Roy: Do you want to hold hands?
Riza: No.
Roy: Did you even hear what I just said.
Riza: Yes.
Roy: What’d I say, then?
Riza: “Do you want to hold hands?”
Roy, warming up his hands: Well, if you insist!
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Chaos reigns
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Hyuna Lee  -  https://lee2419.tumblr.com  -  https://twitter.com/leepix_x  -  https://www.artstation.com/hyunalee  - https://www.linkedin.com/in/hyuna-lee-80a274128  -  https://www.instagram.com/leepix_x_  -  https://www.behance.net/alee2419a  -  https://www.youtube.com/c/LEEPIXXART
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Spidey Sense vs Ghost Invisibility
Danny is visiting NYC with his fam for a ghost convention or something (as one does) and decides to do some sightseeing. 
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Lupin Trailer
“As a teenager, Assane Diop’s life was turned upside down when his father died after being accused of a crime he didn’t commit. 25 years later, Assane will use "Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar” as his inspiration to avenge his father.” (Netflix) 
Lupin stars Omar Sy as Assane Diop, gentleman-thief. Sy is joined by  Hervé Pierre, Nicole Garcia, Clotilde Hesme, Ludivine Sagnier, Antoine Gouy, Shirine Boutella, and Soufiane Guerrab. 
Lupin releases on January 8, 2021.
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The day started out colder than usual, I knew it was gonna be one of those slow days. I could hear my dad coming up the stairs to yell at me to get ready but I just didn't want to get up. So I prepared for an argument to kick off.
As if scripted he slammed my door open yelling about the damn bus. I held my tongue till he was done screaming at me, looked him in the eyes and told him the one thing no one would say to an abusive parent. “ Make me.”
After about a good hour of getting what he would say,” A damn good lesson.” . Like every Wednesday morning he left for work but he actually went to some drug dealer's place. Then I put on my sunglasses and a scarf, mostly to hide the bruises, and because of the cold.
Waiting an hour to make sure he doesn't come back, I get to work on my way out of this horrible scenario. Some would say that there's a better way out, or that it's just a temporary fix. I don't think that's true. It might not be very ethical but i don't care anymore, you may be asking yourself how i'm going to do it, well that's easy i'm gonna use his gun.
I start walking through a bike path near my house to a nice spot in this grove of trees. It’s beautiful this time of year. I sat there for hours waiting for the right time to do the task. Once i do it there's no going back, no apologies, no undoing it. He’s finally going to pay for what he's done.
There, they are coming. I got in place like an actor on stage. They walked right in front of me like I planned,I pulled the gun out. I grabbed their throat from behind and put the cold pistol against their head, I could hear the heavy breathing with the little hand gun pressed against their skull.
“ I’m sorry but this is the only way I can get out. Your life isn't as important as you think.” Squeezing the trigger I can feel the joints in my whole arm shake. In a fraction of a second they stopped fighting and went limp. I dropped the body and instantly started to cry.
No tears of sorrow or pain, but joy and knowing I'm free. I composed myself before anyone came to the spot. I whipped the gun down to get my prints off of it. Dropped it and ran all the way home.
I'm finally free from that monster. Thank you kind stranger.
One week later my father was arrested for the murder of an innocent man. He tried to explain it away but failed, the serial number on that gun got him. The fact that he didn't actually go to work didn't help his alibi either.
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look at em go!
a little fae run cycle for the first animation i’ve done. it turned out a lot better that i thought it would??
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Dark Cozy Bedroom by The Relaxing Town
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Dark Cozy Bedroom by The Relaxing Town
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Six Work Hacks You Should Start This September
I can’t believe the summer is over! With everything that has happened, I do feel like this summer wasn’t that bad. I spent majority of my life in school so I always see September as a new start.  While this year has been extremely shitty it is never too late to start over. While we are slowly rolling into September this is week – here are 5 hacks that you should consider for a better life to end the year off strong and healthy.
Manage Your Energy
Especially now, I think it is very important that you manage the things that your brain can process. What I am learning is that when you invest too much energy into one thing you really can’t do another. I have an issue with managing my energy with work & me time. When I do too much in my work life I can’t do anything in my personal life. It is all about balance. While some of us do not have the traditional 9am-5pm jobs and we work 9am -9pm – remember the same energy you put into your work to pay your bills you should put into your yourself to keep going.
Read the Room
What we need to learn is expectation. Managing your expectation of people and places eases your emotions. What I’ve learned about myself these last few months is when I expect someone to do something and they don’t I am upset. I am rarely upset at the person but more upset at the fact I expected me out of that person. Taking this to the working environment, I’ve expected a lot from the places I’ve worked despite knowing the horror stories of others. READ THE ROOM AND KNOW WHAT YOU WILL GET OUT OF PEOPLE AND PLACES. Stop expecting you from people and accept them for who they are.
Prioritize What Matters The Most
At the end of the day, despite who is paying you or who you may be having sexual relations with – you always matter. If you do not take care of yourself no one else will. With that being said, always check on yourself. If that means talking to yourself in the mirror like Issa or journaling your thoughts – DO IT. You have to constantly question your position in someone’s life or within a company – it ain’t for you sis.
Work Smarter – Not Harder
Overthinking is my middle name like I know it is for many of my friends. Life is not supposed to be that hard. Reelevate what you are doing. Are you investing too much time into one thing and forgetting the others? Is that job you are at making you feel insecure about yourself? Is that relationship not what you expected it to be? Are your friends not being “friends”? Work smarter and eliminate the things that do not make you feel good. While you can’t eliminate your job, especially now – do not take the stress with you when you leave. Once you close the computer, that is it.
Schedule Your Self-Care
Seriously, schedule you time. Whether it is the first thing in the morning or the last thing at night – schedule you. I’ve recently scheduled my “me-time” for the last thing at night. Before I go to bed, I masturbate and journal. While that does sound simple, creating a routine that you can follow is extremely hard. Create a routine that makes you feel good and hold you accountable.
Do Things That Make You Happy
If the quarantine taught me anything it taught me that I should always do what makes me happy. It taught me that I don’t need the $500 dates or the “good morning beautiful” text messages to make me feel good – I only need me. Once you are happy with yourself, everything will fall into place.
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This is sooo good 🎶
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This is a one fine game i didn't thought the mobile version could be this much perfect haven't seen a perfect mobile game like this
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falling, falling but I never thought you'd leave me 🌹
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I finally understand
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after all these years
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of the whole internet
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constantly telling me
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how their childhood
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got zombie island’d
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and though they loved it
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they were absolutely terrified
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which is understandable
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as, seeing this for the first time,
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i am, in fact, absolutely terrified
*10 seconds later*
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Well, never mind… guess you can outrun him at anywhere between a fast crawl and a slow mosey.
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…yeah, my childhood is substantially less-retroactively-scarred now.
Sorry, Mr. Zombie Pirate. It was an admirable effort, but you really dropped the ball on the ambulatory front.
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Little roll achievment! 
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