animeloveraniwrite · 4 months
Just hit a 1,000 hits on a story involving a rarepair and now I need some tropes or prompts to write some more for the handful that do ship it.
Soooo any ideas? Send them in! No guarantee I'll do it but still.
Yami and Vanessa shippers pleaseeeee
Ask! I'm interested in hearing your thoughts!
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animeloveraniwrite · 6 months
I finally broke down and wrote a little something for them.
When you’re the only person that ships a ship and can’t find anything for it on the internet 😭
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animeloveraniwrite · 7 months
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BLACK BULL SQUAD X Asta's Anti Magic
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animeloveraniwrite · 7 months
Can't wait to see them again 🔥✨
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animeloveraniwrite · 7 months
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they mean EVERYTHING to me.
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animeloveraniwrite · 7 months
Go ahead, ramble your heart about Yami, and Vanessa, and Yami/Vanessa, I'm interested to read your thoughts :)
I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this but thank you! I'm probably going to add to this in the future.
About Yami and Vanessa
To be honest, I'm really hoping I'm navigating his character right in my story.
For the ship itself
It's a ship you wouldn't necessarily think of the dynamic too much which is one of the reasons why I'm probably so interested. Plus along with Fuegoleon they're all tied for being my favorite characters.
Technically the creator set it up for Yami and Charlotte to have more of those type of 'moments' together, so I'd understand how people would ship them a lot.
I read something in a comment that said the creator mentioned Yami and Vanessa only have familial feelings for each other, but that hasn't stopped others from shipping other couples that have the same or even lesser likelihood of becoming canon so even if it's not cannon, I'll write something for them even if it's only for me and like 2 others who ship this. I've got about 10 different ideas ready for y'all. Well, all works in progress.
While we don't really see her with a 'school girl type of crush' I like adding a bit of that in.
Some questions that I'm using to help me get an idea of how their dynamic would be:
How would they show their affection?
Based on their main love languages
In what ways would they change? How affectionate are they? How do they show their affection?
PDA? She's definitely hanging off his shoulders and I'm not judging.
How often do they say I love you?
Who says it more often?
How long would it take everyone else to know? Or how would they tell/show them?
How do they help the other release tension?
Long talks, walks, drinking, massages.
What do they like most about each other?
How would the other comfort them after a traumatic event/dream?
What would they have in common?
What would they strongly disagree on?
How do they quell each other's fears?
What are their tells when scared or lying?
Who cooks, who cleans? Who kills the bug?
Who's the romantic one?plans dates, etc.
What are their nicknames for each other( if they have any)?
Are any of them touch-starved? How do they react to more gentle physical touch?
Based on their pasts or insecurities, how does the other approach it? What do they do to help?
What small favors do they do for each other?
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animeloveraniwrite · 7 months
Kinda late but here's a little bit of this rare pair that I wrote!
Yes please write something for Yami x Vanessa! This ship is so underrated it’s sad
Thank youuu for the motivation! This ship is so underrated. As this is the first time I'm going to be writing for Black clover, I hope I get the characterization good.
I can't give a definite date of when it'll be out but I hope y'all will look forward to it.
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animeloveraniwrite · 10 months
Believe what you will but I refuse to believe that Yaga didn't give out the best and warmest hugs to Panda. I feel like Panda is definitely a hugger even being all grown up.
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They be bear hugging and now I wanna know what that experience is like.
On another note though, Yaga is such an underrated character so I'm hoping with the new season coming out I'll be able to write something for him!
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animeloveraniwrite · 10 months
Random Summer OTP Prompts
Your OTP sitting on a balcony or patio on a warm summers evening as the sun sets, sharing dinner and laughs as soft music plays in the background and the soft breeze blows through their hair
Imagine your OTP sitting in peace, basking in the silent comfort of one another’s company. Suddenly, they both hear a faint, yet unmistakable tune, causing them to whip their heads around to look at each other. Wordless, wide-eyed glances are exchanged before the scene cuts to them chasing down the ice cream truck
Your OTP playing a little game where they both put on different flavored chapstick throughout the day (flavors like cherry, watermelon, coconut, etc.) and then surprising their partner with a little kiss. The object of the game is for their partner to guess the flavor. Most correct guesses at the end of the day wins
Your OTP goes swimming (in a river, at a pool, at the beach, etc.) The day ends with Person A getting gloriously tan while Person B is sunburnt to a crisp (despite using a whole bottle of sunblock). Cue Person A taking care of them and putting aloe on the burns while apologizing for keeping them out in the sun so long
Your OTP snuggling!!! In bed!!! On a summer night!!! With the windows open!! And the curtains gently blowing!! And all is right in the word
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animeloveraniwrite · 1 year
*Kind of more of the scowling blush but here we go! Just some hurt/comfort between brothers.
“Aren’t you supposed to be comforting me?” Shu drawled jokingly, peaking an eye open. He smiled faintly, watching as Subaru dropped his arms from their folded position, and shock registered on his face.
“W-What?” he stuttered. “You care about your big brother don’t you?” Shu asked, continuing to tease Subaru to get a reaction. Shu smirked and chuckled at Subaru’s incredulous expression. He then closed his eyes again.
Shu was still sitting up. Subaru got up from next to him, and walked to the other side of the bed. He bawled up his right fist. He wasn’t accustomed to positive physical contact, and mentally scowled. He gently dragged and raked his knuckles against Shu’s upper back and shoulders. Shu stiffened.
“What are you doing?” he rasped out in slight amusement. Subaru was glad that Shu couldn’t see his face right now. He didn’t need to see the bright red blush colouring his face.
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Share an excerpt where a character is 😳
Check the reblogs to read others’ responses!
If you’d rather make your own post, no problem!
Click here for more “share an excerpt” tips.
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animeloveraniwrite · 1 year
What do you think is Gojo's primary love language when it comes to receiving love? And I don't mean how he shows others he loves them, although sometimes they can be the same. Also, this is in reference to platonic or familial love. How do you think he really feels loved? What things do you think others do that make him feel loved? Put it in the chat and reblog for a wide selection please! I may end up doing another one of these polls later to see if answers change, but I'm writing now and could use some input please!
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If you think the primary love language is actually more than one, pick only one and put the other in the comments!
There's another poll for Yaga coming out as well. So please reblog and answer that one as well. Thanks in advance!
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animeloveraniwrite · 1 year
What do you think is Principal Yaga's primary love language when it comes to receiving love? And I don't mean how he shows others he loves them, although sometimes they can be the same. Also, this is in reference to platonic or familial love. How do you think he really feels loved? What things do you think others do that make him feel loved? Put it in the chat and reblog for a wide selection please! I may end up doing another one of these polls later to see if answers change, but I'm writing now and could use some input please!
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If you think the primary love language is actually more than one pick only one and put the other in the comments!
Here's the link to Gojo's poll. Please reblog and answer that one as well. Thanks in advance!
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animeloveraniwrite · 1 year
Share an excerpt that will make readers say, “Yeah, I ship it.”
Basically share something that involves two characters you ship.
~Writing exercise from cwritesfiction blog-
Taken from Fatal thoughts on AO3 (Calling all Yami and Vanessa shippers!)
The back of Yami’s fingers gently swipe away the tears onto his pants, before he eventually rests his large hand once again on her uncovered head. His warmth seeps out to her, and she welcomes it. His hands are definitely battle-hardened, rough from the years of consistent use of his katana, she knows. The same hand that had effortlessly crushed the thick walls of their base, had also delicately plucked a stray leaf caught in her hair, when they were within a forest on a mission.
Silver eyes meet purple as he locks gazes with her.
The whirlwind of thoughts, emotions and memories that had flown in, through and around her mind came spiraling to a sudden pause when she caught sight of the intensity within his eyes. Despite the cold, an energy pulsed, charging the atmosphere with something she couldn’t quite describe.
A blush threatened to spread across her cheeks, but she pushed it down as best as she could, given the circumstances. Instead, for a rare moment, shyness bested her and she averted her eyes away from his.
“Hey… Can you look at me?”
Once more their eyes met, but this time she refused to look away. His face softened, but his eyes remained serious. He wanted her to wholeheartedly believe his next words.
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animeloveraniwrite · 1 year
It's been three weeks.
Three weeks of glimpsing the mild flinches, hunched shoulders, dark eye bags, feeling their unsettled ki and Yami was tired of it.
He'd bluntly, but nonetheless politely asked them outright, but if they wanted to make excuses, then there wasn't much to do with asking again. There'd be no point to threatening them.
She was the last one he asked because he hadn't noticed much of a change for her. Yes, she had seemed closer to those three particularly in the last few weeks, but he'd first assumed they'd bonded more from completing the mission in the Witches’ Forest together. Apparently, it ran deeper than that.
What if some of the Black Bulls later remembered specific events that occurred in their struggle against the Queen of Witches? Vanessa, Finral, Noelle and Asta may all have lingering memories of what happened in the Witches’ Forest.
Warning for mentions of blood and gore.
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animeloveraniwrite · 1 year
You know what? I believe that you can finish your writing project. I believe you can update your fic. I believe you can work on your WIP. I don't care if you think it's cringy or bad. I don't care if we've never met or interacted in our whole lives. I believe in you. Keep going - you've got this.
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animeloveraniwrite · 1 year
In the time of writing and including a little scene for my fellow rarepair shippers in an upcoming story, I created this edit/amv. The song doesn't belong to me. It's called I still believe and this version was sung by Mariah Carey Acapella style.
I do not give permission for this to be reposted here or anywhere else! Likes and reblogs are ok.☺️
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animeloveraniwrite · 1 year
Note to self:
If I'm not having fun writing it, then what's the point?
There's already someone out there who's going to enjoy reading it.
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