anonymousfury · 5 months
can any WLW give me flirting tips??? communication and chatting? no problem. flirting, showing interest, and expressing attraction? I got nothing but an empty brain occupied by appreciating women from a far and tolerating one man
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anonymousfury · 5 months
I only dabble in the Greek Pantheon currently. Feels the most correct for my path.
I feel very close to my patrons, but also to Tyche and Hypnos.
My patrons are Hades and Nyx. I feel most connected to them and guided by them.
I believe that it's most likely that all pantheons coexist, and we all find our way to the home for our spirits.
As a child (prior to being aware of other religions), I pleaded to the Christian God often from traumatic experiences. Reflecting on those moments brought me to the realization that there was no answer, because He was not meant to hear me.
I'm incredibly grateful for the strength, resolve, and open-mindedness. Meditation and devoted introspection has really aided my own development and enhancements to these aspects.
If I could say anything, it would be of thanks and that I hope to see them in their glory after this life.
I like to speak to them. They don't always like to use words to respond, so I best understand them through feeling.
Recently, I returned from a fabric store after finding just the right choice for my veil. I turned towards a wall near my door and there was a moth, almost not visible unless you really focused. Something clicked that they told me I was doing right by them.
When I have dream interactions with gods, I reflect on those most fondly.
I love loose change for Hades, coins abound. Nyx seems to love dried flowers. I dry every bouquet I get from my fiancé and offer it to her when they are ready.
I don't currently celebrate, but I would like to in the future. Life is currently too full to squeeze those in.
No. I feel the pantheons are all separate from other another. Except for Roman. I have strong opinions about the Romans just rebranding the Greek pantheon. Can't argue why, just opinion based. LOL
I do really enjoy mysterious things and attempting to breakdown the mythologies told by the socio-political climate of the era. I, myself, could self-identify as esoteric and difficult to be vulnerable with others.
I wish more people understood that we're all separate people living our own lives and stop trying to convince others of what is "right" for them should be the only "right" for everyone else.
I feel the full interpretation may never be known to us for the Greek Pantheon, but the portrayals across media have the pieces, but not the whole puzzle.
Mostly, I wish I could have witnessed the temples in their most whole selves. They are but a fraction from age and history now.
The tale of Icarus and the Wax Wings have stayed with me since I first read it in elementary school. It's sad but the lesson is important.
Trying to find a place where my spirit could find peace was important to me. Living life without that knowledge or effort wasn't for me. That led to witchcraft, which lead to my patrons.
I used to be Baptist. Once I came into my craft, I thought my Gods were the Big 3 (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades). Turns out it was Hades and Nyx but my brain needed their efforts to kick my a** in the right direction. LOL
Angels and Demons seem more fantasy to me than nymphs or dryads or naiads.
I practice when I can, but I feel the craft and worship are intertwined for me.
Ancestors? No. Human spirits? Maybe?
Not a big role, but I find them important.
100% believe and have had several experiences. I find myself extremely sensitive to spiritual pressure.
Definitely believe and have traveled before. I haven't refined it or anything, but it seems when I'm in a highly emotional state I can best travel.
Polytheist & Pagan Asks
🙏 - Which pantheon(s) do you actively worship?
🌞 - Which deity(ies) are you closest to/do you worship the most often?
✨ - Do you believe in patron deities? If so, do you have any that you know of?
🌍 - Which pantheons do you believe exist?
📜 - Have you ever made an oath, vow, or contract with a deity? If yes, how did it go (you don't have to share)?
📿 - What are three things you're grateful to your deity(ies) for?
🖋️ - If you could say anything to your deity(ies) right now, what would you most want to say?
💌 - What is your favorite form of deity communication?
🎭 - What is an emotionally impactful or a silly worship-related experience you've had?
❤️ - What's one memory of your practice that you reflect the most fondly on?
🥂 - What is your favorite devotional act or offering to give?
🎉 - Do you celebrate any festivals? If so, which ones?
🫂 - Do you syncretize any pantheons with one another? If so, which ones?
🔮 - Do you delve into topics like the occult or the mysteries? Do you do anything esoteric?
⭐ - What is something you wish people outside your practice knew more about?
📖 - Do you like the way your pantheon is most often portrayed in media? Why or why not?
🏛️ - Do you have a favorite statue or temple to your deity(ies)? If yes, what is it?
🔥 - Do you have a favorite myth or tale from your pantheon or others?
🧭 - What led you to your practice?
🧿 - Did you have any other spiritual beliefs before discovering your current practice?
🪽 - Do you believe in angels and/or demons? If yes, do you worship or work with any?
🪄 - Do you practice witchcraft? If yes, do you keep it separate from your deity worship?
🪦 - Do ancestors or human spirits play a big role in your practice?
🐾 - Do animal spirits play a big role in your practice?
🌱 - Does nature - plants, nature spirits, etc. - play a big role in your practice?
💀 - Do you believe in ghosts? If yes, have you ever had an experience with one?
☄️ - Do you believe in astral travel/the astral realm? If so, have you been there before?
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anonymousfury · 5 months
*to the tune of the JG Wentworth commercials*
it's MY corner of the internet and I'LL do what I WANT
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anonymousfury · 5 months
I learned that there is a possibility that hozier is on Raya and i will never know a day of peace again
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anonymousfury · 5 months
I lost a friend when I moved in school
I can't find them on socials, or anywhere for that matter
I hope they're okay
I wish I could talk to them again...
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anonymousfury · 5 months
oh NO
ex-christians with religious trauma picking their music taste be like:
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anonymousfury · 5 months
when I was young I was only exposed to christianity, aware of hardly any other religions, to the point where I still have trouble being comfortable as a witch
these things still feel ~taboo~ from the ingrained teachings that if it wasn't christian it was wrong and like my mom is still going to catch me (that's it's own trauma)
I know that with time these feelings will be more memory that reactionary
most of the time I wish I had other witches to befriend (nearby) that we could get together and craft-chat and bond over these things
right now I feel as if it's just my patrons and I, and eventually I want it to be my patrons, myself, and others <3
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anonymousfury · 5 months
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All 13 full moons of 2023
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anonymousfury · 5 months
update: half my order got delayed, awesome /s
it is what it is, tbh, not biting my nails in anticipation. but it will be nice to have them when they get here
project: protection
my appliqués for my veil should be in today!!!
if you can't tell, I'm extremely excited
I bought fabric and trim already. Being able to make this myself has already felt rewarding and exciting. I even took the time last night (a few hours ago) to draw up a desired pattern for the pieces to be stitched on
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anonymousfury · 5 months
update: consensus seems to be to reach out and just formally put things to rest
add: people who don't know the context from previous responses and aren't asking, they aren't helping with advice and just passing their own judgement
january 14
my first act of the day today: getting advice on platonic breakups
time: 5:30am
forum answers: split
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anonymousfury · 5 months
went from swimming in my emotions over hozier music straight into my sapphic yearning
they are directly correlated
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anonymousfury · 5 months
hozier to the regular listener: "this sh*t slaps!!!"
hozier to the those who learn lyrics: "...oh, Oh, oh NO"
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anonymousfury · 5 months
project: protection
my appliqués for my veil should be in today!!!
if you can't tell, I'm extremely excited
I bought fabric and trim already. Being able to make this myself has already felt rewarding and exciting. I even took the time last night (a few hours ago) to draw up a desired pattern for the pieces to be stitched on
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anonymousfury · 5 months
january 14
my first act of the day today: getting advice on platonic breakups
time: 5:30am
forum answers: split
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