amos-depulso · 4 years
His pause for emphasis had Pandora’s brows raising expectantly, a grin on her lips. ‘…and you get tell me what you’re busy with?’ She shrugged. “Exactly.” 
‘That doesn’t sound like a fair deal to me. Unless…’ Hazel eyes narrowed at him. ‘You’ve been busy with someone.’ A scoff, her grin returning. “Wow, well, if you must know,” she begun, sardonic tones in her voice, “— I’ve been busy but not with anyone. You’re the last company of the sort that I kept, so maybe you should be telling me if you should be worried about the company I keep.” A challenging raise of her brows. “Anyway, are you gonna humour me or am I going to have to find out the gossip from Rita like always?” Pandora didn’t expect he’d known anything about pregnancy. “I’ll even go first- I’ve just had some nausea and cramps so I’ve had to start taking special vitamins, nothing bad, just really annoying. My parents are being extra horrible about getting married lately now I’ve got a new engagement. There. My grievances.”
No doubt her dorm mates have started to notice how many times she’d gone to the bathroom lately, so Pandora figured confessing some vague medical issues would suffice to stop any rumours from spreading. The engagement portion was true, though it wasn’t nearly her biggest concern.
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Amos shooked his head, unconvinced. “You gotta give me a better deal than that.” As she explained herself, Amos leaned back in. “I see.” He didn’t know what to do with her admission that Amos had been her last fuck. Not that that was what Amos was asking. At least not directly. “Well I don’t really know about the other companies that you’ve kept,” other than Xeno that is but Amos didn’t feel that it was right that he should mention their late fellow student, “but so far, I think they’ve been swell.” Amos flashed her a cheeky grin.
“First of all, you’re better off asking a liar.” Amos hated gossip and he refused to believe that everything that comes from that girl’s mouth or quill were true. “Oh,” Amos listened to her list what’s been going on with her. “Are you sure nothing is going on with your body?” He doesn’t know the first thing when it comes to sickness but he definitely will be the first person to tell people to listen to the needs of their bodies. Also, it was the only topic he felt he could ask about. The new engagement felt like a touchy subject. 
Finally relenting, Amos exhaled a tiny sigh. “Fine.” He looked away, trying to think of what exactly has been going on with him lately. “Let’s see... I’m bloody pissed off with what’s happening with Potter and his mates. I celebrated my birthday. I er... got into a fight with Brenton...”
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amos-depulso · 5 years
He suggested that she take a break from what was stressing her and Pandora couldn’t help but smile, even if it was rather hum
rless. If she could take a break from it all she would have immediately. But there was no stopping the baby from growing and there was no stopping the time that could wash away all traces of the person who’d killed Xenophilius. She pursed her lips at the mention of Slytherins being fickle and shrugged, visibly agreeing. 
Pandora was smirking at his confidence, amused but finding the whole conversation to be a welcome reprieve from all the stress. He was entertaining and distracting and Pandora couldn’t say that she didn’t need that lately. So when he teased her in return, small smirk turned into a wide one and Pandora scoffed with laughter. “Touché… touché,” she relented with a playful tone of voice. “Humour me. One truth for another. I’ll give you one answer if you give me who the lucky bird is.” Brows raised, her expression challenging. “Come on. I’m bored, I’m exam stressed… need the entertainment.”
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“So let me make this clear. The offer on the table is that I tell you who is on my mind, if...” Amos paused for emphasis, “there’s someone my mind to begin with, mind you, and you get tell me what you’re busy with? He grabbed the back of the chair and leaned back. “That doesn’t sound like a fair deal to me. Unless,” Amos’ eyebrow rose. “you’ve been busy with someone.” Amos was equally prepared to do this dance with her. “In that case, what are you looking at me amusement for?” His teasing smile subsided when he remembered the state that he found Pandora in. “Should I be worried about the company you’re keeping, Fancourt?”
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amos-depulso · 5 years
She smothered a snort of laughter with a hand, thinking tell me something I don’t know. The future had always been uncertain to Brie, in a way most people couldn’t understand. After all, she always got Os in Divination, she Saw like few others in those classes ever could and, what’s more, she Saw the truth. Her visions had come to be. Yet, she was plagued with vagueness in an already imprecise form of magic. “Isn’t the future uncertain for us all these days?” she mused aloud, because that was one of the few comforts she had, even with it being a double-edged sword for it was little comfort that their country was at war.
“It could go either way. I could do a full horoscope reading but as it’s your first time, we’ll keep it simple. The major theme for you in this time,” she stated as she placed one card upside-down beside her on the bench. “The main challenge you’ll face,” she said, laying down a second, then finally a third, “and advice for how to overcome that challenge. Now, you turn one of them over. You can go in order if you want, but you don’t have to. Sometimes if you feel drawn to a particular card first that can mean it will be particularly important to you in some way.” She kept her eyes on Miles, instead of Amos, willing him to stay still instead of tearing through the cards as Cappuccino would have done if she were here.
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“Isn’t it always?” was the only thing Amos said in reply. Brie might just have been thinking out loud but he felt compelled to answer just the same. War was hard on anyone and everyone. But he felt that there was no point in further troubling everyone by constantly painting their current state with grim. 
Amos just watched as Brie picked the cards from the deck with her delicate fingers before placing them on the bench. He shifted Miles so that he could carry the cat with one arm and reach for the cards with his other. “Okay then,” Amos humored Brie and hovering his hand over the cards for a few seconds and trying to see if any particular card had a certain “pull”. In the end, however, Amos was just a simple man and chose to open the cards in the order that Brie placed them down. 
“So we have... this,” Amos turned a card that showed two cups, facing Brie instead of him. “And this.” It was a man on a horse, carrying what it looked like to Amos a club of some sort, reversed as well. “Finally,” Amos turned the last card. Finally, it was a card that faced him. “Oh man, that’s a lot of cups.” Amos peered closer to count. He counted ten.
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amos-depulso · 5 years
‘Like what?’ “That’s none of her business, is it?” She said. And though she spoke bluntly, there was a bit of a grin on her face now. Pandora was starting to play around, lightheadedness gone for the time being and hormones still running rampant. “No, why would they?” Pandora scoffed. Not only was she engaged to wed one of their idiot house members, but her pureblooded history had always placed a sufficient protection on her against the blunt of the purists. 
Amos insisted against her suggestion and Pandora let out another scoff, grin still present with her amusement. She took a long swig of her water. ‘… You’ve got to give me more credit than that.’ A light brow raised as she set the cup down “Why? Don’t exactly know you that well, do I? Anyway, that would be a first. Is it a Hufflepuff thing? Or just not breathing in all the cute love-in-the-air Valentines bullshit? Or…” She leaned over, brow raising inquisitively and grin widening. “You got someone on your mind?” 
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“Okay... I won’t pry,” Amos backed off but he recognized her playful grin. “Still, if I could offer a lil’ piece of advice, you still should really rest up. Whatever it is you’re busy with, perhaps take a pause, even for a while.” Her dismissal of the possibility that Slytherins might bother her earned a shrug. “I don’t know. Fickle, ‘em Slytherins sometimes.” 
“True,” Amos tilted his head in admittance. They barely really knew each other, but that still didn’t stop them from doing the deed once. “Maybe. But once you start really knowing me, you’d know I’m really just a gentleman,” he teased. His confidence was slightly over-exaggerated. The smile on his lips froze when Pandora asked if he had someone else on his mind. His mind immediately went to Isobel but he put the thought out of his head and mimiced her leaning forward. “Now, that’s none of his business, is it?” His easy smile teased her right back.
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amos-depulso · 5 years
        How could it be that it was not even a week into the new term and Isobel had already stayed too long at the library that she had missed dinner? When she had arrived at Hogwarts years ago, even after the Ministry had explained the situation of Isobel’s blood status, she had never imagined it would be that bad. But it had. And she had spent every single day proving she was as worthy of magic as everyone else around her. She had found great people along the way, people who had become friends, and friends who had become family. One of them Amelia, who would usually be by her side, the table Isobel was currently sitting, all but officially reserved for the two of them. But ever since the Yule Ball something had changed in her friend, Isobel didn’t press the issue, fully knowing Amelia would come to her when she was ready. 
         Having lost track of time, Isobel hurried out of the library, after the rush of working on her assignment had wore off, Isobel realized she was quite hungry. She had decided to stop by the kitchens before heading back to the common room. As she got closer the smell of freshly baked pie filled the air, she was a stickler for the rules, but maybe she would have dessert first just this once. It was dreaming of a slice of pie, that Isobel lost all concentration and almost bumped into someone. ❝Oh! I’m s-❞ she started to apologize, stopping only after Amos words, ❝it takes two you know❞ she said with a shrug, ❝is that a birthday pie?❞ she asked raising an eyebrow, ❝smells amazing❞ she muttered under her breath before her stomach betrayed her by loudly growling. 
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Surprisingly, Amos didn’t feel the usual flash of irritation that surged in him whenever he would butt heads with his fellow Hufflepuff. Perhaps it was due to the fact that it was his birthday and his mood was too good for her to sour. Nevertheless, Amos didn’t shy away from retorting. “You could have said sorry, at least. I’m the one with the pie.” 
“It is,” was all he offered, not knowing whether Isobel would know about his birthday or worse, whether she’d feel bad for not knowing. Luckily, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Isobel’s stomach grumbling. A snort escaped from Amos’ nostrils as he stopped himself from laughing. “Sounds like someone wants a slice. Were you heading to the kitchen? Maybe you can just join us in the common room and eat this pie?”
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amos-depulso · 5 years
       Isobel was fond of all the common room pets, maybe due to the fact that she had struggle to decide which kind of animal to bring with her, so now she just enjoyed petting any that would come near her. She would be lying if she didn’t admit that there was something so satisfying in Miles actually wanting to be close to her, it was something else she could bother Amos with. As she felt Miles being taken away, her posture changed, the challenge of verbally sparring with Amos proving to be a great start to her day. 
       A scoff left her lips, ❝admit it, Miles enjoys being around me❞ Isobel said proudly, ❝maybe he ran away ‘cause he got tired of seeing you without a shirt, honestly Diggory, do you not own any upper-body garments?❞ she would die before admitting she actually enjoyed the view, it was much better to tease Amos about it. Their interactions always escalated from disagreements to someone crossing their arms and sulking away, but by god if they weren’t fun.
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Amos acted as if he was seriously considering that his pet would enjoy her company before shaking his head. “Nah, that can’t be it. Your legs must have just brushed up against catnip or something.” With Miles safely tucked into his arms, Amos allowed himself to flex a little. His biceps bulged out although his face feigned non-exertion. A teasing smile crept in his lips. His eyes darted around him, then back to Isobel. “I don’t see anyone else complaining.” Although his constant shirtlessness was mostly due to his own comfort, Amos wasn’t ignorant to the fact that his body was a sight to be seen which made some girls grateful. A couple of boys too. Honestly, it frustrated Amos that Isobel doesn’t seem to look at him the same way. “Don’t tell me you’ll ruin the view for everyone and make me put on a shirt...”
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amos-depulso · 5 years
“Exams are coming up and…” The Death Eaters; Bellatrix and Antonin’s eyes always set on her, waiting for her to make a mistake so they could end her. The baby, growing faster than she would have liked. Every day just feeling less and less like herself. “Other stuff. Busy.” Pandora pursed her lips and shrugged a shoulder. “— I mean, if you wanna share a snack… can’t say no to that.” A light smirk. “Day’s over and saves me the trip down to the kitchens. Cause no offense, but the dungeons are not my favourite…” Not because of the Hufflepuffs or the kitchen, per say. But Pandora didn’t want to say her fiancé and his creepy friends were always lingering in a dark corner somewhere there.
Pandora hesitated before sitting down with him. All the way, hazel eyes lingered on Amos with a sense of curiousity and suspicion. “You’re not looking to get lucky again, are you? With the whole… hero gentleman thing.”
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“Like what?” Amos wondered what a girl like Pandora would possibly be busy with during this time of year. He hoped that the innocent inquisitive look that he was going for didn’t make him appear nosy. Amos smiled and reached for a small drawstring pouch in his bag. He always carried a light snack with him, just to curb his hunger. Having a figure to maintain, Amos tried to make sure that he wouldn’t be easily tempted by eating sweets and pastries. With its string hooked to his finger, Amos offered the pouch of berries and nuts to Pandora. “Why? The Slytherins been bothering you?” Amos titled his head. Pandora didn’t seem the type that the elitists bothered.
“What?!” Amos’ eyes widened and his lips formed an uncertain smile. He threw his hands in the air. “Hey... Just wanted to make sure you’re all right, right?” Their little tryst had been fun and was very much welcome. But it wasn’t love and Amos knew better than to beg for repeats. Unless of course... she wanted to. His arms returned on top of the backrest. “Just cos we shagged doesn’t mean I can’t look out for you without wanting a little something. You’ve got to give me more credit than that.”
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amos-depulso · 5 years
She nodded. Most of the waitresses used chilling charms on drinks when a customer wanted them ice cold but Iolanthe had worked in a couple of muggle bars before coming here so she had a few tricks up her sleeve which meant she wouldn’t have to reveal her lack of magic. Under the bar, where her customer wouldn’t see, she swapped the glass for one which was sat in the ice box, where Iolanthe always put a few of the glasses when she was on shift. The tap itself was charmed to keep the beer cold, so she didn’t have to worry about it coming out warm, but a cold glass would definitely help, without having to actually add ice and water the drink down.
She paused when he considered her offer, putting the glass down under the beer tap just in case he still went for that in the end. “Six sickles for one or ten for two. The idea is to appeal to couples, obviously, but that doesn’t stop anybody from ordering two drinks for themselves, does it?”
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Amos’ eyebrows shot up. “Ten sickles for two?” he muttered to himself. Amos was in no means scraping for cash. But his mom had taught him an early age to be thrift with his spending. Especially after knowing the amount of work it took to make money. Ten sickles sounded expensive compared to a pint of beer. “Is there no bottomless glass option?” Amos asked, throwing a charming smile in there as he usually did when it comes to dealing with any establishment’s staff. If there were a bottomless option, Amos probably wouldn’t mind spending twelve to fifteen sickles for a guarantee of overflowing alcohol.
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amos-depulso · 5 years
“The Wheel of Fortune. That means changes and inevitable fates. When I first had it, I thought it was a sign to take a risk but there’s always an element of the unexpected with the Wheel of Fortune. What comes up, must come down. Risks don’t always pay off. The Moon is about illusions and uncertainties. There’s always two possible outcomes. The card is full of doubles. Good and evil reflecting off each other and it can be hard to differentiate between them. Reversed, the card means fear and deception and anxiety.” She chewed on her lip and took and shuddering breath. It wasn’t a fun card to keep seeing, however much she liked seeing the actual Moon in the night’s sky. She put the card down and reached for the seven of cups. “This is about searching for a purpose and careful decision-making, as well as fantasies. The fact that I draw it all the time means I’m a daydreamer and need to be careful not to fall into the trap of wishful thinking. As my brothers always tell me, I live in the clouds.” Her finger ran along the clouds depicted on the card, musing how ironic it was that she was the only one of her siblings who wasn’t an air sign. She slid the cards back into the pack before she handed it over to Amos.
“It’s up to you. I can give you a better reading if you do, or at least if I know what sort of theme it’s on, but if it’s personal I can just give a general reading and try to help you see how that answers the question.” She accepted the cards back. What now? “That depends a little on the question, too. I’ll do a spread but there are different ones which are good for different types of questions. But I’ll do a three card one unless it’s really complicated? Or about love because three cards isn’t enough for a love reading.” She looked down at the cards, hoping it wasn’t about love because she would feel pretty awkward doing that sort of reading for him.
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Amos simply nodded as Brie explained the cards. Most of it flew over his head but what he understood and how she thought it applied to herself intrigued him. “I’m no seer,” Amos started as his hands mindlessly shuffled the cards. They were bigger than your usual standard deck of cards that he had a lot of experience using during downtimes back at home but he figured that the principle of shuffling was the same. “But it sounds to me that all it’s saying is that the future is uncertain. You have to make some decisions. And some of those decisions will stress you out.” 
After handing Brie the cards back, Amos bent down to pick up Miles who had settled by his foot. “Let’s see...” Amos trailed off as he bounced Miles playfully on his crossed arms. “I just asked what’s in store for me the rest of the year. Does that count as a general reading?” Amos took a mental note about the love reading but he showed no indication of considering it. To ask that of Brie would be tasteless, even if they were good friends. 
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amos-depulso · 5 years
This year, it had become clearer than any year before what an effect the change in starting age for Hogwarts had made on the businesses of Hogsmeade the past few years. Finally a full seven years worth of students again, five allowed into the village and most of them now old enough to drink unlike when Iolanthe had started working at the pub and the current seventh years were already the oldest in the school but only just eighteen. It was busy in the Three Broomsticks, perhaps busier than she had ever seen it before, packed with students and teachers and villagers and couples. Iolanthe watched with interest at the different pairings around her. She was a lover of love and didn’t mind some casual gossip either. Later in the week, she would definitely be telling a few of her favourite regulars some stories about Hogwarts students playing at Valentine’s day. The third years blushing at each other over Butterbeers would get a mention, as would the didn’t-pass-the-ID-test sixteen-year-olds who had recovered from the embarrassment of her refusing to sell them alcohol pretty quickly and were now making out with each other across the table.
There was a job to do, though, so she couldn’t spend the whole day watching teenagers. She moved to behind the bar, knowing quite well that those who were alone would be in most want of alcohol and maybe an listening ear. She picked a pint glass from the shelf, eyes on her customer with curiosity. He didn’t seem in a good mood, so no doubt he was not here alone by choice, but he looked the type Iolanthe would have expected to find a date. She figured he was either a known asshole, or he was pining for somebody. “Bitter?” she asked, hand on the tap of their most popular draught. “Or we do have our special offer on Valentine’s cocktails at the moment. I could leave out the red colouring and make it extra strong for you if that’s what you need.”
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“And ice-cold,” Amos added. His first experience drinking beer hadn’t been a good one. But then again, he was only twelve when he had his first stolen taste of beer and it was lukewarm at best. The younger Amos swallowed it with a frown, not understanding why adults loved it so well. But now, he had acquired the taste for it. Some days, nothing would be nicer than a cold pint to cap the day off. Whenever he had a tiring loss after an intense Quidditch match or whenever he had a really bad fight with Isobel, Amos would crave for beer served so cold that the glass mug sweats. Such was that day. 
A corner of his lips teased a tiny smirk with the offer of a harder drink. Amos looked up at the waitress, considering her offer. “Well, they do say... Liquor before beer... How much will it be?”
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amos-depulso · 5 years
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Rome Flynn x Instagram
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amos-depulso · 5 years
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Rome Flynn
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amos-depulso · 5 years
where: The Three Broomsticks when: February 12, 1978, Hogsmeade Weekend who: Amos Diggory and Iolanthe Fleury ( @iolanthefleury​ )
A cacophony of laughter and conversations accompanied by the sweet percussions of silverware and glass hitting wood greeted Amos as he entered  The Three Broomsticks. With his gloved hands tucked in his pockets, he walked past groups of friends, past lovers and lovers-to-be, before he sat down at a bar stool meant for usuals who wined and dined without company. Because that was how Amos was spending the weekend before Valentines. On Valentines Day too, most likely. Alone.
And Amos was at The Three Broomsticks to toast to that fact.
Was he mourning? Was he celebrating? Signs pointed to the previous as he raised a finger towards the waitress, “A pint, please,” without his usual kind smile. He thought that this year’s Valentines would be different but he had no luck with his romantic life so far. The most he has gotten so far that year was just stolen kissed at parties and one-night trysts.
Not to mention that he hasn’t talked to Isobel for a while now. The last time they really talked was when she helped patch him after he and Brenton connected fists. Now, he was left to his own devices wondering what his fellow Hufflepuff might be thinking at that very moment.
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amos-depulso · 5 years
She nodded slowly, not wholly believing his line of reasoning but then there was a reason why nobody would have ever considered Brie for prefect. Things like that would never bother her.
“Wheel of Fortune and the Moon, reversed. And the seven of cups, but I’ve been getting that for years.” She turned the Moon card over in her hand, feeling its reversed meanings were an apt representation of how most people must feel with the war. “Shuffle them first,” she told him, handing the pack over, “and think about whatever question you want an answer to. Whatever’s been on your mind lately. That helps them absorb your energy. When you’re ready pass them back to me.”
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“And what do those mean?” Amos asked as he accepted the deck of cards and started shuffling them. He never took an interest in Divination but unlike some of the students, Amos didn’t make a habit of discrediting it compared to other subjects. First, he split the deck in half before marrying them together, brushing the sides together so that the cards from both decks slip in between each other, He continued to do so until he felt satisfied that the cards were shuffled enough. He thought about his question. Those that needed a specific answer probably weren’t the best to ask. “Am I supposed to tell you my question?” he asked, jokingly. Whether he was supposed to or not, he settled for a safe question instead. What’s in store for me for the rest of the year? Once he was done, he gave the cards back to Brie. “Okay. What now?”
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amos-depulso · 5 years
“It’s - it’s probably just dehydration and skipping lunch,” she tried to explain as Amos rushed off. A hand to her head, world slowly seizing to spin, Pandora wondered what the hell she’d deserved to embarrass herself in front of him. The last thing she ever wanted to seem like was a delicate damsel - especially not when she was in front of a former one night stand. And Amos was a nice guy but that was precisely why he didn’t need to further involve himself in her extremely messy business. 
And yet there she was, accepting the water quickly because she realized just how thirsty she was. “Look, it’s nothing. Studying just kinda took over my day.” She took a couple sips of the drink, memory flashing back to getting nauseous over the smell of sausages after she’d passed by the Great Hall. In hindsight, skipping food altogether had not been such a great idea in her condition. “Thanks,” Pandora finally muttered after her last sip. “Getting better at the nonverbals, I see…”
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Amos finished picking up his things and Pandora’s as well while she took a few sips of water. He placed his bag on the floor nearby and brought Pandora’s closer to her.  “You really shouldn’t skip your meals.” Amos lightly chided. It was one of the most important rules during Quidditch training and the Hufflepuff didn’t see why it wouldn’t apply to everything else in life. Which reminded him... “I uh- have a bunch of berries and nuts if you’re really hungry...”
“Are you sure? Looked like more than studying fatigue to me.” Amos dragged a nearby chair and offered it to her. “Please, sit.” He grabbed one for himself and turned it around. Amos straddled the chair, the backrest against his chest, to convince her to sit with him. He was tall enough that he could rest his crossed arms over the backrest. “Just a little practice, is all,” he said, hoping that a little conversation was going to convince her to stay awhile and rest.
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amos-depulso · 5 years
If she smiled anymore, people would’ve assumed someone put a terribly grave spell on Marlene, like a poor man’s love potion that she couldn’t shake. Or something mundane—like being happy in the times they lived in wasn’t allowed. Catching his quip, she cocked a brow. “Believe me, my mates can hold their own.” In many more ways than just liquor, even in Marlene outshone them in that particular sector. “She just wants t’be sober, there’s nothin’ wrong with that.”
“What look?” She repeated, brows up. “Look mate, Gideon’s about almost a big a slut as I am, don’t you think I know?” She raised her brows, suggestive manner. Not that it bothered Marlene in the slightest, really. People had sex, surely someone was going to share a familiar tact somewhere down the line. Otherwise she’d have a bloody target over her head more than she had from scorned lovers and how many Marlene might’ve sunk her teeth into. “Thank you,” She murmured. Prewett looks like he’ll take good care of you. It was then she hid her grin behind the bottle, shaking her head. “You think so?.” She whispered. “I always considered it might have t’be me takin’ good care of him.” But it wasn’t something to gripe over. “Now jus’ have t’get you tied down, and then I won’t have my number threatened t’be topped by you!”
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“Hey, hey,” Amos’ held his hands up in defense. “Didn’t say it was, did I? Just askin’ is all.” He sensed that there was drama there. Drama that he didn’t particularly care about. It was none of his business anyway.
Oh. Amos’ smug smile dropped and was replaced with an expression of uncertainty. Had Gideon been telling more people? Amos didn’t like the thought of that. Amos liked to have fun more than he liked to admit but he didn’t want people to be getting the wrong message. “So... you know?” Despite being mortified, Amos wondered what that conversation must have been like. Especially since Amos had the pleasure of being with Gideon almost right after he had his with Marlene. “What do you exactly know?” He asked again, almost unable to believe that she actually knew. 
Amos shrugged. “I don’t see why not?” Marlene might see herself as independent, someone like Prewett would still do her some good. Gideon was a good fuck. Amos wouldn’t deny that. But he wasn’t awful afterward either. Not that it was enough to make the Hufflepuff want to date him.
He looked at her incredulously. “I’ve no clue what you’re on about.” He tried to put up an innocent smile on his lips as he raised his glass for a sip. Amos was no prude. But it’s not like he kept count. And if the rumors were true, he was sure that his body count was nowhere near hers.
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amos-depulso · 5 years
Her eyes narrowed. She knew it was true enough and not just for boys. People got into fights and sometimes it got physical. It was also perfectly reasonable that the injuries could look worse than they were. She and her brother had left each other bruised from minor wrestling and hadn’t even fallen out over it. But in those cases, their mum had patched them up and magicked away the bruises because why would they want a more long term reminder of their fight. “Why didn’t you go to Pomfrey then?” she asked, suspiciously. She couldn’t help but think he didn’t want the staff to know he had been in a fight.
“Oh, I’m not sure she’d like that. She’s funny enough about me putting her collar back on after it’s been off. Maybe I can persuade her away from Gryffindor Tower for a little bit, though. To see Miles.” She looked down at the cards in her hands, successfully distracted from his bruised face but lips twisting with the heaviness of all that was happening in school at the moment as that had been where all her Divining had been focused recently. “Not really. I keep getting the same few cards over and over when I do a reading for myself. You want me to read something for you?”
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Amos winced. Madam Pomfrey was kind and would never ask how he got his bruises but she can give quite the look. “I’d rather not have her silently judge me for being a prefect who causes some trouble,” he explained. “Besides, Isobel patched me up the best she could.” Amos shrugged it off as if it was nothing. And it was. Mostly...
“Just tell me when.” Amos smiled. He would never say no to more animal company. “Really?” He looked down at the cards in her hands trying to peek at the cards she drew for herself. “What have you been getting?” he asked, although he had no way of knowing what any of the cards meant in the first place. “Sure! Do I just... draw a card?”
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