annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Freddie at the airport of Spain in 1986, casual but hot. The first gif, Jim and Freddie, the two are in couples outfits.
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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BRIAN MAY and ROGER TAYLOR Interview, April 1982
363 notes · View notes
annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Scarlett, Star, George
Warning: slight addiction talk
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July 9th, 1969
"Okay, you're going to love it! I got furniture that probably would match you," Kelly smiled.
"Alright," I raised an eyebrow. Kelly opened the door. It has this beautiful layout. On my left is this little workshop. It has Dress forms, a fabric pressing station, a sewing machine table, and three cabinets with glass for the door. One cabinet showed a collection of multicolor threads. The second showed different fabrics. The third is all the other essentials, Draping Tools, Sewing Tools, Needles, Pattern Making Tools, and Product Development Tools. I walked over to my desk, some drawers were filled, and some weren't, but I loved that all the available tools I needed for designing were on the right side of my desk, the left side if I'm looking from the door. 
On the right side of the room is a little living room area. There's an L shape couch with a coffee table in the middle. With this large window sill, the sofa is pushed back against the wall, where I get a beautiful view of the River Thames. That's the same river Big Ben is on, if people wonder. The couch is against the front wall that shares the main door, so the end of the sofa and the back wall has some space. Maybe I could put my records there? The back wall, the wall behind my desk, has a little filing set up behind my desk. Both sides of the filing setup have a door. Both doors are in the middle of the filing setup and the wall's ends; I walked to the door closest to my workshop area. It's a storage closet for designs. And I walked to the other side, and it was a personal bathroom with a clothing rack, so it could also be a changing room. Plus, to match everything, the room has the color scheme of my favorite color, orange, with white, so it doesn't look too poppy.
"It looks amazing!" I smiled, "Thank you, Kelly! I'm obsessed!"
"I'm so glad! Your work is already on your desk, and you can decorate as much as possible! It's your office," Kelly smiled, "Even though I will miss you."
"We're literally across the hall," I laughed.
"Oh, yeah," Kelly said as I laughed, she walked out, and I put my bag in this little cabinet behind the desk for bags, purses, etc. I quickly grabbed out my new driver's license and glasses. Before taking my driver's test, I went to the eye doctor and got my glasses. The shop made them very fast. I need them for writing, reading, drawing, practically anything for nearsightedness. I luckily do not always need to wear glasses. If so, I would never hear the end of it from John. I started to work on my new project, I haven't told anyone yet, but I'm doing my first line! Kelly stole my sketchbook one day to see my designs; she told me to expect a line soon when she gave it back. The next thing I knew, I was COO, and on my first day as COO, I was told I was getting my line. I haven't told anyone, not even Star, I want to surprise everyone, but I have no clue when to surprise them. As I was working, I took breaks for my hand and looked around my room. I noticed the things in my workshop have my initials or full name engraved on the tools. If they're small, it's just SRW, but they have Scarlett Rosemaire Walker if they're big. I was also unpacking my box of decorations on my old desk. I went back to work. I heard the door again and assumed it was Kelly.
"Come in," I yelled as I saw Roger walk in with something behind his back, "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see the new office and brought you a gift," Roger walked up to my desk. He brought out a thing of violets, "Thought flowers would be a nice touch."
"They are, thank you," I smiled, grabbing them and reaching out to quickly kiss him.
"Very spacious," Roger looked around.
"Yeah, it's really..." I was trying to find the words.
"You?" Roger looked at me as I nodded.
"And this was all Kelly," I shrugged.
"It looks perfect," Roger walked to me and hugged me from behind, "Am I allowed to be back here."
"Yes," I giggled.
"How's the hand?" Roger asked.
"Eh, a little swore, I take breaks before I overdo the hand," I shrugged, looking up to see his beautiful eyes, "Lesson learned. Don't punch a wooden board after getting into a fight with my Nana."
"Why not, not getting into fights with your nana?" Roger looked at me.
"Because it's fun to piss her off," I said as Star, George, John, Paul, and Ringo walked in.
"This looks fancy," John started to look around.
"Meaning expensive, don't touch," I looked at him as he started to play with my new tools.
"Right," John put down a tool, automatically walking off, then rummaged through my box.
"Can I help you?" I looked at John.
"Awww, you have our first picture together on your desk," John pulled out the picture of John holding Star and me.
"Stop touching her things," Star looked at John as George and Paul looked at the view, and Ringo was scoping.
"Why are you guys here?" I looked at the five.
"Because we have a surprise for you, well it's drummer boy's ideas, but we helped out," Star sat on my desk.
"What surprise?" I looked at Roger and then my siblings.
"Sit," Roger moved as I sat on my desk chair. Then I got a small box. I opened the box and saw a set of keys with the roadrunner cartoon keychain.
"What did you six do?" I looked at them.
"Come on, and grab your license," Ringo started to walk out, I grabbed my wallet, and we walked outside. We got to the parking lot to see a 1967 Orange Plymouth Roadrunner. My mouth dropped. Since I was 12 in my 2019 life, this has been my dream car and always has been in this life.
"You guys didn't!" I gasped.
"We did," everyone mimicked my reaction. I turned around and forced everyone into a group hug.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" I smiled as I still forced everyone into a hug if they were in a hugging mood or not.
"I am guessing you like the car?" Roger laughed as we pulled out of the hug
"Are you kidding? I love it!" I smiled and jumped, "And I'm not letting Elaina touch it."
"Good idea," Star rolled her eyes, then grabbed my arm. She dragged me to the car, "I got the same guy who switched the driver side on my mustang to do your car. He is also the guy who installed the new radio, so I got you a radio upgrade and a thing of cassettes."
In the middle compartment, Star showed me the cassette of my favorite bands, including The Beatles.
"It's perfect! Thank you!" I smiled.
Roger had to go back to Death Row, and Ringo had to do something with Maureen. They're trying to move past her affair with George. Paul left to be with Linda; she's a little anxious as she is in her eighth month of pregnancy, and John went to be with Yoko. George and Star are just hanging around my office while talking.
"What are you doing?" Star asked.
"Paperwork for tomorrow," I looked up at her, then back at my paperwork to realize I didn't have a photographer written down for tomorrow, "Oh, my beautiful twin sister."
"What do you want?" Star looked away from the window.
"Can you be the photographer for tomorrow's photoshoot?" I innocently smiled, "Pretty please?"
"Sure, I'm sure my boss wouldn't mind," Star shrugged, "Speaking of... I should go back to work."
"You think?" George and I looked at her.
July 10th, 1969
I drove Star and her equipment to my work. The plus side to Kelly's Closet HQ is that there were renovations a few years ago to do everything there. The addition is a bit half level, which is the runway floor with a launch party room. It's built on a hill. The main floor is the offices, conferences rooms, cafeteria, and essential rooms to run a business. The next floor is for promos, such as photo shoots, interviews, and commercials. There are two manufacturer floors. One's jewelry from when Anne was here, the other is for clothes making, and the basement is for packaging. Since it's built on a hill, a piece of the cellar sticks out, where the loading docs are. Star and I walked in, and the staff had already started to grab Star's equipment, we walked into the room, and the models were already ready, getting their makeup done.
"Star!" Theo walked over.
"Why are you here?" Star looked at him.
"I'm here to support my girlfriend," Theo smiled.
"Shit, Maddie is dating you," I looked at Theo.
"Yeah, I know I'm so out of her league," Theo smirked.
"Scarlett!" Maddie ran over, "We got bad news."
"What?" I looked at her.
"We're down a model. Dotty left," Maddie said.
"What do you mean, Dotty left?" I breathed out.
"Her new job wanted her now, so she had to move pronto. She wasn't even allowed to wait until after the show," Maddie explained.
"Shit," I muttered, "Give me a few minutes. I may know someone that could help."
Dotty was the head model, none of the girls wanted to be the head model, so Kelly had to hire someone willing to be the head model. The other girls feared that the position would make them think they were better than the other girls and didn't want to ruin their bond.
A few minutes...
I walked into Brian and Tim's flat and breathed out, Please don't get an ego boost. I was about to storm into Tim's room, knowing she was here since she didn't come home last night.
"El," I sighed, knocking on the door. I heard a bang, rumbling, then finally footsteps at the door. Elaina walked out in one of Tim's shirts and her underwear.
"Shouldn't you be at work?" Elaina looked at me.
"I need you for something," I sighed.
"For what?" Elaina asked.
"How do you feel about modeling?" I rubbed my face.
"No, no, I'm not letting my girlfriend be jerking bait for some creep!" Tim quickly interfered, we looked over, and I saw Tim's tiny Tim. I closed my eyes and gagged.
"Jesus, hide that!" I gagged.
"Shit, sorry, Scar," Tim said. After a few minutes, Tim finally spoke, "Okay, you can open your eyes now."
"Listen, my head model just quit, so not am I only short a model. I need a head model. The other girls refused the position, afraid of ruining their team bond." I looked at Elaina, "And I thought, why not my big ego hot best friend who never really met them and probably didn't want to."
"I'm not that much of a bitch," Elaina scoffed, "But the offer is tempting."
"See," I looked at her as Freddie and Roger walked into the flat.
"Hey, Little Wolf," Roger walked over and kissed me, "What are you doing here?"
"Trying to give Elaina a much better job than Biba," I told him, then looked right at Tim, "But someone doesn't want his girlfriend to be quote on quote 'jerking bait' to other men."
"Well, I don't. Models are known to be jerking bait. I don't want my girlfriend to be on some teenager's wall for him to jerk off too," Tim threw his hands up.
"Who's jerking off?" Freddie interfered in the conversation.
"No one," Roger rolled his eyes.
"I heard jerking off," Freddie shrugged as Brian walked out of his room.
"Tim doesn't want me to be a model because other men could jerk off to my picture," Elaina explained.
"What did I walk into?" Brian looked at us.
"Tim being an Arse," Elaina blinked.
"El wants to be a model, and unlike Scarlett, I don't think El would like it if she becomes other guys jerking bait," Tim said.
"Unlike Scarlett?" I crossed my arms, lifting an eyebrow.
"Come on, everyone knows the Beatles twins were the 60s jerking bait, still are in some horny teen's bedroom," Tim said as Elaina slapped him.
"I don't think Rog would like to hear that," Elaina said.
"He was one of them!" Tim pointed out.
"Not the point!" I groaned.
"No, this is getting interesting," Freddie said.
"I'm in. Modeling is my passion. Let's go!" Elaina looked at me, wanting to get out of this conversation, like me.
"One, you need pants. Two; In the nicest way possible, you need a shower your greasy and sweaty," I looked at her.
"Yeah, because love birds have been doing rounds since last night." Brian scoffed.
"I'm scared when you two start fucking." Freddie looked at Roger and me as Roger comfortably rested his head on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around me.
"Mmmm, we will be extra loud just for you, darling," I mimicked Freddie's voice. I got good at that after hanging around him for four years. The others started to laugh as Freddie rolled his eyes.
"I'll make sure your extra loud," Roger huskily whispered in my ear as I breathed out, then Roger softly kissed my ear, "But that's all when you're ready if you're ready with me."
"If you still decide to stick around with this crazy, because as far as I'm concerned, you and I are kinda a forever thing," I looked up at him with a smirk.
"You're not crazy, but I like to hear that we're still on the same bases," Roger kissed my temple, "Because we're a forever kind of thing."
"I'm still going to do it. It's a no-brainer job!" Elaina looked at Tim as Roger, and I zoned back into the world around us, "Please? For me? I support you being a musician, and I'm sure you're some fan's jerk bait."
"You really went there," Tim sighed, "I'll always support you, just welcoming to the fact."
"Good, because I should get back before Kelly realizes I'm not at work," I looked at my watch, then looked at Elaina, "I'll drive you to the flat to freshen up."
"Thanks! Let me put pants on," Elaina walked into Tim's room and quickly got changed.
"I'll see you later?" I looked up at Roger with a smirk.
"Of course," Roger kissed me, "I love you, have a great rest of your day."
"I love you too," I giggled, we shared one more kiss before Elaina, and I left. Elaina took a shower but didn't wet her hair and changed into something easy to get out of. We returned to Kelly's Closet HQ, and Kelly ran to me.
"We have an emergency because our head model just quit, and you went out to hang out with Elaina?" Kelly looked at me.
"No, I fixed our emergency," I pushed Elaina in front of me, "Meet your new head model."
"Hi," Elaina waved as Kelly grabbed me and dragged me a few feet away.
"Her? Really?" Kelly looked at me.
"Listen, El always wanted to become a model. She knows the shit. The sisterhood models refuse to be the head model because they fear egos will break their bond." I pointed to the girl models, "Elaina doesn't know any of them and probably doesn't want to. This causes no drama with models and a model asap."
Kelly paused, clicked her tongue, and looked at Elaina, looking around and taking it all in. Kelly looked at the team of models and then back at Elaina.
"Good news, guys!" Kelly shouted, then grabbed Elaina and walked over, "Due to the quick quitting of Dotty, Scarlett's best mate, Elaina quickly jumped into her position. So please give a welcome to Elaina Wilson."
"She had to add El's your best mate," Star walked up to me.
"If they don't like her, blame me," I shrugged, "Good idea on her end."
We finally got the photoshoot rolling. Elaina put on an outfit and got hair and makeup. Star started taking pictures of the models while I ensured the outfits looked precisely how I pictured them. Kelly was helping Star with the models' poses. It was all coming together. Once I finished the costumes, I walked over with water bottles for Kelly and Star.
"This is all coming together," I smiled.
"Proud?" Kelly looked at me as I nodded.
"Yeah, I never thought my first thing as COO was my own line!" I smiled.
"You own line?" Star and Elaina shouted, as an 'oh shit' face quickly went on mine. I turned around to see the two arms crossed and glaring at me.
"Got something to tell me?" Star looked at me.
"I love you?" I looked at her.
"Scarlett! How come you didn't tell me!" Star looked at me.
"I was trying to find the right time to tell you lots," I coughed. Star looked, then quickly hugged me, "What are you doing?"
"Shut up. I'm trying to hug you," Star said, "I'm so proud of you!"
"If you're hugging me, why hug me tightly?" I looked at her.
"Just shut up and hug me back before you ruin the moment," Star rolled her eyes as I hugged her back.
After the photoshoot, Elaina quit Biba and signed a contract with Kelly's Closet. The cafeteria had extra donuts. I volunteered to take them home since we're driving to Abbey Road. Once we got there, I dropped off the donuts on a table and then quickly ran to the bathroom so I could change out of my outfit. I walk back into the live room to see the lads, Yoko, and Star eating donuts.
"Whatcha doing?" I looked at the six.
"Nothing," the four boys said as Star and Yoko stayed quiet.
"We totally were not just eating your donuts," Ringo brushed his hands together to get the powder off his hands but not his face.
"You got powder on your face," I sighed as Ringo wiped powder off his face.
"So, how was the photo shoot?" George asked, already taking another donut.
"Good, my head model quit, so El is the new head model of Kelly's Closet," I walked over and took a donut.
"El? Don't you have a full team?" John looked at me.
"The girls have this pack where none of them take the head model position, afraid to break their bond. So they let Kelly hire a head model instead of picking one of them," I explained.
"That makes no sense," Paul looked at me.
"I don't ask," I rolled my eyes.
"Don't you also have something to tell them?" Star coughed, giving me a look. I gave her a look while everyone else gave me a confused look.
"What do you need to tell us?" Ringo looked.
"Something good?" Paul asked.
"Something bad?" John asked.
"Inbetween?" George added probably didn't want to feel left out.
"Um... you see... the line isn't Kelly's line," I tried to tell my family I had a line coming out.
"Whose line is it?" John asked.
"Mine. It's my first line," I coughed. Their faces were in shock, but a good kind of shock.
"You have your own line?" Paul looked at me as I nodded.
"Yeah, surprise?" I threw up jazz hands, and the lads dropped their donuts, ran up, and hugged me. That's a first. Star did, of course, join the hug, I felt a little squished, but I felt the love.
"We're so proud of you!" the five hugged me.
"Thanks, guys," I smiled.
July 11th, 1969
"Thanks for helping me get this record player," I smiled at Roger.
"No problem. Do you need any help setting it up?" Roger looked at me.
"No, I should be fine. But thank you," I hugged Roger, nuzzling my head in his hair a bit, then whispered, "But you can hang around if you want."
"I would love that," Roger smiled before kissing me. We broke the hug. I grabbed my glasses and started to assemble the table for it. On the top is just a record player. I'm not a radio person. The talking and commercials just keep on going, in my opinion. Still, I have a portable one just in case someone has a radio interview or emergency. It came with two speakers. Roger and I were talking as I was setting up. Roger started to look at my collection of records, and he made commentary on my selection.
"The fact that you voluntarily listen to the Beatles is hysterical," Roger laughed.
"Their music is good, and I'm not saying that because they're my brothers," I looked at Roger.
"Right," Roger gave me a look as I rolled my eyes and finished putting the record player together.
"Can I have a record?" I asked. Roger quickly pulled out a present, "You with presents."
"We both kinda spoil the shit out of each other," Roger got off my desk and handed me the gift.
"We do, don't we?" I took the gift and opened it to see Frankie Valli's single Can't Take My Eyes Off You. It's my and Roger's song. When we first started to go out in December, we went to this club. They had a playlist of a high school prom, and one of the songs was Can't Take My Eyes Off You, which became the first song we ever danced to. Then not too long after we got back together, it was playing on the radio. Roger and I were just at my flat and started dancing to it. It wasn't long before we made it our song.
"You got me our song," I smiled, "I love it."
"I'm glad. Why don't you test out the new record with the new record player," Roger smiled. I carefully opened the new record and started to play the single. I turned to see Roger have his hand out to dance, I took it, and we began to dance around my office. The record was outstanding, and the player sounded amazing once we finished dancing. I put the vinyl back in its sleeve and started to put my albums in order. My system is that my favorite band is closest to the player, albums in chronological order of release, then my second favorite, third favorite, etc. I chose the Beatles to be next to my record player since they were my favorite band in my 2019 life and still are to this day, but it's just The Beach Boys beat them to it for my favorite band in this life. But once Queen starts to form, and the albums get produced, they'll be next to my record player, Beatles, Beach Boys, etc.
"Scarlett! I have amazing news!" Kelly burst in, "Oh hey, Rog."
"Hey Kelly," Roger waved.
"Anyways, I have news, and don't be mad," Kelly looked at me.
"Why would I be mad?" I looked at her.
"BecausemysterymanisSimon," Kelly quickly stated.
"What?" I looked at her.
"I may or may not be dating your cousin," Kelly coughed.
"What?" Roger and I both said but in different pretexts.
"You're dating my cousin?!" I looked at her.
"Surprise?" Kelly smiled as I breathed out. She left immediately, either in fear or assuming we were on an official date. I turned around and walked right into Roger's arms. I like it here. I always felt safe in Roger's arms, and it's good because I can't remember the last time I felt this safe in someone's arms.
"Hi," Roger laughed a bit before kissing me.
"Hi," I smiled, "I have news to tell you."
"What is it?" Roger broke the hug, grabbed my hand, and sat on my new couch. This is really comfy.
"I have my own line coming out," I smiled with excitement.
"Really?!" Roger's face brightened with excitement as I nodded.
"That's what I've been working on since I got back," I smiled as Roger quickly hugged me, and I giggled. We both fell over, and he was on top of me, embracing me with kisses as I laughed.
"I'm so proud of you," Roger rose up, touching my nose with his, "I already know it looks amazing, and I'll be buying all the men's outfits."
"Don't, stores overprice things," I giggled, wrapping my hands around his neck.
"Yeah, but my girlfriend made them. They'll be worth every penny," Roger smiled. I moved my hand to cup his cheek and moved my head up to kiss him.
"I love you, Roger Meddows Taylor," I stroke my thumbs against his cheek.
"I love you, Scarlett Rosemarie Walker, and I'm very proud!" Roger gently grabbed my hand while putting all his weight on his other hand.
July 20th, 1969
Roger and I are cuddled up in my bed. Star and George use my couch bed since George's parents use Star and George's bedroom. They came for a visit, and today we have a private screening of Let It Be. Not going to lie. I'm a bit nervous to see it. The movie's beginning has me recovering from amnesia, and the end is when Roger and I broke up. Not to mention Star and George's one-night stand happened during the filming, and they seemed very awkward afterward. A beautiful nightmare woke me up today. I'm panting and drenched in sweat; I haven't had a nightmare; they haven't been as frequent. I used to get them almost every night. It was rare to have a night where I didn't have them. Now I get them maybe twice a week. 
I changed into a dusty yellow blouse with yellow plaid shorts and finished the look with sandal Wedges. I put my hair up and realized I had time to make everyone breakfast. I made pancakes, the same recipe our dad used. Star and I got the cookbooks since we're the only ones who bake and cook.
"I remember that smell," Star walked in, looking like she just followed the smell, "Dad's pancakes, my favorite thing to wake up to."
"I figured you'll be in the mood for pancakes," I laughed.
"When am I not?" Star laughed.
"When you're in the mood for fettuccine alfredo," I laughed.
"They're both good. I can't help it, but I can put strawberries on pancakes," Star started to make a teapot.
"Can you cut bananas?" I looked at her as she nodded, "I figured the others are probably coming over."
"No, duh," Star started to cut some bananas, "Do you think Geo and Rog will be confused when they wake up, and we're not there?"
"Probably. But George knows we're borderline insomniacs," I flipped over the pancakes.
"Does Rog know?" Star looked at me.
"Don't know. I figured it's just something he'll figure out. When I can't sleep, I bake," I shrugged.
"Speaking of, I want to try this thing, where you put a cookie and brownie together and see what it tastes like," Star said.
"I'll put it on the list," I laughed. It wasn't long before Roger and George woke up. Roger got changed while George stayed in his pajamas like Star. They forgot to grab their clothes. Elaina stayed over at Tim's, and we double-dated. When George's parents woke up, they got ready then George and Star quickly got dressed. Star has a white dress with long sleeves and stops at mid-thigh and white gogo boots.
"Oh, wonder twins!" John barged in as Star and I sighed. John, Paul, Linda, Yoko, and Ringo walked into the kitchen, saying, "You made dad's pancakes!"
"Yeah," I finished cleaning up my pancake mess.
Later ( Star's POV )...
After eating breakfast, we hung out around the flat before it was time to see this private screening. Micheal Lindsay-Hogg was waiting outside for us. Scarlett and Roger sat behind Mr. Harrison, me, George, and Mrs. Harrison. The director is next to Scarlett and Roger in the last row, and Linda, Paul, Ringo, John, and Yoko are all behind us. George had his arm around me. I laid my head on George's collarbone. I moved my head and leaned it back to see Scarlett.
"Ready to relive the amnesia?" I joked.
"Jumping with joy," Scarlett rolled her eyes.
"You wouldn't have gotten amnesia if you weren't such a shit driver," John looked at Scarlett as Scarlett turned to John.
"How's Yoko's back?" Scarlett asked. John glared at Scarlett as we both snickered, and I high-fived Scarlett. I faced forward again while still sneering. The movie started, and George and I cuddled up watching the movie. Thank god it's dark, so the other three don't make fun of us. The beginning of the film had one scene of Scarlett having amnesia, then the very next, John grabbed the phone, and they left in a rush. That had to be when Scarlett got her memories back. The movie got a few giggles from how different it's been, which was the beginning of this year. We got to George and John's fight, where we heard the two now slide down their chairs. Then a few shots were without George, and he got comfortable again. Then he came back, and the two of us acted weird afterward. George and I sunk in our seats as Scarlett snickered at us, knowing why we acted strangely. But it wasn't long before it was the scene of us dragging Scarlett to the studio because Roger 'cheated' on her. She quickly stopped snickering and slid down in her seat while the lads and I laughed at her.
We all decided to go out for lunch, it was just John, Ringo, Yoko, Linda, Paul, George, Scarlett, me, Roger, and George's parents. We laughed at the movie and talked about it when we filmed it.
"It felt like it was years ago," Paul had his arm around Linda, rested his hand on her baby bump, then looked at Scarlett and me, "For you two, it must-have."
"Yeah," I sighed.
"It did for me," Scarlett shrugged. We got into our separate conversations, and John surprisingly started to talk to Roger.
"So, how are you and George doing?" Mrs. Harrison asked.
"Good, really good," I smiled.
"How are those two living together?" Mrs. Harrison looked at Scarlett.
"Good, they've been surprisingly on their best behavior," Scarlett said as I gave her a look.
"How is it with him moving in general?" Mrs. Harrison asked.
"I mean, I noticed more biscuits are coming into the flat than before, but it's been great," Scarlett joked as I gave her a look.
"I'm so glad he's finally with his lucky Star. I can tell he's been happier since you two have been dating," Mrs. Harrison looked at me as I blushed.
"That's good because she's been much happier since she started to date her Georgie," Scarlett started to tease me.
"She seems much like her old self," Mrs. Harrison looked at me.
"I'm glad to say I am," I smiled, as I hate to admit it. Once the drugs and partying entered my life, I changed. But as soon as I sobered up, all the parts of me that I didn't know disappeared came back, and I felt like myself again, which feels good, "I've been two months clean from the toxins that changed me."
"I'm glad to hear that," Mrs. Harrison smiled. I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand. As soon as I turned over, George kissed me. Of course, John and Paul made noises, but Linda, Yoko, and Scarlett automatically stopped them.
"You know, in some way, we match," George looked at my outfit.
"A bit. We both have white on," I giggled. Mrs. Harrison and Scarlett talked for a while before I joined their conversation. Then Mrs. Harrison and Scarlett joined up to tease me until I blushed.
"You know, I'm shocked he hasn't asked for your hand," Mrs. Harrison joked.
"I assume if Geo asked that too, John would've killed him," Scarlett laughed.
"She's not wrong," John added.
"We all thought those two would get married first," Mr. Harrison added to the fun.
"I always said they were love at first sight," Scarlett snickered.
"What is their love story? No one told me," Linda genuinely asked. Scarlett took up the offer to tease two of her eight siblings. She, of course, started to tell Linda the story. George and I blushed so hard that we slid down the seat until we physically couldn't anymore.
July 23rd, 1969
Theo, Cecilia, and I just finished an interview to find someone in our quad's last desk slot. In Bluebird, the writers are organized in quads. It's four desks connected together, and it builds our team. There are seven quads. Not every square has four people or even one at the moment.
"She won't fit," Theo rubbed his face, exhausted.
"She's too hyper," Cecilia looked at Theo and me.
"I swear if I hear 'like' or 'oh my gosh' one more time in that annoying ass tone, I'm going to kill someone," I rubbed my temple.
"Oh my gosh, Star!" Theo mimicked the girl we just interviewed as I laughed.
"I will be the perfect fit," Cecilia added as we got to our seats.
"If I had to sit across that every day, I would lose it," I rubbed my temples.
"Tell me about it," Theo rolled his eyes.
"That or I would just duct tape her mouth shut," Cecilia said.
"I'll help you," I chuckled as Marcus and Terry walked up.
"And?" The two looked at us.
"Are you trying to hire the most annoying journalist possible?" I looked at them, "Like she doesn't know fucking English with the usage of 'Like' and 'Oh my gosh,' not to mention the loud ass gum chewing."
"She's a no," Cecilia looked at them.
"Star just gave you my answer," Theo pointed to me, "The girl is fucking annoying."
"Alright, we'll let her know," The two sighed, walking off, looking happy we didn't like her. She stormed out of the conference room as I looked at the clock.
"I need help with something," Theo looked at Cecilia and me, "What would be a good romantic date?"
"Well, it differs," I looked at him.
"Yeah, every girl is different," Cecilia added.
"Yeah. Like some girls prefer elegant restaurants. Others like just a movie night on the couch," I said, "But since Maddie is a model, I say she likes the elegant stuff. Take her to Paramount."
"The shit is expensive there," Theo looked at me as I grabbed my wallet, took out the coupon I got for the Paramount from fan mail, threw my signature on the back, and gave it to Theo.
"Here, say we work together, and I gave you this. My signature on the back probably would give a few pounds off," I looked at Theo.
"Thanks," Theo took the coupon. We got up and started to head to lunch. Aaron has the night shift this week for the radio. He and Matt switch sometimes, and on the weekends, they're totally different people, so it's easy for Aaron and Matt to fix their sleeping schedules.
"I'm going to the Coffee Lounge to see Ronny. You two in?" Theo looked at us.
"No thanks, I'm going to Abbey Road to have lunch with George and my siblings," I smiled.
"Sorry, I can't. Already made plans at the Premier," Cecilia frowned.
"It's alright, catch you two later," Theo waved as I looked at Cecilia.
"Can you drive me? My car has been getting repaired since Elaina crashed it. I'll walk from the Premier," I said.
"Of course," Cecilia smiled. The two of us went into her car and drove to the Premier. We got to the Premier, and I told her not to worry about the ride home. I walked to Abbey Road and noticed Scarlett's car parked outside.
"Hola," I walked in.
"Heyla," Scarlett has casual clothes on.
"No work?" I asked.
"Kelly told me I need a day off because I'm a workaholic," Scarlett said as I sat next to her, "They're almost done. We're waiting for you."
"Awww, thank you, I feel special," I jokingly said. The lads walked into the room, probably talking about their work. George walked up, hugged, and kissed me. I embraced him as Linda and Maureen came.
"No, Rog?" I asked Scarlett as we walked out.
"No, he has some band stuff. I know I'm second with them," Scarlett joked a bit.
"Y'know, if I knew we were going to be here, I might've as well just waited here for you guys." I walked with the group to the Premier. 
"You were here first?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow.
"Cece drove me here as I walked to the studio," I answered.
"Guys!" Chef walked up to us, "Table for nine?"
"Yep," We smiled, "Hi-ya chef!"
"Come on this way. I'm noticing the eyes, so I'm giving you guys a more private spot." Chef walked us to this more closed-off room. We all got seated. I sat between George and Scarlett. Chef got us a waiter, and we ordered our drinks.
"How's work so far?" George put an arm around me.
"Tired. This lady I had to interview was a bloody walking headache," I sighed, "She talked annoyingly and didn't even know proper English."
"So I guess she's not a fit?" George asked.
"Far from it," I rubbed my temples. Not too long after, we got our drinks and then food.
"Scarlett, got any plans for the weekend?" Paul asked.
"Glad you asked. I need help on something," Scarlett said, "Saturday is Roger's 20th birthday, and I want to do something big for him. But-"
"You suck at parties since they've never been your scene?" I cut her off.
"Yep," Scarlett coughed, "He should have an amazing 20th birthday, but that's not under my department."
"Why don't you get Freddie? Isn't he good at that shit?" John looked at her.
"Yeah, but Freddie didn't plan my 20th birthday. You lots did," Scarlett said.
"Yeah, but they're all boring now," I looked at her.
"Hey," the lads looked at me.
"So am I. I stopped partying when I stopped the drugs, booze, and sex because the five years of it bit me in the ass." I shrugged.
"Five years of it?!" John and Paul glared at me. Oh fuck.
"We thought you only did all that when we weren't talking," John glared at me.
"I did," I blankly said.
"Well, apparently not if you did it for five years," John looked forward to me as I clicked my tongue.
"No regrets?" I forced a smile.
"Explain now," John said.
"Or never because it's none of your business," I looked at him.
"If it was five years ago, you would be under my guardianship. Therefore it is my business, so Star Judith Walker, stop being a pain in my ass and just fucking explain," John glared. I could sense the anger burst coming out if I stall any longer.
"Just tell him, he will lash out in a restaurant," Scarlett said, "He'll find out eventually and if he gives you shit, give it back."
"Fine," I sighed and looked at John and Paul, "If you must know. I lied. Big shock."
It was a bit quiet. I focused on my food while John and Paul muttered something, got up, and left.
"I'll-" Scarlett started to move.
"I got it, my mess anyway," I sighed, getting up and following John and Paul. I got close to them and pulled onto their sleeves, not wanting to make a scene. The two turned around and glared at me.
"Listen, to not make a scene look happy and don't shout," I smiled as I noticed people spotting us.
"Or we can do this," John yanked me and dragged me into an alleyway with Paul following. He let go of me and glared, "What the fuck?!"
"I'm sorry," I looked down.
"You're sorry? Five years? And clearly, it's yet another secret you kept from us since George, Ringo, and Scarlett aren't out here either." John yelled, "What do those three have that you can tell them fucking everything but leave Paul and me out?"
"It has nothing to do with you," I looked at him.
"Oh really? Then how come we're the last to know?" Paul asked.
"Because I didn't want people to know. Scarlett knows because we shared a room. George knew because I started when we were hiding a relationship. Ringo found out because George wouldn't mind his fucking business when he was with Pattie and constantly dragged Ringo to places where he knew I was." I said, "If I had it my way, no one would've fucking known. I didn't want people to know because I would've gotten the disappointing speech."
"I'm sorry, okay? And I'm not going to say I regret it because I don't. I had loads of experience and lots of fun. So if you want to hear me say I regret it, you're not," I looked at them.
"How bad were you?" Paul asked.
"Don't ask questions you don't really want to know the answer to," I sighed.
"I want to know since everyone else knows." John looked at me.
"I don't know. I tried a lot of shit, but I stayed away from the needle," I looked down, "I got hooked on most. Still, I was the one taking your and George's LSD stickers, plus I took some Coke when you guys were experimenting on that too..."
I bit my lip and glued my eyesight to the ground. I feared the disappointing looks Scarlett refused to give. I heard footsteps and looked further to the bottom to see Paul walking away.
"I'm not saying I'm disappointed, but I thought after what Nancy put you through, you wouldn't be a junkie," John scoffed.
"But here we are," I still looked down, feeling tears fall from my face.
George's POV
"So, umm, is she going to get in trouble?" Linda coughed.
"Most likely," Scarlett said, "They're arses when it comes to Star and I doing something we really shouldn't."
Paul walked in with no John or Star. I started to feel a bit anxious.
"Where is she?" I asked.
"Oh, you mean the one that lied to us for years?" Paul grumbled.
"You want to go there?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow, "She had a problem. Thanks to everyone at this table, including Payton and Venessa, she's clean. So give her a break because she didn't tell you, and as someone that did know, you didn't want to go down that path with her."
I looked down, not wanting to interfere, but some guilt started to fill me in. I know I'm partially why Star got so bad, and she hasn't talked to me about her sobriety or addiction. Just says she's sober, and that's all she wants to say.
"Are you going to talk or just sit there?" Paul said, "You apparently bloody known for years but didn't think of telling us."
"Not my business," I shrugged, "She didn't want anyone to know, so I didn't. I didn't tell Pattie; she found out by herself. I didn't tell Ringo; he found out by himself. Maybe if you guys paid more attention, you would've found out. It wasn't that hard. She was constantly under the influence. You just needed to look at her to realize something was wrong."
"Oh, so it's our fault?" Paul said.
"I'm not fighting with you on this, don't point fingers because she didn't tell you. She didn't tell any of us. We just realized something was off about her, and instead of giving her shit, maybe be glad she's okay," I crossed my arms, getting frustrated. John walked in and glared at me.
"Be glad? She could've died, and we wouldn't have known why, but you did," John crossed his arms.
"But she didn't," Scarlett said.
"Oh, miss little twin, please tell me why the fuck you didn't tell me after what Nancy di-" John started to say.
"Before you finish that, let me make this clear. Star and Nancy are two different people. With two different relationships with drugs," Scarlett started, "Nancy was a spoiled little bitch that used drugs and alcohol for her needs. Her selfishness, not caring who she scars or hurts. Star used drugs and partying to escape the PTSD, depression, and anxiety Nancy gave her. She didn't tell people because she didn't want to hurt those she loved. Star was sick and got help. She's clean, and you two acting like this will not make her feel better."
They started to argue as I stood up and walked out. I honestly could care less what they're talking about. The only thing that matters is knowing Star is okay, and all I want to do is wrap my arms around her until I know she's genuinely fine. I walked out of the Premier and started to look for her.
"George?" I heard as I turned around to the alleyway to see Star. I didn't say anything, and neither did she. I just walked up to her and embraced her. She hugged me back. Her grip was tight as I heard her silently whimper.
"It's going to be okay." I kissed her on top of her head while rubbing her back as she melted into my embrace.
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
alright, lovies, I need post ideas
Please send what you would like to see in my page via the ask, plz and thank you
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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📸 rickdick__
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Queen in 1982
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
🎃31 Days of Spooky Season!🎃
Every October I share 31 prompts that matches the 31 days in October. From October 1st to the 31st there are themes to the respective day of the month. If you want to do this but you don't know if you can do it everyday, that's totally okay, you can skip dates! If you skip a date but still want to do the skipped date later, you are more than welcome to still do so! Also, if you see this post after the 1st of October, you are more than welcome to still be apart of 31 Days of Spooky Season! Just start on the date you found it, and if you want to do the past dates your more than welcome to do them as well!
Rules: Everyday is a different theme, do whatever you want to related the theme! You can: write a short story, make a edit, make a collage, just post a picture, or whatever you want! It's just a creative way to celebrate the spooky season!!! Also, please use the tag 31 Days of Spooky Season!Or tag me and @nic-214 so I can see your creative ideas! 🎃
We have an AO3 collection made for my ao3 loves: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/31daysodspookyseason2022
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Picture by @nic-214
*click read more if you can’t read the picture!*
🎃I can’t wait for October to see your spooky stories!🎃
Spooky szn
Foggy Night
Autumn harvest
"The crisp leaves crunched"
Candy Corn
Masquerade ball
"Great you got us lost in this maze!"
Murder mystery
Halloween Town
Spooktacular event
"Now are you going to give me a treat? Or do I have to pull a trick?"
Decoration contest
The Witch Trials
Pumpkin patch
"I wouldn't go in there if I were you. Some say it's haunted."
Apple bobbing
A murder of crows
Friday The 13th
"The sour taste collecting in {character}'s mouth alerted it was rotten"
Scary story by the fire
Spooky scavenger hunt
Alive animatronics
"It's a boo-tiful night for Halloween"
Halloween concert
Mischief night
The Nightmare on Elm Street
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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the beatles (1967)
by henry grossman
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Scarlett, Star
Warning: mentions of abuse, stabbing, and PTSD
Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
July 1st, 1969- Scarlett POV
Kelly put me on a top-secret project for my first thing as COO. The lads are still on a break from Abbey Road. George officially moved in and is legally a single man. John went to Scotland with Yoko, Julian, and Yoko's five-year-old daughter Kyoko, for a holiday, and they left on the 29. When I returned from Liverpool, I got the somewhat exciting news that Elaina and Tim had started their relationship back up for the 5th time since 1965. Smile has been getting big, and Roger has taken me on dates. On June 26th, we drove back to Liverpool for an annual service for my dad, and this year, Sandy's water broke during the service. Later that day, Sandy gave birth to Steven John Walker. My friend group also has two new guys, Milo and Thomas, both are old friends of Elaina's. Tim wasn't excited at first because they were flirtatious with each other. Elaina explained to him that Milo and Thomas are like how Star and I are to him, which quickly eased him. I'm still working in Kelly's office while mine is getting furnished and fixed since Anne wrecked it. I was working on the project when I got a nervously rapid knock on the door.
"Come in," Kelly and I yelled. Star and Cynthia ran in, and Star turned on the radio.
"What are you doing?" I asked as Star changed the channel.
"Breaking News: John Lennon crashed his car in Scotland with his wife, Yoko Ono, child, Julian Lennon, and stepchild, Kyoko Cox," The news reporter stated, "This crash has been just announced and no further updates yet."
My heart dropped. God, I hope they're all okay.
"We have to go," I looked at Cynthia and Star.
"The next flight is in 3 more hours," Cynthia stated.
"Use my plane, I don't use it, and you can get there faster than a normal plane," Kelly suggested.
"Are you sure?" Star asked.
"Yes, stop standing here and go," Kelly pushed us out. We all got into Star's car, and I gave Star the directions to the plane site. As soon as we got on the plane we all tried to stay calm, the flight was an hour and forty minutes. We kept the radio on to listen in on what was happening. Cynthia was freaking out about Julian's safety. Star and I freaked out for John and Julian. Soon as we landed, we rushed to Golspie's Lawson Memorial Hospital.
"Hello, I'm looking for John Lennon and his family?" I asked the secretary.
"Sorry, onl-" the secretary turned to see Star and me. "Oh my god, you're the Beatle Twins! He is in room 104."
"Thank you," I smiled, and we started to walk to the room, but Cynthia stopped.
"He doesn't want to see you, hun. He told us when he came in," the secretary pointed to Cynthia.
"You guys go. I'll try to find Julian," Cynthia told us. Star and I ran to John's room. Soon as we walked in, John had stitches on his face, and he was shocked to see us. Star and I ran to John and hugged him.
"Oh, thank god you're okay," We sighed in relief. Then we pulled out from the hug, and I punched John in the arm, "You scared us, you asshole. You made me think we lost you!"
"Please, a small car crash won't take me down, Walker," John rubbed the spot I punched him. We saw no Julian, no Yoko, and no Kyoko.
"John. Where is Julian, Yoko, and Kyoko?" I looked at John.
"Where's George and Roger?" John asked with a bit of sass, "You would think your boyfriends would go to Scotland with you."
Star and I looked at each other. I forgot to tell Roger we were heading to Scotland, and by the look on Star's face, she failed to tell George.
"Did you guys forget to tell your boyfriends that you were going to Scotland?" John started to laugh.
"Not now, Lennon. Where are the other three people you came with?" I asked John.
"Julian is with my aunt Mater in Durness. Kyoko and Yoko are in different rooms," John told me, "I love you guys, but why are you in Scotland?"
"We heard about the crash," Star started.
"And we came here as fast as possible," I explained.
"Aw, all just for me," John fluttered his eyes, "You guys shouldn't have."
"We thought we would lose our older brother-" I explained.
"There is no way we would just stay in London and sit around," Star cut me off.
"Come here," John put his arms out for another hug, we hugged him back, and the doctor came in.
"Sorry, no one but family is allowed here," the doctor said, thinking we're fans.
"We are family," I assured the doctor.
"What is the relation?" the doctor asked.
"Sisters," John responded, "Doc, these are my little sisters, Scarlett and Star."
"Okay, Mr. Lennon, I want you to stay here for a few days." The doctor started, then looked at Star and me, "Will you be picking up the Lennons when they get discharged?"
"Yes," Star and I responded.
"Okay, We will stay in touch. Before you leave, give us your numbers, so we know how to contact you two," The doctor said, then walked out. Star and I remember that we left Cynthia in the lobby. We told John we would call him when we returned to London and left. We went to John's aunt to get Julian. We knocked on the door, and Mater answered the door. Julian ran over to us.
"Mama! Auntie Scar! Auntie Star!" He ran over and hugged all three of us at the same time.
"Are you okay, Jul? Are you hurt?" Cynthia asked as I was holding him really tight. He nodded while digging his head in his mother's neck. We walked in and hugged Mater. I told Mater everything from the hospital. Cynthia, Star, and I all decided to leave tomorrow morning. Once everything settled down, I quickly called Roger's market to see if he was there. After a few rings, someone picked up.
"Hello?" I could tell it was Freddie.
"Hey Rocky, it's me. Is Roger there?" I asked.
"Oh, Hey Carla. No. Roger told me he went to the studio since you weren't at work."
"Okay, great, thanks," I hung up and dialed the studio's number.
"Abbey Road Studios, how can I help you?" I heard.
"Hello, may I speak to one of the guests there? He goes by Roger Taylor or one of the Beatles."
"May I ask who is calling?"
"Scarlett Walker."
"Yeah, one moment, please," I was put on hold for a few minutes, then I heard someone pick up the line.
"Scarlett, where the hell are you?!" Roger panicked.
"Scotland," I answered.
"Why the hell are you there?"
"John got into an accident. Star, Cynthia, and I rushed here with help from Kelly."
"Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, John, Yoko, and Yoko's daughter got stitches and are still in the hospital. We're bringing Julian home tomorrow."
I heard sounds from the background and voices, then a "Move over."
"Hello?" I heard George.
"Hey, Hazza," I smiled.
"Scarlett?! Is Star with you?! Where are you guys?!"
"Yes, Star is with me. We're in Scotland because Lenny got into a car accident."
"Is he okay?" I heard Paul in the background.
"Am I on speakerphone?" I asked.
"Yes, but not the point. Is John okay?" Paul asked again.
"Lenny is fine, Yoko and her daughter are fine, and Julian is coming home with us tomorrow," I started to twirl the line, "Can someone do me a favor?"
"What, Lottie?" Ringo replied.
"We left Star's car at the place, but I'm sure we left the car unlocked, and Star realized she didn't have her keys with her," I started, "Can someone just pick it up before it gets stolen?"
"I got it," I heard George say, "Can I talk to her?"
"Yeah, sure," I put my hand on the phone, "Star! George is on the phone and wants to talk to you."
I heard a bang, guessing she fell, then ran over to me.
"Give me the phone," she demanded.
Star's POV
"Hello?" I answered, shooing Scarlett away. Scarlett rolled her eyes, made kissy noises, and then walked away after I flipped her off.
"So Scotland, Eh? I thought you would go to Paris at the last minute." George joked.
"Still a place in Europe," I smiled and bit my lip, "But I would've taken you to Paris. Sorry I didn't tell you."
"I'm just glad you're okay." George started, "Your work called me. They said you left two hours ago and couldn't get a hold of you. It gave me a Panic attack, then Roger came in saying Scarlett has been missing too."
"Sorry I freaked you out. I was going to call while we were waiting for our plane, but then Kelly offered her jet. We didn't think about anything else besides what was happening in Scotland," I looked around, "So how's the first session back for the new album?"
"We only recorded one song. How is John?"
"Got stitches. Yoko got the most damage. She has a problem with her back."
"How about the kids?"
"Julian just has shock while Yoko's daughter got stitches."
"Glad everyone is okay."
"Well, when John gets discharged, Scar and I must return to Scotland if you want to come?"
"Jeez, invite me the next time," I heard George laugh. I felt this flutter come to me, causing a blush, "Well, I was going to take you on a date tonight, but how about tomorrow when you land."
"Well, I'll love to go, but we just have to drop Cyn, Julian, and Scarlett first."
"Or, I can drive up in Scarlett's new 1967 Orange Plymouth Roadrunner that got dropped off and have Scarlett drive her gifted car."
"Wait, it did?! No, John would be pissed if we gave it to her and he wasn't there. Plus, she hasn't gotten her license yet."
"You have a point. I'll figure it out. So what are you doing?"
"I was on the couch, trying to have Julian sleep. I bet you, Scarlett got him to sleep."
"Oh, no doubt," I could hear George trying to hide his laughter, "But Ringo said Zak loves you more than Scarlett."
"What are you doing?" I softly asked.
"Talking to my love while the others are leaving," he yawned.
"Go home and sleep. You sound tired."
"But I want to talk to you, and I can't sleep without you," George whined through the phone. I couldn't help but smirk and shake my head, "I hope you know I can feel the smirk from over the phone."
"How did-"
"I just know, love."
I looked at my watch and realized it was 10:50. I heard yawning from the other line.
"Geo, it's almost eleven at night. Go home and go to bed. Scarlett wants us to leave at 7, and tomorrow I am all yours," I heard him groan over the phone, "I love you."
"I love you too. Good night, love."
"Good night, love."
July 2nd, 1969
Scarlett woke us up earlier than she told us. Before we boarded the plane, I called George to let him know Scarlett made us leave an hour earlier than expected. Julian fell back asleep between Scarlett and Cynthia. The hour and forty minutes were brutal. To be completely honest, I didn't sleep at all last night. Every time I did, I would wake up from a nightmare. I got some sleep but kept on waking up due to a nightmare. We finally landed. Cynthia grabbed Julian with one arm and his bag in the other. We walked out to see Roger and George talking. I didn't know Roger was coming. Julian saw the two men, signaled he wanted to be put down then ran over to them. Julian hugged George first, then gave Roger a hug; Roger looked pretty surprised that Julian hugged him. I walked up to hug George.
"Hi," I blissfully sighed.
"Hi," George kissed me. I smirked, biting my lip, and we gazed into each other's eyes.
"Ewww, why is everyone doing mushy stuff?" Julian closed his eyes. I looked at Scarlett and Roger, who had arms around each other. I quickly walked over and kneeled to Julian.
"Don't like mushy stuff, do you, Jul?" I asked.
"No, Daddy does mushy stuff with my Step-mum," Julian scrunched his face, "They're really mushy during the trip."
"Your daddy used to get really mushy with your mama-" I felt someone backhand me. I turned around to see Scarlett giving me a look, "Anyways, when people love each other, they get all mushy. Some day you will meet a girl that will give you the mushy feeling."
"I would never get mushy. It's gross," Julian scrunched his face again.
"You say that now little Lennon?" I started to tickle him. He laughed and asked if I could pick him up. I walked him to the car to put him in his seat as Cynthia put his bag in. It was George's car, and I gave Julian a hug and a kiss on his head.
"Alright, little man, I must drive my car back to my place. I will see you soon." I messed with his hair.
"Bye, Auntie Star," He hugged me with a gloomy tone. I backed out of the car as Cynthia went in. I went into my car, sat in the passenger seat, leaned on George, and smiled, "Where to?"
"It's a surprise," George kissed my forehead, "While we're driving, you can tell me all about Scotland."
"Don't get me started on how John got into the accident," I sighed, "He decided to drive then lost control of the car."
"Why was he driving? He drives like shit."
"But Yoko has a back injury and has a long recovery."
"So will John be in and have her lay down, or will he work from home?"
"Who knows at this point," I sighed, "How was everything around here?"
"We only got one song done, and I have to go back today," George sighed, "So, after my surprise, I'm dropping you off since you looked exhausted and going to the studio."
"I'm not tired," I yawned.
"That yawn says otherwise," George smiled, "Did you sleep last night?"
"No, I naturally kept getting nightmares since it's the first week of July," I sighed, "It was never the happiest week of my life."
"I know. I witnessed it," George grabbed my hand. We stopped at the diner where we had our first date, "Well, I would take you to Bouestin because I know you like the food there, but I thought you probably want diner pancakes."
"I do, thank you," I smiled, we walked in, and everyone looked at us and whispered. It doesn't help that I'm in my work clothes from yesterday and look like I pulled an all-nighter lying in bed. We got our seats and ordered breakfast than I saw three familiar faces, Theo, Aaron, and Caroline. Caroline noticed me and walked over, "Star, where did you go yesterday!"
"Scotland." I smiled.
"Why the bloody hell were you in Scotland?" Aaron looked at me.
"Yeah, Boss wasn't so happy with you leaving and Cecilia already being out for a holiday," Theo looked at me, "I had to work late and miss my date with Maddie."
"So sorry," I rubbed my face.
"Are you coming in today?" Carlone asked, "You look like shit, so I want to say no."
"Thanks, Care," I laughed, "No, I'll call him when I get home and tell him why I left."
"Why did you?" Aaron asked.
"John got into a car accident, and I, my sister, and John's ex-wife went to Scotland last minute to see what happened."
"They didn't tell me or Scarlett's boyfriend, Roger," George added.
"Oh my god, is John Okay?" Aaron asked.
"Yes," I smiled, then Aaron realized George, and I was on a bit of a date. He gave me a smirk and then dragged the other two out of the diner.
"So my boss will probably make me write a story," I sighed.
"You're probably right," George laughed. I smiled, bit my bottom lip, and shook my head, "Why do you do that?"
"Do what?" I asked.
"Bite your lip when you smile."
"I don't know. I always did that. I sometimes do it when I get shy or nervous."
"It's cute," George smiled as our food came out, and we started talking.
Scarlett's POV
Today is the eighth anniversary of Nancy stabbing me and me getting the scar on my back. Roger drove me home but stopped at the premier to buy both of us breakfast. We got to my flat, I quickly changed into my pajamas, and we ate breakfast on the couch.
"You alright? You seem on edge," Roger asked.
"Yeah, today's the anniversary of when I got my scar on my back... it's been eight years," I took a sip of my milkshake.
"Oh, sorry," Roger muttered.
"It's alright. As I said, it's been eight years," I shrugged. We watched whatever was on the television, but I put on cartoons as a child. I love the looney tunes. Roger and I finished our breakfast and then cuddled up on the couch.
"Little Wolf?" Roger called out.
"Hm?" I looked up at him.
"I know it's probably not the best time to ask, but my mum wants to know if you could come over for dinner on Friday? So she can properly meet you, I know it's probably not the best right now, and I can tell her no if you want," Roger started to ramble on as I just put my finger over his lips.
"I can go," I softly said.
"But what about the family night?" Roger asked.
"We're probably not going to do a family night. John's in Scotland. I don't mind missing one to meet your family if there is one," I smiled. Roger moved my hair and gently kissed me.
"I love you," Roger crooned.
"I love you too," I breathlessly smiled.
July 4th,1969- Star's POV
I woke up in George's arm and could feel his gaze.
"Stop staring. It's weird," I mumbled. I think that is the most used sentence we say to each other.
"It's not weird looking at my girl," George smiled.
"When I'm sleeping, it is," I cuddled closer to him, "I don't want to get out of bed."
"Neither do I," George kissed me on top of the head, "But you have work, and I have to be at the studio at 2:45."
"I don't have work today. Boss told me that since I stayed up late at work, I can have the day off to sleep," I smirked, "So I am all yours until 2, and it is 7:45 now."
"Why do we wake up so early?"
"I don't know," I giggled, "But I don't mind it because I got some time with you before work."
"Well. I'm not complaining," George leaned towards me and kissed me. He looked at me, then at my cameras, "Stay right here."
I got confused as he got up to grab my polaroid camera, walked back then sat on my feet. He started to point the camera at me. I giggled a bit as he tried to get the camera right. George finally took the picture. The flash blinded me; the picture came out of the printer portation. He grabbed the shot, jumped back next to me, and started to shake it so the ink could make the picture. Once the picture showed up, this glare line was on the side. I looked at George, who had a 'Are serious' look on his face looking at the picture.
"I can't see your pretty eyes in this picture," George then looks at the photo and kisses my nose, "but it still shows your beauty."
"It looks good even though there is a glare," I smirked and grabbed my camera, "I probably forgot to clean the lenses before I put it back."
Scarlett's POV
I sat in Roger's car while playing with my ring. I was told I should tell Roger about my childhood all day, but I'm afraid to. Roger has some hint to it since we made references during the Liverpool trip, but he never asked about them, so I assumed he never heard the jokes. We're on our way for me to have dinner with his family, which doesn't feel any better. 
"Little Wolf?" Roger looked at me, then back at the road.
"Hm?" I blinked, then looked at him.
"Are you alright? You've been playing with your ring while staring out," Roger asked.
"Yeah... well, no... I've been meaning to talk to you about something," I coughed. Like ripping off a bandaid, yeah?
"What's wrong, love? Are you breaking-"
"No, no, oh god, no." My eyes widened when I took a deep breath, "Remember when I told you about my depression and cutting, and I said there was this certain person that always made it hard?"
"Yeah, you didn't want to go any deeper into that, so I didn't push it," Roger shrugged, "Plus, the boys always told me to never ask about your childhood."
"Well, you kinda have to know now, since you stuck with me this long," I joked, "Well, my mum, Nancy, was the worst person in my life. She was the person that made it really hard. She was never home, and when she was... she was beating, cursing, and bringing down my siblings, my dad, and me. When I was eight, I got into trouble at school and got suspended for a couple of days when Nancy found out she had to actually watch me and be a mother for once in her life. She grabbed me out of bed and started to beat me, she almost beat me to the pulp, but my dad and sister stopped her before she could. That was the first time she hit me, far from the end. I finally snapped and fought back a few times, but it didn't end well for me in the long run."
"Sometimes, hearing glass shattering sets me off. Nancy used to throw plates, vases, and such at my siblings and me. She's also the one who stabbed me that caused the scar. I tried to protect Star, which I got in return. I'm always ashamed of it because I didn't fight her off hard enough. My brain will sometimes play mean tricks on me and give me flashbacks that set off anxiety attacks, PTSD, and depression episodes. That is also why I get nightmares or screams in my sleep. Even though she has been dead, she is still in my head."
"I know that's a lot to take in, and I'm sorry, I'm a real nut case..." I looked at my hands, not wanting to look up. It was quiet for a minute. I just looked down and fought back the tears. I noticed Roger's hand started to intertwine with one of mine then he brought it closer to him to kiss it again.
"How can I help you with them?" Roger asked.
"Just keep doing what you've been doing," I smirked as I leaned onto Roger.
"Thank you for telling me. I know that was hard for you," Roger smirked, "Also, Scarlett never apologized because of your mental health. It's not your fault nor a burden. I want to help you in any way, and I'm honored you told me. I hope I can help you because that's all I want. I want you to be happy, healthy, and feel safe and loved."
"I do feel all of those things... plus being in love," I smirked, "Thank you, really."
At the Taylor's...
Roger held the door open as I walked into his childhood home. I noticed pictures of Roger when he was little, some I've seen in my 2019 life while scrolling through Instagram, but most are unseen photos. I admired the pictures while Roger grabbed his mother and sister. I heard chattering and smelt the dinner that his mother had cooked for the four of us. I turned to see the three Taylors looking at me. One is the comfortable soft gaze as the two examined me. Roger walked over to kiss me on the cheek before breaking the awkwardness of the three women in the room.
"Mum, Clare, this is my girlfriend, Scarlett. Scarlett, meet my mum Winifred and my sister Clare," Roger introduced us. 
"Hello Scarlett, it's lovely to meet you, dear," Winifred walked over to hug me, "Roger is always talking about you."
"Talking? More like whining for a month because you caught him snogging another woman," Clare looked at me, "I like you already."
"Whining for over a month?" I asked.
"Clare!" Roger and Winifred both yelled before Winifred coughed and looked at me, "Why don't we eat? You two must be hungry from a long drive." 
Roger led me to the dining room. He pulled me out of a seat, and once he pulled my chair in, he kissed my cheek, then sat next to me. Winifred made this beautiful meal. The first few minutes were awkwardly quiet.
"So, Scarlett, do you have siblings?" Winifred asked.
"Yes, I have eight, six brothers, two sisters," I answered.
"Eight? What are their names?" Winifred looked at me. 
"My oldest sibling is my sister Venessa. Then it goes down the line of my honorary brothers Stu, Richie, John, Paul, and George, then my twin, Star, is the baby." I explained, "I call my honorary brothers my brothers because I think the word honorary downgrades them."
"Are you close with them?" 
"Eh, a bit. I'm closest with my twin than anything. Then my four brothers, John, Richie, Paul, and George, then Stu, Payton, and Venessa. Stu lives in Germany while Payton and Venessa are still in my hometown Liverpool."
"You're from Liverpool?" Clare looked at me.
"Yeah, scouser born and raised," I spoke with my scouse accent merging with my central London accent.
"When did you move out of Liverpool?" Winifred asked.
"1963. I lived with my brother John until I was 20. My dad died when I was 14, and my brother John has inherited my twin and me."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. What about your mother?"
"Scarlett, uh- doesn't have a mother," Roger coughed to keep me comfortable.
"She was around but wasn't my mum. The only mothering thing she never did was birth to my siblings and me," I explained.
"I'm sorry. But I get that Roger doesn't have a good relationship with his dad. It's best when he's not around," Winifred grinned as both Taylor siblings acted distant once their father was mentioned. I know Roger will tell me when he's ready, but it's my job to make him comfortable. I weaved my hand with Roger and leaned over to kiss him. Roger turned red with nerves. We changed the subject since we all had a mutual understanding that family is a touchy subject for us all. 
"Roger told me you work for Kelly Price. How is that? I don't know much about fashion." Winifred asked.
"It's good. Kelly is a sweetheart," I smiled. I don't know if they didn't realize my social status or pretended like they didn't. But either way, I enjoy having a conversation like a normal human being, not someone with my social group. I told them about how I got a promotion then we changed the subject to music.
"Do you play anything? Assuming you're around music a lot with Smile," Winifred asked.
"Yes, I know the piano, bass, and guitar," I listed, "I know the basics of drums, though. My brothers are in a band, and my dad was obsessed with music. So I'm always around music."
"Don't you ever get tired?" Winifred asked.
"No, not really. I love music. It's a part of me, I guess," I shrugged.
"Have you gone to concerts?" Clare asked.
"Many," I nodded.
"Who have you seen?" Clare asked.
"Oh y'know, Beatles, Stones, The Who, and all kinds of people like that," I explained. 
"Who's your favorite?" 
"I have to say my favorite was Elvis. I saw him in this secret gig. My sister freaked out; she loves Elvis. I would say the Beatles, but I've seen them enough times. I got sick of them," I shrugged. Once we finished dinner, Clare grabbed my hand and took me to Roger's old room. It had all kinds of posters on his wall and his old school books. 
"His favorite Beatles Twin poster is over his bed," Clare pointed as I sat on his bed and looked up to see my 1964 promo poster. I cringed from the look. When Star and I just got our Beatle Twins titles, Brian Epstein got Star and me to do a photoshoot and send out promo pictures, posters, etc. So the media knew who we were. Epstein thought if the girls loved the lads and the boys loved Star and me, that would create a bigger platform for the Beatles, which did work out in his favor. 
"Roger loves the brown-headed one; I always mix the two." Clare told me as she looked up, "Her name is Scarlett Walk- Oh My God, You're Roger's celebrity crush! You're the Scarlett Walker like Beatles twin Scarlett Walker!" Clare looked at me. 
"Clare, keep your voice down," Roger leaned onto his door frame.
"You're dating pop culture royalty!" Clare stood up, "Plus, your celebrity crush! I have to tell mum." 
Clare ran downstairs before Roger and I had a word edge-wise, but the two of us chucked, and Roger walked over to his bed to sit next to me. 
"Do you think they liked me before the Beatles Twin thing came out?" I asked.
"My mum told me she loves you," Roger kissed my nose.
"Clare told me you have a thing for the brunette Beatles twin. Usually, people love the blonde one more," I teased. 
"Eh, the brunette twin is hotter and more interesting," Roger cupped my face, "And smart, and very underestimated. But I can see this desire to break out of the goodie two shoe label, but she seems to struggle to get out."
"She is a bit stuck. Her sister owns the wild crown," I looked into his eyes.
"I'm sure I can help you out there," Roger moved his hand and started to stroke my chin.
"That's hard because I'm supposed to be the calm one."
"Darling, how are you the calm one when you're constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown because you just shove everything down."
"I'm the most relied on. I'm not supposed to fuck up. I'm the one everyone goes to."
"I know, but that will be your downfall one day."
"I know." I sighed. I love Roger because he sees me, not the lie I put out for everyone. Only a select few can see who I actually am. Star being one of them, next is George. He always had that ability to see your best self. Of course, my other siblings also see who I actually am, but most of them just fall for the lie. John never did. I guess he can see if I am bullshitting or not for the time we spent together. John is one of the only brothers that doesn't have that unique ability George has. He can only tell if I'm bullshitting, and when I'm not okay, he comes and talks until I am. Roger can see the real me and sense and know what I sincerely want. It's to the point where I don't even realize what I want until Roger helps me fulfill the unknown desire or need. He truly connects and understands me on a level I never felt with anyone else. And it feels fantastic.
"We should go back down. My mum and Clare probably think we're fucking up here," Roger joked as I giggled.
"Probably," I giggled.
July 5th, 1969- Scarlett's POV
My head is in the crook of Roger's neck, and his arms are around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I was comfortably sleeping in his embrace before I heard the phone go off. Eh, if it's important, they'll leave a message, call twice... or both. The phone stopped ringing for a brief second, then it started to ring again. I sighed, opened my eyes, wiggled out of Roger's embrace, and dragged myself over to the phone.
"Ello," I yawned.
"Hello, sorry to bother you but is this Scarlett or Star Walker?" 
"Scarlett Walker here."
"I'm the doctor at Golspie's Lawson Memorial Hospital. I am calling about Mr. John Lennon."
"Yes, what did he do now?"
"Nothing. I want to say Mr. Lennon will get discharged today with his wife and stepchild."
"Okay, um, we will be there soon as we can."
"Okay, thank you."
I hung up the phone and called Kelly.
"Hello," Kelly answered.
"Hey, can I borrow the jet again?" I asked.
"John's coming back?" Kelly yawned
"Yes," I rubbed my eyes, "They just called."
"Yeah, I'll call the pilot."
"I owe you one."
"Not really. Bye, Scar."
"Bye, Kels."
I walked into Star and George's room, the two were all cuddled up, but I still could wake up Star by torturing her, and George not feeling a thing. I walked over and started to slap Star's face, more like a tap. She loves me, I swear.
"What?" Star whined, hitting my hand away.
"Get up. We gotta go to Scotland to get Johnny-boy," I pulled my hand away.
"Can we leave him there?" Star asked, shifting her position to get cuddly with George.
"Sadly no. George, Paul, and Ringo probably need him soon as possible," I looked at her.
"She's right," George mumbled.
"Fine," Star sighed, starting to wake up.
"Thank you, we're using Kelly's jet, so we're in no rush, really," I shrugged, walking out. I walked back into my room, and Roger had drilled half his face into my pillow. I smirked, walking over to him so I could crawl on top of him and start to move his golden locks to see his face. I plant soft kisses along his jawline and neck.
"Baby," I soothed as Roger hummed, enjoying every kiss.
"Yes, my Little Wolf?" Roger opened his blue eyes that Immediately focused on me as soon as they opened.
"I have to go to Scotland today. If you wanna come?" I giggled as Roger's hand gently stroked up and down my back.
"Ooh, I got invited and told the second time," Roger joked as I rolled next to him.
"Real funny," I rolled my eyes as Roger pulled him closer to him and kissed my temple.
"I would love to come," Roger gently said.
"Okay," I turned and moved a piece of his hair. He's growing his hair into his famous mullet that every 2019 fan has the hots over. Roger softly grabbed my hand and softly kissed it, "We have to get ready now."
Roger groaned as I got out of bed and looked through my clothes. I could feel Roger's eyes on me. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and then looked at Roger.
"Yes?" I smirked at him.
"Nothing," Roger got out of my bed and walked over to give me a quick kiss, "You just look gorgeous."
"Thank you," I smiled at him as Roger grabbed a change of clothes since he's been leaving some extra things of clothes here, then walked out while closing the door. I changed into a white T-shirt with Good Times written in blue and jeans with blue high tops converse. I have a lot of different colors of converse and gogo boots, those two are the only shoes I can work with, but I have a few other shoes besides those two. I walked out of my room as Roger walked out of the bathroom. Star and I walked into the bathroom to brush our teeth. Elaina followed Star and me to the bathroom. She was trying for Star to let her borrow her car because Elaina totaled her car the other day with her reckless driving.
"It's not like you're going to use it today," Elaina begged as Star started to brush her teeth, "You'll be in Scotland."
"Not for the whole day," Star said with a mouthful of toothpaste.
"Depends if John wants to quickly visit Mater before we leave," I grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth.
"But please, can I borrow your car?" Elaina asked.
"If you don't ruin my baby," Star spit out the toothpaste foam.
"I thought Geo was your baby?" Elaina asked.
"He is, but I didn't spend 22,874 Pounds on him," Star looked at Elaina.
"You spent that much on your car?!" Elaina asked in shock
"Yes, I got a few thousand off because I was a Beatles twin, and they offered to switch the driver's side to the UK side for free," Star walked out with Elaina following her. George and Roger came in.
"Did I hear correctly that Star spent £22,874 on her car?" Roger asked, "How did she get that much money?"
"We inherited much money from our dad when we were 18. She spent that money on her car," I spat out the toothpaste foam.
"Yeah, I remember John flipping out because he said no to her buying the car," George laughed. I walked out to Star, giving Elaina the rules and regulations of her car. After a few more minutes of watching Star tell Elaina if she crashes Star's car, she should consider a lock on her door, we started to leave.
"Don't make me regret it!" Star said, throwing the keys at her as we were leaving.
"I won't!" Elaina called out as we were closing the door on her.
Star's POV (Later...)
 We successfully brought John back to London in one piece. He wanted to go to ours and invite the rest of the boys. Scarlett and I are in her bedroom as the Beatles play around with their guitars in the living room. Besides me, their partners are sitting around watching the kids play together. Scarlett and I are reading the series of our dad's journals. Back when my father was still alive, he had this journal. He got a new one every few months, but he always jotted down his life. When we used to ask what it was, he always responded with, "one day when I'm gone, you'll read the dumb shit I did." When he died, they couldn't be found until Scarlett and I were in the attic in Liverpool and found them along with the yearly photo album I took over. We got interrupted by the phone, and I got called by George that it was for me. 
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello, is this Ms. Walker?" Someone asked.
"Well, there's two living here. You need to be a bit more specific," I shrugged.
"Ms. Star Walker."
"Hello, I am officer Ward. Do you own a 1966 blue mustang convertible?"
"Do you know an Elaina Wilson?"
"Yes, she's one of my flatmates."
"I'm so sorry that Ms. Wilson crashed your mustang, She is alright, but the car is damaged."
"Hold one a second?" I put my hand over the receiver and cursed Elaina out. This was the one thing I told her not to fucking do!
"Ms. I can hear you." The officer said.
"Right, sorry, do I need to come to the station?" I rubbed my face.
"Yes, it would be recommended."
"Alright, thank you, officer," I hung up the phone and walked out, "Elaina. Crashed. My. Fucking. Car."
"Did she really?" Scarlett walks out, laughing.
"This is not funny," I looked at her, "I used most of the money dad gave me for that!"
"That sounds like your problem," Scarlett laughed, "She crashed her car yesterday. Did you seriously think she wouldn't do the same thing?"
"It's Elaina we're talking about." Scarlett cut me off.
"Fuck," I sighed as Scarlett, and the other three laughed at me, "Anyways, I now have to go down to the station, Scarlett. You might not have a best friend after this."
"Don't kill her," Scarlett said as I started to walk out.
"No promises," I closed the door and stormed to Theo and Aaron's flat.
"Yes?" Aaron answered the door, "Why do I see a homicidal rage in your eyes?"
"Because my sister's stupid mate just crashed my baby," I blinked.
"And you're here; why?" Aaron asked.
"I'm looking at my ride," I smiled.
"Okay, this is my problem; why?" Aaron asked.
"Because I need to bring someone to make sure I don't murder El, and you would at least let me get the first punch in before backing me off," I shrugged.
"Alright, let's go," Aaron grabbed his keys, and we left. Aaron drove us to the station, and I saw Xaiver, Ryder, and Kit in their trainee uniforms. Near them was my poor baby destroyed. The front of the windshield is smashed, the front is pretty dented, and the back is smashed.
"I'm going to kill her," I blinked, looking at my poor baby.
"Damn, what did she do? Run through a fucking wall?" Aaron looked at my car, "That ain't a mustang. That's a clump of metal and broken glass."
"Done yet?" I looked at him.
"No," Aaron said, we got out of the car, and the three bozos looked at me.
"Spark, what are you doing here?" Xavier walked up to me.
"Trying my best not to kill my sister's best mate for doing that to my fucking car," I pointed to my car.
"Yeesh, on the good side, it could be fixed," Xavier looked at my car.
"What did she do? Run it through a wall?" Kit asked.
"That's what I said!" Aaron said.
"I'm going inside," I muttered, walking in and looking right at Elaina, then trotting over to her.
"What the hell did you do to my baby?!" I glared at Elaina, "The poor thing is destroyed!"
"Star, I am so, so sorry," Elaina apologized.
"What did you do?! You had one fucking job!" I glared.
"Ms. Walker?" a young man coughed, walking over.
"In the flesh," I breathed, "What happened to my car?"
"Ms. Wilson was under the influence of marijuana while driving and crashed it into a wall, but before she got hurt, she jumped out, and the car crashed into other cars," the officer started to explain, "The expenses are going to be a lot of work for the crash and-"
"Wait, who is paying these expenses?" I asked.
"It was your car, ma'am, and you're quite rich too," the officer looked at me.
"She's the one that crashed the car because she was under the influenced, and she caused the destruction," I pointed to Elaina, "It's not my fucking fault! She was the one fucking driving. She is the fucking one paying!"
"The hell I am!" Elaina looked at me, "Your car, and you're fucking rich!"
"You were driving under the influence and caused the crash!" I looked at her, "Therefore, you pay!"
"Tell her she's paying the expenses off." I looked at the officer, pointing to Elaina. I noticed Aaron, Jasper, Xavier, and Kit leaning against the wall, watching us and eating vending machine snacks.
"The hell I am!" Elaina looked at me.
"Please tell Ms. Wilson that she needs to pay for the fucking expenses from her fucking accident!" I ignored Elaina and looked at the officer.
"Ma'am, I need you to calm down," the officer stated
"No, I am not fucking calming the fuck down! She ruined my baby and someone else's property and got away with it!" I crossed my arms, "She should've gotten her license taken away with her first DUI and learned how to fucking drive before getting it back!"
"That is a good idea, Ms. Walker. Thank you for your feedback," the officer said, then pulled Elaina to talk to her.
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Scarlett, Star
Warning: talks about addiction
Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
June 16th, 1969
I felt a trail of kisses on my neck; with a giggle, I opened my eyes to see Roger hovering over me with his blue eyes sparkling.
"Good morning," I put my arms around his neck.
"Good morning, my Little Wolf," Roger smirked, "Ready to party?"
"Depends," I giggled. Roger moved to my side, looking at me. I moved to my side, and we looked at each other. He started to look around my room with just his eyes rolling.
"I can tell where your side ends, and Star's side starts," Roger looked around as I laughed a bit.
"Yeah... we're a bit different when it comes to decorating," I laid on my back and looked around, "Plus, one was obsessed with Elvis, the other was Beach Boys. One loves photography. The other loves drawing. We always had different interests, and our rooms always showed it."
"When was the first time you didn't share a room with Star?" Roger asked me.
"When we went to Uni. Star and I have been sharing a room since we were born. We shared a room here. We shared a room with George, Paul, and Ringo at the shared flat. We shared a room at Kenwood. The first year, we still shared a room for the holidays... it wasn't until I moved out that we officially stopped sharing a room."
"Do you miss it?" Roger asked.
"Eh, I mean, I got so used to sharing a room with her. It was to the point when I first moved into the flat that Star always slept over because it was weird for the both of us. We eventually got used to it, but her moving in kinda helped," I turned to face him and smirked, "As much as I love being in bed with you, I should get up and help Ness."
"Yeah," Roger sighed, not wanting to get out of bed.
Star and I are getting ready in our old bedroom. We helped set up and let the other three get prepared before us. We both put on the dresses we were given by our father with matching heels that Star and I bought yesterday. We both put our hair in different half-up and half-down hairstyles and are finishing our makeup.
"Ready?" I asked Star. 
"You're showing your scar!" Star smiled as she turned around, "Feeling confident?"
"No, but this dress is an open back, and it is way too hot to cover it," I shrugged as we walked down and tried to see if Venessa needed our help anymore and Venessa was shocked.
"You're showing your scar!" Venessa ran up and hugged me, but I was in no hugging mood. Yes, I am showing my scar. What a big deal?
"Nessa. I love you but get off of me," I smiled, and she pulled away.
"Can you help the boys in the front? They're setting up the firepit for later and helping James cook on the grill," Venessa asked both of us, "I love the guys and all, but I don't trust them with fire."
"I see your point," Star and I said and walked outside. Venessa was right, never to trust the lads with fire. They started to play with fire and laugh. Yoko, Maureen, and Linda were too busy trying not to pay attention.
"Wow, Nessa is right. Never trust you guys with fire," Star looked at them as I started to laugh.
"Hey, twins," They looked at us, then looked at me, and John, of all people, pointed out, "Hey Scar, you are-"
"Showing my scar, I know. Can everyone stop pointing that out?" I snapped.
"Damn, doesn't have to be a bitch about it," John crossed his arms.
"Sorry, just stop pointing it out, okay?" I sighed.
"Alright, jeez," John threw his hands up in defense as Sandy, Payton, Lori, Freddie, and Brian walked in. Meanwhile, Roger and Tim are somewhere around here. 
"Hey guys," Sandy smiled.
"Hey San, how's the baby?" I asked.
"I can't wait for them to be out, and I can hold in my pee. Speaking of, I'll be right back," Sandy rushed inside to use the bathroom.
"There's the short-stacks," Tim walked out with Roger from the house. Roger's eyes quickly spotted me. He walked over, wrapped his arms around me, and gently kissed me.
"You look gorgeous," Roger smirked at me.
"Thank you," I smiled at him.
"Wow, he gets a smile and a kiss, and I get snapped at?" John scolded, "After years of watching your back, this is how I get repaid?"
"Do you want a kiss on the cheek, Lennon?" I rolled my eyes
"For little old me, your dearest big brother-"
"And you ruined the moment," I smiled
"I always do."
John was going to say something, then Julian ran out of Mimi's house and over to we are. Julian ran up to me and jumped onto me.
"Hi," Julian got comfortable in my grasp.
"Hey, little dude," I lifted him to hold him properly.
"Look! I'm matching with dad!" Julian showed me his outfit, which also matched John's outfit: "It was a surprise, and I love it!"
"You two look amazing, Jul!" I smiled. Julian gave me a huge smile, then wished to go to Star.
✌︎︎♡︎Star's POV
Scarlett gave me Julian. He had a somewhat matching outfit with John on and a bright smirk.
"Hi, auntie Star! You look very pretty!" Julian smiled.
"Thanks, Jul," I smiled as I felt a soft gaze on me. I noticed George was gazing at me while talking to James, Venessa's husband. George and I still haven't told anyone besides a select few that we are going out. We will say to the press when we see it's fit, plus I have to tell Pattie since she's been pushing me to date him since she left him.
"Why are you and Uncle Geo looking at each other like that?" Julian asked, "Do you love him?"
Julian is an intelligent kid; he has a sense of aroundness. Julian had to because of John's erratic behavior. He's such a sweet kid; he's becoming like his mother, which is fantastic.
"I do, just like how Auntie Scar loves Rog," I smiled. Julian didn't look so pleased when I mentioned Roger, "Don't like him?"
"No," Julian shook his head.
"Why?" I asked.
"A few months ago, I noticed Auntie Scar was crying because of him. He made her cry. She doesn't deserve someone that makes her cry," Julian told me.
"Julian, she cried because she missed him, but they are together now, and she's happy," I stated, "Will you like him if you see that he makes her happy?"
"Yes," Julian told me. I looked over and saw Roger and Scarlett about to kiss, I told Julian to look at them, and they shared a small kiss.
"See, he makes her happy," I told him.
"Does Uncle George make you happy?" Julian asked.
"Yes, very happy," I smiled. George walked over and smiled.
"What's very happy?" George asked as Julian giggled.
"Jul asked if you make me happy, and I very much," I giggled. Julian signaled he wanted to be put down, and I gently put him down, then he ran in to see the other kids.
✌︎︎♡︎Scarlett's POV (Later...)
The people from London started to come. Star invited her work friends, Aaron and Theo. I asked Kelly, Cordelia, Ella, and Hailey, the publicist whose childhood best friends with Kelly, Jasmine, and Kelly brought her son Danny and one of our models Maddie. Kelly has her inner circle; Cordelia, Hailey, and Jasmine have been her best friends since elementary school and helped her create Kelly's Closet. Jasmine was her first model, Hailey was always the one to bring her work to the public, and Cordelia helped her with the actual work. They met Ella, who is also in her inner circle. Ella managed Kelly and gave her opportunities that made Kelly's Closet a success. Danny, her son, and Kelly are very close. It's always been those two since he was born. If Kelly has to go far distances, she'll bring Danny. I have no clue why Kelly asked if she could bring Maddie, but Maddie is a sweetheart and probably the model I talk to the most. So I, of course, didn't mind. Tim, Brian, and Freddie, mostly Tim, couldn't keep their eyes off Maddie and Jasmine.
"Eyes off," I slapped the three.
"But they're fucking hot!" Tim groaned.
"Tim," I glared.
"Alright, Alright, But they-" Tim started as I narrowed my look, "I'll stop now."
"Thank you," I rolled my eyes.
"Are they single?" Tim asked. I slapped the back of his neck for the response, "So that's a no?"
"You're not dating one of my models," I rolled my eyes.
"But I could," Tim looked at me.
"But you're not," I looked back.
"Star!" Tim groaned, walking over to George and me, "Can you PLEASE tell your sister not to put restrictions on her models! They're hot, but she banned me from doing anything!"
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm planning on dumping her," Tim thought loudly.
"Scarlett does have a good reason to shag-ban her models from you," I shrugged.
"Oh yeah, why's that?" Tim crosses his arms.
"Back in Hampton, didn't you have a group of girls fighting because they swore they were dating you because you shagged them? Not to mention you and Elaina have had an on-and-off relationship since 1965. You've hurt many of her exes and your exes for the last four years because you two end up cheating for the other." I looked at him, "Scarlett probably doesn't want to drag her models into that."
"No one likes a know-it-all Star," Tim crosses his arms like a little child and scoffs.
"Is someone being a child," I mimicked Tim as George laughed at me. Tim scoffed, then walked off.
"Deep down, he loves me," I joked.
"It's you. It's impossible not to love you." George flirted as I blushed, I wanted to kiss him, but we agreed to tell people later and act normal during this party.
"I would kiss you right now if everyone wasn't around us," I bit my lip.
"I would too," George whispers, then kiss my ear, "But I could do that."
"Don't worry, later I can give you all the love I can give," I smirked.
"Can't wait," George smiled, then George noticed Pattie. Those two have been avoiding each other. It kind of still hurts for George, which I understand. George quickly snatched a kiss from me before walking off. Luckily no one saw us. Pattie and Eric walked up to me, and I smiled.
"Hey guys," I tried to calm my blushing.
"Are you two dating?" Pattie slightly jumped with excitement.
"Hi to you too, Pat," I giggled.
"You look much better than the last time we saw you," Eric looked at me.
"Yeah, I was freshly out of withdrawal. I'm doing much better now. I'm one month sober today," I smiled with pride.
"Well, congratulations," Eric smiled, "What about you and George? We caught that quick kiss."
"He asked me right after I graduated," I blushed, "We also had a date on Wednesday."
"He's the mystery man?" Pattie asked as I nodded.
"He's the mystery man," I comfirmed. On the way up here, George, Roger, and I heard this radio celebrity news that I was caught kissing someone on Wednesday, but they couldn't make out the guy. So they called George mystery man. That's why George and I decided not to get flirty during the party.
"I'm so happy for you! Congratulations Star! You two deserve each other," Pattie smiled.
"Thanks, Pat," I smiled.
Roger kissed me, and then my Nana walked over. I felt chills down my back. Nana is Nancy's, my biological mother, mum. She believed everything Nancy had said, and with that, my siblings and I were the black sheep of that family, and she despised my dad. We don't invite her to things. She just shows up since Joyce and her siblings live with Nana after their parents died from an accidental overdose, like all Nana's kids, including Nancy.
"Scarlett, it is nice to see you." Nana looked at me up and down.
"You too, Nana," I fake smiled, "This is my boyfriend, Roger. Roger, this is my Nana."
"Hello, Ma'am," Roger politely greeted himself.
"Well, you finally got away from those boys," Nana looked at Roger, then back at me.
"No, I still hang around the lads. Like I said before, they're my brothers as well," I looked over to the lads looking at me, all wide eyes.
"No, Payton is brother and your only brother. I don't know why your disgrace of a father would let you near those boys," Nana said in her cold tone, "My daughter didn't deserve a man like your father or children like you."
I could feel Roger get angry, but I squeezed his hand to ensure he wouldn't do anything.
"Nana. We didn't deserve the torture your daughter brought us," I took a deep breath.
"Ah, here we go again about how my daughter abused you," Nana rolled her eyes, "Well, maybe she didn't have to if you stopped acting like a little slut and hung around girls for once in your life. Maybe she wouldn't put that hideous scar on your back. You know no one wants to see that. You should really cover it up."
I clenched my jaw, held Roger's hand tighter, and walked away, bringing Roger with me. I let go of Roger's hand and walked up to the lads.
"She's all yours," I walked outside and climbed back into John's treehouse. I put the hair that was up down so I could hide my scar, and all the insecurities came rushing back as the panic attack followed. I put myself in my little bubble and escaped everything around me. I got pulled back into reality when I felt two warm arms wrap around me and a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Are you okay, love?" I heard in my ear. I turned and saw Roger concerned; I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder, "Don't listen to her. Your scar makes you more beautiful than you already are."
I tried to fight back the tears because I promised myself that I would not cry today no matter what Nana said to me. I hugged Roger tightly and stayed there for a couple of minutes until my insecurities and minor panic attacks disappeared. I let go of Roger and faced him. He pushed my brown hair away and smiled, "You look better when you smile."
"You do too," I kissed him, "Well, let's go back to the party, yeah?"
"Yeah," Roger smiled. He helped me down. Star quickly came up and wanted to know what Nana had said to me, and I told her not to worry. We got something to eat and sat out front of Venessa's house. Freddie prayed Liverpool stories out of my siblings and me, and we all shared a few laughs.
"Do you have any stories on why exactly your nana hates you?" Freddie asked.
"Oh, that's simple. She hates all of us," Payton shrugged, "She hates me because I'm walking proof Nancy wasn't so innocent about infidelity."
"She hates me because I tried to get Nancy arrested for years," Venessa said.
"She hates us because we were vocal about what Nancy did to us," I shrugged.
"Plus, your comment at Nancy's funeral was not helping," Venessa looked at me.
"What was your comment?" Roger asked me as I clicked my tongue, looking at Venessa.
"She told an old family friend the truth of Nancy's death." Venessa giggled a bit, "Nana was telling people that Nancy died due to a broken heart from the loss of the love of her life."
"And I finally got enough of it, and I turned around saying: I didn't know you could be broken-hearted for finishing your last bag of meth," I finished the story. Roger, Freddie, Brian, Elaina, Tim, Linda, Yoko, Kelly, and Mo were jaw-dropped and shocked. Meanwhile, George, Ringo, John, Paul, James, Sandy, Joyce, Payton, Venessa, and Star laughed their asses off because they were there when I said that.
"You did not say that!" Elaina gasped.
"I did and didn't regret it one bit," I answered, "She ruined our lives, including my dad's. It was some form of payback."
"Then Nana dragged Scar to the back of the church, calling her a disgrace, and kept slapping her," Joyce said, "In front of everyone."
"I see you saying that too," Mo started to laugh, then all the shocked people began to laugh. Zak, Julian, Heather, Lori, Brenda, Danny, and Eric, Venessa's son, not Clapton, all ran out crying and went to their parents. I got confused and walked over to Zak and Julian since they were closer.
"What's wrong, guys?" I asked.
"This mean old lady made fun of our drawings and shut the tv," Julian sniffed, "Then started to talk about you and Auntie Star badly. We said not to say bad things about you two, and she screamed at us."
"Was she wearing a blue dress and had a hat and gloves to match?" I asked Julian. He nodded. I got up and mumbled, "Fucking Nana."
I started to storm into the house. Walking in, I heard Star, "Scarlett, you're not going to win with her. You are just going to aggravate yourself!"
I got into the house and dragged Nana to the backyard.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" I yelled, "You don't go up to a group of children and tell them their drawings are bad, shut off the tv, then scream at them when they're standing up for someone!"
"Well, if those kids were disciplined enough and taught how to draw, I wouldn't have done that," Nana responded.
"Well, news flash, they're not your children to yell at because you did a terrible job the first time. All your children died from drug overdoses."
"They wouldn't be dead if they had better children and grandchildren. The drawings were an eyesore, their nagging was annoying, and the nagging was just for you and the tramp you call a twin!"
"Do not ever call Star a tramp, and never yell at those kids again!"
"Why do you care about them anyway? Four of them aren't even blood-related to you, and the other three have parents that bring disappointment into this family!"
I bit my inner cheek and clenched my jaw while clutching my fist as I filled with anger. I'm using all my willpower not to punch this old bat into the face, "Well, the disappointments made a family that cares and likes each other can't say the same for you!"
Nana slapped me across the face and yelled, "And this is why you are such a disappointment. Your mother deserved better!"
"My mother deserved fucking shit. She deserved nothing!" I yelled, "I'm glad she's dead because my life has been great without her and you!"
Nana slapped me again, then looked at me with rage and anger. She spat on me and walked back inside. I turned around and punched a wooden board that was out there.
"Fuck," I quietly yelled as I saw the splinters on my hand. I walked back to the front and looked at Venessa.
"Can you help?" I showed my hand, which was bloody and full of splinters.
"You punched through wood, not the old bat?" John looked at me.
"How did you know?" I sarcastically sighed as Venessa walked over with her serious doctor face.
"We heard you scream at her," Star coughed, "And her screaming back."
Venessa looked at my hand, and I winced in pain.
"Does it hurt when I touch it?" Venessa asked.
"Yes," I stated. Venessa brought me inside and took out her doctor's bag. She started to pick out all of the splinters, then soaked my hand in the water and picked out more shards. She put medicine on it, and then she wrapped my hand.
"Sorry I punched your wooden board," I looked down at my hand.
"It's fine. You did stand up for me, my kids, and my husband," Venessa put the last wrap layer on my hand. She gave me my family ring since she had to take it off before she started to do anything with my hand. I slipped it on the other index finger and walked outside. 
"You need that hand when you get back!" Kelly looked at me
"It will be fine just had a lot of splinters," Venessa stated.
Some guests stayed, some left, and Nana gladly left. We cleaned up, the remaining guest went to the front, and we had a bomb fire. Star and I got changed into more comfortable clothes. I'm sitting on Roger's lap. John's old friend Pete Shotton came over after seeing a party. John was having a blast and catching up with Pete.
"Hey Scar, do you remember that?" Pete asked as I was not paying attention and was flirting with Roger.
"Hm?" I tried to figure out what they were talking about.
"See, I told you she was busy flirting with Drummerboy," Payton said.
"Drummerboy? Really?" Pete looked at Payton and repeated Payton's nickname for Roger.
"He's a drummer," Payton told Pete. Pete looked at Roger.
"You play?" Pete asked.
"Yes, I'm in a band," Roger responded.
"You really can't get out of the music business, can you?" Pete looked at me.
"Neither can Star," John joked, "I mean, she couldn't get out of the Beat-"
Before John finished that sentence, Yoko covered his mouth. Star and George looked at John as everyone out there looked at Star.
"Hi," Star innocently smiled as the spot was on her.
"What were you going to say?" One of our family members looked at John.
"Nothing." Star said, "Absolutely nothing."
They didn't believe Star, and they all looked at John, who had an 'oh shit' look on his face. No one knew that George and Star were dating besides our little family circle, Elaina, Roger, Freddie, Brian, Tim, and Freddie. Star told some of her friends today, but no one else. Some of our family didn't even know Star and George's feelings for each other.
"John, what were you saying?" The same relative asked. I saw George whispering something into Star's ear, and she nodded, then whispered something back. John looked like he was about to break.
"Fine, I'm dating Geo," Star finally answered for him. Everyone looked at her and George. She got redder than the day of her graduation, and George turned red too. It was pretty funny in my eyes, but I had to find a way to save them.
June 17th, 1969
I woke up cold. I didn't feel Roger's body heat, I extended an arm out to realize he wasn't in bed, but I heard talking.
"You wake her up," I heard. I rolled over and slightly opened my eyes to see silhouettes of the lads. The four are trying to see who is going to wake me up. I looked over to see Star still asleep. George and Star were practically falling asleep outside. I told them just to crash here since Tim and Elaina left last night. Elaina had to go to York to see her parents, and Tim agreed to go with her. I closed my eyes and listened to the lads' conversation.
"Why don't we poke her?" I heard Paul say.
"Okay, Macca, you do it," I heard John say.
"No, George, you do it," Paul said.
"No, I have to live with her after this!" George backed out, "Ringo. You do it!"
"No, I don't want Lottie to break me finger," Ringo exclaimed.
"Fine, I'll do it," John said. I heard footsteps come closer, and I could sense John was about to poke me. Before he could even touch me, I grabbed his finger.
"Do you want to die today, Lennon?" I opened my eyes, "But poking me? Really? What am I 14?"
I laughed and got up. John was shocked that I caught his finger.
"How did you do that?" John asked.
"Easy, none of you lots are quiet, and I heard your footsteps," I got out of my bed and started to walk out, then turned around.
"If you guys will wake up Star with that method, I suggest Geo. He's her favorite, y'know," I winked and walked out. I went downstairs to see Roger talking to James and holding Eric on his lap, with Maureen, the Starkey boys, Linda, Heather, Yoko, and Julian in the kitchen.
"Morning," I walked to the coffee machine pour myself a cup. I sat down next to Roger and very happy Eric on his lap.
"Where's Nessa?" I asked.
"Work. Ness has a 12-hour day today, 7 to 7," James said; then Brenda came down the stairs, walked over to her father, and climbed on his lap.
"Morning, sleepyhead," James giggled as Brenda shoved her head in her dad's chest. I laughed and turned to Roger talking to the little toddler. I started to drink my cup of coffee, chatting to the other three ladies, then I heard Cheryl crying from upstairs, and James was about to move Brenda.
"I got her if you want?" I offered.
"Can ya?" James asked. I nodded, got up, and walked into Cheryl's room.
"What's wrong little one?" I picked her up to see if her diaper needed to be changed, but she was okay. I started to sway left and right slowly and gently until she stopped crying.
"Are you hungry?" I asked the baby. She looked at me with golden eyes that told me she was hungry. I started to walk the baby to the kitchen and saw if there was a bottle in the fridge; thankfully, there was. I warmed the bottle, shook it, saw if it was the right temperature, and then fed it to the little hungry baby. She let me hold the bottle for her and looked around to see who else was there. Paul, John, and Ringo walked down and came to the kitchen. John took my seat, but I noticed they were not even dressed. They were in PJs. I shook my head, and Star came down and walked over to the baby.
"Hi, pretty eyes," Star said with a babying tone. George then walked into the kitchen and sat at the table with everyone else. Brenda got off her dad's lap and ran to Star; Star picked her up and balanced the toddler on her hip.
"Hi, little one," Star said to Brenda, still tired. Cheryl finished her bottle, and I placed it on the countertop, put a rag over my shoulder, and burped her. After burping, she laughed, and I placed her on my hip. I threw the towel in the bin with the others and walked back.
"Anyways, what are we doing today?" John asked the group.
"I don't know. What do you guys want to do?" I asked.
"Well, I have to get the kids ready because they're spending the day with my mum," James grabbed Cheryl off of me and asked Eric and Brenda to get ready.
"I mean, it's nice out. Why not swim at hatchmere," Paul suggested. Roger's eyes widen, and he mentally sunk in his seat.
"That's a great idea, like the good old days," John stated.
"John, in the good old days, we snuck there at night, and you would bring girls there," Star pointed out, "And most of the time left us with George and Paul to shag these girls."
"She has a point," I agreed, "I'll call Freddie and Brian if everyone wants to go."
"Why not," Linda shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm in," George took a sip of his tea.
"I can go for a swim," Ringo said.
"It's a nice day out," Maureen shrugged.
"Are you in?" I looked at Roger.
"Yes," Roger looked terrified, everyone left, and I called Brian and Freddie to keep them in the loop. James and the kids left soon after the lads, their wives, and kids went to get changed. Star left with George since her suitcase was at the Harrisons. Roger was already changed, and he looked a little on edge.
"Are you okay, baby?" I asked, sitting next to him on my bed.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" Roger's voice cracked due to nervousness.
"Because I can tell something is wrong," I started to play with his hair, "You can tell me."
"It's embarrassing," Roger looked at me.
"Well, I want to hear it. I love you, and nothing will change that. Even if it is embarrassing," I held Roger's hand.
"I'm afraid of drowning, and because of that, I don't know how to swim," Roger shut his eyes due to embarrassment.
"That isn't embarrassing, just fear. Everyone has it," I kissed him on the cheek.
"Can we go back for a minute, and you said I love you?" He opened his eyes and kissed me.
"I guess I did," I laughed nervously.
"Well, it's good because I love you too," Roger kissed me, then leaned closer.
"Rog, I got to get changed," I broke the kiss. I picked out my bathing suit and got changed in the bathroom. I put on my top, which had thick straps covering my scar and was more like a sports bra than anything. I put on the bottom that are shorts that started in mid-waist. I walked back into my room, and Roger was wide-eyed and slightly licked his lips, which ended with him biting the bottom of his lip.
"Like what you see?" I teased.
"This is the most skin I've seen with you," He walked over to me, "And I can't wait until I see more, even if it could be our wedding night."
"Are you sure we will last that long? I was told I'm a real nutter."
"Well, you're my nutter, and I'll wait as long as you want," He kissed me, then heard the door down the stairs.
"Scarlett, I'm back!" It was John.
"I better put my cover-up on," I whispered. Roger nodded and walked out. I unwrapped my hand. It looked better than last night but still hurt a bit.
June 23rd, 1969- Star's POV
Today is my first official day as a full-time Bluebird writer. It's also my first day back, with everyone knowing I'm dating George. We were caught flirting during the Liverpool trip, which got the press's attention. I called up my Boss and told him to do me a favor. That was to have Theo and Cecilia write an article about my relationship with George because the rumors are true, and we're dating. Though Cecilia and Theo did a fantastic job in the article explaining it, people still see it as incest. I understand entirely since George and I had to label ourselves brother and sister for years. I also had to prepare myself for that. But since the article came out, the press went wild and annoyed my family with their comments. I walked to my desk to see Aaron sitting at the empty desk, looking at me.
"Hey!" Aaron smiled as I walked past him and sat at my desk, sitting across from Aaron.
"Heyla," I grabbed my glasses from my bag.
"So, how was the rest of your trip?" Aaron asked.
"Amazing," I started to open my file for my project. 
"Walker, welcome back," Boss walked up, "When are you going to the Coffee Lounge for that interview?"
"Right. That. Um... Today, I want to get that article done as soon as possible," I snapped into my work persona.
"Good, I want that on my desk as soon as possible to go in the paper by the end of the week," Boss told me, then walked off.
"Um, Star, not to add onto your load, but you said you'll give us the answer today," Cecilia coughed.
"Right. Yeah. Why don't we all meet up and bring the new guy... to the Coffee Lounge tonight? To just hang like old times," I smiled.
"Alright, I'll set it up. Just Sie can't go; she's at someplace until late July/early August," Cecilia coughed.
"Alright," I grabbed my things. 
At the Coffee Lounge...
 I walked into the nightclub part and got to the floor.
"Sorry we're close," a man with brown-haired, a bit pale, and a flirtatious smirk said. I can tell he's the bartender, "The restaurant is open."
"Is your Boss here? That's who I'm looking for," I walked up to the bar.
"Why are you looking for Ron?" The bartender asked.
"Star Walker, writer for Bluebird journalism. I want to write an article on this fine establishment," I looked around.
"Do I leave out the Beatles twin part?" The bartender asked.
"Up to you," I shrugged. The bartender walked off. I looked around and saw a flyer for Val and the Valentines. Seems like an exciting band. I turned to see the light brown skin, wild shoulder-length black hair, watery dark brown eyes man with a trim goatee and an ear piercing.
 "I'm Ronny Butler, owner of this fine establishment." The guy walked up to me.
"Star Walker, a journalist for Bluebird," I walked over to him and put my hand out; he shook it and looked at me.
"Also, a Beatles Twin, you're like legendary," Ronny gave me a smirk.
"Yeah, I'm just a journalist right now," I shrugged.
"Alright, then let's go to my office," Ronny led me to his office. He sat down and started to play with a stress ball.
"So, what brings you in?" Ronny asked.
"I'm doing an article about the Coffee Lounge. I have a few questions, if you don't mind?" I looked at him.
"Ask away," Ronny said.
"Okay, what made you want to do the Coffee Lounge?" I asked, "Why make a bar for sober people when most don't care."
"I want to be different," Ronny shrugged as I noticed a AA chip around his neck.
"How long have you been sober?" I asked.
"I don't think that's important," Ronny said.
"Let me redo my introduction, Star Walker, recovering alcoholic and drug user, 38 days sober," I looked at him.
"Newly recovered," Ronny played with his chip, "NA or AA?"
"Neither, don't know where I belong," I shrugged.
"Rehab usually sends your ass to one," Ronny looked at me.
"Never been to rehab. Did it all at home," I shrugged.
"Damn, well, congrats," Ronny looked at me.
"What's your story?" I asked.
"What makes you think I have one?" Ronny looked at me.
"You are a recovering addict of something, and now you own a bar for sober people," I looked at him, "Everyone has a story."
"Alright, my friends and I bought this place. We all were high out of our minds. One night we got into a crash. Ten turned into eight on sight; then, eight turned into five when we got into the hospital." Ronny sighed, "Soon as we got out, five turned into four, she felt so guilty that she lived and the others didn't... out of the four, two went to rehab, two didn't. The two that didn't overdose less than a year apart from each other, the two that went to rehab, only one made it through."
"You are the one?" I sighed.
"His body couldn't handle the detox," Ronny sighed, "Lost any of your friends?"
"No, just lost everyone else," I sighed, "But I did have my friends drop me along the way if that counts."
"Well, after going to nine funerals and nine readings, all the shares went to me. I was going to sell it, but I sat on it. Sitting on it, I realized there was nowhere for a sober person to have a night out." Ronny explained, "So I researched and made a place for sober people to come and have a few drinks with friends."
"Then why the restaurant?" I asked.
"Multiple reasons. The first one is I met this chef in rehab. We clicked; after my last friend died, she became my rock. We're not dating or anything, but she's like my sister. I didn't know what to do with the upstairs, so I gave her a restaurant. The second reason was to get more people to come. They come during the day for lunch, see a flyer for the night club and come at night for fun," Ronny shrugged.
"Smart," I looked at him.
"Come, I'll have you meet Maya." Ronny stood up as I followed. We went upstairs and headed to the head chef's office. I saw this Filipino woman with brown eyes and brown hair wrapped in a bun while taking notes from a cookbook.
"What are you making now?" Ronny looked at her.
"Trying to expand the menu to make it more culturally diverse," The woman said, then looked at me. She pointed at me, not breaking her chill vibe, "Beatles Twin."
"Journalist," I corrected.
"Star is doing an article on us," Ronny looked at her, "Star Walker, Maya Torres. Maya, this is Star."
"Heyla," I put out my hand.
"Hi," Maya leaned forward and shook my hand.
Once we walked into the Coffee Lounge, Scarlett's friend group was at the bar, and Elaina talked up a storm with the bartender I saw earlier today. At the bar, I noticed Ronny and Maya just scoping the crowds. Aaron and Theo are also here. Theo set up a date with Scarlett's Model, Maddie, and Aaron just came because he doesn't have friends besides Theo and me.
"Scarlett!" Elaina turned around, then tried to hook an arm around the bartender, "This is my high school friend Thomas! He, our friend Milo and I were the main group!"
"You had guy friends? I thought that would be impossible," I laughed.
"Says the girl that shags anything with two legs," Elaina rolled her eyes as a man with dark skin, blue eyes, and a shaved head with a bit of hair stubble walked over. He looks roughly our age, "Milo!"
"El?" The guy now named Milo hugged Elaina, and Tim did not look so happy.
"Milo is the guy I get the bifters off of," Elaina explained.
"Oooh," Scarlett and I said as I noticed Ronny looking at me. I excused myself and walked over to the two.
"Got a bit of a friend group," Ronny laughed.
"They're my sister's friend group, not mine," I said, then Aaron and Theo spotted me and walked up, "These two are friends."
"Ahhh," Ronny said.
"Cute trio," Maya looked at us.
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Oh my god, queen, your dress is gorgeous," Aaron looked at Maya's dress, "It looks like you have a night out."
"Nah, I have all those dresses now, but I don't go out anymore, so I wear them here," Maya shrugged.
"Ronny, Maya, these are my friends Theo and Aaron," I said, "Theo, Aaron, these are the masterminds of this place, Ronny and Maya."
"Hi," Maya threw a hand up and waved.
"Welcome," Ronny smiled as I looked at the entrance and saw Cecilia with my old friend group, Xavier, Ryder, Jasper, Jade, Davina, and Brielle. The new member walked in, and I noticed it was my fucking brother-in-law, Kit. You must be kidding me. My old friend group walked over as Kit looked at me. 
"Your Spark?" Kit pointed at me.
"You're the newbie?" I pointed at him.
"You two know each other?" Xavier pointed to Kit and me.
"Her brother impregnated my little sister, married her, then moved her to the UK," Kit scoffed.
"And my brother is a fucking moron. We told Sandy to leave when she had the chance. She's the one still with that moron," I shrugged.
"Anyways," Jade coughed, "Who are these four?"
"Aaron, Theo, Ronny, and Maya," I coughed, "Theo and Aaron are my friends. Ronny and Maya are the owners. I talked to them earlier today."
"Hi," Ronny and Maya looked at my group.
"Hello," Brielle checked out Ronny. We all sat down in a booth, Ronny and Maya got invited to join us, and Aaron and Theo came with us.
"So, how's it been?" Brielle asked.
"Eh," I shrugged, "It's been hectic."
"How Hectic?" Davina asked.
"Lads and I stopped talking for a bit. We went to India; Pattie and George got divorced; Paul and John got married to some strangers; Scarlett had amnesia. I got sober, and now I'm dating George," I listed as everyone looked at me.
"That's a lot," Jasper coughed.
"Yeah," I took a sip of my root beer.
"Wait, wait, wait, the you dating Geo is a true thing?!" Brielle smiled.
"Yeah... we officially started to date when I graduated. Geo asked me that night," I smirked.
"Where is he?" Brielle asked.
"Well, he and Pattie agreed to sell the house during the divorce. They split everything equally, and the house was the only thing they couldn't split, so they both decided to sell. Very peaceful divorce," I said, "So right now, he's packing his things."
"Where is he moving to?" Cecilia asked.
"My flat, Well Scarlett's flat. Elaina, Scarlett, and I agreed to let Geo live with us. He and I are going to share a room," I explained.
"John's okay with it?" Ryder asked.
"Eh, he's being a bit of a pain in the ass, but once he realized there was nowhere else George could go, he was fine with it," I explained.
"I see Scarlett got a new boyfriend," Jade looked over at Scarlett.
"Yeah, that's Roger. He's chill. He's been helping my sister a lot, for which I'm grateful. He drove me here because I let Geo take my car for moving purposes," I looked over to see Roger and Scarlett hugging and cuddly. It's nice to see Scarlett happy. 
The night went surprisingly, really well. I officially have a friend group again. Ronny, Theo, Maya, and Aaron were welcomed at the night's end. Kit warmed up to me, realizing I was not Payton. Theo hit it off with Maddie. It looked like Scarlett had also got some new friends in her tiny ass group. Scarlett and Roger went to his place, and Aaron agreed to drive me home. As we pulled up to the flat, I noticed my car wasn't back, guessing Geo was still at Kinfauns.
"You alright?" Aaron looked at me.
"Yeah, just Geo isn't home yet," I shrugged.
"Want me to drive you to where he is?" Aaron asked.
"If you don't mind," I shrugged as Aaron drove me to Kinfauns. I thanked him before walking inside and saw George jamming out with his Gretsch I replaced. I leaned against the wall and just admired him. 
"Why are you still here?" I coughed, which brought his attention.
"Umm... Pattie and Eric stopped by. I was talking to Eric while Pattie got more things then they left. I started to pack my guitars, but then I got sidetracked, forgetting I had some of them, then started to play them," George coughed as I looked at my watch and noticed the time.
"You forgot about your curfew, didn't you?" I asked.
"Yes," George childishly looked down at his feet. I laughed and walked over to him, then hugged him.
"Luckily, Aaron agreed to take me here when I noticed my car wasn't there," I giggled.
"Yeah," George moved a piece of my hair and kissed me, "Pattie and Eric did say they were coming back... guessing to make it less awkward."
"Yeah... do you want to leave?" I asked.
"I should probably start putting my things in the car," George coughed as I broke from the hug and looked at him.
"You haven't put anything in the car?!" I looked at him.
"Well, you see, I find things. I look at them. Get distracted, then start to go back on task, then repeat," George explained, "You of all people should know. You get distracted all the time."
"..." I clicked my tongue in response, "I'm not admitting you're right, just not that far wrong."
"Also, I should get the records out of the jukebox," George looked at his jukebox.
"Getting rid of it?" I guessed as he shook his head.
"Storage," George scratched his tiny whiskers, "But some records is Patties."
"Want help?" I asked.
"Yeah, if I tell you the record, can you look in that box for the cover?" George asked as I nodded. George and I started to empty the jukebox. Still, George gave a devilish smirk before closing the jukebox and pressing on a song. It was our song, Can't Help Falling In Love, by Elvis. He hugged me from behind and gently swayed me, humming the tune. I turned around and started to slow dance with him as we sang the song, having our foreheads touch. We began to dance outside, and we shared a kiss at the end of the song. We leaned in the same direction, lost our balance, and fell into the pool. I swam to the top, and George and I looked at each other before laughing.
"Midnight swim?" I joked.
"Sure," George chuckled, then swam over to me. He gave me a short kiss, he tried for another, but I teasingly started to swim backward with him following. I also swam to the shallow end so I could stand. George got closer to me and cornered me to the pool wall. He wrapped his arms around me with our foreheads and noses touching. I bit my lip as he smirked, softly saying, "Gotcha."
"I know," I wrapped my arms around him, "Gotcha too."
We shared a kiss before it got more intense. I let go of George and tried to get myself to sit at the end of the pool. George grabbed my hips, lifted me, and put me on edge without breaking the kiss. We kissed until he started to try and escalate the kiss. As much as I would love to have sex in a pool, I'm still not ready after Asshat, he did things to me, and I've been putting it off telling George. I broke the kiss before it got any further, and a trigger happened.
"You alright?" George asked.
"Yeah, it's just..." I looked into George's soft eyes, "... I can't do it sober with guys... after what Asshat did to me... I can't have sex with guys sober, or a trigger happens. Before the fun part."
I looked down. I heard the water and then felt a cold, wet but warm, soft hand on my face. George led my eyes to his and softly looked at me.
"It's alright. I'll wait until you feel comfortable doing it again." George kissed my nose, then softly but cheekily added, "It's probably the best if I take a break."
"Yeah," I giggled, then kissed him again.
0 notes
annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Scarlett & Star
Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
June 13th, 1969
"Get your ass up!" Elaina jumped on my bed.
"Fuck. Off." I groaned.
"No! Get up," Elaina hit me with a pillow, so I pushed her off my bed.
"Ow," Elaina groaned.
"Good night," I turned around and tried to fall back to sleep.
"Come on; our family is coming over for breakfast. Get the fuck up!" Elaina got up as I heard the door, "See, they're here. Get your fucking ass up!"
"Fine," I groaned, today is my graduation, and I couldn't sleep last night because of my nerves. Elaina grabbed my hand and dragged me out of bed.
"Come on," Elaina said.
"I don't want to," I whined.
"I should've gotten Roger to do this," Elaina rolled her eyes.
"He would've lost too. I couldn't sleep," I shrugged, getting out of bed. I walked to my dresser and grabbed pants to put over my underwear. I walked out to Paul, Linda, Heather, John, Yoko, Ringo, Mo, Zak, Jason, Bucky, Alice, Molly, Kenzie, Finley, Venessa, James, Brenda, Eric, Cheryl, Payton, Sandy, and Lori.
Elaina and I sat next to each other. We waited for the Ws to get announced. I have this red dress with a bow at the middle of the neckline, neutral makeup, and a crown hairstyle, so my hat is on top. This is actually happening. Am I graduating? It was hot. The sun is beating on us while we are in the cap and gowns. There is no shade. The only thing that keeps us cool is the water bottles under our seats. We cheered for Freddie when the B's were announced and Tim when the S's were announced, then it was finally my and El's turn. We got up. I felt nervous. I got called, walked up to get the blank rolled piece of paper, and heard the lads, my siblings, friends, and family cheering with pride. I shook the Dean's hands and walked down the stairs into an air conditioning room. I gave them the paper roll, and I got my actual diploma.
"Well, Carla, we graduated," I felt an arm around me and saw Freddie.
"Not yet. We still have to change the tassel side," I laughed, and we all got called back outside. There was a long speech that went with it. Then Dean started his address to switch the tassel side.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome the Ealing College of Art class of 1969!" The Dean said, and we all threw caps in the air. Elaina and I hugged. We grabbed our hats from the ground and met up with our families, but Freddie and Tim found their way to us before that.
"We are now Graduates!" Freddie put his arm around Elaina and me, and we all put our caps back on. Elaina and I unzipped our gowns to show our dresses. Elaina had a yellow dress with a fancy color collar and had three little buttons. Freddie then unzipped his gown to see him in a white button-up dress shirt with a tie and dress pants, and Tim just had the white dress shirt and dress pants. We found our families. The lads and Star ran up to me and pulled me into a hug, as Payton and Venessa were ordinary, and walked to join the hug.
"Guys, you're crushing me," I laughed. They all pulled away and were in awe.
"So you did the impossible," John started to fake cry, "You actually graduated Uni."
"Yeah, something you never accomplished," I joked.
"You ruined the moment," John looked at me, then put his arm around me, "I am proud of you, little sister."
"Thank you, and I am always proud of you, big brother," I saw Roger, "I'll be right back."
I walked up to Roger, and Roger automatically put me in a hug to lift me up and spin me around.
"Congratulations, Graduate." He put me down to kiss me. We pulled away, and I saw some of my lipstick on Roger.
"Baby." I bit my lip, "Some of my lipstick went on you."
"Oh, I'll be right back," Roger let go of me to quickly run to the closest bathroom as I started to laugh. I quickly checked if any lipstick was smeared, but I was okay. The lads and Payton began to make fun of me by making kissing noises. I walked over, giving them a look, and shook my head, "Not cool."
They all smirked, and Ringo grabbed his camera, "So how about a couple of pictures?"
"Okay, just a few," I told him. It is scorching out here.
"Okay, how about we do you, John and Judy," Ringo asked, and I nodded. I walked over to John and Star.
"Man, you two are short," John commented while putting his arms around us.
"Shut up, Lennon," Star and I both said. We all smiled, and Ringo took a couple of snaps. Then Ringo asked me to show them my diploma. I opened it with a smile. Ringo took a few pictures of me smiling. Then I got a picture with Payton, Venessa, and Star, a photo with Freddie, Elaina, Tim, and a picture with the lads, then a picture with the lads and Star. I got a picture of Roger and a few pictures with Brian. Roger volunteered to take a picture of the lads, Payton, Venessa, Star, and I. We took that picture and finally went to dinner. We didn't celebrate, just went back to the flat. I got cheered on, Elaina, Freddie, Tim, and I all showed off our diplomas, and I felt proud. We took off our gowns and caps and did a little celebration. My older siblings pulled me to my room, where I had my bag packed for Liverpool. John gave me a box with a letter on it. I read " From Dad ♡︎" written on the envelope. I stared at it for a moment.
"Well, just don't look at it. Open it," John stated as George, Paul, Payton, and Venessa huddled around me. I opened the card that was in the envelope and started to smile. It was from my dad, " My little Peanut- If you are reading this card, that means I didn't see the day you graduated from Uni. I want you to know I am proud of you, and I hope you kept the lads in check. I wrote this just in case I didn't come back home. I'm sorry for leaving you with Nancy, but I knew you had your siblings to fight aside with you. Don't change, and don't stop fighting for what you believe. For the Love of God, please get out of your comfort zone and show the world your beautiful voice and musical talent. I hope your artistic ability helped you accomplish great goals. Congratulations to my little girl! -Love Dad "
"How did I not know about this?" I started to tear up and looked at John.
"Oh, that's simple. I didn't tell you," John stated, "Now open the box."
I opened the box. I pulled out an old dress, a picture and another letter fell out. The image was my aunts. They were also twins. Star and I are named after them since they died before birth. My aunt Rose wore a cute, somewhat flowery see-thru sleeves dress, and my aunt Judy wore a sleeveless floral dress. The letter said: " I figured you would want to wear this someday. -Dad "
I looked at the dress, and It was the pink dress I used to fancy growing up. It was my aunt Rose's clothing; It had see-through sleeves and some of the back. It has a couple of inches of see-through material hanging from the dress and sewn flower pattern.
"He gave me Aunt Rose's dress," I smiled.
"Congrats Rosie," John smiled, "Do you need a minute?"
"Maybe," I tried to fight the waterworks. My older siblings hugged me before leaving my room. I sat on my bed, taking deep breaths. I'm touched that my dad prepared for the worst, but it still hurts. He should've been there with my siblings and Roger. I, in a way, knew he was ready for what if's that came with the deployment. I remember my dad talking to me about his first deployment. Before he went into the Second World War, he wrote letters for Venessa, just in case he didn't make it back. He also said that once he got home, he burnt them. Meredith, Bucky's second-oldest, had to do the same thing before her deployment a few years back. Bucky has her letters if she doesn't make it before, but I think she should be coming back in two more months. I put my hands on my face, then heard a knock on my door. I brushed my hands into my hair.
"Come in," I slightly shouted as Roger walked in and closed my door.
"I noticed you're not partying like everyone else," Roger looked at me. My eyes were probably puffy from crying thanks to my dad's letter and present. His face softened, and he sat next to me, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing bad just got an unexpected gift." I sniffled, grabbing the letter, "Before my dad did anything that was life risky, he wrote a series of letters just in case he didn't make it. My uncles did the same thing, and my friend Meredith, who is on deployment. Anyways. He wrote a letter for us when we graduated from Uni, assuming we would go since he wanted us to be the best we could be. He gave me this dress I used to fancy as a kid that belonged to my aunt and a letter. It just made me a little teary."
"You alright?" Roger wiped some of my tears off my face as I nodded.
"I'm alright," I softly spoke, "Promise."
Since I told Roger about my cutting and depression back in May, he made sure I was genuinely okay and not just saying it. He's been helping me a lot these past months with everything, and I am grateful. Roger kissed me, then quickly got up and ran to my vanity. He came back with my makeup wipes.
"Some of your makeup is running down, love," Roger gently started to wipe off my runny makeup. He softly gazed at me as I was in awe.
"Thank you. I could've gotten it," I giggled.
"Yeah, but I want to help in any way," Roger smirked.
"I'll take it from here," I gently grabbed the wipe from Roger. I walked to my vanity and just wiped off all my makeup.
June 14th, 1969- Star's POV
I'm quietly putting on makeup in my room, George is still asleep, and I don't want to wake him. He's cute sleeping. I'm wearing a white dress with this blue lining on the edge of the sleeves and neckline. The middle of the blue lining on the neckline becomes a string and ties to make a cute bow. I'm wearing blue platform heels that match the line, it's supposed to be hot today, so I put my hair into a French braid bun that makes a crown first. I'm putting on some natural makeup while checking the time.
"Are you looking at the mirror or the clock?" I heard as I turned to see George waking up and sitting on the bed.
"Multi-tasking. I looked at the time and realized I had to leave soon. I have to be there at a certain time, and it takes me roughly 50 minutes to get there," I tried to put eyeliner on.
"You look beautiful," George walked over as I looked up, and we shared a kiss.
"Thank you," I smirked, getting up. I grabbed my gown, which is black with a light blue lining, and my cap, a black cap with a black tassel and a gold 1969, "I gotta go, don't get killed by John."
"Easier said than done," George rolled his eyes, then walked over to me and kissed me, "Good luck, we'll be cheering you on."
"Please don't be as obnoxious as we were with Scarlett?" I tried.
"Nice try, but if Scarlett got it, you're getting it," George smirked.
"I love you," I smiled. God, I haven't been this genuinely happy in a while.
"I love you too," George smiled, then kissed me, "I'll see you there."
At the school...
I walked in, and I felt lost. I don't really have friends here anymore. Sienna dropped me once I told her I was getting sober mainly because of Geo. My other seven friends stopped talking to me because my ex made me say awful things to them. I walked in, signed in, and there I saw my old group, Sienna didn't look so hot, and the rest of the group was shielding her. I walked passed them, and I got grunts. I tried not to be bothered by it, then heard them talking about me. Fuck it. I turned around and looked at them.
"I know you guys hate me, and I'm sorry, but for the love of God, just let it go!" I rolled my eyes.
"Let it go?" Cecilia scoffed, "You called us all junkies whores that won't live past Uni! Among many other awful things!"
I looked down, I did say that, but I didn't mean it. Axel threatened my and their lives if I disagreed with him and copied his words.
"She didn't mean those things," I heard Sienna stick up for me as I looked at her in confusion, "She swore me to secretly but fuck it, Axel made her say those things, and she copied it out of fear of him. He was abusing her, she was terrified of him, and he threatened her."
I looked at Sienna; confused as hell, we stopped talking. She cut me out of her life, and now she's standing up for me. Sienna then looked at me, "Sorry, I know it was your story to tell."
"I still don't have the nerve to talk about some things... thanks," I smirked, then looked at the group, "What it's worth, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I know it's an almost two-year late apology, but I'm sorry I said those things, and I wish I could take them back. But I was threatened even more if I talked to you guys again. Then after... I just needed time to heal. I'm sorry it took this long."
They all stood there dumbfounded. I walked off. It wasn't long before we had to go in our lines. I felt nervous, not for me but for George. John hasn't exactly been open to the fact we're together... well, I have no clue if we are in a relationship? Neither one of us asked the other. Paul was trying yesterday to be supportive, but it clearly bothers him. Scarlett, Ringo, Venessa, and Payton are all happy for us since they all knew. Luckily, John is afraid of Scarlett, and Scarlett is there for me. We walked to the seats and sat down, the sun beating on us. There's no shade like Scarlett's graduation yesterday, and I'm in black, wearing white underneath. Great.
After long boring speeches and all the other departments and other names in journalism and publishing, it was my time to shine briefly. I stood on the stairs, waiting to hear my name.
"Star Walker," The Dean said as I walked up, grabbed the fake diploma, and shook the Dean's hand. I could hear my family cheer me on from down here. I automatically started to blush and quickly walked off the stage, trying to get my face to stop blushing. I walked into a separate room to get my actual diploma. While I was waiting, Cecilia walked up to me.
"If you're here to fight more, I don't want to hear it," I sighed.
"I'm sorry for being a bitch these past few weeks," Cecilia sighed, "I'm also sorry for leaving you when you probably needed us the most because of Ax-"
"Call him Asshat, way more mentally settling than the actual name," I cut her off.
"Okay, because of asshat," Cecilia said, "And we missed you, we got this new guy, but no one can fill in the humorous gap."
"Thanks for the offer," I started to say.
"And?" Cecilia looked at me.
"I'll think about it, I changed a bit, and I'm still getting used to that change," I truthfully said, "I'll give you the answer when I get back from Liverpool. You have my word."
Cecilia nodded before walking off. I grabbed my diploma and then got back to my seat. We went through more majors and fields. I started to pay a bit more attention to criminology. Sandy Payton's wife has one brother that moved to the UK last year. He transferred to the same Uni as me to study criminology. His name is Kit; like my old friends Xavier and Ryder, he took criminology while going through police training. Once he gets this diploma, he is a cop. I never met the guy. When he moved here, I was with Asshat, so there was no way I could've to find him. Then after Asshat, I got busy with the aftermath India Trip. I went into a spiral of serious partying, my friendship with Clapton, Scarlett and Roger's whole ass love story, Beatles stuff, and focusing on classes. I didn't have the time. I was supposed to meet him on Christmas. Due to Scarlett's condition, he just celebrated Christmas with his friends. They got to the H's, and Sandy's Maiden Name is Harper.
"Kit Harper," the Dean said as this tall man walked up. I could see his red hair peeking below his cap.
The rest of the fields got announced, and I'm honestly worried about taking off my gown after this because I think my dress is now see-through.
"It is a longstanding tradition that after receiving a University degree, the cap tassel is shifted from the right side to the left side of the cap. This signifies to all the completion of the degree. Graduates, please move your tassels," The Dean said as everyone moved their tassel to the left side. I followed the others, "Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends, I present to you the 1969 graduating class of Kingston University. Graduates, raise the roof!"
We all threw our caps in the air. The crowd cheered with pride. I grabbed my cap and slowly checked to see my dress. Luckily it didn't become see-through from me sweating so much in this. I unzipped my gown and started to head over to my family, but this excitement came over me, and I ran over, hugging them.
"I graduated bitches!" I giggled, forcing my six siblings and George into a hug.
"Why don't we do pictures while waiting for Payton's in-laws?" Venessa shrugged.
"Let's do it! This gown is fucking hot," I smiled, wanting to get out of this gown. I first did a picture with John and Scarlett, and then I got a picture with George, which John grunted during, making it weird.
"Incest," John coughed as Scarlett slapped him.
"Hey, is that Sandy and her family?" I pointed over as Payton freaked out from the fear of his in-laws.
"Pussy." Scarlett walked back and ruffled Payton's hair.
"I am not! They hate me!" Payton said.
"That's your fault," I looked at him.
"Hmm, it's not his fault he had no real parental figure to teach him. You know, he was only 14." Venessa tried to help out Payton
"No, dad told me to make sure I know what I'm doing while I was in the states," Payton sighed.
"I was trying to defend you, asshole." Venessa rolled his eyes.
"Can't help him. Mr. Harper let him stay at his house, and in return, the dumbass knocked up the dude's daughter!" I said, "Then they got married and moved here."
"Thank you, Star, for pointing out where I fucked up and why my in-laws hate me," Payton rolled his eyes.
"You are very welcome," I smiled. We finished up the pictures, and Sandy with her family walked over.
"Hey," Sandy came over. She tried to wrap her arms around Payton. It's a little tricky since she's nine months pregnant, but the two shared a quick kiss, then she looked at me, "Congrat, grad."
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Anyways, guys, these are my siblings, Max, Zoey, and this is Kit. He's the one that graduated with Star," Sandy introduced us to her siblings. We surprisingly never met them, "Guys, this is Payton's family. Venessa, John, Paul, George, Ringo, Scarlett, and Star."
"Hi," Zoey said.
"Heyla," I waved.
"Hello," Scarlett waved as well.
"Congratulations on graduating," Kit looked at me.
"Thank you, congratulations as well," I smiled.
Like yesterday, we had a small celebration, the people coming to Liverpool with us came over with their bags. I frantically started to look for a dress for my graduation party. That's the only thing I didn't pack.
"Did you forget to pack?" I heard as I turned over to see John.
"What? No," I rolled my eyes, "I forgot to pack a dress for the party."
"Good, that's why I'm here," John pulled out a box he had hidden behind his back and walked closer to me with Venessa, Payton, and Paul coming in. I got the package. I walked over to my bed and sat on it. There was an envelope on the box with " From Dad ♡︎" on it. I looked up with my eyebrow cocked up.
"Open, and you'll understand," John sighed. Scarlett probably gave him trouble with hers. I grabbed the envelope and opened it. "My Little Bubba- If you are reading this, it means I didn't see the day you graduated Uni. I want you to know I am proud of you, and I hope you kept the lads in check. When I told you I was leaving for deployment, your words are still stuck in my head, and I want to apologize. You were right, I did leave you, and I left you with Nancy. I'm sorry, truly, but I know your siblings had your back. Please don't change, and I hope you still vocalize your opinion because it matters. I hope that you will show others your amazing piano skills and voice. I already know your interests in photography and writing are a big part of accomplishing great goals. Congratulations to my little twinkle! - Love Dad" I felt tears fall down my face. I didn't mean to say those words. I opened the box. I pulled out my aunt Jude's blue-green dress I used to fancy as a kid and saw a picture with my dad's handwriting on the back. "I figured you would want to wear this someday. -Dad"
Eight years dead, and this man provided something on my graduation from him.
The dress is a blue-green mesh sleeveless floral Skater dress made by my grandmother Scarlett. Let's just say everyone with the name Scarlett in this family has this Love of creating clothing before it trends.
"He made sure we were set even after he was gone," I teared up.
"Yeah, he did, he had to prepare, and sadly he fell under the chance of him not coming back," John sighed, "Do you need a minute?"
I nodded. When the door closed, the four left my room, and I broke down. Not only did the letter and gift get me, but the words my father was talking about were when he had said he was going on deployment for a few months. I lashed out at him, calling him all these things, telling him I would never forgive him if he left me. Those words haunted me, but I was lucky enough to give him a proper goodbye and tell him how I loved him before he left.
June 15th, 1969- Scarlett's POV
I woke up with Roger, Julian, and I shared a bed. I remember falling asleep with just Roger and me in my bed.
"I think we have a little guest," Roger smirked. Julain clenched onto me and looked like he wasn't letting go. I was lying on one of Roger's arms, and his other arm was lying on my waist.
"I guess we do," I snickered, "When he was a toddler, he used to get out of his bed and climb into mine. What can I say? He loves me."
Julian then pulled closer to me. He then pushed off Roger's arm.
"My auntie Scar," He mumbled. Roger and I tried to chuckle since I gave my couch bed to the Starkeys, and John and Yoko were sleeping on my floor, and Julian was too. Then my alarm went off, I heard Star's go off, then Elaina's go off. It was a chain reaction of alarm clocks.
"It's time to get up, little man," I turned around and turned off the clock, then looked at Julian.
"No," He mumbled.
"Hey Rose, have you seen Julian," John and Yoko woke up, and John started to freak out since Julian wasn't on the floor with him.
"Yeah, found him," I put both arms around Julian and rolled over. Julian dug more into me, "Jul if you wake up, you'll see aunt Mimi later?"
"Really?" The little boy's eyes perked up and looked at me.
"We're staying at Liverpool for a week, and you get to see her all week," I nodded.
"Don't just sit there, Dad, hurry up. I want to see Aunt Mimi," Julian wiggled out of my grasp and got out of bed, then walked to his dad and away. I laughed so hard I fell out of my bed. Julian looked at me too, "You foo Auntie Scar! I'll get Auntie Star!"
Julian trouts to Star's room, with the McCartneys and George all crammed in the room. It's technically Star and George's room now, who are officially dating since last night when George finally asked Star to be his girl.
"He told you," John got up. I shook my head and got up; then John noticed Roger was in my bed, "Why is he-"
Before John could finish the sentence, Julian walked back into the room.
"Dad, why are Auntie Star and Uncle George sharing a bed?" Julian asked as John got pissed, and I laughed loudly.
"Star Judith Walker!" John started to walk to Star's room, but I tackled him before he could do anything, "I swear Harrison, if-"
I put my hand over John's mouth.
"My neighbors are trying to sleep," I snapped, "And let them be."
Star walked out of her room to see my 5' 2" self tackling down John, who is 5′ 10″ and struggling to fight back.
"Oh, this is great," Star laughed and clapped her hands, then Paul and George walked out of her room, and Ringo walked out of mine. Star walked and kneeled to John, "Is Lenny struggling to beat a little girl?"
John licked my hand, and I pulled away and got off guard. He pushed me over, so now he is on top of me, holding me down.
"No, no, I'm not," John told Star.
"Lenny, you are one big idiot," I smirked.
"No, I-" John started, but before finishing the sentence, I kicked him where the sun does not shine, making all the guys groan. John fell to his side and winced in pain, "Your dead, Walker."
"Is that before or after you get a feeling in your legs?" I asked, getting up. Everyone around us started to laugh.
At the Cavern Club...
We all went to the Cavern Club. Everyone noticed us as we walked in, cheered, and then returned to their drinks. Brian, Roger, Freddie, Elaina, and Tim were shocked that they were actually in Cavern Club. John tried to bring up his title of most enormous arse in the bar. I noticed how uncomfortable Star is being around a bar and alcohol. She kept scooting closer to George as George had his arm around Star. I took Star to the bathroom so she could take a breather.
"I'm fine in a bar," Star told me while she went to the bathroom.
"You looked uncomfortable," I leaned against a wall.
"I'm fine," Star walked out of the stall and washed her hands, "I was an addict. I'm fine now. You don't need to baby me."
"You're my baby sister. I always will," I jokingly pinched Star's cheek as she rolled her eyes. We walked out of the bathroom, not really looking where we were going, and bumped into someone.
"Sorry," Star and I looked up to see a familiar face. Gary Lewis. Gary is this annoying kid from Liverpool Insitute. He teased Star and me in school but never got in trouble since his father was the Dean.
"Ah, isn't it the Walker twins, can't forget a rack like you two," Gary looked at us.
"Ah, isn't it Lewis, can't remember a pretentious douchebag like you," Star crossed her arms.
"You still got your mouth," Gary looked at Star up and down before looking at me, "Oh, little Scarlett, still got that nice bum from back in the day?" 
"Do you look more than a women's rack and bum?" I crossed my arms.
"They're the most flattering part," Gary shrugged, "So blondie, I heard you dip both sides. You never had the Gar-meister because you would never want to return to ladies."
"You make me want to stay with girls," Star crossed her arms.
"Ouch, what about you, Little Miss Perfect? Freak in the sheets?" Gary walked closer to Star and me as we backed away, cornering ourselves. I felt Star stiffen next to me, and I know she is probably getting an Axel flashback. 
"Why don't you get back off?" I raised an eyebrow.
"There's that little freak," Gary still got closer as I put my foot down and formed a fist.
"Oh darling, I'm no freak," I smirked as I pushed him out of the way.
"Someone wants to bring back old times," Gary grabbed my arm as Star and I tried to walk off, and forced me to turn him. I stomped onto Gary's shoe, hoping to get him to let me go. Gary groaned, letting go of me, "You little bitch."
"And there's more where that came from," I felt my blood boil as if I was fourteen again and fighting with this dumbass, "Leave us alone, god, take a hint when a girl doesn't want to deal with your pathetic ass!"
"You little posh twat!" Gary marched up, and I could see the guys walking up quickly in the corner of my eye. I smoothly punched Gary while he marched right into my swing.
"Get. A. Life. You've been obsessed with us since primary," I got pulled away and noticed it was from Roger.
"Back off, my girlfriend, would ya?" Roger spat at Gary while I put my arm around Roger's waist and flipped Gary as we walked off, "I can feel you flipping him off."
"He deserves it," I snickered. Roger chuckled as well before we sat at the bar.
"In all seriousness, are you okay, my Little Wolf?" Roger softly looked at me. Little Wolf? That's a new one.
" Where the bloody hell did you just get Little Wolf from?" I asked. Roger just chuckled.
"It's my nickname for you. You're my Little Wolf. And that is because you're caring, playful, devoted to your family, intelligent, connected to your instincts, have this appetite for freedom, and are lovable. When you're feeling threatened, you lack trust in someone. And those are the traits of a wolf spirit." Roger explained as I raised an eyebrow.
"Since when did you know about spirit animals?" I asked.
"Not important, but all that matters is that you're now and forever will be my little wolf." Roger softly said as I kissed him.
"That means I have to step up my nickname game," I hummed with a slight giggle.
"Yeah," Roger gently touched the hand I punched Gary with, making me wince since it's a bit sore, "Are you alright?"
"A bit sore," I sighed, and Roger ordered ice for my hand, and the bartender gave me a napkin of ice and then placed it on my hand. Paul and John walked over, and I could tell what he was about to say on John's face.
"Stop getting into bar fights!" John stated.
"It was Gary Lewis! The dude has been obsessed with my body since primary!" I stated, "Plus if he left us alone, none of this would've happened! I mean, I could tell Star was getting an asshat memory... Where is she?"
"George is with her," Paul told me as I nodded, "She's still shaky." 
"The dude pinned us. She could've freaked out if he got any closer," I stiffened. 
"You need to calm down. And stop punching things," John looked at me.
"Yes, dad," I rolled my eyes.
Star's POV ( Later... )
George and I returned from the Cavern Club as quietly as possible since we didn't want to wake up his parents. George gave me his room to change while he got changed in the bathroom. After I got changed, I started to look around his old room. I found a lot of pictures of us when we were young. There were pictures of him and his siblings and typical musicians posters. I stopped at one photo; it was us from my 9th-year prom. Paul got a date from one of the higher class girls, John was Scarlett's date, and George was my date. The picture was all six of us. Next to it was the professional photo that the school took. We looked so young and stupid. To be fair, we were young and stupid, still are, but less stupid. I felt two arms wrap around me and George kissing the top of my head, "Whatcha looking at?"
"Old photos, I still can't believe Lewis let you, John, and Paul, in our dance. He hated you and Paul," I laughed a bit.
"Please, we weren't that bad."
"Scarlett and I only had you guys as friends because all of the dads didn't want their kids near you. Well, John, but still," I turned around. George looked at me and rolled his eyes as I snickered and bit my lip. George looked at me and leaned toward me. We started to kiss, heading to his bed.
"Geo," I broke the kiss then slightly coughed, "We shouldn't..."
"Yeah, probably not the best since there's a chance my parents could wake up," George coughed, then grinned, "That doesn't mean we can't snog."
I grinned and started to kiss him harder, George laid on top of me, and we never broke our kiss. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, and George put his arms around my waist. I put my legs around George's waist, and George smiled, "You're a tease, you know that?"
"I am," I acted innocent. George started to kiss up and down my neck.
"Yes, you are love," George whispered in my ear. I slightly giggled, then yawned. I am not even that tired. George smirked, "Are you tired?"
"No," I looked at him.
"You just yawned. I want to say you are," George laughed a bit. He rolled next to me and pulled me closer, "Go to sleep, Love. You need your energy to put up with your Nana."
"Don't remind me," I rolled my eyes, wrapped my arms around George, then fell asleep.
Meanwhile (Scarlett's POV)
Roger and I are cuddling in my bed. As much as I love this house and the good memories, the bad ones are the most traumatic. Which are setting off my nightmares to a max. I felt my chest tighten while I heard Nancy screaming at Star and Star being mouthy to Nancy. I can picture everything going on in my head and feel like I'm back in the late 1950s with Nancy lashing out like normal.
"Nancy, don't go near h-" I gasped, waking up. I'm breathing heavily with my body soaked in sweat. Roger and everyone else were still asleep. I quietly and carefully walked out of my room to quietly go downstairs. Venessa modernized the house clearly, with her and James adding their touches. Still, Venessa also made it close to how it was growing up, saying it would be weird if she drastically changed it. I got to the kitchen and remembered breakfast with my dad, but then the memory of Nancy stabbing me and how I got my scar overridden my brain. I breathed out and continued walking to the backyard. Once I successfully walked out to the backyard, I walked over to John's old beaten-up treehouse. I climbed and sat in it, looking at Mimi's and Venessa's houses. I heard a door and tried to see who it was. I noticed a figure walking closer to me to realize it was John.
"Whatcha doing here?" John walked up to me and climbed in, "Move over."
"Nightmare," I mumbled, moving over and hugging myself, "Why are you here?"
"I can't sleep," John put an arm around me, "Jesus Scarlett, you're soaked... Was it about Nancy?"
"You're shaking too. What was it about this time?" John softly looked at me.
"A lot," I clenched my legs tighter. Tears started to fall down, "It started with her bursting into my room and seeing me and Roger sleeping in my bed, then dragged me out of bed and beat me and called me a slut. Then I heard Nancy screaming at Star with Star being mouthy, trying to get Nancy to back off, and I couldn't move. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't move, I was stuck, and I had to watch Nancy attack Star, and something kept me back."
"She's been dead for seven years, remember?" John hugged me.
"That's my point. She's been dead for seven years, and I still get nightmares because of her, and my triggers are still bad!"
"It takes time to heal, and I haven't exactly helped," John started to rub my back, "Have you talked to Roger about this?"
"I talked to him about my depression and why I... um... y'know, and he's been helping me feel better and stopped the urges," I started to sniffle and tried to stop the shaking.
"You should tell Roger the rest. He should know the triggers, the nightmares, all of it." John told me, then sighed, "Star got it lucky. Her boyfriend knows it all since he was there for her when it happened."
"Did you just-" I turned with a shock to John.
"If you tell Star or George that I'm warming up to the fact, I will tackle you down," John tried to act so toughly.
"What happened the last time you tackled me, Lenny?" I laughed. John rolled his eyes, "So you are warming up to the fact?"
"Well, you're right, he makes her happy, and tonight proved it. I may not like the idea, but I will get used to it," John sighed.
"Now, who's a good Johnnyboy," I pat John's head, "Maybe you have changed."
"What does that mean?" John asked, getting all offensive.
"If this was 1965, you would've killed George before letting him date Star," I told him, "You're giving Star and George a chance to be happy together, even though you hate it so much. Do you know what that is called?"
"Being a good brother?" John asked
"That and being a good father figure," I told him, "You're a good father, John."
"What about me being Alfred?" John asked.
"You're not like him. I just said it because I know it would piss you off."
"But I am! You were right. I left Julian and want to build a relationship with him before it becomes too late if it isn't too late."
"It's never too late, Johnny."
"Well, he calls Cyn, Mama, and all I get is 'dad.' He has such an enthusiastic tone when he says your name, Star's name, and even the lads but not mine. I just get a plan, dad."
"Well, maybe, spend more time with him, talk to Cyn when we get back about shared custody and being apart in Julian's life. I am always here for you if you ever need help."
"Thanks, Rose," John leaned his head on my shoulder, "I don't know what I would do without you."
"Same, Winnie. I think the fight showed how much we needed each other."
0 notes
annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV:  Scarlett, George, Star, Third-Person
 Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
June 8th, 1969- hour twenty-one- 8 am
Everyone started to wake up. Someone ran out to get breakfast for everyone. Scarlett and Star talked about an exit plan, and so did the lads. They didn't know what to say to each other, Scarlett had said enough back at the fight, and Star had her fair share of words when she got confronted by the lads on her not telling them she's bisexual. Star and George started to look at each other. Both were in deep thought about one another. The only person that noticed was Scarlett, but she let it slide.
Hour twenty-three-10 am... 
They all got their food and ate in sheer silence. Scarlett sat on an amp, looking at the clock. Scarlett thought she would lose her mind if she were stuck in there for another hour.
"Can one of you just fucking talk?" Mal groaned.
"No," the six coldly said.
"Come on, just make up already!" Maureen groaned.
"I will make up once Scarlett apologizes to me for calling me Alf!" John scoffed.
"I didn't call you Alf," Scarlett looked over at him, "I said you're becoming your father."
"That's practically calling me Alf," John grumbled. Scarlett got up and shifted all her weight on one arm, looking at John.
"John, you told me when Cynthia was pregnant, you will never leave that child, like Alfred did, no matter what. Then once you met Yoko, you divorced Cynthia, abandoned Julian, and the only time you see him is when I'm watching him." Scarlett calmly went off as John looked down, "A couple of months ago, Julian asked me why his father hated him so much, and I told him you didn't. Even your son realized you're going to abandon him."
"I love Julian!"
"Oh really? Because last time I checked, when Yoko was pregnant in September, you had no problem saying he came out of a whiskey bottle. That baby came out from love, which made him cry, or every time you bullied him because of his laugh, that made him cry too," Scarlett snapped, "If you actually love your son. Be there for him. You and I know what it felt like to have an absent parent in our life."
"You didn't have an absent parent. You had a parent who couldn't distinguish between her kids and a punching bag," John coldly said as the lads and Star looked at the two. Star could tell Scarlett was about to lunge at John, so she ran over and hugged Scarlett, forcing her to stay put, "What's wrong, Walker? Cat bite your tongue?"
"Fuck you, Lennon, go to hell while you're at it!" Scarlett glared at him as Star forced her to stay put.
"Gladly, I'll keep your seat nice and warm next to me!" John snapped as the lads grabbed onto him. The two were put on the ends of the room while everyone in the control room realized this would be harder than they thought.
Hour twenty-six-1pm...
It was silent after Scarlett and John's fight. Everyone was afraid to speak because it might cause another conflict. Scarlett and John just glared at each other for about an hour. Scarlett moved back to the amp, bouncing her leg to keep her anger in check. Scarlett started to fight with herself about whether this was all worth it. The Beatles Savors mentioned that they can't function without each other at the beginning. They all knew it but were too stubborn to realize it. Scarlett fought with her pride and stubbornness and finally won for the sake of her sanity.
"That's it! Fine! I give up," Scarlett was the first to break, "If I'm here for another hour, I will honestly kill someone."
Everyone looked at Scarlett as if she was crazy, and she thought she was all honest.
"I'm sorry. Alright? I'm sorry for calling John Alf. I'm sorry for calling Paul a manipulator little bitch that gives zero fucks when it comes to loyalty. I'm sorry for yelling at Ringo for playing with Star's emotions. I'm sorry for yelling at George and almost pounding him to the ground..." Scarlett started to apologize.
"You almost did what?" Star coughed as Scarlett turned around to face Star.
"I lunged at him after you left, but the other three didn't let me," Scarlett innocently smiled, "Not important now."
"Hmph," Star gave her a face as Scarlett turned around.
"I am also so sorry for breaking up the family. I regretted it as soon as I did it, but I was so angry that I didn't take it back. Then once I cooled down, I was too stubborn and prideful to take it back even though I wanted to," Scarlett looked down, "I'm sorry I fucked up. I regret it, and the truth is, you guys are the only people I have left. And I thought at first, without you guys, I'll be fine with the people I have, but the past two months, there was this gap. I couldn't fill it with all the people around me. Not one person could fill it. As much as I hate to admit it, I need you guys to get by because you have been my constant since the first day I met each of you."
It went silent. No one knew what to say or expected that.
"So..." Scarlett coughed, "Anybody wants to go? So I just didn't embarrass myself?"
"I'm sorry saying your dad would be ashamed that you used to cut when I never met him... and told the others even though you weren't comfortable with it." Ringo went next as Scarlett looked at him.
"She used to do what?!" The people that didn't know screamed as Scarlett glared at Ringo.
"I didn't know they would be listening! I thought they would give us privacy!" Ringo lifted his hands.
"Anybody else?" Scarlett tried to change the subject. She didn't want to talk about it.
"I'm sorry for bringing up your dad and saying he won't be proud of you," Paul apologized, "And letting my ego bring the toxicity of the band into the family."
Scarlett smiled, showing it was okay. The three that did apologize looked at the three that still didn't.
"Fine. I'm sorry for disowning you guys. I'm sorry I let you guys find out about my sexuality through a magazine because it was a purposeful petty move." Star apologized, "I'm also sorry for that article from my work. I didn't write it, but I might've told my coworker about the fight that inspired that article."
"You what?" The lads looked at Star.
"Everything from May 16th and before was a blur. Not the point," Star rubbed her face. As Ringo apologetic looked at Star, she could see the guilt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry for using your emotions to get back at George for sleeping with Mo," Ringo looked at her. George looked at Ringo as something clicked in John's head.
"Wait for one minute. Why would Star's reaction hurt Hazza?" John asked.
"No reason," Star, George, Scarlett, and Ringo quickly said as everyone in the live room snickered at the four.
"It's alright, I forgive you," Star coughed and turned to Ringo. The spotlight now turned to the two that still have not apologized, George and John.
"I'm sorry for having an affair with Mo. I know it's wrong and impacted and hurt a lot of people. I also am sorry for barging at your work and snapping at you, Star... and calling you Nancy, it's completely false, and I was trying to hurt you. I'm sorry. And Scarlett, I know you were serious when you said if I broke her heart again, I would regret it. I'm sorry for pushing to your edge." George cracked as Scarlett, Star, and Ringo looked at him with blank expressions in shock. They were not expecting that.
"It's fine," the three said simultaneously as the five looked at John.
"Fine! I am sorry for calling you a punching bag. I am also sorry for saying we're not a family because we are. You guys are the only family I have. My mum's been dead, Alf walked out on me, my two father figures died, and all I have left are you guys, Mimi, and my other sisters. I didn't mean it, and I'm sorry for letting you guys walk out," John grabbed the twins' family rings out of his pocket, "I miss you guys. We miss you guys. And I didn't realize how much I needed you two in my life, in all of our lives, until you two were gone. So please come back to us."
The twins looked at each other and then the lads, expecting them to apologize for what started the fight.
"We promise we will cut the fighting to a minimum and make sure to keep the band drama in the studio so the family doesn't get toxic again." As the twins gave the lads a more farrow look, the lads said, "And we love and missed you."
The twins grabbed their rings, put them on, and no longer felt as if they were naked. From the twins wearing their rings since they were 16 and rarely taking them off, they have had this weird naked feeling without the rings in the past couple of months. The six hugged each other, then they heard the door, and with that, they trotted out of Apple. It was pouring out, but they didn't care since they were out and started to have fun in the rain. Roger, Yoko, Linda, and Maureen all went out on the sidewalk and laughed at their partner dancing in the storm while the others talked in the lobby.
"So, how long did that take?" Roger asked Linda.
"Twenty-seven hours," Linda looked at her watch. It wasn't long before the six ran back in from getting locked in a room for twenty-seven hours and not allowed to use the bathroom. Star, the only track star in the family, got to the restroom first, she was hanging around, and George had walked up to her. He pulled her to the side, where the others won't notice them, and George had a few things to get off his chest.
"I still need to apologize for other things," George said. Star looked confused, "I want to apologize for constantly breaking your heart..."
"Geo," Star softly gazed at him.
"It was selfish of me to tell you that we would never work out because I wanted to date Pattie, and I knew I was asking too much when I asked you to witness my wedding. It was also unfair for you when I had an affair with Mo while I was giving you hope for us," George apologized as Star put her finger on George's mouth and smirked.
"Y'know, for being the quiet Beatle, you need to know when shut up," She smiled, "And I forgive you, I always will."
They then started to share a kiss and pulled away.
"I love you," George finally properly told Star.
"I know," Star grinned, "And I love you too."
"I know," George joked, and they went back into another kiss while the others were too busy talking. The only ones that noticed were Pattie and Scarlett, who looked at each other, smirked, and fist-bumped each other.
June 10th, 1969- Scarlett's POV
Venessa and Payton came to London with their significant others and children. I've been doing finals all week. Not to mention I have my driver's test next month so I'm also studying for that. After my shift, I quickly went to my flat to get changed and then stopped by the studio before going to a Smile gig. Once I walked in, I looked into the live room out of habit to ensure they weren't fighting. But when I looked in, George just seemed out of it. I knew his divorce would be finalized soon. Pattie kept on updating Star and me these past few months.
"Hey, Walks," George Martin turned around and saw me.
"Hey Marty, how are they?" I asked, putting down my bag.
"Good, but George seemed weird all day," George Martin shrugged, then looked at my outfit, "Please tell me you don't wear that at work?"
"No, I'm going to see Roger's gig after this, I have some time to kill, and I don't want to distract him from practicing." I shrugged, walking over to Geoff Emerick, who has headphones on, listening to the lads.
"Are they fighting?" I snuck up on him as Geoff jumped and turned to me.
"Don't do that," He looked at me, "No, but Geo has that look he had before he quit."
"You good, Hazza?" John asked, "You've been off all day."
"Umm, yeah, fine," George lied.
"Don't lie, Hazza. I can see right through you." I pressed the intercom button and talked through the tiny microphone.
"When did you get here, Lottie?" Ringo asked
"About a minute ago," I shrugged my shoulders.
"Where's Star?" George asked.
"Working late tonight," I stated.
"Okay, good, can you come in here?" George asked. I nodded and walked in. Like always, I saw Yoko next to John and pointed to an amp.
"Can I sit?" I asked the lads as they nodded before I sat down, "What's up?"
"As everyone knows, Pattie and I are getting a divorce, it's getting finalized soon, and I fucked things up and want to clarify that I stopped things with Mo. Sorry about that, Ringo," George coughed, as Ringo made a small it's an alright grunt, "And Pattie and I decided just to sell the house to make it easier for us. Still, I might get a little busy."
"Sorry, mate," Paul frowned.
"It's fine because looking back. I just loved Pattie. I was in love with someone else," George exclaimed as Ringo, and I looked at each other, then George.
"Really? Who's the lucky Birdie?" John asked as Ringo, and I stiffened.
"What's up with you two?" Paul looked at Ringo and me.
"Umm... nothing," Ringo and I coughed, "George was about to say something."
George glared at me; I gave him a look. George sighed, then cleared his throat.
"You see, I... umm... Scarlett, please help me out here?" George looked at John in fear. I rolled my eyes and mouthed 'pussy' at him as George rolled his eyes, and all the eyes went to me.
"Fine, remember the night we got into the fight. When we got locked in the studio, I got pissed at Ringo for using Star's emotions to hurt George, and you got concerned about why it hurt Star so much?" I sighed.
"Yeah... what about it?" Paul and John both said.
"Well... that was because she's been in love with him since those two met back in '57. It was like love at first sight, and I wanted to beat the crap out of Geo because he knows Star loves him," I cringed to prepare myself for John's outburst of anger.
"You're lying. You guys met in '58, not '57," John grunted.
"We met George on the first day of Liverpool institute. We didn't tell you because, knowing you, you would have killed Paul. So we acted like we never knew George when you met George," I coughed as Paul glared at me since I wasn't supposed to tell John.
"So you knew Star had feelings for you?" John glared at George.
"And I have feelings for her too," George finally told John, "I always did."
"This is worse than you sleeping with Mo! This is worst than fucking incest!" John snapped. He looked like he was ready to charge at George.
"John!" I yelled, getting between John and George. This is a fight between the lads I don't mind being involved with, "Do not."
"Scarlett. Move." John demanded.
"No," I crossed my arms, staying put. John tried to move around me, but Ringo stood next to me, and we created a wall of protection for George from the wrath of John that George had feared since he's been with Star.
"John, just calm down," I sighed.
"Calm down? Calm down! This whole time, while that fucker was with Pattie, a scruff, or even Ringo's wife, he knew my baby sister was hurting because of him!" John hollered, "Also, if he was so in love with her, then how the fuck did she end up with that abusive piece of shit! Axel fucking starved her and did god knows what to her! That all could've been avoided with him!"
John pointed at George, with the rage fuming off of him. I looked over to George, and he was looking at the ground. I know George always feels terrible when he hurts Star. I know that every time Star found out he cheated on Pattie, she would have felt a bit upset because that would make her think he never really wanted her. Then George would beat himself up because he knew he hurt Star. And with the whole Axel thing, George was always over my place beating himself up about that. He would always say, 'If I knew the signs, she wouldn't be that damaged by him' or 'if I just waited till she was in Uni, she would never have dated him in the first place.' I looked back over to John and took a deep breath.
"Calm down," I looked at John, "You think he meant to hurt Star? No."
"But he did," John scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, and Star forgave him, plus she even stated it was no one's fault for what happened to her with Axel," I crossed my arms.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Paul finally broke his silence but looked over John, Ringo, and me and right at George, "I mean, Scarlett and Ringo know, but I knew you longer, and I didn't?"
"I don't know," George shrugged, "I thought you wouldn't care."
"No, but I do!" As I rolled my eyes, John interfered, "You love my baby sister! You know how gross that is?!"
"John, for the love of God, please shut up," I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"No, I will not shut up!" John protested.
"Ugh... here we go again," I rolled my eyes. With that, John started to bicker. Ringo defended George. Paul was hurt that George didn't tell him about George fancying Star. George thought it wasn't a big deal. I'm just looking at my watch, noticing I have to resolve this quickly because I have a gig to go to. To be honest, this fight I don't mind but wish this had happened sooner.
"Okay, Everyone, please shut the fuck up," I finally looked up from my watch. I looked to George, which signaled for him to leave. George nodded, then got up and walked out of the studio room. I looked at the two whiny boys.
"Now tell us what you're bickering about?" I sighed.
"How are you okay with the fact that your big brother and your twin sister are in love?" John asked, "How is this not bothering you at all?"
"They fell in love since the first time they saw each other," I shrugged.
"I'm not okay with this! It's fucking incest!" John announced.
"Who?" I looked at him.
"Who what?" John looked at me.
"Who asked you?" I looked at him.
"George and Judy love each other, but they were both afraid of how John would react." Ringo tried to reason with the two, "Originally, they were going to ask for John's permission to date, but then their lives got different, and George met Pattie. George figured if he asked John, he wouldn't be alive to get a chance to date her."
"I don't like it!" John stated.
"I don't either!" Paul crossed his arms.
"Why don't you guys sleep on it and talk tomorrow?" I asked, looking at my watch.
"Alright, but it's going to be the same fucking answer!" John stormed out with Yoko following.
"It's fucking disgusting! There is no way I'm letting him date my little sister! Even if he's my baby brother or my best mate! I don't fucking like it, and I won't fucking change my mind!" Paul huffed out of the studio. Before I left, I quickly checked where George had gone. I was told he was on the rooftop, and I walked outside. We talked for a bit, then went to the Smile gig. We were late thanks to John and Paul. George and I danced, realizing that George had no excellent dancing moves.
June 11th, 1969
After busing myself with finals, I finally got rid of this churning feeling in my stomach with the fate of Star and George's relationship. I got to the studio, George had to run out, and I looked at the two that refused to face the facts.
"Rose catch!" John screamed as my sandwich hit me in the face. Why do I put up with him at times?
"No, 'hello my most favorite little sister'?" I looked at him.
"Hello, you big pain in my ass," John smiled.
"I'll take it... and the sandwich," I sat down and looked at the lads, "So do we have an answer for the fate of your baby sister's happiness?"
"Yes! No, they're not dating, too disgusting," John looked at me.
"Lennon," I looked at him with a straight face.
"Walker," John looked back.
"Did you ever think about it?" I looked at him.
"No, and I am not going to! It's incest, gross, makes me uncomfortable," John aggressively ate.
"Paul?" I looked at him.
"I did think it through and even got Linda's opinion on it... and Star has been through enough, and I know George would never truly hurt her. Through the years, he was always her backbone, and in a way, he showed us he's the one for her," Paul sighed in defeat, "Also, Star won't hurt George. They can help each other. George has a problem with infidelity, and I believe Star will help him with it."
"So you're alright with it?" I looked at him.
"For the sake of Star and George's happiness. Yes. It will take some time to get used to, but I'll get used to it," Paul smirked as Ringo, Paul, and I looked at John.
"You're not going to change my mind," John crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry, are you Star or Geo?" I asked.
"Well, you aren't in the relationship. Are you that selfish not to let your baby sister finally be happy after 22 years of traumatic depression because you don't like it?" I looked at him, "Geo won't do anything to hurt Star. He helped her in so many ways. He won't hurt her."
"... Alright... not because you played with my emotions," John grumped.
"You have to have emotions," I played with his hair. The four of us talked until I had to get ready for work. I bumped into George as I walked out.
"How did it go?" George asked.
"Go ask the lads," I smiled, giving him the answer off my face.
"Thank you, Scarlett. I promise I won't hurt her," George smiled.
"I know you won't," I smiled, then rushed to work.
Star's POV
"You spelled that wrong," Aaron pointed to my work while eating a bag of crisps, putting crumbs on me and my work.
"Can you stop eating over my work?" I looked at him.
"Sorry," Aaron got rid of the bag and wiped the grease on his shirt. Aaron is one of the DJs for the radio show. It's Aaron and Matt. Aaron started around the same time I did, and it's a funny story about how we met. Theo, his flatmate/ my deskmate, is one of my one-night stands. Theo was one of my loveliest one-nighters, I have to admit. Theo and Aaron were getting ready for work. They told me how Bluebird was looking for journalists while making me breakfast. When I tried to see where I was, I also discovered that we lived in the same building and level. The boys live in 3H while Scar and I live in 3W, it wasn't long before I worked here, and we became the best of friends. They were one of the only people I talked to when I stopped talking to the lads, and they did help me go through withdrawal. Theo would bring over snacks, and Aaron would tell me what work drama I was missing.
"You two seem like a cute couple," Theo winked at Aaron and me. 
"We're friends," Aaron and I quickly friend-zoned the other.
"That's the fastest I've seen two people friend zone each other," Theo laughed, "Right, Ce?"
"Hmph," Cecilia, my other desk mate, rolled her eyes. Cecilia doesn't like me, which is on me. Cecilia was my best friend since my first year of Uni. We all were in the same friend group, would have died for each other, and got matching tattoos and everything, but I lost them all thanks to my abusive ex. Axel made me say horrible things about them, which caused them to stop altogether talking to me. Sienna was the only one who stuck, but we fell out due to my choice to become sober. Cecilia started right around when I was going through withdrawal. She's relatively new. She just ignores me, I want to talk to her and try to get my best friend back, but I can tell she's still mad at me for saying those things back then.
"Damn, Walker, what did you do for the newbie to hate you?" Theo laughed as I sunk into my seat.
"You also spelled that wrong," Aaron tried to distract me. I told him about my old friend group and what I could about the traumatic stuff. 
"Walker," Boss Marcus Bluebird walked over to Aaron, Theo, Cecilia, and me, "I have an assignment for you. Suppose you could do it before you leave. If not, that's fine since you have finals, graduations, and your trip. But I want you to at least start an article on the new place, Coffee Lounge. It seems right up your alley."
"Yes, sir, what about this article?" I asked, lifting the article I'm working on.
"Trash it. We don't need it," Boss said as I nodded. He walked off as I heard Cecilia laugh.
"Oh, for once, you acknowledge me," I turned to her as Cecilia looked at the clock and started to pack up.
"Someone's snappy," Aaron opened his chips and glared at Cecilia.
"No one likes a smartass," Cecilia grabbed her stuff.
"And no one likes people that just love to hold grudges," Aaron rolled his eyes as I elbowed him. Cecilia left as Theo laughed.
"So, how are you and mystery man?" Theo looked at me while Aaron took the empty desk seat and moved it next to me.
"Mystery man?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, you know, the guy you have been daydreaming about for the past two days!" Theo started to tease me.
"I have not!" I felt my face turn red.
"Yeah, right," Aaron rolled his eyes.
"I kissed him, and he told me he loved me!" Theo mimicked me.
"Stop, I don't sound like that!" I looked at him as Aaron laughed.
"You do," the two boys said as I looked at a picture of George and me. I gazed at the image out of habit.
"Is Geo the mystery man?" Theo asked.
"Theo, shut up!" I snapped.
"He is!" Theo laughed, "I knew you had a crush on him, ever since I saw how you looked at him in Help!"
"Why does everyone bring that up!" I asked.
"Because you guys made it obvious!" Aaron laughed; with that, George walked in. Great, just great.
"Not a word," I turned to Theo and Aaron. George walked up to my desk pod.
"Hey, mystery man," Theo started, Aaron tried to hold his laugh as George looked confused, and I glared at Theo.
"Hey Geo, what's up?" I turned to George
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked, "Alone?"
"Yeah, sure," I got up and walked to the conference room.
"Are you sure you're allowed to use this for personal reasons?" George asked.
"No, but it's better than the alley or a room full of journalists." I smiled. George smiled a bit and walked closer to me.
"You know you're adorable when your glasses are on," George flirted. I blushed a bit and looked up so I could see his eyes. Thankfully my heels helped me a bit.
"Oh really?" I flirted, "Did you just come here to flirt with me?"
"Well, more like asking you on a date?" George tried to hide his smile but failed... it's cute.
"What about-" I raised my eyebrow.
"Scarlett talked to John and Paul for me. They know."
"When and where?"
"Can you do it tonight?"
"I would... but I have to work late because I came here late because finals took forever," I bit my lip.
"Seriously?" George's face dropped.
"Yeah... I had math finals with no Scarlett."
"Yeah..." I sighed, "But I have an idea."
"I'm listening."
"So my shift is supposed to end in 45 minutes, come back and lie, Beatles emergency they let me leave."
"Okay, see you then," He winked, and we walked out. I walked back to my desk, looked at the details I got about the Coffee Lounge and realized I had gone there. I jotted down some things I noticed when I went there. Aaron returned to do his job, and we saw Matt walk through the journalism floor to go home. There's a stairwell in the printing and layout room. Instead of using the front stairwell that leads to the main door, they sometimes pass through.
"Can I ask you something?" Theo looked at me.
"Hm?" I hummed.
"Do you think Caroline will go out with me?" He asked. I looked at him. Caroline is the new secretary that just started a month ago. Theo began forming a little crush on her and has been hitting her since. The poor girl doesn't get a break. All the asshole men slap her ass and call her names, and then she has one guy constantly flirting with her. She gets professional contact only when she is helping the women out.
"Theo, she's not interested," I answered.
"How do you know that?"
"Have you ever held an actual conversation with her?"
"Well, no."
"Do it when you talk to her and get to know her."
"Alright, thanks, Star."
After a few more minutes, George returned, but he went through the reception desk this time. I smirked.
"What are you planning?" Theo looked at me while he was packing up.
"Planning to get out when my shift ends," I smirked.
"Walker, you got a Beatles problem. You don't need to make up the hours. But I would like the Coffee Lounge article done soon as possible." My Boss walked up to me.
"Yes, sir," I smiled, I got my things, and Theo gave me a look. Boss then turned to Theo.
"Theodor, I want you to stay later so you can finish your article since you had all this time talking to Ms. Walker," My Boss walked away, and I laughed. Theo then mumbled something while giving me the bird. I walked away, giving him the bird as well. I walked up to George, saving him from the mob of girls that began to crowd around.
"You are one lucky girl, Walker," Dawn, one of the other female writers, said as she idolized George.
"You have no idea," I whispered through my teeth. We both walked to George's car after lunch. I let Scarlett have my car practice driving since she needs her hours for her license. We stopped at the diner, and the two of us went in; we didn't look like we were on a date. I’m wearing a professional white button-down shirt. This Houndstooth skirt started above the waist and ended above the knee with regular black heels that gave me a couple more inches. George is wearing the casual clothes that he would wear to the studio. But if the press thought we were on a date, it wouldn't go well because; A) George and Pattie announced their divorce a few weeks ago, and B) I’m a Beatles twin, and he's a Beatle. We told the press we’re a family and nothing more. We ordered our food and drinks, and the waitress immediately noticed George and flirted with him. I got used to it from eleven years of girls throwing themselves on him and the lads. After the waitress left, I just smirked, while he was surprised that I was okay with it.
"How are you fine with the waitress flirting with me?" George asked, "I mean, Pattie got so jealous."
"Well, I got used to it," I started, "And I’m not a jealous type of person."
George just smiled. I Want To Hold Your Hand came on, and George slid down his seat as people started to stare: I laughed at George's reaction.
"What? Don't like the Beatles?" I joked, "They are fairly good, but Elvis is much better."
"Of course he is! He's the King, but I think the Beatles have the same hype!" George joke.
"Well, Elvis didn't say they were bigger than Jesus."
"Hey! That was all John!"
"I know. How can I not forget? Scarlett went off on him," I laughed, "Because we got jumped by kids from Uni."
"I remember that! Scarlett ran into the studio screaming at John."
Our food came out, and we started to crack more jokes and talk a bit more after we were done. George paid, he insisted, then we drove around seeing London at night. I had my camera on me, and I started to snap some pictures. I noticed George looking over and smiling as I was taking the photos.
"Y'know, I can see you looking over," I checked how much film I had left, "You freak out when my eyes aren't on the road."
"Well, I am distracted by your beauty."
"Oh, so original," I laughed, "Well, maybe I can drive your car?"
"No, not gonna happen."
"Oh, come on, yes, you are already a star," I laughed.
"Oh, shut up," George rolled his eyes with a laugh.
"Beep beep beep beep yeah!" I sang with more of a laugh.
"Okay, that's it!" George pulled over, turned to me with a smirk, and then tickled me.
"Alright, alright! You win," I gasped in laughter as George stopped ticking me, and I caught my breath. I smirked, thinking about other lyrics I could annoy him with.
"What are you playing at now?" George smiled at me.
"Oh, nothing," I smirked, then leaned my head on his arm, "Y'know what I realized?"
"Hm?" George looked into my eyes, moving a piece of my hair.
"In my life, I love you more," I sang a bit and tried to hide my laughter. George rolled his eyes, then leaned in for a kiss. We started to kiss. When we pulled out, George bit my lip.
"Ow! You bit my lip," I pulled away while he smirked, "You are playing a very risking game, Harrison."
"I'll take my chances, Walker," He smirked again and pulled me in for another kiss. When we pulled out of that kiss, I quickly glanced at the time since I have finals tomorrow.
"Shit, it's 11:11," I pointed out.
"Shit, my license expired 11 minutes ago," George freaked out.
"Wait... yeah, you have a cinderella license," I laughed a bit.
"Baby, you can drive my car?" George looked at me, then tried to fight his laugh.
"Move over to be a star," I laughed.
"Well, I don't need to be one because I got one right here."
"So are we going to...?" I rolled my eyes, got out of the car, and walked to the driver's side.
"Your flat, if that's alright."
"I don't mind you sleeping over."
We drove to my flat and parked at the closest spot near the front of the building. Soon as we got inside the flat, Elaina, Scarlett, Roger, and David were there.
"Whatcha watching?" I asked as George was closing the door.
"Cartoons, where were you guys?" Scarlett asked.
"Nowhere." George and I both said.
"I can tell when you guys are lying," Scarlett stated, looking at me.
"Fine, we went on a date, I would like to talk more, but I have to study for tomorrow's finals because I did not study," I walked into my room.
George's POV
Star went into her room to study, I sat down, and Scarlett had such a big smirk.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh nothing, just a few people owe me money now," Scarlett laughed.
"Hazza, you know me. What is the one thing we all do to make things interesting?"
"You placed a bet, didn't you."
"Well, Lou, Joyce, Ringo, and your dad owe me money."
"Even my dad and sister were in the bet?"
"Yeah, on your birthday, your dad said by the middle of April, Lousie bet that you will ask her out on your birthday. Joyce said it's not going to happen after you and Pattie got married."
"How about you and Ringo?"
"Ringo thought you would pussy out and never tell John. I had some faith in you."
"So, how was the date?" Elaina interrupted.
"Yeah, where did you take my twin?" Scarlett leaned over, put her arm on her knee, and placed her head on her fist.
"I took her to the diner first, then we drove around London," I told them as I felt a smirk, "She started to take pictures while I drove around."
"Anything else?" Scarlett asked.
"She wouldn't stop making corny Beatle jokes," I laughed.
"Of course she did," Scarlett laughed.
"Hey, they were funny when you laughed at them!" Star screamed from her room. 
"So you said you're moving out of the house. Are you looking for places?" Scarlett asked.
"Yeah, but none of them really fix, y'know," I answered.
"When do you have to move out?"
"By the end of the month."
"Geo!" I heard Star from her room, and Scarlett both yelled, then Scarlett started, "You can't just find the perfect house at the last minute. You have to go through Expectations and whatnot."
"I moved into a house I owned before."
"Last time I checked, the first flat you lived in was because of Eppy, then the second flat was because of Eppy, and I'm sure he helped you with Kinfauns," Scarlett looked at me.
"Shit," I totally forgot. Eppy helped me with both houses. Star walked out, grabbed Elaina and Scarlett, and dragged them into her room. Roger, Elaina's boyfriend, and I all stayed there in silence.
"So George, was the date how you expected?" Roger asked.
"Yeah, the waitress started to flirt, but that's really it."
"You are lucky because when I had my first date with Scarlett, these four lads interrupted it," Roger joked. I forgot about that. I feel bad, Roger had decided to do a pleasant and peaceful first date, but then the lads and I interrupted the date. After a few more minutes, the girls came out of Star's room.
"Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone," Star went up to me and whispered. I nodded, and she grabbed my hand and brought me to her room. She closed the door behind us.
"So the girls and I were talking, and we want to know if you want to move in?" Star asked, "You can have my room, and I could share with Scarlett-"
Star started to ramble off. I cut her off by kissing her. She melted into the kiss, then we broke it, and I quietly spoke, "If it is okay with you, can you be my roommate?"
"Well, I don't mind that either," She smirked, "Also, if you need to store some things, we still have that storage unit from when we remodeled Venessa's house."
"Thank you. You guys didn't have to do this."
"We wanted to," Star yawned. She has bags under her eyes and looks exhausted.
"Why don't you go to bed? You look tired," I moved her light blonde hair out of the way to show her beautiful gold eyes.
"Because I have to study," Star yawned, "I gotta do good to graduate."
"You also need rest, now go to sleep," I kissed her nose. She nodded, and I walked out with a pair of PJs that I left here. After I got changed, I saw Star had already passed out. She left her textbooks on the floor. I quickly picked them up and put them with her glasses on the nightstand. I slipped under the covers, and Star automatically turned around to wrap her arms around me. I put my arms around her, but I couldn't sleep. I just started to play with her hair and think. Tonight was great. I got the old Star back, not the Star that was covered by her cold shoulder act. But tonight, she was throwing jokes left and right. Even though some of them were corny as anything, it was cute. Also, when she just started to snap pictures, she looked so cute when she was focused on taking pictures. 
June 12th, 1969- Scarlett's POV
One more day until I graduate! Then I go to Liverpool for a bit. Star and I are planning to drive to Liverpool on Sunday and stay for a week. Kelly gave me today, tomorrow, and next week off, so Liverpool is a go, but I have to graduate first. I walked into my internship class to turn in a report Kelly had written about me for the final. As I walked in, I noticed Kelly and Cordelia chatting.
"Uh oh, you two talking, what did I do?" I joked.
"Depends. Do you have your paper?" Cordelia looked at me as I pulled it out and gave it to her, "then congratulations, you passed my class."
"Also..." Kelly smiled, "I have amazing news for you!"
"What?" I looked at her as Kelly pulled out a mirror to see myself, "Guess who you're looking at?"
"My tired ass," I looked at her.
"No... Well, yes, I can see your bags from here, but the New Chief Operating Officer of Kelly's Closet!" Kelly squealed, carefully putting the mirror in her bag.
"Oh my god, are you joking?!" I gasped.
"No, I'm not. You've been doing the job since Anne quit back in May. You have shown me that you are qualified for the job these past weeks," Kelly smiled.
"Thank you!" I smiled as Kelly put her arms out for a hug, and we briefly hugged before other students started to come in. Kelly and I walked out. I have to go tell my family. Kelly offered me a ride home, and I accepted. I said thank you, then ran upstairs and got into my flat to see Payton and Venessa talking to John, Paul, Ringo, and George. Nice to know that the lads came over, wait, shit, Roger was sleeping in my room, and John doesn't know about our little sleepovers. I closed the door, and everyone looked at me. John gave me a glare, making me think I was in trouble.
"Hi!" I smiled, "I didn't know you guys were coming."
"Well, we wanted to talk to you," John crossed his arms. If Geo told him about Roger sleeping over, I would tell John about him moving in and sharing a room with Star.
"Why didn't you tell us that you are the COO of Kelly's Closet?" John looked at me, and I sighed with relief.
"Wait, how did you guys know?" I asked.
"Found out on the news. Kelly announced it this morning," John crossed his arms.
"Well, good because I was just told. When I turned in my report for my internship class," I coughed.
"I'm proud of you!" Venessa smiled.
"Thanks," I smiled, "It was a surprise."
"So the world knew before you?" John started to laugh.
"I guess," I shrugged.
"Tell your boss, thank you," John laughed as I rolled my eyes, walking into my room, and they all followed, sitting on my bed.
"Scarlett!" Star yelled as she slammed the door. She ran in and jumped onto all of us, then looked at me, "As your twin, I should be the first to know that you are Chief Operating Officer of Kelly's Closet, and I should know way before the world does."
"The world knew before I did," I sighed.
"Oh," Star said, “Really?”
“Yes,” I sighed with a slight chuckle. 
"Anyways, How about we talk about the twin's party?” Paul suggested.
"Okay, easy, we don't want one. We're going to Liverpool," Star shrugged.
"It's been planned since April," I shrugged.
"You're having a party," John and Paul said.
"No, most people are from Liverpool if we do." I said, "The only people from London we would invite are the Lawsons, Brian, Roger, Tim, Elaina, Freddie, Cordelia, Ella, Aaron, and Kelly."
"I mean...." Star looked at me, "I never turn down a party."
"Party in Liverpool it is," I shrugged.
"You also forgot Theo and Cecilia," Star looked at me.
"Wheeler?" I looked at her as she nodded.
"She sits next to me at work," Star nodded, "Plus Caroline."
"I have an idea, we can have your party at my house, and you guys can stay like originally planned," Venessa stated, "We can bring people up north, and if they want to stay, they can stay at mine."
"And mine too. I have a few guest rooms," Payton stated.
0 notes
annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Scarlett, Star, George, Third-Person
Warning: Mental Health struggles and Self Harm
Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
May 16th, 1969
It has been over one month since I talked to or saw the lads. My graduation is in not even a month away. I graduate on June 13th, and Star graduates on June 14th since Kingston didn't want their grads to graduate Friday the 13th. I didn't even know it was a bad luck day in the 1960s, but apparently, it is. Star has been honestly scaring me. Her partying is worse. I'm frightened about the number of men and women she brings home. We haven't talked to the Beatles or Maureen. Star refuses even to see her. We would talk to the Apple Gang, Mal Evans, Chris O'Dell, Derek Taylor, Alistair Taylor, and Neil Aspinall, with calls from George Martin here and there. We still talk to Cynthia and Pattie and even hang out with them. Everyone that still speaks to the lads respect our decision and doesn't try to make us talk or see them. The press has been getting a hold that we have not been seen with our rings in a month, and Ella made it very clear that it's Star and my signature thing. But today was going fine until Star ran into Kelly and my office.
"I hate men!" She yelled, "They're all pigs."
"I know. I knew since I was 16," Kelly told Star.
"What's wrong," I asked, giving her my seat.
"He walked into my work to yell at me because he thought I wrote a horrible article about him!" She started to whine.
"Who," I asked.
"George! Someone wrote an article about how we weren't seen with each other, and he thought I wrote it," Star whined.
Third Person POV (Earlier that day)
The lads were in the studio, still not believing it's been over a month since they had even seen the twins. George Martin walked in with today's Bluebird paper, and his eyes widen when he saw one of the articles. The lads saw his expression and asked what was wrong. Martin said nothing. John then grabbed the paper out of his hand and, with big black letters, 'Beatle twins left the Beatles for the toxicity of the band.' Automatically, John thought Star had written this.
"That bitch!" John yelled, passing the paper to the others, "She leaves us and writes an article saying it's our fault!"
"Well, our toxicity pushed them away," Ringo tried to defend the twins. Paul and George didn't have it. They seriously did think Star wrote the article. George grabbed the paper and stormed out of the studio. He collected his anger and drove to Star's work. The secretary told him to wait at the conference while someone got Star. Star was working on a side piece. It was an article about what happened the night they all stopped talking. She's planning to put it in the paper to shut everyone up and say it was no one's fault, just things happen.
"Walker, someone is waiting for you in the conference room," Her boss walked to her desk. Star got confused and grabbed her piece, so no one took it. She walked in to see George, her heart dropped, but she took a deep breath and put on a professional mask.
"Hello, Mr. Harrison. What can I help you with?" Star calmly said. Mr. Harrison, what the fuck?! they both thought in different pretext. George was a more confused pretext, while Star was annoyed with herself and felt stupid. George cleared his throat, trying to find words to come out of his mouth. For the first time in over a month, he was speechless. Star gave him a 'Come on; you can tell me' look.
"We read the paper. We're not okay with the article you wrote about us," George finally worded a sentence.
"What article?" Star looked at him.
"You know the article where you blamed our toxicity for you and Scarlett leaving us." George hissed.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about," Star stayed calm. George pulled the paper out of his pocket and passed it to Star. They both tried to avoid physical contact, knowing where it took them the last time. Star read the article; disgusted with the writing and the thought that the lads thinks she wrote this.
"I didn't write this," Star snapped, giving George the article back.
"Well, if it wasn't you, how did this person know we aren't talking anymore?"
"I don't know. Scarlett and I don't have our rings on, and that's our signature trademark. Plus, we haven't been seen with you guys for over a month." Star looked into George's eyes. She then looked down, not allowing herself to meet his gaze, "One, this isn't my writing style. Two, I would never talk badly about you or the lads. Three that isn't even my name, the author is Jude Walrus, that is some fake name."
"And?" George's brows furrowed.
"Wow, you actually think I wrote this?" Star felt a little hurt.
"I mean, your middle name is Judith. You could simply put that for a pen name."
"You see, I don't use pen names, and you know that. Using pen names is taking the easy way out from criticism."
"I mean, I have been told you're not yourself lately. This wouldn't surprise me. You simply could've just pulled a Nancy with the state you're in," George said it so coldly it broke Star, but she refused to let him win.
"Fine, I don't give a flipping fuck if you think I wrote this rubbish. This is why I decided to leave you guys anyways!" Star snapped coldly, then pulled out her article and handed it to George, "This is what I wrote about what happened. You can give it back to me when you and the others are done. Goodbye, Mr. Harrison."
Star turned her heel and walked out, fighting back her tears. She asked to take the rest of the day off, then drove to Scarlett's work and started talking to her about it.
George stood in the office feeling like a complete dick. He walked out and went into his car.
"Fuck!" He yelled, then hit the steering wheel. He grabbed Star's article and started to read it. George finished reading the article, and Star was right; she didn't say a bad thing about the lads. He felt terrible for doing that and wanted to tell her he was sorry, but he knew it would make things worse. He returned to the studio and showed the lads the article Star wrote about them. Roger, Freddie, Brian, Elaina, Linda, Cynthia, Pattie, Eric, Maureen, Yoko, Kelly, and the Apple gang met about fixing the twins and the Beatles' relationship. Seeing what was going on from a different point of view, they all saw how much these six people needed each other. They are trying to make the six talk before the twins' graduations. So far, they are having trouble with what to do since they know the twins and the lads are the most stubborn and prideful people they have ever met.
George's POV
I gave the lads the paper Star wrote, and you can see the difference between the two articles. I truly felt bad for how I acted towards her, and to be honest, when she called me Mr. Harrison, it made me feel weird. She calls me Hazza, Geo, Georgie, George, and Harrison but never Mr. Harrison. I only want to hear Star calling me Mr. Harrison on our wedding day. Hell! What am I even saying? If she would ever decide to date me? I constantly broke her heart. I told her we would never work and then go and date Pattie.
I got married to Pattie and had Star be the witness. Not to mention I've been sleeping over her flat, giving her hope for us, and then I crush it by my affair with Maureen. I didn't mean... in a way. I was just so frustrated with everything. I tested these mushrooms with Pattie, Ringo, and Mo, and I realized she was Beautiful. I did like her, but I never meant to hurt Pattie or Star, but I did, and there were times when I mistook Mo for Star... not my best moments. Also, why am I getting shit on because Mo could have easily said no or stopped the affair, but she didn't? I know that's not the point, but I fucked up because apparently, I have been confessing my love to Star to every blonde woman I know besides her. What the hell is wrong with me when it comes to that girl? I've always been like this since I met her back in 1957. When I met her at the lunch table, I always had this feeling for her that I could never really shake off. But I like it when I'm with her. She makes everything happy and calm. I wanted to go and talk to her after the first week from the fight when Elaina barged in and told us Star wouldn't stop partying. I wanted to go to the flat and hold her until I knew she was okay, but I knew I was part of the reason.
"You okay, George?" Ringo asked, snapping me out of my train of thought.
"Yeah," I sighed.
"You miss her, don't you," Ringo asked, "I miss them both."
John and Paul weren't in the room. I'm guessing they went out for a smoke. Ringo isn't as mad as me as everyone thinks. He somehow forgave me. He also knew the whole time. Once Pattie got speculation about it, she told Ringo. I guess Pattie was why Star never knew because the night of the fight was when I broke the news to the lads that Pattie and I were getting divorced. Then Ringo commented on the affair, which brought it into the fight, leading to the more significant battle that caused the twins to no longer want us in their lives.
Scarlett's POV
After Star left to gods know where and Kelly had been long gone, I just sat at my desk, grabbing the family picture out of my drawer. I saw how happy we all were. We took this picture when Yoko and Linda came into the family, but Yoko didn't want to be in the picture. She didn't, but Cynthia was there because she dropped off Julian, so she sat next to John. We all looked happy and looked like there was nothing wrong. I heard a knock on the door and put the picture back into my drawer.
"Come in," I yelled. Star walked back in.
"I have nowhere to go besides here. I called out for the rest of the day," Star went over and sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder, "I still love him."
"I know," I patted her head, "Want to go eat ice cream and cry about this?"
"Sure," she said, "What are you telling Kelly?"
"She has been gone for over an hour. I think it's safe to go on an ice cream break," I got up and wrote a note just in case Kelly returned. I locked her office. Then we went for ice cream. We got into the car and drove to the closest shop. We drove around and ate the ice cream in the office.
"It's weird eating ice cream without the lads," Star commented, "I mean, we all would eat tubs and-"
"Make fun of each other," I interrupted, "It's weird to do many things without the lads. But we decided, even though I want to take it back."
"Same, but I'm pissed at them. They seriously thought I wrote that rubbish," Star started to eat her ice cream with anger, "I mean, they called George an unfaithful arse. I would never call him that since Pattie was also being unfaithful."
"Scar..." Star's tone changed into something quieter.
"Hm?" I looked at her.
"I- I want to get sober," Star looked at her ice cream, "I have been reflecting, and I noticed that I am and have been messing everyone up with this. I know my problems haven't been helping you mentally. Once Venessa and Payton found out, they called me up and said how disappointed they are in me... and the more I think, the more I realize I'm becoming Nancy."
"Oh, Star... you're not becoming Nancy. Who put that thought in your head?" I softly looked at her as tears started to roll down her face.
"Everyone that knows gave me the cold hard truth," Star mumbled, "I'm tired, y'know, and as much as this is all fun and games. I'm losing myself in the partying. And I want it to stop... Yeah, my PTSD will worsen, and so will the depression and anxiety, but I can't do this to my family anymore. Selfishly I've been choosing the numbness of the substances over my own family, and I needed to lose them to realize it, which is fucking sad."
I put my ice cream on my desk and hugged Star. She placed her ice cream on my desk and cried into my arms. I held her tight and tried to comfort her; not going to lie, I'm happy to see she finally realized she needed help, but it breaks me seeing her like this.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'm here for you through thick and thin," I looked at her.
"You don't have to. I'm a bitch. You should've kicked me and my bullshit out months ago," Star muttered.
"You're my twin, my other half, my best friend since birth. I can take your bitchiness as long as you take mine," I placed my head on her.
"Thank you... I never really said that to you," Star muttered.
"No need to, I know," I muttered. Once Star collected herself, she grabbed her ice cream, and we both ate the frozen goodness while talking about lighter topics to ease her mind. It wasn't long before I heard arguing in the hallway, then Kelly walking in, shouting before closing the door.
"Anne is such a bitch!" Kelly scoffed as she looked at Star and me, "Hey girls."
"Your boss is scaring me," Star ate her ice cream.
"You guys got ice cream without me?" She walked over and took mine and took a spoonful. She gave it back to me and smiled, "Also, what are you guys doing tomorrow night?"
"I dunno," Star and I shrugged.
"Maybe we can go out?" Kelly asked, "I got a babysitter."
"Ummm...." I looked at Star as she shrugged.
"I'm giving up partying, so I can't be at bars," Star exclaimed.
"That's exciting! I heard there's this new place. It's a restaurant that has a sober speakeasy during the night. It's called the Coffee Lounge." Kelly smiled, "You guys in? Can we call Freddie to make plans?"
Kelly started to become friends with everyone in my friend group since we took her out over a month ago. I picked up my phone and dialed Freddie's market number to the other end of the wires. Man, I miss iPhones.
"Hello, Freddie speaking," After a few rings, Freddie answered.
"Rocky, it's Carla."
"Hey, Carla, what's up, darling!"
"Kelly wants to go out and told me to call you. We want to try this new place called the Coffee Lounge."
"Oh, I have a perfect Idea. We can throw a pub party!"
"Rocky, I don't think that will be a great idea."
"Why not Carla? We finally can get Star a guy, invite people you can go to a bar and not see your boyfriend play... I have to call you back. I need to plan this out!" Freddie hung up on me. What did I just create...
May 17th, 1969
Star told me she told Sienna, but Sienna didn't take it well. Star started to get sick, but she wanted to have fun tonight. Star and I wore the same outfit, a mini skirt, a shirt, and boots. I put on light makeup and messed my hair up but let it down wavy while Star did her partying look for one last time. Star and I walked out of my room as Kelly and Elaina talked, and they turned over to look at us.
"I think I am proud of you guys," Elaina stated, "You finally listened to me on wearing a mini skirt!"
"Well, I never wore them that much because the lads didn't want us to wear them," I rolled my eyes. We heard a knock on the door. It was the boys. Freddie wanted us to go together so we didn't get lost. Roger looked at me, bit his lip, and gave me a toothy grin. I walked up to him.
"Hi, love," I kissed him.
"Hi, love," He whispered, "You look lovely today."
"I can tell when you bit your lip," I smirked. We got to the place, and I was right, 'small' and 'party' don't go in the same sentence for Freddie. The place was packed. Everyone started to go around and greeted Freddie. How many people did he know? We found a booth, and Freddie finally found his way back to us as Star and I examined the place. Everyone besides Star and me had this smirk on their face, and I didn't know why. I quickly decided to get the drinks and see how sober this place advertised. I ordered the drinks and started to wait.
"It's a trap!" Star ran up to me.
"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Look who just walked in," Star pointed to the door. I looked over to see the Beatles and their wives.
"You gotta be kidding me," I sighed.
"It's a trap! They're trying to make us talk to them," Star started to freak out, "I can't see George. It was so embarrassing yesterday. I called him Mr. Harrison!"
"Well, tonight, you might have to play that game," I grinned. Star started to get angry once Maureen and Linda came our way. She was still pissed at Maureen.
"Hey girls," The two smiled as Star looked at Maureen.
"Yeah, I don't waste my time with... y'know," Star got snappy, grabbed her drink, and stormed back to the table.
"Still pissed," I coughed.
"You think?" Maureen looked at me.
"Well... you did have an affair with the person she's in love with... and knew," I coughed.
"You look nice," Linda tried to change the conversation.
"Thank you, you're glowing," I smiled. It wasn't long before the others joined. I grabbed the drinks and was about to walk away when I felt someone grabbing my arm.
"Stop being childish, Scarlett," John said.
"Sorry, Mr. Lennon, I don't know what you're talking about," I blankly stared at him.
"Oh, don't give me Mr. Lennon shit. It's me! John, Johnnyboy, Winnie, or whatever you call me. I've known you since you were two days old!" John snapped.
"Well, I'm sorry, but I told you, I didn't want to see you guys again," I looked into John's eyes, who were breaking, then looked at the other three lads, "Goodbye."
I turned around and returned to the booth, trying to fight the tears. Roger saw it didn't go so smoothly. Roger helped me with the drinks, then hugged me. We broke the hug, sat down, and talked to our friends. I could feel the lads' glare at us.
Third-person POV
The night is almost over, and Roger, Freddie, Brian, Elaina, Linda, Maureen, Yoko, and Kelly, or the Beatle savors, are losing hope. Freddie then had a good idea and suggested Put Your Head On My Shoulder to the band. Knowing John and Scarlett's song, the intro started to play, and Scarlett looked at John. John looked at Scarlett then Scarlett looked away. John had gotten the idea of making Scarlett jealous and grabbed Yoko, and they started to dance to the song. Scarlett looked over and rolled her eyes.
"That was our song," She mumbled. Roger noticed she was a little upset with John dancing with Yoko to their song.
"Do you wanna dance?" he asked, and she nodded. They went to the dance floor and started to slow dance. Scarlett put her head on Roger's shoulder, and they began singing the lyrics. John noticed, making him equally sad and hurt, but he acted like he didn't see them. Next was Can't Help Falling In Love; not only was this Star's favorite song, but this was also Star and George's song. George looked at Star, but Star refused even to try, knowing it would just break her in the long run. Scarlett walked up and gently grabbed Star.
"Come on, your dancing," Scarlett brought Star to the dance floor. They both started to dance and laugh. The two began to sing to the lyrics.
"You know, you can just talk to her." Roger walked up to George. George looked at Roger, "You want to, so go."
"No, it won't end so well," George took a sip of his drink, "How's she doing?"
"Scarlett told me yesterday that Star decided to get sober. She's a little sick now but didn't want to miss tonight." Roger told him, as George felt a little proud that Star finally got sober after fighting with her about it for five years.
As the night went on, the more sick Star got. Roger drove the twins home, knowing Scarlett was worried for her twin. Soon as they got to the flat, Star threw up, and her withdrawal symptoms started. Star changed and tried to sleep, preparing herself for the long haul she set upon herself by going down this road many years earlier. Roger quickly left to get changed as Scarlett got changed, went out on the balcony, and made a fire. She was lost in her thoughts. She started to think about how it was her turn to get help since Star finally did. Scarlett started to believe it was time to tell Roger about at least her depression. She still doesn't know what to say to him about her traumatic childhood since that is always the deal-breaker. Roger returned and walked to the balcony to see Scarlett, deep in thought. He knocked on the door bringing Scarlett's attention to him.
"Hey," Scarlett smiled.
"Hey, you alright?" Roger asked, walking over to sit next to Scarlett.
"Depends," Scarlett mumbled and looked at him, "I want to tell you something, but I'm afraid to tell you because it usually drives others away."
Roger's face softened. He moved closer to Scarlett, kissed her on the temple, then whispered, "You can tell me anything. I'm not going anywhere."
"Promise?" Scarlett looked at him as Roger nodded. 𑁍TW: Mental Health struggles and Self Harm𑁍 Scarlett started to play with the end of her sleeves, taking in a deep breath, "I'm not ready to tell the full story, but I had a shitty childhood. The lads were my only family because after my dad died, the best part of my actual family went away. But there was this one person in my family, that wasn't any of my siblings; this person sometimes made it hard to live...."
"... After everything, Star and I got diagnosed with severe depression and two other things that aren't important right now...." Scarlett glued her vision to the fire while tears fell down her face, "... I would sometimes fall into my depression, and I would feel like I'm suffocating from this unknown substance. The only way to escape was when this numbness sensation hits after I..."
Scarlett couldn't finish the sentence. She just looked down and rolled up her sleeves, her old ones aren't that visible, but her more recent ones are. Roger gently grabbed Scarlett's hands and tenderly brought them to his lips as he softly kissed them. Scarlett shockingly looked up that he didn't get up and walk off like her other boyfriends did when she told them. Roger let go of her hands and wiped the tears off her face.
"I'm here for you, okay? I'm not going anywhere. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I don't want you to feel like harming yourself is the only way out of your depression," Roger softly spoke. Scarlett was having a bit of culture shock. The only time she got a similar reaction was when Star found out. When Ringo found out, he freaked out on her and then later apologized for freaking out. All the boyfriends she told just got up and walked out or dumped her on the spot, saying they wanted someone more mentally stable. That was one of the reasons why Scarlett was so afraid to tell anyone. Every time Scarlett told someone that was a guy, they gave her such a negative response it freaked her out, thinking her mental health was a burden she should quietly battle alone.
"Thank you... every guy I had ever told gave me the opposite reaction... that's why only Star knows," Scarlett sniffled.
"Well, those guys should be ashamed for responding like that," Roger looked at her.
May 23rd, 1969- Scarlett's POV
Roger came over for dinner last night. He wanted to check on how I was doing. Elaina went on a date with her boyfriend and never came home last night. I woke up to Star throwing up; I turned around to look at the clock.
"Shit," I quickly got up, noticing I would be late for classes. I put on a white button-down shirt, a black and white skirt, and a black tie for the shirt. Then I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and quickly put some of my hair up with a clip. I grabbed my jacket, bag, and heels and rushed out. By the time I was downstairs, my shoes and jacket were on. I tried to run to the bus stop without falling on my ass since I couldn't walk in heels. I missed the bus, Fuckkkkkkkkk. I sighed and started to run to school, hoping I would not be that late.
A few blocks later...
I finally got to a bus stop with a bus going to my school. Once I got to Ealing, I ran to my first-day class. I tried to sneak in, but I got caught. Freddie, Elaina, and Tim were all in my class. They saw me sneak in and started to laugh.
"Shush," I muttered, sitting in my seat.
"I see you finally decided to join the class, Ms. Walker," my professor smirked.
"Sorry," I sunk into my seat.
"Why were you so late?" Tim asked as we walked to our next class.
"My alarm didn't go off, and I woke up late... I can't drive, so I had to use the bus since El didn't come home, and I missed the bus," I sighed, heard a crack, and fell. Tim started to laugh a bit as I groaned. I looked back and noticed my heel broke. Can today get any worse?
"You good short stack?" Tim looked at me.
"Fucking amazing," I breathed out, getting up, then I heard the same crack, but this time Tim caught me.
"I don't think you should be wearing heels," Tim laughed.
"You think?" I sighed, taking off my heels and throwing them away, "I'll just go barefoot, I guess."
After classes...
"Ms. Walker, stay behind, please," Professor Evans said as people started to pack up.
"Told you, you'll get in trouble by not wearing shoes," Elaina looked at me.
"Shut it, would ya?" I rubbed my face. I walked down to her desk and tried to put on a face. She looked at my outfit.
"Where the fuck are your shoes?" Cordelia, Professor Evans, looked at me.
"They broke, like my energy for today," I sighed as Cordelia blankly looked at me.
"I'm having a bad day, okay," I rubbed my face, "My shoes broke."
"Here," Cordelia opened her drawer and gave me a pair of shoes, "Do you have a ride to work?"
"Nope, I got the bus," I shrugged.
"Don't you have a license?"
"It got taken away after my December accident."
"Come on. I'm driving you," Cordelia walked out. She drove me to work as I quickly did my makeup for work. I walk in to hear yelling and things breaking. I bit my inner cheeks because most times when something like this happens, my brain will link it to a Nancy situation then I go into a PTSD attack. I walked into Kelly's office to see Anne and Kelly arguing again.
"Then have it your way! I quit anyway!" Anne hissed.
"Thank fucking god," Kelly rolled her eyes as Anne started to trash Kelly's office. Anne screamed, reminding me of when Nancy got in her anger lashes. I felt my hands begin to shake; before it got worse, I ran to the closest bathroom. I locked the door as I sensed my nerves building up, and I suddenly wasn't in the bathroom at work but at my childhood home with Star getting attacked by Nancy...
Minutes later...
I walked out of the bathroom and saw Anne storm out with a box of her stuff and her assistant. I got to Kelly's office, and she was cleaning Anne's mess.
"Sorry, I... Um..." I coughed.
"You had either a PTSD or a panic attack," Kelly looked at me as I froze.
"I'm... how did you... ?" I felt lost in words.
"Your face, I can tell, plus I saw you walk in then slowly walk out and run to the bathroom," Kelly looked at me. We cleaned her office, and by the time we finished cleaning it and organizing it, the day was over. Kelly and I dragged ourselves outside, and I saw Roger waiting outside for me. I smirked and walked over and hugged him.
"Hi," Roger laughed.
"Hi," I softly spoke.
"You alright?" Roger asked.
"Just had a shitty day," I breathed out, "I just want to go home and have a twin date with Star because I know withdrawal is kicking her ass."
"Alright," Roger kissed me on the top of my head, and we drove to my flat. I thanked him with a kiss; then, we shared our goodbyes and another kiss. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to see Star wrapped in every blanket in the flat.
"You alright?" I looked at her.
"I'm fucking dying," She glared.
"You're not dying," I sighed, "Twin date?"
"Yeah," Star tried to smile, "Scar... can you please get your dying sister her favorite Fettuccine Alfredo from the Premier?"
"You're not dying, but alright, can I shower first?" I asked as she nodded. I took a shower, changed into sweats, and called Roger to see if he could drive me. I left, as Star was still on the couch.
Star's POV
Scarlett left to get food; It wasn't long before I heard the door again. That was quick. Scarlett didn't walk into the living room. But instead, it was her. Maureen walked in, and I could clearly tell who she would see after.
"Out," I glared, "I don't want to see you."
"I want to talk," Maureen sat on the coffee table across from me, "I heard you're getting clean. That's exciting."
"Alright, bye," I pulled the blankets closer to me.
"Star," Maureen frowned.
"No, not that. You don't deserve to fucking frown when I don't want to talk," I snapped.
"But, Star, you don't understand. It's been hard, Y'know, with the changes!" Maureen started to tear up, "I was vulnerable, and so was George at the time! We didn't mean it!"
Maureen burst into tears, crying in front of me. Saying how hard life has been and how she and George were a mistake. I didn't know if it was my jealousy, anger, or both, but I had enough of this bullshit. I took my hand out of the many blankets and slapped Maureen. She looked at me in shock as my anger rose.
"You don't get to fucking cry about how hard life is! You don't get to do that! You have a husband and two fucking sons! Were they once a thought when you were fucking Pattie's husband? Did it even occur to you who this would hurt?! Did you even fucking care that you were betraying Pattie, Ringo, and I? Or fuck us!" I snapped, "Plus, it's not a fucking mistake! It wouldn't be a fucking months affair if it were a mistake! I know it's still going on because of how you're dressed! I don't want to fucking hear it! Fuck you and get out!"
Maureen looked at me as I glared at her. Maureen got up, holding where I slapped her, and she ran off.
Scarlett's POV
"Seriously, I'll pay for you. Just order your dinner. It's the least I could do since you drove me," I looked at Roger.
"I'm fine, seriously," Roger opened the door as we walked in. I won with a little more persuasion, and Roger ordered with me. I paid. While we waited, Roger put his arms around me.
"You alright?" Roger whispered in my ear as I nodded.
"I'm alright, truly. I had some me time in the shower," I looked at Rog.
"As long you're alright," Roger kissed me. We got our food and drinks. Then Roger drove me home. We said our goodbyes and shared a kiss before I went home.
"Star, I'm home," I walked in to see Star crying.
"What's wrong?" I walked over.
"Mo came in to apologize," Star ranted, grabbing her food and gobbling down, "I told her to fuck off."
"You alright?" I took a bite of my burger.
"Yeah..." Star looked at me, "I have a question."
"Hm?" I looked at her.
"We got a magazine offer. It could be published by May 31st. I want to do it," Star looked at me.
"When you get better, yeah?" I looked at her as she nodded.
June 5th, 1969- Third-Person POV
After the remark a few days back with Star and the lads plus the magazine with the twins. There has been no success for the "Beatles Savors" in breaking this foolish fight. They had to go to the last resort, the twins graduated in a week, and they will do anything to have the lads there. Already knowing it hurt the lads when Star didn't come out to them, let the lads find out in the magazine. Chris was the first to make a move.
"Hello?" Chris ringed up the twins' flat.
"Chris?" Scarlett yawned.
"Hey Scar!" Chris smiled.
"What's up?" Scarlett asked.
"We need you and Star again," Chris lied.
"For?" Scarlett rubbed her eyes.
"For a song," Chris lied over these few months. If one of the lads' songs needed the twins' touch, the twins would listen to the song in Apple, add their touches then leave.
"What time?" Scarlett sighed.
"Could 11 work?" Chris asked.
"Sure," Scarlett shrugged.
Hour one- 11 am...
The twins walked into Apple studios. They're in the live room, waiting for someone to come in.
"Look who finally showed up," John scoffed as he and the lads walked in. The twins turned around and saw the lads.
"Oh fuck no," Scarlett trotted to the door and noticed the door was locked.
"You six aren't leaving until you guys make up." the group turned to see: Roger, Freddie, Brian, Tim, Elaina, Linda, Cynthia, Pattie, Eric, Maureen, Yoko, Kelly, and the Apple gang looking at them.
"Really?" Scarlett sighed.
"Was locking us in here your last resort?" Star asked.
"Yes," the Beatles savors all said.
"Fuck you guys, it's not going to work," Star muttered.
"It's pointless, really," Scarlett sat on the other side of the room with Star.
"We're not talking to them," John scoffed.
"Oh, so we're on the same page for once," Star rolled her eyes.
"You six are really fucking stubborn. You know that?" Freddie said, "We all have been seeing that the twins can't function without the lads, and the lads can't function without the twins. So make up for god's sakes."
"Nah," the lads and twins all said.
"Alright then, I guess we'll wait until you guys make up," Freddie said.
"You know this is going to take hours, right?" Neil looked at everyone in the control rooms, "As long as I've known at least the original five, it will not take an hour or two."
"They're stubborn, always have been," Cynthia shrugged.
The lads and twins are having a staring contest while everyone else is bored out of their minds. Star broke the gaze first after her eyes met with George's.
"Hey, control room people, what happens if we're hungry or have to hit the loo?" Star asked.
"Food, we have that covered. Bathroom no, so I guess you have to make up," Kelly answered.
"Great," Star muttered. Scarlett broke her gaze, went into her bag to find her portable sketchbook, and started drawing.
Hour four- 2 pm...
Hours two and three were silent, killing Star since she hates silence. Star wrote in her journal as Scarlett was sketching. Since then, the lads talked to each other and didn't have anything on them.
"I'm hungry," George groaned as the twins broke their sketching and writing.
"You're always hungry," everyone in the live room said, which sparked some hope but soon destroyed it.
"Hey, control people," Scarlett called out.
"What?" Elaina asked.
"Can we Please have food, I can hear George's stomach rumble from the other side of the room, and it's as obnoxious as him," Scarlett rolled her eyes.
Hour five- 3 pm...
Everyone got their food. They also had snacks. Everyone in the control room was talking. The twins and lads didn't hear a thing they were saying.
"I'm betting on George and Star. They'll make up first," Pattie shrugged.
"No, those two are the most far apart of making up. Star is fucking pissed at him," Chris shook her head.
"But, she did get sober for him," Elaina shrugged, "After he visited her work, she got sober."
"I bet the twins and John's much closer than any trio or duo," Neil said.
"Has a point," Roger shrugged.
"Still betting on George and Star," Pattie shrugged.
"Y'know, it's peculiar for you rooting for your ex-husband to be with the person he technically cheated on you with," Freddie looked at Pattie.
"Being more technical, she's the last straw of my marriage, not Star." Pattie pointed to Mo with her head as Mo sunk in her seat, "Plus, it's not weird because we all know she's the only one that can truly make a difference on him."
"She can," Eric shrugged.
"She always could. George's mum always thought that since they met," Neil added, "Even I noticed a bit of a change when they met."
Hour eight- 6pm...
"Hey, control room people," Scarlett yelled.
"We liked to be called Beatle savors," Kelly responded.
"Well, then Beetle savers, who are babysitting your children since I'm the babysitter for Jason, Julian, Heather, and Zak."
"They're all getting watched by my sitter," Kelly responded, "But nice try to get out of there."
Hour twelve- 11 pm...
"Come on, guys, you've been there for twelve hours!" Linda yawned, "Do something."
"Okay, can we leave now?" everyone in the Live room said.
"Oh, come on, that is doing something!" Star yelled.
"Not leaving until you guys make up," Roger responded.
"Y'know, I'm starting to hate you, Taylor," Star groaned as Scarlett nudged her. It wasn't long before everyone in the live room fell asleep from pure boredom, and the control room people did.
0 notes
annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Scarlett, Star, Third, Elaina
Warning: self-harm & substance abuse
Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
April 4th, 1969- ✌︎︎♡︎ Scarlett's POV
Paul and John came back from their honeymoon. The fashion show went well. Ringo and George showed up, which made the press go wild. This drove Anne crazy because she wasn't the center of attention, but Kelly talked to them and didn't mind. It was a rainy day in London, and Star picked me up after work. We would've Family night at Ringo's this week, but the lads had to catch up on their album since they went on a holiday or got married. Star and I walked into the lads screaming and Ringo looking like he was about to kill someone.
"Rock, paper, scissors on who goes into that," Star said.
"No, let's just team up," I walked into the room.
"Okay, before any of you guys kill each other, each of you at one of the corners," I yelled; the lads looked at me, and Star and I raised my eyebrow. I'm really tired of them fighting; honestly, it's so tiring since I'm the one who is always stopping the fight. They all walked to a corner and sat there like little children. I pinched the bridge of my nose, "What happened today."
"Oh, I can tell you!" John rose his hand like a little kid trying to get called by the teacher, then pointed at George, "He and Pattie broke up, then he-"
"He's been having a fucking affair with my fucking wife since August!" Ringo screamed. I turned to Star, who was on the verge of tears.
✌︎︎♡︎ Star's POV
"He's been having a fucking affair with my fucking wife since August!" Ringo screamed as I felt my heart drop. This fucking asshole! This whole time he's been fucking Mo?! I felt a heaviness in my eyes; I looked over at George, who looked down as soon as my eyes hit his.
"Un-fucking-believable," I turned around and ran out of the studio. I got to my car and placed my head on the steering wheel, feeling the cold tears fall down my face. I feel betrayed; Mo knows how I feel about George, she always knew, and she still does this? I knew I should've kept my feelings in check! The sadness became anger, and I started to hit on my steering wheel in frustration before going home. Once I got to the flat, I stormed into my room and plopped on my bed. I dug my face in my pillow, bursting into tears. Why am I never good enough? Can he fucking tell me he doesn't want to be with me?
"Star!" I yelled as Star stormed out. I turned right to George; my anger went through my body. I warned him and told him to stop doing this to Star!
"What's wrong with Star?" John looked at George and me, as I ignored John.
"I fucking told you, Harrison, if you hurt her again, I'll fucking kill you!" I lunged at George as Paul, Ringo, and John grabbed me to keep George safe from me.
"Lottie calm down," Ringo grabbed onto me; I calmed down and walked to the other side of the room. The four men resumed their fight. I just observed them fighting and thinking. I had it! I'm done with the fighting, the constant breaking each other, the toxicity this band brought into the Family!
"That's enough!" I yelled as they all looked at me, "Can there be one fucking day where you guys aren't fighting? I can't do this anymore! I had it! Star and I have been called out of work because of your fights. I'm sick of it!"
"Scarlett..." Paul tried to get soft with me, but I could not do it anymore.
"No. I'm done. Talk to me when you guys are done fighting," I bolted out of the studio. I ran home, which was a half-hour walk but a faster run. I was soaked when I got to my flat, but I didn't care. I darted into Star's room. She was cuddling with her pillow, her eyes were puffy, and the tears were still falling down her face.
"Why am I never good enough for him," She cried.
"Oh, no, Star, you are. It's just, he's too stupid to see," I walked over and started to rub her back.
"He dumps me so he could be with Pattie, then once his marriage is over, he sleeps over, tries to shag me, kisses me. He says I'm so beautiful and shows me a song supposedly written for me. Meanwhile, he's fucking Mo and doing god knows what with her." Star cried, "I'm clearly not good enough for him."
"Don't say that. George is just being a stupid boy," I sighed.
"Yeah, but I'm stupidly in love with that stupid boy!" Star yelled. We talked a bit more, and we both decided to forget what happened and have a twin date. We decided to go to the Premier, I went to start her car, and that's when I saw the lads fighting out front of my building.
"Unbelievable!" I screamed as they all looked at me with innocent smiles on their faces.
"We listen to what you said, and you were right," John innocently smiled, "We fight too much."
"And we want to apologize for how we have been acting," Paul finished.
"Great, tell me that when you mean it," I crossed my arms, "Because you guys clearly don't."
"Well, you shouldn't be mad for us fighting," John stated.
"I have to if I'm always breaking it up!" I snapped, "And the more you guys fight, show more of my worst nightmare."
"That is?" John asked.
"All of your fucking egos will break up our family because it is slowly but surely breaking," I stated, "And right now, I can't stand some of your decisions."
"What did I do?" John asked.
"I don't know, preaching about peace and love and saying how you never wanted to become your father, but that is exactly what you are doing to Julian!" I yelled; Ringo started to giggle as I went off on John, "Ringo, you're not innocent either!"
"I didn't do anything," Ringo shrugged.
"You knew if you told Star about George and Mo, you would upset her, and that would get to George," I turned to him, "You played your sister's emotions to get back at him. Who would do that?"
"And you. I am so sick of you right now. I am holding everything back, so I don't pound you to the ground," I turned to George. George looked down at his feet, "She's so hung up on you! It's breaking her. At the end of her relationships, she would say, 'they're not like Geo' or 'Geo wouldn't have done that' I had to sit with her, crying on my shoulder because she thinks she's not good enough for you!"
"That's not true," George told me.
"Then show it!" I yelled.
"Y'know, you're not innocent either, miss little perfect. How could your dad feel about your lifestyle? Hm? Ms. I'm all innocent and shit until something more tempting comes my way," Paul looked at me, "Do you forget you forged our signatures to get money from girls at your school? Or did you forget that you fell off the edge of the earth with Elaina once you got to Uni and doing god knows what? Do you think your dad would be proud of that?"
"Oh shut up, you don't get to say that," I snapped at Paul.
"Why, cause I'm right?" Paul looked at me.
"No, because how would your mum feel when she finds out her son is a manipulative little bitch that gives zero fucks when it comes to loyalty?" I looked at Paul, "Jane left you because your perfectionism became so controlling, and you couldn't keep it in your damn pants. At least my dad knows I listened to him about loyalty."
𑁍TW: Self-H@rm𑁍
"Well, how would your dad like it about the cutting?" Ringo coughed as I glared at him.
"What?" John looked at Ringo, then me.
"Shut up," I looked at Ringo.
"Oh yeah, when ms little perfect falls rock bottom in her depression, she doesn't get out of it with our help. Instead, she cuts." Ringo glared at me.
"Fuck you," I glared at Ringo. It wasn't his business to tell them.
"What the fuck, Scarlett?" John looked at me.
"Oh, just spare it," I sighed.
"Spare it? How come you didn't come to me?" John looked at me.
"Oh yeah, remember when you knew a girl was cutting and yelled at her in public to roll down her sleeves? I'm not an idiot," I crossed my arms, "Plus, If I told you anything more about my mental health, you would look at me as even more fragile than you already do!"
It became silent; we all knew nothing else to be said; I looked down at the ground, thinking.
"We're supposed to be a family. We're not supposed to be fighting on the pavement, yelling at each other about what we all did wrong. We're not supposed to get into almost fistfights every day. We're not supposed to pick and choose sides, and we don't play with each other's emotions!" I looked at them, "Family doesn't start affairs with another family member's wife! Or fucking dreads seeing everyone all together because of the clusterfuck that is bound to happen! This Family is getting too toxic, and I already was in one. I don't need another."
"Well, maybe we're not Family. We never were. We just said it," John spoke, and everyone looked at John.
"I guess we're not," I started to play with my ring, then walked up to John. I took off the ring and put it in his hand.
"I'm done. I can't stand this anymore. I'm done living a lie of the perfect Family because we're not," I walked past the men after John grabbed my ring.
"Scarlett, I didn't mean it. Come back. Where are you going?" John cried out.
"Away from you guys, I can't even stand to look at you anymore," I turned to the four men and walked away.
I walked down the steps and heard screaming. I stayed in the building overhang where I was not seen, but I could overhear.
"We're supposed to be a family. We're not supposed to be fighting on the pavement, yelling at each other about what we all did wrong. We're not supposed to get into almost fistfights every day. We're not supposed to pick and choose sides, and we don't play with each other's emotions! Family doesn't start affairs with another family member's wife or fucking dread seeing everyone all together because of the clusterfuck that is bound to happen! This Family is getting too toxic, and I already was in one. I don't need another." I heard Scarlett's voice crack.
"Well, maybe we're not Family. We never were. We just said it." I heard John say. My heart sank when I heard that.
"I guess we're not," I could hear the tears from Scarlett's voice trembling, then I could hear footsteps, "I'm done. I can't stand this anymore. I'm done living a lie of the perfect Family because we're not."
I gasped, put my hand over my mouth, and fought the tears that wanted to come down.
"Scarlett, I didn't mean it. Come back. Where are you going?" I heard John screaming.
Then I heard Scarlett scream, "Away from you guy, I can't even stand to look at you guys anymore!"
"You guys should be ashamed of yourself," I walked out from my hiding spots, and the four men turned to me.
"What did you hear?" John asked. I walked up to John, seeing Scarlett's ring in his hand.
"I heard from were not family," I looked at the ring in John's hand.
"I didn't mean it," John said, "Please believe me."
"I do, but it's true," I looked into John's eyes, "We need a break from you guys. We can't stand you guys anymore."
"Star Judith, don't you dare," John started as I took off my ring, placed it in his palm, and closed his hand.
"We had a good run," I teared up, "See you guys when I see you."
I walked upstairs and closed the door. I slid down the door and broke down crying.
"It's going to be okay," Elaina walked out and hugged me.
"No, it isn't. Scarlett and I just gave up on the lads!" I teared up. 𑁍TW: substance abuse𑁍 I got up, went to my room, grabbed my bag of drugs for when I go out, then started to dump it. Elaina looked at me as I sat on the couch and rummaged through my pile.
"Are you just going to stare the whole night or wanna get wasted?" I looked at her.
"Depends. What do you got?" Elaina asked.
"Weed, Coke, LSD, and acid joint, practically anything I can snort, smoke, or swallow," I shrugged as Elaina sat next to me, and we started to do rounds of coke and shared the bottle. Soon as the alcohol and coke went into my system, I could feel numbness, and the sensation was exquisite.
Third Person POV
The lads just stood there in the rain, trying to process what happened. Their clothes are drenched, and so is their hair.
"We fucked up, they were the best part of our lives, and we fucked up," John clutched the twins' rings.
"Star said they just needed a break, George and Ringo took a break, and they came back," Paul assured.
"Yeah, because we talked to one of the twins before we left!" George and Ringo both screamed, and the lads started to point fingers at whose fault it was for the twins leaving. They all went home and plopped into their beds, crying as they all regretted the actions they had made leading up to the twins leaving them. When Paul ran into his house, he ran right to bed and closed the door. When Linda walked in to see what was wrong, Paul told her everything and started to cry. John got home, and Yoko was waiting in the living room as he told her to do. John closed the door, gently placed the twins' rings on a countertop, and broke down crying. When Ringo came home, he went to his room, and Maureen walked in. Even though she has been unfaithful, she still loves Ringo, and he isn't so innocent when infidelity. She comforts him as Ringo sobs, telling Maureen what has happened. George was different. He's divorcing Pattie. George was planning to ask out Star, which would not happen anymore. He got home, grabbed a bottle of brandy, and started to down the bottle. He began to cry and knew he had messed up. The only thing we wanted to do was eat ice cream, make fun of cartoons with Scarlett, cuddle up with Star and fall asleep calm and happy. Once the brandy started to kick in, George drove to Apple to pick up one of the Apple scruffs practically living there. He brought the scruff home and started to get comfort out of her, still having Star glued in his mind.
Scarlett's POV
After running out of the fight, I went on a bus and ended up at Roger's flat. I'm drenched head to toe with rain and tears. My face had my makeup running down. I knocked on the door, and Roger opened it, and I could see his face soften.
"What happened?" He frowned.
"I got in a fight with the lads, and I now no longer talk to them," I looked down, started, and showed my hand, "I gave them my ring back and told them to have a great life."
Roger grabbed me and pulled me into a long hug; I cried on his shoulder. Poor Roger is now soaked because of me.
"Why don't you come in and you can get change, okay?" Roger looked at me with his big blue eyes. I nodded, and we walked in. Roger shared a flat with three guys named Geoff, Les, and Pete. Les is why Roger met Brian and Tim, which led up to meeting me. I've never actually met them but heard how they live there. Roger kept his arm around me and moved up close to Roger. He snuck us into his room, but as we passed the front room, some noises came out of the room. We got to Roger's room, and he quietly closed to door, then rummaged through his shirts to find something I could put on. I stayed quiet and tried calming my emotions while sitting on his bed. 
"Here's one of my shirts and a pair of my sweats. You might need to tie them," Roger smiled, passing me the clothes. I stood up and didn't know where to get changed. Roger got awkward and turned around as I giggled at him and turned around, then started to get changed. I had the sweat pants and the shirt bunched up around my neck, but I was in front of his mirror, out of habit; I began to inspect my scar.
"Oh uh," I heard a guy coughed before I realized Roger turned around to see my scar, and I quickly put the shirt down, "Sorry, I shouldn't have turned.
"It's alright. I zoned out," I froze in response.
"It's not that bad. I think it makes you look stronger than you already are." Roger quickly walked up to me and kissed me. I blushed and hugged him, we all sat down, and my stomach started to rumble.
"Did you eat?" Roger asked.
"No, Star and I were about to eat but then..." My voice started to tremble a bit. Roger got up, told me to stay there, and came back with a heated-up piece of pizza.
"I know it's not five stars, but-" He handed me the plate.
"I know it will taste good," I took a bite and devoured it. I skipped lunch today, which wasn't the best idea, but I wasn't starving.
"Did you eat today?" Roger asked.
"Does only breakfast count?" I placed the plate on his side table.
"Just Breakfast? What about lunch?" Roger asked.
"Skipped it, wasn't that hungry," I stated. Roger wanted to say something about it but stayed quiet.
"You can stay the night," Roger changed the subject, "I don't mind sharing my bed with my love."
His face got closer to mine, and we started to kiss. Our kiss became a hot makeout session, we fell onto his bed with a slight giggle, but before anything could happen, I broke the kiss, "Roger-"
"You're not ready yet, I know, and I'll wait until you're ready," He smiled, "Why don't we go to bed? You had a long day."
I nodded as we both got into the sheets. I tried to hide my scar because my insecurities about it started to rush back. I pretended to fall fast asleep, but Roger figured out I was faking it. I felt soft hands sliding up my back, bringing the shirt up, and gentle kisses on every inch of my scar.
"You shouldn't be ashamed of the scar," Roger whispered while fixing my shirt, "I can also tell you're not sleeping."
"What gave it away?" I whispered back, turning around, putting my arms around his torso as Roger put his arms around my waist.
"About knowing you were not sleeping or feeling ashamed by your scar."
"Well, you always hid the scar, and I could tell you weren't sleeping because you felt tense."
"Why are you ashamed of your scar?"
"It reminds me of a time when it was the weakest point of my life."
Roger pulled me closer, and I was in the crook of his neck. He kissed me on the head, "Goodnight, my love."
"Goodnight, my love," I kissed him on the cheek not too long after drifting away in my sleep.
April 11th, 1969- Third-person POV
Both of the twins haven't taken the split from the lads well. Star has constantly been partying. The Family was Star's anchor to not going too deep into drugs and drinking. With the breakup, she simply fell off the deep end. On the other hand, Scarlett was acting; things weren't as bad as they seemed. Scarlett had dropped into her depression and felt suffocated. The only way she felt like she could get some form of relief was to cut. She also has been busying herself with work, her boyfriend, and her friends. The lads weren't doing so well either, John would carry around the twins' rings, and he looked at the rings every time he missed them. At the studio, they will constantly mope on how much they missed the twins and say how they fucked up. George Martin started to get tired of just one week of moping, and vaguely, so was Elaina from seeing the twins breaking. Martin called up the twins' flat, hoping he could fix the damage that had happened, but if the twins answered, they would hang up. The last time Martin called, Elaina answered the phone, and Martin told her to come down to the studio to talk some sense into the lads.
Elaina's POV
I went to the studio to hopefully fix this mess. This has been the most tortured week ever. Scarlett and Star are destroyed, Star has been drinking and doing drugs more, and Scarlett will refuse the fact that she misses them. I walked into the studio, and everyone looked at me, fuck.
"You guys broke my best friends!" I snapped out of my shy fangirl stage, "What the fuck did you say to them."
"What we said to them? How about what they said to us," John said.
"You guys look fine, Star won't stop drinking and doing drugs, and I am honestly scared for her health without adding the number of people she's been sleeping with and chances of STDs." I started, "And Scarlett is pretending she doesn't care, but you can see she is breaking. She refuses to admit she needs help, Scarlett looks so broken and depressed, but she will tell you she's fine."
They all looked down to the ground, but I still had more to say, "You guys broke the two strongest people I know by just one fight. How did you manage to do that?"
"John said were not a family," Paul stated.
"For the last time, I said I didn't mean it," John yelled.
"Well, because of that, you messed up the only good bond we ever had," Ringo added. They all started to fight besides George. He looks like he's lost in his thoughts. He also looks more broken than the rest of them. I knew he had a thing for Star. Maybe he is feeling guilty? I didn't stay too long. I left as their fighting got a bit worse. Scarlett was right; they fought too much.
Scarlett's POV
I was at work, and Kelly and I started to talk about the articles and photos that just came in from the fashion show. We are waiting for Kelly's Manager, Ella Pierce. Kelly and I are picking up an article with pictures of me, Roger, Freddie, Star, George, and Ringo. The report had for its headline 'Beatle Twin Making It To The Big Shots' the article was saying how I was the assistance for Kelly Price and all that. I started to read it, and it showed more pictures of us.
"You miss them, don't you?" Kelly asked.
"What, no." I snapped out of it.
"Don't lie, Walker. You miss them."
"Do. Not."
Kelly shook her head with a smile, and we started to look at more articles and pictures. We heard the door knock, and Kelly and I quickly cleaned off her desk.
"Come in," Kelly yelled as Roger walked in. He looked at me and smirked.
"Hello, Ms. Price, can I take your assistant for a moment?" Roger asked. Kelly nodded, then got up and closed the door behind her.
"Hi," Roger walked up and hugged me.
"Hi," I said in his ear, "What's up?"
"Well, I want to see my girl and tell her something."
"What is it?"
"Me, you, dinner, and a Movie," Roger smirked.
"Sounds amazing. What movie?" I asked.
"Breakfast at Tiffany's. I know it's your favorite movie, and it's playing at a local drive-by," Roger kissed me then whispered in my ear, "I'll pick you up after work?"
"I can't wait," I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gave me a sweet kiss and then left as Kelly walked in. She gave a glance at Roger, then looked at me.
"You're making him wait? If I were you, I would've jumped his bone after the first date," Kelly looked at me, pointing in Roger's direction with her thumb, "You scared or something?"
"Just not ready," I shrugged.
"Sure," Kelly gave me a face.
"So, how long have you known Ella?" I coughed.
"Since I've been doing Kelly's Closet. Cordelia let me live in her basement when Danny was born. When I was selling my handmade clothes at the flea market, Ella came up to me with an offer I couldn't refuse. Her dad is a manager and had an empty building. She knew the owners of stores. I got the building, and the stores liked my clothes," Kelly said, "She grew up in a rich life. She made connections."
"Is she nice?" I asked as Kelly nodded. It wasn't long before we heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Kelly yelled. A girl with light hair and dark eyes walked in. Kelly got up from her seat, ran up, and hugged the girl.
"Ella!" Kelly squealed.
"Kelly!" Ella laughed. The two girls broke the hug. They giggled while walking toward me.
"Ella, this is Scarlett Walker, my assistant," Kelly introduced me to Ella, "Scarlett, this is my manager Ella Pierce."
"Aren't you famous?" Ella stuck out her hand.
"Eh, I don't think I am," I shook her hand.
"No, you're like really famous anyways, Ella Pierce," she laughed.
"Hi Ms. Pierce, Scarlett Walker," I laughed.
"Please call me Ella," Ella smirked as I nodded.
"I'll let you two have it. Good luck," Kelly walked out. She didn't tell me she was going to leave.
"You're that Beatles twin," Ella looked at me as I nodded.
"Yeah," I sighed.
"Why are you an assistant?"
"I want to move away from that title."
"I get that. So what is it like to grow up with the Beatles?"
"You don't have your ring,"
"Excuse me?"
"I follow every A list celebrity, and you, my dear, are A list celebrity. Everyone knows you and your sister have those rings that match your brothers. You don't have yours on."
"I don't talk to the Beatles anymore. My sister and I gave them back the rings because it seemed right for the lads to have them."
"Damn, sorry to hear that."
Ella left. She's a lovely person, we did talk about what we will be accomplishing as work buddies, and she seemed pretty chill. Kelly and I were wrapping up the day as I waited for Roger to pick me up. Kelly got back into the conversation about Roger, and she's shocked that I'm still a virgin and didn't let him take my virginity yet.
"Honey, be careful. Girls will be crawling all over him once he gets famous," Kelly joked. I laughed and shook my head, then Kelly looked at me, "Does he have any single hot friends?"
"If you mean Tim, Brian, and Freddie, then no," I laughed, "He also is the only boy, so no hot siblings."
We cracked a few more jokes, and Kelly started telling me how she was thinking of returning to the dating game.
"I mean, I am a 25-year-old single mother. I want more kids, and I'm not getting any younger," Kelly started to bite her nails, "Do you have any suggestions on what to do?"
I looked at Kelly with a devilish smirk. Kelly's eyes got a little wide and concerned.
"What?" She asked.
"Well, I'm going to a Smile gig tomorrow. Come to my flat at seven if you want to," I smirked with a toothy grin.
"I guess I can call my babysitter," she said, "Your flat at seven?"
"Yep," I nodded. We walked, still laughing and joking. Roger pulled up just in time.
"Awww, he's on time. He's a keeper," Kelly walked to her car as I laughed and shook my head getting into Roger's car.
"Hi," I smiled.
"Hi," Roger smiled, "I went to the Premier first and got you your favorite chocolate fudge milkshake and burger and fries."
"Thank you," I blushed. We drove to the local drive-in and got comfortable in Roger's car. We cuddled up while eating our dinner.
"You know you can take off your jacket," Roger looked at me.
"I know... I just want to keep it on, if that's alright," I coughed. I don't want to show him my arms because that will bring a conversation that might push him away. When I bring up mental health to my boyfriends, they break up with me, acting like it's some burden, and as sad as it is to admit, I now think my mental health is a burden.
"Okay, whatever makes you comfortable," Roger kissed my temple.
April 12th, 1969
I opened the door to see Kelly. She tied her shirt to make it into a crop top and a plain pair of pants and heels.
"You look amazing," I said, "Come in. I have to get changed."
Kelly walked in, and I ran to my room and got changed. I put on a shirt, overall shorts, and then a pair of boots. I walked out to see Star in a dress that stops just below the thigh and Elaina in a mini skirt with a tank top that stops at the stomach. We all headed to the pub. Star and Elaina dragged Kelly to the bar and taught her how to pick up guys. I snuck backstage to see the boys. Tim and Brian are tuning their instruments as Roger is stretching. 
"Getting ready?" I leaned on the door frame.
"Not quite. I'm waiting for my kiss," Roger pouted as I smirked before walking up to kiss Roger.
"Remember when they hated each other?" Brian looked at Tim.
"Which time?" Tim asked.
"Funny," I rolled my eyes, looking at them, "Good luck, dumb and dumber."
"I think your boyfriend won the dumber," Brian pointed as I rolled my eyes. I gave Brian and Tim a hug and a kiss on the cheek as they did the same to me.
After the gig...
 I walked down to see Roger and quickly ran up to him as he picked me up, spun me around, and gently kissed me. I put my arms around his neck, and he put his arms around my waist, we pulled away from our kiss, and our noses were touching.
"God, you were amazing," I sighed in awe.
"Well, I don't know... You and Kelly had quite the moves," Roger gave me a toothy grin.
"What can I say? I love to dance," I blushed a bit. I could tell Roger blushed a bit, and we started to kiss again. Then got interrupted by a cough. I turned around to see Elaina, Kelly, Sienna, and Star.
"Aww, how cute!" Star teased. I rolled my eyes before the boys packed the van. We all decided to hit the bar and grab a table. Freddie ran into the bar, sat next to Star then realized Kelly was seated next to me.
"Oh my god, you're Kelly Price! You're like a fashion goddess!" Freddie started, "I am a huge fan."
"It's nice to meet you, Freddie, finally. I've been told a lot about you," Kelly smiled.
"You talk to her about me?" Freddie faced me. I nodded.
"I tell her about all of you guys," I answered. After a few drinks, everyone went home. Though I'm not legally allowed to drive, Roger is too wasted to drive, so I took Roger's keys. Once I got to Roger's flat, I tried to bring him into his room, but Roger was naturally flirting and clingy.
"You're cute. You know that?" Roger's speech was slurred, "Are you single?"
"No, I already have a boyfriend," I giggled.
"Well, he is a fortunate bastard," Roger got jealous and angry.
"Rog?" I smirked.
"What's up, pretty birdie?"
"You're the fortunate bastard."
"Oh, I am!" Roger's face perked like a puppy; I giggled, bringing him to bed.
"Why don't we get you changes, okay?" I grabbed a pair of Roger's PJs since his clothes are soaked in sweat and reak from all the alcohol he consumed. But Roger didn't cooperate too well. After a few minutes of trying to get my drunk boyfriend to get changed, I won. Soon as Roger plopped on his bed, he whined for me.
"How about I get changed, and we can cuddle?" I softly talked, and he agreed. I quickly got changed in the bathroom before returning to Roger's room. I slipped into the covers and put my arms around Roger, and he put him around me to pull me closer. I started to play with Roger's hair until I dozed off into sleep.
0 notes
annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker) Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Third-person, George, Scarlett, & Star
Warnings: abuse, addiction, r@pe, cutting, and other related themes
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February 22nd, 1969- Third-Person POV
Freddie, Tim, Roger, and Brian were waiting outside the twins and Elaina's flat for the twins' siblings.
"Hey guys," Venessa hugged Freddie, Tim, and Brian. She was about to embrace Roger but stopped herself when realizing and glared, "Why are you here?"
"Oh, yeah, Roger and Scarlett are dating again. It was a whole misunderstanding," Freddie responded, "They just started to date on Wednesday, darling."
"Mmhm," Venessa glared at Roger as he gulped. Roger smiled and just gave a handshake to Payton. The Beatles, with their families, but no Pattie, walked up.
"No kids or spouses?" John asked.
"They're coming later. It's too early for the kids," Venessa hugged John, and they snuck into the twins' flat. The twins are passed out on the couch. Paul snuck into Scarlett's room to grab her dad's case and gently put the fixed original guitar in its proper home. Paul walked out with the issue and a card, he did feel bad for breaking Scarlett's guitar last February, but it took forever to get fixed. Elaina walked out, thinking someone was intruding, then saw everyone. She swiftly walked back into her room to get changed.
"Okay, who's waking them up?" Payton looked at the lads, "I chose John. They'll be nicer to him."
"Here, let me try," John took a deep breath and shouted, "Wake up, birthday girls!"
"Lennon!" The two groaned as the twins woke up and fell off the couch.
"They're heavy sleepers. It's either pour water on them or shout," John shrugged.
"Or neither, and let us sleep," Star sat back on the couch.
"It's your birthday!" Paul smiled.
"And you four remembered this year!" Scarlett sarcastically gushed, "So proud."
"I know! At least we're not in nowhere-land, India," Star added as the lads rolled their eyes.
"Right, right, forgot about that part," Scarlett looked at Star.
"Plus, we're finally getting paid for a job we didn't even want," Star expressed.
"Well, technically, you still have four minutes and 20 seconds," Scarlett looked at her watch, "Because I just turned 22."
"I only got to wait for a weed," Star joked.
"Well, while you're waiting, we have gifts, and mine is the best," John smirked. Paul grabbed the case and told Scarlett to close her eyes.
"I swear, Macca, you're helping me train it if it's a dog," Scarlett said.
"It's not a dog," Paul laughed, then he placed the guitar on her lap, "Open."
"It's my dad's case. It was in my closet," Scarlett opened her eyes to see her dad's case.
"Open the case!" Paul declared. Scarlett looked at him confused but did it before Paul said something else. She saw her dad's guitar fixed and shined when she opened it.
"Paul, you didn't," Scarlett gasped.
"Look at the back of the neck," Paul told Scarlett. Scarlett grabbed the guitar and could see it was the original since the crack from Paul was visible. She looked at the neck, and it had engraved on the guitar, 'Memory of Capt. Steven Walker' below that was '1914-1961' then the last line had 'Soldier, Father, Son, Adopted Father to all.' Scarlett started to feel tears forming. To hide the fact she was tearing up, she decided to joke.
"It took you a year," She laughed with tears falling down her cheeks, "I love it."
Star took the guitar and looked at the back, and smiled. She passed around. The girls got more money, cards with long sweet letters, and a few cherishable, but then it was John's turn to give out his gifts, John made sure the kids were out of the room, and he gave the girls two packages that looked like a record. The girls opened it to see it was Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins album.
"What the fuck Lennon?!" Scarlett and Star dropped the album and screamed, covering their eyes. Not too long after, everyone else did the same.
"What, it's my album," John rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, the album you're naked on, we don't want to see your small ass dick," Scarlett responded, "This is worse than walking in on you."
She got up, grabbed the albums, pulled out the records, and, of course, there was not a piece of paper that also held the record. So Scarlett grabbed two paper bags, put the vinyl in the bags, grabbed the covers, and walked outside. She put them in the small fire pit that would probably get used later and grabbed wood to cover the record covers so the children wouldn't see them.
"Everything is clear," Scarlett walked in. John rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen. Scarlett and Star thanked everyone but said they all said they had a whole day planned out.
Later... (✌︎︎♡︎Scarlett's POV)
We walked around Hyde Park the whole day, then just drove through London. London is truly a beautiful place. Around 6:30ish, we went back into our flat. The lads told us to close our eyes; I could hear everyone walking in first, then we did. Star and I opened our eyes. Friends and family all screamed in surprise; The lads' immediate family were here along with Star and my uncles, aunts, in-law siblings, nieces, and nephews. There still was no sign of Pattie, which is weird since she never misses anything. Little kids ran up and hugged us. Star and I were surprised at who drove from Liverpool to celebrate our birthday with us. 
✌︎︎♡︎Star's POV
I heard a Knock on the door, I couldn't find Scarlett anywhere, so I took on the duty of answering the door to see Pattie and Eric.
"Hey guys," I raised an eyebrow.
"Hey, Star," Pattie awkwardly said.
"We wanted to wish you a happy birthday, but it wouldn't have turned out well," Eric coughed.
"Why?" I looked at them.
"Have you talked to George today?" Pattie asked.
"Individually, no, I don't trust myself around him alone," I walked out, closing the door, so no one heard us.
"I wonder why," Eric coughed as I looked at him, "Pattie told me!"
"Sorry, I had to tell someone, and I figured Scarlett already knew," Pattie shrugged, "Anyways, like I was about to say, I left George last night. I was going to do it before your birthday so that you could have George all to yourself, but next thing I know, your birthday was the next day."
"Wow, um, thanks, I guess I'm speechless. I don't know what to say..." I coughed, "What-what happened? Was he cool with it? Was he a diva-like the rest of the lads?"
"He challenges me to a guitar duel. It went up to two hours," Eric said.
"Could've called me? I would love to see you two idiots have a practically useless challenge," I laughed.
"Tell me about it," Pattie muttered.
"Man, What is up with you rock'n'roll guitarist and being so fucking extra?" I laughed, "Two fucking hours and not one call?"
"It would've stopped if you were there. We all know George wouldn't have cared and just been with you if you were there," Eric shrugged.
"What guitar did Geo use?" I asked.
"The one you bought for him for his birthday a few years back," Pattie told me.
"Oh, the Gretsch Country Gentleman replica," I leaned on my doorway.
"Why did you buy him that? It's not like he has millions of other Gretsch guitars," Eric asked.
"Because when the original one broke, I was high as fuck and laughed. Scarlett told me and the other three he was full-on yelling at me, then I felt bad once I was out of my high, so I bought him a replica. It took me forever to find it too. Luckily I knew this guy that worked a Gretsch and knew how to make that model-type guitar," I shrugged, "But anyway, he didn't use Rocky? He loves that one and Lucy."
"You're missing the point," Pattie sighed, "Are you high?"
"No. I don't get high near my family, especially the little ones," I rolled my eyes, "I'm still processing the point, okay?"
"Why? You can finally be with the person you've been in love with since you were ten?" Eric looked at me.
"We've been fighting about my lifestyle for the past five years. I'm still healing from my previous relationship because my ex couldn't see a difference between a ragdoll and me. He probably needs space because this probably fucked him up. Not to mention his infidelity and my trust issues of men staying faithful is a bit of a problem," I listed.
"Done yet?" Pattie looked at me.
"There's one or two more things on the list," I shrugged.
"Oh, for god sake, you two were a perfect couple when I was with George! You have your shot!" Pattie looked at me.
"I'm not fighting with you on this one," I sighed, "I'm sorry your marriage ended, but happy you two are together. Better?"
"Happy birthday, Star. I wish you and Scarlett the best of birthdays," Pattie sighed, knowing she can't fight with me on George.
"Thanks, Pat," I smirked.
"We do have gifts," Eric gave me Scarlett and my gift from them.
"Not even 24 hours of dating and already giving gifts as a couple, I see you," I joked as they laughed, "Thank you, I hope we hang out sometime."
"Better be dating Geo next," Eric winked at me as I rolled my eyes.
"Bye, Eric," I started to open my door, "See ya later, Pat."
"Bye, Star," Pattie smiled as I walked into my birthday party again.
I noticed George outside on the balcony, looking up at the stars. I paused my conversation with one of my cousins and walked out to the patio.
"So Hazza, where's Mrs?" I asked. George looked at me, and I could see he was crying out here for a bit.
"Not talking about it," He turned back to the stars.
"Oh George, she told you, didn't she?" I sighed. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. George nodded and took a sip of his drink, I mean, it was sooner than later, but he looked broken.
"She told me last night," George's voice cracked, "They told me we can try to work it out, but she is in love with him. Last night, I looked like an idiot and challenged Eric to a guitar duel for someone I'm not even in love with. But it wouldn't matter since Eric won."
I looked down; I felt terrible; George looked heartbroken. But he deserves it. He's been constantly cheating on Pattie lately, to the point she even said she couldn't have any girlfriends anymore. It's also a bit of karma for what he had done to Star all these years. Intentionally or not, he's been hurting Star for the past five years. But regardless of what he has done, and if he deserved it or not. I still feel bad because getting cheated on isn't fun, and very heartbroken, especially if it's your wife/husband, which I thankfully never felt.
"Geo..." I whispered, "... It's going to get better, I promise."
"How can you promise something you don't know will happen?" George snapped, "I got cheated on. Do you know how embarrassing that is!"
I looked at George strait in the eye with a little anger. Why do my brothers have to be such divas when karma bites them in the ass. What goes around comes around.
"Yes. I do know. All of my relationships ended with me getting cheated on!" I snapped back. George's eyes went soft, and he realized what he had said.
"Oh, shit, sorry, what am I saying. You don't need this on your birthday," George looked back out to the sky to avoid eye contact.
"Geo," I sighed.
"If you don't want to go home tonight, you can stay here, I have my couch bed, or I don't think Star will mind sharing the bed again," I smirked, "Since the last time you slept over, she didn't scream in her sleep."
"She screams in her sleep?" George looked at me.
"Ptsd nightmares, with the Axel and Nancy trauma, it fucks with her," I shrugged.
"Do you still get yours?" George looked at me.
"That's not important," I looked off.
"And Star's nightmares didn't come when I slept over?" He smirked. I knew this was boosting his ego, but he needed it now.
"Yes," I smiled, "Before we go deeper into this topic and have Star killing me in my sleep. What are you going to do with the whole Pattie thing?"
"Well, I did tell you that if I thought it was true, I would have the guts to ask Star out." George sighed. I looked at him, trying to read his face to see what he would say next, "But I want to take some time. I don't want Star into the press mess that will happen. Plus, I have to talk to John, and he won't be so happy about it."
"One step at a time, Hazza. How about that?" I looked at George, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm freezing out here. I'm going in. You coming?"
He looked back to the sky and then followed me in. I walked over to Star, grabbed her by the wrist, and dragged her to her room.
"Do you mind if Geo gets your room tonight?" I asked, "Pattie told George about her and Eric."
"I know. Eric and George had a two-hour guitar duel, fucking nerds," Star laughed as I gave her a look, "Of course, he can."
I sat outside my flat; the flat is at the end of the hall with a huge window. I'm sitting on the Window cell, smoking a Bifter.
"Not in the partying mood?" I heard as I looked up to see George.
"I'm always in the partying mood," I smirked.
"Why are you out here?" 
"Need time to myself. So many people keep coming up to me and talking. I would smoke on the balcony, but no one knew I smoked. I heard about Pattie... I kinda already knew."
"I figured. How long have you known?"
"From the beginning, I gave my word not to tell. Not my business anyway. I kinda wanted nothing to do with your whole marriage breaking."
"It wasn't that bad."
"It was, I know most of it," I flicked the Bifter a bit, "I feel like Pattie filtered some of it because she also knew about us... Ringo and Mo told her, I just had to confirm it over dinner."
"Want I puff?" I offered my Bifter.
"Why not," George sighed, taking it, "She knew all of it?"
"Yeah, because a certain dumbass confessed his love for me to his blonde wife, now ex," I looked at him, "Nice try, though."
"Oh, sod off," George rolled his eyes, giving me back the bifter.
Roger and I have our arms around each other while sitting on my piano bench. We were talking to our friend group before my uncle Bucky walked over. 
"Excuse me, but can I talk to one of the birthday girls?" Bucky coughed.
"Of course," I laughed, "I can always talk to my favorite uncle. Just don't tell Jay and Sam."
"I won't, not that dumb," Bucky rolled his eyes. My friends, including Roger, don't know my uncle Bucky. My uncle Bucky is my adopted uncle; he was born as an orphan named Raymond and grew up in an orphanage. Once Bucky turned 18, his orphanage gave him the last name Lawson. He never really had a family until he met my dad. My aunts and uncles welcomed him into their family. Once it was time for them to come home, my dad brought him to Liverpool. My grandad adopted Bucky, just not legally since he was too old to get adopted. He married Alice after the war, and they have four kids: Molly, Meredith, Kenzie, and Finley. Molly is Payton's age, Meredith is Star and my unofficial triplet, Kenzie is 16, and Finley is 14. 
"Right guys, this is my uncle Bucky," I fixed my posture as Roger fixed how he held me, so his hands weren't too low but not too high, "Bucky, that Tim and Brian, I think you guys have met before. That's Elaina and Freddie, but I call him Rocky, and this is my boyfriend, Roger."
"Isn't this the one that cheated?" Bucky asked as I sighed.
"It was a misunderstanding. Who told you? Star or John?" I asked.
"Death, after you told her, she called me," Bucky smirked.
"Tattletale," I muttered.
"Who's Death?" Elaina asked.
"Meredith, Bucky's daughter and one of my best friends," I explained, "She's my and Star's unofficial triplet."
"Anyways, guys, Bucky. Bucky, guys," I coughed as Roger stood up properly and put his hand out.
"Hi Sir, I'm Roger Taylor," Roger tensed up as Bucky looked at me.
"He's scared of me. I like him," Bucky looked back to Roger and shook his hand, "Capt. Raymond Lawson, people, call me Bucky."
Roger seemed very nervous. I stood up and wrapped my arms around Roger. Roger put his arm around my waist and kissed me on the temple as I blushed.
February 25th, 1969- Star's POV
"So he's been at yours?" Sienna asked while we walked out into an okayish February day.
"We're sharing a bed... it's nice, but I'm not putting my hopes up. We weren't meant to be," I nodded.
"You're the only one that fucking thinks that," Sienna rolled her eyes as we started to head to the student lot, and I saw George sitting on the hood of my car. Can he stop doing that?!
"Hey, look, it's your boyfriend. Going to shag him since it's his birthday?" Sienna joked as I looked at her, "Pattie said he's all yours, have your fun."
"I can't fuck guys sober, and Geo won't have sex with me if I'm drunk. I get that he finds it wrong, but it's the only way I can do it without getting an asshat PTSD attack," I sighed.
"I gotta go, have fun with Loverboy," Sienna nudged me as I smirked.
"Bye, Crazy," I waved.
"Bye, Spark," Sienna walked to the dorms as I walked over to George, still sitting on the roof of my car.
"You have five seconds to get off my car. Five," I started to count as George quickly got off my car.
"What the hell are you wearing?" George looked at my outfit. I have on a navy blue sweater with a jean skirt, blue booties, and blue sunglasses to finish off the look.
"It's call style," I grabbed my keys from my bag, "What do you want?"
"Can you go to the studio with me? Please? I want to demo some songs for the lads, and I don't want to be alone on my birthday." George looked at me.
"Well, I don't have work today... so why not," I shrugged. George smirked and tried to drive as I stopped him, "You're not driving. I don't let anyone drive my baby."
"Your baby?" George looked at me.
"It's my baby," I shrugged, getting into my car to drive the two of us to Abbey Road.
"Um, I want to show you a song when we get there," George rubbed the back of his neck.
"Alright, do you want me in the control room or on an amp in the recording box?" I slowly broke my cold shoulder act. It's relieving, actually, but something tells me I should still keep it up.
"Well, Ken will be there, so you can be in the recording box if you don't mind?" George coughed.
"I would love to," I smirked as I parked. We got out of my car and walked to Abbey Road. We walked closely together, side to side, but we weren't holding hands or anything like that, but our hands did touch a couple of times. Each time George's fingers touched mine just a bit, I felt this thunderstruck flowing through my body, causing me to blush. We finally got to the studio room, and Ken was already sitting waiting for us.
"Hey, George... and Star," Ken was shocked to see me.
"Hey," I moved my sunglasses, more like a headband.
"You know you're wearing three different types of blue, right?" Ken looked at me as George laughed, grabbing his guitar and tuning it. He brought in Lucy.
"What are you laughing at? Mr. bright red, green, and black to match for a concert," I looked at George as Ken laughed.
"I was running late to classes. I just threw something on," I shrugged, "At least I'm not like Scarlett and wearing my work clothes to school."
"Please tell me it's more professional?" Ken looked at me.
"Mod," I answered as Ken laughed.
"Sorry, but you and mod don't seem like a good fit," Ken laughed.
"I have to look professional," I sighed.
"Anyways, I'm going in. Want to come?" George asked as I nodded. We both went into the recording box. I sat on the piano bench as George sat across from me, not directly, but we were close. George set up and gave me a pair of headphones, too, so I could listen to whatever masterpiece he's working on today. I put my sunglasses in my bag and grabbed my camera. I had my normal one and my polaroid. I put the polaroid on the closed piano and checked the lighting to see if I could snap a few shots of George singing.
"Can you play the piano for this song? You're usually good with upbeat piano stuff?" George looked at me.
"Are you asking so I don't snap a few pictures of you?" I joked.
"Maybe, I'm not photo-ready yet," George joked as I laughed.
"Of course, I can play," I turned around, moving my cameras and opening the piano. George played a melody he wanted me to copy.
"Like this... just Star it up," George winked at me as I rolled my eyes. George sat next to me and put the mic right in front of him, I started to play, and he began to sing. George kept looking at me as I played, and I looked at him. By the middle of the song, George started to play his guitar. I looked at him in amazement, still playing. We finished the music, and George just looked at me.
"You're gnawing on your lip again," George looked at me, then I realized what I was doing.
"Right, sorry," I coughed, "Do you need me to play the next song?"
"No, you finally can take pictures of me," George joked as he moved the mic back to his original seat. I grabbed my regular camera since my polaroid is loud when it prints.
"What's this one called?" I asked.
"All Things Must Pass," George told me before he started singing and playing. I caught pictures of him, I love taking photos of the lads when they sing and play, but they usually stop everything they're doing and give me a face or pose, which ruins why I take the picture. The beautiful song clearly had a deeper meaning, but I didn't ask and just vibed with the music. George finished the song and looked at me, waiting for my opinion on it.
"It's good, sounds meaningful," I laughed.
"Thanks..." George cheekily smiled, "The next song is for you... I wrote it a few months ago... after we hung out."
"Play it," I smiled.
"Alright," George fixed his position as I put my camera to the side and gave him my full attention. The intro was this sweet melody, then George started to sing, looking at me a bit and back at the chords he was playing. The song started with 'Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover.' George created this sweet melody that had gotten rougher but still sounds fantastic. George mumbled a doon doon doon between two verses. The piece is mixed from the soft beginning and the now wild to create a more middle-tone melody.
"You know I love that woman of mine. And I need her all of the time. Now I'm telling you That woman that woman don't make me blue," George sang with this raw emotion before returning to his soft tone with the lyrics that matched the rest of the song. George finished the song with the same soft melody from the beginning. I still looked at him with the same amazement. This song is beautiful! Is he sure it's for me? When we hung out?
"It's bloody ravishing!" I clapped, "The lads are going to love that one!"
"You think so?" George asked as I nodded.
"Of course! It's beautiful," I was amazed.
"Well, the muse for the song is gorgeous. I tried to have the song reflect her beauty, I guess," George's eyes were fixated on me.
"You sure it's about me?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm sure. You're the only one that doesn't make me blue," George flirted. I bit my lip, contemplating if I should bring up the cold shoulder act or flirt back.
Scarlett's POV (Later...)
It's George's birthday. He didn't want anything significant like what the lads did for Star and me. After everyone got out of work, we celebrated and went out to the Premier. George hasn't been to his house since my and Star's birthday. At dinner, it was all of George's immediate family, the lads, and their family, Star, me, and Roger. We got rooftop dining so that we could eat under the stars. We had one big table so everyone could sit. George has Star on one side and his brother Peter on the other. I sat between Roger and Star; Roger held my hand and sometimes squeezed it to ensure I was still there. Whenever he embraced it, I would gently giggle or blush. I was mostly talking to one of George's brothers, Harry. We stayed at the Premier until it was one in the morning. Everyone got tired and left. George's family went to the closest open hotel to check in, and Roger walked with us to the flat.
"Hey, Scar?" Roger coughed when we got to my building.
"Hm?" I hummed.
"Can I sleep over? The guys will kill me if I come home this late."
"Of course," I nodded. We walked into my flat, George and Star walked into Star's room, and Roger and I walked into mine. I grabbed one of the lads' clothes I had taken over the years and threw it to Roger.
"I know it's not the best, but it's your favorite band's clothes," I smiled and walked to the bathroom. I walked back into Roger sitting on my bed.
"Can I sleep here?" He asked with his baby blue eyes, I nodded, and we cuddled up and went to bed.
March 13th, 1969
George finally decided to go home and talk to Pattie. The only thing George told us is they are filing for divorce. Pattie told George everything she told us. She knew that George was in love with Star and how she found out during the India trip. Pattie moved into Eric's house, while George had the place to himself. They are figuring it out as time passes. Since John left to go to Paris, George is still trying to figure out when to tell the lads, and Paul will get married soon. He is also trying to avoid Star but failing miserably, My job with Kelly is fantastic, and we started to grow a friendship through these past weeks. Not to mention my professor keeps on popping in to check on us. Last night, I went to see a Smile gig and hung out with Roger before going home. I got off for the next couple of days to go to Paris and see John and Yoko marry. Knowing the future helps so I don't miss anything important. My plan for sleeping late was disturbed by some ass banging on our front door. I rolled out of bed and opened the door to see Paul was the ass knocking on my door.
"What do you want, Macca?" I rubbed my eyes.
"Can you and Star come to my wedding?"
"Yeah, when is it?"
"In three hours, and since you got the door, you are the maid of honor congratulations," Paul looked at his watch.
"I am going to kill you... you know what, go wake up, Star, that will kill you."
"Ugh, fine," Paul rolled his eyes and woke up Star, she got up, and we both put on a lovely dress, and I wrote a note for Elaina saying we would be out. Paul drove us to Marylebone Register Office, which is right around the corner from my flat. He started to pace once Mike, his brother, became late.
"Paul?" I asked.
"Where's the Best Man?"
"Why do you think I am pacing?!" Paul snapped.
"Better pacing than biting your nails," Star joked. Paul looked at Star, clearly not in the mood for jokes.
"Do you want to die, Walker?" Paul looked straight at Star.
"Yes, very." Star looked at Paul. Paul looked at her with concern for her health, then shook his head as soon as he realized she was smirking. Linda walked in with Heather. Linda ran up and hugged me.
"Thank you so much for being my maid of Honor!" Linda hugged me.
"No problem," I hugged back. Paul quickly-paced even more than he got a phone call. After a few minutes, Paul walked in, saying Mike's train had broken down and we had to wait.
Two hours later...
"Sorry I'm late," Mike ran in and smiled.
"Hey, now or never," Star smiled. Everyone looked at her and rolled their eyes; we watched the ceremony with Mike and me as witnesses. Not my first Beatles wedding where I'm a witness, and not going to be the last. I was for Ringo, John, and now Paul. Star was the witness to George's wedding to Pattie. After the ceremony, we all went out to eat but were stopped by the paparazzi. It wasn't delightful. When we were eating, we all had to do a speech, I am not good with speeches or anything of that nature, but I tried. I stood up with my glass and started to think of something, everyone was looking at me, and my nerves were bugging me. After a few more speeches and others getting hammered, Star and I returned to our flat. Star got sent to work for something, and I got changed and sat on the couch.
"Oh good, your home," Elaina walked in.
"The police called; they have George and Pattie in jail from a drug search. And you're George's primary contact."
"When did they call?"
"About an hour or two ago?" I got up and took Elaina's keys, "Can I?"
"You can't drive."
"I'm learning again," I shrugged as Elaina glared at me. I put down her keys, "Fine. I'll take the bus."
"Good girl, don't kill George."
"Too late."
I took the bus to get to the police station. There I saw Eric trying to bail out Pattie.
"Hello, I want to bail out George Harrison," I sighed. Eric looked at me, and his eyes widened.
"Hey, Scarlett."
"Hey, Eric."
"The couple will be presented in court on March 18th. They won't be allowed in their house until then," The Police officer gave me a piece of paper. Excellent Star and I are going to Paris in two days, and George has to stay in my flat for six.
"Not a problem," I smiled. I filled out the paperwork, and an officer grabbed George. Not too long after, they brought Pattie. I looked at him, and we started walking to the bus stop.
"Scar, if you're going to say something, please do," George broke his silence.
"What the fuck were you thinking?" I yelled at him, "Weed? Geo? Fucking Weed? You can get in a lot of shit with that!"
"I know," George sighed, "I didn't think I could get caught."
"You could've shared some," I responded. George looked at me and started to laugh. The bus came, and we sat on the top of the double-decker to get less noticed.
"One, you can't go back into your house until the 18th, and you must go to court. Two, me and Star are leaving for Paris in two days, so don't miss my flat up that bad. Three, why did you get busted with Pattie if she started to live with Eric?" I asked as soon as we sat down.
"We were talking things over for the divorce, what we will do with the house, and when to tell everyone. Then the law showed up. Also, why are you going to Paris?" George answered.
"John's wedding."
"Shit, wasn't today's Pauls?"
"Yeah, I just got back."
We got to the bus stop near my flat and walked the rest home. There I saw Star smoking her bifter, probably waiting for us.
"Thought you were at work?" I walked up to her.
"Well, I would be if I didn't just get asked to do a project for George Harrison getting arrested with a marijuana position." Star looked straight at George, who refused to meet her gaze, "Why am I getting told this by my boss?"
"Because I was going to tell you after you get back from work," I smiled, "Well, I love to stay, but I'm hanging with Roger, and I want to look cute."
I ran to my flat and to my room to put something cute on before seeing Roger. I heard Star and George fighting over the fact that he got busted, then started to ask him questions since she had to write a paper for it. I left the living room, grabbed my purse, and left.
March 31st, 1969
Once we got to Paris, John and Yoko picked us up from the airport. They tried to get married, but it kept failing, but on March 20th, the two finally tied the night in Gibraltar. Star was their witness, and David Nutter, the band's other photographer, I was just there for support. Star and I left right after John and Yoko went on their honeymoon after their ten-minute ceremony, and a couple of pictures were taken. George and Pattie's trial is today. Star and I went for support, Roger went with us, and Eric showed up and sat with us. They pleaded guilty and were fined £250 plus 10 guineas each and a one-year curfew on their licenses for 11 O'clock. The two walked out, and we followed them to stuff ourselves in the same car.
"See, it wasn't that bad," I smiled, looking at my watch for a time check.
"We could've gotten worse," Pattie stated, sitting next to Eric on the other side of the car.
"When do you have to go to work?" Star asked.
"In thirty minutes," I looked up from my watch. I was the first to get dropped off. I walked in to see Professor Evans chatting with Kelly while she was tailoring outfits on the models.
"How did it go?" Kelly turned to me as the two looked at me.
"Good, they just got fined £250 and curfew on their licenses for a year," I shrugged, heading to my desk, "Heyla, Professor Evans."
"Here, you can call me Cordelia, Scarlett," Prof. Evans smiled.
"She has a problem staying all formal," Kelly looked at her friend.
"Is there anything you need me to do?" I asked.
"Can you do the paperwork on my desk? You can just work there if you want," Kelly pointed to her desk with her head. I walked over to see the finishing touches of the fashion show next week; I can't wait to see my first fashion show!
"Um, Kelly, I have a question?" I glanced at her calendar.
"What?" Kelly looked at me.
"Who's Ella Pierce, and why do I have a meeting with her?" I looked at Kelly.
"Oh, right, Ella is my manager. Well ours, she does all the legal affairs for you and me. Since Anne is difficult, you will be working with her," Kelly looked at me. Anne is the COO of Kelly's Closet. I had a few interactions with her, and she's a bitch. Anne gives herself a personal assistant and does her own thing, which pisses Kelly off. The only reason why she's still around here is that she's the jeweler. The only reason Anne is COO is that Anne threatened to leave if Kelly didn't make her COO. In my 2019 life, she fell off the edge of the earth after Kelly died. I can see why all Kelly's friends hate her, Kelly hates her, and no one here likes her. I don't have an opinion on her because I only had one or two interactions, but she was a straight-up bitch both times.
"You need a manager?" I raised an eyebrow, "I thought that was only music and films."
"Everyone has one. Some choose not to, and some do. I have no idea what goes on legally because I'm a high school dropout. Ella helps me keep this afloat," Kelly shrugged.
"Does she just do fashion?" I asked.
"No. Well... Ella's loyalty is to me, but she's the manager of all my models. Why?" Kelly looked at me.
"Is the Beatles twin trying to find a manager for music?" Prof. Evans looked at me.
"Not me, but I don't trust the lads' new manager. I'm trying to find someone that is a better offer. I'm not planning to go into the music industry," I shrugged.
"Rightttt," The two best friends said. 
Star's POV
Once dropped off at my flat, I plopped onto my bed and started working on this year's photo album. I didn't get called into work today, nor was I scheduled to. I got distracted once my phone started to ring.
"Hello?" I answered as I heard the door, and George walked in. Great, just great.
"Hey Star, I have a question," Stu answered from the other line.
"What do you want, little brother," I rolled my eyes.
"I'm taller than you and older than you by six years!" Stu scoffed.
"Yeah, an inch taller," I laughed as I looked over to George, confused about who I was talking to, "What's your question?"
"Did I hear correctly that Pattie and George got arrested?" Stu asked.
"Wow, you heard that from Germany?" I'm a bit shocked.
"Who are you on the phone with?" George mouthed.
"Stu," I mouthed back.
"Yeah, I also heard that Paul and John got married," Stu responded, "So anything else new there?"
"Come and visit," I rolled my eyes, "You haven't visited since I dated..."
"Axel? Yeah, I know," Stu sighed as I heard that name. I took a deep breath.
"Stu. Never. Ever. Say that name again," I breathed out. Axel, known as Asshat, is my old boyfriend. I dated him for about six months. I worked for his dad, Minster Nichols, as his photographer during the election. I talked to Axel once or twice before he asked me out. I thought I had nothing to lose, so I accepted. I regretted it soon afterward. At first, he'll be manipulative and controlling, telling me what I can or can't say, what I can or can't wear, and who I can or can't see. He forced me into living with him and told me he'd do things to me if I told my brothers. 𑁍TW𑁍Throughout the time I was with him, he starved me, beat me, took sex from me by force multiple times, threw me down the stairs countless times, made me drop all my friends, he even made me stop talking to my family. He pushed me towards more drugs and alcohol to forget what he was doing to me, but if he did catch me, he would lock me outside and force me to sleep out there while shagging some random. Scarlett figured out the relationship's abuse and helped me escape it. I haven't seen him since I broke up with him. On January 2nd, 1968 is when I ran from Axel. That day is still too traumatic to talk about, even though it's been a year, two months, and 29 days since I've escaped him. I promised myself I would take a break from relationships and focus on myself.
"Sorry... um... I got to go; call you later?" Stu sighed.
"Alright, bye, Stewie," I smiled.
"Bye, Twinkle."
"I hate that name."
"I know."
Stu and I hung up; I looked at George as he patiently sat on the couch.
"May I help you?" I looked at him.
"Yes... I don't want to be at my house," George shrugged.
"Why?" I hopped on the couch next to him but kept my distance since I still didn't trust myself.
"Pattie and Eric are there, still hurts, y'know," George told me.
"Yeah, I know, from 1964 to now," I fumed. George looked at me, and I looked away, putting on the television. There was this silence in the room, and I was not too fond of it. I noticed George scoot over a bit as I began to do the same. As I scooted over, I saw a smile on his face. I began to bite my lip to remind myself this wouldn't last. Now George and I are beside each other, and our sides are touching. We don't have arms around each other or anything like that; just sitting beside each other with no distance. I wasn't even paying attention to the television but more to George's toothy smile. Even though he got rid of his little fangs, his smile is adorable. His brown doe eyes make me melt looking at them, not to mention his loving and humble personality, making me want to be with him even when I'm mad at him. The more my feelings start to show, the tighter I'm biting my lip, it was to the point my lip started to hurt, and George whispers.
"Your lip is bleeding, love," George gently whispers as I realize I puncture my lip, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, fine," I tried to bring up the cold shoulder act, but it's staying down for some reason. George looked at me as I looked at him, forgetting my lip was bleeding; his gaze was distracting. We leaned closer to each other, and our foreheads started to touch, I didn't want to back away, but I knew it was wrong to kiss him. Even though he and Pattie are broken up, and I was told he's all mine, it still feels wrong. But something about him was always intoxicating, ever since I met him. I finally cupped his face as George gently cupped mine; soon as his hand touched my skin, this mixed feeling flew through me. Our lips finally connected, and our hands started to do their own thing. We began to go towards my room and fell on my bed. I was under George, and flashbacks from Asshat began to pop into my head. I felt my breath quicken and my heart pounding out of my chest, not because of my excitement to make love with George but because I was fighting a PTSD attack due to Axel.
"George, s-stop," I freaked out. George quickly stopped and got off of me as I sat up hyperventilating.
"Are you okay?! Did I-" George started to freak out.
"No, it's just..." I tried to calm down, "Asshat trigger... I'm going for a run."
I quickly got up and ran out of my flat, usually running clear my head, and I needed it.
0 notes
annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker) Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Third-person, George, Scarlett, & Star
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February 16th, 1969- Scarlett's POV
George got out of the hospital yesterday; he's home with the other three Beatles to visit him. I was going to see him after my shift at Biba. I plan to ask if I can do the Biba internship for my internship class. I know, so last minute. After seeing Geo, I'll go to Kensington Market and see Freddie's new market. I was almost on my break, and that is when I was going to ask if I could do their internship.
"Ms. Walker, can you see me in my office now?" My manager asked as I was about to help another person.
"Ma'am, I was about to help someone," I told her, "Can I quickly ask what she needs."
"No. Office now," My Manager demanded sternly. I gulped my confidence and walked into her office, "Listen, Walker, I like you. You busted your ass and bounced right back after your December accident."
Am I getting a promotion?
"But I'm sorry to say we have to let you go due to the over employment here, and your commission rates weren't high enough in January," My manager said, then went off on what to do, and she will be more than welcome to help me with recommendations for a new job. My face fell. I lost my job and my boyfriend almost a month ago, but before anything, I lost my memories months before. I was snapped back into reality and gave her my name tag and other things I had.
"Hey, what happened?" Elaina asked, grabbing me as I walked passed her.
"I just got fired," I fought back the tears. I walked out and ran to a store, grabbed a pack of beer, and took the bus to George's house. Once at the stop around Kinfauns, I walked up the property, lost in my thoughts; soon, I noticed Pattie's car was gone. I barged into Kinfauns, and the lads were laughing about something. I dropped the beer pack and jumped on the couch face first.
"Scarlett?" I heard as I turned around to see John.
"Why aren't you at work?" Ringo asked.
"I got fired," I laughed out of exhaustion. I do this a lot. Many people told me it's unhealthy.
"What?" They looked at me as I sat up, grabbed a beer from the six-pack, and opened it. I am now ferrous since I got fired because they over-employed the store.
"The store is over-employed, and my January commission was shit," I sipped my beer.
"They cut your hours due to your accident!" John yelled in frustration at the news.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious, but in retail, it's all about how many sales you bring into the store," I rolled my eyes, "And to top it all off, I promised Rocky I'll go to the opening of his stall in Kensington, that he's partnering up with Roger."
"Aww, poor Scarlett has to face her ex?" John playfully pouted.
"Hey, John, when was the last time you saw Cynthia?" I asked John; he looked at me.
"Touché," John shook his head; John sat next to me and grabbed a beer, "Can I take one."
"Take them all," I slammed my back on the back of the couch, then mumbled, "Best birthday month ever."
"It's not that bad," George tried to cheer me up, "Your birthday is this week!"
"George, it's Sunday, my birthday is Saturday, and I have to go through this week with no internship for class, no job, and I need this week's paycheck to pay rent!" I freaked out, "I have to figure out how to tell my teacher why I don't have an internship yet."
"Didn't the class start later than the rest of them?" Paul asked
"The first day was Monday. I have that class every Monday and Friday," I nodded and took a deep breath. I started to have a mini panic attack. I relied on this week's paycheck. People always ask me, well, your older brothers are the Beatles. How aren't you loaded? Not to mention a Beatles twin? Well, that's simple, I hate using the lads' money, and I don't allow them to give me money. Plus, I don't get my Beatles Twin royalties until I'm 22; it was an agreement between John and Brian Epstein. They had thought two teenage girls shouldn't have that much money, which I agree with, and the two considered by the age of 22, Star and I should know how to be financially responsible. The lads would give us a portion of our royalties since they felt it was wrong to drag us into this life, and we get shit. So we got paid every week, which was 100 pounds. I saved at least 25 pounds for a rainy day fund and kept the rest for the week. I used my rainy day fund to pay down the flat. The flat is under my name since out of Elaina and me at the time. I was the only one with a stable occupation. At the time, Elaina and I had just started to work at Biba, and I had to put down Beatles Twin for my profession. Since I've been a Beatles twin since I was 15, I got granted to have a loan for the flat. Elaina and I split it, we now split it into thirds, but the interest had gone up, which made a dent in my financial plan. But because of the increase, it was cheaper when it was just me and Elaina than all three of us.
"Walks! Are you listening?!" John asked.
"No. No, I was not Lenney," I snapped out of my thoughts and had a panic attack.
"We were saying we'll give you money," John started.
"No, thank you, but no."
"Scarlett, you need the money!"
"I don't need it," I rolled my eyes after getting into a fight about my financial problems with the lads. Paul, Ringo, and John called it quits and said they would go out for a quick smoke. George looked at me as I put my head in my hands.
"Hey, Scar, can I ask you something?" George cleared his throat. I put my head out of my hands and looked at him. He looked nervous about what he was about to say next. I nodded my head, and he cleared his throat again.
"Do you remember you said you'll talk to Pattie if my concerns worsen?" George's voice cracked; it was somewhat funny; I nodded again.
Why?" I asked, trying to figure out where this was going.
"Are you free tonight? It could be an excuse for you to see Roger shorter," George asked and used the fact I don't want to see Roger against me.
"What do you want me to do, Hazza," I sighed.
"Can you...um..." George started to rub the back of his neck, "...Have dinner with Pattie tonight?"
"Yeah, sure. Where and when," I popped up. We started to talk more about the details. Then I had one more question, "So after spending half a month avoiding Pattie and getting closer, plus sleeping with Star. What changed your mind?"
"Because if what I'm thinking is true, I would end things with Pattie since it's not fair to both of us if we love other people," George sighed.
"So, will you move on and hurt Star again?" I asked.
"No, I'll finally have the balls to ask her out," George told me, and my eyes widened. The others came back, looking at me.
After a long bus ride, I got to Deathrow, Roger, and Freddie's stall. Freddie told me to meet up in the alleyway, and I did so. I saw Star, Freddie, and Elaina talking as I walked into the alley. I walked up, and Freddie hugged me.
"I'm so sorry, darling. I would hire you here, but you don't get along with the other owner." Freddie hugged me as I glared at Elaina
"You told them?!" I yelled as Freddie pulled away from the hug.
"Well, Star needed to know!" Elaina rubbed her shoulder.
"Fine, whatever, just don't tell anybody, okay?" I turned to Star, "I have a ladies' night with Pattie tonight. Wanna join?"
"Why just Pattie?" Star asked.
"Geo wants me to talk to her about her and Eric," I walked closer and whispered in her ear; Star looked at me.
"Why is he asking you to do it, and why should I come?" Star whispered back.
"She'll tell me, and you both understand what it's like being in love with Geo," I responded. Star sighed and nodded. Freddie grabbed me and dragged me inside so he could show me around. My eyes eventually landed on Roger, which gave my body this unnecessary overload of these lust emotions. 
"Talk. To. Him. You're practically drooling all over him, darling," Freddie looked at me.
"I'm not," I looked at Freddie.
"Go talk to Roger." Freddie shoved me in Roger's direction.
"Fine," I sighed and nodded. As much as my pride doesn't want to talk to him, I have to. I walked up to Roger; he was surprised, then smirked.
"H-hey Scar," Roger awkwardly waved. I smiled and waved back.
"We need to talk." We both said the same thing at the same time. I blushed and bit my lip; Roger just looked down to hide his smirk. I could feel something between us, not distance like it should be but a warm and tingling feeling. Before we could say something, people started to walk in and look around; Roger got called away as I walked back to Star, looked around, and saw everything following the latest trend or old hand-me-downs. As an hour passed by, I felt someone grab my arm. In response, I jumped but turned to see Roger. 
"Can we go to the back?" He asked. I nodded, and we walked out into the ally.
"I know you probably want to punch me in the face," Roger started, a great conversation starter. I tried to show what I had left of self-confidence by crossing my arms and looking at him.
"That is why, if you want, I am giving you a pass," Roger closed his eyes, waiting for me to punch him in the face. As much as I would love to do that, I would get shit from Brian for punching his drummer. So instead, I slapped him, and it felt better, but I felt terrible afterward, then all the anger from that night came out of me.
"You fucking asshole, I trusted you!" I finally yelled. Roger was more shocked that I slapped him than punched him before looking down to his feet.
"I let you in, and I caught feelings, and...and-" I mumbled, "and I fell in love with you."
He looked up at me, I looked down, and Roger lifted my head with his fingers.
"Well, I fell in love with you too," He smirked, "And that's why I want to explain myself. I couldn't get you out of my head, no matter how much I tried-"
"I couldn't get you out of my head, poor lads, and Star had to hear it," I giggled, "I want to listen to your side."
Roger sighed then started, "I got off stage, and this girl kept trying to get with me, but I said, No, I have a girlfriend. I was going to see you after the gig, but she made it impossible for me to leave. Then she jumped on me and started to kiss me, and I tried to push her off, but she pulled on tighter."
I froze, now I felt like a dick, I looked at him, and he did feel bad. But do I give him another chance? Does he want another chance with me?! I've been such a bitch towards him for the past few weeks. I was lost in my thoughts, and then I felt two arms wrapped around me and a kiss on my head.
"I want to give us another chance," Roger whispered, "I'm sorry you saw me kissing another woman."
"Why do you want to be with me? I was being a bitch for the past few weeks?" I whispered back. Roger pulled out of the hug and gave me a 'are you fucking serious' look.
"Because, If I were you, I would have done the same thing," Roger stated, "And I promise I will be true for this day on."
I wanted to say 'of fucking course,' but something told me I was not in the right state of mind. I'm still angry and upset about getting fired, and now this aments pressure is on my shoulder for a new job. It wouldn't be the right time to restart another relationship, plus I should talk to the lads since not everyone likes Roger and got pretty pissed at me when I didn't speak to them first the last time I started to date Roger.
"Rog..." I sighed, his blue eyes got soft on me, curse those beautiful blue eyes, "...I need some time to think if that's alright, I mean the last time we started to date, and I didn't talk to the lads, they were pretty pissed at me."
Roger nodded in understanding, which was a relief.
"I'll give you my answer on Wednesday at the latest. Maybe we could meet up somewhere?" I smirked.
"I can do Premier on Wednesday at noon," Roger smiled.
"Well, I hope you don't mind having someone else with us," I smirked. Roger's eyes widened with jealousy.
"What?!" His eyes widened, "Who?!"
"A five-year-old little boy who wants to spend time with his godmother," I teased, Roger flustered with embarrassment. I laughed and whispered in his ear playfully, "Someone jealous?"
He blushed before kissing me on the nose as a response.
That night...
Star and I got to Kinfauns; the other's cars are still surprisingly there. Star and I barged in; not only was it just Pattie, but all the partners were there.
"Hey guys," Star walked in; everyone looked at Star and then at me.
"So, how did things go today?" Paul asked.
"Oh, the only interesting thing that happened was that she and Rog talked and now thinking about rekindling their relationship," Star sat down, the lads looked at me, and I gave Star an 'I'm going to kill you' look, she just smirked.
"You're a fucking idiot," John raised his voice, "What kind of idiot restarts a relationship with a guy who cheated?"
"Me. And the fan wouldn't get off of him; you, of all people, should understand that," I crossed my arms, "And this time, I'm doing it right and told him I'll talk to you four bozos first!"
"Aww, cute, but not going to happen," John smiled.
"John, why not give the lad another chance," Paul tried to reason. John started to disagree with Paul, and then Ringo and George sided with Paul. I looked at Pattie and Star then we left. We went to this restaurant where George set reservations for us.
"Thanks, guys, for having dinner with me!" Pattie cheerily said. Star and I both smiled.
"Anytime," I softly smiled. We ordered our food and drinks. Once the drinks came and the food was on its way, I decided I should just ask the question, even though I knew the answer.
"Pattie, I need to ask you a question, I know the answer, but I need you to verbally say it," I coughed as she looked at me.
"What is it?" Pattie asked.
"Are you having an affair with Eric Clapton?" I asked as Pattie looked down at her food and started to play with it before looking up and nodding.
"I know it's wrong, but I couldn't take it anymore. George is constantly cheating! I can't have any girlfriends anymore because I'm so paranoid he'll sleep with them. Plus, we don't even love each other. I mean, it's not like he has been hiding that he's in love with Star." Pattie ranted a bit as Star was drinking. When Pattie said that, Star's eyes widened, and she almost spat out her drink and then started to cough.
"W-what?!" Star coughed, "Pattie, there is noth-"
"I know George is in love with you. I'm not stupid," Pattie said, "I knew since the India trip."
"What do you mean by the India trip?" Star asked.
"He got drunk, thought I was you, and confessed his love and everything. I got pissed and fought with him. Everything has been rocky since. It felt wrong after knowing." Pattie bit her food, "Then Eric saw George and me fighting. He went to me for comfort. Then some spark happened."
"Umm, Scarlett, can I talk to Star... alone?" Pattie coughed as I nodded and headed to the loo.
Star's POV
Scarlett left as I felt my stomach clunch. Is she mad at me?
"Do you love him?" Pattie looked at me.
"What?" I looked at her.
"Do you love George? I need to know. I know the answer, but I need verbal confirmation from you. No lying, please. I want the truth," Pattie looked at me.
"Yes, I have since I was ten," I truthfully said.
"Why aren't you mad at me?" Pattie looked at me as I gave her an are-you-serious look.
"Why the hell would I be mad at you?" I looked at her.
"I took George from you," Pattie looked at me as I laughed.
"You didn't take George from me. We were going on two different roads in life. He was going into the road of fame while I was on the road of shame. I would've broken it off anyway because I didn't want to drag him down that road."
"Pattie, I'm serious; you didn't. Some may see it that way, but you didn't. I was glad George had somebody when I wasn't there. We would've never made it if we stuck to the plan."
"What do you mean plan?"
"When George and I first started to date secretly, we said when I'm in Uni, we'll tell John and date officially. But looking back, it would've never worked; Y'know, I wouldn't have had the experiences. We both probably would be getting married young and like you two, no offense, kinda fizzle out because everything became so different, the change would've broken us up." I explained, "I mean, when you were with him, I went to university, saw the lads change, and it must've been hard on you and the girls because it was also happening in your house. Meanwhile, Scarlett and I did our own thing."
"So you're not mad?" Pattie asked as I shook my head.
"I know you and Eric started not even a month after returning from India. That I do know, and a little upset because I know you're driving George crazy with that... but I have no room to talk since I used the fact to hang around Eric to drive George crazy," I smirked, "But I tried my hardest so no affairs of him and me, I hope I Wasn't the rea-"
"Your not. George's affairs with his lady friends and my affair with Clapton are. You're not the reason. Mo told me about some things... you didn't have to do all of that, really," Pattie looked at me.
"I can't live with myself knowing I broke up a marriage, and I knew if I were still the same old Star around George, it would've broken you two up. I couldn't do that to you. You've been so nice to me and such a big sister figure. It would be a dick move to take your husband," I looked down at my food.
"Thank you," Pattie softly said as I looked at her, "You were in pain for years for my happiness. But Star, I'm planning to leave George, Eric's offers are getting more tempting, and honestly, I know I won't help George with his infidelity, but you can-"
"Speaking of...." I coughed, "I didn't mean it, but when you were on that romantic holiday with Eric... George and I got high and slept together. I'm so sorry. I wasn't in the right state of-"
"Star, Star, it's alright. As you said, I was on a romantic holiday with Eric. I'm not mad. I don't feel betrayed. I'm just glad," Pattie cut me off.
"You should be mad," I muttered.
"And you should be mad at me for stealing George, but we're not going to make a man ruin what we have built for years," Pattie shrugged as I smirked.
"Yeah," I looked at her.
"But Star, before I leave, I want to make sure George will be okay. I want to make sure you have him and take care of him?" Pattie looked at me as I stuttered and nodded.
"Of course, I give you my word," I nodded. Pattie smiled.
"Thank you," Pattie sighed in relief.
Scarlett's POV
Star and I finished dinner, and we promised Pattie we won't tell George. The three of us got to Kinfauns, the lads were talking, and when we walked in, they all looked at me.
"I think you're going to die," Star whispered.
"Sod off," I rolled my eyes. The four pulled me to the side, and everyone in the living room looked at us.
"We all thought about what you said earlier..." John started, "...And our answer is no, you can't date a cheating arse."
My face dropped, then the other three looked at John and screamed, "John, that's not what we agreed on!"
John rolled his eyes and sat down a little grumpy. Ringo and George looked at Paul.
"Why me?" Paul asked, then the two looked at him harder. Paul rolled his eyes, "Fine, and we agreed to give Roger another chance to redeem himself."
"We will give him another try, but we would like to talk to him," Ringo crossed his arms, trying to be tough.
"But if he hurts you again, we're not going to let him off easy," George finished. I smiled and nodded. I forced them into one big hug, and this time will be different.
"Thank you, guys!" I pulled away from the hug, "Also, don't try to be tough. It doesn't work."
Ringo, Paul, and John left. I was about to leave when George pulled on my sleeve.
"How did it go?" George asked nervously. I sighed and looked down. I promised Pattie I wouldn't tell him, "Scar?"
"Well, I promised Pattie I wouldn't tell unless she wants me to," I smiled innocently. George looked at me.
"The point of this..." George started, then pinched his nose and walked out. I laughed. I walked out, and Star and I said our goodbyes, then left.
February 17th, 1969
I was sitting in my internship class as Freddie smirked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Ohhhhhh, nothing, just talked to Roger last night," Freddie smirked.
"Okay and?" I said.
"Well, are you going to get back with him?"
I nodded with a bashful smile, and class started. My professor made a speech about how we should all plan our internships or have them. I sunk into my seat. The professor asked what the student's internship was, and she went to me, and I was last.
"Ms. Walker? Let me guess. You got the Biba internship?" My professor, Prof. Evans, asked
"Umm, no, ma'am, I got fired before I could ask yesterday," I sunk into my seat farther. 
"Talk to me after class." Prof. Evans looked at me.
After class...
I walked to Prof. Evans, readying myself for a rant on not coming to class prepared.
"Well, Ms. Walker, today is your lucky day," Prof. Evans started, "An old friend of mine is looking for someone that can do a paid internship."
"Really? Thank you, but why are you helping me?" I looked at her with confusion.
"I see a lot of potential in you. You remind me of my friend. She told me to meet her in the parking lot in an hour," she told me. I nodded, ran to my flat, and changed into a white jabot-type blouse with gingham frill trousers and sneakers. I have black loafers that I will change into when I get to school. I put my hair up, tied it in the back with a black ribbon, and applied makeup. I got my stuff together and then ran out the door. Note to self: check how long my license is suspended. I was at fault for my crash, so I suspended my license since I gave myself amnesia for it. The other driver was okay. I was the only one with injuries. But the court suspended my license, and I now have to go through the process again to get it back. I got to school, and while waiting, I changed my sneakers into my loafers. Soon as I put my sneakers in my bag, Prof. Evans walked over to me.
"You got dressed well," She looked up and down at my outfit. We both went into her car, and she started the drive. It was quiet. I was looking outside the window.
"So I already told my friend about you, and she is excited to meet you," Prof. Evans said.
"Thank you so much. You don't understand how much this means to me," I turned to Prof. Evans.
"I know what it feels like," Prof. Evans said, "I didn't get to be a Professor overnight."
I smiled. After a couple of minutes, we arrived at this building. We walked in, and I saw 'Kelly's Closet' imprinted on the door. My mouth dropped. This isn't for real. Prof. Evans walked into Kelly Price's office and then dragged me there. There I saw the one and only Kelly Price. Her dark black hair was in a bun, and her wired glasses showed more of her Green emerald eyes. She perked up from her work.
"Cordelia!" Kelly got up and ran to Prof. Evans and hugged her. Kelly turned to me, "And you must be Scarlett. I have heard a lot about you!"
I was shocked, for one Star just stole Kelly Price's clothes a few months ago. She also died way before I was born, in my old life. We both sat down, and Prof. Evans gave her a paper.
"So Scarlett, you are a twin and have no parents?" Kelly started to read out.
"Yes, Ms. Price," I answered.
"Tell me, what was it like at home before your parents died? Was it a reason why you started to design?" Kelly folded her hands on the desk.
"Well, I wasn't close with my mother, she was never around, and when she was, it was...bad. I was very close with my father, all my siblings and I were," I started, "My dad taught me how to draw, and we always bonded on our art style."
"Tell me about your life with John Lennon and the Beatles?"
"Well, I have lived with them since ' 61. John bought me my first sketchbook. My sister and I were forced to dress correctly by the Lads manager, and I would draw the outfit I would rather wear."
"Do you have any pictures or designs?" Kelly asked. I nervously nodded and grabbed my sketchbook to pass it to Kelly. Kelly was very observant, she told my professor to look with her, and they all looked at my sketches.
"You are talented," Kelly closed my book, giving it back to me, "Now I want to ask you a few more questions."
"Go ahead, Ms. Price," I smiled, then Kelly started to ask me questions like wildfire. It was the standard job questions, like what do you see yourself in five years, my job history, etc. After the last question about my work ethic, Kelly stopped writing things down, took off her glasses, and looked at me.
"This question I want you to think about before you answer," She still looked at me. I nodded for my response, "I don't want to know what Scarlett Walker, the Beatles' twin, can do. I want to know what Scarlett Walker, the 21-year-old Uni student for apparel design, can do?"
I thought for a second, what is the difference? One is the title, and one is who I am. The Beatles' twin side of me was just told to stand still and look pretty. On the other side of me, I work hard, have fun, and will stand up for what I feel is right. 
"The Beatles' twin Scarlett is just a title, an act I have to do. The real Scarlett will work my butt off until the job is finished. I can take care of a mess before it could ruin someone's career. I will find a way to have fun during a professional time and smile threw the most boring and horrible times of my life, and I will stand up for my opinion and what I think is right."
"Your right Lisa, she's exactly what I am looking for," Kelly smiled and looked at my teacher, then Kelly turned to me, "Congratulations, Ms. Walker, you got the job. It will be a five-month paid internship, and we will see where it goes from there."
I smiled and wanted to hug her, but I stayed in my seat instead. Then Kelly put a serious face on and started to explain the job.
"You will be my assistant. You will go to meetings with me. You work Monday through Friday. If you finish your work early for the day, you can leave early. I have your schedule right here, so I know when you have classes," Kelly then pointed to another desk in her office, "That is your desk. You can decorate it. I don't care as long as you do your work. I will see you tomorrow after your classes. Any questions?"
"No. Thank you so much!" I popped up from my seat. Then I remembered I'm babysitting Julian Wednesday. "Wait, I have one."
"What is it?"
"I have to babysit my godson on Wednesday between 10 to 5, is there a chance I could bring him? He's a good child, and I also promised him lunch," I closed my eyes, waiting for Kelly to yell or something probably.
"As long as he won't bother others, I don't care. You're allowed to go out for your lunch break. It's 12 to 1 every day. You can leave a few minutes early," Kelly said, "I sometimes have to bring my son to work. I do understand you have to do what you have to do. And you sometimes have to watch my son."
I nodded and breathed out in relief. I walked out of the building with a smile on my face. I asked Prof. Evans to drop me off at Apple records. I should tell the lads I got a new job before they give me a check. Since the lads were re-recording Don't Let Me Down, I walked into the studio and jumped on the couch with the smile still showing.
"Hi-ya Scar," George Martin strangely looked at me.
"Hi-ya Martie," I responded.
"Ooh, nickname and smile, what's the news?" George Martin asked.
"Oh nothing, just that my Professor got me a job with the Kelly Price!" I said with enthusiasm.
"Oh shit, really?!" George Martin said, falling off his seat. The lads looked over when they saw George Martin fall off his chair, and me too busy laughing to help him up. The lads, and Yoko, walked in as George Martin was still on the ground and now laughing at the fact he fell off his chair.
"What did you two snort?" John asked.
"Nothing you haven't tried," I responded.
"Touchè," John crossed his arms, slightly offended, "Why are you here smiling and laughing?"
"I got a job! My professor is a long-time best friend of the Kelly Price and gave me a job that is also an internship, so it helps me with my class and financial problems!" I quickly said I'm pretty sure the only thing the guys understood was I got a job.
"That's amazing news!" Ringo walked up to me and hugged me, then it became a group hug, while my 5' 2 self was stuck in the middle all around someone that was 6′2, another that was 5'6, two people that were 5'10, and one other person that is 5'11 and Yoko, who is my height is in the corner watching the hug.
February 19th, 1969
My first day at work was excellent. Today, I have lunch with Roger. I walked into work, holding Julian and a bag of his toys, so he could be distracted when I was working. I walked to my desk, which only had two pictures on it. I've been bringing in as little as possible. Kelly was sitting at my desk, looking at the pictures. I walked in, and Kelly jumped up from my desk, she saw Julian, and her eyes were infatuated with him. I introduced Julian as Kelly walked up and waved to Julian. Julian got nervous and dug his head into my neck. I told Julian who Kelly was, and Julian turned to Kelly, then smiled and waved. I walked to my desk and gave Julian some of his toys. I gave Julian my seat while working and standing. Kelly grabbed two chairs.
"Oh, thank you, Ms. Price, but I can stand," I told my boss.
"Sit, and call me Kelly. I am only 25, Scarlett," Kelly instructed. I took the chair and started to work. Oh yeah, Kelly is three years older than me. Kelly played with Julian while I looked through the following line's designs.
"Ms. Pri- I mean Kelly," I caught myself, "For the new line, do you need a photographer because I don't see one written down yet?"
"Oh, I must have forgotten about that, shoot," Kelly looked over, "I set a date for the pictures but didn't ask a photographer."
"Um, Kelly, I have four photographers in my family, and two live in London," I pointed out, "My twin sister, Star, is more of a journalist but can do a photo shoot. My brother Payton is a traveling photographer for a living, my sister-in-law Astrid but she lives in Germany, and my soon-to-be sister-in-law Linda, just a photographer."
"Can any of them do a photoshoot for Tuesday?" Kelly sighed.
"I can see, most likely Linda and Star, but I will see Payton over the weekend," I said. She looked relieved.
"I love your family right now," Kelly smiled, then she helped me a bit with the new line project. When it was 11:55, I started to get ready for the Premier. I'm really nervous to see Roger, even though I'm telling him the good news, I'm still nervous.
"Where are you going for lunch?" Kelly asked.
"The Premier," I picked up Julian.
"Is it just you and Julian? You look a little anxious?" Kelly asked.
"Um, no. I had this boyfriend of mine, and we split. Now we are having lunch to talk through things," I said shyly.
"Don't be nervous, Scarlett. You'll be fine," Kelly told me. I looked at her for a bit. Then she realized I was getting nervous because I had told my boss for two days, "Also, don't be shy talking to me. If you're going to be my assistant, we need to have a bond."
"See you at 1, Kelly," I nodded. I walked out and went into the Premier. I let Julian pick the table, and he decided to have a front outside seat. It's pretty good weather for February. Roger walked up and smiled. I blushed a bit, then Julian looked at both of us.
"No mushy stuff please," Julian stated. Roger and I burst out laughing while Julian was confused.
"Hi," Roger smiled.
"Hi," I smiled back; we looked at each other, then Julian stopped us from staring.
"Why are you guys staring at each other? My dad does it all the time with step-mama." Julain stated. The waiter came out and took our order.
"So, how's the new job?" Roger started the conversation; I looked at him confused; I didn't tell him, Freddie, or Brian. I only told Star, Elaina, and the lads that we all went out to celebrate last night that I got a job.
"How did you-" I asked.
"I know? Brian told me, and Star told him," Roger explained, "Well, is Kelly Price nice or a cold person?"
"Nice, she's amazing and very welcoming," I responded, "How is the market doing?"
"Good, we got some sales, but I've been getting more money off Smile."
"When is your next gig?" I asked, then quickly looked at Julian, doodling on his kids' placemat.
"Tonight," Roger responded, "Why you ask?"
I bit my tongue in response. I could give Roger a hint that I want to give us another chance or say 'curious.'
"Well, I want to see my boyfriend play with my two best friends," I teased. Roger looked up, and his eyes widened with a devilish smirk.
"Oh, really?" He slightly licked his lips, "He must be a fortunate guy."
"Oh yeah, but I feel like I'm the lucky one, especially when I look into his deep baby blue eyes," I joked, "He's the drummer, y'know. I always was told to watch myself with drummers... but he's different."
"How so?"
"Well, he's caring, kind, and very understanding, unlike the typical drummer, which is-" I stopped and looked at Julian, "-Not very kid-friendly names."
"So I am guessing the lads said yes?" Roger smiled before looking down to hide his laughter. 
"Sorry guys, we are packed inside today," the waiter walked over with our food and drinks; after the waiter left, I took a sip of my milkshake.
"So, what did they say?" Roger asked, taking one of my fries.
"Oh, they just want to talk to you. To get to know you and make sure you have the right intentions," I bite one of my fries, "And if you hurt me again. They won't let you off so easily, which means they will cripple ya."
In the last part, my scouse accent came out. I put my hand over my mouth, a little embarrassed. Roger's eyes widened, and surprised that I still had the accent.
"So you do have a scouse accent!" Roger's mouth opened, laughed a bit, then grabbed my hand, "I think it's cute."
"I think it's weird," I grabbed Roger's hand.
"I thought I said no mushy stuff," Julian sassed. Roger and I laughed and then talked. After 10 minutes, Julian got off his seat and ran. I chased after him and saw him run up to John.
"Dad!" Julian jumped on his father.
"Julian, you can't run away," I caught my breath, "Hey guys."
"Aren't you supposed to be at work," John pointed at me as he picked up Julian.
"I have a lunch break," I told the guys, then I noticed the lads tensed up. I turned around to see Roger wide-eyed, scared for his life. I turned to the lads.
"Boys. Don't." I talked through my teeth. John put Julian down and walked inside with the others as they gave Roger the stink eye.
0 notes
annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker) Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings) POV: Third-person, George, Scarlett, & Star Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
January 31st, 1969  
I woke up again to the ringing of an alarm. Star mumbled something and clicked it.
"Sorry, I thought I only would be sleeping in my bed last night," She mumbled. We both looked at each other's position, her arms wrapped around my torso. I had my arms around her waist.
"Awww, what a cute couple," Scarlett was standing at the door, we both let go of each other, and Star fell out of bed. She gave the bird to her twin. Scarlett laughed a bit, then threw a bottle of pills at me.
"For the headache," Scarlett walked out. I got up, smiled at Star, then walked out. Ringo was on the couch, still sleeping.
"So... slept well last night?" Scarlett asked, taking a sip of her coffee, "You two looked comfortable."
"Could you shut up?" I took the two pills for my head. I looked at the time to see it was 7:30. I sat in the kitchen's dining area and finished drinking my water.
"What did I say last night?" I asked Scarlett. I can't remember anything from last night. I only remember talking to Scarlett. She looked at me and giggled a bit.
"Oh, only that you are insanely in love with Star, and you think Pattie is with someone else," Scarlett sat next to me.
"Oh god," I put my head in my hand and brushed my hands through my hair, "Anything else?"
"You asked me last night if it was too late for you and Star and told me your relationship with Pattie is unfixable." Scarlett grabbed my hand, "As much as you hate to admit it, you are in love with Star, and you just love Pattie, and now it's finally breaking you."
"And if you're worried about Pattie cheating, I can talk to her for you," Scarlett smiled and slightly tilted her head.
"Really?" I asked in shock, "You are practically on team Star and George."
"I'm on the team, whatever makes you happy. I like to see all of my siblings happy and together. We often don't see that," Scarlett laughed and shook her head.
"We don't, don't we," I looked at Scarlett. She and Star are the only two people in my life that haven't picked a fight yet, and it's calming. That's why I like to hang out with them. Scarlett has a fun and calm nature but, more importantly, the parents when she needs to be. She's also really understanding. When I was in a sour mood a few months back, Scarlett came over with ice cream and walked on my couch so we could make fun of anything on the telly. Scarlett is the best sister a guy could have. She thinks and acts like a guy at times. Star's different, yes, she's calm and fun, but she has such a chaotic nature. Her parent side never really kicks in, it does kick in here and there, but it doesn't kick in like Scarlett's. That's why I love Star. She is always carefree and lives life to the fullest. She is also understanding and there when you need her. But some of my favorite things about Star faded as the coldness grew between us. Ever since we had that fallen out, everything with Star hasn't been right, and I miss the old Star. She is still the old Star around everybody else besides me. I would still look at her and smile, but she gets pissed and usually goes off on me or walks away and ignores me. I would do anything to bring back the old Star, who wasn't so distant towards me or walk away pretending she was not heartbroken when I was with Pattie. That's why I got drunk last night because I couldn't get her out of my head, her laugh, her smile, her tone when she tells a joke, and the way she holds her camera and then gets the face of inspiration before snapping the shot. When she looks at me, I feel like no one else in the room or nothing has happened between us. Like New Years' Eve, I kissed her, and it felt right, but when I kissed Pattie, it felt weird, or when Star and I hung out a few nights ago if Pattie and I had done that, it would have never felt the same way or ended the same way. I would come home, and Pattie and I would either not talk or argue. There is that rare occasion where we talk like an average married couple.
Third-Person POV
Star walks into the kitchen grabbed something to eat as George is lost in his thoughts. She quietly sat next to George and gave him a half-smile, Star wanted to talk to him, but something in her throat prevented her from speaking. Scarlett could feel the tension in the room; she grabbed her coffee and was about to walk out when both George and Star said, "Scarlett, wait!"
Scarlett turned in confusion, then walked to the kitchen table and sat. The phone rang again, and Scarlett got up and answered the phone.
"Hello, Walker and Wilson residence, Walker speaking," Scarlett took a quick sip of her coffee.
"Hey Scar! It's Pattie, have you seen George? He didn't come home last night, and I called Mo, and she said Ringo didn't come home either." Pattie answered on the other line.
"Yeah, they both crashed at my place. I told them to stay. I didn't want you and Mo to get angry at them," Scarlett looked at Ringo, still passed out on the couch, then looked at George sitting and having a staring contest with Star.
"Aww, thanks, Scar, but we can care for our drunk husbands."
If you heard everything Geo said last night, you wouldn't want to be around him, Scarlett thought to herself.
"Also, Scarlett, what do you want me to bring tonight?" Pattie asked.
"Tonight?" Scarlett asked with confusion on her face.
"Oh, please tell me you didn't forget family night is at your flat this week!"
Shit, Scarlett thought to herself; Star was looking over and saw Scarlett's eyes getting wide. Star tilted her head with confusion and squinted, she looked over to the calendar and saw in bright red and all caps, 'FAMILY NIGHT AT OURS' for today, circled.
"Fuck," Star mumbled to herself.
"What?" George heard Star mumble and looked at her with confusion.
"Family night is here..." Star smacked her head then sighed, "...And Elaina is sick."
As on cue, Elaina walked out of her room, looking paler than the night before, and felt like absolute shit. She walked into the kitchen to make tea and toast so she could take something.
"Who is she on the phone with?" Elaina mouthed to Star. Star shrugged, looked at the time, and finished getting ready.
"Went to the doctors yet?" George whispered.
"No, and not going there," Elaina took a bit into her toast.
"Why are you so scared of the doctors?" George asked.
"I'm not. I just don't like them," Elaina shrugged her shoulders as George and Elaina talked about how she doesn't like going to the doctors. Scarlett was still talking to Pattie.
"Are you sure you didn't mind George staying over? I mean, I know he gets a bit drunk?" Pattie asked.
"Pattie, I've known George since he was 14. I know how he gets drunk," Scarlett giggled, "And most of the time, Star and I were dragging his ass out of the bar."
Pattie laughed on the other side of the line, relieved George was okay but felt terrible since they fought before he left for work. She did what she always did since the India trip, went to Eric. After getting off the phone with Pattie, Scarlett quickly called the Starkey residence to assure Maureen that Ringo was okay. Scarlett got off the phone to wake up Ringo with a bottle of pills to help Ringo's banging headache.
"Jeez, Lottie, be careful; you almost got me head," Ringo got up. Scarlett shook her head and walked into the kitchen. Star walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to grab a cuppa for work.
"Bye guys," Star kissed Ringo on the head, then George, since it was fair, left. When Star kissed George's head, he blushed and felt sad when she left.
"Your wife called-" Scarlett pointed to George then Ringo,"-I called your wife-" then told Elaina, "-And you are going to the doctors when I drop off Julian."
"Whyyyyy," Elaina groaned and whined.
"Family night is here tonight, and the only color you have is green," Scarlett walked off to wake up Julian to get the day started.
Star walked outside after a long work day to see George leaning on her car.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Star asked, walking up to the Beatle in disguise.
"Can you drive me to your flat?" George asked.
"You have a wife for that," Star crossed her arms, "Can you stop leaning on my car."
"Please, Pattie won't talk to me," George quickly jumped and moved, then gave her a puppy dog-eyed expression, "Please?"
"Fine get in," She groaned, "But if you interfere with my driving again, I'm kicking you out."
"I won't," George gave her his word. Every time Star would drive George around. He would interfere with her driving, which drives her crazy at times. They got into the car in silence. Star kept thinking about what George had said to her the night before and their night at Kinfauns, while George was afraid to talk. This feels wrong, George thought to himself. I hate it when we get quiet. She would always crack jokes and talk about nonsense. Star could feel the awkwardness between them.
"So..." Star tried to bring something up to joke about, but she got nothing.
"So..." George coughed. 
"Why'd you and Pattie get into a fight?" Star asked.
"Really?" George groaned.
"It's the only thing that popped in my mind," Star rolled her eyes.
"She found out about-" George started.
"She didn't find out about that night," Star quickly asked.
"No, god, no, I bet more people would know by now," George answered.
"Good, only three people know, and keep it that way," Star breathed out.
"Three?!" George looked at Star.
"Yeah, me, you and Scarlett," Star said as George gave her a look, "She's my twin. She'll find out eventually."
"Yeah, she always finds out. It's Scarlett," George sighed. Star was tapping and humming to the song as it went silent again.
"Thank you," Star said as George looked at her, confused.
"What?" George looked at her.
"I realized that I never thanked you last year for preventing me to... y'know," Star coughed, "Thank you, I later realized you were right. Thank you for saving me... then putting me on 48 hours. I appreciate it, even though I didn't feel it at first."
"Oh... yeah... it's not a problem, really. If my lucky Star wasn't around," George coughed, "Life would've been rotten."
"Yeah, I'm lucky, aren't I," Star joked as George laughed a bit, "Do you think Elaina gave Scarlett a hissy fit for going to the doctors?"
"I mean, she seemed pissed every time we said the word doctor," George smiled slightly.
"You should've seen her the last time she and Tim broke up. She refused to say the word smile," Star laughed, "Then made dumbass excuses to not go to the gigs."
"Was one of them going to the doctors?" George jokingly asked
"I think once or twice," Star laughed, "She's a bigger baby than Paul."
"Oh, no one can out, baby Paul," George joked. Star was going to look at him, but she knew if she did, he would scream, 'keep your eyes on the road' she just laughed a bit and disagreed a bit. Star parked in her new regular spot, and they both walked into the building, cracking jokes like there was no distance between them. Before Star opened the door, George spoke more seriously, "Star, I have to ask you a question?"
"What is it?" Star asked with nervousness in her voice.
"Did I say anything? Last night?" He asked. Star bit her lip, trying not to say while finding a little white lie, "And don't lie because I can read you like a book."
"Well...you may...or...may not-" Star cleared her throat.
"Spit it out, would ya?"
"You kissed me on the head and told me you were in love with me and missed me and wished we could be together," Star cringed in embarrassment, George's eyes widened, and he choked on what he was going to say, "Umm... it's best if we go in. If you want, I can just forget about it."
"No, I mean yes, but no," George blurted out, "You can forget it if you want to, but I di-"
"Didn't mean it, I know," Star cracked her voice, but George shook his head and looked down.
"No. I did every word. I just... wish I said it sooner...and sober....and awake," George told Star, as Star blushed a bit, then the door opened to Scarlett walking out.
"Hey guys," Scarlett awkwardly said with wide eyes, "Sorry, did I ruin anything? I was about to run out and grab food."
"You didn't get the food yet?!" George asked.
"Sorry. I had to deal with a loopy Elaina all day. I lost track of time and forgot your precious food," Scarlett rolled her eyes with a smile. Star kept giving her an 'I'm going to kill you' look, then Pattie ran over.
"Hey, Star!" Pattie hugged Star.
"Hey Pat," Star hugged her back, "I'm going to freshen up quickly. I had a long day at work."
"Where's Lennon?" Star asked, walking into the flat, "Is his ego getting more important than family night?"
Paul, Maureen, and Ringo laughed while Linda just smiled, Jason was asleep, and Zak wasn't paying attention to what happened.
"Knowing him probably," Paul shook his head.
"You have room to talk, Mr. No one can touch my hair because it must be perfect," Star crossed her arms, "That's why we call you Diva."
"Well, it does. My hair doesn't magically get like this," Paul praised his hair, "And I'm not a Diva."
"You're a Diva, Macca, just agree for once in your Diva life," Star ran to her room as Paul chased her, but she slammed the door on Paul. She changed out of her work clothes into something more comfortable. She took off her makeup, which annoys her, and put her hair down. I mean, I'm not dollying up for the same four guys that practically raised me. Star walked out and saw Pattie sitting on George's lap, guessing they had made up. Star heard a noise from Elaina's room and walked in there. Elaina fell off her bed. Star quickly went over and checked on her. Elaina is loopy from the meds and thinks she is still a sixteen-year-old girl from York, dreaming one day of meeting the Beatles, and has an average fan fantasy of marrying one of them. Star tried to make sure she didn't go in the living room loopy, in front of children, and have a fan attack when she saw the lads. The one fucking day she gets sick and loopy, it's today, Star thought to herself. After several attempts to get Elaina to fall back asleep. Star tipped toed out of there and closed the door. She leaned against the door and slid to the ground.
"You good, Star?" Paul looked at her.
"If I pay you 50 pounds, can you dress up as you in 1963?" Star leans her head on the door.
"Why?" Paul asked.
"You see, Elaina is loopy and has the mental capacity of her sixteen-year-old self." Star explained, "And I told her if she fell asleep, she would wake up to see Paul McCartney since that's her favorite."
"Let me think about it..." Paul then humped, "No."
"Please?" Star begged, "If she wakes up loopy?"
"No," Paul slid next to her, "You called me a Diva."
"Really?!" Star looked at Paul, then at George, "You're right, Hazza, nobody can out, baby Paul."
"Hey!" Paul got offensive as Star got up, "I'm not a baby!"
"And I'm not a twin," Star walked away. Paul had his mouth open a little more offended before taking a sip of his beer. Star entered the kitchen to grab a beer, but none were left out. She went into the fridge to rumble around to find one. Paul and George joined the kitchen to see Star looking in her fridge. A smirk grew on Paul's face while he got an idea for a comeback for Star, calling him a baby and Diva. Paul found the new case of beer under the table and grabbed a bottle.
"Are you looking for this?" Paul asked, holding up a beer bottle.
"Yes, can I have it please?" She turned around, "I had a long day."
"No..." Paul lifted the bottle out of Star's reach. George leaned onto the counter, seeing how this would play out, "...unless you take back that I'm a baby and a diva."
"Let me think..." Star made a thinking expression, "...No."
"Then no beer for you unless you can reach it," Paul lifted the beer to his entire arm's length.
"Not cool, Macca, not cool!" Star shook her head before jumping to try to grab the beer. George laughed while Paul tried to keep a straight face, "Come on, you're taller than me!"
"I know," Paul teased Star. Paul is 6 feet; meanwhile, both twins are 5-foot-2, they were always shorter than the lads, and the lads always mocked the twins due to their height. The girls walked in to see Star jumping to get the beer bottle while George laughed his ass off, and Paul tried to keep a straight face.
"This is not fucking funny!" Star jumped, then Paul gave up the straight face by breaking into laughter.
"Give me the beer, Macca, or I swear to you, you will no longer be able to reproduce," Star stopped jumping since her feet began to ache. She crossed her arms and gave him a pissed-off look since she wasn't really in the mood for jumping up and down for a beer.
"You won't hurt me," Paul laughed. Star started to make a kicking position, "Fine! Here, take it."
Paul got a little scared and gave her the bottle.
"Thank you and fuck you," Star took the bottle. She opened the bottle and walked out to the balcony. She heard a car door slamming and screaming. Star looked down to see Freddie screaming at a guy in a van, then realized the truck belonged to Roger.
"For the millionth time, Roger, you can't see her!" Star tried to listen in but only could hear Freddie; then she heard mumbling, "You have a gig. Go before she sees you. I'm protecting you, mate."
Star heard mumbling again, it wasn't Roger fighting back at Freddie this time but Brian agreeing with Freddie.
"You broke her, mate," Brian told Roger.
"Well, I didn't bloody mean it!" Roger exclaimed, "I want to tell her what really happened!"
"And what is that?" Freddie asked on the sidewalk waiting for Roger to leave.
"The bitch didn't get off of me! I didn't want to kiss her. I wanted to kiss Scarlett!" Roger loudly screamed that Star could hear it from the balcony. Freddie rolled his eyes and went into the building, knowing he was late for the night and Scarlett would probably give him shit. Star looked below and saw the van drive away. Star had finished her beer, so she decided to walk inside to everyone eating and Scarlett talking.
"When did you get here?" Star asked.
"Right after you went outside," Scarlett sipped her drink as they heard a knock. Scarlett walked over and opened the door to see a very pissed-off Freddie.
"You need to talk to that Blonde-Headed-Drummer," He screamed with annoyance in his tone.
"No," Scarlett tilted her head with an innocent smile.
"He won't fucking stop talking about you, whining about you, fighting with us to see you!" Freddie walks in, making a scene, "Talk to him, please? For me, Tim, and Brian's sanity!"
"No," Scarlett closed the door, not paying attention, while John, Yoko, and Julian walked in.
"Scarlett, pay attention, yeah?" John grabbed the door. Scarlett turned around, a little surprised that John had brought Julian.
"Sorry," Scarlett smiled, kneeling to Julian, "Told you, you'll be back."
The little boy hugged her and gave all the adults hugs. Freddie grabbed Scarlett and brought her to the kitchen.
"Just talk to him, please," Freddie begged, "He won't stop."
"No, I refuse to talk or see him," Scarlett stated, tired of the conversation, "We only broke up three days ago. It shouldn't be that bad."
"It's bad," Freddie told Scarlett, "He misses you and wants to talk to you."
Scarlett and Freddie quietly argue about Scarlett talking to Roger. Meanwhile, Star is eavesdropping on the conversation near the kitchen, while John does the same. Not long after, George, Paul, and Ringo join John and Star eavesdropping. The siblings are curious about how gullible Scarlett really is.
"What are they doing?" Linda asked. She was still trying to figure out the family's dynamic.
"Eavesdropping," Maureen said, "Then probably going to make a bet."
"Yeah, sounds about right," Pattie agreed, "You two will understand their way soon."
"Why add a bet?" Yoko asked.
"Because they always did, Star and Scarlett have an ongoing bet," Pattie told the women; Maureen started to laugh while bouncing Jason on her lap.
"Their bet is who will get married first," Maureen said. "But it's impossible because the poor lad has to go through overprotective six brothers, a twin, and a big sister for one of the twin's hands."
"Which will not end well," Pattie added, "He never let a boy in a ten-meter radius from the twins."
"Why ask John for their hands?" Yoko asked.
"John promised their father that he would care for the girls before he passed," Pattie started.
"And the twin's father told John if anything happened to him, he wanted John to be the one who gives the blessing for the twins when the time comes," Maureen finished.
"Why are the lads overprotective of the twins?" Linda asked. Pattie and Maureen looked at each other. It wasn't their room to talk about the twins and their relationship with their mother.
"They all knew each other for a long time. That's why the six say they're siblings," Pattie smiled.
"Scarlett's and my biological mother were an abusive psycho bitch, and the lads helped us through everything," Star interfered.
"I mean, John was always overprotective, but George and Paul didn't start until they knew what Nancy did to us," Star sighed, "And saw what she did to us."
"Oh my god," Linda gasped, "I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. Nancy wasn't family. The lads, my father, and my other siblings are," Star explained, "They're the best family I could have. I don't know what I would do if we all had a falling out."
Star smiled awkwardly. Everyone knows that the Beatles will break up eventually; Ringo and George both quit and came back, but there is so much tension between the four. Scarlett and Star are afraid that the Beatles will break up and their family will stop talking. The girls didn't want to bring it up with the lads because they seemed fine outside the Beatles business. Scarlett and Freddie finished arguing, and Scarlett went outside to spend time with herself. Finally, time with myself since the breakup, she thought to herself, I mean, I love the lads and all, but I need breathing room. Scarlett's lost her thoughts to think everything through, from the breakup to this morning and her conversation with George. She started to bring some of 2019 things back in her head since that is a guide on how she will change her future for the better. She got back to reality when Scarlett heard the balcony door close shut. She jumped a bit and turned around to see George.
"Chill, it's just me," George walked over, "Just checking on you. You've been out here for ten minutes."
"Shit, really sorry, I jus-"
"Scarlett, it's okay. You need some space," George calmingly talking with his hands, "We have been up your ass since Wednesday night."
"True," Scarlett laughed while tears fell from her face.
"But are you alright?" George asked, wiping the tear off her face.
"No, I wanted to be alone, but now I don't. I need a famous George hu-"
George gave Scarlett one of his famous hugs, and she started to cry, "It's okay, he's just an arse."
"Yeah, but that arse has been in my head and won't get out!" She cried, hugging him tighter.
"Scar?" George sighed, pulling her tighter.
"Hm?" She mumbled, still having tears falling down her face.
"Is it like you tried everything you can to forget them, and you tried everything and kept your mind-" George started.
"Busy, but no matter how hard you try, they won't leave your head, and when you finally give in and think about them-" Scarlett cut him off.
"Your heart melts, and you feel like your insides are fluttering," George cut off Scarlett.
"Yeah, exactly like that," Scarlett sniffed. George sighed. He knew the pain since that's how he felt with Star.
The others looked out from inside the window.
"I think all the emotions finally came out of Scarlett," John took a sip from his drink.
"It was bound to happen," Star looked at John and shook her head.
"What?" He asked, looking at his little sister.
"Nothing at all," Star shook her head, then heard a noise from Elaina's room again. Star sighed, got up, and walked into Elaina's room to see Elaina on the floor again. Elaina got up. Star kept on looking at her, trying to figure out if she was loopy or not.
"Are you just going to look at me or say something, Walker?" Elaina asked Star, back to her regular, not loopy annoyed tone.
"The bitch is back," Star sighed in relief. 
"Out!" Elaina threw a pillow at Star. Star closed the door while George walked in and grabbed the lads; Scarlett walked in to talk to her sister.
"Why are you at Elaina's door?" Scarlett asked behind Star, which scared Star a bit. Star jumped around and saw Scarlett there.
"Not cool, man," Star shook her head, "You forgot to tell me Elaina had the mental capacity of a 16-year-old girl."
"Yeah, my bad, I thought she would sleep off the meds," Scarlett took a sip.
"Can you tell me why Geo hugged you?" Star asked
"Is someone jealous?" Scarlett teased. Star gave her a farrow look, then Scarlett rolled her eyes, "I started to cry over Roger, and he hugged me until I stopped crying."
"It will get better," Star touched Scarlett's shoulder, then walked away to talk to the other girls and Freddie. Scarlett joined the conversation. The girls and Freddie were talking about a bunch of things. They talked about kids for a bit, then fashion and school.
While the girls and Freddie chatted in the living room, the lads talked in the kitchen.
"You're crazy, Geo," John told the youngest Beatle, "She doesn't love him."
"Yeah, she does," George told John, "I could tell when I talked to her."
"Are you sure, mate?" Ringo asked, "How did you figure it out?"
"She told me he's constantly in her head and tried, but he won't go away." George explained, "She said when she finally caves in and thinks about him, she gets flutters on the inside."
"Yeah, she's in love," Paul agreed, "It's what most people feel when they are in love."
"Yeah, like your the person to know Macca," John hissed, "She's not in love with that drummer, and if she is, she's a damn fool."
"Well, love is love, John," Ringo said.
"I don't give a rat's ass about love. She is not going to break her heart again with this idiot," John crossed his arms, "I'm not going to allow it."
"And look how far that went the last time," Paul rolled his eyes, "She won't talk to him. We all heard Scar and Fred's conversation."
The four lads started to argue more about the fact that Scarlett is or is not in love with Roger.
February 10th, 1969- Star's POV
I luckily had no Bluebird work today, but sadly I had to make my way to Apple since I was "demanded" over there. It's funny because I'm the owner and getting demanded there. I walked in as Chris O'Dell and Derek Taylor were talking. Derek looked at me and smiled.
"Oh good, you're here," Derek's smile soon became a grin, "Go wash and cut George's hair. He's getting uncomfortable with it."
"No," I looked at him, "Ask his wife or someone else."
"He asked for you, he said, and I quote, 'I only trust Star with sharp objects around my neck," Derek said.
"He's not going to pretty soon," I muttered.
"Just go to the hospital and do the bloke's hair," Derek sighed, rubbing his face.
"Fine," I sighed.
"Here's what you need, bye," Derek said as I left, muttering. I got to my car and drove to the hospital. Of course, it was packed, but the only thing I said was no comment as I walked to George's room. He was reading something when I got there. I, out of habit, gazed at him.
"I can feel the stare," George raspily said.
"Sounds like you went to an orgy," I mocked his raspy voice.
"I didn't ask you to tease me," George crossed his arms.
"And I didn't ask to spend my day off washing and cutting Princess's hair," I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, that's Paul," George looked at me, "Just get on with it."
"Oh, yeah, if you want me to cut your hair, stop being prissy," I looked at him as he gave me a look, "Move to that seat so I can cut and wash your hair... Derek fucking owes me."
"I heard that," George said.
"Good," I started to wash George's hair as he looked at me, "Stare much?"
"I can't help it, your beautiful," George shrugged as I bit my lip.
"How do you feel?" I asked.
"Eh," George shrugged.
"Has Pattie seen you?" I asked. I know she has been hanging around with Eric a lot more lately.
"Not really," George sighed, "We're so far from each other."
"Damn, sorry," I bit my lip.
"Why do you do that?" George asked.
"Do what?"
"Bite your lip?"
"Don't know," I shrugged as George sat up, and I started the process of cutting his hair. I stood between his legs, feeling that he really shouldn't be there, and I parted his hair. Once they were in parts, I trimmed his hair to make it more comfortable for him.
"How's school?" George coughed.
"Eh, I still can't believe I have a few more months then I'm out," I awkwardly laughed, "How's work?"
"Eh, boring," George shrugged. I finished cutting his hair, and George removed his shirt to change into a clean one. But once he did that, some of his clipped hair fell and went onto his slim body frame. I bit my lip harder, trying to fight off the memory of me waking up next to him after our night together.
"Sightseeing?" George joked as I blinked and breathed out.
"No," I opened my eyes, then threw in a joke, "Just looking at you with the only chest hair you'll ever have in your life."
"Ouch," George acted hurt before laughing. I walked over to help him get the trimmings off of him hesitantly.
"You know that was a dumb move," I laughed.
"I know," George sighed. I looked at him as our faces were inches from each other while staring at each other's eyes. I looked into his deep soft chocolate eyes, fighting every inch of my body to say 'fuck it' and kiss him. George gently placed his hand on my face and stroked my face with his thumb. His other hand found its place on my hip. My body was overloaded, and I was trying everything not to kiss him, but my hands knew what I wanted, and my arms wrapped around his waist. George leaned a bit, so our foreheads were touching. I tried to fight every urge, every feeling, everything I wanted to do.
"This is wrong, your wi-" I started.
"If it's so wrong, why does it feel so right?" George cut me off.
"As you said years ago, we won't work out. Our lives are too different," I looked into George’s sparkling eyes, "We won't get what we want even how hard we try... I'm sorry."
I pulled away and walked out of the room with my stuff. I felt heaviness in my eyes. It wasn't until I got in my car that I broke down in tears. Once I pulled myself together, I drove home.
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