aroallo-corvid 12 days
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kill your inner romantic!
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aroallo-corvid 12 days
Fuck romance, have you ever listened to a song and connected with it on a spiritual level?
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aroallo-corvid 12 days
we seriously need more romance repulsed aro rep holy shit . im not even aro but im Tired of this feeling that romance is always inherently good and that we need romance in everything
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aroallo-corvid 12 days
Woe, sassy bitchery for no effort be upon ye
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aroallo-corvid 12 days
We ask your questions so you don鈥檛 have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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aroallo-corvid 12 days
I like to think of relationship anarchy as the foundation that shapes my understanding of aromantic theory.
It creates an inherently anti-amatonormative setting in which relationships are reevaluated and reconstructed based on the collective needs of the people involved. It's the reason I will always be against strict definitions of relationship types and the implicit requirements that come with that. The only people who can define a relationship and what that relationship entails and which label to give it are the people involved in said relationship. The only way to do that is through effective communication. The only way to fight amatonormative relationship hierarchies is through doing exactly that: discarding societies norms and instead explicitly defining your relationships based on mutual understanding, communication and respect.
Relationship anarchy gives aspec people the freedom to have any type of relationship they desire instead of being locked out of certain levels of intimacy simply because of some societal norm that dictates what you can and can't do based on which label you apply to a relationship.
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aroallo-corvid 12 days
very cool how this scene destroyed me and changed me forever
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aroallo-corvid 12 days
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aroallo-corvid 12 days
Arospec acceptance leaving peoples' bodies the moment an aro person describes themselves as loveless and/or aplatonic and doesn't actually "make up" for their lack of attraction by platonically loving other people a lot
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aroallo-corvid 13 days
everyone is so mean to aroallos and aros who date allos im sorry yall
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aroallo-corvid 13 days
rant, swearing(?)
i am so goddamn sick and tired of all the new "are aspecs queer" posts and reblog/like baits and stuff. i just saw a fresh one a few minutes ago. its more than annoying at this point, yes, even if you're aspec yourself and make these posts. they literally do nothing but start discourse and make other apsecs miserable by having these posts in the first place and showing them there are people who hate them and dont want them here. they literally do not do anything good or productive for the apsec community. nothing. "oh im just trying to prove a point" we don't need that. we really don't. you don't need to prove shit. its a known fact aspecs are still controversial and kicked out of the queer community, but we do not need constant reminders and debate, WE NEED SUPPORT AND POSITIVITY. NOT DEBATES. PLEASE.
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aroallo-corvid 13 days
Sometimes you have to be the change you want to see.
That's why I'm killing romance with this metal chair!
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aroallo-corvid 13 days
there should be something like the bechdel test but instead of assessing if people can talk about women without mentioning men is if people can talk about characters without mentioning ships because so many people would fail miserably
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aroallo-corvid 13 days
see, and the amatonorms don't want you to realize this, but two people can do something together that one of them feels romantic feelings about and the other doesn't, and as long as they're both enjoying themselves and neither of them is pressuring the other to suppress their feelings, that's like, totally normal and okay and probably even good.
for example, we can cuddle in a way that maybe i feel is completely platonic and maybe you feel is a little romantic, and as long as you're not gonna start suggesting we "take our relationship to the next level" (whatever the fuck that means) and as long as I'm not sitting there telling you "don't catch feelings, we're only ever gonna be friends" (and of course it is fine for me to remind people that I'll probably only ever want to be their friend. the problem is in telling them that they have to feel a certain way about me too, when of course the only things that matter are how they treat me, that they feel good about how they treat me, and that they feel good about how i treat them), if we're both enjoying cuddling (even if we're enjoying it to different degrees or for different reasons) and it makes us both feel valued/cared for by the other, then cuddling is a good thing for us to do in our relationship.
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aroallo-corvid 13 days
Don't know why people think alloaros have an easier time in fandom spaces compared to aroaces.
Firstly, just because we're alloaro doesn't mean we all enjoy sexual media or smut. Secondly, just because some of us do that doesn't mean that smut is made for us. 99% of smut in fandom spaces is deeply alloarophobic with the overall message being "romance is the only thing that can redeem sex and if you have sex without romance you're a bad person" or "romantic sex is more fulfilling than casual sex and if you have casual sex then you're broken and need to be fixed" or some other variation of "sex bad, romance good"
Like, idk where people get the idea that alloaros are accepted in allo spaces but we're very much not.
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aroallo-corvid 13 days
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aroallo-corvid 13 days
not aro as in "make platonic marriage a thing" but aro as in "abolish marriage altogether"
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