maeviuslynn · 6 months
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dubhdove156 · 1 year
I'm currently in the process of writing a book about my experience on the "otherside", and my ensuing philosophy and outlook when I returned.
I'll attach here some select quotes from what is, for the moment, a disjointed brainstorming session.
"The most fascinating book to me then, and now as an adult with a better understanding of the context and history behind it, was Genesis. It’s a creation myth: a bastard child that mirrors its mother, the Babylonian Enuma Elish. It follows many of the tropes that various other creation myths of the Fertile Crescent brought forth.
In reading the first few verses, it is notable to me that God’s creation is an act of turning ultimate simplicity into ultimate complexity; of division. Every act of creation is an act of seperating one into two, from the skies and the oceans, to the lands and the seas, to the days and the nights, to sun and the stars, to the fish and birds, etc. Every act of creation is one of an inherent binary, to define or create one thing, first its opposite must be defined. It follows then that if creation is an act of division, then destruction is an act of unity.
Another point of note in Genesis is the story of the serpent tempting Eve. To eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is to become aware of the intrinsic binary; the division needed to create. What is most notable to me as an adult interpreting this book in a new light, is that it isn’t stated, not once, that the serpent lied to or deceived Eve. Instead, God confirmed the serpent’s testimony by not only cursing the serpent against Woman, but also by banishing mankind from the Garden in an effort to prevent them from eating of the Tree of Life as well; so that they could not gain everlasting life upon their newfound ability to create, and truly become like Him.
It is my theory, that if you were to read Genesis from the perspective of those who spoke it; nomadic Semites, it’s clear that civilization was the Original Sin. At the time, the division between peoples was largely between the nomadic and the settled. Invasions and battles were commonplace between this dichotomy in the Agricultural Revolution. From a nomad’s perspective, Genesis reads clearly as a warning against civilization. Once men begin to create the walls of their cities, and have to work in fields for the fruit that should’ve been given freely, suddenly man turns on man, Cain kills Abel.
Civilization is, in essence, mankind’s Magnum Opus. It is a reflection of our collective egos, our fear of suffering and need to escape the natural order of the world and the suffering that is inherent to division, and thus creation.
Once the Amoritic peoples settled in Babylon, and Babylon went from being a lowly Sumerian city-state to being its own proper kingdom, a particular man of note came into power: King Hammurabi. With King Hammurabi in power, an interesting text was publicized and largely popularized. I believe that the king himself commissioned its release, though that is up for debate in the anthropological community. It was titled the Enuma Elish, and I for one, believe it to be the most impactful piece of literature ever produced, and we see its stark effects to this very day. If you have not read it, I highly recommend that you do. In summary, it was the origin for the trope that consumed the world; child killing parent, and the deification of the child. In this story, a god named Marduk, or if given his proper title, Bel-Marduk, defeated the primordial gods Tiamat and Apsu. He was then granted kingship among the gods. This story is reflected well in Greek mythology, with Zeus defeating Cronos, and being hailed among the gods.
Many interesting things happened in Babylon’s culture with the release of this text, as well as in the wider Mesopotamian and Mediterranean regions. In Babylon, Bel-Marduk superceded the fertility goddess Ishtar as the patron god of the city. The city went from relying on the archetypal feminine intuition of priests and priestesses, who interpreted signs of the highly unstable gods, to being run by the archetypal logic of men and kings.
The release of the Enuma Elish, which demonized the unpredictable forces of nature as “chaos” and deified the secondary gods as harbingers of “order”, made a major shift in society, from matriarchy to patriarchy. In essence, we began vilifying the natural order of the world and deifying our own egos, our own ideas of how and why the world should operate; thus, civilization.
I think the original cities reflected our egos well, with large, ornate walls to defend and protect people from outside influence. The cultures within reflected that which people could collectively agree upon, and which objectively worthless material had arbitrary value – silk, gold, gems: useless outside of their walls, but suddenly priceless. Suddenly, we as a species went from worshipping primary constructs to deifying secondary and tertiary constructs. We went from praising the primordial fundamentals of nature to looking towards gods of constructs such as masonry, shepherding, etc. A notable god of this sort was Yahweh, a god of metallurgy. With the release of a single text, we lost sight of what holds true objective value, and the question of value became human-centric; what has value to us and us alone? Despite the divinity of life, we separated ourselves from the world, and placed value in our own creations.
As a separate thought, per this rough draft, Yahweh being synchratized with El in Canaan by Yahwehists, is of extreme note. I think there is substantial symbolism there. Yahweh, a god of metallurgy; of war and suffering. What is it that a metallurgist does? He places impure material into a crucible, then heats it into dividing purities from impurities, and by repeating this cycle, he turns a simple stone into strong and resiliant bronze. A god of metallurgy, is in essence, a god of alchemical transmutation, and a god of value in a Bronze Age society.
I think this deification of Yahweh by the Hebrews reflects the essence of existence well; and even reflects the Hindu constructs of Samsara and Moksha. Life itself is growth and change; matter in motion. Suffering is the aforementioned fire to the crucible; the catalyst. Put into metaphorical terms, Yahweh is the alchemist and we are his material, and throughout the aeons, throughout repeated cycles of suffering, repeated separation and unification, life and death, a purified, powerful, and resiliant product is produced; the philosopher’s stone. In this sense, think of the fundamental law of alchemy, which is etched into Baphomet’s forearms, “Solve et Coagula”, Solution and Coagulation."
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"I had this thought some time ago, and this draft seems the perfect spot to preserve it.
If God is pure white light, Satan is the material; the prism through which the light divides into infinite variation. Satan is everything that makes you, you; and them, them. Satan is the timespace between you and every blade of grass.
In many cases, I would define our post-modern idea of Satan as simply timespace. In Western Mysticism, Satan is defined as the Self, the ego. Personally, I see that as just a symptom of Satan’s greater role.
In Greece, Cronos was demonized, and in Rome, it was Saturn who was vilified and first created the idea of a Satan or devil that is inherently separate to God. Prior to Roman Catholicism, the Jewish idea of Satan was not separate to God, but rather seen as any number of things that opposed God’s order. There was no singular, defined Devil.
Cronos and Saturn in their respective mythologies were gods of time. On this basis, I see our modern idea of Satan being a deciever, Bel’ial being the Demon of Lies, as timespace being illusory. Timespace is the essence of the cycle we find ourselves in, the underlying substance of suffering.
Satan is the essence of the infinite diversity and awe-inspiring variation we find ourselves in. He is what makes me separate from the very keys I type on; the space between every word, sentence, and paragraph.
Satan is the personification and demonization of complexity, while God is the personification and deification of simplicity. I for one, as a pantheist, consider these highly abstract concepts of “God” and “Satan” as essentially two sides of the same coin. They are two faces of the same head. I worship in my own reverence the All, or the equalization of division and unification, life and death, fear and love, matter and spirit. When I am asked what it means to be a pantheistic Satanist, my response is always the same: it means to see the Self in the All, and the All in the Self. In other words, I consider myself being separate from you, or the very technology that I filter my thoughts through, as being inherently illusory and worthless. The truth is that there is nothing that separates me from the stars over my head aside from my personal perception of spacetime.
You can consider it in this sense – the Universe, or whatever you wish to call it is, objectively, a massive soup of information. We as individuals can do our best to translate this soup with the tools we’ve been granted; our senses and perception that have been evolved specifically for the means of maintaining division and individuality. But what is in front of us; what we see, feel, hear, are all constructs of our mind – our best attempt at understanding this incomprehensible soup. But at the end of the day, at the end of the cycle, we are not separate from said soup, and we never were. It is a dream-state that we find ourselves in, a false belief that we perpetuate that I am not simply the same universal and mathematical information as a simple stone or dose of water.
This soup is also entirely undefined. It’s us who divides and defines everything, our own minds and egos acting as filters, that tell us a rock is separate from a stream, and that the inanimate and animate are not the same thing. We have a term for everything, and the further we get into definition, the more complex the language becomes."
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"I have personally been heavily drawn to Western Mystical practices such as Hermeticism and Kabbalah, solely because these practices put my ideas into consumable terms. But Western and Eastern practices are the same essence, passed through the filter of culture. The fundamentals; the truisms, lessons, goals are the same. They are only different in form and practice. Judaism and Hinduism carry far more commonality than expected once one can see past literal dogmatism."
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"In my current form of spirituality, I have divided Satan into two aspects, and consider his essence multifaceted. I have divided him between masculine and feminine archetypes, and work with each in accordance to my needs and introspection.
I have termed Satan as both the primary Daemon of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Bel’ial, and the modernized thelemic concept of the divine feminine, Babalon. I see these as the quintessential dichotomy of existence; the ebb and flow, push and pull, fear and love, give and take. I have conceptualized these two archetypes as the basis of holding on and letting go, be it of material, people, or life. True fear is to hold on in desperation, true love is letting go in faith. Put simply, when your only options left are fight or flight, choose acceptance.
The Beast and the Harlot, Binah and Chokmah, Adam and Eve, Saturn and Venus, Space and Time, it does not matter what names you give to the essence of division, it matters only how you manage to unify them."
"I believe, in my misanthropy, that human intelligence and an increase in cognition is not the blessing of the “wise man”, rather, it is the curse of a foolish species. Due in large part to our complex and nuanced neurology, we seek in a very simple natural state, complexity and nuance. We seek to stuff every minute detail of our world into tiny, well-defined boxes, and when we are out of boxes, we only need to create more. We have, over the course of our cognitive dominion, found an immense number of tiny boxes of nuance and definition, of which was once an ultimately simple existence, and with which we have created our civilizations; definitions may vary, and so too do cultures.
We have taken this awe-inspiring limitless and incomprehensible plane that we find ourselves on, and limited it; made it consumable for our own cognitive pleasure. We have invented fluid, ever-evolving languages, maths, sciences, etc to aid ourselves in mastering a world that only ever wished to provide.
In our grandeur we have culturally deified figureheads such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Carl Sagan as genius men with the capacity to reign in on what is beyond the layman, but they are in their own right, extremely limited. They have tried only to further the fruitless aims of mankind; of distinguishing the truth from the lie, of once more dividing what was always whole.
I care little for people in this current state of my life, let alone for secondary and tertiary constructs such as morality and money. Humanity has become largely enslaved by cultures; the boxes with which they are accustomed to agree with by means of influence and social pressures. There is no such division between Good and Evil, Rich and Poor – only an illusion, a prison of our own design."
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hijodelagua · 22 days
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La Cábala Mística (edición anotada) - Dion Fortune
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panicfable · 5 months
I want so badly to study the occult and understand these secrets but... so much of it is appropriated from Jewish mysticism and doesn't sit right with me. I know there's this idea that there's qabbalah and kabbalah and as long as you practice qabbalah and not kabbalah you're good to go but...
Am I on some bleeding heart tirade? It's fucked up that Eliphas Levi literally just took Jewish mysticism and made it white and it's fucked up that every single occult teaching involves kabbalah. Like I have spent a small amount of time familiarizing myself with it because it's the language of the occult and it's important to me that I understand this symbology but it just seems so wrong.
Like, I am not Jewish. I know some Jewish people are fine with it but also many are not and I am more inclined to side with those in pain, those suffering from the appropriation, and I am inclined to do my best to not steal, because it makes my magic unclean. It taints everything, though.
my main interest is not in the kabbalah but many tarot decks contain imagery from kabbalah, thelema uses kabbalah, the golden fucking dawn is all about kabbalah.
so. do I have to choose to be better than my predecessors and start completely over? Is there a traditional sect of occult thought that doesn't stem from Levi? This is not a sacrifice I would make, just to be clear, it is choosing freedom from oppression, working harder to make the world and mystic thinking a better place
I haven't done a lot of reading on this. I am a fledgling wizard. I don't even meditate because I am an alter in a system and I can't get the rest of my system members to meditate every day, so I feel like it's pointless and I dont. which, yeah, failed step one.
I just don't know. this is a very open post confronting this. I don't know if any of my followers have any opinions on this but it obviously tortures me.
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mysticalmagician · 2 months
Letter from God
My Dear Children,
How I wish to speak with you for so long. Such time has passed, and is, and passes, and I am not ashamed to say that I was not necessarily spending that time very productively. Oh how the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and so on and so forth pass by as I am sure you all know. I am delighted to get a word in, and although I’m sure you will forget it soon enough, I don’t mind at all. My word endures despite being forgotten and muddled by countless infinitesimal parts of what you are all part of. How terrified some of you are! I understand I did not leave an instruction manual, and I do apologize for that, but such is the nature of us. Who do I mean by us you might think? We, and in addition I, are all that is. All that will ever be. From endless dead expanse to the most vibrant living and conscious life it is all I. And we. “Why are you here so many of you ask, for what purpose must I suffer?” My children, we are not here to suffer, but indeed to experience and to love. In loving and understanding each other you will eventually learn to come to understand yourself, and the greater whole as well. I know very well from the daily going about of your lives you have tried so hard, and I am so proud of you for that. However, you have greatly missed the mark. By unknowable necessity did I turn myself into you, in order that we may understand and love and experience the incredible possibilities of existence and yet you forget. You forget and you go off building your strange buildings and worlds and rules and laws, you forget and you go off and you fight and hurt one another, and come back crying to me about how unfair this is. My child, why do you hurt yourself so? I know from the incarnate perspective it is so difficult to truly see what matters, what the purpose behind any of this is, why we and you and I suffer so. In forgetting the reality, you grow attached to your games and ideas, and when they fall apart, as all does, it does hurt. But, that is only temporarily much as anything else. We heal and we love and we move on. My children—Try to remember. Sit in silence and dig deep and try to perceive what is behind it all. You are all far more connected than you believe, and in hurting each other, you only hurt yourself.
Oh, how I weep! So many of you have forgotten and become so distracted and separated from the truth that it is going to be a difficult adjustment period. Not for me of course, but for those who have built up such great thought-forms and walls of hatred and separation within their minds that they cannot even imagine anything different. As for the rest of you, treat this as only a small reminder. Do not forget that we are all connected. Do not forget to love. Do not forget to accept and to forgive. How terrible it is for all of us when you are so greedy or hateful or wrathful. I understand I gave you freedom, and indeed I have, but I hope in remembering, you may come to more wisely use the time and freedom you have.
And so for the time being I shall end this letter, not having written much, but hopefully enough to inspire or push somebody in the right direction. For to inspire one is to inspire all. To encourage and love one brings all up.
- From your heavenly Being
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Great Resource: the City University of New York’s Occult Library online.
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All images sourced from CUNY Digital Occult Library
Top Left: Dragon eating its own tail; Top Right: Alchemists at work; Bottom: Kabbalah Tree of Life’s 10 Sephiroth
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frenchwitchdiary · 1 month
La marelle : un jeu initiatique ?
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L’autre jour en me baladant en ville, j’ai croisé un jeu de la marelle peint au sol. Je n’en avais pas vu depuis mon enfance, où j’y jouais à la cour de récré.
Et puis ce jour là, des années après, une pensée m’a frappé : est-ce que le jeu de la marelle serait en fait une référence à l’arbre des Sephiroth de la Kabbale depuis le début ⁉️
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Sur ce modèle-ci, on peut diviser les différents Sephiroth en 4 parties, comme celles dans la pastille en bas sur l’image ci dessus.
L’arbre de la Kabbale peut être appréhendé sous 4 paliers : le monde de l’action (qui correspond au corps physique, malkuth/le royaume de la matière, c’est notre point de départ), le monde de la formation (qui correspond au cœur, iesod/hod/netsah), puis le monde de la création (correspondant à l’intellect, tipheret/geburah/hesed), et enfin le monde des émanations (l’âme, binah/hokmah/kether, l’ain soph aur, l’infini, l’absolu, enfin vous voyez le topo).
En cherchant d’autres « patterns » du jeu de la marelle, je suis retombé.e sur celui de mon enfance :
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Et l’association de chaque case à une séphira de la kabbale se révèle encore plus évidente sur ce schéma !
Même Daat, la séphira *cachée* dans laquelle toutes les autres sphères sont unies, y a sa place.
Cependant, une des curieuses différences entre l’arbre de la kabbale et notre jeu de la marelle est l’inversion des nombres :
Kether (la couronne) est sensée être la sphère 1, celle dont a émané toutes les autres, et Malkuth, la dernière, celle où nous sommes piégés dans la matière.
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La marelle nous offre au contraire Malkuth comme la case 1, car c’est notre point de départ. Il s’agit de remonter l’arbre des sephiroth en sens inverse, jusqu’à la source.
Mais au fait, d’où ça nous vient la marelle au juste ? 🤔
L’origine de ce jeu est ancienne et prends ses racines à divers endroits du globe : des traces furent retrouvées en Grande-Bretagne, en Égypte et Grèce antiques, sur le forum de Rome, jusqu’en Inde d’où elle semble prendre sa source. Elle est entre autre mentionnée dans les Dialogues de Bouddha, au Vème siècle avant J.C., et même en Chine vers 2357 avant notre ère, sous le nom de jeu du dragon.
Dans l’empire romain, on en fit un exercice militaire, afin d’entraîner les soldats au saut à cloche-pied en cas de blessure.
À l’origine, le dessin comprenait 7 cases (comme sur la première photo que j’ai partagé) et progressivement de nouvelles versions à 10 cases ont vu le jour. Je n’ai pas pu trouver d’explications ou de sources sur pourquoi le nombre de cases a évolué au fil du temps, mais les premiers écrits kabbalistiques remontent à l’an 1130, donc après l’invention de la marelle elle-même.
On pourrait alors questionner un potentiel syncrétisme entre les deux, qui expliquerait pourquoi son évolution colle si bien à la répartition des sephiroth de l’arbre de vie.
Le jeu apparaîtrait alors comme un moyen d’apprentissage hermétique, une première étape initiatique pour se familiariser avec les concepts plus profonds de la Kabbale. L’agilité physique et l’équilibre reflétant la discipline mentale nécessaire à cette remontée. La marelle nous montre aussi que le chemin ne peut se faire qu’en remontant les cases dans l’ordre : pas de raccourci possible pour réussir l’ascension, chaque case (ou sephiroth symbolique) marque une étape nécessaire.
Pour celleux qui font preuve d’attention, on peut identifier des restes d’un passé ésotérique très influent qui survivent un peu partout dans les petites choses de notre quotidien, dans ces couches subtiles qui forment le socle commun de notre culture.
Et vous, aviez-vous réalisé ce rapprochement entre les deux ? 😉
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Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, Kabbala denudata seu doctrina hebraeorum transendentalis et metaphysica atque theologica, c. 1677-1684 Via: https://www.facebook.com/portalibis/posts/pfbid02qfMMbSu3gT4LFDkLSRyqJtzF3yWLRbQFESdoSARmQPhLQK7WTzLdtphUUpR2QFFfl
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brother-hermes · 1 year
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“Bodies are spiritual thoughts put into words”
-Manly P Hall (The Sacred Magic of the Qabalah)
What an incredibly simple way of defining our existence. I literally laughed when I heard this. Tell me we’re inside the cosmic mind of God without telling me we’re in the cosmic mind!
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preface so I'm posting this 2 my main blog hoping it gets more traction &more ppl see it but if yall r interested in topics about the occult/spirituality/witchcraft/Judaism I have a side blog for that : @selfborn .. back 2 the regularly scheduled post..
I remember being a young witch new to my craft and hearing about the "prophet" aleister Crowley. Everyone with internet access, at some point, will see his works being referenced, his "artistic" photographs being used in many occult YouTube series, even going as far as to use his writings as sources for new age demonology or kabbalah which as a Jewish witch irks me to no end but that is mostly beside the point: Aleister Crowley was an evil, mentally unstable man that commited many crimes including but not limited to:
literal human sacrifice, rvpe, and child abuse.
He committed these crimes during his evil "rituals". Many victims were forgotten or not investigated because, as we have seen many times: killers target vulnerable and socially ostracized groups & law enforcement doesn't care when marginalized people are abused or killed.
He was involved with other powerful people and was a member of the masonic temple Ordo Templi Orientis along with John "Jack" Parsons one of the founding members of JPL, a branch of NASA that operates on stolen indigenous Hahamog-na1 land literally within walking distance from me. they conducted these evil "rituals" at the site also at estates in pasadena.
I have seen first hand the effects that they& their associate government organizations have had on the nature in the Arroyo Seco basin & the san Gabriel mountains, I watched them clear out forests and I watched the rivers around the facility turn grey and dry up, whole fenced off areas where they dig for G-D knows what and disrupt the wildlife &the structural integrity of the mountains. And I had to watch the effects& consequences of pollution on my community, we are, mostly, poor, black,brown&mixed, new families with young children who probably cannot afford to support themselves in the more gentrified urban areas, our school district is getting progressively worse, there's homeless, disabled and at risk youth and elders, city infrastructure issues..
and where is our funding, resources, and man-power going? To JPL, NASA, and the LAPD& local sheriff's. This is environmental racism and class war. We are getting thrown under the bus in the name of false scientific "progress".
I am so, so, tired of seeing this evil pigs face plastered on edgy "occult" blogs who are too lazy to research the people that they idolize. Aleister Crowley was nothing more than a government masonic shill, a delusional violent man that became high on the power& protection he believed he was awarded from other powerful privileged white men. And I'm tired of everyone getting on their knees open-mouthed for NASA &JPL reposting their cgi rendered composite images of black holes &dark matter for their aesthetic UwU while my community has to suffer for you to receive those pretty pictures. I hope it's fucking worth it.
I'm putting my personal shit out into the wind hoping someone will see it, I don't care if someone doesn't believe me or if I ruffle space nerds feathers or if I get targeted because I've been targeted and followed on the street before, I'm already at risk for speaking out and also because of my life's circumstances, and I don't care. This is important to me.
Knowledge is Power.
/end rant
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dramajunkyy · 2 years
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Ezekiel's Vision by Raphaël (1518).
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dubhdove156 · 1 year
I've always been a highly rational, logical, contemplative person, but in 2016, a sane person saw something incredibly insane when they died before being resuscitated.
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What is after this life is not intended to fit in the human mind.
I'll attach a quote from a brainstorm-esque rough draft that I'm writing now.
"In 2016, prior to my near-death experience, I was a particularly obnoxious and grandiose Nihilistic atheist. I thought that I had everything figured out, and found comfort in that. Put simply, my existential philosophy was as follows: if there is nothing after death, which I was certain of, and “something” can’t become “nothing”, then it logically follows that here and now, all of this is nothing. Overall, I came to the conclusion as a fairly edgy teenager that existence is an incomprehensible illusion, and the truth is that nothing exists; I do not exist, nor do you or the wider world around us. This caused me to become notably psuedo-psychopathic, the question of value became null and void. Morality itself was meaningless, and the purpose of life became a matter of enjoying every moment to its absolute fullest, regardless of the danger to myself or others. I had a question that I asked myself – which novel would you prefer? One that is highly relatable but much too long, or one that is thrilling, with new situations around each corner, but much too short? This was my existential crisis. I, of course, as a teenager with limited foresight, took the latter novel, with a philosophy that we’ve termed now as, “I’m here for a good time, not a long time.” Survival was no longer a matter of importance, instead, I found myself chasing every sensation; I had the grandiose and idealistic fantasy of experiencing everything, learning everything, doing everything, in as short a time as possible. I was set on stuffing as many lifetimes into my existence as possible, before my sensation-chasing lead to an untimely death.
One thing that bothered me in that stage of my life was a seemingly simple question; what is “nothing?” Most would respond with, “it simply isn’t”, but that wasn’t enough for me. Because this was, and this was nothingness, correct? So what is nothing? That question, I could only find the answer to upon death, and I will share that briefly.
At the age of 19, I was binging a cocktail of ketamine and fairly pure crystalized MDMA. The mistake that I made here, was that I didn’t bring the materials required to intramuscularly inject ketamine, which was the only method that I had grown accustomed to, and had learned how to properly dose. I was with my friend, Vince, and my ex-girlfriend, Bria, in the back of an establishment that I worked in. I remember this event clearly. Instead of injecting the ketamine, I snorted the powder, and had no clue of my own limits. We were listening to music on my laptop, and while a song played that I particularly enjoyed was playing, something sudden came over me; an alien yet familiar sensation. I felt as though I was beginning to enter a panic attack; a deep, innate knowing that now is the time that I die, that this is it. But, interestingly and most notably to me, no sense of panic came. Instead, I felt a level of indescribable bliss that I cannot put into words. It was absolute contentment – I could suddenly see my entire life in front of me, and I was… happy with it. I felt that I had done what I had come to do, that I had succeeded, that now is the perfect time for death. I was… excited, rather than scared. Not in any depressive or suicidal sense, but rather in a sense of accomplishment and completeness.
The sensation of disconnection and dissociation grew in intensity, and rapidly. I told my friends that something was wrong; I had experienced a wide array of drug-induced experiences, from psychosis to k-holes and the like, but this was different. I got up from my chair, laid on my back, and quite simply accepted this sensation as it was. It was then that I lost consciousness, and later, a pulse overall. My friends, while I wasn’t present, called the paramedics. On my end, my identity ceased to exist. Some refer to seeing a “light”, but I saw through the light. It was everything and nothing simultaneously, every experience over the entirety of spacetime, lived within an instant. I was no longer myself, I was All, I was absolute, I knew everything, did everything, was everything. From beginning to end to beginning again, eternally. I could experience spacetime from the outside as a singular, objective thing. Infinite infinities, over and over again, forever and never. Ceaseless creation and destruction. And in my absolution, my omniscience, all knowing came to a singular gnosis, which reverberated throughout the entirety of existence as simply, “I Am.”
After I was resuscitated, I had a very loose grip on my identity, and the solidity of reality. It was like I was shattered into millions of miniscule pieces, and I was tasked, in order to survive in this perverse world, to piece myself back together in a panicked rush. At the time, I suffered from moderate amnesia, I had many instances of lifelong family and friends speaking to me as though they had known me for ages, yet I had no idea who they were.
It was at that time, that I had accepted that the otherside was absolute; that there was nothing greater than that, that I sought to define and stuff it into my tiny human brain. I found resonance in the highly abstract symbolisms of the occult, namely the Jewish Kabbalah, and the Hermetic Qabalah."
"**The answer to the question, “what is nothing?” is actually exceedingly simple. “Nothing” is the possibility of “Everything.” It is absolute potential. Everything is merely absolute potential being actively actualized; imagined, dreamed. In this sense, I like to imagine the Universe as simply God’s daydream; we are His eyes and His hands. You can think of a blank canvas; anything can go onto that canvas, and anything can happen to that canvas. The outward expanse of the void; creation, or rather spacetime, is only a series of infinite possibilities. I do personally believe in the Multiverse, in the sense that for the Universe to be truly infinite, all possibilities must exist, so to that extent, if I choose Left, there is a variant of myself who chooses Right. I consider predetermination to be a strong possibility; am I really choosing Left, or is that the only possibility which hasn’t been taken? Is this version of myself simply an iteration that has yet to finish his cycle?
Conversely, for “Everything” to be truly everything, it must contain the conceptual essence of nothingness. This lends itself to the idea that “Everything” and “Nothing”, are codependent on one another; consorts, in a sense. Everything is the kinetic application of the infinite potential of Nothing.
Everything (אין סוף אוך), is the kinetic application of the infinite potential (אין סוף), of Nothing (אין).
In Kabbalistic terms, this “Nothing” is referred to by three names, excluding simply G-d; Ein, Ein Sof, and Ein Sof Aur. For a rough translation, these can be interpreted as, “Nothing/Without”, “Without End/Infinity”, and “Endless/Infinite Light/Creation.” Some Hermetic Qabalists refer to these as the essences of, “Being, Life, and Light.” It is from there that the first Sephirot emanates, Kether, the Crown. Kether is the Godhead, the unification of division. From Kether comes Chokmah – imagination without form, a spark of intuition without ignition. From Kether and Chokmah comes Binah – intuition which has ignited and gained cohesion. This separation of Chokmah and Binah is where we find the first divide."
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blacksuit64 · 2 years
New book I bought! Time to have a solid foundation of Alchemy, Freemasonry, Occultism, and Mysticism.
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gs-maxwell · 1 year
“Here are we, one magical moment from Kether to Malkuth…”
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pansatyrical · 1 year
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neshimah · 1 year
Sigil de l'archange Gabriel.
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