((Hey guys, just a little thing here to say that I really need some more questions for this blog~! I’m kinda low, so that’s why things are moving slow here.))
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((So I’ve decided to break this blog up and make a new blog strictly for roleplaying and so I can follow other roleplay blogs on it. The blog is The Eraserhead Man, so go follow that if you’re interested in possible roleplays!
This blog is now just for the artsy side, the questions and answers!))
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((Ok, so I will have an important announcement to make about this blog soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that!))
((Uuuugh, I’m so confused as of what to do. X_X))
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((Uuuugh, I’m so confused as of what to do. X_X))
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Aizawa sat up a little staring at her for a few moments. He then tilted his head a little, trying to think before the thought hit him. “Oh that. Were...were you really thinking about that all this time?” he asked, a slight grin forming across his face.
Target Acquired
Hanging on to consciousness, Kyori smirked and shrugged. “Well, sometimes “heroes” have to do reckless things. I saved your life, didn’t I? I’m not dead even though I knew I could have been killed but letting you get crushed by that rubble was the last thing that I wanted to see happen just as you didn’t want a casualty on your hands.” 
Kyori took a deep breath and coughed lightly as she held her chest from the burn. 
“I won’t go trying to be a hero again, okay?” she said softly looking to the side.
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Aizawa turned his attention to the girl as she spoke. He ignored the scarring on her body, knowing well that things like that weren’t something to bring up. He had his own scars, the most prominent being the crescent moon-shaped scar under his right eye and, although it didn’t bother him, he appreciated it when people didn’t make a fuss over it.
“What about it?” he simply asked, watching her read the card. It was a simple ‘Get Well Soon’ card and the flowers were a set that he thought looked nice with it. A rather boring and obvious hospital gift, but he felt like he needed to bring at least something.
Target Acquired
Hanging on to consciousness, Kyori smirked and shrugged. “Well, sometimes “heroes” have to do reckless things. I saved your life, didn’t I? I’m not dead even though I knew I could have been killed but letting you get crushed by that rubble was the last thing that I wanted to see happen just as you didn’t want a casualty on your hands.” 
Kyori took a deep breath and coughed lightly as she held her chest from the burn. 
“I won’t go trying to be a hero again, okay?” she said softly looking to the side.
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“Seriously, if getting out of bed isn’t the hardest part about anyone’s job, then I envy them.”
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It had been a bit, but finally a knock came around on the door. The door opened up with the familiar Eraserhead making his way in with card and a vase of flowers. “Ah, you’re up and you seem to be doing well.” the man commented, handing the gifts over to Kyori. “Sorry that I couldn’t come earlier, I had my duties and job to tend to, but I have some time now.”
He made himself comfortable on a nearby chair.
Target Acquired
Hanging on to consciousness, Kyori smirked and shrugged. “Well, sometimes “heroes” have to do reckless things. I saved your life, didn’t I? I’m not dead even though I knew I could have been killed but letting you get crushed by that rubble was the last thing that I wanted to see happen just as you didn’t want a casualty on your hands.” 
Kyori took a deep breath and coughed lightly as she held her chest from the burn. 
“I won’t go trying to be a hero again, okay?” she said softly looking to the side.
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Good morning class. I’m back at it today and I’ll finally be able to get back to replies. In the meantime, anyone is free to leave me questions and/or starters at anytime.
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Now take your seats, class is now in session.
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Update: Yeah, so I probably won’t get to anything on here today, but I will for certain tomorrow. So until then, feel free to drop me questions or starters and I’ll get back to any owed replies as well. So no class today. See ya.
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So I won’t be on too much for a good chunk of tomorrow, but I should be able to get back to replies and such tomorrow afternoon. Until then, class is dismissed.
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Have a good night.
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So I won’t be on too much for a good chunk of tomorrow, but I should be able to get back to replies and such tomorrow afternoon. Until then, class is dismissed.
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Have a good night.
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Aizawa dropped his head and gently took her hand. “Thank you.” He merely replied. He gave a sigh and looked up at her. “The paramedics need to take you to the hospital. You have some pretty severe injuries that need to be treated right away.”
Target Acquired
Hanging on to consciousness, Kyori smirked and shrugged. “Well, sometimes “heroes” have to do reckless things. I saved your life, didn’t I? I’m not dead even though I knew I could have been killed but letting you get crushed by that rubble was the last thing that I wanted to see happen just as you didn’t want a casualty on your hands.” 
Kyori took a deep breath and coughed lightly as she held her chest from the burn. 
“I won’t go trying to be a hero again, okay?” she said softly looking to the side.
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Aizawa rushed to her side, his scarf still holding tight to the villain, which had been knocked unconscious from the collase. “Kyori! Are you alright?” Other heroes had finally arrived and had began their work on helping the citizens and taking the villain from Aizawa. Paramedics also arrived on scene and  began to tend to the injured, including Kyori.
Aizawa sat by her side, watching the progress. “I told you not to do anything reckless, didn’t I?” He spoke up, eyeing her down with a soft look.
Target Acquired
Kyori didn’t hold his words too close to heart. She knew what he meant and understood wholeheartedly. If she had to stay out of his way, she would but she wasn’t weak by any means. Just because she wasn’t titled a pro-hero didn’t mean she couldn’t be one. She just chose not to be. Besides, what hero kills people as a job?
Moving as fast as she could, she managed to get everyone out of the area before heading back to the scene. The thought in her head kept repeating, “I want to help but should I? How could I help?” She thought about the boy with the green hair thinking the same thing before just running out to save the other student catching herself doing the same stupid thing he did.
Shaking her head, she growled. “What hero sits by trying to think of a damn strategy?” Kyori turned into a bat flying up into the air making sounds to see through the smoke until the sound waves bounced off of the villain. Without a second thought, she flew up and divebombed the villain turning into a sabertooth tiger latching onto his shoulder to drag him out of the smoke so the other hero could catch him in his sight. But such an act did not come without consequence. She did get burned badly on her chest but it was nothing compared to what she was used to.  “Eraser! He’s open!” she roared. 
“Careless,” he’d probably call her. “Wreckless.” Kyori couldn’t stop thinking so negative when she needed to be positive in such a moment. Sure she was both of those things but it didn’t stop her.  
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“Kyori!?” Aizawa called, maneuvering through the thick smoke. He gritted his teeth before activating his quirk, quickly erasing the villains’. The thick, chocking smoke burned his eyes, but the man ignored the discomfort best he could. HIs scarf shot forward, quickly wrapping itself around the violent criminal and subduing him. “Kyori, we need to get away from here! The building-!”
Suddenly, the nearest building buckled and gave out. Half of the structure collapsed, sending rubble flying everywhere and a wall of smoke and dust rushing outward. Aizawa was quickly engulfed along with the villain.
Target Acquired
Kyori didn’t hold his words too close to heart. She knew what he meant and understood wholeheartedly. If she had to stay out of his way, she would but she wasn’t weak by any means. Just because she wasn’t titled a pro-hero didn’t mean she couldn’t be one. She just chose not to be. Besides, what hero kills people as a job?
Moving as fast as she could, she managed to get everyone out of the area before heading back to the scene. The thought in her head kept repeating, “I want to help but should I? How could I help?” She thought about the boy with the green hair thinking the same thing before just running out to save the other student catching herself doing the same stupid thing he did.
Shaking her head, she growled. “What hero sits by trying to think of a damn strategy?” Kyori turned into a bat flying up into the air making sounds to see through the smoke until the sound waves bounced off of the villain. Without a second thought, she flew up and divebombed the villain turning into a sabertooth tiger latching onto his shoulder to drag him out of the smoke so the other hero could catch him in his sight. But such an act did not come without consequence. She did get burned badly on her chest but it was nothing compared to what she was used to.  “Eraser! He’s open!” she roared. 
“Careless,” he’d probably call her. “Wreckless.” Kyori couldn’t stop thinking so negative when she needed to be positive in such a moment. Sure she was both of those things but it didn’t stop her.  
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