arrtypo · 5 years
I’ve always defined platonic attraction, for me personally, to mean ‘feeling a pull towards others that makes me want to be their friend’. About the whole ‘qpr or all platonic relationships’ deal, that’s actually something that’s being discussed and I won’t get into the nuances here. I’ll only speak from ‘platonic conceptualised as friendship’ perspective.
It doesn’t matter what your personality is because aplatonism is a label for anyone who can identify with ‘not feeling that pull’, whatever that might mean for different people. If you feel it helps you understand yourself and how you navigate relationships, it’s there for you to try out.
Being (gray)aplatonic for me is... I can meet someone I get along with, or who I wouldn’t mind seeing again. But I’d rarely make an effort to guarantee a future interaction, to start a relationship. If we see each other again, cool. but if we never, cool. I’ll still appreciate (or forget, depends) the memory of us hanging out.
I have meaningful platonic relationships but I wouldn’t really call them deep or founded on platonic love. I’m not confident in my ability to be committed, intimate, or emotionally open; those things scare me. Couple that with my asocial tendencies and, yeah.
Identifying as aplatonic has actually helped me. I’ve hated myself in the past for not ‘performing’ friendship like everyone else seems to. Being aplatonic has made me accept me for me; helped me understand my boundaries; and the ways I, well, navigate relationships. 
In the context of the aro community, where friendship, squishes and platonic love are often treasured, I can cling to the aplatonic label with a sense of security about my aromanticism.
That’s what it’s like for me. I’m not immune to loneliness, and it’s still a conscious effort to text friends, but I like being aplatonic.
Aplatonic/greyplatonic/etc people: How is platonic attraction defined? Does it just apply to QPRs, or does it apply to all platonic relationships?
I think I might be greyplatonic.
But I’ve always been an extrovert. I love getting attention, I derive happiness from conversation and I enjoy supporting my friends and care about them but I’m really not sure if that’s platonic love, and if I can still be aplatonic spec. But I’ve never really formed deep friendships with anyone (aside from one toxic person) and I’m terrified that if I’m somewhere on the aplatonic spectrum, where does that leave me as a person?
I don’t really want any sort of intimate relationships, even if they aren’t romantic. I haven’t sought that out from anyone, and I never really form close bonds with the people I consider my friends.
Just admitting that my thoughts about the sheer possibility of being greypl is scary, but it might just be the truth. I don’t know.
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arrtypo · 5 years
@raavenb2619 tagging you from that other aplatonic post since it seemed more relevant to talk on this one.
I’ve had time to think, and honestly I’ve considered sharing ‘aplatonic’ as a umbrella label, of sorts. My big concern with that, in associating platonic attraction and qp attraction under the same label, was people assuming that qp attraction was ‘just another form of platonic/friendship-ness’.
But again, that can go both ways—there are those who see a difference, and those who don’t. Queerplatonism is subjective after all and acknowledging this is important.
Another concern of mine was how the idea of ‘lacking qp attraction’ might overshadow ‘lacking platonic attraction’. because, I don’t know, people are more able to imagine the former rather than the latter.
Those are just my thoughts. I suppose in the end it comes down to consensus and awareness, and if it could be an ‘and/or’ situation.
i’ve read a lot of stuff recently about the two different definitions of “aplatonic.” the fact that this word has two definitions - no platonic attraction vs. no queerplatonic attraction - makes any discussion very confusing.
so. perhaps we need to apply what currently seems to be the aro community’s standard solution to most problems: throwing more words at it.
i think we need a word for “not experiencing queerplatonic attraction” which is separate from aplatonic.
i’m not going to come up with a word (the obvious one is aqueerplatonic, but that’s a bit of a mouthful) because i want to hear other people’s opinions. so, do you think a new word would be useful? would a new word actually fix any problems, or just make things more confusing? if we do want a new word, what should it be?
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arrtypo · 5 years
(/post/186015801267) jsyk, aplatonic was coined by an alloromantic and isn't just for aro people
From what I know (which of course is limited) yes, ‘aplatonic’ was coined by an alloromantic , yet I’ve seen posts saying the term became limited for aromantic or at least aspec use.
This post talks briefly about the different uses of aplatonic between communities.
I understand what you mean though. In truth, I don’t really know what to say. I think ‘aplatonic’ became aro-specific because of the large focus on friendship in the aro community. However, there are alloros who seem to use it, though I don’t know any who currently do. because I operate from an aro community perspective.
In any case thanks for the heads up. I’ll edit my previous posts on aplatonism. I’ll still say that it’s a term largely used by aromantics, but that aspec non-aros/alloros can also find it useful. (I say aspec non-aros/alloros because I don’t see why non-aspecs would need the word ‘aplatonic’. In fact, I think that’s what underpinned the mockery ‘aplatonic’ got.)
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arrtypo · 5 years
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I'm full of aro salt today!!!
The text reads "Stop saying 'aspec' when you only mean 'acespec'. Alloaros, non-SAM aros, and aroaces who prioritize their aro identity are often alienated by ace-specific language."
"Let alloaros have a space to talk about their sexuality without being alienated in aspec spaces. You don't have to listen, especially if you are sex repulsed, but don't always make the conversation about aces in general aspec spaces."
"Adding 'and aros' to posts about ace issues is arophobic and we know we were an afterthought anyway. Also adding 'not all aros are ace' to the end of a post but failing to have adequate resources for alloaros available does exactly nothing for the community."
"Stop derailing aro specific posts! That not only furthers the idea that aromanticism = asexuality but it often hurts the development of aro specific communities and people questioning if they are aromantic (and it's arophobic)."
I could easily make a specific post about each of these things, because I see them ALL THE TIME. Aro posts getting derailed into talking about asexuality, people tacking one 'and aros' to a post about ace issues and never mentioning us again, people saying they're aspec friendly and then posting arophobic content, alloaros getting talked over because we're not ace and are upsetting aces as a whole, I could go ON.
The aro community talks about this shit a LOT and I know a lot of popular ace bloggers like to ignore these issues, which is why I'm posting this here. I'm alloaro and sometimes I want to discuss my bisexuality and how it intersects with my aromanticism, but I feel UNSAFE doing that. Because I'm worried it's going to get derailed or I'm going to get sex shaming comments or my identity erased by people who should know better.
Aros are almost always an afterthought in aspec communities, and hardly even recognized by general LGBTQ+ organizations. And you know that poll result screenshot going around showing how few people don't verbally support aspecs? There were people who decided aces were worth including but aros weren't. Look at the numbers on it.
This has gotten kind of long now but I guess my point is that there's a lot of unchecked arophobia in ace communities and there is nothing being said about by aces.
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arrtypo · 5 years
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Complexusexual: pronounced com-plex-us-sexual A sexual attraction term used to describe people’s way of saying “it’s complicated” or “I feel like I can identify with a lot of terms but don’t want to list them all” (something to this extent). There’s a lot of circumstances this can be used for (both neurodivergent and otherwise).
I found the palette online and threw the light-middle-grey color on the flag to represent how figuring out one’s sexual orientation can be really complicated for some.
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arrtypo · 5 years
Delete the word: lonely spinster
I learned a couple of new words today. Singlism: the judgment people can face for beong single and matrimonia: the obsession for marriage and kids in the media.
The obsession with love makes me roll my eyes. I found out I was aro complaining about how love interests seem to be a requirement for YA novels. Its the reason why I read more fanfiction than novels. I grt the emotional feels that I crave there.
Singlism- I've experienced that so much. It can come from people you love and from distanced friends. Just last week I had a family gathering and my cousin was telling me how I needed to get a boyfriend.
Obviously, I don't want one and I'm happy being single. But I suddenly felt the need to tell her that besides the fact that I'm not interested in romance (that's as far as a coming out as I can get right now) that I'm single because I want to be not because I can't get a guy.
There is this crushing judgment for being single. As if there's something wrong with you. It's both ridiculous and harmful. My younger cousin got bullied with by her cousin (not related to me) and the insult used to insult her was that she was a loser because she didn't have a boyfriend.
It erks me. Why does society seem so hellbent on judging a woman's worth by her relationship status?
Also a little off topic but I'm really nervous for Frozen 2. I hope, no I HOPE they won't pair her off. I mean I hear that people want her to get a girlfriend. I think that it would be great representation don't get me wrong but I think the message of its okay for young girls to stand by themselves needs to be delivered. I don't want Disney to reverse Elsa's message from the first movie. (Because they pair people together all the time and I just want an aro win just this once).
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arrtypo · 5 years
Hi!! My name is Blue and my triggers are alcohol and, occasionally, movies. Sometimes people don’t tag these triggers on Tumblr, and that can lead to panic attacks or just me feeling nauseous. So, the obvious solution is to just, ask people to tag them, right? Well,
You overestimate me.
See, I have social anxiety (and I’m also just a coward), so it’s hard for me to ask people stuff like that a lot. But I figured: a lot of other people probably have that problem too. So I’ve decided to make this blog, a safe space of sorts, for people who have triggers. We are volunteering to send asks to blogs, asking them to trigger tag things for you. And don’t worry, I have borrowed my much more ask willing friend to help! (You can call him Leo) Just shoot us an ask, anon or not, with a trigger and a url, and we’ll tell the blog that someone has requested they trigger tag [thing]. We will also be posting positivity, calming gifs, pastels, anxiety help, all that jazz. I know that triggers can be hard to deal with, but you can do this!!
Disclaimer: me and Leo aren’t experts; sometimes the best thing to help with triggers and mental health issues is a therapist <3
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arrtypo · 5 years
Ah yeah I get this.
For me the only reason I use platonic attraction is because... that's the language I was thrust into. I don't take it literally; I use it to mean 'feeling a pull towards someone in wanting to be friends'.
As an aplatonic aro, 'platonic attraction' is the language I use because... that's officially recognised. I don't know any other shorthand that'll quickly get the message across... also to keep consistent with the definitions of other a-attractions.
It's not ideal, but it's the language that's the most conveniently useful for me. I don't want to infringe by using it, and I can reword things away from attraction, but not completely.
every time someone talks about platonic attraction as if it is a universally useful concept i die a little
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arrtypo · 5 years
Can characters be ace/aro and gay? Yes, of course. But it gets tiring when gay headcanons are treated as Superior and as Law over purely aspec headcanons all the god damn time.
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arrtypo · 5 years
whether or not u have romantic feelings for me is neither my responsibility nor my fault
whether or not u have romantic feelings for me is neither my responsibility nor my fault
whether or not u have romantic feelings for me is neither my responsibility nor my fault
whether or not u have romantic feelings for me is neither my responsibility nor my fault
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arrtypo · 5 years
If you've read my previous posts you may know that I was wondering wether or not to keep identifying as greyromantic. I've found a new question to ask myself: "What are my attractions and relationships like right now?" And the answer is that my attractions are sexual (sometimes) and platonic and my relationships work based on those, and make room for my lack of romantic attraction.
Which leads me to the point I want to make in this post: I was considering going by aroallo, but then remembered that I'm aceflux so often my sexual attraction is just gone and my sex repulsion comes back. There is no term in-between aroallo and aroace.
That's why I'm making one up, and the best word I came up with is arogray (snickers at past me choosing this blog url by coincidence).
Definition: arogray - being aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum while also being gray-asexual. Feeling like they fall under aromanticism and in between allo- and asexuality.
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arrtypo · 5 years
The fb queer group I'm a part of promoted a new space for relationship stuffs of any kind!and mentioned queerplatonic relationships!! but somehow in mentioning aces didn't mention aros!!!!
so that's erasure (honestly probably unintentional but still shitty. 'aces' isn't shorthand for aspec, guys)
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arrtypo · 5 years
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arrtypo · 5 years
Most of my life I thought that there was something wrong with me cuz i never had crushes, never wanted to be in a relationship. And then i found out what being ace is, but that still didn't feel right CUS I DID EXPERIENCE SEXUAL ATTRACTION.
And then a while ago i started following a blog whose user was aro and they reblogged a bunch of stuff about aromanticism and squishes and all that. AND I FINALLY GOT IT! THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! I'M JUST ARO! AND THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE JUST LIKE ME!!!!!
It was like finding a piece of a puzzle that I've been missing. I love being aro so much!!!!!!
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arrtypo · 5 years
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arrtypo · 5 years
Do you know any good posts about amanormativity not in the world in general but specifically amanormativity inside LGBTQIA+ spaces?
Not on the top of my head, alas! I do have thoughts about it but it’s a sensitive topic, as queer romance doesn’t have the same status as straight romance, so it’s difficult to talk about. There *are* a lot of posts touching on the asexual community’s very strong amatonormativity, though! 
There’s “arophobia/aromisia in the ace community” for that (on my blog and a lot of others) but it’s pretty specific, and only addresses alloro aces, and doesn’t really discuss the matter with the LGBTQIA+ community at large.
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arrtypo · 5 years
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