ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
Remillia, what do you do in your freetime besides Mayoring? Anything fun?
Remillia: “Ah, yes. The most important question to ask. Personally, I like talking walks at night, it helps clear my mind from the stress of the day. Also, hanging out with Flan is fun! sometimes.”
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ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
You all are so cute!
Sakuya: “Thank you!”
Remillia: “Thanks for the compliment! It is true, you know.”
Flandre: “Onee-sama’s really happy! So am I!~”
Patchouli: “Thanks.”
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ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
Can you guys fly? Ur wings are so smol
Remilla: “Of COURSE we can fly. Are you doubting me?”
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ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
Wuz happin 🅱️carlet 🅱️evils? Wait why are u guys called the scarlet devil mansion if no one is a red demon
Remillia: “It sounds cool.”
Flandre: “I dunno!”
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ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
Remillia flashed a toothy smile, showing off her vampire fang. “So.... you're not scared of me, huh? Good for you. I wish more people had your viewpoint.”
The vampire laughed a bit before talking again. “I have a little sister who's like me. Wanna meet her, hmm?”
Hornsby: Why do you have bat wings..? Are you cosplaying, schnozzle?
Remillia sighed. If there was anything that bugged her more than the useless Fairy Maids and not getting her favorite red tea, it was being asked if she’s cosplaying.
 “No, I’m not ‘cosplaying.’ I’m literally a vampire. Oh nooo, you’re gonna be afraid of me now, huh? Sigh. Whatever is a poor vampire like me to do…?”
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ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
Flandre: “Onee-sama!❤️ You know what we should do? Let's go and see some dream towns... And cause mass hysteria! Fufufufu!~”
Remillia: “What a WONDERFUL idea, Flan. But, who should watch the Mansion while we're gone? Sakyua? Melling?”
Flandre: “Bring them with us, onee-sama! The more the merrier, right?”
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ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Trying to be active like
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ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
Flandre, do you like 🍮 👀
Flandre nodded her head. “Yeeeeah! I love flan!”
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ask---sdm-blog · 7 years
Flandre: “Hi blog followers!~ Sorry that we haven't been posting recently, onee-sama’s super busy. It would help if she let me help, but NOOOooo, I can't! So, Melling’s playing with me! Sakyua’s off somewhere, maybe making tea for us...? “
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ask---sdm-blog · 8 years
What kind of quirks / routines do you have that you think other towns don't have?
Remillia shrugged. “I dunno. I suppose our quirk is that I’m a VAMPIRE and other people aren't? A vampire mayor is pretty different from the norm, huh?”
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ask---sdm-blog · 8 years
Remillia gracefully sat in her spot at the mansion’s dining table. The vampire was bored, and she knew there was nothing to do about it. Unless…
Maybe drinking tea would be of some entertainment? It was better than simply doing nothing. A few moments later, her maid came running with the tea cart. Remillia gave a smug grin. “Took you a bit, huh, Sakuya…?”
“I apologize, milady…” Sakuya gave a small curtsy. “There were things that needed to be taken care of.”
“Like what…?”
Keep reading
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ask---sdm-blog · 8 years
What is the greatest sacrifice you've made for your town?
Remillia: “Wasting my bells so that we can get new PWPs. These animals seem highly incompetent and can’t even pitch in to help the town. They said they wanted to help, but it turns out they lied? Do I have to do all the work mysellf?!”
Sakuya: “Yes, mistress.”
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ask---sdm-blog · 8 years
What are some of the most satisfying sounds?
Remillia: “The sound of Sakyua pouring me a nice cup of tea. It’s so relaxing…”
Flandre: “Whenever onee-sama compliments me, I feel like I can fly! Oh wait, I already can fly! Fufufufu!”
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ask---sdm-blog · 8 years
Who is the biggest criminal in your family and what did they do?
Flandre muttered. “It’s probably me. They locked me in the basement for 495 years? Why? Because apparently onee-sama and everyone else thought I was a monster and wanted to keep me away from everyone.”
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ask---sdm-blog · 8 years
What is your favorite candy that you think nobody else enjoys?
Remillia grinned. “I like licorice. I doubt anyone else likes it.”
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ask---sdm-blog · 8 years
Do you all think you're scary? :3c
Remilla: “No, not really? I guess it’s the case of how people see us then our actual scare factor.”
Flandre: “But… we ARE scary, onee-sama.”
Sakyua : “Mistresses, please don’t think about this. It’ll only make you sad.”
Patche: “….What? I wasn’t paying attention. Sorry.”
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ask---sdm-blog · 8 years
The bee sting
My face and my head hurt so much. ...Where am I? Do I remember anything? At least I know my name. I'm Sakyua, the head maid.
“She's gonna be okay, right, Eirin?”
“Yes, it's only a bee sting. Thank goodness you came to get me, Melling. Sakuya’s face might not be a sight to look at right now, but she’ll get better with some medicine and some sleep.”
“Thank you, Eirin. You're really a master at your craft.”
Sakyua slowly opened her eyes. There were a lot of people standing over her bed in her room. The mistress... Melling, Patche, the younger mistress and Eirin.    Eirin smiled gently as the maid regained consciousness.
“Ah, Sakyua. You're awake! How do you feel?”
Sakyua shrugged. “My face hurts a lot, but I'm fine otherwise. What happened to me?”
The nurse’s face darkened a tad. “You were stung by bees. Melling told me the whole story. You took the bee sting for her. Melling accidentally bumped into a tree and sent down a beehive. Luckily for her, you were outside, and you saw the scene unfold. You stopped time and ran over there and threw yourself between Melling and the bees... And then you started time again. And well, you probably know the rest.”
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