#convo: pandora
fairywilds · 5 months
Auberon took a step out of their jewelry shop, Thesaurum Jewelers, for a small break and just in time to catch a melodic hum drifting through the air. It was a tune that seemed to weave its way delicately into the atmosphere, eagerly drawing Auberon's attention away from the meticulous tasks of arranging gemstones in their display cases all day. Intrigued, Auberon glanced around, their bleached white hair catching the light as they turned towards the source of the sound. "What are you humming?" Auberon inquired, the curiosity evident in their voice as they regarded Pandora with a mix of fascination and intrigue. ( @nctural )
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 4 months
Based off a conversation I had with my friend a few days ago
Evan: I started talking to this guy a while ago and I went over to his house last week and we... you know... and he gave me a load of weed before I left!
Pandora: I’m so happy for you, can I see a picture?
Evan: em… he’s white…
Pandora: oh…
Evan: but like “cigarettes after sex” white
Pandora: oh!
*he did not in fact look like a cigarettes after sex white boy, he looked like a malnourished stick figure in need of a shower*
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adharastarlight · 2 years
Barty, in distress after having a dream about james: and I don't need to see him shirtless! I really really don't!!!
Reg: can I see him shirtless?
Reg: ...what?
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70swizards · 2 years
sirius: so… i’m seeing someone
rem: dating or hallucinations?
rem: it better be hallucinations
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cheekyboybeth · 2 months
Marauders incorrect quotes
Pandora: what do you tell people when they ask how close we are?
Evan: oh I’m always like “I would take a bullet for the kid”
Evan: like I would die for you
Pandora: then can I borrow your sweatshirt later?
Evan: absolutely the fuck not
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lilyofthevalleyys · 11 months
Regulus: I’m going to fail. I swear I’m going to fail. I didn’t even write finish the essay well. I’m so gonna fail-
Pandora: You won’t fail, Reg
— Received the results —
Regulus: I got an A??
Dorcas: Told you
— Next day —
Regulus: I’m going to fail. I swear-
Barty (sick of hearing this): Alright, listen here you little shit-
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
the pandalily is about to start pandalily-ing
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voided-selfships · 1 month
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risetherivermoon · 2 years
How To Not Die Young - Chapter 4
"It's comforting this way to Barty, having something to tell him that Evan is right there for him. That someone is there and they aren't leaving anytime soon."
“If Evs’ out, so am I.” Barty says, patting Evan on the back.
“Don't patronize me,” Evan says.
“That is not how you use that word,” Barty says, ever the academic. Evan rolls his eyes.
“Pandora uses words that aren't even real all the time.” Evan says.
“What counts as a real word, anyway?” Pandora asks.
“If it's in the Oxford Dictionary, then it's a word.” Barty says.
“I will not allow the Oxford Dictionary to hold me back from my dreams. I shall no longer be a prisoner bound by words in a book written by people just as I, I will prosper in my own language. I need not be limited by a dictionary!!” Pandora stands dramatically, hands in the air. Evan and Barty laugh hysterically.
“All of those are in the Oxford Dictionary,” Barty points out.
“Fuck off you Shnuffle-pucker!” She points at him, a type of fury in her blue eyes. Evan and Pandora almost look exactly like gender-bent versions of each other if it wasn't for their eye color. Barty scoffs, his mouth open in shock with a hand over his heart.
“I- I have no idea what that means but I’m offended!” Barty stands as well, Evan sighs exasperatedly and shakes his head.
“PANDORA!! BARTEMIUS!! I WILL HAVE YOUR HEADS I SWEAR TO GOD!!” They both turn their heads to see Dorcas yelling from the bottom of the bleachers. Evan starts laughing hysterically as Barty and Pandora share a bewildered look before starting to run up the bleachers to get away from her as Dorcas starts to chase them.
Little bit from chapter 4!! rosekiller!
the skittles get all my love,
hope you all enjoy this!
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meetmeafftcrdark · 1 year
remus lupin said: ❝ who hurt you ? ❞ / @cxpectopatronum​ 
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– ¿Hm? –preguntó, levantando la vista de su cuaderno de anotaciones– ¿De qué hablas? –dejó ver algo de confusión. Pandora solía tener más heridas de las que podía contar. Era buena para accidentarse al probar nuevas pociones, así que no estaba segura a qué específicamente se refería el contrario.
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misspandy · 1 year
@slccpylixn, flashback.
Na maioria do tempo, Pandora não dava dois gravetos para o que comentavam sobre ela. É claro que notava os olhares e sobreouvia os cochichos; mas estava sempre muito imersa em seus próprios assuntos, ocupada com seus experimentos, lendo, praticando, coletando musgos que cresciam entre as pedras do castelo ou explodindo as sobrancelhas em poções nada ortodoxas para que pudesse oferecer alguma atenção aos maldosos. Crescer com os avós tinha lhe dado ensinamentos importantes, e o maior deles tinha sido fingir-se de môca.
Entretanto, o incidente da amortêntia havia acertado um nervo. O fato era que tudo sobre aquela tarde fatídica tinha acontecido contra a sua vontade; expusera uma parte de si que jamais tivera intenção de exibir. Seus pais eram distantes. No fundo, sentia-se abandonada. E durante as doze horas nas quais estivera perdidamente apaixonada por Frank Longbottom, tinha demonstrado tanta carência que, agora, a mera ideia de encará-lo lhe causava frio na barriga. Preferiria a morte. Lenta e dolorosa, como uma mordida de Pixie. Passou a evitá-lo desde então.
Mas é claro que se descuidaria, eventualmente: Na fila para a montanha russa, enquanto explicava a um nascido trouxa que era a dança dos bezerros apaixonados, e não os aliens, os responsáveis pelas marcas nas plantações.
── É sério ── dizia ela, caminhando despreocupada para uma das cabines. ── O Barnabééé, meu bezerro, sempre deixa desenhos assim na grama da floresta proibida. Passeio com ele uma vez por mês, na lua cheia, que é quando ele gosta de sair pra dançar. ── o bruxo sentou na cadeira da frente, e foi só após baixar a trava de segurança que Pandora dera-se ao luxo de olhar para o lado. Seu coração quase saiu pela boca. ── Cacete. Merda. ── praguejou baixinho, num esforço desesperado para levantar a trava, mas já era tarde. Restou a ela cumprimentar o vizinho de assento. ── Opa... E aí, Frank, chuchu beleza?
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0p1er0 · 4 months
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thanks, my biggest fans (yes that is swap sans in the corner)
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nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
no one appreciates danny knowing fuck all about ghosts. his ass doesnt know the language‼️
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misty-doodles · 10 days
One of my favorite fic series is just Pandora's vault, except there's no torture or Tommy death, and Dream just goes insane from the isolation and confinement.
As I write a Sam centric fic set during the prison arc, I fight the urge to keep adding shit because like, Quackity doesn't torture dream, but god would a convo between them be funny.
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Evan: cut your food carefully, Panda, or it might fly off your fork
Pandora: *excitedly* fly off to where? To space???
Evan: no, on someone's clothes.
Based on a convo my family members had
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
suffering horrendous nothing happens withdrawals, heart getting weaker, legs getting numb, sweat running down my back etc etc do you have any headcanons or something to help me during this difficult time 😔
(only if you feel like it ofc lovey)
OF COURSE I HAVE HCS NONNIE.. I'M ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THEM.. and i'm more than happy to share them with u mwah!!
james' first time happened when he was 16 with this girl a couple of years older than him, they never dated it was simply a hookup. but reg's first time is with james when he's 17 (and james 19) <3 while he's dating barty too <3
funnily enough.. this happening is actually barty's fault..
james ruins more than a few friendships over regulus and all the shit he does for/bc of him (he doesn't care)
there's a scene with james and lily after he catches he and reg making out . very heavily . and i'm so fucking excited to write it bc their lil convo is everythingggg to me
barty and pandora dated briefly when he first joined their friend group. and then barty dated reg. and he ends up with evan at some point. which is somehow hilarious to me bc he saw this lil group of freaks and he was like . yeah i'm fucking all of them . AND HE DID
james gets in a physical fight with one of reg's bfs (rabastan) and actually sends him to the hospital
mary never forgives james about the emma thing, so their friendship remains tense and . kinda bitter . after he and emma break up
effie and monty absolutely adore reg as a person but . they don't like him for james bc they don't like the kind of person james turns into when he's with reg (this changes with time obviously and this is not all on reg, james is half to blame at the very least but that's their son etc)
everyone at reg's school think he's dating james (mostly during his last 2 years) and he never corrects them
despite barty being the person james hates the most . his least fav of reg's bfs is benjy simply bc he's actually a nice guy and really good for reg (it also doesn't help that sirius loooooves him)
reg makes a habit of picking up james' phone when they're hanging out and james' current gf calls and being . as ambiguous about what they're doing as possible on purpose
james catches him at some point but finds it soooo funny and sooooo endearing that he allows it. kinda encourages it even
james mentions in part 2 of nothing happens that he doesn't think sirius knows about he and reg sharing a bed so often bc he'd confront him about it but sirius Does Know bc he has seen them a couple of times when he has a nightmare and goes to look for his brother
he's not a fan. hates it even. but he'd never tell reg how or where to seek comfort so he's never mentioned it and simply pretends it's not a Thing at all
evan's always been Team James simply bc he was jealous when reg and barty dated and secretly wanted them to break up so bad
pandora however................. she stops being james' fan at some point in the story and even after they figure their shit out . her friendship with him is never the same
when it comes to james' friends, i'm pretty sure the only ones rooting for reg are lily and peter. like.. not even sirius and that's literally his brother lmao
james and reg's relationship stays mostly platonic at all times (except they never actually act like friends but u get what i mean) but when either or both of them are dating someone . the jealousy and possessiveness jump out and suddenly they're making out + fucking any chance they get
reg shows off all the hickeys james leaves when james is dating someone, but does his best to cover them when james is single (or he is dating someone)
james never hides the marks reg leaves tho.. mostly bc he isn't self-aware about the cheating and he's never ashamed of what he and reg do
and i think i'm gonna stop there bc this has already gotten long enough.. i have another post with some hcs somewhere in the tag tho i case u wanna check those up too!!
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