#convo: marlene
70swizards · 1 year
sirius: so… i’m seeing someone
rem: dating or hallucinations?
rem: it better be hallucinations
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perryabbott · 1 year
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Cut to twelve years later, Outbreak happens, and he convinces me to join a group making their way up to Boston, which I did. Mostly to keep an eye on him, keep him alive. It’s where we met Tess. And that whole crew, we, uh... Well, for what it was, it worked. Then... Tommy meets Marlene. She talks him into joining the Fireflies. Same mistake he made when he was eighteen.
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padfoot-lupin77 · 2 months
Marlene: girl you should buy one of those Pandora bracelets so we can have matching ones
Lily: Pandora makes bracelets?
Marlene: not that Pandora I meant the jewelry brand
Lily: ah okay
*one minute later*
Lily: girl what the fuck I googled it and it costs 225€
Marlene: with or without the charms?
Lily: I don’t care about charms, if it costs that much it better be charmed by Cinderella’s fairy godmother herself or some shit
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 4 days
My best friend just being a Marlene kinnie
*Lily and Marlene walking around Hogsmeade late in the evening*
Lily: and I’m so worried I won’t be able to finish in time to hand in. I don’t know what to do. I’m so stressed
Marlene: yeah that sounds stressful
Marlene: …. do you wanna go into The Three Broomsticks quick and order tequila rosé shots and the just leave
Lily: what the fuck Marls! No I do not!
Marlene: but it’ll be so cool. We’ll go in take shots and then leave without sitting down or talking to anyone
Lily: absolutely not! What are you high or something?
Marlene: ….
Marlene: Would you be more or less confident in me if I said no?
Lily: ok we’re going back to the school right now.
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tally-ace · 3 months
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cfmystics · 2 months
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫  ─  @spellbonds ( marlene + the leaky cauldron )
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" why do i have the strongest inkling that tonight is going to be more eventful than a simple drink here ? "
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
alright hear me out. you’re secretly in love with joel. and joel is ridiculously attracted to you and he’s so protective of you and has this massive crush that he refuses to acknowledge. but Tess can totally tell and either
a. she is super jealous and annoyed about it. she confronts joel in some way and maybe treats you shitty. but joel totally calls her out and basically admits that he does like you.
b. she wants you two to get together. and tries to force you two to spend more time alone with each other and maybe she confronts joel and you walk in on their convo or she just tells you outright that joel is into you but will never admit it.
tesscue part two! i love it
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Better Off
Joel Miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
Joel's trying to keep his distance from her. But Tess has other plans for him and the girl he's trying so hard to forget about.
warnings | 18+ canon-typical violence, angst, feelings
a/n | this can be read as a standalone or as a part two to Looking, either way it's fun :)
She would never admit it, but she’s disappointed that things haven’t changed all that much with Joel, not since that night he came looking for her and all but murdered that guard that had been giving her trouble. Not since she kissed him on the cheek and told him how she feels about him.
He still won’t really talk to her, not unless it’s business. But now that she’s working almost entirely with Tess, even those opportunities are few and far in between. When they do speak, he keeps his eyes anywhere but on her. His hands in his lap, the laces of his boots, something just over her shoulder, but he never quite meets her gaze. More than anything, she feels embarrassed that she had been so forward with him that night. She had thought that he felt similarly, with the way he was blushing like a teenager at her flirting, but now it seems pretty clear that Joel Miller wants nothing to do with her outside of their business partnership. 
She’s trying to not let it get to her, but her mind can’t help needling at it. Does he think she’s too young for him? Too talkative? Too crass? She flits away these questions easily, but her mind always settles on the fear that Joel just doesn’t take her seriously, not really. So, she’s resigned herself to the reality that her little crush is going to have to stay just that, focusing on her work with Tess as a distraction from him. 
While Joel may be getting more distant, she and Tess have become quick friends in their work establishing a new trade partner right on the border of Vermont, often staying up late into the night when the talk shifts from smuggling routes to loose gossip and life. Joel had often passed by them, sitting at the kitchen table in his apartment, grumbling to himself before closing his bedroom door with a definitive thud. Tess would always apologize for her “dumbass associate,” and she would just shrug, trying not to take his clear hostility personally, though it sure seemed to be directed toward her. A few months passed like that, and with each day she convinced herself a bit more that she didn’t care about Joel Miller. 
With summer creeping in, it’s just about time for Joel and Tess to make another seasonal trip out to Bill and Frank, and when she gets back to his apartment a few nights before they’re supposed to go, she’s surprised by the conversation he and Tess are having.
“Then we’ll just push it back.” Tess shakes her head in her hand where she’s sitting at the kitchen table.
“We can’t, Joel. Bill and Frank are already skittish as it is, if we go changing dates on them it’s just gonna raise their hackles.” Joel looks at her blankly, slumping back in his chair.
“Then you gotta push that meeting back instead.” Tess scoffs.
“I can’t. It’s time sensitive what I got worked out with Marlene. It’s now or never. You gotta go to Bill and Frank’s without me. She can go with you.” Her mouth goes dry when Tess nods over to where she’s still standing in the doorway, and her stomach twists when Joel is so quick to protest against the idea.
“Tess, I’m not going with her.” Tess looks ready to smack him upside the head, but she interjects, walking further into the room and fixing him with a steely look.
“What? You don’t think I can handle it, Miller? Well I can assure I manage just fine out there. Been running the route to Vermont nearly every week so don’t worry about me. I’ll go with you, and you’ll be lucky to have me along for the trip.” She shocks even herself with that outburst, but obviously not as much as Joel whose mouth is hanging open, eyes wide as he looks at her. Tess claps her hands together, startling him out of his surprised stupor.
“Well, that settles that. Thanks for taking on asshole duty, I owe you one.” Tess grins at her as Joel scoffs at her words. She however, is starting to realize exactly what she just signed up for.
It’s going to be a long hike.
Her mind has been swirling ever since they left the QZ. Now, pacing back and forth outside the hollowed-out gas station that Joel is rummaging through for supplies he had stashed, she keeps replaying the conversation she had overheard the night before between him and Tess. She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but when she heard Tess say her name, she had stopped in her tracks, leaning back behind the door frame of Joel’s bedroom to listen in.
“Joel, you’re being fucking ridiculous.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tess laughed at that.
“Oh, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re gonna scare her away with the way you treat her, is that what you want?”
“No. I just– just don’t care to be around her, that’s all.” Her heart dropped at that, but Tess was quick to reply.
“Well I don’t believe that for one second. It’s kinda hard to scowl at someone while you’re also giving them puppy dog eyes. Joel, it’s pretty fucking clear that you’re sweet on her. And I know for a fact that she’s had a little thing for you too. But if you keep treating her like shit, whatever chance you have left with her is gonna be gone. Or worse, you’re gonna cost me my best business partner.” A heavy silence fell after Tess’ rant, Joel clearing his throat a few times before he answered.
“Look, it’s better off this way. She’s better off not getting– tangled up with me. Fuck– I’ll try to be– polite, I guess. Not gonna lose you a business partner, but it’s better for everyone if I keep my distance. She’ll get over it– tough as nails, that one. It’s better for her, Tess. Alright?” Tess sighed.
“Fine. But I still think it’s a shame that you’re just throwing away a chance at something actually good in this world.”
She had scurried out of his apartment at the sound of their conversation dying out, and ever since, her mind has been replaying it on an infinite loop. It had shocked her, hearing Joel all but openly admit that he had been harboring his own feelings for her. But that shock quickly rolled over to dismay that it was made explicitly clear that he wasn’t going to do anything to act on those feelings.
“You good?” She’s startled out of her thoughts by Joel shouldering his way out of the gas station, wordlessly passing her one of the guns he had stashed before. She nods as they already step back into stride, turning back to continue following the highway toward Bill and Frank’s. 
Their hike so far has been quiet, save for monosyllabic communication, and the silence is starting to get to her, just enough that she finally opens her mouth. Anything’s better than staying stuck in her head.
“Joel? Can I ask you a question?” He hums out a reluctant permission, his head tilting slightly to look at her as they keep walking.
“What did you do before– well, before?” She knows he doesn’t like talking about the past, and judging by the way his face screws up at her question, she guesses he might not even answer, but she’s so sick of conversations about FEDRA guards and trade routes. She’d give anything to talk about something normal.
When he doesn’t answer, she sighs.
“Oh c’mon. We’ve got like another four hours of walking, might as well fill the time with something.” Still nothing, his eyes staying fixed forward on the crumbling road ahead of them. She huffs.
“Well I was a nurse– ER, if you can believe it.” That seems to pique his interest, finally glancing at her.
“Were you on shift when everything–?” She nods to his trailing off question.
“Sure was. Booked it out of there when my patients started taking bites out of doctors. Pfft, I remember one of my coworkers refusing to leave because she was worried about getting paid for her overtime.” She lets out a weak laugh, shaking her head at the strange memory. Joel clears his throat.
“I was a contractor. Me and my brother had a little business– building homes, that type of stuff. It was, um, good work.” She offers him a smile, surprised when he offers her one back. The moment is short lived however, when two infected come darting out of the treeline. 
It’d be foolish to waste ammo, both of them scrambling to pull out knives. She makes quick work of the one coming up on her, turning to see Joel struggling on the ground with the other. But before she can help him, she gets tackled to the ground by another screeching infected, her knife skittering out of her hand at the impact. She rolls on the ground with the snarling creature, fighting back its snapping jaws as best she can, though it continues to press closer and closer into her. And then its body goes slack over her, and she can’t help the stifled shriek she lets out when it slumps heavy on top of her. Her whole body trembles as she shoves the body off of her, finding Joel standing over her, a wild look in his eyes.
He kneels down between her legs, helping her sit up as his hands dart anxiously over her, checking for bites. There’s a loud rushing in her ears, her hands shaking as she grasps onto the front of his flannel. His palms cup her face, warm and steadying as he coaxes her to look at him.
“Are you ok? Not hurt anywhere?” She’s never gotten so close to death, the shock of it settling icy and slick in her bones. She takes a shuddering breath before answering.
“I’m– I’m fine. I’m ok.” The worry rounding his eyes dissolves, his face setting back in a gruff, empty expression. She hates how she tries to lean into him when he takes his hands away from her face. He gets up with a groan, offering her a hand, but she has enough dignity to refuse to take it, scrambling onto her still unsteady legs.
“We should keep moving. There’s probably more where those came from.” She doesn’t respond to his words, just starts walking again, trying to steady the persistent shake in her hands. 
The rest of their hike is silent until Joel suggests they break for the night, setting up camp in a thicket of trees just off the highway. They eat their rations silently in the slow-darkening summer dusk. She’s surprised when he offers her his flask.
“Helps with the nerves.” She swears she could get whiplash with the way he’s swinging from seeming to not give a fuck to acting like he cares. She wordlessly takes the flask from him, ignoring the flicker of his fingers brushing hers as she takes a hard swig. 
“You sure you’re alright?” She can’t help but scoff at that.
“Careful, Miller. A girl might start to think you actually give a fuck about her.” He looks stricken by her harsh words, the fading light of day casting shadows over his furrowed expression.
“I– I do give a fuck about you.” She shakes her head, wrapping her arms around her shins where she’s sitting on her spread out sleeping bag.
“Oh I know. But you don’t want to, do you? That’s the problem. You don’t want to care about me. You think I’d be better off if you kept your distance from me.” His jaw goes slack at her words, leaning over his knees where he’s sitting across from her.
“I thought I heard you– you were listening in, weren’t you? To me and Tess? How much did you hear?” She sighs, turning her gaze down.
“Heard all of it.” It’s more of a mumble, but Joel hears it.
“Look, I’ll admit it– I like you– probably more than I should. But I’m right, darlin. It’s better this way. I’m no good for you. You best just forget about this.” Her head whips up at that, finally meeting his surprisingly sorrowful gaze.
“How can you say that, Joel? How could you possibly know what’s best for me? This isn’t about what’s best for me. You know what I think? I think you’re scared to let anyone get close to you. This isn’t better for me, it’s easier for you.” His expression has hardened, and she knows that she just pissed him off.
“That’s bullshit. You think this is easy for me? Pushing you away? Maybe you’ll understand when you’re a little older, darlin, but there ain’t anything easy about any of this.” She scoffs at that, anger coaxing up her spine.
“Oh please. That’s a weak excuse and you know it. Pulling the fucking age card. I’m not the one that needs to fucking grow up.” Somehow, in the heated volley of words, they’ve both ended up kneeling in front of each other, inching up into each other’s snarling faces.
“Oh, I need to grow up? That’s rich coming from the girl who just a few months ago was flirting with fucking feds for a few extra ration cards.” She does it before she can even think, her hand arcing with the goal of smacking him clean across his face, but before she can make contact, he grabs her wrist, holding her hand between them as she struggles in his grasp.
“Let go.” She can feel her anger seething off of herself, but Joel just cocks an eyebrow at her, firming up his grip on her wrist.
“No.” He says it so casually, she can’t help but laugh.
“What are you, a toddler? I said, let fucking go, you–” She’s cut off by his lips smashing into hers. Though she initially tries to fight it, she can’t help but mold her lips to his, seeking out the upper hand when she swipes her tongue over his bottom lip, causing him to groan lowly. He lets go of her wrist, his palms coming to squeeze at the curve of her hips as he topples back onto his ass, taking her with him as she straddles his thighs. It’s an angry, demanding little thing of a kiss, both of them fighting for dominance between swallowed gasps. He finally pulls back with a lewd smack, his eyes blown wide.
“You drive me fucking crazy, woman.” She snickers, tugging lightly at the hair at the nape of his neck.
“So much for not caring, Miller.” Tess was right. Tess was definitely right.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 4 months
how I think each marauder couple would act in terms of PDA
ok starting strong, these guys are allergic to NOT doing PDA. Wether u HC ace rosekiller or not (i hc both don’t ask how) I think they make out everywhere
and I mean everywhere. in front of everyone.
(flashbacks to that time I was in the classroom with my friends and 2 of them r dating and started making out and me and my other friend [both single] looked at each other like :| )
Ok next up, this was tougher bc I feel like Reggie would be more reserved/uncomfortable with PDA but James defo gives me ‘EVERYONE LOOK AT MY AMAZING BOYFRIEND DID I MENTION HES MY BOYFRIEND!’ (Not that Reggie wouldn’t do that too but he’s just in general a more reserved person) but ultimately I think James would defo go along with Reggie’s vibe for that day bc he doesn’t want to make his bf uncomfortable
that being said they defo r a touchy couple so I think no outright kissing but they’re always touching. Like even if it’s just like overlapping fingers but also I feel like they often drift to the position where like James has his arms around Reg and like his chin on his shoulder maybe idk
also micro forehead kisses just bc I say so
I’d say they’re less outright PDA than rosekiller and no making out in public but Sirius defo like sprawls himself in Remus’ lap a lot and they probs do kiss a bit just not like insanely a lot
I’d say their big thing though is like I feel like Remus naturally puts a hand on Sirius’ thigh a lot. Like not in a dirty way (sometimes in a dirty way though) but in like a comforting, supportive way
ok so they’re maybe a bit more PDA than Wolfstar like I very much imagine it like:
Marlene: *sits in Dorcas’ lap* Marlene: *starts flirting madly* Dorcas: *rolls eyes* Dorcas: *flirts back* •cue kiss•
Im not sure how much PDA they would rlly do but I’d say they always gravitate towards holding each other in public
also defo lots of little cheek kisses
Saying hello, saying goodbye, just randomly if they’re having a convo with the others like Lily might be saying smth I’d say Dora would defo like just quickly give her a little kiss on her cheek and Lily would kind of smile and keep talking but take Dora’s hand, maybe trace some little circles or lovehearts onto it (and vice versa too)
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sebbianas · 11 months
modern james peter and marlene would have a group chat that makes the others so curious because no one is allowed to read any of the convos inside it not reg, benjy or dorcas and the 3 of them are always giggling about the shit they talk about there
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breeistired · 4 months
including Slytherin skittles and the girls
Sirius: I’m about to kill myself
Regulus: Slay.
*Sirius sending a picture of his hickeys from Remus.*
James: Have you ever gotten a hickey? This is mostly for Sirius because he’s had the cream that goes inside.
Sirius: what.
Regulus: James is more experienced than me. He’s had his first kiss. I, on the other hand, scream when someone touches me-
Marlene texting the Marauders groupchat about Dorcas: well im gonna go to sleep. daily reminder i love my gf😝but goodnight🌚🫡
Sirius: Are you with him?
Regulus: No we kiss as friends.
Dorcas: I have lesbian hands
Marlene: send pics for research purposes pls.
Regulus: oh.
Regulus: I got a bottle of lube.
James: Wow! I’m starting to think Regulus isn’t a virgin.
*he says as he’s the one who took it.*
Mary “fighting” with Lily and accidentally sending the wrong emoji : Just do it or I’ll shit on you 💇‍♀️
Lily: damn, scissoring.
Dorcas sending a picture of lingerie
Marlene: Honka honka!!!
Barty: If i say one more thing about murdering myself, im going on a grippy sock adventure!!!!
James talking about a test with Sirius: Give me those answers now I have an F.
Sirius: nah bro i got an 0.5
Remus: boycott school.
Sirius talking about his dad: “Well maybe hes just-“ NO. HES A BITCH
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 year
okay so this is a convo me and my friends had and i want you to say which marauders era character said this:
“your body’s like a temple, everyone gets in.”
“you bitch.”
marlene: your body is a temple, everybody gets in
sirius: bitch-
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silver-wield · 3 months
Relationship Development
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Talks about Tifa
Bitches about how Cloud gave Tifa the flower she, as a peddler, forced on him for free.
Whines about fate
Wants reassurance she wasn't selfish and insulting Zack to his parents (she was)
Whining again about how nobody liked her and how "hard" her life was, knowing there's people with her who were literally tortured and had their entire homes burned by Shinra.
Tries to make him into a "ladies man" like she thinks Zack is.
What am I doing? Well, I'm pointing out how none of Aerith's convo options showcase any developing relationship between her and Cloud that isn't about her. She uses him to reassure herself when she's being a whiny bitch, but the rest of the time she's talking about others or chewing him out for imagined slights against her. Nothing between them is mutual or that positive. Even when she tries to make a prediction about his behaviour, it's wrong because he's not like Zack.
And those are the best options. The worst ones she just whines and looks disappointed he doesn't wanna indulge her the way Zack would while he gets mad at her for being a whiny flake.
There's no future being talked about between them. The only past is her complaining he gave a flower to another girl. There's nothing that says Cloud plans to have a life with this girl in the future or that he even plans to be around her in the future.
Also her convos have no link to the narrative. Her talking to Cloud about Tifa makes no difference to any scenes later. Even the choice with Zack's parents doesn't matter because Tifa appears and the cut scene covers over the choice that was made.
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Plans to return to 7th heaven
Likes being in the limelight
Feels guilty he couldn't save the black cloaks
Wants to take Marlene to Gongaga and become a farmer
Wants reassurance he's doing the right thing
Wants comradeship in his hatred of Shinra
Between Barret and Cloud, there's a lot of angry "stick it to the man" convos. But there's also links between past scenes in Remake, with Barret talking about rebuilding the bar and Cloud offering to buy the first round, which shows Cloud plans to return there too. That shows Cloud's future plans involve being in Midgar at seventh heaven. And this is in Kalm he made that decision.
Later on he learns Barret really likes the limelight, even more than he probably assumed from their ordeal with the airbuster. This helps Cloud make the conclusion later that Barret wasn't behind the shooting at the GS.
We learn that in the future, after he's helped rebuild seventh heaven, Barret would like to take Marlene to a place like Gongaga and become a farmer. This shows Barret never had intentions of leaving Marlene with Cloud and Tifa permanently in otwtas.
In both Cosmo Canyon and Nibelheim Barret's looking for an ally in his hatred for Shinra. He wants someone to blame and take it out on and he wants someone to validate that. Cloud does to a degree, but he's never fully on board with hating Shinra because of his grunt status.
Cloud gets to know Barret. They share things in common, although they also have different views on certain things. Cloud's in agreement over returning to Midgar to rebuild the bar. This is his future plan. He's going home with Tifa once this is all over and will rebuild the bar with her.
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Tifa's fishing for how much Cloud remembers. He recalls what dress she wore during the promise
Tifa's still fishing for info out of concern. Cloud promises they'll talk when they find time.
Tifa's weighed down by doubt and worry. Cloud reassures her.
Tifa offers to cook Claudia's pot roast recipe if Cloud remembers it.
Tifa's worried what people think. Cloud reassures her.
Tifa admits she was weary of avalanche's activities and didn't know what to do.
After Cloud's scarily accurate/inaccurate recollection of the Nibelheim incident, as well as their argument about whether she's real or not, the next morning she's on a mission to see what Cloud remembers. She asks him a few times about things he should know, and he always has the right answer, which shows he's the person she thinks he is.
Tifa's a worrier by nature, and she shares this with Cloud, who reassures her things will be fine. They talk about the bar and he says he'll be there to have a drink she makes for him. Again, this shows his plans are to return to the bar with Tifa.
We get a glimpse into how Tifa was tired of avalanche's activities, but didn't know what to do. Those people are her friends, and she's not the most confrontational of people, so she felt trapped until Cloud came along to help her. This is a link back to Remake and a hint about their promise.
Cloud and Tifa's relationship development has several links to their shared past, and the promise between them. We see some of Tifa's insecurities, as well as Cloud's decision about his future.
The difference between the convos with Tifa, and even Barret, is that we see Cloud's plans for the future. What he wants to do once they've defeated Sephiroth and they can go home.
His home is with Tifa in sector 7.
At no point in any convos with Aerith do we see any plans for the future with her. There's also no links to a past together that don't result in one or the other getting annoyed.
Meanwhile, even with Barret, Cloud says he'll go home and buy the first round of drinks, and he repeats this to Tifa later.
The relationship development conversations aren't just about getting points for a date or showing us insight into the rest of the characters. They also show us what Cloud's like, what his intentions are, who his past connections are with and why one girl gets a kiss while the other gets called nakama.
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miakate-writes · 6 months
For the fandom headcanon thing
How the marauders interacted with groundskeeper Hagrid
Marauders and Hagrid Headcanons <3
(a/n: tysm for the ask, i love the marauders sm dude!!)
oh my god they're absolute menaces
they recruit Peter to have a friendly convo with Hagrid to distract him while James, Sirius and Remus (while assuring the other two that its a very bad idea) run inside his hut and rearrange all of his furniture
Lily and Hagrid are besties - she comes round for tea sometimes to just talk about school and life in general - she'd tell him about any Snape and James drama so he could stay in the loop with who they like and who they don't like at the moment
Marlene occasionally goes to the hut with Lily and makes sure to steal a "souvenir" for the boys every time
(only a couple but i think they're funny, feel free to suggest more if u have any <3)
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Marauders Headcanon
The Marauders (including the girls) and the Slytherin Skittles are diehard fans of Princess Diana.
So during the whole drama with Charles and Camilla, they would all be talking about how Diana deserves better.
“I MEAN SHES LITERALLY— LOOK AT HER LOOK AT HER JAMES, SHES FUCKING STUNNING!” - Lily Evans to James, Peter, and Remus who are just trying to eat their breakfast but can’t because she’s shoving a newspaper in their faces
*Sirius, Marlene, and Dorcas walk up*
“Woah there Evans, what’s got her in such a red headed mood.” (Pun intended cause it’s Sirius)
“Prince Charles confirmed his affair to Cunty Camilla.” - Remus as he sips his piping hot coffee
“WHAT?!” - Sirius black, jaw dropped as he almost face plants into the table somehow
“HOW DARE HE CHEAT ON MY WIFE!”- Marlene, snatching the paper away to get a good look
*everyone glances at Dorcas, who is totally unfazed her screaming girlfriend, seemingly sad herself as well due to the news* “has she said anything yet.”
“No,” Remus chimes in with a new grin, “but she’s on every headline because of her—,”
“HOLY SHIT!” - Marlene screams with wide ass eyes
“What?! WHAT,” Sirius scrambles up, peeling himself off Remus who had become his stand in comfort pillow. “let. Me. SEE!”
*sirius screams after seeing the photo, falling back dramatically as if he were fainting*
“I think I’ve died~ Mooney..Prongs… Wormtail be a dear and tell the queen she’s been decommissioned for me. I would’ve myself but Queen Di—
(They all call her that from then on)
— has killed me. Send Charles the bill.”
“THATS WHAT IM SAYING!” - Lily again
“Are you alright Lily flower—?” - James Potter being a sweetheart
“NO— no I’m not alright, our Queen has been hurt! How could I be alright?!”
Remus snorts but nods, “She’s got a point.”
And poor Peter, somehow he knows what’s going on, but simultaneously doesn’t
“But what do you think will happen to William and Harry?” -innocent Peter, who is genuinely concerned and trying to be part of the convo
Everyone stops talking, Remus spits out his drink, Sirius shoots up from the ground, and they all look at him, all with wide eyes.
“Oh no,” James winces, knowing what’s to come.
“THE BABIES” - Marlene and Sirius scream, shaking each other back and forth
“I mean there is no way he can get full custody—,”
“Oh, he won’t.” Remus said with a matter of a fact tone, “The royal family wouldn’t like the bad press.”
“And we all know that there would be a…,”
“Fucking riot.”
Meanwhile over at the Slytherin table:
“That’s it! WE’RE GOING TO WAR EARLY BOYS!” - Barty Crouch Jr
“What have you done?” - an irritated Regulus, who is obviously sleep deprived
“Me? Nothing. I heard your traitor brother and his little friends talking—,”
“Oh dear Merlin, just ignore them Barty it won’t hurt your ego I swear.” - Evan, who literally give zero fucks this early in the morning
“Firstly, it would. Secondly, that’s not what I’m fucking talking about thank you very fucking much.”
*Regulus is massaging his temples because he has a headache now from the noise and feels like dying* “Oh, out with it prick.”
“Charles— as in the Whore, Prince— publicly stated he was cheating on Diana.”
*both regulus and evan slowly looking up at him like he just called them muggle born*
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” - very confused and now angry Regulus, who was only hanging on due to the help of five cups of coffee and two hours of sleep
*Evan, totally ignoring regulus* “What did he say? Nevermind— he probably said something along the lines of time drifted us apart, ‘I’ve always loved Camilla’, or ‘I was forced into this’. I wonder if Queen Elizabeth encouraged or disagreed with all of this. Oh my Merlin— what has Diana said?! Has she done anything?!”
* barty thriving on the drama* “I don’t know for sure, but I heard something about a revenge dress—,”
“Where did they hear this?” Regulus asked, now squinting over at the Gryffindor table. “It looks like they have a muggle newspaper, I don’t see a charm on the pictures.”
“Where can we get one?” - Evan, ready to go steal the paper himself if he has too
“We are not getting one!” Barty screeched, “It’s a muggle paper, probably filthy.”
*Evan scoffs while Regulus rethinks about his friend choices, ‘I’m surrounded by idiots’ vibe*
“You do realize that you are in fact talking about a muggle right?”
“She can’t possibly be that amazing without some magic.” Barty rebuked strongly
“Whatever just go get the bloody pa—,”
*regulus slaps his hands over both their mouths before turning their heads to look over*
*all of them watch as Pandora skips into the room, quickly greeted by the marauders, and starts chatting to them before she is shown the paper*
“Quick!” *barty slaps Evan’s chest* “flag her down so she can bring the paper over.”
“Why do I have to? Your louder.” Evan retorted, slapping him back harder.
“Your her brother!”
“Well Reg is her favorite!”
“Regulus—,” *both of them turn to see regulus is already disappeared, now standing beside a sad looking Pandora, who had been given the paper by the Marauders*
*Regulus quick gives the girls hand small, comforting squeeze before coming back over to the Slytherin table with the paper in hand*
“Well?! What is it???”
“She wore a revenge dress.” - regulus said with a rare smug smirk
*evan snatched the paper and gawked with barty at the photo*
“And you’re really trying to tell me that she is all muggle?”
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 17 days
Based on an interaction I had at work today with my friend
Lily: *is wearing a bi flag pin*
Marlene: *points at the pin* ha! Imagine being gay
Lily: ….
Lily: Marls you’ve admitted to “platonically” having sex with multiple of you’re female friends
Marlene: ok and?
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tortoisebore · 1 year
wolfstar meet at the eras tour and fall in love.
this. THIS. this one. this is the one. they so did.
like maybe they’re up in the nosebleeds and sirius and co. are in the row in front of remus & he spends the whole concert going 🫣✨🫢💕🤯🤩💫 bc sirius is wearing one of those big sparkle fringe karma jackets and there’s silver clips in his hair and he didn’t know ppl could be that pretty. and at some point maybe between openers dorcas (who remus went with bc they’re besties obviously) strikes up convo with marlene (who sirius went with bc they’re besties obviously) which leads to sirius fully spinning around in his seat and staring starry eyed at the cute awkward curly haired nerd trying to make conversation with him. but he’s all flustered and stuttering and blushing and oops sirius is in love and they’re immediately engaged to be married
or maybe they’re all on the floor and while rushing to their seats after getting merch between openers they bump into each other and they both go 🧍😮 and boom they’re immediately in love
or maybe their seats are kind of next to each other and when part of sirius’ group goes to get merch they start talking. and they’re chatting about their favorite songs and albums and they find out they have the same favorite song but it’s not on the setlist & they’re both super bummed about it. at some point sirius’ friends come back and they’re separated by two or three seats but then the acoustic set starts and taylor starts playing ‘mine.’ and that’s their mutual favorite song so sirius shoves the ppl between them out of the way (most likely james & lily who he has been gushing to the whole show ab the ‘cute tall one over there did u see him omg’) and they have a very passionate and feral moment of screaming the song to each other which is like….definitely not the vibe of the acoustic set but they’re ridiculous. and sirius doesn’t move back the rest of the show and idk they probably end up planning to move in together by the end of it or running off after vigilante shit to spend the rest of the show making out in the bathroom or something
they’re in love your honor!!!! and we have taylor swift to thank!!!!
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