arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
I am now leaving this blog for a new and more organized blog.
Feel free to follow my new art blog. Just click the title. :)
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arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
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sorry ma, i tried ;_;
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arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
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I sketched a thing~!
I just happened to make another OC while sketching. I don't know what to do with her, but I'm really fond of her design so I just had2keep her. I let Alice name her Simone, and that's that I guess. C:
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arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
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I call this doodle "make another sexist girl gamer joke and I'll strangle you with these girl gamer hands" starring the birthday girl, Jo. Happy birthday, and keep on being fab. ily.♥
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arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
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Lady Pop C.
I made an Adventure Time inspired princess based on my wünderbar muse and best friend, Oishi.
Pop C. used to be human but became an experiment during the Mushroom War, where her DNA was mixed with her pet Elephant's DNA, this has left her with a very good memory. She uses most of her talents of memorizing on research of pop culture, which is very fascinating to her. She loves to explore what once was very popular during the reign of humans. Her latest found is this thing called comics, her favourite comic is about a man dressed as a bat.
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arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
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the sketch i used for my drypoint print, and some sketches that i made the week before but which i was not too happy about so i drafted them :B
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arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
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my drypoint print
so this is the second traditional printing we got to try out. what is this? well, you carve into a plastic sheet with a needle-thingy (the thing on the first image) when you're done carving on your plastic sheet; take a roller and paint on top of the sheet, wipe away the excess paint but be careful not to wipe away the paint in the cracks of the carving. dab some water on a blank sheet of paper, put the paper sheet on top of the plastic sheet, and use something that really flattens them together (i used some sort of machine we had in class, but you can just put something really heavy on top of your paper+carving)
feel free to experiment with more colours, the sheet is easy to clean my washing it by hand with water and soap. :)
Off topic; I decided to make this my March contribution, because I don't think I will have time to do a whole new drawing before this month is over, plus I'm actually kind of happy with how this assignment turned out.
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arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
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my linoleum print
so our latest assignment in art class has been printing traditionally, this is my linoleum print which i've created using a linoleum sheet that I have carved into. it was kind of tricky because you have to be really careful to where you carve, or else you might carve out places that weren't meant to be carved, and there's no turning back - oh and also, i accidentally stabbed my thumb when carving violently, so be careful if you're going to try this at home
easy hao2steps:
1. carve whatever pattern/picture you want - keep in mind that if you want to carve out a name or word; mirror it, because the print will be a mirrored version of your carving
2. roll on paint onto your carving
3. put a blank paper on top of your carving, use anything heavy on top of it, push the heavy thing down on top of the paper+carving for about 20-30 seconds
4. the first try will always be a failure, try again to get better results
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arbetsuppgifter · 11 years
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I’m still just on the animatic stage, but it’s getting somewhere, I think.
Anyways, I liked drawing this face and so I wanted to show it to you guys. 8)
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arbetsuppgifter · 12 years
The drawing took me about 6-7 hours to finish. Although I did watch The Walking Dead inbetween working with this piece and then I had to stop to eat food, and procrastinate, etc. But it did approximately take me 6-7 hours. It was sketched in Paint tool SAI and the rest was done in Photoshop CS5.
I still have a lot to learn about this god damn confusing program.. Teach me, pls? T_T
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We Can Do It!
I did it! I managed to complete this drawing! :D
I really had no motivation to continue on this piece yesterday night when I was sketching on it. The colours kept mixing into this huge lump of messyness and I just felt like giving up. Thankfully I had Oishi telling me to finish it and that it didn’t actually look all that bad.
Today I gave up on trying to be someone I’m not when colouring (I had earlier been trying out different colouring techniques but nothing seemed to work for me) and at last I just did it on my own way, which felt a lot more comfortable for me and it was going very smoothly too - and soon I had something that I could look upon and feel the pride of “yes, this is my doing, and I like it.”
Okay anyways, here’s a “quick” description of what this is supposed to be:
In the beginning of 2013, Denise gave me the great idea of making at least one drawing (or more) each month in order to not procrastinate from drawing - aka keeping my drawing skills active.
February is a very short month and so I felt very stressed to think of something to draw. Valentines day passed before I even remembered that I still had not drawn something for February. That’s when it hit me, February might be the shortest month of the year, but it is still a very important month. It’s Black History Month! It’s nothing that we celebrate here in Sweden, but I think it is still important to remember the ones that are often excluded from History books, etc. Unfortunately, even if PoC are remembered, it is rarely ever any women, so I felt like drawing something that would include a WoC. I used the “We Can Do It” propaganda poster as my reference and then I simply just race-bent the whole thing. And before anyone of you ask; no I am not an African American woman, but I am a WoC, and to me, solidarity is very important, so I guess this is my way to show that I stand with you in the fight against inequality. :)
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arbetsuppgifter · 12 years
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I'm actually trying, so I deserve a gold star, ok.
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arbetsuppgifter · 12 years
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I tried to draw but it didn't work out so I gave up. Here, have my sketch. ;_;
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arbetsuppgifter · 12 years
quick animation for how their mouths should move when speaking :)
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arbetsuppgifter · 12 years
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I think I made Martin's head too small or Arthur's head too big..
Oh well, it doesn't matter, I just needed to make a character design sheet for my own benefit; because I tend to change my character's looks throughout the projects they're in and it always ends up looking like a whole different character in the end from what it was in the beginning, so now I have this thing to always look back at as a "reference" kind of thing when drawing them. Heheeheeeh. :B
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arbetsuppgifter · 12 years
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character design, work in progress
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arbetsuppgifter · 12 years
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Gwen, aka Mia.
Excluding from doodles, I have not been drawing a lot lately. Denise came up with a really good idea that hopefully will keep us from procrastinating when it comes to drawing. The plan is for us to make at least one drawing each month, this way - we'll have 12 drawings (if not more) by the end of the year.
I might finally feel like I'm being creatively productive! :)
Since Denise came up with this glorious idea, I wanted my first drawing to be a drawing to her as a thank you. It's Denise's OC Gwen (codename: Mia). I just like this OC of hers a lot, she seems so tiny and cute yet independent and all in all.. a badass. +___+
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arbetsuppgifter · 12 years
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I drew some well-known aliens today at school for a "small" group project. :)
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