andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
Hi. I just wanted to say I miss your fics so much... Are you still writing?
I’m sorry you miss them! And I like to say nothing is ever over, but for the moment I have nothing on the docket. Once I finished college verse it felt like a good time to stop.
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write all your Philkas fics, especially the college verse! :) It's been like 1,5 years since the show ended, but I still miss my boys and your fics have helped me to miss them a little bit less. :)
Thank you so much for your sweet message. I’m so glad you enjoy my work ❤️
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
rainbow mosaic
The rain outside is raging, coming down like it has something to prove. Lukas is staring at the TV like he’s willing it not to go out, but every time there’s a tremor of thunder it ripples and Lukas winces like he feels it too. Philip has a book in his lap but he’s given up on trying to focus on it, the rain and the TV and the look of concentration on Lukas’s face all heavy detractors from the task at hand.
 The water streaks the windows but Philp doesn’t look at that. He puts his hand on Lukas’s knee and Lukas’s eyes immediately stray over to him, the corner of his mouth tugging up into a smile.
 “What?” Lukas asks, eyes soft and endearing as he looks at Philip, with that gaze that tends to make Philip blush.
 “I’m tired of playing the quiet game,” Philip says, picking at the hem of Lukas’s shorts.
 “I thought you were watching basketball with me.”
 Philip scoffs. “Yeah, maybe for like…ten minutes, and then I started to read because I could see you were engrossed because apparently you care more about basketball than—”
 Lukas immediately calls his bluff and leans in, the couch squealing as Lukas starts kissing Philip’s neck. That spidery warmth grows and spreads in Philip’s gut as Lukas slides his hand around Philip’s middle, tugging him closer.
 “Maybe you should have alerted me to the extent of your neediness,” Lukas whispers against Philip’s skin, all hot breath and soft lips.
 “Not needy,” Philip says, closing his eyes. “Just very—not into basketball.”
 “You should have said,” Lukas says, laughing and leaning back a little bit. “I didn’t know you were this bored, we could have watched something else, or…done something else, Helen and Gabe are out for like, ever and dad knows I’m sleeping over.”
 Philip rubs his hand back and forth over Lukas’s chest and looks into the brightness of his eyes. They’re still learning each other, but each little piece of information adds to the rainbow mosaic of things he loves about Lukas. How much he likes chocolate milk. How he gets kinda pissy in movie theaters without recliners. The way he effortlessly takes off his clothes. How he doesn’t really like touching public phones, even though he gets dirty and muddy on the regular when he rides his bike. How he’s been tending to waking up early the nights they spend together, so he can watch Philip sleep.
 He takes his time to find things out about Philip too, needling him and questioning and asking for stories. In the beginning Philip might have mistaken some of these methods as ways to get into his pants, but now Lukas looks at him, really looks at him—all open honesty—he follows up, and he remembers.
 Philip was trying to withstand the sports thing, but then he realized that yeah, he still thinks sports are boring, and they’re even more difficult to contend with when he’s got Lukas sitting next to him.
 Sometimes Philip chastises himself for basking in this new, fragile happiness. But then other times, like now, he can almost see the gleam of her smile, the encouragement in her voice.
 Philip touches Lukas’s cheek and Lukas closes his eyes, nuzzling their noses together. “Let’s go out in the rain,” Philip says.
 Lukas scoffs.
 “Serious serious?” Lukas asks.
 “Do you want to?” Philip asks, pressing a few feather soft kisses to Lukas’s cheek.
 “In all our clothes?” Lukas asks. “I like this shirt.”
 “It isn’t acid rain,” Philip laughs.
 “Good, because then I’d be worried about more than our clothes,” Lukas says. He kisses Philip then before Philip can say anything else, holding his face in that gentle way that he does. “You just wanna run around in the rain with me, huh? No ulterior motive?”
 “What would be my ulterior motive?” Philip says, nipping a bit at the corner of Lukas’s mouth. “I’m gonna get Lukas really wet so I can—no that’s literally the reason. Let’s go make out in the rain and then come inside and take a shower.”
 “You keep concocting these movie scenarios,” Lukas says. “We better not get hit by lightning.” He gets up, pulling Philip with him.
 “We won’t,” Philip says, tugging off Lukas’s shirt and throwing it aside. Lukas gives him a look. “What? You like that shirt.”
 “Ogling me,” Lukas says, wagging his eyebrows. “Ogle away.”
 They rush outside then in a fit of laughter and it takes all of two minutes of being out from under the porch cover before they’re soak and wet. Lukas tugs Philip in and kisses him, cradles the back of his head and sneaks his hand under his shirt at his lower back. Philip knows Helen would call him crazy if she saw them doing this, but it feels like a certain kind of freedom that he wants to hold in his hands and call his own. Lukas humors him, almost always does nowadays, and Philip doesn’t know how to express his gratefulness. So he kisses him as hard as he can, twists and plays with Lukas’s hair just how he knows he likes, and presses their bodies close so they fit together the way they were always meant to.
 Philip always remembers the second time they had sex, after everything happened. Lukas was still healing, Philip’s heart was still broken, and they touched each other like the world was ending. Lukas traced Philip’s body with his hands like he was trying to memorize every bit of him and they were quiet, mostly, breathing into each other’s mouths, moving in each other’s grip. Tears stung at Philip’s eyes for what he had lost but for what he had found, too, and how at one time he thought he’d never be doing this again. Lukas rested his hand over the pulse point in Philip’s throat and shushed him softly, kissing his eyelids and the tears away.
 Your heart, he’d whispered.
 Belongs to you, Philip had said back, moments before he came apart.
 And Lukas tugs him closer now, months of intimacy built, a life together slowly fitting, seeming more real with every passing moment. The rain is loud and the sky lights up on the horizon, like past fears trying to remind him they’re still there.
 But right now, Philip doesn’t look back.
 “Lukas,” he whispers, tracing a stream of water down Lukas’s cheek.
 “Baby,” Lukas says, with that tone that makes Philip’s body tremble.
 Philip ruffles his hair, grinning to himself and staying right here, right in this moment. “You look good wet.”
 Lukas hums to himself. “So do you.” He kisses him again, deepens it quickly and Philip can’t help but arch up into him, moaning into his mouth. There’s a loud crack of thunder and they both startle, pulling apart. “Okay,” Lukas says, in a rush of breath. “Shower time.”
 Philip smiles again, his hands slip sliding over Lukas’s bare chest, fantasizing about more bare skin at his disposal in less than five minutes. “Just don’t drip too much on our way there.”
 They both start racing back inside and Lukas laughs, hands around Philip’s middle.
 “Oh yeah, sure, lemme just stop gravity so the rain water doesn’t get on the floor—”
 “Cool, thanks—”
 “Let’s see you do it, fancy pants—”
 Philip’s soaked to the bone and shivering but he feels warm down to his core. As soon as they get back inside Lukas grabs Philip and groans, draping him over his shoulder. Philip keeps laughing, smacking Lukas’s ass over and over, making him yelp.
 “Hey, hey, hands off the merchandise—”
 “I’m the highest bidder, Waldenbeck, sorry to say—”
 “Well, Shea, might as well wait to get the whole show—”
 Philip grins, still laughing as Lukas bites a little at his thigh. They’ve got a couple hours until Helen and Gabe are gonna be back, and tomorrow’s a half day at school. The hope inside him blooms a little bit, and once Lukas puts him down on the bathroom tile floor and draws him close for another kiss, it feels like hope is all there is.
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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“Wow,” Philip says, as they walk into the cabin. It has nice plush looking couches facing a fire place, a little fridge and counter, a small dining table, a bathroom adjacent to the living room. And as they keep walking they move into the bedroom, which is better than the pictures made it out to be. There’s a huge, king-sized four poster bed, and a bathroom with a big tub inside.
“This doesn’t look like it’s been here for a million years,” Lukas says, putting his suitcase down on the ground beside the bed.
“Definitely gone through some renovations,” Philip says, putting his bag down too and adjusting his jacket around his shoulders. “You think this is where you guys stayed when you came here?”
“No idea,” Lukas says, shrugging. “I don’t think he’d put us in the same cabin, I don’t think he’d want it to be…that similar.”
Philip smiles, walking over and wrapping his arms around Lukas’s middle. He leans in, nosing at Lukas’s jawline and pressing soft kisses there. “So we’re on our honeymoon,” he whispers.
“Yup,” Lukas says, kissing Philip’s cheek. “Maybe we can relax tonight before we die in the next few days.”
Philip smacks him in the stomach. “The drama, with you,” he says, leaning back and grinning.
Lukas loves when he smiles like that. He knows they’re alone most of the time, save for the dogs, but here, even though there are tourists everywhere and they saw a bunch of them in the lobby, he feels like they’re really, really alone. Like the world is narrowed down to them and the Grand Canyon—he loves his dad and Helen and Gabe and maybe even Sarah sometimes, but the idea of staying here forever with Philip feels like a beautiful prospect.
It’d be perfect if they had a TV.
touchstone by andromedagalaxy, the final installment in the college verse series
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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“Wow,” Philip says, as they walk into the cabin. It has nice plush looking couches facing a fire place, a little fridge and counter, a small dining table, a bathroom adjacent to the living room. And as they keep walking they move into the bedroom, which is better than the pictures made it out to be. There’s a huge, king-sized four poster bed, and a bathroom with a big tub inside.
“This doesn’t look like it’s been here for a million years,” Lukas says, putting his suitcase down on the ground beside the bed.
“Definitely gone through some renovations,” Philip says, putting his bag down too and adjusting his jacket around his shoulders. “You think this is where you guys stayed when you came here?”
“No idea,” Lukas says, shrugging. “I don’t think he’d put us in the same cabin, I don’t think he’d want it to be…that similar.”
Philip smiles, walking over and wrapping his arms around Lukas’s middle. He leans in, nosing at Lukas’s jawline and pressing soft kisses there. “So we’re on our honeymoon,” he whispers.
“Yup,” Lukas says, kissing Philip’s cheek. “Maybe we can relax tonight before we die in the next few days.”
Philip smacks him in the stomach. “The drama, with you,” he says, leaning back and grinning.
Lukas loves when he smiles like that. He knows they’re alone most of the time, save for the dogs, but here, even though there are tourists everywhere and they saw a bunch of them in the lobby, he feels like they’re really, really alone. Like the world is narrowed down to them and the Grand Canyon—he loves his dad and Helen and Gabe and maybe even Sarah sometimes, but the idea of staying here forever with Philip feels like a beautiful prospect.
It’d be perfect if they had a TV.
touchstone by andromedagalaxy, the final installment in the college verse series
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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Philkas College Verse Master Post
“I’m not worried,” Philip says. “If we don’t go to the same school—”
“But I want to,” Lukas says, his throat going tight.
“But even if we don’t—”
“Philip, please,” Lukas says, covering his eyes.
Philip laughs a little bit, incredulously. “It’s not gonna be the end of the world, babe, nothing’s gonna happen—”
“It’ll be the end of the world for me, okay?” Lukas says, a little too loud as he sits up, leaning on his elbows.
Philip sits back a little bit, narrowing his eyes. “Why are you freaking out?” he asks. “It’s gonna be fine either way, I don’t know why you’re so set on going to the same school that I am—”
“Because I love you!” Lukas yells, and then the room goes quiet. His vision is shaking and his heart is hammering and he feels like he’s gonna puke any second now, but instead he keeps talking. “Because I want to be with you every step of the way from here on out. Because I hate being one room away from you, let alone being ten states away from you? No fucking way, Philip, I’m sorry. I know you think we’d be fine but I wouldn’t be fine, as selfish and shitty as that sounds.” He bows his head and squeezes his eyes shut. “I picture my future with you. From here on out. Same school. I want to get an apartment together. I want to graduate together.”
1. stars on my ceiling (G, 1k) 2. future so bright (T, 2k) 3. birthday prom (E, 8k) 4. white knight (T, 4k) 5. our new place (M, 3k) 6. not me without you (E, 2k) 7. wild love (E, 2 chapters, 6k) 8. forged together (E, 4k) 9. soft, elegant, golden (T, 3k) 10. stuck underground and missin' you (E, 4k) 11. oblivious (M, 2k) 12. pumpkin, cheddar and taffy (G, 5k) 13. sunshine wine (G, 1k) 14. tell me you're sure (E, 3k) 15. alive and safe and with me (T, 2k) 16. heartbeat on my skin (G, 1k) 17. don't play with me, baby (M, 3k) 18. did you know? (T, 1k) 19. sugar (T, 2k) 20. always gonna want you (E, 1k) 21. chocolate milkshakes (G, 1k) 22. birthday present (T, 2k) 23. who I am (T, 1k) 24. don't panic (T, 2k) 25. visions of the future (E, 11k) 26. love is love (M, 4k) 27. too good to be true (G, 2k) 28. because you're mine (G, 1k) 29. a little surprise (T, 2k) 30. take care of me (E, 4k) 31. portrait of man and dog (T, 1k) 32. anything for you (T, 1k) 33. cosmic destiny (E, 4k) 34. secret keeper (T, 2k) 35. i'll protect you (T, 5k) 36. i'm okay, i'm good (T, 3k) 37. winter (T, 2k) 38. you make me good (E, 3k) 39. a love that endures (T, 6k) 40. constellations (T, 1k) 41. swallowed in the sea (E, 21k) 42. that guy in 6E (T, 5k) 43. just you and me (M, 3k) 44. a kiss to keep him quiet (E, 4k) 45. the here and now (T, 2k) 46. two and a half months (E, 7 chapters, 30k) 47. never tear us apart (M, 11k) 48. just basking (G, 1k) 49. hypothetically (T, 3k) 50. routine procedure (T, 3 chapters, 10k) 51. the vegas thing (E, 11k) 52. you aren't like him (T, 3k) 53. the note (T, 3k) 54. five photographs (T, 7k) 55. glows world-wide welcome (T, 6k) 56. dare to be all you can be (E, 11k) 57. can't wait to be you (T, 1k) 58. to have and to hold (E, 21k) 59. touchstone (E, 26k) 60. flash forward (E, 9k)
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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“Wow,” Philip says, as they walk into the cabin. It has nice plush looking couches facing a fire place, a little fridge and counter, a small dining table, a bathroom adjacent to the living room. And as they keep walking they move into the bedroom, which is better than the pictures made it out to be. There’s a huge, king-sized four poster bed, and a bathroom with a big tub inside.
“This doesn’t look like it’s been here for a million years,” Lukas says, putting his suitcase down on the ground beside the bed.
“Definitely gone through some renovations,” Philip says, putting his bag down too and adjusting his jacket around his shoulders. “You think this is where you guys stayed when you came here?”
“No idea,” Lukas says, shrugging. “I don’t think he’d put us in the same cabin, I don’t think he’d want it to be…that similar.”
Philip smiles, walking over and wrapping his arms around Lukas’s middle. He leans in, nosing at Lukas’s jawline and pressing soft kisses there. “So we’re on our honeymoon,” he whispers.
“Yup,” Lukas says, kissing Philip’s cheek. “Maybe we can relax tonight before we die in the next few days.”
Philip smacks him in the stomach. “The drama, with you,” he says, leaning back and grinning.
Lukas loves when he smiles like that. He knows they’re alone most of the time, save for the dogs, but here, even though there are tourists everywhere and they saw a bunch of them in the lobby, he feels like they’re really, really alone. Like the world is narrowed down to them and the Grand Canyon—he loves his dad and Helen and Gabe and maybe even Sarah sometimes, but the idea of staying here forever with Philip feels like a beautiful prospect.
It’d be perfect if they had a TV.
touchstone by andromedagalaxy, the final installment in the college verse series
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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Does your stomach hurt? Why? Well. You know, that’s how you know that you’re in love.
723 notes · View notes
andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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8K notes · View notes
andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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The best thing about 2016: Philkas
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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1K notes · View notes
andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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Philip smiles, bringing Lukas’s hand up to his mouth and kissing it. He holds it in his lap and tries not to think about how in the fuck he’d ever bring up Vegas at this point without it being an insane conversation. There’s no possible way. It’s gonna suck no matter what.
“Hopefully they’re pretty much all set up for the rehearsal dinner when we get there,” Lukas says.
“I think they will be,” Philip says. “Helen wanted to make sure we didn’t have a lot to worry about.” He smiles to himself, playing with Lukas’s fingers. “They booked us a hotel in Poughkeepsie for the wedding night.”
Lukas laughs outright. “Thank God,” he says. “I was worried we were just expected to come back to one of our houses.”
“Nope,” Philip says, looking at him. “We’re gonna leave the dogs with your dad, maybe Helen if she gets territorial, spend the night at the hotel, come back, do lunch or something, then go home.”
“Go home married,” Lukas says.
“Officially,” Philip says. “Well…openly, officially.”
Lukas looks at him then, one of those long meaningful looks that Philip catches him in sometimes. But he’s not trying to hide in it now, and he looks back at the road briefly before continuing to gaze at Philip.
“What?” Philip asks, starting to flush a little bit.
Lukas just shakes his head, chewing on his lower lip.
to have and to hold (aka philip and lukas’s wedding) by andromedagalaxy
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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Philip smiles, bringing Lukas’s hand up to his mouth and kissing it. He holds it in his lap and tries not to think about how in the fuck he’d ever bring up Vegas at this point without it being an insane conversation. There’s no possible way. It’s gonna suck no matter what.
“Hopefully they’re pretty much all set up for the rehearsal dinner when we get there,” Lukas says.
“I think they will be,” Philip says. “Helen wanted to make sure we didn’t have a lot to worry about.” He smiles to himself, playing with Lukas’s fingers. “They booked us a hotel in Poughkeepsie for the wedding night.”
Lukas laughs outright. “Thank God,” he says. “I was worried we were just expected to come back to one of our houses.”
“Nope,” Philip says, looking at him. “We’re gonna leave the dogs with your dad, maybe Helen if she gets territorial, spend the night at the hotel, come back, do lunch or something, then go home.”
“Go home married,” Lukas says.
“Officially,” Philip says. “Well…openly, officially.”
Lukas looks at him then, one of those long meaningful looks that Philip catches him in sometimes. But he’s not trying to hide in it now, and he looks back at the road briefly before continuing to gaze at Philip.
“What?” Philip asks, starting to flush a little bit.
Lukas just shakes his head, chewing on his lower lip.
to have and to hold (aka philip and lukas’s wedding) by andromedagalaxy
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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Philip smiles, bringing Lukas’s hand up to his mouth and kissing it. He holds it in his lap and tries not to think about how in the fuck he’d ever bring up Vegas at this point without it being an insane conversation. There’s no possible way. It’s gonna suck no matter what.
“Hopefully they’re pretty much all set up for the rehearsal dinner when we get there,” Lukas says.
“I think they will be,” Philip says. “Helen wanted to make sure we didn’t have a lot to worry about.” He smiles to himself, playing with Lukas’s fingers. “They booked us a hotel in Poughkeepsie for the wedding night.”
Lukas laughs outright. “Thank God,” he says. “I was worried we were just expected to come back to one of our houses.”
“Nope,” Philip says, looking at him. “We’re gonna leave the dogs with your dad, maybe Helen if she gets territorial, spend the night at the hotel, come back, do lunch or something, then go home.”
“Go home married,” Lukas says.
“Officially,” Philip says. “Well…openly, officially.”
Lukas looks at him then, one of those long meaningful looks that Philip catches him in sometimes. But he’s not trying to hide in it now, and he looks back at the road briefly before continuing to gaze at Philip.
“What?” Philip asks, starting to flush a little bit.
Lukas just shakes his head, chewing on his lower lip.
to have and to hold (aka philip and lukas’s wedding) by andromedagalaxy
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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philkas week / day 7 / full body shots
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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PHILKAS WEEK | DAY 1 (January 2nd, 2017): What made you ship them?                                                 The kiss in the city and the kiss under the tree.
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andromeda---galaxy · 6 years
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