arsgoethia · 4 years
Another Ghost study, love that boy <3
See more on my Insta ;)
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arsgoethia · 4 years
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arsgoethia · 4 years
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arsgoethia · 5 years
Hey guys !
Long time no see ^^’
For those who still follow me, I’m working for my art school diploma on the creation of a contemporary horror role-playing game. In the 90s, we play a private investigators convinced of the reality of paranormal events, we fight against esoteric manifestations and suspicious disappearances, specters, monsters and others possessed.
Come see my progress on Instagram !
Hello tous le monde ! Je travaille pour mon diplôme d'illustration sur la création d'un jeu de rôle d'horreur contemporain. Situé dans les années 90, on interprète des enquêteurs privés convaincus de la réalité de phénomènes paranormaux qui luttent contre les manifestations et disparitions suspectes, spectres, monstres et autres possédés. Venez suivre ma progression sur Instagram !
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arsgoethia · 6 years
New on Instagram
So since everybody leave Tumblr, it’s time for me to start posting Instagram. You can find me with the same name: https://www.instagram.com/arsgoethia/ (it will be repost and school work at the beginning because I still don’t have time to make fanarts, but I maybe will have so collab with my friends)
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arsgoethia · 6 years
OMG Guys !!! XD
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I’m dying xDDDD This is ridiculous !
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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Small painting for school 20x20cm Acrylic
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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School exercise, paint the same character in 3 different styles: Antoon Krings, Frédéric Pillot and Remy Tornior.
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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First illustration for school, It’s an ad for children board game. (gouache and colored pencil)
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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what have I done ???
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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My cat love Rick&Morty too
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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arsgoethia · 6 years
Hey :) Je n'ai même pas de Tumblr mais en cherchant des photos de Ghost je suis tombée sur ton post avec la comparaison Cardi C / Geneviève de Fontenay. Tu as illuminé ma journée!
Maintenant imagine qu’un jour les deux se rencontre, ça donnerait un truc du genre: “Ok one of us is gonna have to change” 
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arsgoethia · 6 years
Why did I noticed this ????
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For non-french people Cardi C looks like Geneviève de Fontenay who was the president of Miss France xDDD
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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The Father 
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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Can anyone tell me which one is this ghoul ?
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arsgoethia · 6 years
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Black Metal Rick
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