#convo: isobel
justanotherignot · 11 months
Aylin once went for a walk and didn't come back for a month:
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goodluckdetective · 8 months
Playing BG3 honestly makes me nostalgic for DA2. It’s the thing about being a little group of funky queer people, doing little quests and stealing anything that isn’t hammered down.
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jacqcrisis · 5 months
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I don't think Rolan realizes this is how the durge man flirts.
Well... flirts without murdering.
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cosmicrhetoric · 6 months
playing baldurz gate for the first time in two months for 900 hours straight while all of my roommates (who i live with) sit on my bed and try to plan a sleepover (we live together)
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bragganhyl · 1 year
ngl at times I feel like I may be a little too stupid for this game, truth be told, tbph
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bg3sinbin · 7 months
Alright so I told myself I wouldn't post anything about it... but I still can't stop thinking about the A!Astarion kisses, Tav/Durge's face during it, and the stupid blow up around it. So here we go
Warnings: This is long and rambly and contains all kinds of spoilers. I am an A!Astarion lover. I will not be responding to discourse on this post. I do not care if you disagree. Make your own vent post.
OKAY so the brunt of the arguments I keep trying to ignore seeing surrounding this are how the expressions are "immersion breaking" for A!A fans, and everyone else clowning on them (sometimes rightfully so tho, ngl) because "the game gives the player expressions all the time! why are u mad now? do u just want ur Tav/Durge to be a blank slate?? lmao idiot" which ??? okay it feels like ur purposefully missing the point.
Yeah, actually sometimes this game gives my Durge some really ooc reactions. And it does, in fact, bother me. That being said, that is to be expected when u take an oc u had for like ten years and try to stick them in a pre-programmed video game. Things are gonna get ooc sometimes.
It also though, is usually smaller moments. Or things that happen Once and then u move on. Conversations where I go "hmmm. he wouldn't say any of these. oh well." or moments where he reacts negatively to terrible things that this evil bastard would normally laugh at. OH. WELL.
Now here's where my frustration actually come in. This game does a really good job, probably a better job than anything else I've played, at letting u play an interesting evil char. Something more than just "I am Rude, Aggressive, and A Dick To Everyone" and thus being punished for it gameplay wise.
I can play The Dark Urge, literal child of the god of murder, a canon necrophiliac, cannibalistic, gore freak that was going to flatten the entire world. There is a whole ass plot line and ending (multiple achievements included!) surrounding doing just that. There's all kinds of nasty interactions/plot options programmed in.
Yet, to the best of my memory, my Durge doesn't look horrified when we choose to slaughter the grove. He doesn't look horrified when we choose to kill the Dame Aylin, or Isobel. He isn't Obviously Distraught when we choose to help Astarion complete the ritual, or when we kill Shadowheart's parents, or become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal.
To my knowledge, the player character isn't made to look afraid when kissing Dark Justiciar!Shadowheart, nor when they are literally poisoned by kissing Minthara. Sure, u CAN be offended about it in the convo with her after, but its still ur choice as the player.
I mean shit, they even patched in (in that very same patch) a positive, supportive reaction from ur evil partners at the end when u take over the nether brain! (at least for A!Astarion, and Minthara) so now when u do the evil thing that u and ur evil partner have been talking about all game, they don't suddenly change their opinion the second u actually do it.
And I really appreciate that about bg3. I can make evil choices and get interesting outcomes rather than the game just locking me out of all content actually made for that quest. Like ffs u can only get Minthara's romance scene if u slaughter dozens of innocents.
THIS GAME REWARDS U FOR DOING THE BAD THING. And like the evil options do usually have drawbacks and/or are less fleshed out than the good ones, but there are whole ass plots arcs u will never see if u only play good chars. This game makes playing an evil character interesting.
So why is it that I can do all that, and make/have my Durge react (mostly) accordingly, yet the moment the partner I chose acts controlling, now is when my characters feelings are being decided for me?
I can spend the whole game hearing Astarion talk about how spawn are controlled, how all vampires want is power, and I can say to his face "yes! this character wants that! turn me!" and yet somehow... what? the creators think I didn't know?
It just genuinely doesn't make sense to me. Like I can choose, through dialogue, that my Durge is power hungry, and very into the idea of being Astarion's pretty little lap dog. He knew what he was signing up for! And yet he looks terrified when his vampire bf (who has been feeding on him all game) bites his lip?? really?
Idk I just have some really weird feelings on some of the ways they try to Really Emphasize that u made the wrong choice for Astarion specifically, and this just exemplifies that.
Either do the rest of ur characters this service, make all of them (make every choice in the game) a moral lesson for the player to learn, where u hold their hand and say "u didn't listen to what they actually needed :c u could have done the good thing but u didn't :c"
Or let me play my evil bastard. And let me revel in it.
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blackjackkent · 3 months
OK. Some of the slightly less consequential Act 2 ending conversations now. Rakha has a lot fewer people in the Moonrise lobby than Hector did since pretty much all the tieflings are dead and Halsin has not shown up. (I'm assuming Halsin is missing for the same reason that he doesn't get his own tent in camp anymore, because the game didn't account for the possibility of him and Minthara both being around at once.)
The biggest remaining convo is probably Aylin and Isobel, but the one most immediately drawing Rakha's attention is Withers, who is being unusually vocal, plus she's surprised he's even here.
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Rakha still doesn't really like Withers - he's mysterious, which pisses her off, and also takes no damage when she gets violent with him, which pisses the beast off. He did win back a few points with her by bringing her back from the dead after the Lathandrian monastery exploded, though.
So she gives him a sort of noncommittal grunt and waits to see what he has to say.
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"Thy hunger denied. Selune's faithful yet shines. The balance shifts."
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Rakha's head snaps up and suddenly she is playing much closer attention. Thy hunger.
Withers has shown little or no interest in the internal struggles that have plagued Rakha in the time they've traveled together. He keeps to himself; she never sees him unless they're camping, but he is always just... there, taking up space in a quiet corner, unable to be dislodged but not interacting with anyone unless he is spoken to first.
He has never said anything to her about her murderous tendencies. He only acknowledged Alfira once, in refusing to bring her back, and he seemed utterly unphased by the terrible night just recently where she practically turned into a howling animal. He has seemed utterly disconnected from all of it - until now.
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"Thou hast seen with thine own eyes, and felt in thine Urges - the Dead Three unite. There are depths to this alliance yet unplumbed. Consider, mortal - do illithids possess souls?"
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Rakha blinks, then scowls.
She wants to know what he meant by that first part. Her Urges connect in some way to the Dead Three, these gods that stand behind the Absolutist cult. It is not simply her nature, but something directly connected to her presence at Moonrise in the memories she's lost.
But of course he does not explain or elaborate, but instead mocks her with a question she cannot answer.
"Forget that," she says curtly. "What are you doing here, Withers?"
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"Where matters of balance are concerned, I am eternally called," he says placidly, unbothered as always by her irritation. "I shall ask yet again. Do illithids possess souls?"
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She breathes out sharply through her nose, briefly debating the viability of delivering her dagger straight between his eyes. It wouldn't have any impact on him, but it might make her feel minutely better.
But she sets her jaw and resists the urge yet again. He is being very insistent about this, and she must admit to a flash of curiosity through her exhaustion. "I don't know," she says after a long pause. "Don't all living things?" Such is her extremely limited knowledge, at least. Metaphysical questions haven't been a common camp topic of conversation.
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"No," Withers says flatly. "Nor canst thou count mind flayers among them. Yet the Three amass an illithid army, void of apostolic souls that could imbue them with power." His eyes narrow to slits, focusing on Rakha with more attention than she has yet seen from him. "A flock without souls. Yet to what end, O tempted one? This is the question thou must come to answer. Until that time - be availed of my services."
(A/N: I'm wracking my brains and I can't remember if Hector was ever actually provided an answer to this question. :O Was this a plot thread that got dropped or did I miss something? I don't think we ever really learned a ton about the Three's motivations for fucking the world up. Maybe this is something we learn more about in Durge land.)
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Rakha stares at him, baffled. It takes her a moment to parse through what he's saying. Gods, then, are powered by the souls of those who follow them. These gods, however, are converting people to mind flayers - and making them soulless.
And why do *I* need to answer? There was something unsettlingly specific in the way he said that.
"You know of these Urges," she says hoarsely. "What can you tell me?"
Withers looks back at her, steady and unreadable. "Nothing thou dost not already know."
A lie, she's almost certain of it, and her scowl deepens. She wishes she could take him by the throat and squeeze and shake until the answers he hoards fall out of him... but it would get her nowhere and only anger the beast in her head.
"You seem to know a lot about the Dead Three," she says instead, between her teeth.
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"Yes," he answers. "Bane, Lord of Darkness. Bhaal, Lord of Murder. Myrkul, Lord of Bones. Once judged, ascended, then vanquished - as one, and as three."
Again his eyes narrow. Again that sudden, uncharacteristic intensity as he speaks words that make no sense at all. "The alliance is reforged, mortal. The planes thus quake, and the gods shudder."
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fangsyouverymuch01 · 8 months
"Astarion" "neutral" lol
I guess this has to do with my reblog about liking chaotic men and classifying Astarion as one??
Astarion is a complicated character and the player has a huge part in him either being chaotic neutral or evil. That being said, verbal persuasion can only do so much. The player can’t persuade him to be good aligned per say, because he isn’t.
What is chaotic neutral?
So according to dnd I found this:
- A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free.”
- and “A wandering rogue who lived both by work for hire and petty theft was an example of a chaotic neutral character”
Here is what bdg 3 wiki writes about his character too:
- The player does not have to be "evil" to gain his approval, however — he approves when the player makes choices that support independence and autonomy, and when the player helps certain characters in need.
(Sounds very chaotic neutral to me)
- Here is a link to his entire character that follows his quest, approvals/disapprovals https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Astarion
Tav and Astarion
I’d say that spawn Astarion falls into the neutral alignment pretty clearly after his confession about his feelings for Tav, because he doesn’t have to do it. He gains nothing from Tav or the party when he confesses to being manipulative. But he does, because he cares and feels guilty for doing it. Astarions motives are rooted in fear of being enslaved again and he actively risks his life by confessing his feelings. Which is a very non evil thing to do and he does it because he wants to anyways. Here is the convo he has with Tav:
Astarion - Look, I had a plan. A nice, simple plan - seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you'd never turn on me. It was easy - instinctive. Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. All you had to do was fall for it. And all I had to do was not fall for you...which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart. You - … you’re incredible. You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.
Blood merchant
Throughout the game, Tav and the party challenges Astarions trauma mentality of “if there are good people, why did no one save me? Therefore, I justify to be selfish” by being kind for the sake of being kind. Which he remarks on. Here is one example of Tav allowing him to make his own decision about biting the blood merchant in act 2:
Astarion - I spent two hundred years using my body to lure pretty things back for my Master. What I wanted, how I felt about what I was doing, it never mattered. You could have asked me to do the same - to throw myself at her, what I wanted be damned. But you didn’t. And I’m grateful.
Durge and Astarion
Bonus! If the player plays redemption Durge, Astarion is extremely supportive from day one. Which is also confirmed by Larian :). My favorite scene of this is when durge refuses to kill Isobel and is forced to kill the one they like most. After Astarion ties up durge, they have a conversation that is very sweet and unselfish of him to have considering that durge tries to off him hours ago. Here it is:
Tav – “I’m so worried about you. What if I get possessed again?”
Astarion – “I’m also worried about me, but I seem to somehow be worried about *you* more. You give me something to care for, and that’s worth the peril.”
So, combining all of these examples we see that Astarion is not evil, he acts out fear to be stripped of his autonomy again. The things he approves of are not driven by being good or evil, they are driven by his core charachetistic - to be free to choose what he likes/needs/wants. And the first thing that he chooses is Tav. He wants tav no matter if they are good or bad aligned, because he is not driven by either of those things.
This was a very long post and it could be an entire essay if I had all the time in the world. I hope this gave some insight into how I, and many others, view him. However, if you don’t that is totally fine as well.
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loquaciousquark · 5 months
Tavish's Honour(ish) Mode Stream Archive
With my latest runthrough of Tav's game now officially complete, I wanted to create a reference page here with VOD links & summaries of each video's contents. The summaries are also in the descriptions of each VOD, but as a resource for myself it's easier if they're here too. For now, these videos are all only on Twitch.
Link to Master Playlist
Part 1: Features introduction, nautiloid, Shadowheart/Gale/Astarion recruitment, the chapel, Lae'zel's recruitment, Wyll's intro/initial goblin fight, Rolan & robbing Arron, Tav getting sent to prison for the first time, Astarion defending Sazza, Gale's death pouch sequence, initial grove tour, Meti/Barth, Wyll's recruitment, grove secondary tour/Pandirna/being jailed twice more, saving Nadira, Karlach recruitment, Paladins of Tyr.
Part 2: Features Karlach meeting Dammon, the Strange Ox, Mattis and Mol, discovering the boar, Arabella, and Nettie.
Part 3: Features Alfira, Mirkon (x3), Mizora's first appearance, Edowin & the owlbear cave, bite night, the abandoned shed, Tav & Astarion both getting sent to jail at 3:05, the Blighted Village, necromancer's basement, Barcus, gnoll fights, Shadowheart's secrets, a moment of magic with Gale.
Part 4: Features the Whispering Depths, Gale offering to leave, the swamp, the mephit fight, the "how do others taste" camp convo with Astarion, Gandrel the Gur, and a massive struggle with Ethel.
Part 5: Features clearing out Ethel's lair, Connor, confronting Kagha, Astarion talking about Cazador, stealing the idol, returning the idol, Astarion reading the Thay book (1:08:41), Astarion bear/plonk convo, entering the goblin camp, summoning Shovel, Abdirak/Loviatar's love, Roah, Gut, freeing the spiders, meeting Halsin, Lae'zel attacking Tav, Dream Visitor convo #1, discussing Shadowheart & her memories, Volo arriving at camp, Astarion's mirror convo (5:13:20), Astarion propositioning Tav, Dream Visitor convo #2, meeting Dror Ragzlin, meeting Minthara, Shadowheart/Lae'zel showdown, grove defense prep (hunting for Doni), grove defense, discussing victory with the tieflings, Dror Ragzlin, clearing out the rest of the goblin camp, consuming the first tadpole (8:36:12), discussing victory with the druids.
Part 6: Features the tiefling party, Astarion's first romance night, and exploration of the empty Zhent cave near the gnoll attack.
Part 7: Features Waukeen's Rest, Florrick, the Zhent cave, stealing from Arron again, the gith patrol near the mountain pass, entering the Underdark, the minotaur fight, the bulette fight, the Spectator fight, the torchstalk grove, and the Booal kua'toa cave.
Part 8: Features the Arcane Tower, the myconid colony, the hook horror fight, the duergar fight, Glut, bibberbangs bibberbanging, the Zhent area of the Underdark, arriving at Grymforge, poisoning Skickpit's slavers, freeing the rothes, exploring the Grymforge area, and the mimic fight.
Part 9: Features picking up a few forgotten items, the Nere fight, exploring the second half of Grymforge, the mephit fight, and the Grym fight.
Part 10: Features the mountain pass, including all parts of the githyanki creche, and first steps into the Shadowlands.
Part 11: Features exploration of the east side of the Shadowlands, including the drider fight, the first encounter with Thaniel, the meazel fight, the southernmost needle-blight fight, and a very thrilling version of the Shambling Mound fight.
Part 12: Features exploration of the north section of the eastern Shadowlands, arriving at Last Light Inn, robbing from Talli and getting thrown in jail several times, exploring north & east of Last Light, and the Isobel fight.
Part 13: Features exploration of Last Light Inn and basement, the Mason's Guild, the House of Healing, and meeting Raphael outside the temple.
Part 14: Features saving Rolan, Gerringothe, Moonrise Towers exploration (including meeting Ketheric, robbing Lann Tarv & Roah Moonglow, exploring the second floor, freeing the gnolls, meeting the Absolute via ceiling tentacle, Araj Oblodra, exploring the oubliette, getting thrown in Moonrise prison, and saving Minthara & the prisoners), and returning to Last Light to see the reunions. Also includes party reactions to Minthara joining and the Araj version of the Astarion romance route conversation.
Part 15: Features waking up Art Cullagh, defending Halsin's Shadowfell portal, the docks at Moonrise, the acidic Morgue pit, the rest of the Morgue, the western fight just outside the morgue, resolving Arabella, Gale's friendship Weave-built scene, the gith ambush, exploring the road to Baldur's Gate, the central Shadow fight, the Waning Moon & Thisobald, Astarion getting thrown in jail for theft with Tav, He Who Was resolution, and into the Thorm Mausoleum. Inside the mausoleum: top floor, shadow ring puzzle, the first umbral tremor fight, the Balthazar fight, the Cloaker fight, meeting Yurgir & saving Nessa, exploring the northwest temple area & speaking with rats, fighting Yurgir, the soft-step trial, the self-same trial, the library fight & taking the Spear of Night, confronting Isobel about her father, one last long rest with Raphael revealing the nature of Astarion's scars, and descending into the Shadowfell & resolving Shadowheart and Nightsong. Also features a loop through the emptied Last Light at the very end.
Part 16: Features the initial assault on Moonrise, the fight atop the tower, one last long rest, and the mindflayer colony sequence (in order: rescuing Zevlor & the Fists, rescuing Mizora, fighting Kressa Bonedaughter & co., fighting the Death Shepherd & co., rescuing Us & fighting Chop, the mind manipulation puzzle, and the mind laboratory).
Part 17: Features the Myrkul fight and all post-fight conversations in Moonrise Towers. Also features one round of camp conversations the night after.
Part 18: Features completing the conversation with Aylin & Shadowheart, the gith attack at camp, the entrance into Baldur's Gate, and initial overtures into Rivington (Yenna, stealing from the Sharran merchant, fighting Zenovia outside Arfur's house, Arfur's basement, and discussing the Astral Tadpole with all the companions, along with Minthara consuming its powers).
Part 19: Features exploring beneath Rivington (down the well), the northwestern cliffs by the beach, encounter Orin for the first time, fighting the Stone Lord fan who calls you a cuck, accidentally fighting the Thieves' Guild survivors, exploring the Open Hand Temple, exploring beneath the Open Hand Temple, resolving the mad monk in the amulet, exploring the rest of the sub-temple area, exploring the hills above Rivington, meeting the Gur, meeting Toadbreath, meeting Orin a second time, the mindflayer windmill, Sword Coast Couriers (and kennel), the circus, meeting the Ironhand Gnomes again, discussing the gnomes with Gyldro Angleiron, meeting Vlaakith at camp, turning down Minthara, and remaining coy with the Emperor.
BG3 Aside: A Jade Stream: Jade hijacks the stream for a night to introduce us to Elarwyn, her Oath of Devotion paladin romancing Gale.
Part 20: Features a brief sojourn back to the Shadowlands, the first floor of Sharess's Caress, Fraygo's Flophouse, most of the second floor of Sharess's Caress (including signing the deal with Raphael & Voss), robbing Stylin' Horst, Danthelon's Dancing Axe and the shapechanger fight, returning to Sharess's Caress, Naaber & Carmen, and resolving Halsin's proposition.
Part 21: Features exploring a tiny bit of Rivington, picking up a few clothing items from the circus, exploring Wyrm's Rock, Gortash's coronation, Duke Ulder's glimpse of sanity, Tav's adventure robbing Gortash's office, exploring the rest of the island Wyrm's Rock stands on, exploring Wyrm's Rock prison, rescuing Florrick, discussing the return to the city with all the companions (Astarion's first time seeing the city streets in sunlight), exploring the Fists' barracks & meeting Vanra, exploring & robbing the Stormshore Tabernacle, exploring Nettie's Hostel, exploring the main floor of the Baldur's Mouth building, Minthara/Karlach/Astarion's Great Jailbreak Adventure, exploring the basement of the Baldur's Mouth building & Astarion & Tav's Great Metallic & Divine Bloodbath, touching the Candulhallow's Keep building, paying for armor from Dammon, exploring Dammon's basement & Helsik's basement, trading with and then robbing Helsik, trading with Fytz & robbing Gloomy Fentenson, breaking Wyll's pact, defending the camp from Aradin's attacks, throwing Aradin & co in the bay, and prepping for next day.
Part 22: Features exploring the southeastern Lower City, meeting the hag survivors, meeting Florrick in the city, exploring the Blushing Mermaid, saving Captain Grisly (!), heading into and then robbing Sorcerous Sundries, Lae'zel getting kidnapped, sleeping with Mizora in an alternate universe, killing Lorroakan, robbing the magical vault, meeting and then rehoming Malta, turning in the hag quest, first inroads into the Counting House, robbing the Counting House docks, robbing the Counting House vaults, the nighttime vampire camp attack, and buffs for the next day.
Part 23: Features the Elfsong Tavern (not including the Emperor's basement, including Roveer), continuing the exploration of the eastern Lower City, the Highberrys, the Thieves' Guild & meeting Ninefingers, first branches down into the sewers, meeting Ailis and al his oozes/greaseballs, meeting the Voiceless Penitent, the Mystic Carrion lair fight, fighting Ailis and all his oozes/greaseballs, the crow-summon fight, the cistern puzzle, failing to realize the door has been open for seven minutes at the end of the cistern puzzle, saving Minsc, saving Volo (and accidentally shooting Jaheira for a crit), and some Minsc camp conversations.
Part 24: Features the Thieves' Guild/Zhent fight, the park fight, Astarion/Karlach/Shadowheart/Wyll's jailbreak, Shadowheart's graffiti conversation, the Dolor/Figaro fight, chatting with Minsc at camp, the Sarevok fight, collecting the sixth Dribbles part, the Undercity through Bhaal's door, a quick jaunt back up to Sharess's Caress to get the Rapture buff, fighting Orin (sorry Gale), inventory management and cleaning out supplies at camp.
Part 25: Features the acid mephit docks/boat fight, meeting and then robbing Mystic Carrion, the graveyard in its entirety, SH's graveyard convo, triggering the "smells of the city" convo with her manually, the sahuagin fight, meeting Thrumbo and exploring his house, and fighting Mystic Carrion.
Part 26: Features Felogyr's Fireworks and a slight bit of wandering around the city.
Part 27: Features the Elfsong basement, finishing up the sewers, finishing Gale's meeting with Mystra, the proposition night with the Emperor, putting the night orchid on Allistair's grave, Jaheira's house, the Society of Brilliance, a brief venture onto the docks, Oskar's quest, the House of Grief, and Shadowheart's quest-concluding conversation.
Part 28: Features robbing the Glitter Gala, visiting Galbraith's house, Cazador's palace, and the concluding scenes for the Astarion questline and romance.
Part 29: Features Araj, House of Hope, exploring & robbing the Water Queen's Palace, the Iron Throne, and the Foundry.
Part 30: Features killing Lord Gortash, resolving Karlach's personal quest, and the Wyrmway.
Part 31: Features the approach to the Morphic Pool, endgame, and the epilogue.
Thank you again to all who tuned in and let me ramble about Tav and Astarion for 160 hours! <3
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amethysts-tavern · 10 months
It’s over (my first full play-thru). Pre-patch 5.
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Finished my first run-thru on my second character, bard Amily Starsong (pictured). The first character got bugged bad after the latest patch.
Spoilers below the fold.
OMG that end battle literally took me 4 hours. So many feels. I’m gonna be not right for awhile.
The scene in High Hall when your allies are there telling you that you did a great job and they are ready to fight with you?!? Lost it. Like had to pause the game so I could wipe my eyes. I love them. All of them! Rolan and Zevlor and Dammon! And Nine-Fingers Keene and Dame Aylin and Isobel. Florrick and Ravengard. All the Harpers, Fists, Gur, and Watch. The Strange Ox!! And my little baby boy owlbear! I fight for them, I live for them.
I’ll soon be Mrs. Amily Starsong Dekarios, bard for hire. Maybe I’ll get a job at the Yawning Portal when we get to Waterdeep. A lot of the convo between me and Gale at the end was super sweet. I do feel that once the brain is dead, I would have jumped right into Gale’s arms. I mean, we were standing right next to each other (per usual).
My brain fight was interesting. It ended up being just The Emperor and Gale in the portal for like 2 turns before I could get in there and take it down with a level 6 dissonant whisper. Zevlor didn’t make it and it kills me that he died fighting for us. He fought til the end though!
Thoughts on the epilogue:
- Astarion gets done dirty. He’s done so much to grow as a person they should have given him something a little less harsh. Maybe let Tav chase him into a tavern or something.
- I have no idea what happens to Shadowheart. She was barely even there. No final words at all.
- Karlach dying was worse than I expected. I wanted to hit her with an ice spell or take a potion of fire resistance so I could hold her as she died. She’s my bestie. She deserved so much better.
- I mean hell, I even got Lae’zel to stay with me. And she doesn’t even like me that much!
- If you’re romancing Gale, the whole game should end with a kiss or at least a hug or hell even holding hands.
- The bonus scene with Withers after the credits was a pleasant surprise.
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dracoangel · 1 year
My Dark Urge is trying to avoid giving into her impulses, only slipping twice. Once with the bard ofc (as far as I know it's unavoidable) and the strange ox. The ox was unintentional, I thought the option I chose was going to show him my memories like he did with me... but NOPE.
I avoided killing Isobel, which led to the convo with your butler and being told I was going to kill Wyll. I thought I chose the right options to keep him alive... I didn't. Ended up killing him. But I reloaded and found the right path to keeping him alive 😂
I've come to the conclusion the evil PT I want to do I'm definitely going Durge. Doing a PT where I'm trying to be good, I want to see what happens when I go bad. Which is probably not going to go over well with the companions. Except for maybe Astarion.
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justanotherignot · 9 months
Moon Lesbians in Camp Clothes
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
Hawaiian Symbolism, Morgan, TWD Food Videos, and Emily Being in Savannah
More symbolism and SM convos:
Norman did post something the other day, two young actors who are clearly involved in the spin-off, as they were dressed in like ragged apocalypse clothes. One of them was playing and singing Wonderwall by Oasis on a ukulele and looked a little like that actor.
Ummm, Daryl saw a ukulele in the subway tunnel in Acheron Part 2.
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Okay just so much TWD stuff on insta today. They’ve been making these cute little promotional videos by AMC that have humorous themes. Todays was “famous food from the walking dead.” Lots of funny things like Dwight’s club sandwich, Carol’s cookies, Jerry’s cobbler, Negan’s spaghetti, etc. Also featured are Daryl’s snake jerky, with Beth yet again featured saying the line (“Enjoy you snake jerky…”) and also featured was White Trash Brunch from Alone. So much Beth love.
She is the only character to be shown in two different famous food scenes !
True!! The Hawaii reference. Dales RV is like full of Hawaii references, too. Hmm.
Also the Hawaiian dancer on the dash of Isobel’s helicopter? Am I remembering that right?
Or no, the van, the MRAP, has a Hawaiian dancer on the dash.
The hula dancer and also with a ukulele there was a sign saying aloha.
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Something important here for sure. Definitely a link to the CRM.
Tarah, what things in Dale's RV that were Hawaiian references?
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Trying to find my screenshots!
What Lies Ahead
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Am I correct in what you said about the food that there were two favorite food clips from Daryl both included Beth?
Yes you are! Snake jerky and white trash brunch.
Here’s a link to the reel! Idk if you can watch without an acct but you can try https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoIom-RPdbp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
I never noticed. I love that they're all Beth colors.
Thanks for the link I was able to watch. That's so cool. It's as if they want us to associate Daryl with Beth.
Right I was trying to think of other Daryl foods. The peanut butter in Dwight’s room at the sanctuary came to mind. Ofc that’s a callback to white trash brunch.
Definitely or a reminder again of Beth since she's the one in Alone that took the peanut butter.
It’s so devastating. Hearts Still Beating is such a major moment of descent for Daryl. How they corrupt the peanut butter, a Beth symbol, to show how he doesn’t enjoy it. He’s just like shoving it in his mouth for survival. He then kills that guy in cold blood. Peanut butter is also a Morgan thing. Why is he so connected to Beth??
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Morgan is definitely connected to Beth. I've always thought he found her when she was left in the car after Grady. But that's a very long ramble that's been rambled many times, haha.
That would definitely be cool. I also feel it means he could see her first, recognize her. Morgan is often seen around arrows and traffic signs. I know I’m a broken record but I see him as a navigator. Like someone to follow closely. He knows the way. I read some of the old theories about how he had gurneys at his hideout.
That maybe he knew about Grady or had heard something about it. Like maybe he and Dwayne were trying to get there. Maybe he was near Atlanta when he found her. Afterward he ended up at Terminus, followed the carvings to the church. I can’t remember if there’s any indication as to where Eastman lives. The woods between Macon and Atlanta seem endless.
It’s always been interesting to me that he encounters Daryl first when he gets to Virginia.
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Oh and per Morgan’s arrows, twice they are specifically yellow. There are arrows with yellow fletching in Clear and a big yellow arrow in Eastman’s house. He’s also seen in front of yellow traffic arrows in Good Out Here, the episode of Fear where Nick Clark dies. It’s maybe a yellow brick road reference. But I think it also is meant to conjure out memories of Beth, who wore yellow. Daryl is also seen with the arrows with yellow fletching. They’re at his house in Alexandria near his work bench.
Sorry I said twice above but it’s really three times lol.
It's funny that you see Morgan as a Navigator. I have always thought of him as a prophet which is very similar if you think about it. I just have always felt that there's too many hints around Morgan that relate to Beth that there has to be some type of connection.
I was just thinking the other night with the announcement that this is the last season of Fear and how this is also the first season that they filmed in Savannah, Georgia and how we saw that posting of Beth excuse me Emily taken in Savannah. She said she was in Savannah at a wedding. In the picture she was wearing the same top that she wore on TTD the first time of the two times that she was a guest for s11. We know how she loves to tell us exactly where she is. Unless she doesn't want us to know where she is. I guess all these little things laid up to I really am looking forward to Fear and what it might reveal.
Same! It would be SOO cool if she showed up in Fear. EVERYone would then tune into the Daryl spin-off bc we would know she was alive but also would know that Daryl doesn’t. That would be awesome!
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I also love Morgan as a prophet. With all his breaking the fourth wall instances, he’s like a prophet to tptb. Through a Biblical lens I see him as the prophet Jonah, the original Christ archetype who tried to avoid his responsibilities and ended up being caught in a storm and swallowed by a whale.
Also I agree with you both about Fear. I almost feel it would be too good to be true if she showed up there.
But like I can’t forget how she was in Savannah. And she was wearing that sweater. I remember too it was weird because she posted herself in Savannah, then like a week later she posted herself in a cute dress for her hallmark movie promo tour.
She mentioned specifically she got the dress in Savannah where she had been for a wedding. It just felt weird like that maybe someone had said something, like be careful ppl will pick up on the fact you were in Savannah. And so she felt the need to say why she was there. She never said why she was in Montreal for example. She posts herself in a lot of locations with no explanation. So why Savannah?
I have had the exact same thoughts about Emily mentioning Savannah. It just seem so purposeful of a explanation of why she was where she was when normally she might state where she is without an explanation as you mentioned about her being in Montreal. It almost felt like it was over thought about. How people might realize that she was in Savannah at the same time as Fear was filming and think it was a bit of a coincidence.
It's like someone loudly saying "don't look, don't look" which only makes you look more closely. The other coincidence was in the picture she is wearing the TTD sweater. I don't remember anyone mentioning that she had worn it in many pictures from other locations. Just a lot of litte odd things that makes a person wonder.
Speaking of wondering has there been any more mention of Montreal and what she was working on?
Agreed!! Also per Montreal, there’s been no mention specifically. However she has a new hallmark movie coming out, and I am wondering if that was it.
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ziskandra · 2 years
Tagged by @mxkelsifer to answer some questions about myself, thank you! Tagging: @syrupwit, @princefado, @jemandthesingalongs, @jake-marshall, @anneapocalypse, @fetabathwater, @queenlua, @druckkugelschreiber & anyone else who would like to do this! Nickname: most people online call me asha! i don't mind being called my irl name if you know it in one-on-one convos, though. otherwise people just call me various shortenings of ziskandra (usually zis or ziska!)
Sign: Pisces sun, Virgo moon, Leo rising! (Always just thought I was a bad Pisces until I learned I was a Leo rising lmao).
Height: 5'4"
Last thing I googled: shrug emoji
Song stuck in my head: Oh No! by MARINA, mostly for the: if you're not careful your possessions will possess you, because it's SUCH a meredith stannard line, tbh!
Amount of Sleep: Usually 7-8! (I've gotten a lot better at actually sleeping this year). This past month it's been closer to 10 because my body is crying.
Dream Job: the last time I was asked this question in a tumblr meme I answered with 'train controller' and honestly I have no idea where the fuck I'm going from here!
Wearing: My year 12 jumper from highschool, PJ pants patterned with daschunds, and yellow socks pattered with the outline of purple pot plants!
Movies/Books that Summarize You: uhhh. my brain made static noises and then only returned both 'Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident' and 'Ptolemy's Gate', because apparently all I can think about at the moment is villains trying to do better!
Favorite Song: atm it's She Calls Me Daddy by KiNG MALA, partly because of the music video (i just love all of her oufits in her videos so much holy shit, what a style icon)
Instrument: The instrument I can probably play the best is the clarinet, but you still probably don't want me to.
Aesthetic: small and ready to fight! i am the human equivalent of a chihuahua and have no concept of how tiny i am.
Favorite Author: the way my brain froze again!! uh. Max Barry and Isobelle Carmody. Australians.
Random Fun Fact: I have been playing in officially rated Scrabble tournaments for over two decades now!
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mugenloopdalove · 2 months
It feels weird rbing the post onto this blog bc the person mostly makes it about her and Khalid but apparently there's a convo w Isobel where if you tell her you believe in love at first sight you actually earn approval points with Jaheira and I'm going to rip and bite and tear bc YES!! I DO!! FOR YOU!! IDC IF YOU HAD ME TANGLED AND DIDNT TRUST ME!!! IDC IF YOU THOUGHT I WAS A CULTIST!! I SAW YOU AND WAS LIKE YES I WANT THAT ONE PLEASE
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 months
Suffice to say Damon has a similar convo with Liz as Isobel has with John. Vampirism is no more a lifestyle than being gay. That's why the gay cowboy got brought in with Isobel and Bill got brought in with Damon.
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