annionebutme · 3 days
I am doing a thing where I'm reading books in "rounds", adding a new book each round, and seeing how many books I can be reading at once. One chapter of each each round.
I started with Straw Hats: Their History and Manufacture by Harry Inwards.
After 14 rounds I have finished my second book: Straw Hats: Their History and Manufacture by Harry Inwards.
I mostly read this one because Schwift read chapter one on his reading channel and I found myself interested and it was, actually, very interesting. I learned a lot about the process of making straw hats and the various inventions, innovations, and fashions that have shaped the industry. I'm going to attempt to make a straw hat, not to any decent standard, out of local materials. I also plan to draw a types of hats guide in my journey book.
The only hat I wear is a cap I found on the side of the road while hiking. I like to pick up rubbish when I go out and you find so many useful things omg.
My current highscore is twelve: Straw Hats: Their History and Manufacture by Harry Inwards, A Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle, Beowolf as translated by J. Leslie Hall, Loom and Spindle by Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson, Jamaica Anansi Stories by Martha Warren Beckwith, The Unwelcome Man by Waldo David Frank, The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie, R.L. Stevenson by Frank Swinnerton, Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Expedition to Uncover the Sources of the White Nile by Ferdinand Werne, and Middlemarch by George Elliot.
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annionebutme · 8 days
Bella as a positive fangirl squeeing that her crush is finally in love with someone and doing everything within her power to keep them both happy.
Bella and whoever the V-man is with mutually swooning over the claws.
Bella just happy that the one she loves gets to experience true love
Rod feeling exactly the same about Bellatrix and her also loving him, but not the obsession she has for Voldemort. Rod has obsession tho if bella did get to be romanced and/or slammed by mrsnakeface he'd be outwardly cheering her on.
maybe i just love bellatrix too much but i am a firm believer that platonic bellamort can coexist in the background with any other voldy shipping. at the end of the day bella will always love voldemort (even if she can't get that dick), and voldy cares about her too (even if he doesn't want to admit it). anyway basically what i want to say is that more fics should have bella giving the shovel talk to harry or dumbledore or snape (she's actually canonically already given snape the shovel talk) or whoever voldemort is shipped with.
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annionebutme · 8 days
Harry: Eat a dick.
Voldemort, baring his very pointy teeth: Yours?
Harry: *blushes nervously*
Voldemort: *blushes violently*
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annionebutme · 27 days
Harry sending Voldemort a single birthday ccupcake on the anniversary of the graveyard incident. The accompanying card reads: I wish you were on fire instead of the candle.
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annionebutme · 1 month
Monsterfucking supremacy
Tomarry/Harrymort fics only have three flavors:
1. Redemption arc
2. Corruption arc
3. Monsterfucking
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annionebutme · 2 months
ppl often make voldemort look like an older tom riddle again, and although effective i think we should appreciate his resurrected form as well
its one he specifically crafted for himself after all, and, in my opinion, quite pretty
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annionebutme · 2 months
I am doing a thing where I'm reading books in "rounds", adding a new book each round, and seeing how many books I can be reading at once.
I started with Straw Hats: Their History and Manufacture by Harry Inwards.
I have now finished the first book: The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
People are right This book queer af. I think it's really sweet in it's own way, despite how terrible everyone (Even you, Nick) is in it. We all find love. It might not be true, it might not last, but it's love and that's lovely.
My current highscore is nine: Straw Hats: Their History and Manufacture by Harry Inwards, The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald, A Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne, The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, Beowolf S translated by J. Leslie Hall, Loom and Spindle by Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson, Jamaica Anansi Stories by Martha Warren Beckwith, The Unwelcome Man by Waldo David Frank, and the Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie.
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annionebutme · 2 months
One shouldn't have to use the discourse tag when they're responding to someone who thinks Hermione Jean Granger, Minister of Magic, who was so passionate about her studies at 13 that she got her hands on a fucking time turner so she could take extra classes, who organised (the poorly handled) S.P.E.W at 14, who did the heavy lifting organisationally for the D.A at 15, lacks ambition.
This is obviously a person far too invested in their tomione character head cannons to hold anything close to discorse. Litterally nothing anyone has to say about any character and their complexities, yet alone any shipping dynamics, is going to matter a single iota to them because what's in their head matters most.
That's fine when writing and enjoying fanfiction, but has no place when holding a discussion on the "value", "enjoyability", or even "probability" of a ship. Which is honestly such a bogus topic anyway but if one is going to choose to discuss it one should do it with an ounce of bloody sense.
What's so great about Harrymort, anyway? This ship basically consists of Stockholm syndrome, power inequality, and abuse. The same can be applied to Tomione but I understand that last one and I even started to appreciate this ship a lot. Hermione is the character most similar to Tom, if she had the ambition that Tom had, she could have become something similar to Voldemort in canon. But beyond that, Hermione is someone Tom/V could respect and have as an ally. She is someone who would be able to rule alongside him, and everyone would benefit from that, since she is fair and good. Also if Tom/V had her by his side, he would be a more stable version than the one in canon. So.. I understand why you like this ship so much but.. the more I think about Harrymort the more I feel disgusted. Harry is not a character that people respect and fear, he is just Harry. Just that. Some random boy. There's nothing special about him, and if it weren't for the horcrux he would already be dead since chapter 1 of the books. Tom/V is a prodigy, one of the most powerful wizards in the books, he wouldn't be interested in someone so ordinary. But let's say yes, that Tom/V is interested in Harry precisely because he is common and average, since they have a similar background - This is difficult to happen, V is not an empathetic character but let's pretend so - and because of the horcrux, of course it's because of the horcrux, that's the only reason, the only thing that makes Harry stand out among the others -not even that came from him lol so sad- If our hypothetical scenario happened, Harry would be a toy for Tom /V -he already is- "ah, but the fun is in how much Harry fights, he was going to fight, that's what he is" oh yes, this argument is the favorite of the Tomarymort fans, huh? He wouldn't be able to fight forever, this character has been in fight or flight mode since the beginning, he'll get tired eventually, V would be able to break him, and do you think V is the type to keep things broken? I don't think so. My point is Tomarymort is a ship that explores abuse, toxic and destructive relationships, physical and psychological torture, Stockholm syndrome etc. And that's fine if you like it but I think we can all agree that this ship and love should NEVER be put in the same sentence . Because love and respect would never exist between these two characters. No matter how good the writer is, some things just don't work. Just become them ooc, that's what happens most lol
Preface: I’m breaking this one down point by point, and then I am never responding to anything similar ever again. I will also not be posting anonymous responses to this. I hate being the middle man for a tumblr shipping war, so I’m not going to participate in that. If you want to respond, you can leave a comment or reblog it into your own page. 💖
What's so great about Harrymort, anyway? 
The drama, the intensity, the wrongness, the clashing of opposites, the most extreme version of enemies to lovers…
This ship basically consists of Stockholm syndrome, power inequality, and abuse. 
In some fics sure, yeah. But these are all really interesting - terrible, yes, but super interesting to dive into. There is a reason people like to read/watch psychological thrillers, horror, etc. I don’t feel like I should have to explain this very massive, common human drive, so I won’t. Go google it!
The same can be applied to Tomione but I understand that last one and I even started to appreciate this ship a lot. 
Cool, you like these things too! And you’re completely allowed to prefer Hermione to Harry. Whatever you want to read.
Hermione is the character most similar to Tom, if she had the ambition that Tom had, she could have become something similar to Voldemort in canon. 
Strong disagree here - she did have that ambition imo, she just… wasn’t evil, and she became Minister of Magic in canon, so. Pretty ambitious and somewhat similar, just in the legal, ‘good’ way.
But beyond that, Hermione is someone Tom/V could respect and have as an ally. 
Mm, no, she was a muggleborn, so in canon, a LOT of major shifts would have needed to happen for her to simply not be killed, or maybe tortured a hunch for fun, first, before eventually… being killed.
She is someone who would be able to rule alongside him, and everyone would benefit from that, since she is fair and good. 
Again, LOTS of things would have had to happen in canon for this to be even remotely possible. Unless you’re imagining some kind of AU where Tom Riddle is the same age as the trio, and they grow up together and can therefore influence each other on more equal footing…? But that’s Tom, not canon Voldemort, and you started this referencing Voldemort.
Also if Tom/V had her by his side, he would be a more stable version than the one in canon. 
Uh, would he? Assuming we’ve jumped over the impossible canon hurdles to get Hermione by Lord Voldemort’s side, by the time Hermione is even in the magical world, he’s been a bodiless spirit with a shredded soul for years. It would be a tall order for Hermione - or anyone - to make him more stable. I like arguing that Harry could sort of manage this in canon because of the horcrux connection, but that’s me making things up that are FAR from canon, and Hermione doesn’t have this. 
So.. I understand why you like this ship so much but.. the more I think about Harrymort the more I feel disgusted. 
Cool, your feelings are valid! You should probably stop thinking about Harrymort for your mental health. You can block tags/keywords/etc on tumblr so that you see less of it.
Harry is not a character that people respect and fear, he is just Harry. Just that. Some random boy. There's nothing special about him, and if it weren't for the horcrux he would already be dead since chapter 1 of the books. 
Well, that’s not true, imo. Harry was the best at Defensive Magic, he was an amazing flier, he is brave and bold and puts his life on the line for others without question - even people who don’t deserve it and who tried to harm him, like Draco. Those are all extraordinary traits that maybe some people make the mistake of ignoring and underestimating. 
Tom/V is a prodigy, one of the most powerful wizards in the books, he wouldn't be interested in someone so ordinary. 
If not for the horcrux, maybe not. But also, maybe. We don’t know what Harry would have been like if he grew up with a normal happy healthy family. Maybe he would have thrived in many ways, and he would have gleaned some interest. But even without that, see above comment to take note of some of Harry’s traits that he has despite growing up in an abusive home. Voldemort said himself that he values bravery. 
But let's say yes, that Tom/V is interested in Harry precisely because he is common and average, since they have a similar background - This is difficult to happen, V is not an empathetic character but let's pretend so - and because of the horcrux, of course it's because of the horcrux, that's the only reason, the only thing that makes Harry stand out among the others -not even that came from him lol so sad- If our hypothetical scenario happened, Harry would be a toy for Tom /V -he already is- "ah, but the fun is in how much Harry fights, he was going to fight, that's what he is" oh yes, this argument is the favorite of the Tomarymort fans, huh? He wouldn't be able to fight forever, this character has been in fight or flight mode since the beginning, he'll get tired eventually, V would be able to break him, and do you think V is the type to keep things broken? I don't think so. 
None of this logic adds up to me. How can you say all this about Harry and not apply it to pretty much everyone else, including Hermione? Voldemort WAS far from empathetic. Canonically. And yeah, sure, no one would be able to fight forever. But if anyone has a fire that would last an infuriatingly long time, I’d argue that it would be Harry. 
My point is Tomarymort is a ship that explores abuse, toxic and destructive relationships, physical and psychological torture, Stockholm syndrome etc. And that's fine if you like it but I think we can all agree that this ship and love should NEVER be put in the same sentence . 
Obviously this depends on what the story is. If it’s a story that explores all those former themes, then it’s probably not a lovey dovey romance anyway. But there are definitely stories that don’t have all those dark subjects, and if someone wants to write a platonic romance where the word love shows up between these two, more power to them! But you don’t get to say everyone in the world can never do a single thing in their fiction. People can write whatever they want! And you get to decide not to read it! Everyone wins.
Because love and respect would never exist between these two characters. No matter how good the writer is, some things just don't work. Just become them ooc, that's what happens most lol
I feel sorry for you. Where is your sense of curiosity, open-mindedness? Maybe you could never write these things convincingly, but some people are more talented than you (don’t take this too personally; no matter how good we are, there are always people more talented than us). It’s okay to not like things and to avoid them based on your comfort level/interest/etc etc, but just because you’re not looking doesn’t mean that such amazing jaw-dropping works that make you believe in the unbelievable aren’t out there.
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annionebutme · 2 months
"You're harry potter now. Sucked in ya scaley bastard!"
*leaves the battle to go pat kittens and eat copious amounts of icecream*
Wait. So in book 5 Voldemort was able to possess Harry and actually control and move his body around enough to speak through his mouth. He's only able to do it for a short time because it's agonizing for both of them and also because Harry is able to kick him out. But he can do it. And it doesn't seem to be a normal possession since Harry is aware during it and remembers what happened afterwards, which suggests that it's due to the Horcrux connection.
In which case, does that mean the connection goes both ways and Harry could yeet himself into Voldemort's body and act as him momentarily?
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annionebutme · 2 months
It's hot.
i deleted TikTok for like a month to heal and I just reinstalled it and was scrolling for like two minutes before I was absolutely GAGGED
.... yall what the fuck is tomarry
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annionebutme · 2 months
And he does it to Harry every chance he can get as well.
Nagini: "Gosh these meeting are boring."
Harry: Nods in agreement.
Voldemort: "Don't encourage her. If I were to give her another meal so soon you'd she'd have stomach issues. No matter how useless Yaxley is she just can't have him today."
Harry: "But she wasn't..."
Voldemort: "Do try to calm your blood thirst."
Harry: "What? ME?!"
Voldemort: "I'm not the one who wants to watch Nagini eat Yaxley."
tomarrymort where voldemort and harry are interpreting what nagini says, but voldemort is purposely telling everyone exactly the opposite of what nagini says and harry's like, "no! no! that's not what she said! she's not actually mean!"
and voldemort's like, "no, she is that mean, actually."
and no one can be sure who's telling the truth because nagini does look mean, but harry would never lie to them!
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annionebutme · 3 months
Seeing reccomend losts and checking fir your fic only to remember it won't be there because you've not fucking written it yet
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annionebutme · 3 months
I love him.
look at him 😭
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annionebutme · 4 months
You do and he's already prepared with a dad joke. Like instead of "I got a hair cut" "Oh, which one?" Its "Yeah, I got top surgery" "how much did that cost?" "(Amount)" "for one shirt!?" Or "yeah I got top surgery" "Oh I'm glad it was high quality and not some back alley shit but what did you get done?"
my mum forbade me to say anything to my dad about the top surgery thing, and it's just hit me how funny it would be if i got it done and didn't tell him and just waited for him to notice. i mean, what's he gonna say? "didn't you used to have tits?"
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annionebutme · 4 months
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Ready for blind guardian in Sydney. Say hi if you agree :3
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annionebutme · 4 months
The toxicity is where the fun is.
also, harrymort is literally a ship with an inherent power imbalance. Voldemort is 70 years old and more often than not, Harry is a teenager. So i don’t get why people read harrymort fics and get upset when they realise Harry’s not some crazy powerful MoD who can put Voldemort in his place. Odds are, Voldemort will always end up outsmarting him via manipulation because that’s who he is and it will ALWAYS be a toxic relationship.
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annionebutme · 5 months
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They have macademia milk! Should I get a cappuccino? Right before my play??
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