anti-sides-fics · 5 years
Sick Day
Summary: Gabriel isn't feeling too well but Mephisto is there for him.
(Wanna know more about these characters? Check out @ask-us-sanderssides and click the story tab!)
A/N: Tooth rotting Mabriel fluff for my bestie @availe bc she isn't feeling good. 💛💚
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Gabe sneezed another time, moaning as he rubbed his raw nose with another tissue. "This is horrible…" he whined.
He slouched in bed, trying his best to sleep but couldn't as a sneeze would awaken him every time he remotely dozed off. Gabriel laid his arms limply at his side before realizing it was gone. 
"No! Where's my new plushie??" Gabriel said, looking around and off the bed. 
As he scanned the room, he saw it. Sitting across the way on Mephisto's desk was the frog plush, staring right back at him. The desk was only a few feet apart from the bed but with Gabriel's headache, it may as well been a whole world away. He whined in his throat before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Gabriel felt a swell of dizziness in his head before falling to the floor on his butt.
"Oww…" Gabriel moaned. He felt tears pricking at his eyes. "I just want my plushie…"
"Gabriel? What was that nois-" Mephisto spoke as opened the door to the bedroom. He came to a stop when all that he could see was Gabriel sitting on the floor crying. "Gabriel! Love, what's wrong?"
Gabriel reached out to Mephisto as the wizard walked up to him, and without a second thought, Mephisto wrapped his husband in his robe and picked him up effortlessly. He cradled Gabriel to his chest. 
"Plushie…" Gabriel whimpered. 
Mephisto gently smiled down at Gabriel. "Why didn't you just tell me? Let's get him." He carried Gabriel to the desk and the angel snatched the frog, holding it tightly to his chest. "I'm glad you like him so much." Mephisto rocked Gabriel in his arms and noticed the boy falling asleep. "Tired, my love?"
Gabriel nodded, weakly. "Yes…"
Mephisto put Gabriel back into bed, tucking him in tightly. "You need your rest if you're going to recover so don't leave this bed again, okay? Promise me."
"I promise, honey…" Gabriel whispered. Mephisto leaned down and kissed the top of Gabriel's head. He turned to leave only to feel Gabriel's loose hand on his. "Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?"
Mephisto chuckled, pulling the blankets up and sat down in the bed, pulling Gabriel onto his lap. "Rest my heart. I've got you."
Mephisto ran his fingers through Gabriel's hair as the boy drifted off to sleep, finally content.
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
Gabriel's Birthday!
((Fic based on the anti-sides from @ask-us-sanderssides. Read their story from the beginning here and read more about how they were formed in the story here.))
A/N: So can we pretend it's still February and it's not a month later than Gabriel's birthday? Work got away from me even though I wrote this back then but I never got to post it.
Gabriel's birthday is February 15th, fyi.
It was a beautiful day for certain. Gabriel glanced up at the clear bright blue sky above him, covering his eyes so he wasn't blinded by the sun. Part of him wondered if this is what the real sun felt like. It was the anxiety talking of course. It usually did. Especially before Virgil woke up for the day when Thomas did. Gabriel knew Roman did his best to recreate the real world inside his imagination for him and the other antis. Gabriel was always very appreciative of Prince Roman. He did so much for them and didn't have to.
Gabriel readjusted the basket in his hands, glancing down and counting the herbs. He had managed to gather enough of the polyweed, but Meph had also requested some lavenderwood and some rosebud. Those were on a higher mountaintop a few miles away if Gabriel remembered correctly.
The winged anti walked back down the bush covered path and out to the open mountainside. He took a deep breath and smiled, taking off into the air gracefully. The air felt great on his face and through his wings. Gabriel wondered why Roman had chosen to go ahead and let spring start in the imagination. It was only February. Maybe it was just Roman preferred spring to winter? Gabriel wasn't sure but he loved the weather all the same. After a few extra seconds, Gabriel landed on the summit of a mountain just north of the village.
Gabriel spotted the lavenderwood from a distance and grabbed up some gently, cutting the base with a small pair of scissors.
'Don't cut the leaves, my love.' Mephisto's voice rang in his mind. 'The leaves are essential to the potion and if any of them were to be damaged then the plant is useless.'
Gabriel cut about five or six lavenderwood and placed them carefully in the wooden basket. However the rosebud would be harder to find. It grew only in the snow and only glowed red when someone was around. The rosebud was a fickle flower indeed.
After ascending the mountain an extra hundred feet or so, Gabriel spotted the flower from a distance as it poked up through the soft blanket of snow on the ground.
Snow covered the mountaintop and the chilly wind blew briskly through Gabriel's wings and hair.
"I need another jacket..." Gabriel moaned to himself as he pulled his wings in.
Gabriel bent down to the small section of rosebuds. There were four or five. Just enough for his love. He gently touched the rosebud, feeling its petals. It was smooth. Soft as silk. Gabriel carefully cut the stems just past the four or fifth leaf and placed them into his basket.
As soon as Gabriel cut the last rosebud and put it into his basket, he spread his wings and took off back down the mountainside.
Spring welcomed him with open arms and warmed his body as he flew closer to the ground. Gabriel held the basket close to himself to keep it closed as he landed just outside the city limits.
He tucked his wings in close and slid the basket up his arm for safe keeping as he began walking through the bustling town.
It was just near lunch time and so lots of people were out shopping. Merchants shouted deals left and right, some for jewelry and some for food. Gabriel only looked. He didn't have any money on him anyway.
"I wonder if there's any treats left from Nic and Meph's baking yesterday." He wondered out loud, smiling.
He couldn't believe what he had seen the day before. It had been Valentine's Day and both Mephisto and Nicolaus had taken it upon themselves to make Valentine's Day treats for Gabriel and Luctus respectively. They ended up working together and had bowls full of lots of different chocolate and sweet treats. Gabriel had snuck a peek into the kitchen, with Luctus as well, seeing Nic and Meph mixing and taste testing. Gabriel had felt a warmth in his heart in the moment. He loved his family so much. Seeing them all happy and healthy was more important than any silly holiday.
Gabriel realized that he had been gone longer than intended so he headed back towards his home with his family on the opposite side of the town, just off of the trail. As he walked up, he suddenly saw one balloon hanging from the doorknob of the house. It was green and had an arrow on it. Once Gabriel got closer he saw a note attached to the string.
"Gabriel, please bring the flowers and herbs straight to the back garden. Thank you, angel.
- Mephisto"
Gabriel's mouth turned down in confusion as he tried to open the door but it was locked. He started to walk towards the back yard only to see another balloon, this time purple, tied to the fence door which was slightly ajar. It also had an arrow pointing inside and a note.
"Gabriel, I want to thank you for helping me and always being there for me. You are so very kind.
- Arya"
"Arya..." Gabriel said softly, running his finger over the anti sides name.
He continued into the backyard and saw two more balloons, tied to the picnic table. One was blue and the other red. Both balloons had one arrow pointing to the house.
"Gaby! Leave the flowers and basket here. We will take care of it. I love you!!
- Luctus"
"It's imperative that you follow the listed instructions, Gabriel. Also... thank you for always believing in me.
- Nicolaus"
Gabriel put his hand to his heart, feeling tears welling up in his eyes. His family meant so much to him. Just these simple notes was so touching. But what was it for?
Gabriel placed the flowers into the separate basket and walked towards the house. He reached for the back door but before he could grab the handle, the door swung open seemingly by itself.
Gabriel was greeted by so many familiar faces inside, all standing around the kitchen table. Mephisto, Nic, Luctus, and Arya stood on one side and on the other stood Roman, Logan, Virgil, Patton, and even...
"...Thomas?" Gabriel asked out of pure disbelief. "How are you here?"
"I can visit the rooms from time to time." He explained with a gentle smile. "Besides, I can't miss this opportunity to see you all in your real forms." Thomas walked the short distance between he and Gabriel. "Happy birthday, Gabriel. Thanks for being there for me and for Virgil too. I don't know what we'd do without you."
Gabriel felt the tears of joy roll down his cheeks as Thomas embraced him tightly. Suddenly he was surrounded by all of his family in one big hug. Eventually they all parted and Mephisto came up to Gabriel.
"My love, I hope this celebration was okay?" He asked. Gabriel nodded. "Great!" Mephisto leaned in and kissed Gabriel's forehead. "I wanted you to know how grateful we all are for you. It's---" he looked down, biting his lip. And then back up with tears glistening in his eyes. "You, Gabriel, are the reason we are a family. You fight for each one of us and there's really no way to thank you for that. You're our constant and we love you."
Everyone behind Mephisto nodded and Gabriel smiled, trying not to cry again. "Thank you so much everyone..." Gabriel looked at all of the people in his life and felt so blessed. As he scanned the group as all of them began to talk to each other and disperse, Gabriel saw out of the window a certain snake man. Gabriel waved, smiling gently and Deceit nodded, tipping his hat. He walked away.
Luctus walked up to Gabriel, offering cake and ice cream and the angel happily obliged. He wanted to remember this moment with all of his family together. Forever and ever.
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
Aww hey anon!! Glad you liked it. There's more cuddly cute fics for nicoluctus coming sooooooooon 👀
// @vigilantvirgil whoooo boy you heard them
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
The unholy amount of screaming I did over the new fic you posted literally scared my dog I love it so much
I'm glad you love it so much!!!! Thank you for your support!!!
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
First Kiss
((Fic based on the anti-sides from @ask-us-sanderssides. Read their story from the beginning here and read more about how they were formed in the story here.))
A/N: Have fun guys ^^ ((Nicoluctus))
Luctus didn’t understand.
Nic sat across from him, reading his book and completely unaware Luctus was starting at him, and Luctus couldn’t stop the thoughts crossing his mind.
Kiss him.
No. No no no. They had just recently even considered themselves a partnership and it wasn’t based on romance or sexual stuff. Luctus just really loved Nic.
Enough to wonder how good of a kisser he is. 
SHUT UP BRAIN. Luctus could barely sit still anymore.
The boy in question nearly jumped out of his skin at Nic’s voice jolting him out of his own thoughts. “Y-yeah Nicky?”
“You’re acting peculiar. Is there something wrong?” Nic closed his book, stood up and walked over sitting down next to Luctus.
Luctus pulled his hood over his head and brought his legs to his chest. “Nope I’m totally fine.”
Nic sighed. “Forgive me but I don’t believe you. You’ve been staring at me all day. Do you need something?” Luctus shook his head but didn’t speak. “You know you can ask me for anything right? I’m new to this whole “relationship” situation but in my eyes, nothing is differen-“
In one fluid motion, Luctus moved up from his sitting position, pulled back his hood, held Nic’s face in his hands and kissed him for approximately one millisecond before shrinking back down to a sitting position. His face was flushed horribly red and his fidgeting had gotten even worse.
Nic touched his lips with his hand and didn’t really know how to react. "You wanted… to kiss me?”
“Yeah I know it’s stupid because part of me knows kisses are romantic and stuff but I can’t help it! Every time I look at you I just wanna kiss you and I can’t stop myself from staring and it’s weird because it’s just kissing and I-”
Luctus was cut off by Nic leaning towards him, holding his shoulders gently and pressing his lips to Luctus’. It’s gentle, warm and only lasts about 3 to 5 seconds. But it’s perfect and all Luctus really needed. Nic smiles down at Luctus, pressing their foreheads together. “I don’t care about labels or what’s romantic or not, Luctus. I love you and if you want a kiss every now and then, I’m okay with that." 
Luctus smiled and began to laugh, grabbing Nic into a hug as the two sat there together and just enjoyed each other’s company. 
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
That fic???? Was so cute????? Aaaaaaaaaaaaa??????
ahhhhhhh i will scream with you!! i’m glad you like it. I loveeeeeeee writing nicoluctus (but you knew that already hehehehe)
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
First Kiss
((Fic based on the anti-sides from @ask-us-sanderssides. Read their story from the beginning here and read more about how they were formed in the story here.))
A/N: Have fun guys ^^ ((Nicoluctus))
Luctus didn't understand.
Nic sat across from him, reading his book and completely unaware Luctus was starting at him, and Luctus couldn't stop the thoughts crossing his mind.
Kiss him.
No. No no no. They had just recently even considered themselves a partnership and it wasn't based on romance or sexual stuff. Luctus just really loved Nic.
Enough to wonder how good of a kisser he is. 
SHUT UP BRAIN. Luctus could barely sit still anymore.
The boy in question nearly jumped out of his skin at Nic's voice jolting him out of his own thoughts. "Y-yeah Nicky?"
"You're acting peculiar. Is there something wrong?" Nic closed his book, stood up and walked over sitting down next to Luctus.
Luctus pulled his hood over his head and brought his legs to his chest. "Nope I'm totally fine."
Nic sighed. "Forgive me but I don't believe you. You've been staring at me all day. Do you need something?" Luctus shook his head but didn't speak. "You know you can ask me for anything right? I'm new to this whole "relationship" situation but in my eyes, nothing is differen-"
In one fluid motion, Luctus moved up from his sitting position, pulled back his hood, held Nic's face in his hands and kissed him for approximately one millisecond before shrinking back down to a sitting position. His face was flushed horribly red and his fidgeting had gotten even worse.
Nic touched his lips with his hand and didn't really know how to react. "You wanted... to kiss me?"
"Yeah I know it's stupid because part of me knows kisses are romantic and stuff but I can't help it! Every time I look at you I just wanna kiss you and I can't stop myself from staring and it's weird because it's just kissing and I-"
Luctus was cut off by Nic leaning towards him, holding his shoulders gently and pressing his lips to Luctus'. It's gentle, warm and only lasts about 3 to 5 seconds. But it's perfect and all Luctus really needed. Nic smiles down at Luctus, pressing their foreheads together. "I don't care about labels or what's romantic or not, Luctus. I love you and if you want a kiss every now and then, I'm okay with that." 
Luctus smiled and began to laugh, grabbing Nic into a hug as the two sat there together and just enjoyed each other's company. 
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
What Are We?
((Fic based on the anti-sides from @ask-us-sanderssides. Read their story from the beginning here and read more about how they were formed in the story here.))
A/N: I know a lot of you readers of the side blog are curious as to what kind of relationship Nicolaus and Luctus truly have. This small fic is your answer. Enjoy :)
Luctus sat at the dining room table, eating his cereal. Upon waking up that morning, he had chosen to be a child for this day. A dream had caused him to stir out of his sleep far too early and he didn't want to be anymore anxious or upset than he needed to be today.
Across from him sat Mephisto and Gabriel. Gabriel had made pancakes (which Luctus had kindly denied) and was now feeding them to Mephisto. The two were laughing and blushing at one another's antics, a rose blush flushing both of their cheeks. Luctus felt a smile spread across his face. He was so happy that Gabriel and Mephisto were finally happy in a relationship together.
However a pang in his heart caused him to shake.
What was this feeling? Loneliness perhaps?
Luctus quickly finished his cereal, discarding the dishes in the sink before heading back to his room. As the door latch closed, Luctus pulled his hood over his head and grabbed his spider plushie from the floor.
An emotion was clouding his heart. It didn't make any sense but he was... jealous of Gabriel and Mephisto in a way. To be romantically in love with someone had to feel so special. To know there was someone out there just for you. As just part of a person, Luctus wondered if he'd ever find someone like that.
Did he want to? He was unsure if he was speaking honestly.
Luctus bit his lip as his thoughts raced. He pulled himself out of his own mind and left his room, heading next door to Nic's room. Maybe Nic would understand? Luctus knocked on the door and waited for Nic to answer, fiddling with the spider plushie's legs.
"Luctus?" The boy in question jumped, looking up to see Nic had opened the door. Nic was still dressed in his pajamas, a long sleeved shirt and pants. He obviously hadn't been awake for very long. "Did you need something, Luctus?"
"Oh yeah um," Luctus considered his words. "Can I come in?"
Nic could feel the hesitation in Luctus's voice. "Yes of course." He moved back to allow the small boy inside and closed the door as Luctus sat down on the end of the bed. "May I ask what's wrong?"
Luctus continued to fidget with the plushie. He picked at the loose fibers around its face. "Nic, have you ever been in love?" Nic blinked at Luctus, grateful Luctus didn't make eye contact. The look of surprise on his face would've probably given the small boy the wrong impression.
Nic readjusted his glasses as he pulled a chair over to sit in front of Luctus. "I can't say I have, Luctus. But I must ask, what brought this up?" Nic questioned.
Luctus released a deep sigh. "I guess I was realizing how... jealous I am of Gaby and Mephy."
"Oh. So you want someone to be in love with?" Nic asked.
Luctus shook his head. "Not necessarily."
Nic crossed his arms. "Then I'm unsure how to proceed with this, Luctus."
"What am I to you?" Luctus blurted out abruptly, covering his face with the plushie.
Nic blinked. "You're family. That's what you are to me."
"Oh, okay." Luctus responded. He seemed dejected.
Nic stood and sat down next to Luctus. He reach out and patted Luctus's head, ruffling his hair. "But saying that makes it seem a bit less important than I intend."
Luctus leaned against Nic as he bent down to plant a kiss onto the boy's head. "What do you mean?"
"When you're in your child form, I feel like your guardian." Nic explained, using his free hand to hold Luctus's right hand. "I want to protect you from harm even more than I usually do. Not only in the physical sense of protecting but also emotionally. I want to help however I can. It's a hard feeling to explain." Luctus nodded, tucking into Nic's lap.
Within a few seconds, Luctus felt himself getting sleepy but he decided to change back into his adult form. The two laid back on the bed, Nic holding Luctus close to him. "In this form, I wish to be close to you. I like being like this with you. It feels nice. Just being near you means so very much to me." Nic explained. "But I'm not in love with you. It's not a romantic love like what Gabriel and Mephisto have. However I do love you Luctus."
Luctus nodded. "Nicky, you mean so much to me too. I'm always so afraid you'll leave. My heart hurts when I think about that. I love you but it's not like that." Luctus rolled over on the bed to face Nic. "What does that make us, Nic?"
Nic sighed, brushing Luctus's hair out of his eyes. "I am unsure of what defines our relationship. It's not a romantic or sexual love but more like... a devotion. I want to be with you over anyone else. I choose you. What I feel for you is different than anything I've felt before." He reaches out for Luctus's chin, pulling the boy's face to look at him. "Love is complicated. But know that no matter what I will always be here for you. You are so very important to me."
Luctus's eyes glossed over with tears as Nic pulled him into a hug. "Nicky I will always be there for you too. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. I don't have a name for this feeling but I don't care."
Nic shhed the crying boy, pulling him even closer. Minutes passed until Luctus had cried himself out and the two laid together in silence.
"Can we do this more often?"
"Just laying together?"
"Of course."
"Thank you."
"The pleasure is all mine."
Later that night, Luctus stands in the kitchen, looking at his phone. He's hungry he knows that much but as for what to eat, that's the question of the evening. As he scrolls through tumblr on his phone, he suddenly feels arms wrap around his neck from behind, hugging him. 
Glancing upwards, he smiles as he sees Nic leaning down, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. Nic's eyes are closed and a soft smile is spread across his face. Luctus reaches up and holds Nic's hand with his and smiles back. No words are spoken. None are necessary. Luctus feels at home, safe with Nic and that's all that truly matters.
A/N: And there you have it guys. The answer to the question I know some of you have had for awhile. Whether or not Nic and Luctus are in a relationship. The answer is yes... sort of. The best terminology that both @availe and I have come up with is a queer platonic relationship. It's built on trust, friendship, devotion, and protection, not romance or sexual love. Hope that clears up some things about our precious boyos! And if you still ship them any other way, that's totally fine with me and Maxi! We just wanted to let you know and I figured a fic was the best way to do so! <3
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
Nightmare, Nic and Luctus
((Fic based on the anti-sides from @ask-us-sanderssides. Read their story from the beginning here and read more about how they were formed in the story here.))
Nicolaus didn’t dream often.
Most nights when he finally went to sleep, he would wake up the next morning with no memory of what occurred overnight. It was frustrating. The others would always discuss their dreams and how random their dreams were. What did they mean? Nicolaus determined he would never know.
One late night, Nicolaus was writing in his journal, a few experiments had results he didn’t expect so his notes needed to be updated. He wrote by candlelight, the silence of the middle of the night very calming to his senses. His jacket lay on his shoulders keeping him warm from the winter chill outside. Nicolaus held his pen to his lips, considering his words carefully as he wrote.
Suddenly a thud came from behind him, something hitting his bedroom wall. Nicolaus furrowed his brows in confusion, standing up and heading out of the door into the hallway. Within seconds another thud sounded and Nicolaus realized it was coming from Luctus’ room.
Nicolaus walked up to the door, knocking softly. He waited but there was no response. Afraid something could be wrong, he opened the wooden door. The door squeaked as it opened all the way. Nicolaus paid no mind to the fact that the door didn’t open all the way because the room… was a disaster.
Clothing lay strewn out all over the dresser, toys of every kind lay discarded on the floor – some were even broken. Nicolaus bent down and grabbed the spider plushie near his feet. It was Luctus’s favorite. Turning to the bed, all of the blankets were bundled up but Nicolaus noticed it was shaking.
The blankets jerked abruptly before rustling a bit. Nicolaus grabbed the thin sheet at the top and pulled it down, revealing the tear stained face of Luctus. His hood was pulled up tightly around his head and he was surprisingly in adult form.
When all of them had gone to bed earlier in the evening, Luctus had been in his child form. The change felt odd to Nicolaus but he decided not to comment. Nicolaus sat down next to Luctus, silence enveloping them. 
“Nicky….” Luctus began, staring at the floor. “You… you aren’t going to leave us again, right?”
Nicolaus shook his head immediately. “No. I’m going to stay here. I like it here.” He paused, staring at Luctus’ face, feeling a burning in his chest. Nicolaus hated to see Luctus upset like this. “Why do you ask?”
“I had… a nightmare.” Luctus answered. He rubbed his eyes with sleeve, sniffing. “You said you hated me and it was because of me you were leaving." 
"Never.” Nicolaus answered quickly. “I care about you very much Luctus. You are very important to me.” He handed the spider plushie towards Luctus.
Luctus nodded, fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. “O-okay.” He took the plushie and sat it down next to him.
“Luctus,” Nicolaus spoke softly. “Please look at me.”
The hoodie clad boy looked up and saw Nicolaus holding his arms open. Without another word, Luctus felt more tears rolling down his face as he climbed out of the blankets and pushed his way into Nicolaus’s arms. Nicolaus hugged the boy tightly as Luctus cried into his shoulder. He rubbed Luctus’ back, humming gently under his breath.“If it is within my control, I will never leave you.” Nicolaus assured him. 
Luctus shook at those words, hugging Nicolaus tighter. “I love you Nicky." 
"I know. I love you too." 
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
Man, you guys are thirsty for nicoluctus but I'm not complaining. Thanks for loving them as much as I do.
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
Can my word be "wow"? Is that how this works?
Yes. Just send it again with only the word and the anti-side and/or ship you want featured.
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
Taking Prompts
Send me a single word and one of the anti-sides and I will write a short fic for it. Only single words. Will take ships too.
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
The Days Between
((Fic based on the anti-sides from @ask-us-sanderssides. Read their story from the beginning here and read more about how they were formed in the story here.))
A/N: There were 3 days in between Nic nearly losing himself to the darkness and him waking up after being saved. What happened in those three days and just how close did he come to dying?
Words: 3,561 Pairing: Mabriel and platonic Gabriel x Nic Fandom: Sanders Sides Warnings: Fainting, sickness, general anxiety
Nicolaus felt his body floating in the water; the wave had consumed him. His body was frozen as his arms laid limply outward.
Visions passed in his mind's eye, seeing images of Mephisto, Gabriel, and Luctus. He saw them all smiling. They were happy without him.
If losing himself to the subconsciousness was what would bring them happiness, Nicolaus knew it was worth the sacrifice.
It was then that he closed his eyes and allowed himself to be taken into the darkness surrounding him.
“Something's not right.”
Mephisto turned to see Luctus sitting on the floor holding what looked like a small stuffed spider. Gabriel stood next to him and he was also staring at the small boy.
“Whatever do you mean, Luctus?” Gabriel asked softly.
Luctus hugged the plushie to his chest and he sniffed, wiping his nose with his sleeve. “Something's not right with Nic. I-I... I can feel it.” His right hand clenched his hoodie right above his heart. “It hurts. It really hurts.” Gabriel and Mephisto shared a glance as Luctus stood up, pulling his hood down over his eyes. “He can't be left alone right now. Something is wrong...” Luctus' voice trailed off as he walked out of the room. “...someone should find him.” Luctus closed the door as he did so with a soft click.
Mephisto released a frustrated sigh, scratching his head. “This is ridiculous. How many times do we have to do this with Nicolaus?”
Gabriel clasped his hands together over his chest. “Mephisto, Nic is still a part of our family. While he did scare me, I know Nic was being truthful to me when we were together before he woke up.” Gabriel closed his eyes in sadness before opening them, tears pricking at the corners. “I know it was hard to see me controlled by him again.” Gabriel saw Mephisto's eyes narrow in anger as he said this so he quickly continued. “B-but I honestly think he did that to protect me. I was being very adamant about the situation so maybe he...”
“His control over us is not just a toy, Gabriel.” Mephisto responded shortly. “It is much more than that. If I hadn't been there to wake you up, you could've...”
Gabriel touched his own face where Mephisto had slapped him awake. “While you have a point, Mephisto,” Gabriel walked up to him, taking Mephisto's hands in his own. “Nicolaus is still our family. He was trying to change; I know he was.” He paused and squeezed Mephisto's hands. “Luctus is upset so I'm sure he won't go looking for him. But I am. Will you come with me?”
Mephisto sighed loudly in annoyance, but met Gabriel's gaze. It was hard to say no to his love. Not to mention, Nic had some explaining to do for hurting both Gabriel and Luctus yet again.
“I know you're upset.” Gabriel assured him, pulling his hands away and wrapping his arms around himself. Tears rolled down his face nearly instantaneously and Mephisto felt his heart clench at the sight of his beloved crying. “But Mephisto, you must remember one important thing. Nic and Roman spent days studying your books, and they managed to bring you back to life.” Gabriel pushed the palms of his hands into his yellow eyes trying to stop the cascading tears but failing. “Nic spent so many hours with Roman. There's no way the Nic who yelled at me is the same as that Nic who was so devoted to bringing you back... there's no way... there's no way...”
Gabriel began repeating to himself as Mephisto pulled his love into his embrace. The angel pushed his face into the wizard's chest. Mephisto rubbed Gabriel's back gently as he cried. It was then that Mephisto realized how much of a true asshole he had been. Allowing his natural protectiveness of both Gabriel and Luctus overwhelm him, it had blinded him to just how kind Nic had been recently. Mephisto considered the possibility of Luctus being correct.
“Let's go find Nicolaus.” Mephisto said gently as Gabriel pulled his head back to look up at him.
“Really?” Gabriel asked.
“Yes. You and Luctus are right.” Mephisto admitted. “Nic is a part of our family. It's time we show him that.”
Gabriel smiled brightly. “Oh thank you, Meph... thank you.”
He leaned up to the wizard, giving his lips a gentle kiss. Mephisto held Gabriel's face gently with his right hand and held Gabriel to him with his left arm, deepening the kiss. Gabriel grabbed Mephisto's robe tightly, feeling his heart swell. The angel had to enjoy this moment; something not so long ago he thought he lost. Just as Gabriel felt his toes curling, Mephisto pulled away, smirking at the angel with a cheeky gaze.
“Let us go.” Mephisto said, interlacing his left hand with Gabriel's left hand. Their rings clinged together. “We can do this together. This proves that.” Mephisto squeezed his hand to push the rings together again. “Let's go get our brother.”
“Yes!” Gabriel smiled.
The two left their shared home walking out into the early afternoon sun. It was still winter time so they knew they did not have much daylight left to find Nic. They started in the village, splitting up to ask several village people in the market area. It was nearly an hour before they met back up in the center of the village near a large water fountain.
“Any luck?” Gabriel question, sitting down on the edge of the stone fountain. He ran his fingertips through the crystal clear water.
Mephisto sat down next to him. “No. I don't understand how he could just disappear.” He crossed his arms in frustration. “Then again, I guess I can. Nicolaus has always been like this. One minute he's there and the next minute he isn't.”
“What if he went somewhere he knew we wouldn't look?” Gabriel suggested, still playing with the water.
Mephisto glanced over at Gabriel before looking back to the village. His eyes scanned over the landscape, taking in everything he saw. The buildings and homes were nothing particularly outstanding until Mephisto saw the entrance to a rather large forest which was forbidden to most villagers.
“What about the forest?” Mephisto said under his breath.
Gabriel turned to look where Mephisto was and he shrugged his shoulders. “I'm not sure. There's a lake in there. Nic hasn't ever been a big fan of water.”
Mephisto stood up abruptly taking off towards the entrance with haste. The angel rushed to catch up with the wizard.
“That's exactly the point. Nicolaus knew we wouldn't think to go look there so that's probably where he is.” Mephisto explained as the two of them stopped just short of the entrance to the forest.
Gabriel shuddered. “I'm not sure about this, Meph. It's getting dark; I can't fly in there and who knows what creatures lurk in the night...”
Mephisto wrapped his arm around Gabriel's shoulder pulling him close. With his free right arm, he conjured his staff used to perform magic. “I'll be right with you. Don't worry. Let's find Nicolaus before he gets himself into something even he isn't smart enough to get out of.”
Gabriel nodded, feeling at ease now that he knew Mephisto wasn't planning on having them split up to search.
The two walked silently into the dense forest. The canopies of the trees blocked nearly all light from reaching the forest floor, creating an ethereal type lighting all throughout the area. Mephisto lit the end of his staff as a light source through the dense trees. His left hand stayed interlaced with Gabriel's right hand, making sure they didn't lose each other in the dark. Gabriel had his wings wrapped tightly around his shoulders. Not only for the fact that he still felt a bit nervous but also because he didn't want to snag them on any branches he might not have noticed.
After about twenty minutes of walking, Gabriel smelled saltwater. “Mephisto! The lake is close.” He said barely above a whisper. Mephisto simply nodded in response.
The two passed a particularly large bush before seeing a pathway lit up by the evening sun where the treetops were not as thick.
“Meph! Look!” Gabriel called out and pointed at the front of the path.
A still form laid there, face down in the dirt and grass. The two picked up speed, and even from a distance, Nic's jacket was unmistakable. The man was not moving. It was as if he was sleeping.
Mephisto leaned down to roll him over as Gabriel watched, his hands clasped together in worry.
“Hey, Nicolaus!” Mephisto said as he leaned up the unconscious one into his arms. The wizard had expected a slight response from him as he assumed the red-eyed man had simply fallen asleep thanks to his narcolepsy. As Mephisto adjusted himself, his bare hand came into contact with Nic's neck and the wizard gasped audibly. “Oh... no. Nononono--” He turned back to Gabriel. “He's as cold as ice.” He murmured gravely.
Gabriel gasped, opening his mouth in terror as Mephisto continued to shake Nic, shouting at him to awaken. Nic never responded. The angel bent down, trying to keep himself from panicking. He sat down on his knees and grabbed Nic's hand. Gabriel nearly jumped in surprise at how cold Nic's body was. This was impossible-- what was going on? It was in the moment that Gabriel's heart began to race that he realized he could also feel Nic's pulse. It was faint and small, but it was still there.
“Mephisto...” Gabriel started, only to look up at the wizard to see him staring down at Nic's unconscious form, a blank expression on his face.
“I-I never thanked him for what he did for me.” Mephisto said, his voice cracking on each word. His right arm still supported the unconscious Nic. “I never really bothered to even consider anything at all about the past. All I could think about was how he had changed again and hurt you and Luctus... and I—I...” A single tear rolled down Mephisto's face and he was quick to rub it away.
“Mephisto,” Gabriel said again as he reached over to cup Mephisto's cheek, rubbing the remnant of the tear with his thumb. “He's still alive.”
The wizard's eyes jerked up to meet Gabriel's. “W-what?”
“I can feel his pulse. Just slightly. I'm not sure what's happened to him but we should get him back to the house, okay?” Gabriel moved to pick up Nic gently, cradling his body carefully in his arms. “I'll fly out from here since the trees are not as thick and go back towards the village. Will you be okay going back through the forest on your own?”
Mephisto's face was still solemn as he stared at Nic's unmoving form before nodding and reconjuring his staff. Gabriel walked just past Mephisto and leaned his head onto Mephisto's shoulder.
“It'll be okay. He's with his family now. We can fix this.” Gabriel assured as he took off, flying towards the sky.
The wizard took a shaky breath before wiping his face with his robe sleeve again. He took off back into the forest, retracing his steps. There had to be a spell to help Nicolaus and Mephisto promised to himself in that moment he would figure it out. No matter what.
Gabriel arrived home rather quickly, rushing into the house, putting Nic into the bed in his room. He gathered some essential supplies. Even though Nic was unconscious, Gabriel was able to get his body to swallow some medicine. Gabriel felt his heart racing and no matter how he tried to regulate his breathing it was impossible.
As the minutes passed, Gabriel found himself just pacing in Nic's room, glancing at Nic's unconscious form every couple of seconds. He bit on his thumbnail, his free arm wrapped around his waist and his wings curved around his shoulders, creating a cave for him to hide in. He was still able to see Nic through the small break in his wings. It was so hard to see but Nic was breathing, a very small up and down of his chest.
But it didn't matter: Nic was so cold to the touch.
Gabriel's mind began to race. Gabriel pushed his hands into his eyes, letting the darkness swallow him.
What would happen if Nic died?
Could they die? Returning to the subconsciousness wouldn't be good...
Would it affect everyone else?
Would it affect Logan?
And what about Thomas? The child needed all of his sides whether he knew about all of them or not. Nic was a vital part to Logan which meant he was just as important to Thomas too.
Nic provided Logan with his ability to separate feelings from logical thought. As Logan was a main side, he still had more emotions than the anti-sides. Nic helped with balance.
Nic was... also family.
Gabriel felt hot tears rolling down his cheeks.
He couldn't lose a part of his family.
Not again.
I don't want to go through that pain again.
Please no.
Don't take my family again.
A voice.
...but who?
Wait. is that a light in the distance?
Who could be there?
“Gabriel, please... answer me...”
Who is that?
It sounds so familiar.
Oh, why have I forgotten who's voice that is.
“My angel... my heart, please open your eyes. Can you hear me? Please breath for me, my love.”
I begin to sprint, ignoring the burning in my chest. I can't stop.
The voice. It's hurt and it's crying. I know it. I can feel it.
My prince.
Gabriel felt his eyes flutter open, arms wrapped tightly around his body. The lights were blinding his sight as he tried to lift himself.
“Gabriel, please...”
It was then that Gabriel's eyes adjusted to the light and he realized that he was laying on the ground, his upper torso held up by Mephisto. The wizard's eyes were tightly closed, tear lines down his face. Mustering all of the strength he could, Gabriel lifted his hand to touch Mephisto's face, brushing his tears away with his thumb. At his touch, Mephisto's eyes snapped open.
“Gabriel!” Mephisto said dumbfounded, pulling his angel into a tight embrace. “I was so afraid I had lost you to the nothingness...” his voice trailed off.
“I'm sorry. My mind wandered to what might happen if Nic disappeared into the nothingness.” Gabriel explained, sitting up on his own. Mephisto helped him gently, keeping his hand on the center of Gabriel's back for balance. “As a part of Virgil, my anxiousness took over, dragging me to a dark place.” Gabriel stood, shh-ing Mephisto as he tried to help him. “But I'm fine now. You saved me, Mephisto. I heard you and returned.” He gave Mephisto a gentle smile, leaning in and kissing him. “Let's focus on Nic, okay?”
Mephisto nodded. It was in that moment Gabriel realized Mephisto wasn't wearing his robe. Glancing to the bed, he could see Nic wearing it around his shoulders. Nicolaus was also tucked under the covers and looked more like he was actually sleeping now, rather than just unconscious. Gabriel felt a weight lift off his chest.
“Gabriel?” Mephisto asked.
Gabriel blinked and realized he had been staring at Nic for a few seconds longer than intended. “Oh sorry, I just-- how long was I out?”
Mephisto rubbed his neck, looking awkward. “When I first came in and saw you on the floor, I thought you had simply fallen asleep. I didn't come straight home after the forest. I went to purchase some more herbs from the village to use in my spells for Nicolaus. Once I came in and saw you and assumed you were resting, I took care of Nicolaus for awhile.” Mephisto wiped his eyes with his fingers. Gabriel could see how exhausted Mephisto looked just in his eyes. “It's been a few hours?”
“I see-- well, I'm sorry.” Gabriel apologized but Mephisto shook his head.
“None needed, my angel. I'm just glad you're okay now.” Mephisto assured. “However, it's not looking too great for Nicolaus,” He paused, biting his lip and considering his words. “His body has warmed up a bit from the forest but I can't seem to feel any mental response.”
Gabriel raised his eyebrow. “Like, he's braindead?”
“No, no.” Mephisto said immediately. “More like he's holding himself back.”
Gabriel clenched his chest. “Oh Nic...”
Mephisto sighed. “All we can do is help take care of his body and watch over him. Now that you're feeling a bit better, I'm going to research more spells. Can you watch over him?”
“Of course I can, love.” Gabriel smiled, holding his hand to Mephisto's cheek, cupping it gently. Mephisto closed his eyes, leaning into Gabriel's touch, a small smile forming on his face. “You need to be sure and take care of yourself too.” Mephisto kissed Gabriel's hand.
“I will, Gabriel. Don't you worry.” Mephisto promised. “You take care of yourself too.” He leaned in and gave Gabriel one last kiss before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.
Gabriel pulled his cardigan tighter around him, tending to Nic. He gave him more medicine which his body swallowed unconsciously and he rinsed a new washcloth, placing it on Nic's forehead. The man was shivering but his body was sweating. A fever perhaps?
As the hours passed, Gabriel found himself getting more and more tired as the sun went down. Gabriel went to check Nic's forehead again and found happily that Nic's body had become more stable. As he tucked in Nicolaus for the night, Gabriel held Nic's limp hand.
“Nicolaus, I'm not sure if you can hear me. But I feel like I must say this.” Gabriel felt his hands shaking but he continued. “You are our family. I'm not sure why things have happened the way they have but we are meant to be as one. I hope I can explain it to you one day, while you're awake.” He leaned in, placing a kiss on the top of Nicolaus' head, ruffling his hair before heading out of the room.
The next day went by slowly. Mephisto's spells were not working and neither was the medicine. Nic's fever continued to increase which only caused them to want to help even more.
The scariest thing was the fever dream.
It started the following evening. Gabriel was sitting next to Nicolaus, reading through one of Mephisto's books for any information when suddenly Nic began to convulse.
Gabriel leaped to his feet, leaning over Nicolaus, the book clattering to the floor.
Nicolaus grasped the blanket covering him, mumbling incoherently. His eyes were scrunched in pain.
“Nicolaus...hey hey..” Gabriel whispered, wiping the sweat from Nic's brow. “Shhh... calm down...”
After a few more minutes, Nicolaus finally calmed down but as his attack ended he mumbled, “Luctus...” before his body went limp again and he lost consciousness.
“Oh, Nic...” Gabriel whispered.
A knock on the door turned his attention around as Mephisto rushed in.
“Gabriel, are you alright? I heard a commotion.” Mephisto said worriedly.
Gabriel nodded. “Yes, I'm fine but...” He turned back to Nic. “He had a nightmare, I think. I'm not sure what about but he's beginning to move around.”
Mephisto released a breath before leaning against the wall. “Alright, as scary as that probably was, it's a good thing he's showing progress. That means he's fighting.” Mephisto brushed his hand through his hair, pushing off the wall in the same motion. “I did cast a spell on him overnight.. maybe it did something...”
Gabriel gasped as Mephisto's eyes suddenly rolled back as he began to collapse forward.
“Mephisto!” Gabriel used his wings to give him a push to catch his partner just before hitting the ground. The jolt of the fall caused Mephisto to snap awake as he fell into Gabriel's arms. “Oh Mephisto, did you not sleep? Have you eaten?”
“I'm ashamed to say I didn't. I just... was so focused on Nicolaus's sickness.” Mephisto insisted as Gabriel helped him to stand again.
“Nope, that's not how this works.” Gabriel snapped, a bit harsher than he intended. “You would not want me losing sleep and not eating. Don't let yourself do that either.”
Mephisto sheepishly grinned, scratching his head. “Alright, alright. I'll go eat and then rest until tomorrow. It's already late.” He bent down to kiss Gabriel on the forehead. “Go to sleep soon too my angel.”
Gabriel nodded as Mephisto left the room again. He turned his attention to Nicolaus, giving him his next dose of medicine and another blanket since he was shivering. Gabriel walked over to the small cot Mephisto had set up for him earlier that day. As he laid down to sleep, he prayed tomorrow would be the day Nicolaus would awaken. He just wanted him to feel better.
That was all Gabriel wished for at this moment in time.
He wanted his family back together again.
And he would. Nicolaus would awaken and his family would be together, sooner than he realized.
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anti-sides-fics · 6 years
Is this blog dead?
No, this blog is not dead. I write very randomly for the anti-sides and sometimes the things I write about have not actually happened in canon just yet. There’s actually a fic I haven’t posted yet that I’m planning to here soon.
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anti-sides-fics · 7 years
In Good Hands - Nic/Luctus
((Fic based on the anti-sides from @ask-us-sanderssides. Read their story from the beginning here and read more about how they were formed in the story here.))
A/N: Nic is down and out for the count after taking Logan’s sickness. Mephisto continues to research a healing spell, but what if what Nic needs is something more simple than that?
Words: 1,272 Pairing: Nictus (Nicolaus/Luctus - Platonic) Fandom: Sanders Sides Triggers: Fainting, sickness - ask me to tag anything if necessary
Logan supported his own anti-side, Nic's arm over his shoulder, as he walked Nic to the main room of the home shared by the anti-sides. Nic was shivering slightly, but his body radiated heat quite profusely. Logan realized in that moment Nic had all the symptoms he himself had been showing approximately four days prior and they had nearly disappeared instantaneously. Had Nic taken his sickness somehow? Logan knew he would have to research further as it bothered him to know his ignorance of his own well-being had been forced onto another but he was jolted out of his thoughts by a shout. "Ahhh!! Nic!!!" Gabriel rushed over to Nic's side as Logan remembered the winged one being Virgil's anti-side. He immediately took Nic from Logan with what appeared like no effort and carried him into a nearby room. Mephisto walked up next to Logan. "Everything alright between you two now?" He asked as Logan adjusted his glasses. Logan couldn't get over how similar Mephisto looked to Roman, even down to the way he held himself.
"Yes. I understand my inability to control my anger and frustration causes him to snap as explained to me by Luctus." Logan responded. "He inadvertently took over my sickness as well when he entered my body. I'll have to research as to why that could occur..." Mephisto snickered suddenly and Logan turned his gaze to look at him. "Can I ask what you find funny, Mephisto?"
Mephisto cleared his throat but the slight smirk on his face did not disappear. "You sound just like Nicolaus. I mean obviously you would, but it's just really amusing to hear how similar it actually is." Logan scoffed but couldn't stop the smile that appeared on his face. "Yes well," he released a breath, "Take care of him for me. I have to head back." He patted Mephisto on the shoulder before taking his leave out of the house.  In the bedroom, Gabriel had sat Nic back in his bed after removing his jacket. He gathered more blankets, beginning to fold them carefully to where Nic could be surrounded by warmth on all sides. Mephisto walked in, slipping off his robe and walking over to the unconscious anti-side. He wrapped it gently around Nic's shoulders, pulling his arms gently through the sleeves.  "You need this more than me." Mephisto whispered.  Gabriel adjusted Nic to a more comfortable position and pulled more blankets over him as he began to shiver in his sleep.  "Gabriel, I'm going to research more healing spells to see if I can help him. Will you stay?" Mephisto asked as he conjured his staff.  The winged side nodded, smiling. "Of course. I'll take care of him." Gabriel assured, pulling a chair over to the side of Nic's bed. Mephisto exited the room as Gabriel decided to grab a couple of rags from the nearby connected washroom. As he ran cold water over them, he suddenly heard panting breaths which brought his attention back to Nic. Nic's hands gripped the bed sheets tightly, his eyes scrunched in pain and his mouth slightly agape. Gabriel sat the wet rags onto the chair before sitting on the side of the bed, grabbing one of Nic's hands gently.  "Shhhhh... it's okay." Gabriel cooed, rubbing the back of Nic's hand with his thumbs.  "Luc...tus..." Nic said weakly. His breaths began to get more shallow as he repeated the anti-side's name like a mantra. "Luctus... don't go... I'll... I'll protect... you." On the last word, Nic's arms fell limp again and his face softened.  Gabriel stood from the bed, walking out of the room quickly to the room just a few steps down the hall. He knocked twice in succession. Within a few seconds the door open, revealing Luctus, still in his adult form. "Oh, Gabriel," Luctus said. He opened the door fully and his eyes widened. "What's wrong? You look upset." "Logan brought back Nic to us and I'm afraid his fever is getting worse," Gabriel explained, rubbing his hands together. "He... he called out for you in his sleep." Luctus met Gabriel's gaze and then nodded. "I'll go see him." "Thank you Luctus. Mephisto is working on a spell to help heal Nic so I'm going to go check on him okay?" Gabriel said as he walked away. "Alright." Luctus called back. He took a deep breath and released it.
Luctus walked down the hallway towards Nic's room. Peeking in just around the door frame, he could see Nic breathing deeply. Luctus could tell his sleep was anything but restful. He walked in, closing the door quietly and made his way over to the bed, sitting down. He reached to the chair, grabbing one of the rags, and used it to wipe Nic's forehead. The man was shivering but he was sweating too. The moral anti-side tossed the rag back onto the chair before turning his gaze away from Nic's face. Luctus didn't like to watch him suffer. "Luctus..." Luctus blinked, pulled out of his own thoughts and met Nic's half closed eyes with his own. He realized in that moment Nic was trying to lean up towards him. "Whoa... Nic," Luctus pushed him back towards the pillows but Nic refused to lay down. "You're really out of it. Don't try to move." Nic sighed, frustrated. He wanted to stay awake, that much was obvious from Luctus's point of view. "Luc... don't... leave..." Nic reached out towards Luctus's face, his fingertips grazing his cheek. "I'll-I'll always.. help you..."  Luctus reached up and grabbed Nic's hand with his own. "I know. Don't worry about me. I promise I'm not going anywhere. Focus on yourself for right now, Nicky," Luctus said calmly with a smile. "Rest for me." Nic nodded, as his eyes drooped closed and he fell back. He was asleep again before his head hit the pillows. Luctus released a relieved breath, placing Nic's hand back on the bed softly. Abruptly, Luctus yawned. All of the day's events were catching up to him. He rubbed his eyes and pulled his hood up. Just a nap would be okay, right?  Sometime later, Gabriel and Mephisto walked out of Mephisto's room. "I think this spell will help Nicolaus to feel better. My previous attempts weren't as strong as this one." Mephisto said confidently as he read over the paper in his hand. “We can try this tomorrow since it’s so late now.” Gabriel leaned over and gave Mephisto a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm proud of you, love." As they walked past Nic's room door, Gabriel paused. "I'm going to check on Nic. Meet you in the living room in a minute?" "Okay." Mephisto nodded as the two separated.  Gabriel walked up to Nic's bedroom door. He remembered he had told Luctus to visit Nic so he knocked. After several knocks with no answer, Gabriel entered the room. The sight Gabriel saw upon opening the door made his heart swell. Nic and Luctus lay together on the bed, both sound asleep. Nic's head was resting on Luctus's and his arm had been wrapped around Luctus's waist. Luctus's left arm was across Nic's body in a protective manner. Gabriel stifled his happy giggles as he quietly walked over to the bed. He felt Nic's forehead and was relieved to feel Nic's body temperature had fallen considerably. The angel left as quiet as he came, returning to the main room. Mephisto saw him return and looked up from his notes. "How's Nicolaus?" Gabriel turned back to the room before he looked back at Mephisto, smiling brightly. "He's doing just fine. He's in good hands."
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anti-sides-fics · 7 years
Scars - Gabriel/Mephisto
((Fic based on the anti-sides from @ask-us-sanderssides. Read their story from the beginning here and read more about how they were formed in the story here.))
A/N: Mephisto has scars from the time he saved Roman. The memory of that day forever imprinted on his back. He keeps them hidden, embarrassed and ashamed. What does Gabriel think?
Words: 940 Pairing: Mabriel (Gabriel/Mephisto) Fandom: Sanders Sides Triggers: None - ask me to tag anything if necessary
It had been a long day.
Mephisto had to work in the nearby castletown as a healer which meant he had needed herbs. Herbs that were all the way located on the top of a mountain. Since his injury prevented him from walking far distances, Gabriel had offered to help by flying him to the top. Mephisto hadn't wanted to concern his boyfriend with the issue but Gabriel wouldn't take no for an answer.
The journey hadn't been a simple one. The mountain had been treacherous to travel across along with the weather being very uncooperative. Both had returned soaked to the bone from a sudden rainstorm on the way back. Mephisto had basically forced Gabriel not to fly them back to the town for fear of him getting struck by lightning in the sky.
Mephisto pulled off his robe, hanging it on the back of a wooden chair to dry. Stepping over to the sink in the corner, he pulled off his shirt, ringing it out. He glanced up looking out the window, watching the rain pouring down heavily, with the occasional thunderclap overhead.
The wizard turned to see his boyfriend standing in the doorway between the hallway and kitchen. Gabriel had changed into dry clothes consisting of a very large brown tank top and black slacks. He had pulled his wings tight into his back which hinted that he was two things: one, he was still cold from being soaking wet as his wings were visibly shaking; and two, he was upset about something. Mephisto had tended to notice how Gabriel cocooned himself when something was on his mind.
Mephisto walked over to Gabriel and upon taking a closer look, realized he had tears in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks.
“Oh, my angel,” Mephisto cooed, putting his hand on Gabriel's cheek. “What's wrong?”
“We weren't able to get those last herbs before the storm.” Gabriel started to sob. “That little boy. He's gonna be okay right?”
Mephisto's face softened, a gentle smile covering his face. He pulled Gabriel into his arms and Gabriel rested his head into his shoulder. “Yes, my love. He will be just fine. They have enough medicine to help him for at least another week. Don't worry.” Gabriel shuddered under Mephisto's grip, allowing a sob to escape his lips. “It's okay.”
After a few moments of silence, Gabriel pulled away but held onto Mephisto's hand.
“Can... can we cuddle?” Gabriel asked sheepishly, his cheeks reddening.
“Of course.”
The two walked down the hallway in silence, arriving at a room with only a bed and two chest of drawers. Gabriel sat down on the bed, grabbing a pillow nearly immediately while Mephisto reached into a nearby closet to grab a blanket, as the bed didn't have one.
“Do they still hurt?”
“Your scars.”
Mephisto winced at the mention of the three scarred whelps on his back, feeling the tenderness. Normally he was able to ignore their existence unless he walked around a lot. The strain on his lower back was just too much to bear anymore. His workload had to be lightened after Nicolaus told him that he had permanent damage.
“Y-yes. They do.” He said honestly. “But it's fine.” Mephisto hastily pulled a shirt over his head to hide them.
Before he realized it, Gabriel was standing behind him. The angel had stopped his shirt from covering the scars, barely grazing his fingertips over them. Mephisto's nerves caused him to pull forward away from the touch.
“S-sorry.” Gabriel said, taking a step back from him. “I--I just hadn't seen them and they look...”
Mephisto turned to meet his gaze, dark thoughts crossing his mind. Horrible. Disgusting. Shameful.
Mephisto blinked, unsure if he had heard Gabriel correctly. “Beautiful...?” He repeated.
Gabriel covered his mouth with his hands, seemingly embarrassed. “I'm sorry. I don't mean that in a sarcastic sense, even though that's probably what it sounded like.” He explained, rubbing his neck. “I just--when I look at them, even though it makes me sad, I'm also very proud of you.” A small laugh escaped his lips but it was more of an exhale of breath. He took a step back towards Mephisto, pulling him into a hug from behind. “You risked everything to protect Prince Roman. You knew what was going to happen but you did it anyway. You're so incredibly brave and selfless and-- it's one of the reasons why I love you so much.”
Mephisto reached up to hold onto Gabriel's arms around him, his chest swelling with happiness. “Thank you. I hadn't really considered that.”
“I'm just so glad you're alive now. It's a horrible thing to live with, I'm sure. But if you ever need to go anywhere, I'll take you.” Gabriel assured him. “I don't care if it is storming. You tell me and we're gonna go, even if I have to carry you on my back and just walk.”
Mephisto laughed, pulling Gabriel's arms over his head and spinning the boy around to where he fell into his arms, almost as if they were dancing. “Thank you, my heart. I appreciate that.”
“You're welcome, my hero.” Gabriel said back, smiling.
The two shared a deep, passionate kiss, releasing a lot of pent up emotion. As the two pulled apart, a loud thunderclap overhead caused both of them to jump before meeting eyes with one another and laughing so hard they nearly fell over.  
Scars will fade overtime as the skin begins to heal.
Love? Well, that's forever.
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anti-sides-fics · 7 years
I saw the header and IMMEDIATELY started gushing cause I love the characters so much.
YES. This header was drawn specifically for this blog so much thanks to Maxi on that front! ^_^
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