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I love the open road. "The great home of the soul is the open road." - DH Lawrence
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An orange I saw last week. The fleshy fruits continue to follow me...
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Is This Thing On?
Wow so this blog is still in existence! Its been a good six years since I last posted, and for some reason I was drawn to this site to check out my old ramblings.  Its like finding a time capsule in a way. I think I was a much better writer six years ago. Oh, and Im still trying to lose that 15 lbs, but now its 20 lbs. If only back then I had realized that really, my weight was just fine. Ah, hindsight is always 20/20. Or maybe it means Im only 5 lbs heavier than I was 6 yrs ago? I dont know, and Im not going down that rabbit hole.  Lets see, I have a new cat now, his name is Wolfgang. He is thin and orange and a real hoot. He will be two in March. Oh yah, and I am currently in the process of COMPLETELY TURNING MY ENTIRE LIFE UPSIDE DOWN!!!  I am on the verge of getting myself, two cars , the cat , and what furniture I allow myself 2400 miles across country to the ol’ southwest. Its scary AF, but truthfully, its not really that I am scared as much as I feel unprepared. If I had millions of dollars laying around, Id just go without a care in the world. But alas, I do not, and instead I’m trying to cobble together this move in the most economical way possible. Moving a lot of stuff is not cheap. Oh yeah and I need to find a job and a place to live. Cant get a place to live with out a job.. You get the drill.  So my next post will be about how I came to this decision. Its pretty eathereal and cool actually .. so STAY TUNED!!
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
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Me and my beautiful little niece, just goofing around. Thinking of this little girl being hurt breaks my heart.  God bless everyone affected by the tragedy in Newtown
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
30 Days of Giving
I decided to commit to doing a selfless, good deed every day during the month of December. I thought this was some grand idea, until I googled it and apparently, the 30 Days of Giving idea has been around for a while. 
Giving makes me feel good inside.  I love the idea of being able to help someone else out, and I also believe that you get what you give, but ten times over.
I prefer to focus on positive energy and not negative energy. The best way to create positive energy is from within, and giving really creates a ton of positive energy for me.
I am planning on doing little things. Some ideas I have had include making small donations to charities, giving away excess clothing, visiting animal shelters and giving the animals some much-needed attention, helping people with bags/groceries, buying a person a coffee or sandwich, paying for someones toll, and volunteering. Im hoping that more ideas come to me as the month goes by. What else can I do? I am open to suggestions.
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
Politics are Stupid
I'm sick of politics. I think everyone is a liar, regardless of party.  There are THINGS and ISSUES that are fundamentally important, regardless of party.  
The way the country is run should mirror how a regular household is run, only on a much larger scale.  If you overspend, you are in debt and your account is in the negative. Its not OK for people to do this. Why is it OK for a whole nation to do it??? It shouldn't be!
A household shouldn't have to support all the vagrants living outside in the streets. Giving them a sandwich here and there is fine. But the damn vagrants are getting spoiled and beginning to EXPECT things from the household. This is not right.
A household should take responsibility for the landscaping and keep the plants and things in good order. It should repair foundations, sidewalks, chipping paint, etc. This is in the budget.
Major medical decisions affecting the household members should be decided upon by the household. The government does not need to tell the household what medical procedures they are allowed to have.
If a vagrant tries to break into the household, the members should have the right and ability to defend themselves. Vagrants are already taking money and food. Why should they be able to take your safety and security,while the household remains defenseless? This is not right.
The larger the household income, the larger the percentage of taxes they should contribute. This is common sense and basic math. Every household should have the same percentage applied to them.  The same percentage will be different based on the figure you are calculating the percentage off of. The difference is that some large households are able to do things such as purchase other households, and reduce the 'amount' of their income. This isn't really right. Doesn't. Add. Up.
That's all I can think of at the moment. The bottom line is that politics turn people into raging lunatics. People support these 'figurehead' politicians like they are their own family members. People get all up in arms and fanatical about an issue and it is ridiculous! Step back, try and have some common sense, and review things LOGICALLY. 
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
Stop the Cycle
Recently I've had a string of horrible customer service experiences which spurred me to write this post.  I'm not going to bore you with the details of those experiences, but suffice it to say they were beyond bad.  This got me to thinking.  If everyone just cared a little more, or went the extra mile, or put in the extra effort, we would all be better off.  
My goal is to Stop the Cycle of ignorance.  It starts with me, because, whats the old saying? "Be the change you want to see in the world".  Now, luckily for me, I was raised to be a hard worker, to always do the right thing, always offer to help and always go the extra mile. So, people who come into contact with me on a professional level will always benefit from that. I dont bullsh** you, Ill give you the proper information even though it might not be what you want to hear. I believe people like the truth more than being yessed to death.  I will not make up answers to questions. You might have to wait, but I will get you the proper answer.  
Ask yourself. Do you go the extra mile? If not, why? Is it laziness? Apathy? Stupidity?  There is nothing wrong with admitting if you have a less than stellar character. However, why not change for the better? Why not make someone's experience with you a positive one instead of just drudging through your day, spewing misinformation and and causing more problems? 
I struggle to understand how people can have such poor attitudes about things. These people MUST know that they are just doing the minimum to get by. I can honestly say I don't know what that feels like. Why not throw out your orange peel instead of leaving it on the counter? I simply don't understand the disconnect. Why stop? Keep going. Go to the trash and throw out your peel! Sense that feeling of accomplishment!!! Now, do it in your professional life too. Is someone asking you a question you don't know the answer to? Don't brush them off with misinformation. Get the right answer, and learn something new yourself.  Isn't life all about bettering ourselves?
Well that is my rant.  I hope everyone joins me on my crusade to STOP THE CYCLE!! Do the right thing, you never know who is watching!
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
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“The fuck? Am I like, inside the couch?”
Thanks to Sarah (Fido Barkswiggles) for the submission!
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
Time is flying by way too quickly and Im pretty certain I have figured out why. This is true for me, so feel free to let me know if you feel the same way.  Time is flying by because in my crazy life, Im forced to constantly be thinking ahead.. Way ahead.. Like, months ahead.  I like to plan and have things organized. This means I have to think ahead. About things that are on my calender weeks from now, even months from now.  Since I mentally live in the 'future', I cant adequately focus on the present. It is this 'thinking ahead' that I blame for the light-speed-like progression of time. 
I have not yet figured out how I can remedy this problem, because I like to plan ahead. There's no way I can live life in a fog, not planning for future appointments, outings,etc. There has to be some kind of happy medium somewhere. What's a body to do.*sigh*
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
Here's To Ben
In honor of my nephew Ben, who turned SIX yesterday, I wanted to share some words that Ben says that crack me up.. 
Slowpokes = Slowfolks 
Scorpions = Square Pans
Tomb Stones = Step Stones
These are just a few of the cute little things he says. He is my one and only nephew, and he is the best. Here's to you BEN!!! Keep on being cute!
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
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“Fuck off. This is my bush. Get your own.”
Thanks to John Kelly for the submission!
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
Food for Thought
I have a weird relationship with food. I definitely don't love it. Growing up my dad used to tell me food is just 'fuel' for the body, like gasoline is to a car.  That is exactly how I feel about it too. I'm not one who really takes pleasure in eating, I don't salivate at commercials or stand in line for new restaurants. I really just eat because I have to. This odd relationship with food is compounded by the fact that I don't eat meat, I am extraordinarily picky, Im also kinda a germaphobe, and I'm pretty healthy  So, the thought of a lot of foods makes me want to wretch. Seeing and smelling certain foods does not teleport me to my happy place.  There are foods that I do love, and I think I could live on forever if nutrition wasnt a requirement. Those foods are cheese, pizza, and cupcakes. Those are just my favorites.. dont get me wrong, there are other things I like. I'd just as soon sit  and eat a bowl full of fruit or make a green smoothie, but I do it because I know its good for me, not because of some craving or desire. 
I sometimes have days that I "hate" food.. Nothing is appetizing, anything I eat has to be forced down my throat, and I practically frown while eating it.  The other night I bought an eggplant with great intentions. By the time I processed it, made it into an entire pan of eggplant Parmesan, and ate one serving, I was over it.  The pan still sits in the fridge, and the rest of it going to waste. I don't like to waste food, so this bothers me to no end. Who can I pawn this off on, I think? Too much effort, so the food goes in the trash. I know this is bad, and very wasteful and horrible for those who don't have enough to eat. I realize that. Unfortunately my food issues arent going to solve world hunger, so that's that.
I don't know why I'm weird about food. I do enjoy cooking and baking, but I believe I like the act of cooking and baking more than the act of eating what I made. Oh well, I guess it works for me.  I get plenty of protein and nutrients so I'm not worried about it.  I work out regularly, drink a lot of water and only drink alcohol moderately. I guess this odd food relationship is not such a bad issue to have. 
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
Stare down
I have this theory that if you stare at a person long enough, they will sense it and look over at you. Lets all try it. 
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
happy 4th!
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“You know how my mind hasn’t given a fuck all day? Well, now my body’s following suit. See you tomorrow.”
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
This should be my motto
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“I said ‘I’ll take care of it when I get to it.’ I’ve now said it twice. There won’t be a third time.”
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
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There has been a long running joke that my cat Olive is so fat she resembles a Manatee. My brother created this 'lolcat' picure for me... Hahahaha
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angelsandoranges-blog · 12 years
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When work feels overwhelming, remember that you're going to die Via someecards
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