ariessmaee · 3 months
yo sorry i low-key vanished. i’ve been working on a drawing. here’s the WIP
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ariessmaee · 3 months
Chapter 2: More Than a Pretty Face
Here is chapter 2 everyone! Sorry for the delay, life got in the way haha. I tried blue text for Vox and pink text for the reader. Let me know what you think! My thought process was that it makes it easier to see who’s talking (i sometimes get confused) so please let me know if you prefer no colour, or this!
“Deal making”
Vox took a swig from what you assumed to be a glass of whisky due to the clinging aroma around him. You were never a fan of the smell.
“Deal making?” You mimicked
He glanced at you with a look of clarification. Although, the way his eyebrow twitched upward had hinted he thought your repeat of words was stupid.
“What kind of deal?” you asked to fill in the silence.
“Long story short a large amount of my money got stolen from me. I heard you can get that money back for me, with a bonus.”
“What kind of bonus we talking about here?” you queried.
“Well, what is your job?” he asked, head tilting to the side as he swirled his drink.
“Stripping?” You tried to be smart, not giving him the answer he wanted.
“Don’t you play dumb with me”
That backfired.
“Killing people?”
You looked at him curiously, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah... Anyway, you’re an overlord right? Why don’t you just go take the money back and kill the guy yourself?”
Just as you finished asking, he slid a photo of someone across the glass table to you, completely ignoring the question you just previously asked. You gave him a quick glance and picked the photo up examining it.
“You know him?”
Unfortunately, you thought. You were ashamed to admit it actually. Associating yourself with Kylo reminds you of a time you were naive and stupid. You’d do anything for anyone and were like some lost animal. So, with the mention of his name came bad memories with it, like the taste of poison on the tongue.
You nodded eventually, not moving your eyes from the laminated photo in front of you, the memories continuously creeping through the cracks of your mind.
“He was the one who robbed you of your money?” you finally spoke, with a hint of humour lacing your words. You now tore your eyes away and looked at Vox dead in the eyes.
This time it was Vox’s turn to nod at you.
A slight chuckle escaped from your lips without you wanting it to, and you quickly regretted it. “What’s so funny?” he spat, clearly having no patience for your humorous attitude.
No turning back now, might as well say what was on your mind.
“Oh it just makes me laugh how this scrawny little bastard did THIS to you” You spoke through laughs, pointing towards him.
You couldn’t stop. As soon as that first chuckle left your mouth it was as if someone had pressed a laughing button and wouldn’t let go.
You couldn’t believe it. You worked with Kylo a few times in your past down in hell but from what you had gathered he was just your everyday boring individual. He wasn’t powerful or strong, smart or calculated. You only associated yourself with him for business reasons. Your first months of being in Hell, Kylo was the man you worked for.
You were like the second hand woman, if you like. From what you remembered, he was some average demon trying to make a living down here like the rest of us. You never once saw him actually do shit for himself. It was always his workers who handled the uprising issues in the partnership.
You worked for him whilst he was at the bottom of the food chain. You wondered where he was now, considering he was stealing from overlords.
Working with Kylo, you eventually got tired of his attitude and the way he treated you, so you left, burying that side of your life away and building yourself up to the position you were at now.
It was amusing that you had gone in a circle, now possibly associating yourself with the demon again (begrudgingly).
Vox’s patience was thinning, his stare piercing through you, along with his jaw clenching. His fists hit the table and next thing you saw was his finger in your face.
“Don’t you dare test my patience, girl. I’m here to get a job done by you, that’s all, not whatever the fuck you think this is. Got it?”
You sank in your seat as you gripped the leather of the sofa. You composed yourself, ready to talk once more.
“Okay so to clarify, I’m killing the guy, right?”
“That’s what you do, right?” The right was said high pitched, mocking ur voice.
“Then you have your answer”
“And to get your money back?”
“Wow look at you, I might just have to give you a gold star for listening skills”
You glared at him through squinted eyes. You’d like to say you deserved it because of your attitude towards him, but you pinned it down to him behind a fucking arsehole.
“And how much will I be getting paid?”
Vox pulled out a cheque from his pocket, holding it up to you.
“Oh my...”
I really hope you enjoyed this :) Feedback is always welcome!
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ariessmaee · 4 months
More than a pretty face: Vox x Reader
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ariessmaee · 4 months
More than a pretty face.
Thank you for all the votes on my first post! Here is chapter one! Hope you enjoy :)
P.S: Vox has a human face in this fanfiction!
Chapter 1
The music bellowed through the building, echoing off the walls and ringing through your ears. Day after day, the same tempo, the same bass and the same boring old faces. Although you complained, you enjoyed this job in a weird way, the attention, the feeling, the adrenaline. It was strangely pleasant. Walking around picking up glasses, occasionally dancing on the stage, it really made you feel somewhat alive again.
This job has it’s pros and cons. You had been in this profession since you practically landed down in hell. It had been 5 years working as a regular stripper before a new opportunity arose for you. There was no way you was going to deny. You physically couldn’t bring yourself to do it. The pay Valentino had offered to feature you in his private clubs was a shock to your system, a feeling of pure euphoria until the truth of his business hit you. You was in too deep now, addicted to the money, the popularity.
You wiped the beer stained table clean and carefully balanced the empty beer glasses on your round tin tray. You sighed, throwing your cloth over your shoulder, partly covering the front of your body, earning a few growls of dissatisfaction as you walked past the loathsome sinners. You rolled your eyes, scanning your area and locking eyes with an all so familiar face.
When the years rolled by with you two, and Vals trust in you increased, another offer was proposed. One you should have thought deeply about, but you needed that excitement pulsing through your veins once more. Killing people Val assigned you to kill was not something you thought you would be doing at the age of 23, and you enjoyed every bit of it. 9 year old you thought you would be working in the police force, but here you are, working for a company that does nothing but ignore the law. In hell...
How ironic.
Your new job had all stemmed from an afternoon where Valentino had proposed and idea for you to do some of his dirty work. He had called you to his chambers, Vox present in the room. You had figured that more often than not, these ideas arose whenever he was drunk or because you owed him a favour of some sort. It was all a game of a favour for a favour to you both.
It wasn’t like you had been thrown into the deep end with your side job, no no. You had started with smaller, easier jobs to sort of warm up before Val had decided to get you in on the big clients that paid big money. The memories of your very first client caused a lighthearted chuckle to escape your lips.
“Y/N baby, so glad to see you” he purred, accent thick.
“I swear to god if this is about that one customer last night i’m going to flip my shit” you weren’t scared to speak your mind to him no more.
“No, actually. I have an idea” He chuckled, pouring you a well deserved drink, handing it to you. You wasted no time in necking it.
“Me and you both know it’s bad when you of all people get an idea” you replied smoothly, the words rolling out from your lips.
“Here, have another drink” he commanded more than suggested. Vodka. Straight vodka. After the day you had, you needed it. That’s exactly what you did, shot it and tossed the glass to the side. You wasn’t in the mood.
“Get it over with”
“I’ve actually had this idea for quite some time now, darling” he replied, swirling his drink around in his glass, filling another in his extra arms for you.
“Well then, get on with it” you grabbed the glass, repeating the motion.
“You remember that favour I did for you, right?”
You paused for a moment. This wasn’t good.
“I do”
“Well, I recall you told me you’d do anything I want as a thanks” You gulped, a sudden nervousness creeping up your spine. “Well, I know what I want you to do”
Part of you somewhat regretted saying those words to him, for now you were roped too deep into this, forever indebted to him. That fucking piece of paper he flaunted to you every chance he could. But the other part of you craved for the adrenaline you got from every kill. The adrenaline you wanted. It really was addictive, and you couldn’t stop, just like old habits from when you was alive.
You eventually made your way over to Val, strutting confidently over to the booth he was seated at, placing the cloth and tray on a different table. He always tended to sit in these seats considering how private they were. They were positioned in the corner of the establishment and were well hidden in the shadows with the black leather seats. Once you got closer to the table you noticed Valentino wasn’t seated alone. Next to him sat Vox, a close friend of Vals. You wondered why he was here.
You never really met Vox up until now, he was always the background character in your life. Yeah sometimes he was in the room when you and Val were discussing business but you always drowned out his presence quite easily. You didn’t really want to involve yourself with someone like him, you had heard he was worse than Val.
He wore a deep blue shirt followed by a black waistcoat. His hair was combed back, blue highlights running through his dark black locks like electrical currents. His eyes were a striking red followed by neon cyan pupils. You had noticed the scar slashed down one of his eyes also. It was an odd combination of colours but nonetheless he was an attractive demon from the look of it, no matter how much you hated to admit it.
You walked up to the table to which Val patted the seat beside him. You took the hint and shuffled your way across the leather seat, sitting in the exact spot Val had patted which so happened to be directly next to him. You pulled up your rabbit suit you were wearing and allowed it to hug tighter to your body. The movement hadn’t gone unnoticed, for you saw both mens eyes glance down to your chest.
Placing your hands on the table, you looked over at Val, leaning on his side slightly.
“I’m guessing I was called over here for a reason Val” You spoke, words like silk. You were always his favourite. You could get away with anything, he treated you like shit yes, but he’d burn hell down for you.
“Indeed you was”
“Well then, this story isn’t going to tell itself, what is it you want this time?” It had been six months from your last mission assigned by Val. One of his strippers had gotten them self a new contract, overriding Vals. I was to kill both of them. You thought maybe you was free from the shackles that bound you to him with these favours, you guessed not now. There was nothing you could do about it.
“Actually bunny its not what he wants, it’s what I want”
Vox spoke in a voice that took you by surprise. It was rough yet enticing. It had been the first time you had heard him speak, and you allowed it to wrap itself around your mind, impacting you more than you would have liked. Although his voice was young, the tone held age. It was a voice that could tell a thousand stories with his experiences down here. You imagined the impact of how long he was actually in hell and what he had done that changed him. How it had given him a harsher voice to compensate for his unnerving and threatening personality.
Those words were enough to crush your excitement and rebuild it into curiosity. You had guessed Vox was here to accompany Val, not because he actually needed you. How odd...
“I don’t remember being indebted to you? Who says i’ll help you?”
His eyes pierced in yours, and Val gripped your thigh hard, cutting into the skin.
“Now now, you may not be indebted to him, but you are to me. Whatever I say, you shall listen. Understood?”
Your eye twitched, not daring to look at him.
“Yes, Valentino.”
Vals attention turned from you over to Vox, and so did yours. What could he possibly want from you?
You leant off Val as your interest further shifted from Val to Vox in a matter of seconds.
“Vox has gotten himself into a little issue~” Val spoke in a teasing tone, clearly in a way to dig at his close friend.
“What kind of issue are we talking about?”
“Deal making”
Welcome to chapter 1! I really hope you enjoyed this. I’m pretty proud of this book and can’t wait to share it with everyone! It’s taken a lot to get the confidence to post this, but here we are :)
Feedback is always welcome! Wether it’s pros or cons, criticism is very much appreciated!
Until next time Sinners.
Chapter 2 ⬇️
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ariessmaee · 4 months
Hey everybody! This is my first ever post on this platform!
I’m going to dive straight into the question, I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in a Vox x Reader fanfiction i’ve been working on since 2022. It’s not finished, but after some feedback from friends and family, I think i’m ready for an audience to read my work :)
The fanfiction takes place before the hotel. It’s an original plot, written by me, that is still in the works but is a massive project of mine that i’m so interested and passionate about completing!
Here attatched is the brief of the fanfiction. Please let me know if it’s something you’d be interested in!
“More than a pretty face”
You was a young demon working in hell to make a living. Being a stripper was your main job, killing Val’s enemy’s was playtime.
After being recruited into Val’s personal club within the V’s tower, he had taken somewhat of a liking to you. Deciding to confront you, you two formed a bond. Through this relationship, he proposed an offer, an offer you couldn’t refuse. Following this action was the birth of your side job, a hit-woman for Valentino. Although you had initially thought this was one favour, you were quickly proven the overlord could not be trusted.
However when it comes to your 6th client, you meet with the infamous Vox, an egotistical demon who cares about nothing but himself, money and power.
As you finally manage to meet said Overlord and decide to involve yourself in his life, what will happen once you start becoming rather fond of one another?
A story about conflicting feelings, drama and confusing emotions, keep reading to find out your journey, and where something as simple as your 6th client changes your life completely.
(P.S~ I do want to warn anyone that this applies to that the story does delve into sensitive topics. I’ll always post a warning if that’s something that makes you uncomfortable)
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ariessmaee · 2 years
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Dreams don’t fucking die. Not if you believe in them. THE SANDMAN: SEASON 1 (2022) [in/sp]
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ariessmaee · 2 years
Matthew after having to deal everyday with his mopey wet cat emo boss 's bullsh*t
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