anarchistbarbiedoll · 16 days
Help a Trans Muslim Man Escape His Abusive Household
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these past few days have been hell for me i have given up completely and this is my last resort to escape from my abusive household, persue my education and keep making art
please spread the word and donate if it is possible i love you all for supporting me 🤍
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 16 days
Unfriendly reminder that just because a fat person exists online doesn't mean their account is solely feeder fetish material.
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 30 days
nobody better be posting about the met gala without mentioning the giant pro-palestine demonstration going on outside
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 30 days
When the rest of the world looks at the united states right now, we see a government who sends billions to support genocide but cannot help their own people starving on the streets.
We see a police force who won't go in to save children from school shootings, but deploy at a rapid rate to arrest peaceful protestors using their right to free speech to protest a genocide
America, you are a war mongering snake eating your own tail. You will protect and support war criminals in another country but let your own people starve and die
To the students bravely protesting now, we see your strength. We see what we saw when students protested the Vietnam War. We have faith you will prevail
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 30 days
it's exhausting being palestinian right now.
watching the news is like watching a deadly car wreck - i want to look away but i can't. i'm not sure how much more of the vitriol i can take. i don't know how much longer i can stand and watch as people argue whether people like me deserve to live. whether we deserve to exist on a strip of land that has so much history to me and my family. my grandfather, who was kicked out of haifa 80 years ago. my mother and father, who were born on the wrong side of the wall. and myself, and all the generations to come, who are scoffed at and treated worse than dogs by a government that assumes we are all terrorists. a government that has denied us basic life necessities like water. that has denied us our dignity. all because of who we are.
i cant stand watching the news, which has put the hamasi scumbags and all other palestinians in the same category, furthering the agenda that all palestinians are terrorists. i am tired of being grouped with so-called freedom fighters who do not have my best interests in mind, whose actions i never support and never will support. i hate that not supporting hamas comes with the assumption that i am in support of the israeli-led genocide against my people. i hate that there is no middle ground, and that i must defend myself at every corner, to palestinian and israeli people alike. that i must defend my palestinian existence to zealous anglo-saxon christian friends and condemn my overzealous liberal friends for supporting a terror group. i have no allies, no one who understands me, no one who has TRIED to understand me.
but, then again, how will anyone understand this? how can i blame anyone for this? they don't know any better. i wish they knew better. i wish to be understood. but i also don't want people to understand. i don't want people to wake up every day afraid that their family is gone. i don't want people to worry about whether their family can recieve life saving treatment daily while people debate whether your family even deserves to live.
most of all, i hate how isolated i feel. it seems like everyone i talk to about my hurt has to prove just how politically correct they are, ignoring what i am saying in favor of dehumanizing me further by displaying peacock tailed "support" - support that is all for show with no subtance or nuance. no one is truly listening or trying to understand me. every day i wake up and wish i didnt have to live in this world anymore. every day i go to work and feel detached from the people around me, wishing i could be as blissfully ignorant as they are. every day i fight with the hopelessness and distress as i watch the genocide unfold while grappling with how privileged i am for not being subject to the horrors myself.
i am tired.
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 30 days
People now in gaza strip are facing the danger of hunger again and displaced since the occupation invaded rafah please can you help this family is for my cousin they need money to survive in gaza to buy food and water since everything is so expensive
And my cousin family are close to me if you can't donate share it
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 4 months
"B-but Palestinians can get their freedom with peace not violence 🥺🥺" no. Screw your feelings. The armed resistance against colonizers and murderers is what will give Palestinians their freedom and what will eventually achieve real peace.
An enemy that bombs and uses white phosphorus against civilians doesn't know nor practice what your broken moral compass describes as "peace". Freedom was proven throughout history not to be achieved through kneeling and asking the oppressor to kindly stop. Freedom needs to be taken by force. Your little Utopian way of thinking doesn't work in the real world. Your feelings don't matter because you're not the one living under occupation. Your feelings don't matter because you're not one of the thousands of children who lost their limbs. You're not one of the children who became orphans due to this genocide. You're not the mother who lost her child to the carpet bombing. You're not the father carrying the remains of your child in plastic bags. You're not the newlywed woman who lost her husband. You're not the one at risk of either getting killed any second or losing your loved ones in the blink of an eye!
"Peace" is not really a thing you see during a live ethnic cleansing!
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 5 months
People ignoring what you said is rarely due to poor reading comprehension.
People jumping to wild conclusions is rarely due to poor reading comprehension.
People assuming you implied things you did not is rarely due to poor reading comprehension.
People correctly identifying what you implied is good reading comprehension.
And if you think someone actually has poor reading comprehension, they should not be made fun of for it.
Stop armchair diagnosing and stop making fun of disabilities.
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 5 months
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 7 months
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 8 months
"low support needs disabled people are often not believed to have a disability at all and therefore struggle to get accommodations."
"high support needs disabled people's accommodations are often seen as 'too much' and therefore are not met."
"neurodivergent people's needs are often dismissed because nothing is physically wrong with them."
"physically disabled people people often cannot physically access buildings and people refuse to do anything about it."
"invisibly disabled people are seen as lazy by society."
"visibly disabled people are ostracized from society."
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 8 months
Seeing both "anti nonbinary lesbians dni" and "pro male lesbians/female gays dni" in the same Do Not Interact post sure is an experience.
It's giving: "Respect nonbinary people and how they want to identify! (unless they have multiple genders yikes yikes)"
I am just beyond done from the multigender hate. It's telling that so many people just view nonbinary as a "third gender".
People with one gender may reblog but don't clown on this post.
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 8 months
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You can watch the entire documentary here:
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 8 months
“…the sight of Elon Musk charging towards Wikipedia with his trademark guile and delicacy was so predictable that it was almost relaxing. He saw a collective resource that people prized and he wanted to hurt it.”
Thoth knows Wikipedia’s not perfect, but I’d sooner have it handy than not have it.
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 8 months
i've seen too many trans people get comfortable stating that they're uncomfortable around "all strangers who are cishet men." The problem with this statement is you literally cannot discern whether or not they're a cishet man just by looking at that person. you have no clue if that person is a cishet man- the way they dress, act, talk or present themselves does not matter or make a difference.
many, many, MANY transfems do not feel safe dressing or looking feminine and choose to stay in boy mode when in public. that stranger could be gay, bisexual, polyamorous, a closeted trans woman, that stranger could be a trans man, that stranger could be a nonbinary person, a crossdresser, a transsexual, an intersex person, a genderfluid person, a drag performer in or out of drag, or anyone else on the planet. remember that there are in fact trans men who pass so effortlessly that they have a hard time getting people to believe they're trans. just because that person is very masculine does not guarantee that they're AMAB and cis (or het), not that any of these things are inherently bad.
you cannot tell how a stranger identifies just by looking at them, and it is in fact transphobic, transmisogynistic, transandrophobic, and queerphobic in general to assume that every masc person you meet is a cishet man. if we don't like it when strangers make unfair assumptions about our genders, we shouldn't do it to other strangers, either. it will never be okay to make assumptions about strangers based off of their bodies, and it will never be okay to imply that people with certain body types are inherently dangerous or unsafe to be around, or "couldn't possibly be queer."
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 8 months
Young trans men will come online, looking for community, guidance, and support only to be pushed away and mocked for expressing any vulnerability and insecurity, as if they were naive to think they deserved any ounce of care.
The cruelty is especially jarring when it's presented as some sort of common sense. Is it common sense to tell trans boys, because some of these people are boys, 13-15-17 years old, that they should expect and accept adversarial reactions because of their boyhood and masculinity because that's just what being a man is?
These are trans people, trans children, which everyone seems to care about so much when it comes to legislation, but a lot less when they actually express needs and wants beyond 'I wanna be alive'
why can't trans boys be met with comfort when they express their pain to older members of the community?
What kind of trans elder are you going to be if in your twenties and thirties you are telling trans boys that it's normal for other queer and trans people to isolate them because of their gender?
A shit elder, that's what you are going to be, a shit fucking elder who at best will be left alone in your toxic circles and at worst will actively harm younger trans people.
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anarchistbarbiedoll · 8 months
Black disabled student here, need $400 to complete my rent payment basically what it says, my landlord is fed up and has given me my first eviction threat. I am in between jobs & have a lot of medical bills, so i need the money asap. My baby calico cat Jennie lives with me and I'm more worried for her than anything. If anyone can help, Jennie & I thank you to the bottom of our hearts. ♡   paypal.me/SamWarrens
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