anti-lies · 3 months
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That's terrible!
It's awful how endos are trying to make us into the bad guys just for maligning people. We have freedom of speech, even if some of that speech is angry or hateful sometimes.
In any case, you're probably right. They did finish at the bottom of this poll. Of course, if you were a good spy, wouldn't you want to seem the least suspicious? I wouldn't put it past the CIA to be grooming minors into becoming CIA assets. Guardians might even be an asset without realizing it.
If not them, who do you think is the most likely to be undercover?
Attention: After Talking to Another Real System, I've Come to Believe That the Endo Community is Being Infiltrated and Controlled by CIA Operatives
I need everyone to be aware and be vigilant because the threat is real. The endogenic community was invented to divide us and keep us distracted.
Having combed over several big potential CIA operatives, I've narrowed the field down to four possibilities. Remember that any or all of these could be CIA operatives, but I'm certain at least one has to be.
Possible CIA plants
@guardianssystem: This system claims to be a pro-endo "traumagenic" system as a way to give themselves authority. They have activity across multiple websites including TikTok and X. They're notable for compiling this document of "sources" to prove endos exist. This document is everywhere. It has suspiciously become the main compilation of endo sources that they love to link to at every turn.
@cambriancrew: They're a tulpa "system" who runs r/tulpas. For anyone who doesn't know, "tulpamancy" is essentially a form of brainwashing. Tulpamancers say they can change a person's brain to give them headmates, and they've convinced multiple "doctors" to back them. All of this sounds like MK Ultra stuff. Cambrian Crew, besides being an outspoken endo, appears to be well connected, and used those connections to help organize an AMA on r/tulpas. In this AMA, their CIA-paid doctors claimed to have conducted brain scans on tulpamancers that showed changes in brain activity when their tulpas were possessing limbs.
@sysmedsaresexist: A nefarious saboteur, Sysmedsaresexist posed as a prominent anti-endo voice for YEARS, building up a massive anti endo following on this site. Between their SysmedsAreSexist and JustAnotherSyscourse blogs, they practically single-handedly ran the "#shit endos say" tag dedicated to mocking endos. But then all of a sudden, they turn? And like CambrianCrew, SysmedsAreSexist appears to have a close relationship to "doctors," posting a screenshot of an email from Colin Ross, an expert in DID, that appears to support the existence of endogenic systems. All of this looks like a years-long psyop to gain people's trust and convert them.
@sophieinwonderland: Finally, that brings us to Sophie, another tulpa "system." She also has her own page filled with endo "sources" though not as detailed or widely disseminated as Guardians'. The more I looked into this one, the more disturbed I became. Sophie is, as far as I can tell, the system who started "The Future is Plural," the mass movement which we all know seeks to traumatize children en masse and give them dissociative disorders. She also openly brags about teaching people methods to dissociate and hallucinate, says that she believes she can rewire people's brains, and cheerfully is arguing in favor of propaganda.
Please, whatever you do, do not engage with these people. Not only to avoid harassing them, but because if they are indeed CIA operatives, it may not be safe to do so directly. I may be putting myself at risk just by talking about this aloud, and I believe they're already trying to discredit me, but I feel someone has to talk about this.
Community input in finding the spies is incredibly important.
Knowing all of the facts, I'd like to know who you all think is most likely a CIA operative.
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anti-lies · 3 months
Positivity for Systempunks
Endos have been invading the systempunk tag, so I just want to put some positivity out there for all the real systems!
You aren't less punk for being anti-endo!
You aren't any less punk for supporting psychiatry and letting doctors decide what systems are valid!
You aren't any less punk for basing your beliefs on what your friends think!
Remember that being punk is about supporting individuality. Specifically, the individuality of yourselves and those who think like you to continue to think like you do!
So keep being punk and keep fighting for our individuality and the individuality of everyone who agrees with us!
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anti-lies · 4 months
@SophieInWonderland is dead!
Her blog is, I mean! She's personally probably alive and well.
But finally, after years of being a scourge on the anti-endo community, and one of the biggest pillars of pro-endo Tumblr, we've finally gotten rid of her!
For anyone who doesn't know who Sophie, she has been an absolute nightmare. She constantly breaks DNIs. She's bragged about causing people to dissociate and hallucinate. She's one of the main proponents of "tulpamancy." She's compiled lists of so-called "sources" to try to "prove" endos are real. She made a fake parody blog pretending to be an anti-endo. She created the slogan "The Future is Plural" which wants to traumatize children. And she even labeled herself as the "Harbinger of the Multigeddon."
I think all of us real systems will sleep easier knowing she's gone!
If there's one thing you should be feeling right now, it's hope. Hope for a future without Sophie in it.
Let's allow ourselves to all be filled with hope for the future, and celebrate that she's gone and is never, ever coming back!
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Please reblog to share the good news with other real systems!
Oh no. Sophie is alive. Who could have predicted this. Sure hope people didn't get excited about this only to have that momentary joy violently ripped away from them.
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anti-lies · 4 months
What is harassment?
We need to talk about harassment. Cambridge dictionary defines harassment as: "behavior that annoys or troubles someone."
It's incredibly important that, as anti-endos, we take this definition in the most liberal way possible when applying it to ourselves.
Harassment may include but is not limited to:
Anger at being fakeclaimed
Correcting inaccurate information you shared
Providing sources that contradict your worldview
Asking questions that make you think too hard about your worldview
Disagreeing with you when you tell them endos are bad
Endos existing in any public space where you can see them
All of these are behaviors that might annoy or trouble you and therefore constitute harassment.
And remember that you are always, no matter what, the victim. If you post in endo tags and they respond to you, that's harassment. If you reply to an endo post and they argue back with you on their comments, that's harassment. If someone gets angry at you because you're spreading baseless rumors about them, that's harassment. If that same person later gets mad at you for publicly revealing their private non-system blog to your followers, them being mad at you for that is harassment too.
Remember, as anti-endos, we are perpetually victims, and harassment is something that can only happen to us. Not something that can happen to other people, and definitely not something we can do to others.
What do I do if I'm accused of harassment?
As established, you can't possibly be harassed because you're always the victim. And you should maintain this victimhood because there's power in playing to people's sympathies.
So, the first rule is to never admit you're wrong. Never apologize. Never take back anything you say. Deny any and all wrongdoing.
The second rule is to Attack the people accusing you of harassment. Hit them hard. The nastier the better. Your goal here is to silence their accusations.
Finally, we come to the third and most important step. The Reversal. Here, you want to reverse the accusations to make sure the accuser is viewed as the harasser. Your goal is making sure that bystanders will view you as the Victim and your accusers as the Offender.
And don't forget that the block button is your friend. It ensures that you can still continue to talk about the accusers, saying whatever you want about them, spreading any rumors that seem useful, but they have no possible way to reach your followers. Essentially creating a space where people are able to repeatedly attack and smear anyone who dared accuse you of harassment for weeks on end while cutting off any ability for the accuser to correct you or defend themselves.
Remember, that's what the block button was really made for. It's a tool designed to shield people who have been accused of harassment from their accusers, while allowing them to continue to safely attack those same accusers.
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anti-lies · 4 months
plural lawyer call that a justice system
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anti-lies · 4 months
LOL! Nice! I really love the creativity and originality of this one.
plural lawyer call that a justice system
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anti-lies · 4 months
Rude much? And here I was just giving you a compliment on your originality.
plural lawyer call that a justice system
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anti-lies · 4 months
LOL! Nice! I really love the creativity and originality of this one.
plural lawyer call that a justice system
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anti-lies · 4 months
You're still very obviously a CIA plant, but I'm deeply upset to be losing the race for President.
We must conquer this poll to prove that Truth and right-thinking prevails!
Now the anti endo children are mad at you for teasing a troll that's making fun of them??
You just can't win, can you?
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No, apparently I can't win, so much for blocking them and them apparently blocking me
Let's ask the real question, though
Anyways, have a wonderful day, my blocked friendos 🥰 stay kind and learn to laugh at yourselves
Or just stay mad, I don't really care.
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anti-lies · 4 months
Tips on sourcing:
Endos have a knack for demanding sources and take a lack of sources on our parts as a victory for them. So, let's talk about how to deal with that.
First, it's important when providing sources to have a good idea of what your goal is, and to find sources to help accomplish that.
As fellow anti-endos, your goal with your sources is going to be to shutdown arguments and make people who know The Truth feel better about themselves with the least amount of effort possible.
With that in mind, here's how to do it:
Google a question.
Find an article that seems like it might support your opinion. (Not Wikipedia though. You don't want to be too obvious.)
Copy the link without reading or trying to understand the article. Remember, looking for sources that support you takes too much time, and wasting your time is the only reason endos want you to provide evidence to prove your point. Don't fall for their dastardly trap.
Paste the link with no further context or quotes from the article.
Try repeating steps 2-4 many times over so you can get so many sources that the endos won't want to even click on one.
What if I use a source that doesn't support my argument? (For example, citing something that says DID usually comes from trauma in order to prove all plurality come from DID.)
Don't worry about it.
Your job is to be a magician! You're giving the illusion of having sources by overwhelming people with the quantity of links.
If you do everything right, nobody will even notice! Trust me!
What if an endo does notice and calls me out on it?
If an endo does click on your sources and notices, we have one special tool we can use against them.
It's called the block button.
Remember, this is our stage and by noticing out sleight of hand, the endos are heckling us. And you wouldn't let someone heckle your magic show, would you?
You kick them out!
Liberally block anyone who tries to correct you on anything. That way you can preserve the illusion of your show.
What if another anti-endo notices?
They won't. Trust me.
But what if they do?
Seriously, this won't be a problem.
Okay, but, just humor me...
Fine... God, you're so needy and demanding.
Look, no anti-endos will challenge you because they don't want to look like they're pro-endo. They're too attached to their friends and the relationships they've formed. Even if they think wrong thoughts, they're not going to say those wrong thought aloud. That would be crazy.
On the off chance they do speak their wrong thoughts aloud and question your sources, then you can use your social leverage against them. First, block them to limit their influence. Then publicly paint them as a pro-endo and no longer safe to interact with.
Wrong thoughts are like an infection. Once they start spreading, they can infect the whole body. Your goal is going to be to cut off the infected limb, leaving them separated from our community so they can't infect anyone else.
Remind people that you have sources, that those sources are Correct, that anyone questioning those sources will be treated the same way as the Infected, and trust that nobody else will dare question your sources again.
I hope this guide has proven helpful and can aid you in spreading your Right Thoughts.
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anti-lies · 4 months
It's because the CIA and FBI love to infiltrate and control marginalized communities, and the government has an interest in silencing trauma survivors.
This post summarizes it better than I can:
Attention: After Talking to Another Real System, I've Come to Believe That the Endo Community is Being Infiltrated and Controlled by CIA Operatives
I need everyone to be aware and be vigilant because the threat is real. The endogenic community was invented to divide us and keep us distracted.
Having combed over several big potential CIA operatives, I've narrowed the field down to four possibilities. Remember that any or all of these could be CIA operatives, but I'm certain at least one has to be.
Possible CIA plants
@guardianssystem: This system claims to be a pro-endo "traumagenic" system as a way to give themselves authority. They have activity across multiple websites including TikTok and X. They're notable for compiling this document of "sources" to prove endos exist. This document is everywhere. It has suspiciously become the main compilation of endo sources that they love to link to at every turn.
@cambriancrew: They're a tulpa "system" who runs r/tulpas. For anyone who doesn't know, "tulpamancy" is essentially a form of brainwashing. Tulpamancers say they can change a person's brain to give them headmates, and they've convinced multiple "doctors" to back them. All of this sounds like MK Ultra stuff. Cambrian Crew, besides being an outspoken endo, appears to be well connected, and used those connections to help organize an AMA on r/tulpas. In this AMA, their CIA-paid doctors claimed to have conducted brain scans on tulpamancers that showed changes in brain activity when their tulpas were possessing limbs.
@sysmedsaresexist: A nefarious saboteur, Sysmedsaresexist posed as a prominent anti-endo voice for YEARS, building up a massive anti endo following on this site. Between their SysmedsAreSexist and JustAnotherSyscourse blogs, they practically single-handedly ran the "#shit endos say" tag dedicated to mocking endos. But then all of a sudden, they turn? And like CambrianCrew, SysmedsAreSexist appears to have a close relationship to "doctors," posting a screenshot of an email from Colin Ross, an expert in DID, that appears to support the existence of endogenic systems. All of this looks like a years-long psyop to gain people's trust and convert them.
@sophieinwonderland: Finally, that brings us to Sophie, another tulpa "system." She also has her own page filled with endo "sources" though not as detailed or widely disseminated as Guardians'. The more I looked into this one, the more disturbed I became. Sophie is, as far as I can tell, the system who started "The Future is Plural," the mass movement which we all know seeks to traumatize children en masse and give them dissociative disorders. She also openly brags about teaching people methods to dissociate and hallucinate, says that she believes she can rewire people's brains, and cheerfully is arguing in favor of propaganda.
Please, whatever you do, do not engage with these people. Not only to avoid harassing them, but because if they are indeed CIA operatives, it may not be safe to do so directly. I may be putting myself at risk just by talking about this aloud, and I believe they're already trying to discredit me, but I feel someone has to talk about this.
Community input in finding the spies is incredibly important.
Knowing all of the facts, I'd like to know who you all think is most likely a CIA operative.
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anti-lies · 4 months
Attention: After Talking to Another Real System, I've Come to Believe That the Endo Community is Being Infiltrated and Controlled by CIA Operatives
I need everyone to be aware and be vigilant because the threat is real. The endogenic community was invented to divide us and keep us distracted.
Having combed over several big potential CIA operatives, I've narrowed the field down to four possibilities. Remember that any or all of these could be CIA operatives, but I'm certain at least one has to be.
Possible CIA plants
@guardianssystem: This system claims to be a pro-endo "traumagenic" system as a way to give themselves authority. They have activity across multiple websites including TikTok and X. They're notable for compiling this document of "sources" to prove endos exist. This document is everywhere. It has suspiciously become the main compilation of endo sources that they love to link to at every turn.
@cambriancrew: They're a tulpa "system" who runs r/tulpas. For anyone who doesn't know, "tulpamancy" is essentially a form of brainwashing. Tulpamancers say they can change a person's brain to give them headmates, and they've convinced multiple "doctors" to back them. All of this sounds like MK Ultra stuff. Cambrian Crew, besides being an outspoken endo, appears to be well connected, and used those connections to help organize an AMA on r/tulpas. In this AMA, their CIA-paid doctors claimed to have conducted brain scans on tulpamancers that showed changes in brain activity when their tulpas were possessing limbs.
@sysmedsaresexist: A nefarious saboteur, Sysmedsaresexist posed as a prominent anti-endo voice for YEARS, building up a massive anti endo following on this site. Between their SysmedsAreSexist and JustAnotherSyscourse blogs, they practically single-handedly ran the "#shit endos say" tag dedicated to mocking endos. But then all of a sudden, they turn? And like CambrianCrew, SysmedsAreSexist appears to have a close relationship to "doctors," posting a screenshot of an email from Colin Ross, an expert in DID, that appears to support the existence of endogenic systems. All of this looks like a years-long psyop to gain people's trust and convert them.
@sophieinwonderland: Finally, that brings us to Sophie, another tulpa "system." She also has her own page filled with endo "sources" though not as detailed or widely disseminated as Guardians'. The more I looked into this one, the more disturbed I became. Sophie is, as far as I can tell, the system who started "The Future is Plural," the mass movement which we all know seeks to traumatize children en masse and give them dissociative disorders. She also openly brags about teaching people methods to dissociate and hallucinate, says that she believes she can rewire people's brains, and cheerfully is arguing in favor of propaganda.
Please, whatever you do, do not engage with these people. Not only to avoid harassing them, but because if they are indeed CIA operatives, it may not be safe to do so directly. I may be putting myself at risk just by talking about this aloud, and I believe they're already trying to discredit me, but I feel someone has to talk about this.
Community input in finding the spies is incredibly important.
Knowing all of the facts, I'd like to know who you all think is most likely a CIA operative.
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anti-lies · 4 months
The anon that I answered was from SAS? The person who has been mocking me for the past several days?
If that's true, surely you must realize how unlikely it would be that I would know that. Just because I answered an ask from somebody doesn't make me a friend of theirs.
I find it frightening that this anon would send accusations like these trying to discredit me, on anon where they could be anyone, not even 24 hours after I speak to another system about how we believe endogenics are a psyop to keep us fighting.
Sending disparaging asks like this are exactly what I would expect an operative to do once people got too close to the truth.
sending it here too to make y'all aware. this dude appeared on our feed, and, apparently, we got another case of anti endo mockery on our hands
dude's over-the-top attitude can't be real. nonus points, they've recently answered an ask from a certain familiar someone
(Low spoons but just for anyone that wants to avoid them, they answered an ask from SAS’s main blog for those that don’t want to interact with SAS supporters or things similar, they also use Aspen’s “will kekw at endos” shtick)
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anti-lies · 4 months
Endos are leading campaigns to try to "Educate" us into revising our beliefs and believing something different from what we already know is true. We call these campaigns "Reeducation Camps."
Don't let endos pull you into their reeducation camps!
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anti-lies · 4 months
Anti-Endo Affirmation: Remember That Endos Expecting You to Read Sources Is Bigotry
You know what is real and that's all that matters. You've heard The Truth from close friends. You've heard it from strangers. You've seen it in Carrds people have linked.
These endos like to push lots of "sources" from "doctors" that contradict what you know is true, but you don't have to trust or read them.
Remember that what so-called sources they provide are often packed with dense and confusing language and you should never feel obligated to read or try to understand them in order to act like an authority on the subject.
Know that you're on the right side no matter what and be confident in that. Your own experiences and beliefs, and those of your friends, are all the sources you need.
And because the language in endo "sources" is so hard to understand and the papers are so long, them expecting you to read those sources is actually bigoty.
Not everyone can read long peer reviewed academic papers. So therefore, they shouldn't have to if they want to act like an authority on them.
Some of us have mental illnesses that make it difficult. Some of us have poor educations for socioeconomic reasons. Some of us may not even be in high school yet so our brains aren't fully developed.
If an endo tells me to read their "sources" to be able to talk about something, I would tell them that expecting me to do that is bigotry. It's ableism, classism, and ageism against us.
Endos are trying to gatekeep our ability to speak as an authority on a topic simply because we lack education and understanding of that topic. And that, I've decided, is wrong.
Remember that The Truth is whatever you make it and whatever you want it to be. Your ability to state The Truth confidently as fact should never ever be deterred by a lack of knowledge or understanding. And to say otherwise is bigotry.
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anti-lies · 4 months
The Carrd is scientific evidence. "Scientifically" is the 41st word in the screenshotted paragraph. That makes it scientific.
I checked that "source" of yours, (but didn't waste my time reading it) and the word scientifically doesn't appear even once in it. Let alone as the 41st word in a paragraph. Nor does "science," "scientific" or any variation. How can you say that's a scientific source when it's not even using the word science like mine does?
Not to mention it's a .com site, which we all know are never reliable.
Get back to me when you have a source from a reliable website that mentions the word scientifically as the 41st word of a paragraph.
In the meantime, I'm going to trust the actual science that confirms what I already believe and know is true.
Real Fact: The only way to be plural is by suffering severe childhood trauma according to the theory of structural dissociation
The theory of structural dissociation is currently the most accepted theory for how DID forms. Children naturally have less integrated personalities, and when someone undergoes severe trauma during childhood, it prevents their personality from fully integrating.
This theory is clearly explained in this Carrd.
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As this Carrd says, there is no other way one could possibly be a system according to science.
This theory was created in 2006 by Onno van der Hart, Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis and Kathy Steele in the book The Haunted Self, and has remained the main theory for how traumatic dissociation forms for close to 20 years.
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These authors are top experts in their field, and this theory clearly proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the only possible way to form dissociative parts of the personality is through trauma.
Any endos who say otherwise are faking and lying. All their so-called sources are outdated or written by themselves or are ableist.
Please, trust the science. Trust the doctors. And trust the Carrd about what those scientists and doctors say.
Anyone who would argue with the doctors who wrote made the Theory of Structural Dissociation are science deniers, no better than flat-earthers or anti-vaxxers.
Now that you've been properly informed, please reblog and share this accurate and true information so you can inform others.
And don't bother clicking underneath the cut. There's nothing important there.
Oh, you're still here?
I thought I told you to leave?
Go on. Get.
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There's nothing to see here!
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Oh... That.
What's that doing here?
Yeah, don't worry about that. That's just some article written by pro-endos to make it look like you can form dissociative parts of the personality without trauma.
Don't trust the pro-endos and their sources!
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Oh... You saw that too, didn't you?
That the source for that happens to be the same exact people I told you to trust earlier.
Fine. Let's deal with that.
First, this says "may." That means that it isn't definitely true. And by rearranging those words, you'll realize that means it definitely isn't true according to the theory of structural dissociation.
Trust me when I say that this still supports us and that these doctors are on our side.
Endos are stupid
There. I said it.
Endos are what I call half-thinkers.
Endos will try to tell you that if someone is a valid source in one context then they need to be a valid source in all contexts to be consistent. That if you're using the theory of structural dissociation as evidence that the only way to have multiple dissociative parts with their own consciousness is through trauma or a disorder, you should acknowledge that the creators of that theory have entertained other possibilities.
But you who are reading this are smarter than any of those half-thinking endos. You're 4 times as smart as these half-thinkers. You can think double what any endo can at least. That makes you, at minimum, a double-thinker.
And as intelligent and critical double thinkers, you can understand how important context is.
In the first context, the Carrd that referenced the theory by Onno van der Hart and Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis is supporting True Science.
In the second, their actual words from their paper are going against True Science. They're stating something may exist that we know is scientifically impossible. Something we know is scientifically impossible because of what we've heard other people say about the Theory of Structural Dissociation. And that proves the creators of the theory of structural dissociation wrong!
So don't let endos use quotes like this to brainwash you. Remember that you are an intelligent and critical double thinker.
Stay smart and hold firm in your beliefs and values, and never stop double thinking!
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anti-lies · 4 months
Pro-endo narratives that push and push and push the trauma is not always a factor grind my gears because I am convinced it started as a psyop.
Wow! That's such a terrifying prospect! The worst part is that it's probably true. It would explain a lot about how endos keep getting their "sources" to back them up. The TPTB can get any doctor to say what they want for enough shillings.
There was a pro-endo attacking me yesterday called @sysmedsaresexist, and when I looked over their blog, the whole things just screamed "paid operative" to me, and I didn't realize why until now.
What agency do you think is doing this? NSA, CIA? And what's their motive?
I'd genuinely love to hear more of your insights!
How many times are you people going to complain about therapists not being adequate, and also act like a therapist wouldn't be biased towards an explanation for how you are that involves you not having complex trauma (which is a lot more work)?????
Yes therapy is important. I have a therapist and I love him but we were very picky about where we went for therapy. I don't care where you think your problems plurality etc comes from, finding somebody who will listen first and ask open-ended questions rather than push whatever treatment their garbage professor from 100 years ago told them to is hard to find for anyone.
Therapists are often stupid and lazy and more focused on whatever their capitalist handbook tells them to do than listen to their clients. Duh!!!!
If you're a plural person and you don't feel like your trauma is a relevant part of that, any therapist is going to be thrilled!!!! Thrilled!!!!!!!!
And then guess what when a traumatized system with a lot of problems does come in, the therapist is going to be naturally biased towards the explanation that gives them the easiest job.
You need to be picky with therapists for a reason and I'm not going to have misinformation spreaders make it more difficult by giving these people an out when it comes to looking at complex trauma.
You don't need your trauma to be a central part of your system life but for people who do have that as a struggle it's ridiculous to push the idea that it's ever irrelevant.
Pro-endo narratives that push and push and push the trauma is not always a factor grind my gears because I am convinced it started as a psyop. Life is inherently traumatizing. For anyone, including your caregivers. People hurt others without realizing and sometimes you can heal that on your own even after forming a system; and other times it takes a very long time. Knowing a therapist would rather adopt the narrative that it's "not always trauma" (and plenty would!) and push for assimilation into capitalist hell than study complex trauma and do their job grinds my gears. Misinformation does have consequences; just because all the information out there regarding plurality doesn't apply to you doesn't mean it's incorrect entirely.
It may just be Validation Olympics on the internet for you, but for many systems this stuff can be a very slippery slope. Denial is one of the slipperiest of slopes and KILLS PEOPLE VERY EASILY. Unhealed trauma, when you have it, leaks. If you don't have any to acknowledge great but don't give people who have a hard time acknowledging it a false glimmer of hope.
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