amoreeny · 3 months
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simon ghost! riley ⪩⪨
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amoreeny · 1 year
Hi! Just wanted to ask if you did taglists? If you do can you please add me to the Oliver queen unconditionally series?
Yeah, of course!
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amoreeny · 1 year
this is my main master-list where all of my stories will be placed.
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Chris Evans-
Oh Mr. Evans I
Oh Mr. Evans II
Steve Rogers -
I won't leave
DC :
Unconditionally Series | Oliver Queen
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amoreeny · 2 years
writing fanfiction is just. i’m being so creative and original. i’m plagiarizing everyone by accident. i’m a genius. i’m cringe. i’m too angsty. i’m too cheesy. this is not in character. it doesn’t matter that it’s not in character because these are my characters now. i love my hobby. this is the worst possible use of my time. i’m seeking validation. i’m projecting my own personal problems onto this story and i’m barely hiding it. i know so many words and i’m using all of them wrong. im on tumblr posting about it instead of writing it.
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amoreeny · 2 years
Unconditionally | Oliver Queen
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Status: Ongoing
This is the masterlist to my series on Wattpad 'Unconditionally'. I decided to move this story over here, so enjoy.
This story follows the Arrow-verse storyline. I do not take ownership of any characters of the DC character. I only take ownership of Y/N who is an oc and any characters i decide to add further into the storyline.
When presumed-dead billionaire playboy Oliver Queen and playgirl (Y/N) Merlyn returns home to Starling City after five years stranded on a remote island in the Pacific, they hide the changes the experience had on them, while Oliver is secretly seeking reconciliation with his ex, Laurel. By day they pick up where they left off, playing the carefree philanderers they used to be, but at night they don the alter ego of The Arrows and work to right the wrongs of Olivers family and restore the city to its former glory. Complicating their mission is Laurel's father, Detective Quentin Lance, who is determined to put the vigilantes behind bars.
DISCLAMINER: The description is not mine, it is the description that I found on google. I don't now own the characters or plot from the Arrow show. I only own the character (Y/N) Merlyn.
I am currently watching Arrow again and ill be posting every time I have finished an episode. So there will be roughly 170 parts in this series. I will try to match the plot to the show because I did add (Y/N) to the storyline. I also do not own any of the dialogue. I only own some parts. If you have watched the show you would understand. :))
Part 1 - We're Safe
Part 2 -
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amoreeny · 2 years
We're Safe
Pairing: Oliver Queen x F!Reader Synopsis: Billionaire playboy, Oliver Queen and Billionaire playgirl Y/N Merlyn, has been considered dead for five years. Now, they have returned. But something, during those five years, has changed them into mysterious green hooded archers. warnings: Fluff, kissing, sex, s*ui*de, mentions of trauma and torture Characters: Oliver Queen, Reader, Tommy Merlyn, Thea Queen, Moria Queen, Walter, Laurel Lance, Quintin Lance, Sarah Lance Word count: 13.2k Words *also, English is not my first language so sorry if they're any grammar or spelling mistakes!*
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While running through the woods (Y/N) and Oliver try to get to were their are arrows are hidden. While making it to the location they see a boat and run over to their supplies. Olive r sticks his knife into the rock and she stands beside him. He grabs an arrow and passes it quickly on the rock so it could create a flame. He gets ready to shoot. When he lets go of the arrow, it lands in the pack of sticks they had placed there earlier and the sticks light on fire. It grabbed the attention of the 2 fishermen who were on the boat.
"The name of the island they found us on is Lian Yu. It's Mandarin for 'purgatory'. "
The men slowly walk over to were the fire was as we were also walking towards them.
"We've been stranded here for five years. We've dreamed of our rescue every cold, black night since then."
We walk infront of the men and kneel.
"For five years, we've only had one thought, one goal, survive."
As the men looked at each other we took off our hoods slowly and looked up at them
"Survive and one day, return home."
As we sat down with a blanket around us, one of the men brought us two cups of some warm tea
"The island held many dangers. To live, we had to make ourselves more than what we were to forge ourselves into a weapon. We are returning, not the boy and girl who was shipped wrecked but the man and woman who will bring justice to those who have poisoned our city."
The man walked away as we both looked back at the island.
"My name is Oliver Queen"
"And my name is(Y/N) Merlyn."
Headline reads: Lost Billionaire's found"
"Oliver Queen and (Y/N) Merlyn are alive. The Starling City residents found by fishermen in the North China Sea five days ago. Five years after they were missing and presumed dead following of the accident at sea which claimed The Queens Gambit." Says the news anchor.
"Queen and Merlyn were a regular tabloid presences and fixtures at the Starling City club scene."
They show of Oliver and a random girl both drunk and with you behind them with a man and Tommy with you guys with two girls as well.
"Shortly before their disappearances, Queen was acquitted of assault charges stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi. Queen is the son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased." He continues saying "(Y/N) Merlyn is the daughter of Starling City billionaire of Malcom Merlyn who is the CEO of Merlyn Global Group. (Y/N) is the COO of Merlyn Global Group and her brother Thomas Merlyn is the CFO of the Merlyn Global Group as well. (Y/N) is also a very famous model. She is known for her appearances on the runway and her looks in magazines. She always has the best outfits on."
As I open my eyes I am blinded by the lights in the hospital. I look around and see my surroundings. I look outside and see the lights and building that weren't there before I left. I get up slowly and walk out of my room quietly as I make my way over to Olivers room. I walk in and I see him looking outside in awe. "Its beautiful isn't it." I say as I walked over to him and put one of my arms around his waist.
"Yeah, I cant believe how much has changed since we 'died', it's like a whole different world out there." He puts his arm around my waist as well and kisses my head. I smile and we stand there for a while admiring the new world we have come home to.
"Twenty percent of their bodies is covered in scar tissue. Second-degree burns on their back and arms. X-rays show at least 12 fractures that never properly healed on his body and about 15 on hers." The doctor tell Moira as they are looking at you and Oliver through the glass door.
"Have they said anything about what happened?" Moria asks the doctor.
"No, they've barely said anything." The doctor tells her and she looks back at you and Oliver. "Moira, I'd like you to prepare yourself. The Oliver and (Y/N) you lost might not be the one they found."
She takes a deep breath and opens the door.
"Oliver?" We turn our heads to see Moria standing there. I step away from Oliver a bit and he holds my hand.
"Mom." He says to her. She walks over to him and he looks at me, I smile at him and give him the 'go on' face. He lets go of my hand and goes to hug his mother. They hug for about 2 minutes until she lets go of Oliver and she looks at me. She smiles while tears are filling her eyes.
"My beautiful (Y/N), oh my goodness, you look as gorgeous as ever my darling." She comes towards me and hugs me. I hug her back and she rubs my back gently.
"You looks amazing as well Moira" She pulls back and puts her hands on my shoulders.
"Well as much as you look gorgeous and beautiful, we should go home and get some food into you two, huh? How does that sound?" She places her hand on Olivers shoulder and keeps one on mine as she shakes us lightly.
"That sounds great Mom" He smiles at her and holds my hand again,
"Well I cant discharge you tonight so ill be back." She smiles at us again and walks out. We look at each other and we smile.
"We're home" He says and he smiles at me.
"We're Home" I repeat his words and I return his smile.
He brings me into a kiss and I kiss him back. I pull back and I put my hand on his cheek. "We should get some rest okay?" I gave him a quick peck on the lips and I start walking out of the room. He pulls me back gently and places a kiss on my lips and puts his hand on my cheeks.
"Don't go" He says while our foreheads are together.
I roll my eyes and I laugh "After 5 years I would've thought you would be tired of me, but no you're still as clingy as always." I smile at him while I look him in his beautiful blue eyes. " Okay fine."
I let go of his waist and go lay down on his hospital bed. "Well are you coming or not?" He smiles and get into the bed. He snuggles up next to me and places his head on my shoulder. I play with his now short hair and I start falling asleep.
God I miss being in a 'normal' bed.
The next morning, we get to Queen Manor. Oliver gets out and extends his hand out for me. I take his hand and get out the car. Me and Oliver go around the car to go pick up our cases. The driver is already there and Oliver stops him.
"I've got it." He tells the driver and proceeds to take our stuff. Oliver takes mine and hands it to me.
Moira opens the door.
"Your room is exactly as you left it. I never had the heart to change a thing." She says placing her stuff at the entrance table.
"Oliver, (Y/N)." We hear a man say. The voice was so familiar but so unfamiliar as well. Oliver looks at me and I just shrug my shoulders. "Its damn good to see you two'. Oliver looked at the man up and down. "It's Walter." He puts his hands out and shakes Olivers hand. He does the same to me. "Walter Steele."
"You remember Walter. Your fathers friend from the company." Moira says and he looks at Walter one more time before letting go of his hand and intertwining our fingers.
We walk over to Raisa, she's been working for his family for years and Oliver considers her as a second mother. And so do I. Ive considered her my second mother after my mom died.
"It's good to see you, Raisa." Oliver tells her and she takes our free hands and puts it into hers.
"Its really good to see you Rasia." I tell her as she brings me into a hug. "ya tak skuchal po tebe (ive missed you so much)." I can feel her smile.
"ya tozhe skuchal po tebe (Ive missed you as well)." She says as she pulls away from the hug and takes our hands again.
"Welcome home, Mr.Oliver and Ms. (Y/N)" She tells us "Mr.Merlyn phoned. He wants to join you for dinner."
"Wonderful" I hear Moira say all of a sudden. I jump a bit and Oliver noticed. We started laughing quietly.
We hear a thud come from upstairs. Oliver and I knew exactly who it was.
"Oliver (Y/N), did you hear that?" Moira says.
We walked closer to the stairs and waited for her to come down. We waited at the end of the stairs.
"Hey sis." Oliver tells Thea
"I knew it. I knew you were alive" She ran down the stairs to hug him. He let go of my hand so he would be able to catch her. Once he did he hugged her back. "I missed you so much."
"You were with me or should I say 'Us' the whole time" He tell her as she pulls back in confusion.
"Us? what do you mean u-" She looks over at me and I smile at her and open my arms. She looks at me like she's just seen a ghost. She runs into my arms and she hugs me. I hug her back and spun her around.
"You know I really missed you Chucky." I told her while everyone started laughing.
The reason I call Thea 'Chucky' is because Oliver calls her 'speedy' since she was always running around. Well this one time me and Oliver were babysitting her, she somehow got a knife and started chasing Oliver around with it.
"Come on Laurel. We're lawyers, not miracle workers. We cant win this" Anastasia tells Laurel as she looks through some mail.
"If we can win a class-action suit against a man who swindled hundreds of people out of their homes and life savings then were not fit to call ourselves a legal aid office." She continues to walk and look through the mail with Anastasia behind her.
"And if we go bankrupt in the process we won't be a legal aid office. Hunt has an army of lawyers and they are ready to bury us." Anastasia tries to reason with Laurel.
"You and I against and army. I love those odds." She says looking at Anastasia.
"Why do you hate me?" She walks away.
Laurel sits down as she looks at a board filled with information about Adam Hunt.
"And in other news, details as to the cast away story you've all heard about. The son and daughter of very wealth billionaires will soon become a legendary story. Jessica now has more details and the complete castaway story." The reporter says on the TV. Laurel gets up and walks over to the TV.
"The Queen's Gambit was last heard from more than 5 years ago. Mr.Queen and Ms.Merlyn have reportedly confirmed they were the only survivors of the accident that took the lives of seven people including local resident Sarah Lance. Survived by her sister Laurel-" Laurel cuts off the TV and walks away from the table of where the other people in the office were sitting.
Oliver walks out the shower wearing a towel around his waist. His hair was still wet. When his fully walks out you can see his scars from the island. He walks in front of the window and looks outside.
"After five years, everything that was once familiar is now unrecognizable."
"The face I see in the mirror is a stranger."
There was a storm while on the boat. Robert was looking at the radar. He had a concerned look on his face. One of the crew members walks into the boat soaking wet. He walks over to Robert and starts talking.
"The storms a category 2. The captains recommending we head back." Says the crew member to Robert.
"Alright. Inform the crew." Robert says as the crew member walks away.
"Are we in trouble?" Oliver walks out of his room asking his father.
"One of us is." Robert responds as he walks over to his son. Oliver chuckles
"Ollie?" Sarah says walking out of the room with (Y/N) around her waist kissing her neck. She giggles while trying to move (Y/N). Sarah covers her robe as she see's that Robert is with him. "Where do you keep the bottle opener on this thing?" She asks him while (Y/N) is still placing small kisses on her neck. She giggles again still trying to move (Y/N).
"I'll be there in a minute Sarah. And (Y/N) don't eat her please" Oliver says pointing at them.
"No promises, Captain" She winks while walking away with Sarah.
Oliver turns to his father again and he continues speaking.
"That is not going to finish well. For either of them, or for you." Robert says.
I walk up to him and hug him from behind. I kiss his shoulder softly as I rub my hands up and down his arms as he gets dressed.
"You know I missed this. Us being together, and being able to be comfortable at home or should I say your home." I told him as he turned around hugging me around my waist and kissing my head.
"Our home (Y/N), our home." He says as he brings me into a hug and places his head on mine.
"You smell soooo good. Haven't smelled this smell in a while." We both burst out laughing.
"I know. You do too" We continue laughing and I slap his shoulder.
"Well loser im going to get ready for dinner." I tell him as I placed a kiss on his lips and walked away.
Oliver is downstairs looking at old photos at the entrance of the house. He pick up a photo of him and his father when he was little. He hears the door open and looks up.
"What did I tell you? Yachts suck" It was Tommy. Olivers best friend. And (Y/N)'s brother.
Oliver puts the photo down and turns around smiling.
"Tommy Merlyn." Oliver says bringing Tommy in for a hug.
"I missed you buddy." Tommy hugs him as well and smiles.
"Hey Ollie? Do you know where I put my brooch? You know the one Tommy gave me?" I say while walking out of his room while putting on my earrings.
"Yeah its in your jewelry box." Oliver says while Tommy pulls away from their hug.
"Ya prosto blya zaglyanul tuda" I tell him in Russian.
(I just fucking looked in there).
"Ya znayu, chto eto posledneye mesto, kuda ty yego polozhil." He responds to me in Russian.
(I know that's the last place you put it)
"Khorosho, ya proveryu eto snova, a zatem mister. znayu vse eto" I respond back to him. I roll my eyes while throwing my hands up in the air.
(Fine i'll check it again then Mr. know it all)
Tommy looks at Oliver starstruck. Not only is his best friend is back, but his little sister is back, all grown up.
"Lets go eat" Oliver tells him as he puts his arm on his shoulder and they walk into the living room.
I walked back into the room looking back inside my jewelry box. There it was. I put it on and I fixed my hair, I put some heels on and make my way downstairs. I walk downstairs and I hear some talking. I hear a voice, a voice that is familiar to me. I walked closer to the dining room and I see Thea.
I walk into the dining room and Oliver smiles at me. I smile back at him and walk over to Thea. We start talking and she compliments my pin
"That brooch is beautiful where'd you get it?" She asks me as we both look at it.
I take it off and show her. Its a beautiful butterfly brooch with my favorite colored diamonds on it. I show her the back and show her that my initials are engraved into it.
"Tommy gave it to me actually. For my 18th birthday." I hand her the pin so she can see it better.
"Wait are the diamonds real though?" She asks me and I laugh.
"Is that a real question Chucky? Obviously the diamonds are real, because diamonds are a girls best friend." I wink at her and she giggles. "You know Chucky, I missed you a lot. I missed our girl days and our chats." I say to her softly while smiling and putting my pin back on.
"I did too yk. I missed your advice and you wise words" Thea says and we both laugh. I hug her and she hugs me back.
"I love you T.T" I smiled as I hugged her. I can feel a smile on her face as well.
I let go as I hear footsteps. I see Oliver and I hug him.
"I see you find the brooch jellybean." Tommy. I smile at the words that came out of his mouth.
"Yes I did Bear." I hug him.
"I missed you jellybean." Tommy says as he hugged me.
"I missed you too Bear" I told him and he hugged me tighter. I can feel the air of my lungs escape. "Tommy. if you don't put me down ill chop your head off." He looked at Oliver and he gave him the "she'll do it" face to Tommy.
Tommy puts me down while having a terrified look on his face.
"Ill never do that to you bear." I pat his cheek as I walked over to the table.
"Okay what else did you miss. Super bowl winners, Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, Giants again. A black president, that's new. Oh, and "Lost," they were all dead, I think" Tommy says chuckling.
"What was it like there?" Thea asks as she looks at both of us. Everyone gets quiet looking at both of us. Oliver looks at me and I shrug my shoulders.
"Cold." Oliver responds dryly.
"Tomorrow you, me and (Y/N), we're doing the city. You two have a lot to catch up on." Tommy says as he points his fork at us.
"That sounds like a great idea." Moira speaks up and looks at us again. I grab my glass of wine and chuckle.
"Good. Then I was hoping to swing by the office." Oliver tell Moira. Walter stop drinking his wine and she nods raising her glass.
"Well, there's plenty of time for all that. Queen Consolidated isn't going anywhere." Walter says to Oliver and I just shake my head sipping my wine once again.
Raisa walks in and trips on the carpet. She had a bowl of fruits in her hand but Oliver catches it.
"Oh, I am so sorry, Mr. Oliver." Raisa tells Oliver with remorse.
"Ne bespokoytes'" He tells Raisa with a smile on his face. Everyone at the table was shocked, even Rasia.
(Its no worry)
"Dude, you speak Russian?" Tommy asks him in surprise.
"I didn't realize you took Russian in college, Oliver." Walter says.
"I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter." Oliver tells him. I almost spit my wine out in shock to what he just said.
"Im sorry" I start coughing and Oliver stands up to check on me but I push him away.
"Im okay im okay." I cough one last time as I wipe my mouth with the napkin.
Thea chuckles a bit and sits back. "I didn't say anything." Thea tells Moira and Walter.
"She didn't have to." Oliver responds to her.
"Oliver, Walter and I are married and I didn't want you to think that either of us did anything to disrespect your father." Moira says as she grabs Walters hand and looks at him.
"We both believed that Robert like you was, uh, well gone." Walter says.
"Its fine." Oliver says nodding at Moira. I took his hand lightly and intertwined our fingers. He looks down and smiles at me.
He lets go of my hand and stands up. "May I be excused?" He asks Moira, as she nods at him. I look at him walk away. I wait for him to leave the room.
"Hey, don't forget about tomorrow, buddy" Tommy says patting his arm. He winks at Thea then walks away.
I get up as well. "May I be excused as well please?" I asked Moria and she nods at me as well. I lip to her 'Im going to go check on him'. "Thank you Moira, dinner was lovely." I hugged Thea and Tommy as I walked out.
"It was my pleasure honey" She nods and smiles at me
"You too jellybean, don't forget." He tells me while patting my arm as well.
"Don't worry Thomas ill be there." I laugh as I walked out the dining room.
I walked up the stairs to Olivers room. I open the door and see him sitting on his bed. I sit next to him and rub his back lightly. He had his hands in his head.
"you okay?" I asked him gently.
"Yeah I just needed to get away you know?" He tells me. I nod understanding.
"Yeah I know." I say placing my head on his shoulder.
"Everything is just so..." He says trying to look for the correct word to say.
"Different? yeah I know. We've been gone 5 years and everything's changed." I take his hand and start playing with it.
"We should get some sleep. Tommy's going to be on our asses if we don't show up tomorrow." he says laughing at his own comment. I laugh along with him.
He hides his pain away with comedy. And I do too.
We get ready for bed. I lay down and he lays down next to me.
"I missed laying down on my own bed. Especially with you." He says bringing me into a kiss.
"I know. I missed it too. But look at where we are now. Here. Together." I say kissing him back.
"Goodnight Ollie."
"Goodnight (Y/N/N)" He kisses me once more time and I cuddle up next to him and fall asleep.
As the rain was pouring and the lightning was striking. Oliver lays on the floor with the window open.
"One, two, three. Its getting closer" Sarah tells Oliver with (Y/N) on her side holding champage.
"That's not very scientific." Oliver says taking a sip out of his cup.
"What would you know about science, Mr. Ivy League dropout?" (Y/N) says while taking a sip out of her cup as well.
"Yeah what would you know?" Sarah says.
"I happen to know alot about science. I know about fermentation. I know biology." He kisses (Y/N) and then Sarah.
"Laurel's gonna kill me. Oh, she's so gonna kill me." She smiles putting her cup down.
"Your sister will never know" Oliver says.
"Exactly, if she never finds out, she cant do anything." (Y/N) says kissing her and smiling. Sarah kisses back.
"That's true." She smiles at (Y/N) then Oliver.
"Come here" He takes both Sarah and (Y/N) down and gets on top of both of them. They both start to laugh.
The lights turn off.
"Okay, that one was really close." Sarah says freaking out a little bit.
"Yeah Ollie, that one was really close." (Y/N) says looking at him.
"Sarah, (Y/N) you're going to be fine." He says reassuring both of the girls and kisses them.
All of sudden the boat starts to tilt and they all fall off the bed onto the wall.
Sarah and (Y/N) both scream slamming into the wall. Oliver was able to grab (Y/N). (Y/N) extend her arm to grab Sarah but it was too late. Sarah fell.
They both swim to the top where a safe boat was.
"SARAH!" (Y/N) and Oliver yell out.
"(Y/N)! OLIVER!" We can hear the voice of Robert yelling out her name. Robert put out his arm so he was able to pull Oliver in.
The crew member also put his hand out and helped (Y/N) get onto the safe boat.
"No! No! No! Dad shes out there!" Oliver says in panic.
"Shes not out there." Robert says.
"SARAH!" Oliver yells out one last time.
Oliver collapses into (Y/N) arms and starts crying.
The boat falls slowly into the ocean.
"Oliver? Oliver.? Oliver wake up." I say trying to wake him up. Moira and Walter are behind me trying to see whats wrong. "Oliver. Ollie-" He wakes up and puts his hand on my throat. I start coughing while Walter and Moira are help me up.
He moves back quickly realizing what he'd just done. "Im sorry. Im so, sorry." He says looking down in disappointment.
"Its okay. Its okay." I say as i get closer to him bringing him into a hug.
"Its alright sweetheart. Youre home. Youre home." Moira says. She and Walter walk out. Leaving me and Oliver alone in the room again.
"(Y/N) I am so sorry. I didnt mean it i swear its just that i had a nightmare and you were in it and-" I shushed him and brought him into a hug. I kiss his head gently as the rain is coming in through the window.
"Youre safe now. Okay, im safe. We're safe. Im here, alive and well." I tell him while smiling at him gently.
"Yeah. Its just it was a flash back to when the boat drowned and you waking me up just like activated my fight or flight. Im so sorry. Is your neck okay." He say worryingly looking at me and checking my neck for any bruises.
"Ollie. Ollie look at me, im fine dont worry. okay im okay." I reassure him one last time until getting up and closing the window. "Lets change your clothes and get to bed okay?" Oliver grabs some clean clothes and changes. I do the same thing and we lag back down in bed.
This time, i wait for him to fall asleep before i do.
I wake up to the light of the sun hitting my face. I feel a large pair of hands around my waist. I turn around and see Oliver. I smile and run my hands through his now short hair. I can hear his soft snores. The sunlight hitting his face. I smile as I admire his beauty.
"Good Morning" I hear him say while having his eyes closed.
"Good Morning" I smile at him. "Did you sleep well?" I asked while still playing with his hair.
"I slept great, how about you?" He asks placing a kiss on my lips.
"I slept amazing." I smiled at him.
"I could get used to this view." He says kissing me again and rolling us over so he could be on top.
I kiss him back and respond, "I could get used to this view as well."
We continued kissing for a while until the kisses became more deep and passionate. I started taking off his shirt and he did the same to me. By this time, we are both naked and still kissing. He starts moving down to my neck, I let out a soft moan.
"Fuck..." I say softly. I can feel him smirk on my neck. He continues to kiss my neck, knowing he's leaving hickys on my neck.
He makes his way down my body, kissing it slowly. He makes it to my pussy. He kisses down my thighs running his fingers on the side of my body. I let a gasp out while arching my back to the wonderful feeling of his lips touching my skin.
He makes his way up my body and stops at my pussy. He licks my clit gently while putting my leg on his shoulder. He pulls his tongue away from my clit, he inserts two fingers while placing his left thumb on my clit. He moves his fingers in and out of my pussy. He slowly starts to move his thumb around my clit. I arch my back and let out a moan.
"Ollie.. Oh my.." I let out while running my fingers through his hair.
He quickens his pace. Im about to let out a moan but I cover my mouth with my hand and my other hand is grabbing the sheets. I can feel myself climaxing.
"Fuck im about cum Oliver." I say covering my mouth again.
"Cmon baby" He says while going quicker.
I cum on his finger and he licks them off. He moves back up to me and starts kissing me again. I kiss him back and place my hands on his back.
"I need you in me Oliver." I whisper in his ear and he smirks at me again.
He alines himself with my pussy. He looks at me, all I see behind those ocean blue eyes is lust, passion and his love for me. He puts his dick in me and I grip the sheets, letting out a loud moan from my mouth. He covers my mouth with one of his hands while we move our hips.
I flip him over, im now on top of him. I move my hips slowly while throwing my head back gently. He grabs my boobs and starts playing with them. He cups one of them and starts licking my nipple. I gasp at the feeling and cover my mouth so no one could hear us.
I lift my head back up and place my hands behind his head while riding him slowly. I hear feel him moan softly. He grabs my waist softly and starts moving my hips faster. I can feel him becoming desperate. We both move our hips quickly as we ride out each others climaxes.
"Fuckkkkk..." He says while we cum together.
"Oh my god." I say while out of breath.
I start kissing him again. He grabs my hips again and flips us over so he's on top. He alines himself with my pussy again. He inserts his dick again and starts at a quick pace. I copy his pace and I start kissing him so neither of us would moan loudly out of pleasure. We move our hips at the same pace.
Our rhythm starts to become sloppy. We slow down a bit.
"Fuck baby, im about to cum." I say while bringing him into another kiss.
He lays his body against mine and picks down the pace. I could feel his and mine climaxes come along. Oliver slows down the pace which lets me know that he's cumming. He lays his head on my chest while riding out his climax
We are more out of breath the before. He lifts his head and smiles at me.
"That was amazing" He says kissing my nose then my lips.
"It really was." I say smiling.
"We should get ready." He says while getting up from the bed and extending his arm out. Helping me get up as well. We head to the bathroom and get ready for the day.
When we are done, we walk back into his/ our room and put some clothes on. I put on a plain white turtle neck sweater-dress with a gold Chanel chain belt on. I put on knee-high snake/black leather boots. I let my hair out and put on some light makeup.
Oliver goes to his side of the bed and grabs his case.
"What are you doing?" I ask crossing my arms and looking down at him.
"Im looking for something." He says while putting the combination in. He puts the lock down and opens it. He unwraps the cloth and picks up a notebook. He looks at he briefly and puts it back down. He grabs a honzen that he wanted to give Thea back on the island. He gets up and I follow him out.
Oliver knocks on Theas door while holding my hand. We could hear some quick shuffling and we look at each other confused. Oliver opens the door. He walks in and I walk behind him a bit.
"Ollie." Thea says with a smile on her face
"No one's called me that in a while, Speedy." He says walking closer to her.
"Worst nickname ever." She says while rolling her eyes jokingly.
"I think its pretty cute" I said while smiling.
"(Y/N)!" She says while bringing me into a hug.
"What, always chasing around after you as a kid. I thought it fit pretty well. Maybe it still does" Oliver says while I pull away from me and Theas hug.
I look over at Theas friend who seems to be frozen. I gave her a strange look then I look back at Thea. "Is she okay T?" I point at her friend. Thea looks at her and rolls her eyes.
"Im sorry, she's just a huge fan of you." Thea says trying to get her friends attention.
"Hi hello" I say waving at her.
"Omg Hi Hi." She says taking my hand and shaking it pretty roughly.
"Oh-" I let out and shake her hand. "Quite the grip you got there babe, you'd make a great business woman with that firm handshake." I say chuckling.
"Would I?" She asks me.
"Of course yeah, you can be whatever you want to be" I wink at her and she looks at Thea.
"See you at school Speedy." She says practically skipping out the room. I laugh and turn back to Thea and Oliver.
"Sorry about her." Thea says to me and Oliver.
"Don't worry, I loved her She's so cute. Make sure to tell her that." I say laughing.
"I have something for you." Oliver says pulling out the Hozen.
"You did not come back from a deserted island with a souvenir." Thea says crossing her arms looking at Oliver.
"Its a Hozen. And in Buddhism, it symbolizes reconnecting. I kept it in hopes that one day it could reconnect me with you." He hands the the Hozen to Thea.
"A rock. That is sweet. You know I want one of those T-shirts that say my friend and sister were castaways. All I got was this crappy shirt." Tommy says walking in and smiling at all three of us.
"Don't let him get you into too much trouble. You two just got back, take it slow." She says hugging both of us individually.
Tommy clears his throat. "The city awaits." Oliver nods.
"You're so annoying you know that right." I tell Tommy as we all walk out.
Oliver takes my hand and intertwines our fingers again.
"Do you notice how hot your sister's gotten?" Tommy says pointing back at the door. Oliver turns back to him with his lips together. "Because I have not." Tommy says. I let out a laugh while we walk out.
We are driving through the city.
"Your funerals blew." Tommy says while driving. Oliver looks over at him smiling.
"Did you get lucky" Oliver asks him.
"Fish in a barrel. They were so sad and huggy-" Tommy says while laughing
"Omg No" I say.
"No." Oliver says squeezing his eyes together.
"- And I am counting on another target rich environment for your welcome-bash." Tommy says putting his eyes on the road.
"At our what?" Oliver asks in confusion.
"You guys came back from the dead. This calls for a party. You tell me where and when. Ill take care of everything." Tommy says as me and Oliver both shake our heads.
We pull up to the Glades.
"This city's gone to crap. You know, you're dad sold his factory just in time. And why'd you want to drive through this neighborhood anyway?" Tommy asks Oliver.
"Tommy." I say rolling my eyes and sitting back.
"No reason." Oliver says looking outside.
"So what'd you two miss the most. Steaks at the Palm, drinks at the station? Meaningless sex?" Tommy asks.
"Not you that's for sure." I answer and laughed.
"Haha so funny jellybean" Tommy says sarcastically.
"Laurel." Oliver answers and my smiled practically dropped. Oliver told me he was over her.
"Everyone is happy you're alive. You want to see the one person who isn't?" Tommy asks him.
Oliver justs shrugs.
"Laurel, I just got this from Hunts lawyers." Anastasia says taking Laurels arm. She hands her the files. "They filed a change of venue. We are now in front of Judge Grell." She claps her hands together looking over at Laurel.
"Hunt funded Grells reelection campaign. He's got Grell in the back of his pocket." Laurel says handing the file back to Anastasia.
"You know, its fun being your friend. I get to tell you I told you so a lot." She says brings Laurel into a side hug.
"No. Adam Hunt isn't smarter than we are." She says trying to prove her point.
"No, he's just richer and willing to commit multiple felonies." Anastasia says.
"We don't need to go outside the law-" Laurel says before Anastasia cuts her off.
"To find justice. Your dads favorite jingle" She says rolling her eyes.
Anastasia walks away. Laurel turns around and her smile drops as she sees Oliver.
"Hello, Laurel." Oliver says with a smile on his face.
"You went to law school. You said you would." Oliver says while they walk.
"Yeah everyones proud." Laurel says not trying to make it seem like she cares.
"Adam Hunt's a heavy hitter. You sure you want to get into the ring with him" Oliver looks at her while asking.
"Five years and you wanna talk about Adam Hunt." Laurel says blankly.
Oliver shakes his head. "No. Not really" He smiles a bit stopping.
"Why are you here Ollie?" She asks while turning to look at him.
"To apologize." He says plainly. "It was my fault. I wanted to ask you not to blame her or (Y/N)."
"For what? Falling under your spell? How can I possibly blame her or (Y/N) for doing the same things that I did?" Laurel says.
"I never meant to-" Oliver tries to say but Laurel cuts him off.
"She was my sister. And (Y/N) was my best friend." She said. "I couldn't be angry they were dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry. That's what happens when your sister and best friend die while screwing your boyfriend" She tries to hold in her tears. "We buried an empty casket, because her body was at the bottom of the ocean. Where you left her. It should've been you."
Oliver takes in everything she said. "I know its too late to say this, but im sorry." He says to her with sincerity.
"Yeah im sorry to." Laurel says with tears in her eyes. "I'd hope you'd rot in hell a whole lot longer than five years." She says walking away from him.
"How'd you think that was going to go, Tommy?" She says to Tommy while walking into the office.
"About like that." He says.
We all walk into where Tommy had parked the car.
"Okay, so we took care of that. Good call." He says while walking towards the car. "Now we make up for lost time."
I walk beside Tommy looking down at my feet while walking to the car.
"If you're not too sick for fish, I suggest we find some leggy models and eat sushi all day." Tommy says. "What do you say-"
A van pulls up behind us quickly.
"What the hell?"
I turn back around and see two guys with red devil masks and a gun. They point the gun at me and I put my hands up.
They shoot Tommy. I was relived that they're tranquilizers and not actual bullets.
I run over to the guys and knock down one of them. I jump on the guy who shot Tommy and put him in a black widow submission move. I can feel his body go limp and I let go slowly just incase he wasn't actually passed out. I get down and the guy drops on the floor next to the other guy.
I see the guy that I knocked down get up and shoots Oliver with a tranquilizer as well. I look at Oliver on the floor. Then I feel something hit my neck and I touch the spot. I got hit.
"Shi-" I managed to get out before hitting the floor. Hard.
Oliver isn't fully down and he sees a guy who comes from the back door of the restaurant and another masked guy shoots him. Oliver then passes out.
"Here. Drink" Robert passes a water bottle to Oliver.
"What the hell are you doing? That's all we've got." Says a crew member almost yelling at Robert.
Oliver hands me the water bottle and I take a sip.
"If anybody's making it out of here, its going to be them." Robert tells him. "Im sorry.I thought id have more time. Im not the man you think I am. I didn't build our city. I failed it. And I wasn't the only one." When he said that last sentence he looked at me. I knew instantly he was talking about my father.
"Mr.Queen. Mr Queen!" "Ms. Merlyn. Ms.Merlyn." I hear a voice calling. I open my eyes slowly. I open my eyes and it was still dark.
Someone takes the the bag off of my head. My hair flys onion my face and I throw my head back to move the hair out my face. I hear a taser and I look over at Oliver. They placed us next to each other. I look around at my surroundings.
"Did your father survive that accident?" The masked guy asked.
I see Tommy passed out on a wooden thing with his hands tied behind his back.
"I asked a questions. You give me answers." The guys gets closer to Olivers face.
I move my wrists around and try to get loose from the zip ties. He tases Oliver.
"Did he make it to the island? Did he tell you anything?" He looks at Oliver while breathing heavily. I finally get free from the zip ties and get up with out the other guys noticing.
"Hey um excuse me sir. I really I have to use the bathroom is it this way or this way" I point in different directions.
"Yeah they're just over the-" He realizes that im free. I break the chair over his back and grab two broken legs and stab the other two guys with it. I clap my hands together. "That was easy." I laugh while untying Oliver. I put them in a corner and zip tie them.
"So that's your story, a guy in a green hood flew in and single-handedly took out three armed kidnappers." Detective Lance asked us. "I mean, who is he? Why, why would he do that?"
"I don't know." Oliver says.
"Find him and you can ask him." I tell Detective Lance with my arms crossed and a serious look on my face.
"Yeah. What about you? You see the hood guy?" Lance asks Tommy.
"I saw... just movement." Tommy says still trying to wrap his head around everything. "Everything blurry. I, I was kinda out of it." Oliver looks at Tommy then at Lance
"Its funny isn't it. One day back and already somebody's gunning you two." Lance says looking at both of us. "Aren't you popular?"
"Were you able to identify the men?" Moira steps in asking Lance.
"Scrubbed identities, untraceable weapons." Says Lances partner. "These were pros."
"Yeah." Lance says. "Well, they probably figured you'd pay a kings ransom to get your boy back or a Queens ransom as it were." Lance looks a Moira. "After all a parent would do anything to keep their child safe." Lance says looking at Oliver.
"I don't find your tone appropriate, detective." Moira says.
"I mean you would know about wanting to keep you child safe right Quentin. You have two of your own right? Or should I say one?" I look at Lance with a straight face.
Lance was about to say something but Walter stands up from his seat and walks closer to Lance,
"If Oliver and Ms.Merlyn can think of anything else, we'll be in touch. Thank you gentleman for coming." Walter says, putting his hands in his pocket while looking at Lance and his partner.
Lance scoffs and puts the drawing away. Oliver gets up and straightens his clothes. I stand up as well.
"Your luck never seems to run out, does it?" He says looking at both of us. Raisia walk the men out of the house.
"Im going home now." I say while walking to Moira. "Thank you for having me Moria, it was a pleasure staying over and getting to see you again." I tell her while hugging her and kissing both of her cheeks.
"Why leaving so soon hun?" Moira asks with sad eyes.
"I have to see my dad. I haven't seen him since I got back." I told her and she brings me into a hug.
"Okay, be careful hun okay? and remember this will always be your home okay." She says.
"Okay." I say walking away without saying anything to Tommy or Oliver.
Oliver sits at his desk searching up everything he can find on Adam Hunt. He looks at a piece paper but then puts it down. He sees a picture of you and him and another photo of him and Laurel. He flips over his fathers book and he sees that Adams name is in it.
"You are different. Not like you to read a book." Raisa says walking into his room with a tray in her hand. Oliver flips over the book and closes the tab he was on. He sits back and smiles.
"I misses you Raisa." He says.
"No kitchen on the island." She says.
"No. No friends either. Except (Y/N), but she's not really a friend she's more like my.." Oliver says trying to find the word.
"Your girlfriend?" She says smiling at her.
"Yeah. My girlfriend." He says smiling. 'My girlfriend' he says again in his head.
"Hey. Thank you." He says getting up and grabbing the tray from Raisa. She smiles and nods at him. "Do I really seem different?" He asks her putting the tray down on his bed.
"No. You're still a good boy." She says.
"Oh I think we both know I wasn't."
"But a good heart"
"I hope so. I want to be the person you told me I could be."
I walk into to my house. I look around and see that everything's still the same. I put my jacket on the coat rack and I walk in.
I look around at all the photos my dad has of me and Tommy when we were younger. I smile and cross my arms while browsing through the photos. I come across this one photo of me and my mom. I take it and look at it. I smile at it while running my fingers on the frame. I can feel tears forming in my eyes but I hold them back just in case someone sees me. I hear the front door open. I hear my dads voice. He was on the phone. I keep looking at the photo waiting him to walk into the room.
Since the room was kind of dark, only a little light from the dining room came into the living area.
He sighs as he puts his coat on the coat rack. He walks into the living area and sees a figure.
"Who are you?" He says stopping in his tracks, trying to make out my figure.
"That's no way to greet your daughter. Dad." I say as I turn around to look at him. I place the picture back on the table.
"Jellybean? Is that really you?" He asks me on the verge of tears. He looks rough. He had red eyes, eye bags, crooked tie, messed up shirt, stains on the shirt.
He brings me into a hug. He reeks of alcohol and Big Belly Burger. He was sweating. I hug him back but eventually pull back. I couldn't stand the smell he had.
"I missed you so much jellybean. Everythings been falling apart ever since you disappeared. Ive been falling apart since you left.I felt lost. The same way I felt when your mother died." He says. I nod understanding his hurt.
"Did you leave Tommy alone? Like you left us when mom died?" I ask him crossing my arms. He nods disappointedly.
"Fucking shit dad. are you serious right now. Just because you were hurt and broken I was gone. didn't mean leave your son alone to grieve my so on so 'death' alone just because you couldn't handle it. You're such a dick you know that right." I scoff and start walking out.
"(Y/N) wait!-" He says running after me.
"Dad go take a shower and get some sleep. Call me when your fucking sober." I tell him grabbing my coat off the coat rack and walking out of the house.
I hop on my motorcycle and put my helmet off.
Oliver walks out of the house but Moira stops him.
"Oliver, I wanna introduce you to someone." She says reaching out for his hand. Walter stands next to her. A man who had a serious look on his face. "John Diggle. He'll be accompanying you from now on." She says smiling at him.
"I don't need a babysitter." Oliver says looking at both Walter and Moira.
"Darling, Oliver's a grown man. And if he doesn't feel he needs armed protection-" Walter couldn't finish before Moira interrupted him.
"You know, I understand, but this is something I need." She says looking at Walter then back at Oliver.
Oliver looks at John.
"So.. What do I call you" Oliver asks John.
"Diggle's good." Diggle responds to Oliver. "Dig of you want."
"You're ex-military?" Olivers asks Diggle
"Yes, sir. 105th airborne out of Kandahar, retired." Diggle says keeping his eyes on the road. "Been in the private sector for a little more than four years now. I don't want there to be any confusion Mr.Queen. My ability to keep you from harm will outweigh your comfort. Do we have an agreement? Sir?" Diggle looks at the mirror then looks back. He sees Oliver isn't in the back anymore. He stops the car and gets out. He opens the back door and looks inside.
Oliver walks with a duffle bag and a book bag. He looks around to see if there is anyone around. He makes it to Queen industrial. He throws his bags over and hops over the fence. He picks up both bags and puts them on his shoulder.
Oliver opens the doors into the factory and walks in. They're are papers everywhere. He looks down and sees that he step on an 'Annual Report' with his dads face on it.
'The abduction was unexpected. It forced me to move up my plans. But what I told the police was true. The man with the green hood was there in that warehouse and he was just beginning.'
Oliver makes a hole in the floor. He grabs a package and drops it with a rope in a big space. He starts tearing up floors.
He powers up the lights. He sets everything up.
He looks at the computer with a map and goes to another computer that he uses to hack.
He puts some safety goggles on and sits down near where his arrows are. He starts sharpening them.
he starts working out. (I did not feel like writing everything did in this scene.)
He takes the case that he brought from Lian-Yu out. He takes his bow out and examines it. He walks over next to the table and throws tennis balls at the wall. He throws arrows at the tennis balls. When he stops he hit all the balls ;).
Oliver finished training and sits down. He sits down in front of the TV.
"The suit alleges that Hunt committed multiple acts of fraud and theft against the city's underprivileged." Says the new anchor.
Oliver looks at the book that had the names in it.
"Laurel Lance, an attorney for the city necessary-"
'Adam Hunt. His crimes go deeper than fraud and theft but he's been able to bully, bribe or kill anyone who's gotten in his way. He hasn't met us yet.' Oliver grabs his suit and puts it on.
I walk into my house and all the lights are turned off. My dad must've not wanted to give it away. I put my jacket on the coat rack and my keys in my key bowl.
"Its cold in here" I say to myself as I fully walk in. I walk up the stairs and go to my room. I hop into the shower and change. I put on a 1995 Chanel cropped jacket with some ripped blue jeans. I do my hair and walk downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and walk to the fridge.
"Marge?" I say yelling out for my AI.
"Welcome back Ms. Merlyn." Marge says.
"Its good to be back Marge" I say smiling.
"Marge mind playing my playlist for me?" I ask her.
"I do not mind at all Ms.Merlyn." She says.
-Playing Back to Black-
I start singing along to the song. I move my hips side to side
"You go back to her and I go back to" I sing along while grabbing stuff out the fridge.
I hear something fall over and I stop.
"Marge. Lower the music." I say quietly and she lowers the music.
I grab my katana that Oliver gave me from its stand. I take off my heels and start walking slowly outside. I hear rubbling. I walk into my foyer and see a large figure in a suit. They lights of my dining room were off so I couldn't see properly.
"Ill give you three seconds to reveal yourself or ill chop you up into pieces." I say walking closer to the dining room.
I jump on the person and do the black widow submission hold. I can feel the person become limb and I slowly get off and I drag the person to the kitchen and sit them on the chair in the kitchen. I take off their hood and I see their face.
"What the fuck." I say in disbelief. Its Oliver. The last person I want to see. I put my heels and continue to cook.
I pour myself a mega pint of wine in my glass. I wipe my head and look at Oliver.
'What the actual fuck was going to plan on doing.' I say to myself. I just continue cooking.
I drink my wine and stare at Oliver. He starts moving and grunts. by this time I've finished eating
"Sleeping beauty's alive! What a surprise." I say sarcastically while taking a sip of my wine.
"What the hel-" He looks at me in shock.
"What didn't expect me to be in my house Oliver?" I say while finishing my food.
I get up and put my plate and fork in the dishwasher.
"Do you want some or?? because I made a lot and im not going to eat more." I say blankly not looking at him.
"Well? Are you going to explain what you're doing breaking into my house Oliver?" I look at him taking another sip of my wine.
"Oliver? Why aren't you call me Ollie hun?" Oliver says sitting up.
"I don't know" I shrug. "Cause I don't want to I guess."
Oliver grunts in pain and clutches his chest.
"Hold on let my fix that up for you." I say grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink.
I pull up the chair in front of him. I take off his hood and his shirt. I open the kit and grab the thread and needle. I start to stitch his shoulder. I don't ask him about anything that happened.
"If I get your blood on my jacket im making you buy me a new one." I say while concentrating on stitching his shoulder.
"Okay will do." He says.
I finish stitching him up and I start putting the stuff away. I bandage him up just in case.
"Why are you mad at me hun?" He asks me while taking my hand softly.
I snatch my hand away softly and get up.
"Im not mad. Im completely fine." I say putting the first aid kit away.
"You don't seem fine (Y/N)." He says looking at me as I throw away the stuff with blood.
"I don't know, would I be fine if my boyfriend comes back from the dead with me and the first thing he wants to do when he comes back is go to see his ex girlfriend. AFTER telling me you were over her. No I don't think im fine 'hun'" I roll my eyes at him.
"I-" He was about to start talking but I cut him off.
"Can you just.. leave please. I want to be alone right now." I say.
"I-" Oliver was about to say something again.
"Just leave please." I tell him and he grabs his stuff and leaves.
I down the rest of my wine. This is going to be a longgg night.
"He was wearing a hood, a green hood. And he had a bow and arrow." Hunt says to Lance and his partner. "What you don't believe me? That maniac put two of my men in the hospital."
"Well thanks for your statement."Lance says as Hunt hands over the arrow to his partner. "We'll put an APB on... Robin Hood." He says looking at the arrow and back and Hunt.
"Hey, pal. Im not some grocer who got take for his register. I go to the front of the line. Now he said he would be here by 10pm. Make sure you're here first." Hunt says as Lance nods his head. "You can coordinate with Mr. Drakon my new head of security." Hunts points to a man who is wearing all black and a leather jacket with gloves. He had his hands on his hips.
"Alright well uh thanks for your time." Lance smirks and walks out with his partner.
"It looks like Queen and Merlyn were telling the truth." Says Lances partner.
"Yeah well there's a first time for everything." Lance says as they walk to the elevator. "This hooded guy comes looking for trouble, he'll find it.
You wake up to rustling nosies. You get up quickly with a knife in your hand. You wake up to see Tommy opening your blinds.
"What the actual fuck Thomas." I say blocking the afternoon sun out of my face with the hand I have my knife in.
"Cmon Jellybean, its 5pm and your party is in 3 hours." He says sitting next to me.
"Can I just stay here? Im not really in a party mood right now bear." I lay back down and put the comforter over my face.
"Nope, nope nope we are not doing this. Oliver told me what happened." He says taking the comforter off and dragging me off the bed. "The maids are here to clean so you have to get up."
"ya ub'yu tebya golymi rukami" I say under my breath while walking to my bathroom.
(Im going to kill you with my bare hands.)
"What was that?" He says.
"Etot ostrov pokazal mne mnogo veshchey, i ya sobirayus' pokazat' vam odin iz navykov, kotorym ya nauchilsya. Snachala ub'yu tebya golymi rukami." I say louder.
"I still cant understand you jellybean." He says.
"that island showed me a lot of things and im going to show you one of the skills i learned. First is kill you with my bare hands Thomas." I say rolling my eyes and walking into the bathroom.
I can hear the shock in his movement. I hear him about to say something.
"Say something else Thomas." I throw a knife at him and made sure to miss.
"Next time I won't miss." I close the door and started to get ready.
I get out the shower and start to get ready. I blow my hair out and do some light make up. I walk into my room and I start getting dressed. I put on a silk Dolce and Gabbana old Hollywood dress on. I pair it with a Ophelie T-strap sandals from Gucci of course. I put on a necklace and a pair of earrings and golden Ippolita anniversary stack on.
I walk out of my room and Tommy is waiting for me in the foyer. He looked at me stark struck.
"Thomas if you say something. I will make sure to chop your limbs off piece by piece." I tell him while grabbing my dress so I can walk properly.
Oliver walks out of the house and unbuttons his jacket and opens the door. He peeps his head in and sees Diggle.
"Put on your seat belt, sir. Wouldn't want you to miss your party." He says to Oliver.
Oliver accepts his defeat and gets into the car.
I walk into the by myself because I told Tommy to get there before me because I wanted to go on my bike.
I walk in and I see Oliver.
"Oh great." I say under my breath.
I walk up next to Oliver and I don't say anything. I can feel him look over at me.
"You look amazing tonight." He says while looking at me up and down.
"You don't look to bad yourself Oliver." I say.
"Well should we start walking down?" He asks me and offers my hand. I take it.
We start walking down the stairs and he takes his phone out of his pocket. The time reads 9:07pm. Tommy sees us and looks at his hand in hand and smirks. Tommy asks the DJ to cut the music and he runs up to us.
"Everybody, hey! Man and Woman of the hour!" He says wrapping his arm around Olivers shoulder and slaps his chest. "Whoo! And ladies, please give this man a proper homecoming." Tommy says we both walk down the stairs.
"Thank you very much everybody!" Oliver tells the crowd
"Ollie, Ollie, Ollie, Ollie. Jellybean!" He hands us shots of tequila. We all take the shot and I squeeze my face.
"I missed tequila!" I yell out and the crowd cheers.
Hunt picks up his glass of whiskey, the time reads 9:25pm. He takes a sip of the whiskey. His men are getting ready, loading up their guns with bullets and giving each other magazines.
"What the hell is going on out there?" Hunt asks Drakon who is staring outside the window.
"Party for the guy and chick who got rescued off that island." Drakon tells Hunt. "Oliver Queen and (Y/N) Merlyn."
Adam takes another sips and he walks away angrily.
Oliver is flirting is out somewhere flirting with other girls some where else. Im on the dance floor dancing with a guy.
Tommy walks up to Oliver and they both look at Diggle.
"Hey, does he wipe for you, too?" Tommy asks. "Now by my rough estimate you have not had sex in 1839 day."
"Uhhh well you're wrong actually bud." Oliver says
"Oh wow really with who? Is she anyone I know?" Tommy turns around and looks around.
"Yes. It is." Oliver says while smirking.
"Well who's the lucky lady?" Tommy asks again. Olivers looking at you on the dance floor dancing with another guy.
"That shall forever remain a secret." Oliver says.
"Wells lets find you another gal. And as your wing man, I highly recommend Carmen Golden." Tommy says.
"Which one is she?" Oliver asks crossing his arms while looking at three girls who are dancing.
"The one that looks like the chick from Twilight." Tommy says.
"What's Twilight?" Oliver asks confused
"You're so better off not knowing."
I walk over to Ollie.
"Did you invite T? She's over there talking with some dude and her friends are here too. And the last time I checked they were all 17." I look at Oliver crossing my arms as I looked at Thea. The guy hands Thea something and me and Oliver look at each other.
"We'll be back in a minute." Oliver says. We walk next to each other and walk over to Thea.
"Ollie (Y/N), hey!" Thea says "Well this party is sick." She says smiling.
"Who let you in here?" Oliver asks her.
"I- I believe it was someone who said 'Right this way Miss. Queen"
"Well you shouldn't be here T." I tell her with a soft caring look on my face while my arms are crossed.
"(Y/N) im not 12 anymore." She looks at me.
"No, you're 17." Oliver says
"Ollie (Y/N) I, I love you. But you cant come back here and judge me." She looks at him. "Especially for being like you two." She looks at both of us and I just stand there in shock.
"I know that it couldn't have been easy for you when we were away-" Oliver tells her before she cuts him off.
"Away? No you guys died. My brother, my sister and my father died." She said. I felt bad for her, knowing she went through all of that at a young age. "I went to your funerals."
"We know T." I say.
"No, you don't. Mom had Walter and I had no one. You guys act like its cool. Lets forget about the last five years. Well I cant. For me, its kind of permanently in there so im sorry if I turned out some major disappointment. But this, me is the best I can do with what I had to work with" She said. "Lets bounce." She walks over to her friends.
"You have the fun dip?" Theas friend asks her.
"Yeah, its, its right here. No I, I must've dropped it." Thea says.
I show the little bottle to Oliver and he smirks at me. We walk over to the trash and he throws it out. Diggle saw us and just smirked while buttoning his jacket. We walk the opposite direction and Oliver bumps into someone. Laurel. God damn she's everywhere. I roll my eyes and look at them
"Oh! Oh. You're here." He says to her.
"Tommy. He made me realize the point that we have too many years between us to leave things the way we left them." She says. "Is there someplace quieter that we could go?" She asks.
I scoff and I look at Oliver. I look at him and he's about to take her somewhere else. I let go of his hand.
"Yeah." He smiles at her taking her somewhere else.
"Whatever dude." I say under my breath as I roll my eyes. I go to the bar and I ask the bartender for his strongest drink.
"Give me the good stuff." I wink at him and he starts to prepare my drink.
"Im going to need a couple so keep em' coming" I tell him as I down the first shot.
"Im sorry about saying that you should've been the one who died. That was wrong" Laurel apologizes to Oliver.
"If I could trade places with her, I would." Oliver says.
Laurel stops and faces Oliver.
"About Sarah.. there's been something I've been afraid to ask but I need to know." She says holding back her tears.
"Okay." Oliver says softly.
"When she died.. did she suffer?" She tilts her head asking while tears form in her eyes.
"No! Sarah!"
"No." Oliver tells her.
"I think about her everyday." Laurel says.
"Me too." Oliver say sympathetically.
" I guess we still have one thing in common then. I cant believe im going to say this, but.. if you need someone to talk to about what happened to you, im here." She tells him.
Olivers phone starts ringing. The time reads 10pm and there is nothing in the account. He sighs and puts his phone away.
"Something wrong?" Laurel asks.
"I asked somebody to do something. They didn't do it. Laurel. You always saw the best in me. Right now, that's what you're doing. You're looking at me and you're wondering if that island changed me somehow? If it made me a better person? It didn't. Stay away from me otherwise.. im just going to hurt you again. This time it will be worse. Got to roll. I got five years of debauchery to catch up on." He says about to walk away.
Laurel gets closer and she looks like she's about to cry.
"You know what Oliver.. You're wrong that island did change you. At least now you're honest." Laurel walks away. Oliver rolls his eyes and stands there.
Oliver walks through the back. Diggle's there waiting for him.
"Something I can help you with, sir?" Diggle asks while fixing his sleeves. Oliver stops in his tracks.
Oliver turns back to look at him.
"I just wanted a second to myself." Oliver says with a fake smile.
"I would believe you, Mr.Queen, if you weren't so full of crap." Diggle tells Oliver. "Party's this way." Diggle points to the entrance to the club.
Oliver goes to the door and grabs the door knob.
"Its locked." He says making Diggle try to go open it.
Before Diggle touched the knob, Oliver grabs him and puts him a headlock.
"You two cover the elevator. Hang back and be ready." Says Drakon to four men with guns. He starts walking towards Hunts office. "Stay in the corners and stay alert." He walks into Hunts office and closes the door. He puts in a code in a keypad and it locks the door.
"Its past 10. He's never getting in here."
Oliver throws an arrow next to Hunts window and I do the same.
The lights turn off. They look at the door and once of Hunts guards stands by the door waiting. The elevator dings. Oliver walks out of the elevator and start punching the guys near the elevator.
Oliver throws his bow at a guy and jump kick of the wall onto the ground while holding him.
"You know. Its really a bummer you had to call the cops for back up. I didn't expect a man with so much power needed back up. But with every powerful man comes a coward under the mask." I say crossing my legs looking at Hunt. His bodyguard and Drakon put their guns up and I laugh.
"tch tch tch, play easy boys, no need to get violent." I say laughing. "You know you guys are honestly so dumb" I say putting their magazines from their guns on the table. "Drakon, and you call yourself the head of security but how did you not hear me or my partner." Adam and Drakon go to reach for their walkie talkies.
Oliver throws one of the men threw the door and the other bodyguard shoots him. Oliver walks in and shoots the bodyguards. Drakon grabs my foot and drags me off the table which makes me hit my head on the table hard. I place my hand on the back of my head. As I moved my hand I see blood and I immediately become light headed. The last thing I saw was Oliver and Drakon fighting.
Adam makes his escape and calls Lance.
"Hes here." Adam says walking onto the elevator.
"All units, coverage" Lance says into the walkie talkie. "All units, converge!" Lance yells walking to the building.
By the time Lance makes it to the floor we're on Oliver threw a throwing star at Drakons neck. By the time they made it the floor, Oliver already grabbed me and zip lined to the clubs roof.
Oliver walks into the bathroom with you in his arms, he takes off your costume and puts you back in your dress and shoes. He hears some voices yelling and he realizes its Lance. He puts your head on his lap and starts stroking your hair. He threw your duffle bags into one of the garbage in the cans in the hallways.
"Starling City Police! Open up!" Lance says from the other side of the door.
"Its open!" Oliver says while rubbing your back.
"Ha-" Lance was going to say something but then he realizes that you and Oliver are on the floor.
"Is she okay? does she need any medical assistance?" Lance asks sarcastically.
"No, she didn't feel well so she's just resting for a little." Oliver says with a smile on his face.
"Did you know your guy in the green hood just attacked Adam Hunt just next door." Lance says putting his hands in his pocket.
"Whos Adam Hunt?" Oliver asks. He gets up and makes his way back to the floor. "Hey! 2 million dollars to the person who finds a guy in a green hood." The crowd cheers and Oliver goes back to you.
He picks you out bridal style and carries you out the club.
"Ollie! Ollie!" Tommy yells out. Oliver turns around and looks at him. "Is she okay?" He asks while walking up the stairs with Oliver.
"Yeah she fine. She just passed out so im taking her home." He tells Tommy as they arrive to the entrance.
"Alright, take care of her. Ill tell everyone you left." Tommy puts his hand on Olivers shoulder and walks back down to the party.
Oliver places you in the car and drives off to the base.
You get to the base and Oliver takes you out of the car. He picks you up bridal style and takes you inside.
He places you on the table softly and steps back. He looks at you and admires you. He smiles then grabs the case. He takes out the herbs Yao Fei had given him. He mashes it up and puts water in it. He lifts your head and makes you drink it.
Your fight or flight activated and you started attacking Oliver. Oliver took both your hands and put them together. He puts hand cuffs on your right hand and cuffs it to the table.
In the morning, Oliver is sitting at the desk, Hes looking at the money transferring into all the peoples accounts. He looks at the book and crosses Adams name out. He looks at the photo of his father from the book he had picked up the other day.
Everyone is asleep except Robert. (Y/N) had her head on Olivers shoulder while having their fingers intertwined and Robert had his hand around Oliver. Robert was looking at the crewmate, asleep with a knife in his hand.
"There's not enough for all of us." Robert whispers in Olivers ear. Oliver wakes up and looks at his father.
"Save your strength." Oliver tells his father.
"You two can survive this." Robert says whispering to his son. "Make it home, make it better. 'Right my wrongs.' But you got to live through this first." Robert says shaking Oliver making sure hes listening to him and not falling asleep. "You hear me Ollie? You hear me son?" Robert asks.
"You just rest dad." Oliver says quietly trying not to wake you up and falling back asleep.
"Yup." He says bluntly while kissing Olivers head. He moves Oliver off of him, which makes (Y/N) moves a little to adjust to the new position.
Robert pulls out a gun and shoots the crewmate. This make (Y/N) and Oliver jump.
"Dad?" Oliver says in shock.
"Survive." Robert says before putting the gun to his head and shooting himself.
"No! No!" Oliver yells while you try to keep him calm. (Y/N) bring him over to you and you grab his hand and put his head on your shoulder. He starts crying and you just let him.
Oliver sits back in his seat remembering what had happened in that safety boat. He hears your groaning in pain.
"I feel like im having the worst hangover of my life." I say while groaning and putting my free hand on my face.
"Says the girl who's spent her whole 20's in a hangover." Says Oliver turning around to look at me in the chair.
"Un-cuff me. Please." I ask him and and he gets up and grabs the key to the cuff.
He un-cuffs you and you move your wrist. You get up and look at him.
"I need to go home and change. I smell as bad as you did on the island." I say laughing at my own joke. I grab my heels and start walking out.
"Ha ha very funny (Y/N)" Oliver says sarcastically.
"Whatever!!" You say walking out.
"If hypothetically $50,000 magically appeared in your bank account it might be best for you not to speak about it to anyone ever." Laurel says talking to someone on the phone. She laughs. "God bless you, too."
"I just got a very grateful phone call for one of our clients against Adam Hunt." Say Anastasia to Laurel.
"Me too." Laurel says while shaking her head and smiling.
"It looks like Starling City has a guardian angel." Anastasia says. She leans in closer and whispers "By the way, your cute friend is here." Anastasia says. Laurels smile drops and she turns around her chair. Tommy's standing there with his hands in his pocket smiling.
"You left the party pretty quick last night even after I made sure the bar was stocked with pinot noir."Tommy says.
"It wasn't really my scene."Laurel says.
"I thought maybe you and Oliver went Mano a Mano again. I saw you two head out." Tommy says teasing her.
"There's nothing between Oliver and I, not anymore." She says making sure he understood.
"And here I thought the only thing between you and Oliver was us." He says looking away.
"I wouldn't exactly characterize us as an us, Tommy." She says while she stops walking.
"Then what would you call it?" He asks her.
"A lapse."
"That's quite a few lapses." He states. "Your place, my place, my place again." He smiles. Laurel looks at him and chuckles.
"Oh, come on, Merlyn, we both know that you're not a one-girl type of guy."
"Depends on the girl." He says looking at her.
"I have to go back to work." She tells him getting ready to start walking back. She turns around and Tommy shakes his head.
"Dinah Laurel Lance. Always trying to save the world." He says and she turns around.
"Hey, if I don't try to save it, who will?" She asks him with a smile on her face. She turns back around and goes back to work.
Oliver was there, the entire time listening in into their whole conversation.
"She says the island changed me."
"She has no idea how much."
Oliver sits up and tries to fix his vision.
"There are many more names on the list those who rule our city through intimidation and fear. Every last one of them will wish we had died on that island."
He taps (Y/N) awake and points to the island they are approaching.
A man walks down the stairs and starts talking.
"The police failed to identify the men I hired to kidnap Oliver and(Y/N). They never will." The man says. "Should we arrange another abduction?" he asks.
"No. There are other ways of finding out what my son knows." Taglist:
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amoreeny · 2 years
I wont leave
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Pregnant F!Reader Synopsis: Steve gets called for a mission, but isnt sure if he wants to go and leave his pregnant wife alone after the attack from Thano's team the other day. (Even though reader is capable of kicking ass, but its cute Steve cares so much and is so loving to reader) warnings: Fluff, kissing, mentions of sex and impregnate. Characters: Avengers and mentions of the Children of Thanos *also, English is not my first language so sorry if they're any grammar or spelling mistakes!* (I fell like nomad Steve was a prefect choice for this prompt and should be on the Infinity War timeline)
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Steve gets off the phone which seemed to be a pretty heated conversation. You sit on the couch looking at him while the tv is running in the back ground quietly.
"Everything okay?" You ask him. "That conversation seemed pretty heated."
"Yeah, its just Nat just called and told me they might have a plan on how to take down Thanos, and she wanted me to go with them to his garden to collect the stones." He exhales softly as he puts his phone on the table and sits down. "I just don't think its a good idea that I leave you here by yourself like this."
He was referring to the child in your belly that you found out about a couple days ago
"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, even like this." You look at him while he's in deep thinking. You walk over to him and sit next to him.
"Thinking about it now, you are the reason im in this situation" You laugh as you turn your head to look at him.
He laughs along with you as he bring you closer, wrapping his huge arms around your small shoulders.
"Well it takes two people, but ill take all the blame" He says kissing the top of your head gently.
"What if I do go. You know, with you, and i can build a suit that can protect baby." You put you hand on his and move back slightly so you are able to look at him.
"I don't think thats a good idea doll. What if something happens to you, to the baby. Ill rather stay here. With you." He looks at you with soft eyes.
"Well thats what the suit is for babe. Nothing will happen to us."
"They are completely capable of beating Thanos themselves. They dont need me. He got rid of all the stones and he isnt any harm." He assures you but you still are trying to push to be able to go.
"Steve, I love you. If i didnt i would have married you, or even gotten pregnant. And i love that care about me so much, but you know that i am capable of taking care of myself." You tell him with a pretty harsh tone.
"Yeah I know, but im just trying to protect you love." He says.
You're laying in bed with a book in your hand sighing softly. Steve walks in and leans on the doorframe and looks at you while crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Hey. You okay?" He looks at you.
"Yeah im fine." You know he's there but still have your eyes on the book.
"Im sorry about earlier, it's just i know if we either go together or if i leave you here, that something will happen." He says and walks closer to you.
You place the book down on your lap and look at him. "Yeah i understand. Its just i felt like you couldnt think i could do it because im now pregnant and i wasnt able to do the things i could before i got pregnant."
He sits infront of you and takes your legs on his lap and rubs them softly while listening you.
"But now i understand why you dont want me to go, and honestly im not trying to look at those creepy looking things Thanos sent to attack us at the station." He nods slowly letting you speak.
"So, if you feel like you don't have to, then dont go." You finish talking and look at him.
"Yeah, i'm not leaving you here alone Mrs. Rogers." He looks at you laughing softly. You laugh along with him and place a soft kiss on his lips. He kisses back and smile in between the kiss.
"I love you Steven Grant Rogers" You say in between the kiss.
"I love you you too Y/N Y/M/N Rogers" He replies.
Hi Guys!
Im sorry this fic was so short, but i feel like i should make this into a series that follow the events of Infinity War and Engame. But please if you like that idea or would like to give me some ideas, let me know i would love to hear them.
Tag List
If you would like to be apart of the tag list just let me know and ill add you.
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amoreeny · 2 years
could you write about frank adler and his girlfriend, reader are in the movies alone and watching a sex scene, frank slips his fingers inside reader's pussy
Yeah sure! Ill start writing as soon as i can!
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amoreeny · 2 years
Request where steve rogers is married to short sized reader and one day he got a call for a mission and he doesn't want to leave his now to be pregnant wife
That sounds like a great idea! Gonna have tp start working on it ASAP. I have a lot of idea for this prompt. Gonna start working on this right now!
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amoreeny · 2 years
Oh Mr. Evans
pairings : Chris Evans & Fem!Reader
synopsis : Chris suggest that you and him should go out with his friends for a celebration.
warnings : none i think
*also, english is not my first language so sorry if theyre any grammar or spelling mistakes!*
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She winked at me and I had the softest smile on my face, she really makes me feel like I can be myself without making me feel bad about myself.
I walked into my room which is just a few doors down from her room. Dodger went with her to her room so im by myself. Dodger never left her side since I got him, its honestly cute seeing Dodge being so happy with her.
"I should start getting ready, we'll be leaving in an hour" I think while looking at my phone for the time.
I walk into my closet and pick out an outfit. Then I lay it on my bed while making my way to my bathroom in my room. I undress and put on some music like I always do. I hop into the shower. I hum some of the songs on the playlist made for me.
-A couple minutes later-
I get out the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I walk into my room and see that Dodge's on my bed and my outfit that I had originally picked out is now a black and white tropical flannel with a tank top, some black jeans and sneakers. I chuckle and pet Dodge while taking me phone looking for Y/N's contact texting her.
Thank you for the new outfit
It was no problem, and you weren't leaving the house with that outfit you picked out, especially when you're going out with me and there'll be paparazzi.
I- what was wrong with the outfit I picked? I thought it looked good
A blue shirt w/ red pairs of pants yellow socks and boots. Might as well be Superman instead of Captain America bc what was that outfit Christopher
You are honestly the meanest person I've ever met.
Not mean, just honest :)
Whatever, are you almost ready?
Yeah almost
Alright see you soon, let me get ready now
Alright <3
I smile as I close my phone while putting it down, I look at Dodger who's drooling all over my comforter, but I didn't mind. I pet him and smile while changing.
-Y/N's POV-
You put your phone down while putting the finishing touches on my makeup. YOU then stand up from your vanity and head over to you closet and put on my lace underwear and bra. You then take about 20 minutes finding a perfect outfit because you know they'll be paparazzi and fans there so you'll love to have at least decent looking photos of you tonight.
You put on a short silk green dress with black heels/ sandal. You went back to your vanity and sat down while slicking you hair back in the low bun (like in the photo) and put on some rings and small gold hoop earring not being extra.
I then send a text to Chris asking if he was ready.
Hey you almost ready?
Yeah, im just checking on Seb to see if he's ready.
Alright, ill call Lisa and ask if she can come over and watch Dodge, I don't want leave him alone
I just talked to Seb he's bringing a friend, his names Anthony.
More people haha... yay! ha..
Everything okay?
yeah everything's great 👍🏽
Im coming over to you Y/N.
Chris has always been protective of you ever since you came to the US from England in your high school years. You guys have been inseparable since you guys met and Chris always finds a way to find out when somethings wrong. Its like his sixth sense or something.
You didn't really want to go to the bar with Chris and his friends, you just wanted to stay home and watch some movies. But Chris put in all the effort to make you have the best night for getting the new role, so you're going along with it because you didn't want him to feel bad.
I exhale softly while looking at the texts between me and Y/N. I knew something was wrong, she's been acting weird since I told her we're going out to celebrate for her getting the new role.
"I need to see what's up with her.." I think while putting my phone in my pocket and walking over to her room.
I knock at her door and she opens the door. I see something is wrong but I don't want to bring it up.
"are you okay?" I asked.
 "Im okay Chris" She gives me a reassuring smile, but I know somethings bothering her but Ill let her tell me when she's ready too, I don't want to push her.
"Alright, uh we're about to leave are you ready?" I look at her while trying to change the topic.
 "Yeah let me just get my bag and i'll meet you outside" She smiles softly at me and I leave her room.
Hey Guys!
I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll make sure to add some smut and some seggsy stuff in the next chapter! Make sure to leave a vote and comment what you thought of the chapter ill love to hear your guys opinions on this story. <3 And also this is my story on Wattpad with the same title! That story is currently in editing so im not posting there, so there maybe some different things from here and the book. So i hoped you enjoyed it!
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amoreeny · 2 years
Oh Mr.Evans
pairings : Chris Evans & Fem!Reader
synopsis : you get the role to work in a Marvel movie and Chris may or may not have put a good word for you to get the role.
warnings : none i think
*also, english is not my first language so sorry if theyre any grammar or spelling mistakes!*
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*not my GIF*
I have been waiting weeks for this phone call I were anxious because they told me they would call and its been over a month now,  I were sure that I hadn't got the part so you just gave up. Then the phone started to ring. I look at Chris whose seated next to me on my couch.
"Hello" I say answering the phone
"Yes hello is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" The random person asks
"Yes this is she. Who am I speaking to?" I ask with visible confusion on my face.
" Hi,(Y/N) This is Joss Whedon and I would love to congratulate you on getting the role of the new love interest for Captain America, Loellie Saint in the new Marvel Cinematic Universe 'The Avengers'.I believe you already know what the backstory of your character is right?" Joss asks.
"Yes I do" I say while freaking out silently while looking at Chris who is more confused from before.
"Great, we'll love to have you come in a couple of days for your screen testing. We'll text you the information" Joss says.
"Alright thank you so much" I have a huge smile plastered on your face while having your back towards Chris.
"No worries, Take care we'll see you soon" He says.
"Bye" I say.
I hang up and start jumping up and down in excitement. Chris is sitting on the couch smiling at me because he knows the news I just received because he's the one who put in the good word about me after my audition
"OMG OMG OMG" I jump around while Chris is laughing in confusion.
"I got the part!" I push back and look at him.
"I know" He smiles while looking at me.
"What do you mean 'I know' Christopher?" I look at him.
"Well, I may or may not have put in a good word for you because I know you've been dying to start acting. That's why I told you about the audition" He looks at me while trying to keep a straight face.
Me and Chris have been friends since high school and he knew how much I wanted to get into acting and get into the Marvel. I've acted in big movies and I'm well known. Well at least in my eyes.
Me and Chris have risen to fame together but Chris is mainly is the famous one out of the both of us. I really didn't mind, but what was mostly annoying was the paparazzi and the media. They would spread false information about me and Chris' relationship. Even though me and him are just best friends. I would join him at his interviews because of his anxiety and mostly for moral support and people kept reading it wrong and thinking we were together because of how much time we would spend time together.
"Chris.. You know you didn't have too right" I kinda feel bad because he had to go through all that pain just to get me this role.
"I know, but I just wanted to give you an opportunity. And you can spend more time with me" He says as he wiggles his eyebrows while getting closer to me and pushing me softly with his shoulder
"Like I don't spend enough time with you already Chris" I laugh at his actions.
"Wow i'm deeply hurt Y/N" He puts his hand on his heart and pretends to be hurt by my 'hurtful words'
I laugh and slap his arm softly
"You're such a dork" A bit of your accent had come out and you rolled you eyes
"Steve Rogers and Loelle Saint, super solider fight crime fighting couple" He moves his hands over his face like he's presenting the newest iPhone or something.
"You're honestly so weird Christopher" I laugh while rolling your eyes
"Yeah yeah" He smiles
I shake my head while crossing my arms again keeping a straight face.
"These few months will be the best" He looks at me with his mischievous smile telling me to buckle up for the pranks he has up his sleeve.
"Oh god" I groan and put you face in your hands
Chris laughs and stands up
"Come on, Me You and Sebastian are going out to celebrate you" He says as he gets up and walks to the door.
"Okay... what time should I be ready" I stand up and look at him. I honestly didn't want to go out. I just wanted to sleep.
"Around 8pm, Ill let Seb know" He says as he walks out the door
"Alright see you soon" I say as I walk to my room having my dog follow me.
Hey Guys!
This is my first post so i hope you like it! This is my story on Wattpad with the same title! That story is currently in editing so im not posting there, so there maybe some different things from here and the book. So i hoped you enjoyed it!
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