Yaay a sequel!
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Oh, look, Arthur Everest is part of Crisis on Infinite Earths.
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2nd from the bottom looks like Arthur o.o
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Spectacular Steampunk Tiny Sculptures Made Of Old Watch Parts
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please watch this show
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idk what the crossover of monster factory and tick fans is, but anyway, here’s this
audio from here
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The Tick, or as I like to call him, King Himbo.
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Pixie and Brutus: a Brush with Freedom
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IG: @pet_foolery
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Ooc: it just occurred to me she probably has quite a few skills with her hands. Sewing. Stitching human flesh. That sort of thing
It is my birthday on Friday and I am cordially inviting all of you to the festivities. We will be taking a pottery and mosaics class (yeah I'm old and stuff like that seems fun to me) and then going out to eat, I'm thinking of trying Mediterranean food. Tick please try not to break anything, big fella.
Arthur: Sorry we didn’t respond sooner…
Dot: I’m so excited for the pottery and mosaics class, honestly
Overkill, being dragged by Dot: [grunt]
Tick: I… don’t have the softest touch. I don’t think I’ll be very good at pottery…
Arthur: I’m sure you’ll.. be… [coughs and changes the subject] It’ll be fun, and maybe we should get the dinner.
Dot: Yeah, it’s her party, let’s get take care of the check. 
Tick: You’re going to like my gift, Velma! [Offers you a wrapped box, you lift the lid to find a beige, hand made sweater, but it looks very rough, with loose threads everywhere, like the knitter didn’t know what he was doing. There’s a dog riding a skateboard on the front] I know it’s summer, but Dot and I have been learning to knit!
Dot: Yeah.. I made you something too [She hands you a smaller box. Inside are a knitted hat and fingerless gloves in a matching, soft shade of blue. The craftsmanship is much better than Tick’s] Again, too soon for winter but… Not too much use for knitted crafts in the summer, heh.
Arthur: I… got you something too, I hope you like it, I wasn’t really sure what to get you and… well. [He hands you two small figures of Tick and himself in costume] AEGIS just started selling these… It feels kinda weird to give you a gift that’s just uh.. .me… but-
Tick: It’s a fine gift, chum!
Dot: I mean she is a fan of yours…. [nudges Overkill with her elbow]
Overkill: … It’s your birthday… [pulls out a can of WD-40] This is WD-40. It can fix most problems around the household… [He gives it to you]
Dot: Touching…
Overkill: Shut up.
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I just started watching The Tick and... im so sad, the show is SO GOOD!!! WHY DID THEY CANCEL IT? Life is so unfair 😭
The execs at Amazon didn’t even WATCH a single episode of it. The former exec is the one who greenlit the show, and he got canned,  and so the new exec had no stake in how well it was doing other than -- THEY COULD’VE MADE MONEY OFF IT IF THEY WEREN’T STUPID. THE MAIN FUNCTION OF THEIR COMPANY IS TO SELL STUFF WHY AREN’T THERE ANY ACTION FIGURES? WHY DID I HAVE TO DIG 7 PAGES DEEP TO FIND OFFICIAL TICK T-SHIRTS?? Anyway, they’re jerks and they made up The Boys so they could have their own superhero show they have more of a stake in. I will now proceed to jump off a cliff. 
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I mean, I'm not justifying what he did, cause it was awful. But I think in the grand scheme of things, his motivations aren't really that relevant. The joke, I think, was that he, an otherwordly, near almightly being, let social media backlash get to his head, just like an ordinary, pathetic human. It's just that his overreaction to that backlash has dire consequences for us puny humans. And we didn't just lose the chance to know him but to see him interact with Dot and Overkill! And DB!!!
I think in real life motivations do matter, but this is a fun comedy show and I love this character. He’s hilarious and I’m sad we don’t get to see him interact  with everyone YnY
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But what's more important? The intention behind an action or the action itself? Sure, Superian did it all for praise and adoration, but his actions were morally good; they helped mankind. And I think whatever crimes he committed, he did 'em to his own kind in his own planet. I think Superian sees humans they way we see domestic animals: these cute, helpless creatures that need his help and protection. And he expects the same loyalty and adoration we expect from dogs, for instance.
His actions were outwardly, morally good– that we know of. Until someone had a bad word to say about him. Then he was horrible. You’re right he might see us as animals, something not as valuable as himself. But I imagine he doesn’t hold his own being’s as important as himself either if he’s got the cops after him. I still love him as a character, but he’s really messed up and needs a lot of guidance. It’s a comedy show so I don’t take it that seriously.
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Goth Carmelita
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‪Bride of Mothman‬
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Do you think Superian's heart was in the right place (regarding his desire to help humanity, not his actions in the second season) or do you think he's just a self-obsessed dick? Or do you think said actions revealed his true nature? Cause his antics were just that, antics, right up until he basically abducted and terrorized a civilian. I dunno, the whole Lois Lane monologue parody was f-cking hysterical but also SO disturbing. I like Superian a lot but I don't know WHAT he is, exactly.
OOC: I kind of think of it as, wrong motive, right action. His heart was in a selfish place, which is why it led to some disastrous situations. He didn’t even seem to care that he might send “7 billion monkeys, hurtling into the void” by attempting to turn back time, he just wanted an entire world that loved and adored him unquestioningly. If he destroyed this world, maybe he’d just say “oh well” and fly off into space in search of a new world that would love him. I think so long as things are going the way he wants, he would have continued to be gentle and helpful to mankind for our praise and adoration. But let’s face it, we have no idea if E. Morgan Pearl was the first human he tried to do something bad to. He’s been alive 100 years and in much of that time, technology wasn’t that advanced, he could’ve disappeared some people. Those aliens werent’ looking to arrest him for nothing. He probably has killed before.
I like Superian too and we were totally robbed of that 3rd season where we would’ve gotten to know him.
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You asked for headcannons: I think with her newly discovered and still unhoned time manipulation powers, Dot has the potential to be one of the most powerful characters on the show. Also I love her.
OOC: Maybe so! Could you elaborate on what she might do with her powers? I wonder if it’s a rare type of power.
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I'll be pretty effing mad if that hot garbage show that is The Boys makes it past 2 seasons. I mean THE NERVE
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If you don’t want to ask a character, feel free to just send headcanons!
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