without Sounding Desperate?
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Source One of the best ways to ask someone out is to ask the question in a way that gives them an easy ‘get out’ if they are not interested. This could be inviting them out to an activity or event you were planning to check out. This will allow them to not feel pressured by your question and will make them feel more at ease. Additionally, it ensures that you do not look desperate as it sounds like you would like to see them, but it is not vital if they do not want to meet you, or they have plans. How to Phrase A Message Like This Let’s take a look below at how to construct a message like this if you are asking them via text message.
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You can see in the message above; that the invitation is casual and yet still shows your interest. It gives them an easy way to say that they can’t meet you, without making it awkward between you. Learn more about whether you should text a guy when they have rejected you here. If you are nervous about hanging out with a person one on one or have had bad first dates before if you are meeting a person for the first time, you can hang out with your crush and a group of friends and still get to know them. If this is successful, a second date can be organized where it is just the two of you. This takes a lot of the pressure off a date at the very beginning of a potential relationship.
What To Do When Hanging Out With A Girl
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Source When planning on asking your crush out on a date, it can be difficult to know what to do when hanging out with them. You want to choose an activity that shows the girl you are interested in that you listen to what they have to say and know them well. This will make you look attentive and that you care. Think about the conversations you have had, either by text, in person, or through a dating app you’re chatting on like Hinge or Bumble. If you have access to their social media, look at their previous posts and stories to see the type of things that they are interested in. You can then use this information to plan a date that they will not only enjoy but that they will realize has taken some thought from your end. Things to look for would include what type of food they like to eat, places such as restaurants or museums that they have said they want to visit, or hobbies that they like taking part in. It could even be something as simple as asking them to watch the next episode of their favorite TV show together. This will allow you to plan a date that they will enjoy – meaning that they will be more likely to want to go on another with you. When you are actually hanging out with a girl that you like, make sure that you are attentive and complement them. Ask them questions and engage in conversation to find out more about them, as well as share some more information about your life. This will help establish a connection between you, which you can then continue to explore in future dates. Meeting someone in person that you met on a dating app? Check out our article on what to do when meeting someone from tinder.
What To Do When A Girl Says She Has No Plans?
If a girl that you like drops into conversation that they have no plans, this is the perfect opportunity to arrange a date with them. Often, you will find that if you give an open invitation, it can be hard to pin someone down to actually meet them. If you know that they are free over the weekend or on a particular day, consider asking to meet them at a specific time and place, as they are more likely to take you seriously and commit to the date. It’s best to give a couple of options of days and times they might be available. Let's take a look at the example below:
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Are you texting a girl that says they are too busy to text? Take a look at our article here.
My Crush Asked Me To Hang Out - What Does It Mean?
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Source If your crush has asked you to hang out, this is a sign that they are looking to spend more time with you – but is it a date? They might not use the word date but are they looking to spend time with you in a large group, or one on one? If they are wanting to spend time with you alone, this is probably a date. This, combined with flirty messages and behavior in person is a strong sign that they are interested in you romantically. When they are just getting to know you, they might ask you out with a group, but spend more of their time talking to you throughout the day. The activity may also be a strong indicator – are you taking part in typical ‘date-like’ activities, or is it more a hang out as friends? If you are unsure, why not ask your crush out yourself, letting them know how you feel as this will also confirm whether they are interested in you. If you met this crush on a dating app, it is important to know when the right time is to ask them out. Take a look at our article on when to ask a girl out on Hinge here for some great advice. At the end of the date, let the girl know that you would love to spend more time with them again – and make sure that you follow up on this. Send a quick message to them saying that you enjoyed your time, and wait for them to reply. Also, be sure to tell them to text you when they get home. This will show them that you care about them and give you an idea of whether they feel the same.
When Should You Never Ask A Girl Out
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Source Most of the time, if you are interested in someone, why not take a chance and ask them out. However, there are a few situations where you should avoid doing so. Firstly, if the girl you have a crush on is in a relationship, it is best to avoid this as the situation can become messy. If they are single, you also need to make sure that they are interested in you. If you are getting signs that they don’t like you, you may want to avoid asking them out if you are likely to be put in the friendzone. There are some tell-tale signs that a girl may not be interested in you – if you find that your text messages are a dry conversation where you are receiving one-word answers, or if you are trying to flirt and are not getting anything back. If you find that your conversations on dating apps like OkCupid or tinder don’t seem to be going well – take a look at our advice here. Additionally, if you have asked a girl about a few times, but they keep saying that they are busy, this might be a sign that they are looking to friendzone you. Stop asking them out as this can just lead to you feeling rejected over and over again. If they were simply genuinely busy, they can rearrange a suitable time with you on their own terms. And if they’re not interested, it’s best to move on. Dating apps, like Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble, are great for meeting new people.
The Take-Away
I can assist you if you are seeking for a fresh start in your dating life. I can help you boost your dating profile by improving your dating app profile, writing your dating bio, and giving you fantastic conversation starters for apps like Hinge, bumble, tinder, OkCupid, and CMB, in addition to my blog entries. It might be intimidating to talk to someone on an app like OkCupid — that's where I come in. To get you started, check out some of my tried-and-tested Okcupid message samples. In addition, I can teach you how to interact via text messages. Learn how to create a good impression while speaking via text messages with my personal coaching and receive feedback on your text conversations if you're not sure where they're heading. Simply contact us to get started right now. I'm looking forward to working with you and transforming your dating life. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
What is a Good Airbnb Pre-Booking Message? (Examples & Templates)
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An Airbnb pre-booking message is a good chance for you to get to know more about your guests and the reason for their trip. You can set their expectations, remind them to read your house rules and let them know that you’re on hand to answer any questions they have. Read on to find out the best way to format your ‘thanks for booking’ message, and what to include in it!
What is a Good Pre-Booking Message Airbnb Example?
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Source A good pre-booking message contains a greeting and thank-you, a short introduction to the guest, any relevant questions that need answering, and a call to action. For example: “Hi Holly, thank you so much for choosing to book The Hideaway. My name is James and I’ve been hosting on Airbnb for 5 years now. I’d appreciate it if you could let me know the purpose of your trip, whether you’ve been to the local area before, and how many guests will be staying, in order for me to best prepare my property for your stay. Get in touch if you have any questions! Many thanks, James.”
What is an Airbnb Pre-Booking Message?
An Airbnb welcome message is an automated message sent by hosts to guests when they send a booking request using Airbnb’s ‘Instant Book’ feature. It gives hosts an opportunity to introduce themselves, provide guests with additional information, and find out more about the guests and their requirements. Many hosts choose to carefully craft an Airbnb welcome message so that they can: - Introduce themselves as friendly and inviting hosts from the get-go - Establish the reason that the guests are visiting the short-term rental property e.g., for work, leisure, family, etc. - Collect information about the types of guests that want to book the vacation rental property - Ascertain what time the guests will be arriving - Make sure the guests are aware of any house rules Do you need help writing the perfect Airbnb welcome message? Get in touch to learn more about my Airbnb copywriting service.
What Should I Include in a Pre-Booking Message on Airbnb?
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Source When you are writing your pre-booking message, you need to thank your potential guests for their booking request, introduce yourself, ask them relevant questions to find out more about them and their stay set their expectations and then give a call to action. Your message should be polite, friendly, and professional in order to give a good impression. Read more: How to Get More Bookings on Airbnb Thank Them The first thing you want to include in your Airbnb welcome message is a polite ‘thank you’ to them for choosing to book your short-term rental property. This shows the guest how much you appreciate their business, and helps you to appear professional yet welcoming. For example: Hi , Thank you for choosing to book my property, . I’m very much looking forward to accommodating you , and I hope that you have a lovely stay. Introduce Yourself The next thing to do in your pre-booking message to potential guests is to introduce yourself. Guests generally feel more comfortable proceeding with a booking if there is a friendly face behind the process. You could say something like: My name is , and I’ve been an Airbnb host now for years. In my spare time, I love to , but enough about me! Read more about how to write a dazzling Airbnb profile to create a great first impression. Ask Relevant Questions Think carefully about what details you want to know about your guests when they make a booking, and pick three to five questions to ask them in your ‘thanks for booking’ message. Any more than this and your guests may feel a little overwhelmed! Here are a few questions you could ask: - What is the purpose of your trip? - Have you visited the area before? - What time are you planning on checking in? - Are you traveling with anyone, e.g., your family, or a partner? - Do you have any special requirements for the vacation rental property? This could be a cot, highchair, ramp, etc. - Would you like to read my guide to the local area? - Do you or any other guests have any allergies? Consider which facts are most important for you to know about your guests, and include only the relevant questions. You could write: In order for me to help you make the most of your stay, it would be great if you could take a minute or so to answer these questions: What brings you to the area? How many guests will be staying at the property in total, including children? What time will you be checking in? Set Expectations At this stage in the pre-booking message, it is important to set any expectations and address any common misconceptions about the property or area, in case the guests have not fully read your listing description. Read more about how to write the perfect Airbnb listing description. If your vacation rental property is unsuitable for wheelchair users or children, for example, you might want to mention this to confirm with your guests that they have understood. You may also want to reiterate your level of involvement in their stay; do you provide an all-inclusive experience, giving tours of the area and providing some food, or do you live far away from the property and have minimal interference? You could say something like: If you need anything at all during your stay, I will be a 10-minute drive away, and am happy to help with local entertainment and food recommendations! I often give guests a tour of my vineyard which is located 25 minutes down the road. Be sure to send guests an informative guidebook once they book as well.  Call to Action Lastly, you’ll want to give your guests a call to action, or a ‘next step’. Often, this includes making sure they have fully read the listing description and any house rules that accompany it. It might also include giving more information that has not been requested already. For example: Before you arrive at the property, please make sure you have read the Airbnb listing description and the house rules in full, and get in touch if you have any questions! Thank you again for your booking, I look forward to welcoming you to . Many thanks,
Pre-Booking Message Template and Examples
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Source Pre-Booking Message Template Hi , Thank you for choosing to book my property, . I’m very much looking forward to accommodating you , and I hope that you have a lovely stay. My name is , and I’ve been an Airbnb host now for years. In my spare time, I love to , but enough about me! In order for me to help you make the most of your stay, it would be great if you could take a minute or so to answer these questions: - What brings you to the area? - How many guests will be staying at the property in total, including children? - What time will you be checking in? If you need anything at all during your stay, I will be a 10-minute drive away, and am happy to help with local entertainment and food recommendations! I often give guests a tour of my vineyard which is located 25 minutes down the road. Before you arrive at the property, please make sure you have read the Airbnb listing description and the house rules in full, and get in touch if you have any questions! Thank you again for your booking, I look forward to welcoming you to . Many thanks, Minimal Messaging The following pre-booking message example ticks all of the boxes but is short, sweet, and to the point. It gets all the information across, whilst making the guest feel like they are in good hands. Hi , Thank you for requesting to book my Airbnb listing! Myself and my wife Jane would appreciate it if you could confirm the number of people who will be staying at the property, and take the time to check out our house rules before your stay. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hosting you! Kind regards, Quick Questions This ‘thanks for booking’ message is longer and more structured and includes a few more questions for the guests to answer. Hi , Firstly, I’d like to say thank you so much for booking my property in South Wales. My name is Fran and I love to fix up old properties and give them a new lease of life! In order to give you the best experience possible, I’d love to get to know you a bit more. Please assist me by taking a couple of minutes to answer the following questions: - What is the primary reason for your trip? - Will you have any children staying with you, and if so, do you require a cot or highchair? - Do you or any other guests have any allergies? If you haven’t done so already, I’d be grateful if you could take the time to read my listing description in full and familiarise yourself with the house rules before your stay. Thank you so much again for your booking, and I look forward to welcoming you! Best wishes, In order to write an effective and welcoming pre-booking message, make sure you include the following: - A thank you - A brief introduction to you - Relevant questions - A sentence to set expectations - A call to action Doing so will make you seem professional yet friendly, and will ensure that both you and your guest have all the information you need to have a successful stay! If you’d like to improve your listing description, title, or messaging on Airbnb, why not take advantage of my vacation rental copywriting service! Alternatively, I have a number of great free resources available including the Airbnb Listing Hacks e-book, the Airbnb Superhost Checklist, and the Airbnb SEO Bible. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
Online Dating Success Guide
The Online Dating Success Guide
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Revolutionize your online dating game and discover the secrets to dating success with this ultimate guide to Bumble, Hinge, Tinder and more!
Bursting with practical tips and common-sense advice that’s designed to skyrocket your online dating success, this ultimate guide to dating reveals how you can build the perfect profile and cultivate an aura of confidence, humor, and magnetic charisma. Drawing on tried-and-tested lessons from expert dating profile copywriter and texting feedback guru, Alex Wong, inside you’ll discover the major pitfalls and stumbling blocks that are killing your appeal online – along with how you can master popular dating apps and let your personality shine through!  Alex has a proven track record of helping dozens of clients – both men and women – to dramatically improve their profiles and achieve online dating success!Whether you struggle with getting matches, figuring out what to write in your bio, or if you feel like you’re terrible with a camera, the Online Dating App Success Guide will take you by the hand and show you exactly where you’re going wrong, so you can begin transforming your dating life and watch as the matches start piling up.Including handy tips for setting up your profile, plus essential advice for making a stellar first impression and keeping your texting game on point, this book will give you the confidence you need to get out into the online world and start going on the dates you’ve always desired.
Here are just a few of things you'll learn inside...
Why The Online Dating World Is a Totally Different Ball Game To Traditional Dating A Breakdown of Popular Dating Apps – and How To Master Them Surprising Tips and Tricks For Writing an Eye-Catching Bio That Almost Guarantees Replies! How To Take Photos and Selfies Like The Pros! Easy Openers and Conversation Starters To Leave a Memorable First Impression (and Not Scare Dates Away) How You Can Avoid Ghosting and Get Her Number With Ease - Tips to Smoothly Ask for the Number Without Being Awkward - How to Run a Successful First Date (and Get a Second Date) - Know Exactly When and How To Go For The Kiss And So Much More…!! 75% OFF - only $39.99 => $9.97 - Limited Time Offer !!You can also order The Complete Online Dating Success Guide from:AppleKoboScribdIndigo
Here's what readers are saying...
Takes you from a-z to finding success in the online dating. Great advice and tips. I liked how it went over step by step the various stages of the dating process. Will be referring to this handy book again. Craig M // Marketing AdministratorI picked up so many gold nuggets! I was struggling with getting matches and replies but after making a few tweaks to my profile, I'm already seeing a difference. I have two dates scheduled later this week :)Joshua Tai// Civil EngineerEasy to read and follow. The chapter on text messaging was especially helpful. This is a must-read for people who wants to improve their love life and get more dates.  Paul Moore// Visual DesignerThe author does a great job making the online dating process easy. I just starting putting myself out there again after getting out out a long term relationship. I wasn't sure where to start but this goes everything and more. I especially liked the chapter on how to have a great first date. Ashley Riley// ParalegalWell written and fun to read. I usually don't read dating advice books but this one is different. Comprehensive and tells it like it is with lots of real life examples. Planning to get a copy for my younger brother. Sandy Williams// Interior DecoratorI was at a point in my life where I wanted to give up on dating.  It seemed like no matter what I tried I couldn't get any dates. But this book has given my hope and that I can attract the right type of lady in my life. This is one of the best books I've read about online dating. It goes over everything you need - from writing a bio, choosing photos, sending messages and even what to do on dates. Highly recommended!C. Freeman// Insurance BrokerAuthor Alex Wong has worked with some of the world’s top dating coaches, and he knows first-hand just how difficult it can be in the online dating game, especially when you feel like you don’t have anything to offer. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of the Law of Attraction, this book explores how you can overhaul your social skills, improve your appeal to the opposite sex, and overcome your fear of dating online.Perfect for anybody who’s struggling with the major dating apps like Bumble, Hinge, and Tinder, as well as apps including OkCupid, eHarmony, Match.com, the Online Dating App Success Guide is packed with straightforward advice and a no-nonsense tone that’s perfect for readers of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life.Ready to transform your online dating game? Then grab your copy today.!! 75% OFF - only $39.99 => $9.97- Limited Time Offer !!Before this offer expires... Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
How to Promote Your Listing on Airbnb (& Increase Views)
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Airbnb hosts can make a lot of money with their short-term rentals by renting them out. High traffic areas for resort towns or vacation hotspots tend to fill up fast. However, where there’s a market, there’s competition. How do you make your Airbnb rental property stand out to guests from the other rentals? Read on to find out!
How to promote your listing on Airbnb?
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Source If you’re in a popular area for travelers, tourists, and other stay-over guests, you won’t be the only host in the area. Your rental listing on Airbnb is like a sales page. You want to make it look attractive and ideal for prospective guests who are looking for a place to rent. A good Airbnb occupancy rate - the percent of the time the place is rented out - is 65% or more. If you’re still under that, review what exactly you’re offering and how those offers can increase the visibility of the property. This includes updating your Airbnb listing’s description, improving your pictures, getting more reviews, and optimizing your pricing. High-Quality Pictures A picture says a thousand words. Show off the property at every angle. Add different areas of the space and show off every room, a veritable digital tour so potential renters know exactly what they’re getting. Includes photos of your living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. If you have something unique to offer, such as a spa, Jacuzzi, or games room, be sure to show that off. The more people can see and preview the home the better. People want to see what they’re moving into before they arrive, as accurately as possible. In addition to pictures, be sure to add descriptive captions for your photos. Photo captions are one of the easiest ways to provide extra details and get more out of your listing. 5-Star Guest Reviews
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Source Push your positive praise to the forefront. If you have only a few guests in a period of time, make sure you reach out to request a review via the Airbnb app or an email. Start a back and forth. If they thought something could be improved, make time to improve it. Future guests will see this and know you’re on top of your game. Take your guest feedback seriously and look for areas of improvement to provide the best experience possible. Can the check-in or check-out process be smoother? Can you include some extra amenities? How about adding a coffee machine or towels for guests to use? Every little bit helps. Learn how to write great guest reviews Competitive Pricing A competitive market demands competitive pricing on Airbnb. Are you charging too much? Are you charging enough? Prices drive expectations. If you’re renting your place out for way cheaper than it deserves you might get fewer bookings because people will assume something is wrong that you’re not being truthful about. Or you might be getting the wrong type of guests. Price appropriately for the area. Do some research on nearby vacation rentals and see how much they charge so you can stand out as the cheaper, or better option. Once you start getting consistent bookings, you can gradually up your rates to match the growing demand. You can usually charge more on weekends and during the high season because of higher demand. Also, consider offering cheaper rates for long-term stays.
How do I Boost my Listings on Airbnb?
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Source In order to get more bookings in the first place, you need to make sure your Airbnb listing is being seen. You could be placed 100 out of 100 for local places to rent even though your page is up to date and accurate. How do you increase your listing's ranking and start pulling in more views and bookings? SEO-Optimized for Airbnb Search Airbnb is a marketplace, and all internet marketplaces thrive off of SEO. When people search for a place to stay, they’ll start with a city and move down through what they want. Airbnb prioritizes listings with high bookings, low cancellations, good guest ratings, and whether or not you meet the requirements to be a “superhost”. Airbnb has its own trend of SEO keywords worth learning to optimize your post. Learn how to get more bookings on Airbnb Social Media Promotion
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Source Airbnb is a selling platform, not exactly geared towards communication. You need a place to advertise. Give your vacation rental property its own social media account where you can post pictures or news updates like a blog. This will drive engagement and make it seem like more than just a rental, but a destination of its own. Use Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok; whatever you enjoy promoting your listing. Here are 9 secrets to attracting more guests Collaborate with local businesses
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Source People online form networks to boost one another in various industries. Try cooperating instead of competing. Reach out to local businesses nearby that guests might be interested in seeing and ask what kind of deals you can use to bridge your customers to them. You’ll be bringing in the people with the money, and your Airbnb listing can help guide them around town any way you want. You can see if specific businesses are willing to offer coupons which you can hand out to guests to direct them during their stay. Just highlighting what businesses are close by can be enough to spark a guest’s curiosity to check them out. This includes local restaurants, bars, cafes, museums, galleries, stores, markets, and attractions to name a few. An easy way to recommend places to guests is to provide a welcome guidebook and house manual after they confirm their booking. A welcome guide ensures guests get the most out of their stay and helps you to stand out from other hosts. Check out my services to create a professional guidebook or manual Tell a Story What’s so important about your property? People are sold on stories, they want to be part of something more than just a simple transaction for goods and services. Is the rental property part of a family tradition? Was it built in the 1800s? Or was it handmade or custom-built to fulfill a dream? If you don’t have a story, create one that will drive an emotional response as well as a financial one from future Airbnb guests.
How do I Promote my New Listing on Airbnb?
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Source Let’s say you’re just starting out. You’ve got free space in a high-traffic area and you want to make money renting it out on demand. You’ve decided that Airbnb is the best service for you. Everything is set up and guest-friendly. Now how do you get people to show up? Learn your Target Market Know who you’re renting to. Different demographics have different demands. A family place with kids won’t appreciate the kind of setup that a college-friendly party house provides. You can ask your former guests what attracted them to the area, and what made their experience most enjoyable and use that information in the future. If you’re new to the area yourself, make sure you spend time out and about where your guests will go so you can offer first-hand knowledge of the area. Making last-minute changes to the amenities should be reserved for different demographic reservations. Optimized Listing Titles Your first introduction to the space is in the listing’s title. Don’t just name your title “My Rental Place”, use all the characters and put as much info as you can into a glance. A catchy Airbnb title should be unique to your place, to your “brand”, and tell a story in as little as 50 characters. Mention amenities, top features (like a Jacuzzi, workout room, or party deck) closeness to local attractions and landmarks, and other special features that will stand out. You want to fit as many unique features and details into your title section to encourage visitors to click your listing. Learn how to write an attention-grabbing listing title that gets clicks Getting Help Maybe you’re a superhost but you might have trouble writing an attractive Airbnb listing description. In that case, you can always call on a professional, such as myself, to fix your listing to attract more bookings. Professionals already know all the tricks and treats that turn simple statements into profit-boosting arrangements. They’ll guide you on what to include, what pictures to take, how to optimize your listing and guidebook, and what steps there are, and then leave the homemaking to you.
Whether you’re a superhost, up and coming, or just getting started, being an Airbnb hosting entrepreneur is a long and challenging career. You need to know a lot and do a lot online before you can get to work on the rental property. Consult a professional or dress up your vacation rental listing the way you dress up your property. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
When a Guy Says He’s Too Busy to Text (What it Means)
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Online dating presents many challenges, primarily down to a lack of proper communication. Signals get mixed, and sometimes what is said is not necessarily meant. Occasionally, however, someone will - seemingly - deliberately try to throw you off or otherwise avoid your advances. They may offer an excuse for why they cannot speak or why they cannot go out. In this post, we will look at the primary excuse people use to get out of a conversation and how you can deal with it.
What should you do when a guy says he’s too busy to text?
When a guy tells you that he is “too busy” to have a conversation with you, it could mean one of three things: he simply does not want to talk; he has found someone else, or he is too busy to reply to you. Once you discern which hidden meaning applies to you, you can develop a suitable response. Your main goal should be to remain calm and unaffected, and you will need to show him that you are worth his time.
What does it mean when a guy says he’s too busy to text?
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Source When a guy tells you that he is too busy to text, it could mean one of three things. This section will examine each of these meanings and show you how to discern one from the other based on your previous interactions. It Means He Is Not Interested This is the most common meaning behind the words “I’m too busy.” Especially in the early stages of a relationship, guys tend to be somewhat aloof and distant. Naturally, they will eventually open up, but they can be tough shells to crack. Still, despite your efforts, you may find the results disappointing. Online daters tend to be fickle, and if you do or say something that they do not like, they will be quick to move on. If you are unsure whether or not a guy is genuinely interested, look at your chat history. Examine both his responses and yours. Are his replies short? Does he seem disinterested in general? If so, it could be that you said or did something to upset him.
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Of course, if his replies have always been short and dismissive, he was probably never very interested in the first place. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do. Guys tend to have exceptionally short attention spans and will quickly move on from one person to another. Cut yourself some slack, and do not put in any more effort than you receive. It Means He Has Found Someone Else As mentioned, during the early stages of a relationship - online or not - guys tend to come off as distant in an attempt to save face. Unfortunately, during these early stages, some guys will “keep their options open,” so to speak. They will be hesitant to connect emotionally for fear of missing out on other relationships. Online dating is problematic because it requires people to move quickly and think on their feet. The ones who do not tend to be left by the wayside - those who do reap the rewards. For example, when you and a guy first start talking, you should be quick to set up a date or exchange numbers as quickly as possible. If you do not, someone else may swoop in and succeed where you failed. It is this specific scenario that we are referring to when we say that he has found someone else. Generally, the best way to determine this is by looking at the beginning of your conversations, the first three days in particular. If he seemed enthusiastic before but is distant and unreachable now, it is likely that he has met someone else and is only saying that he is busy to let you down gently.
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Again, in this case, there is not much you can do. It would help if you did not try to break up his new relationship. However, you can still be friendly. Let him know that it is okay if he cannot speak, then move on. Someone else will eventually find you. It Means He Really Is Busy Finally, we come to what should be the most obvious and common explanation. We all know that daily life can get in the way of what we genuinely enjoy sometimes. The guy you have been speaking to maybe, in fact, be eager to talk to you - he just cannot at the moment. Look at your chat once more, and examine his replies. If they remain consistently upbeat and enthusiastic, he probably does not want to lose you. You should also keep in mind his schedule; if he is a student with upcoming exams, it stands to reason that he will not be able to text you back.  Likewise, if he has a hectic job. In this case, you can keep him engaged in various ways, which we will cover shortly.
How should you reply when he says that he’s busy?
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Source Although the “I’m busy” excuse can be a considerable conversation killer, there are a couple of things you can do to maintain a guy’s attention, even if he says that he is busy. For starters, you should never double-text him. Double-texting is when you send another text in addition to the one you already sent, in an attempt to coax a reply. This, too, can be a conversation killer and only serves to further distance him from you. Instead, simply let him know that everything is alright and that you two can talk later, whenever he is ready. The main goal here is to maintain a guy’s attention without annoying him. You should not bend over backward trying to do all of the work - there comes a time when “I’m busy” just will not cut it as an excuse anymore.
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However, seeing as this is still early days, you can send him a funny text or two or give him some encouragement if he needs it. Alternatively, if you are feeling more risque, you could send him a sexy picture as well - that will get his attention. Additionally, do not be afraid to invite him out to places you were already planning on going to. That way, if he does not make it, it will not affect you as much. It will also show him that you lead an exciting life, regardless of his presence.
What should you do if he says that he’s too busy to hang out?
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Source Going on dates can be fun, but it is also highly time-consuming, so you need to be selective with who you choose to spend your time with. If a guy says that he is too busy to go out with you, there are a handful of things you can try to determine whether or not he is truly worth your time. Firstly, if a guy is as good as he seems, he will most likely reschedule with you. This is a clear indication of his interest in you. Of course, most guys will be too thick to think that far ahead. In that case, it is up to you to organize the next date. Think of some fun activities for the two of you to enjoy together, and try to avoid the movies or going out to dinner unless you are already well into the relationship.
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It will also help if you get to know his schedule in advance. This will allow you to pick a date and time that will suit you both - it will also let you know if he is lying about how busy he really is. Of course, you should not be too pushy. Suggest another date and time, by all means, but if he comes up with another excuse as to why he cannot make it, you would better spend your energy on someone else.
What should you do if a guy says that he’s too busy for a relationship?
Guys who are too busy for a relationship are generally only interested in one thing: sex. Of course, there is nothing wrong with purely physical relationships, so long as both of the people involved know what they are getting into. If a guy tells you that he is too busy for a relationship, he is probably open to a purely sexual affair. If you are uncomfortable with this prospect, you will do better to let him know and leave it.
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Of course, if you do not mind the lack of emotional attachment, you should pursue it.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this guide has given you insight into the dreaded “I’m busy” excuse. As you can see, responding accurately is not difficult in the slightest. If you need help with your online dating profile, feel free to use our dating profile services. We cater to both men and women. Alternatively, we also offer text message feedback to ensure that your conversations are on the right track. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
Should I Ask Her Out Again If She Said She Was Busy? (What To Do)
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Occasionally, someone will toss you a curveball. When things seem like they are going well, you should be on your guard. Netizens - and people who frequent sites like Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble, to name a few - are notoriously fickle. For example, you may have established a rapport with an attractive person online. The banter flies freely between the two of you, and it seems that - if you play your cards right - you may get a chance to ask them out. They hit you with an age-old excuse when you do, “I’m busy.” How should you respond?
Should I ask her out again if she said she was busy?
Although it can seem as though all is lost when a girl says that she is busy, there are a few things that you should consider before throwing in the towel. The “I’m busy” excuse may be just an excuse or it could be the truth. By examining your earlier conversations, you can find out which one it is, and adjust your own response accordingly. In this post, we will teach you how to discern between one and the other based on various cues. We will also show you how you can and should respond to messages like this, so keep reading to up your game.
What does it mean when a girl says that she is busy?
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Source When a girl says that she is busy, it could mean a variety of different things. Knowing which applies to your specific situation will inform you how best to approach the girl in question. She Is Not Interested If a girl says that she is busy, it could be a polite way of rejecting your advances. Of course, no one wants to hear this, but it is still essential to understand: people online are frivolous - they will often keep chatting to you out of boredom or sympathy, with no real intention of ever going out with you. Naturally, your first instinct may be to look inward. Look through your chat to see if you said something wrong or offensive. If you did, the chances are it was a big turn-off for the other person. In this case, damage control is possible, but your effort would probably be better spent elsewhere. However, what is more likely is that the other person was never interested at all. Look through your chat again and take note of how they reply. If their responses are short and disinterested, it should be clear that “I’m busy” is a euphemism for “I’m not interested.” She Has Found Someone Else The world of online dating moves quickly, so you need to be even quicker. Although it may seem better to get to know someone as much as possible before meeting them, the energy it takes to do this should be conserved. Instead, it would be best if you focused on building a rapport as quickly as possible to ask them out within at least three days of speaking to them. If you are new to online dating, however, you may have made the mistake of taking too long to make a move. Your conversations may have started sweet, and you may have also enjoyed some banter. After a while, though, you may have noticed a dip in the quality of conversations. Although you may have said something wrong (see above), it is more likely that the person you have been speaking to has met someone else and may have already gone on a date with them. Their reluctance to engage in conversation - when before they were eager to speak to you - may signify that they want to pursue a relationship with someone else. In this case, “I’m busy” is an excuse, especially if they make no further attempts at conversation afterward. She Is Unsure Not every online dater is familiar with all the rules you should be following. Although we recommend asking someone out within three days of first speaking to them, some may prefer to take a little longer before agreeing to meet. These people may seem like tough shells to crack, but as long as you keep up the quality of your conversations without putting too much pressure on them, they will come around eventually. In this case, the person you are speaking to may be completely forthright about their hesitation. If they are not, make sure that they still engage in your conversations and participate in banter. If they do not, they may be saying “I’m busy” for one of the other reasons we have already covered. She Really Is Busy This last one should seem obvious, but it is entirely possible that when a girl says she is busy, she means it. However, just because she says that she is busy does not mean that she is not interested. If you are wondering whether or not this is true, consider how well your conversations have been going. If they continue to go well, you should be safe to ask her out again soon. The best indication of whether or not she is telling the truth is how she follows up. If she is interested, she will offer another date to see you. It is as cut and dry as that.
How do you respond when a girl says that she is busy?
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Source There are various ways in which you can respond to a girl when she says that she is busy. However, the best option would be to examine the exact circumstances under which she says that, then curate your response accordingly. When a Girl Says She Already Has Plans If a girl tells you that she already has plans, the best thing you can do is be amicable. If everything has been going well, there is no reason to lose your cool and destroy everything you have built. Firstly, you should wish her well. Tell her that you hope that she enjoys herself. Whatever you say, please do not ask what she will be doing or who she will see, as this will make you seem paranoid. She will tell you when you see each other if she wants to. After that, suggest another date to see her. Be proactive and suggest a few places that you would like to go to and some activities that the two of you might enjoy together. Try to find out her schedule so that you can suggest dates and times that will accommodate her. If all goes well, she will agree to your plans. If not, simply let it be for the time being and focus your attention elsewhere. Again, do not be pushy.
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When a Girl Says That She Cannot Make It Being stood up is never pleasant, even if you have already built up immunity to it. Sometimes a girl may agree to see you, only to renege at the very last second. When this happens, do not lose your cool. She may supply a variety of different excuses, such as an emergency or sickness. Similar to the situation we described previously, you should not put any pressure on her. Tell her that you hope she is alright and can always reschedule your date. If she does not follow up with you after that, the chances are that she is not interested. Focus your attention elsewhere and move on. However, if she attempts to speak to you afterward, the chances are that she was telling the truth. At this point, you can suggest other dates to see her and gently inquire as to what happened when she stood you up.
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When a Girl Says Next Time If you have asked a girl out and she says she will see you next time, you should put your foot on the brakes. It could be that you asked her out too soon, or she is not ready to commit to seeing you. In either case, do not immediately ask when you can see her. Please give it a while, another three days perhaps, and make sure that your conversations still run smoothly. Keep her engaged by telling her about your day and sending funny photos or memes. If she still seems interested after these next three days, feel free to ask her out again.
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Final Thoughts
With these suggestions and considerations in mind, you should have no trouble identifying a girl’s intentions when she says she is busy. If you would like to improve your online social standing, consider using our profile writing services for both men and women. Alternatively, if you think your conversational skills could use some honing, we also provide text message feedback. Read the full article
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alexwongcopywriting · 2 years
When a Girl Says ‘Let Me Get Back to You’ (How to Respond)
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There are many reasons why a girl may say ‘let me get back to you’ or ‘let me come back to you’ when messaging. She could be genuinely busy, uninterested, or just forgetful! Read on to find out why a girl may be responding to your text messages in this way, and what you can do to find out whether she is ghosting you intentionally!
When a Girl Says ‘Let Me Get Back to You’
There are a number of reasons why a girl says ‘let me get back to you’ in a text conversation. She could be busy, forgetful, anxious about responding, uninterested in continuing messaging, trying to seem busy, or have found someone else. When a girl says ‘let me get back to you’, this doesn’t necessarily mean that she doesn’t want to pursue the conversation!
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In this example, the text asking ‘what you up to on Tuesday night??’ was followed up with another text to try to get a response quickly. This should be avoided as it can come off as impatient and passive-aggressive.
When a Girl Says ‘Let Me Get Back to You’: What Does it Mean?
It can be difficult to tell whether a girl is still interested in talking to you if she replies with ‘let me get back to you’. This can mean a number of things. She is busy doing something else The first reason why a girl might say ‘let me get back to you’ during a dying conversation via text message is that she is genuinely too busy to chat. It might be that she has a lot on her plate at work or college, is spending time with family or friends, or is doing something else that means she isn’t on her phone at the moment. Learn how to text a busy woman here. She has forgotten Another reason why a girl says she'll text you but you haven’t heard back from her yet is because she has forgotten. Maybe she had a call from a friend that distracted her attention away from the conversation, or perhaps she remembered a task she had to complete. Unless this happens very frequently, you shouldn’t read into it too much. A simple text should suffice to remind her of the text messages. She is over-thinking her responses Stalling a response to a text message by saying ‘let me get back to you’ could be a way for her to take some more time to think about a response. If a girl has certain anxieties about texting, then it may be that she wants to carefully craft a response when you’ve asked her out on a date on OkCupid or another dating site, in order to give off the right impression. In this case, it’s best not to hurry her along as this may be off-putting. She isn’t interested On the contrary, another reason why she might be stalling her responses to your text messages could be because she just isn’t interested and doesn’t know how to tell you. Not replying to your messages or saying ‘let me get back to you’ could mean that she doesn’t view the conversations as a priority, and therefore might not be interested in pursuing a relationship.
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She wants to seem busy and successful Another less common reason why a girl might be putting off replying to you is that she is trying to appear busy. Taking a while to reply to messages, or delaying a response may be a way of showing you that they are successful at work or have a busy social and family life. She has found someone else It could be that a girl has simply found someone else if she is responding to text messages in a conversation with ‘let me get back to you’. This probably means that it’ll be in both of your best interests to go your different ways. Don’t take this too personally, she has probably just found someone who was a better match for her and her lifestyle! This ultimately means that she isn’t right for you.
‘Let Me Come Back’ Meaning
What does it mean when a girl says ‘let me come back to you’ when messaging? This phrase indicates that she doesn’t have a response to your question at the moment, but will respond at a later time. If she says this in response to you asking her out on a date via a conversation on OkCupid or another dating site, this doesn’t necessarily mean that she doesn’t like you, isn’t interested, or that she’s found someone else, although our minds do tend to assume the worst! It could simply mean that she is extremely busy with work and family life, often forgets to respond to messages, or is trying to seem like she has a very full and busy life. She may be genuinely very busy, with lots of work and social engagements to fit the date around. She also may be on the go, without a calendar near her, or very forgetful. This doesn’t mean that she isn’t interested in pursuing the conversation!
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In this example, it’s likely that the girl really is busy. However, it might be good to avoid sending more reminder messages so that she doesn’t get overwhelmed or feel like you are pestering her for an answer. If you find that a girl is saying ‘let me come back to you’ very frequently, it may be a sign that she isn’t interested in continuing to text and doesn’t know how to tell you. This can be quite difficult to judge, but a simple text to ask her if she has any intention of setting a date may be enough to confirm. If you find that you are often the one to start the conversation and she takes a while to respond or delays her responses, this may be another indication that she is not interested. Learn when you should stop texting a girl here.
‘Let Me Get Back to You on that’ Meaning
If you’re texting a girl and you’re worried about her message, ‘let me get back to you on that’, don’t be! There could be many reasons why she is texting this, and not all of them are bad! Justifiable reasons for a girl texting ‘let me get back to you on that’: - She is very busy with work, family, or her social life; - She is anxious about replying with the wrong thing so is calculated with her responses; - She is taking time to decide whether to pursue the conversation with you; - She is trying to appear busy and successful; or - She is forgetful. None of these reasons mean that you should call things off with her, it may just be that she is in a particularly busy stage of her life where responses may take longer. If it is hurting your feelings, you can always drop her a message to see if there’s a reason that she is always so busy. If this happens time and time again, there may be another underlying reason why she sends texts like ‘let me get back to you on that’ or ‘let me come back to you’, for example: - She has lost interest in the conversation; - She has found someone else; or - She isn’t interested in pursuing a relationship. If this happens, try not to take it personally. It’s unlikely that you did anything to cause this; it’s more likely that she realized that you are not what she is looking for, she has found someone more suited to her personality and her lifestyle, or that she has decided not to enter into a relationship at all. Don’t dwell on it, pick yourself up and get back out there!
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In this conversation, the guy has reacted negatively to the girl saying she doesn’t want to continue dating. Try to remember that it isn’t personal; at the end of the day, dating is as much about finding the right person for them as it is the right person for you.
How to Respond When a Girl Says ‘Let Me Get Back to You’
There are a number of ways you can respond to a girl saying ‘let me get back to you’, depending on how frequently this happens and what you want the outcome to be. Not getting replies on OkCupid or another dating site can be demoralizing, so here are some ways of responding to a girl who is postponing a response. Suggesting other options If a girl is hesitant to respond to a message about a potential date or is ghosting you, then giving her options is often a way to get a quicker response. If you say something like: - “Do you want to go out on Friday night? If this doesn’t work for you, I’m around next weekend too” - “Let me know if you want to do next week instead” - “I know a great place for a Friday or Saturday night, let me know what works best for you!” Making your feelings known If this girl is a serial delayer and you often get messages from her like ‘let me get back to you’, then it's probably best to make her aware that this is hurtful. She’ll either apologize and try to improve her response time if she wants to continue the conversation, or she’ll take it as an opportunity to end the conversation, in which case she wasn’t right for you anyway. Say something along the lines of: - “It’s hurtful when you take so long to reply to me. It often feels like I’m being ignored” - “Do you not want to speak to me?” - “I appreciate that you’re busy but it hurts my feelings when you don’t reply to my messages” Retaliation If you’re unsure whether a girl truly is as busy as she says she is or whether she is ghosting you, then you can always try a retaliation tactic. When she sends you a message don’t respond immediately, in fact, wait a day or two to respond. If she messages again to ask for a response then say something like: - “Sorry, I’ve also been busy lately” - “Ahh, so it’s ok when you take ages to reply?” If she doesn’t chase your message then she might not be prioritizing your text messages, and it may be time to assess whether it’s worth pursuing. In general, it isn’t recommended to use tactics or to react negatively to her texts. It makes you look bad, so it's best to move on if they don’t reply after 2-3 attempts. Giving space If you know that a girl is genuinely busy, then if she really does like you, she will eventually respond. This isn’t necessarily a reflection on your personality, but rather of her priorities. Giving her some space may be just what she needs in order to decide whether you’re a compatible match.
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Letting the girl know that it is upsetting when you are ignored isn’t a sign of weakness; it shows that you care and are wanting something more for the relationship! In conclusion, a girl texting ‘let me get back to you’ doesn’t necessarily mean that she isn’t interested in pursuing the conversation and relationship. She could be really busy at work, have a busy social life, tend to forget things, or just be an anxious texter. Having said that, if a girl is frequently delaying responding to your messages or questions about a future date then it might be best to let her know that your feelings are hurt by her actions. Want to know more about creating the perfect online dating profile, and how to succeed with text conversations? I offer an online dating profile writing service for men and women, and a text conversation feedback service to help! If you struggle to turn dating app matches into dates, then this service is perfect for you. As an experienced dating profile ghost-writer, I help my clients to write charming and memorable text messages to make sure you don’t get lost among other profiles. Read the full article
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