archer-artillery · 5 years
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I've really gotten into hanfu lately, so I wanna try drawing some of my favorites in hanfu! Here's Marceline, The Vampire Queen ∩( ・ω・)∩ also, a cleaner layout to show the design bc most of it is obscured by the pipa
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archer-artillery · 6 years
Okay But What If:
We/someone made some sort of algorithm or program that scans instagram to find stolen art, like reverse google image search but specifically for instagram (aka art thief hub) ((and probably pinterest?))?
Because whenever I use the reverse image search, instagram doesn't really show up (probably because its more of an app than a site but yeah)
That would be cool
And you bet your ass I'm totally thinking of this to support my favs who always get their art stolen, and also because someone reposted my stuff and got 3000+ likes (my og post is 30-60) ((small thing but I'm SALTY)) (((currently asking for credit)))
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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This was as much work as I could do :’) but talk about something to make my dam day I haven’t done digital art in so fucking long this was refreshing
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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💐🔦"hey edd, you ever have any weird dreams?“🔦💐 Hm this was fun. Really thinly disguised vent art lol I’ve had dreams similar to this actually, so that’s my inspiration. I’ve never been caught though. I put who caught him in the tags. I didn’t make it very clear in the drawing because the very last panel was giving me too many issues. I’m. Awful.
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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LOOK WHO FINALLY FINISHED CYBORG HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (C for Context) - level 39 - a Beta tester who used the the full dive VR aspect of SAO to experience a life without cybernetic prosthetics - just wanted to make some normal friends - (C: when the game was officially released and players realized they were trapped, the developer forced their avatars to change back into their IRL appearances) wasn't too happy when that happened, spent the first few floors looking for disguises and mask - refused to go anywhere without a helmet for a while - uses a battle hammer called the White Sonic +18 - his hammer was a Last Attack bonus from a blacksmith-themed sub-boss - considered a tank, mostly because of the heavy armor - once got into a fight with Kibaou (C: an asshole), now constantly gets into fights or near fights with the Aincrad Liberation Squad (C: guild lead by previously referenced asshole) - often visits and helps out at the orphanage in the Town of Beginnings (C: level 1), might have developed a tiny crush on Sasha, who runs the place - eventually opens up a restaurant on the fourth floor, becomes quite popular - has a special vegetarian meal for Beast Boy Attacks and Skills (you can probably find out more about each attack or skill on the SAO Wiki page) - mainly uses Whirlwind - his skills are just practical ones such as Extended Weight Limit, Metal Armor Repairing, Heavy Metal Armor, and Cooking (had Musical Instrument for a while, but replaced it for Cooking)
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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Meet Micah! Come and have a nice sip of mocha with him~ (。・ω・)ノ゙ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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archer-artillery · 6 years
Wow crossover for two totally unrelated things why would you ever
It’s Madoka Magica and Ed Edd n Eddy
Mm yes I make this in the dead of night in the hopes no one will notice (I say that as if people notice my posts anyways lol). So let’s get started!
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Some general things to begin with:
- This takes place in the same time frame as season 3 (preferably around that episode where Eddy pretends his brother is visiting to gain favor with the other kids. I don’t remember what season that’s in tho, so I might be a lil more than off!)
- All of the boys are approached by Kyubey at the same time. Perhaps during a scam when things are going slow or they are setting up.
- The only one who’s perhaps just a little suspicious of being offered free wishes by a talking cat is Edd. Ed and Eddy, on the other hand, are just about ready to waste their wishes on temporary, terribly worded things the minute they’re told it can be anything.
And now for characters!
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- His contract wish is to be loved as much as Sarah by his mother, spurred on by getting grounded for some reason or another.
- His weapon is a giant hammer filled with jawbreakers that can act as bombs. It looks sort of like a gumball machine.
- His soul gem is green in color and is represented by a star symbol. It’d be located on the back of his right hand.
- His wish based ability would cause enemies to be weaker in their attacks due to his presence.
- I have a good feeling he’d really love Kyubey (I mean he’s a cute alien). Though, I don’t think Kyubey would quite appreciate being squeezed as tightly as Ed does when he hugs the small creature. Also, I was thinking of Ed calling Kyubey “Cubes” instead, kind of like Tart from the manga series.
- His witch’s name is Boris. He’s named after Boris Karloff from the 1931 movie adaptation of Frankenstein’s monster.
- The cockatrice witch with a scorned nature, he believes he was never truly loved in his human life. He traps people in his barrier in the hopes that they, too, will understand the feeling of being forgotten. One can expect to defeat him by simply bringing a chicken to him.
- His barrier resembles a comic book (screentones, primary color palettes, etc)
- His familiar’s name is Angelica. She is small and doll-like, bearing slight resemblance to Sarah.
- If in Magia Record, his attribute would be Light and he’d be an Attack type.
- Doppel Description: The doppel of scorn. Its form is a cockatrice. Its form symbolizes the comics and movies its master uses so desperately as a form of escapism. Its master is hardly aware of the emotion it conveys, tending to be so steeped in delusion that he cannot discern such negativity. He can easily be tricked into relying on the doppel’s power for much too long, however, and can suddenly be overtaken with rage. The doppel also tends to want to devour its enemies for sustenance.
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- His binding wish is to have charisma over adults. Easy, easy A’s…
- His weapon is a staff with a lantern. It unintentionally became his motif in this AU lmao I just chose it because he’s tried to “enlighten” the Cul-de-Sac in a few episodes.
- His soul gem is a deep red and takes shape as a circle or oval. He wears a scarf, it’s right on that.
- His wish based ability would be invisibility.
- He interrogates, interrogates, interrogates Kyubey totally and absolutely thoroughly before even considering a wish. He’s the only one of the three to know they are fated to become witches eventually. I feel like the only reason he might become a magical girl is because Ed and Eddy would jump on it without even knowing all the terms and conditions, and Edd doesn’t want to end up alone or be left out (peer pressure is such a powerful force). Kyubey probably enjoys being in Edd’s company most, but I can’t say if Edd would be very found of him since Kyubey not disclosing all the details of their wish contracts is something he’d deem dishonorable.
- His witch’s name is Skinner. Named after B.F. Skinner, a behavioral psychologist with his works revolving around how rewards and punishments can lead to wanted actions.
- The witch of lanterns with a fastidious nature. He yearns for people to tell him he’s doing is a job well done. He keeps humans who wander into his barrier very precisely organized by the faults in their hearts. Defeating this witch can be as easy as giving him a blue medal.
- His barrier is a rotting, dilapidated home. The wallpaper is curling, there’s mold all along the floors, and sticky notes coating the walls. The witch’s caution tape lines the walls in the hopes people will ignore the mess.
- I don’t have a name for his familiars, but they’re actually the sticky notes on the wall (and they’re meant to be similar to the shikigami of Spirited Away). Their duty is to bog down those lost in the barrier until they can no longer move so the witch may save them and gain their gratitude.
- If in Magia Record, his attribute would be Flame and he’d be a Magia type.
- Doppel: The doppel of fastidiousness. Its form is a lantern. This emotion controls its master much like a puppeteer, making it hard for him to deny the presence it has in his life. This doppel wishes to cleanse what it believes to be filthy with flames in a last ditch effort for total cleanliness. If not careful, the doppel will deem its own master as a contaminant and will burn him, too. It has a very one tracked mind, and once set on a task will complete it regardless of the obstacles in a way to garner people’s approval.
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- His wish is to have the same type of respect as his brother did in his time in the Cul-de-Sac.
- His weapon is a harpoon gun with a hand for a spear. The hand itself can morph into whatever shape he wants and it can then have different abilities (grabbing things, holding enemies in place, etc). He can also use it as a spear itself and ditch the gun entirely if he wanted to.
- His soul gem is a rich golden color with crown symbols. His general motif is also supposed to be royal-ish, so I think it’s fitting. It might be on a belt or something
- His wish allows for an ability to redirect attacks, either to himself or towards others.
- I feel like he’d only be worried about wishes and the like very late at night. Or he makes his wish the instant Kyubey offers because he knows what he wants (which is, I’d think, very pleasing to the lil alien). I think the only reason Kyubey may not want to be around him often is because he’s loud and abrasive.
- His witch’s name is Midas, after the king from Greek mythology.
- The rocking horse witch with a hiding nature. Not realizing what his wish would hold, he tries desperately to hide away from the consequences. Humans tend to not get the chance to get nearby, or are eaten before they have the chance to leave. Defeating this witch can be done if you can show him he will be remembered as a good, misguided kid.
- His barrier is an extravagant mansion, with multiple misleading rooms and hallways as a way to keep others from finding him.
- No names for familiars yet, but he has three: one looks like Ed (his duty is to misguide), one looks like Edd (his duty is mislead) and the last looks like his Bro (his duty is to be a role model).
- If in Magia Record, his attribute would be Dark and he’d be a Balanced type.
- Doppel: The doppel of hiding. Its form is a rocking horse. The master of this emotion easily and deeply connects with it. The doppel, however, is not particular about what it wants to hide from and wishes to hide from everything the world has to offer, in fear that it will taint what it considers good things with its very presence. If allowed to take over, the doppel will cause its master to turn away from people who only wish to be there for him.
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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Oh boy a bad picture of my favorite Ed boy without a hat My pal @2dont and I headcanon him as having trichotillomania so he has bald spots from pulling his hair out.
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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Oh here’s a small portion of a panel of a gigantic Pocket Mortys scroll I’ve been working on since last autumn (there’s 300+ of them on here, I believe I stopped at around Season 3 Morty and ran out of space/couldn’t keep up with it afterwards). I used to be able to name all of them lmao
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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Ỵ̨̢̩̳̗̬̙̀̀́ò̢͏̣̫͍̹̦̦̪ͅų̵̷̷̡͓̱̮r̳̠͖̺̞̗̜̯̪͍̻͎̩͖̕͜͡͠ ̢̬͕̮͕̜̙̘̗͔̦̗̖͎̞́͟͝ͅͅẃ͎̯̥̭̭͖̫͕͎̞͙̺͈̣ͅi̧̛̛̻̱̪͙̬͖̜͕͝s̞̟͉͚̟̗̀͢h̶̛͡͠͏̻̹̯̰̲͉̮̳̪̻̪̪͕͎̮͎ ͍͇͖͖͚̜̻̣͇͓͎̜̯́͝h̵͜͞҉̺̳̰̙̱͎͎̭͎̠͓̜͔͖̀ͅa̦͚̠̼̹̖̜̳͎̟̫̱̗͚͎̹̲̗͢͡s̴̡̪̦̦̗͔̱̲̫̤̀́͟ ͚̦͖̭̱̜̬́͝͝s̸̛̯̟̙̩̥͈͇͚̟̺͚̩̥͖̱͓͎͠͡u̠̲̝͙̖͔͈̣͓͖̖͎̦̲͉͘ͅͅr̵̶̢̨̘̭͓̱̘͈͕̻͙̥͖̖͘ṕ̷̡̰͙̺̜͚̮̙̣͕̝̼̪͍̠̗̱̫͘ạ͖̱̼̳̮̭̪͔͍̲̱̖͎̫́͘͟ͅṣ̶̸̨̜͙͇̭̹͚̻͚̯̮̀s̷̸̡̧̱͈͓̹͇̲̻̼̗̮̪̕ͅé͈̖͙̘̯̖̜̭̱̗̤̱̦̕͠ḏ̶̨̨̧̣̗̠̠͕̖̦̫̻̲̮̳̮̤̞̤͡ ̷̨̺̙̗͓̟̜̖̦̘̱̩ͅe̬̯̬͚̳͈̳͈̭̙̠͘͡n̶̫͚͈͉̘̲͔̱̠̞̗͍͍̥͎͟ͅţ̵̠̤̼̪͔͙͎̤̱̦̝̤̻̻̻̤̠͞͞ṛ̴̷̙̘͇̫̰̜͔̪̟̤̩̫̕ǫ̶̞̯̫͚̺̥̬̟̻͈͇̥̮͙͢͢ṕ̵̴̦̱̜̰͉̩͖̞̩̜̫̠̫͎̭̗̦y̷̛̮̫̘͘͜͠
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archer-artillery · 6 years
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oOOF APPARENTLY I FORGOT TO POST THIS BUT I FINISHED ROBIN AS WELL (C for context): - Level 57 - His father Bruce Wayne found some fishy stuff to do with Akihiko Kayaba (C: creator of SAO), invested in the game and sent Dick in to see what's up - Bruce didn't prepare for Dick to get trapped inside (a backup file failed), only sent him in to see what the gameplay was like - Dick is quite good at adapting to new environments and can discover things quickly, so he picked up the game mechanics pretty quick - Not a beta-tester, but people seem to think he is - When their game avatars turned into their real life selves, people flocked to him, knowing Bruce Wayne was a major investor, expecting him to fix the problem - AKA why he wears a mask - It was difficult to find a good mask in the first few floors, so he had a bunch of ridiculous ones at first (circus, flamingo, polka dot, skull, cow, etc) - uses a one-handed sword called a Nightwing 21+ - Currently investigating faults in the Anti-Criminal Code System (C: safety and protection that literally prevents a player from attacking/killing someone in a safe area or harrassing another player and such), people have been dying left and right inside safe zones from inexplicable reasons, has so far tied this to an orange player (C: committed an infraction) called Deathstroke - Kinda like an investigator in the game, has taken it upon himself to check out loopholes and other fishy things - Good associate of Argo the Rat (C: information dealer, sells info for $$$)
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archer-artillery · 7 years
Character Question of the Day: What is the worst fight your character has ever been in with someone they love? How was it resolved? Are they still secretly angry about it?
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archer-artillery · 7 years
Character Question of the Day: How much does your character care about other people’s opinion of them?
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archer-artillery · 7 years
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Starfire for Teen Titans Sword Art Online AU!! (C for Context) - level 52 - Starfire is a complete newbie to MMORPGs, has only ever played Love Live phone game - plays SAO with her little brother "Wildfire" but they get separated in the chaos after the Game Master's announcement - has some martial arts training outside of the game, so she was able to keep up fairly well with tech help from the others - uses two curved swords called Tamaranian Bolts 15+ (C: in SAO, the main character Kirito has a unique skill called Dual Weilding in which he can use sword skills unique to him and his weapons alone; however, it is possible to wield two swords simultaneously in the game without this skill. This basically just means that she can activate the regular sword skills as separate swords, but not as two swords working together.) ((I'll elaborate in a later post)) - (C: sword skills are like ""official"" attacks (more official than just hitting it) assisted by the game's system and are activated with certain pre-motions (raising the sword, pulling back the rapier, etc) - spends a majority of her time on the front-line, trying to plow through the floors to find her brother - loves the side quests, but easily distracted and ends up doing extra - (C: starting on the 3rd floor up to the 9th is a super long quest about an Elf War) she forced the other Titans to complete the entire Elf War Campaign (it's her favorite) - spends time looking at the scenery, takes a lot of pictures to distract herself from the fact they're trapped in a death game (C: there's an item, a crystal, that basically takes a picture and saves it for you) - Robin once asked why her armor was so skimpy. She replied that the game was created by a man; what else could he expect. Attacks and Skills (you can probably find out more about each attack or skill on the SAO Wiki page) - mainly uses Reaver, the basic one, but prefers Treble Scythe - her skills include Fighting Spirit, Tools Appraisal, Sprint, and Purchase Negotiation (never know when you need to haggle) (feel free to add more!)
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archer-artillery · 7 years
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Wow, finished another one! Introducing Raven as an SAO player (^_−)☆ (C for context) - Level 49 - Raven recieved the game as a gift from her mother to try and get her to be more social/normal - (C: the game has no proper player types; everyone is a close-ranged damage dealer, tanks are just damage dealers with shields and heavier armor, and there are no healers or defensive players) Raven acts as a sort of "healer" in the game by racking up on healing potions and such; she wanders around fighting areas to help whenever someone's HP hits the red zone and tags along in boss raids to heal the players as they switch off - her inventory is literally filled with just potions, the clothing you see is her only set of clothing - (C: in the game, clothing, weapons, and items have a durability thing where they can only last so long) since this is the only set of clothing she has (and she got it from the First Floor Town of Beginnings so it's low level), the durability is pretty low - (C: certain items can have special properties, like a ring may have a +1 to your weapon's durability or something) her cloak is a rare drop item that has a hiding ability to boost her stealth - the broach on her cloak adds +1 to durability - also has a bunch of teleportation crystals (C: supposed to transport you directly to safe spot when in danger) - her weapon is a rapier called the Azarath Pierce 12+ - since she mainly plays a more defensive role in battles by staying behind to heal, her weapon is only used in emergencies and therefore a lower level than her teammates - has the quick change skill because she doesn't like carrying her rapier around everywhere (C: the quick change skill allows the player to switch out one equipped weapon for another with a button, instead of scrolling through all the drop menus and lists to change the weapon) Attacks and Skills (you can probably find out more about each attack or skill on the SAO Wiki page) - mainly uses Streak, but prefers Crucifixion - aside from the quick change skill, she also has meditation, reveal, hiding, and drug mixing (feel free to add more!)
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archer-artillery · 7 years
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It’s been two whole years since I came up with this… (^_^;) I’m at a whole ‘nother level of procrastination here y'all.
Through loosing all of my digital art pieces to my dinosaur computer and through school, I’ve finally managed to finish one part of this Teen Titans Sword Art Online AU!!! (some headcanons comin up soon)
(C for Context)
- Level 32
- he’s a sick kid in the hospital who recieves the NerveGear (C: game platform) as a present from his parents to try and cheer him up (why I tried to make his skin a little greenish)
- he’s a huge gaming nerd, but even though hes a beta tester he only ever made it to like the fifth floor
- (C: If anyone read SAO Progressive, there’s this side quest on the second floor in which an old man paints whiskers on your face and they wont come off until you break a boulder with your bare hands, where you’ll be rewarded with a martial arts skill)
- BB tries the quest but isn’t strong enough to beat it, so the whiskers are still there
- after finding out he was trapped in the game, he spent all his time killing boars in the fields outside the Town of Beginnings to slowly level up
- he then spent all the col (C: currency) he earned on getting a new hair style
- uses a giant four-sided one-hand axe I call a Taurushide Axe +13 (C: weapons level up with points to certain aspects, like bring a sword to a blacksmith and add +1 to durability; all the points add to the weapon level)
- (C: all floors have a theme) The second floor is his favorite because it’s themed around cows
- begs the others to play the full quest stories and play all the other side quests
- his tail isn’t real, it’s an accessory; can be emotive for comical effect
Attacks and Skills (you can probably find out more about each attack or skill on the SAO Wiki)
- mostly uses Whirlwind, a common attack for a double-handed axe
- his skills include sprint, swim, and straining
(Feel free to add more!)
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