#how to live a happy life
rosextl-blog · 5 years
How to Live Your Best Life : Start to Value Yourself
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One of the biggest myths to resolve and feed into how to live your best life is that setting ourselves as a number one priority and start to love our self. The basic truth is that the most loving thing we can do for ourselves and for others is to love our self on the priority. Our loved ones gain benefit from us only when we are in a good space and when we have all our positive energies all the time. People benefit from us when we are whole as a positive personality and life opens when we are thriving. Yet, things will fall apart and it is always good and ethical to put the person who lives inside your heart, body, and mind first always.
When priorities shifted and people start giving a little more love to others they will get positive energies. Not only did it feel amazing, but it we first have to love within us before I could give it freely to someone else. We have to focus on creating the fruitful life for us and for others also and our all relationships and let go of the suffocating.
Making yourself a priority enables you to be a better person, not just for yourself, but for the other relationships you are along the way. The choices we make from a more loving space are far more beneficial than the ones we make from a place of guilt, lack and overextending.
Below are some tips to value yourself and these tips tells you how to live your best life.
Besides, everything all starts and ends with you only.
• Don’t settle on anything you are not ready for. • Start appreciating others and make others happy • Foster healthy relationships always, it leads to positive life. • Learn to say no, if you are not willing to do something • Set healthy boundaries for you and your loved ones • Always follow your heart; it leads you to happy and success life.
Everything in our lives starts with us and finish with us so always ripples into our relationships. So it is our duty to only makes sense to give yourself as much love, nurturing and joy that you would look for in others, or that others would seek in you. By living the best life we can inject the happy feeling in others which ripples to go out with love, beauty, and kindness.
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feelgoodlife13 · 2 years
where i can find happiness?
First of all happiness isn't  the job or role to perform, It is a feeling that you get from doing something that  you love in your life. It is a state of mind actually.  It is within us only. we create our own happiness. Different people have different definition for happiness. Depend on the age of a person our needs and happiness will get change.  First of all happiness isn't  the job or role to perform, It is a feeling that you get from doing something that  you love in your life. It is a state of mind actually.  It is within us only. we create our own happiness. Different people have different definition for happiness. Depend on the age of a person our needs and happiness will get change.
Read more: https://feelgoodlife13.blogspot.com/2022/02/where-i-can-find-happiness.html
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quote-homes · 2 years
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misticotraveler · 3 years
Abundance: Patching Up Your Leaks
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income-throne · 3 years
How To Live a Successful Life? ( 9 Key Principles )
How To Live a Successful Life? ( 9 Key Principles )
There is an old saying that “The great secret of success is that there are no secrets to success”. It means that  “Success” is possible for everyone and everywhere on the face of the earth. Success is different for different people. Some people want to be rich, while others want to build a business. Some want to create art, while others want to be famous. Some just to achieve happiness, while…
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sherkathyy · 2 years
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[ID: Art of Jon and Martin kissing. Martin is a pale fat man, and Jon is a thin brown man. They kiss while embracing tightly and blushing, and Jon’s face is screwed up with effort. A light-up arrow pointing to Jon says “On his tiptoes,” and a bubble shows a view of his feet. The background has a polygon shape and hearts floating over them. End ID]   --
ID CREDS 2 @princess-of-purple-prose <3  jonmartin maybe?? a little bit of.. tea eyes?? perhaps jortin?? the dinghy mayhaps??? possibly the only ever??  the blorbos form my show??
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iggy-hands · 2 years
Ik everything in that scene got overshadowed by ~the kiss~ but having it be "you make [me] happy" as a declaration of love, from two men who were both indifferent about their own deaths before meeting each other, is so unreasonably romantic
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travelling-hydaelyn · 3 years
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someone help him
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barrowsteeth · 2 years
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I want to kiss you so bad right now. Okay. You don't have to. I want to. You sure? Yeah.
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demonslayedher · 3 years
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We all need a Kaburamaru in our lives sometimes.
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Logic says that independence is the path to freedom, but is that true or is in fact equal dependency the true provider of freedom? In this piece David Graham argues just that and explains why it is beneficial to aspire for equal dependency rather than independence because only equal dependency can give you true freedom.
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
The thing that people misunderstand about dark ships is that a lot of their interpretation is supposed to be metaphorical and poetic, not literal.
Yes at least one character in the ship may have done horrible things, they may have killed a lot of people, they may be a monster. That's the appeal. The romanticism comes from the fact that even if you were to become your worst possible version and turn away from good, that there would be at least one person, that despite all this, would want to be by your side and would love you unconditionally.
To have someone that would follow you to the ends of the earth and fall over the side with you.
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feelgoodlife13 · 3 years
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To read more click here https://feelgoodlife13.blogspot.com/2021/11/6-simple-tips-to-be-productive-in-life.html
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amateur-madder · 2 years
I saw a post talking about how losing MADD would suck because it's sort of become apart of their identity and that even though it's "maladaptive" it feels like it would genuinely suck to lose it and like I totally agree.
Like personally I wouldn't be bored if I stopped daydreaming (mostly cause I've been using madd to avoid my responsibilities and hobbies) but I would feel like I've lost a part of me. Thinking about not daydreaming feels scary cause like I'd be opening a hole that madd was filling and by getting rid of my daydreams I'd never be able to close it
I'm like honestly frightened about losing my paras. At this point they are a permanent part of me and who I am and to lose them feels like losing me
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garuye · 3 years
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A lil puzzle doodle that is like more than a year and a half old but I never posted it apparently
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roguemonsterfucker · 3 years
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I commissioned the wonderful @literalnobody to bring my boys, Damian (vampire) and Vikram (werewolf), to life and I’m honestly losing my mind over how amazing they look! So cuddly and perfect! 🥰
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