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"The Don't Say Gay Law has been cut down to size in more ways than this.
- LGBTQ+ students and staff may now be protected by anti-bullying and anti-discrimination measures
- Libraries are free to restock LGBTQ+ books
- LGBTQ+ topics may be discussed freely
Florida teachers can discuss sexual orientation and gender ID under ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill settlement
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Okay I haven't updated in a while due to some world building and rewriting and redesigning characters as well as building a more solid backstory, but new updates soon I promise
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“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.
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Looking at E
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The opt-in is automatic, but you can turn it off in settings.
Go to "Blog Settings" -> "Visibility" -> "Third-Party Sharing" and turn it off. (Visual example here.) You need to do this with every sideblog.
Spread the word. Everyone on Tumblr needs to know about this.
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Bulkhead and [REDACTED] "E"
So two post for the two winners, I'm so sorry the art took forever and I had some personal stuff come up
Lore + art underneath the cut
So I'm pretty sure the only reason this duo won was because of E, so we should probably start with who E is and his relationship with Bulkhead.
Bulkhead's altmode is a truck, for some plot purposes but also because I think it fits him and with his story.
E is the last letter in E's dead-name, the only remnit of his former self as he likes to say (E is a by product of a childhood nickname as well). E is a Transgender kid who is finishing up his last year of High School when he meets Bulkhead.
So how did they meet?
We can thank E's extremely supportive Grandpa, who was always willing to help E out, whether his interest in cars or getting his dead-name removed from documentation at school. E's Grandpa was in the military and this led to Bulkheads interest in humans leading him to E's Grandpa. When Bulkhead comes to vist E's Grandpa he's of course older and unable to provide the alliance Bulkhead will need. So E and Bulkhead get introduced to eachother.
When the story starts
Arcee and her human partner recive a call from Optimus, Bulkhead didn't even though he was supposed to so Arcee and Bulkhead want to go find the other autobots. It ends up being extremely convenient for E, who had been contemplating running away from a young age. E's whole backstory is another mess. The important part is E and Aiden pack most their stuff with Bulkhead and Arcee carries some as they head to New York to search the entire State for Bumblebee and Jazz.
E at this point also has a puppy, a gift from his grandpa, that he supposed to train to help with his anxiety. The thought was that by haveing a dog that needs to be brushed very often that E could sooth himself by doing something repetitive. The dog is a poodle and named Bang.
Anyway E is very loud, he's excitable and he can be extremely impulsive however he's also very intelligent and his intelligence can get him out of the those situations. E looks at life like a puzzle, good news for him, he loves puzzles. E also loves dying his hair and mostly shaves his head when the story starts because his parents force him to have it long. He eventually grows it out in the way he wants and dyes it as he pleases.
E and Bulkhead can feed off of eachothers energies and this can make them a very chaotic duo at times. Bulkhead was reminded of the way he and E understand eachother to the way cybertorians communicate through EM feilds. This led to the discovery that being around cybertorians can change some human DNA and the fact that both E's Grandpa and Dad (unknowingly) spent time around cybertorians so E is hypersensitive (for a human) to EM feilds.
So there's this silly issue that comes up where E loves swimming and hates getting out of the water once he's in it, no matter how early it is. This means that at 4am there have been times where Bulkhead, Bang and E go down to the beach and just play in the water when no one else is around.
While the team is in New York they find another puppy, he's a mutt who looks color and face wise to be mostly Rottweiler named Crash.
E oftentimes feels like Bulkhead is the only one he can confide in and often times Bulkhead ends up comforting him. The two end up very close by the end. They both know they can fully trust the other
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Edit: I've been spelling Ironhide wrong this whole time because apparently Iron and Iorn are too similar for my brain to differentiate the two, sorry
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He was the winner for my poll on which character I should share lore on first, because he was one of the quiz answers I will add his description there but first let show you the blog where I will be keeping the rest of the information for this au @ask-the-lost-hunt-team
Long post warning + Art underneath
First Bumblebees description in the quiz
"Bumblebee is an enthusiastic young bot. He has just reached age of the majority and he thrilled to be mostly on his own in New York. He loves his human partner Bri, and her honey bee farm. He is a curious and clever young bot. While the war did tare up his childhood he excited to learn and even play games with his human partner. Bee has always known his Carrier was a decepticon he's just never known who however he does know that Ratchet was his Sire and that Ratchet had Optimus raise him more. Bumblebee oftentimes feels that he is undervalued by the older bots around him and he desperately wants to prove himself. He is determined. Bumblebee starts as a yellow bug but when he notices that Bri has an eye for fancy cars he chooses a 2007 Camaro as his altmode"
Which covers the basics of Bumblebees story. Let me say Ratchet is not evil whatsoever he just didn't have time to take care of his son in between the war and his medic duties. Bots were dying he was doing what he could. He didn't mean to hurt Bumblebee, none of this was on purpose. However he did cause Bumblebee to feel under valued and that he wasn't enough to receive his sires attention and this has caused a rift between Bumblebee and Ratchet, and between Ratchet and other autobots.
Elita one specifically feels that it is 100% Ratchet's fault. She didn't want sparklings and it was unfair that Ratchet expected her and Optimus along with some other bots to drop everything and raise his son.
So Bee and Bri, Bumblebee and Bri met eachother by total accident. Like someone crashed into Bees alt mode accident. Bri went to help the people and she was shocked when the car that got hit had taken off. She followed him and saw his root mode, Bumblebee took her on as his partner and they've been friends ever since.
Bumblebee was excited when Optimus called for him and the other Autobots to meet up and he loved meeting Kaya, E, and Aiden,(Jazz, Bulkhead and Arcee's human partners)
Bumblebee hopes to make Ratchet and Optimus proud of him
When Bumblebee does meet his Carrier he's shocked by how sweet they are to him and he momentarily considers joing the Decepticons
This poor boy has parental problems
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I wanted to have some bug-like attributes to Bumblebee and many Cybertroians actually have the same type of leg set up as Bumblebee. It's ment for speed and dodging, some warframes will have legs like this but usually war frames are a little more sturdier. Also Bumblebee has an extra set of arm, this is a trait he inherited from Ratchet. I'm still not in love with this design but it's getting there.
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He was the winner for my poll on which character I should share lore on first, because he was one of the quiz answers I will add his description there but first let show you the blog where I will be keeping the rest of the information for this au @ask-the-lost-hunt-team
Information on Bumblebee under read more
First Bumblebees description in the quiz
"Bumblebee is an enthusiastic young bot. He has just reached age of the majority and he thrilled to be mostly on his own in New York. He loves his human partner Bri, and her honey bee farm. He is a curious and clever young bot. While the war did tare up his childhood he excited to learn and even play games with his human partner. Bee has always known his Carrier was a decepticon he's just never known who however he does know that Ratchet was his Sire and that Ratchet had Optimus raise him more. Bumblebee oftentimes feels that he is undervalued by the older bots around him and he desperately wants to prove himself. He is determined. Bumblebee starts as a yellow bug but when he notices that Bri has an eye for fancy cars he chooses a 2007 Camaro as his altmode"
Which covers the basics of Bumblebees story. Let me say Ratchet is not evil whatsoever he just didn't have time to take care of his son in between the war and his medic duties. Bots were dying he was doing what he could. He didn't mean to hurt Bumblebee, none of this was on purpose. However he did cause Bumblebee to feel under valued and that he wasn't enough to receive his sires attention and this has caused a rift between Bumblebee and Ratchet, and between Ratchet and other autobots.
Elita one specifically feels that it is 100% Ratchet's fault. She didn't want sparklings and it was unfair that Ratchet expected her and Optimus along with some other bots to drop everything and raise his son.
So Bee and Bri, Bumblebee and Bri met eachother by total accident. Like someone crashed into Bees alt mode accident. Bri went to help the people and she was shocked when the car that got hit had taken off. She followed him and saw his root mode, Bumblebee took her on as his partner and they've been friends ever since.
Bumblebee was excited when Optimus called for him and the other Autobots to meet up and he loved meeting Kaya, E, and Aiden,(Jazz, Bulkhead and Arcee's human partners)
Bumblebee hopes to make Ratchet and Optimus proud of him
When Bumblebee does meet his Carrier he's shocked by how sweet they are to him and he momentarily considers joing the Decepticons
This poor boy has parental problems
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I wanted to have some bug-like attributes to Bumblebee and many Cybertroians actually have the same type of leg set up as Bumblebee. It's ment for speed and dodging, some warframes will have legs like this but usually war frames are a little more sturdier. Also Bumblebee has an extra set of arm, this is a trait he inherited from Ratchet. I'm still not in love with this design but it's getting there.
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Please take my transformers au Quiz I want to know if people would be interested in hearing more about it also you get an indepth look at my aus autobots
Plus some designs, not technically official yet I'm still working in them but just for fun
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Because of the very positive reaction to my au which I have decided to call Transformers: The Lost Hunt au I'd like to know which decepticon or autobot people would be interested in hearing about first
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Hi, this is my big long introduction post to my Transformers au Blog or essentially you should be able to look through the tags on this post to find character stuff, asks or anything else. My main blog is @icydeku14
Please interact, Spam liking, rebloging and asking questions is heavily encouraged
Also a fun little quiz to see which autobot you are https://uquiz.com/uLr1zv
Transformers: The Lost Hunt, important points
This au focuses on four different autobot pairs, the idea was to split up to hide. Each team of two has a different story as to how and why they ended up working together.
Originally the autobots split up in teams of two because their orginal base had been captured by decepticons.
This au focaus on those main eight bots and their human partners. There are relics to be found, stories to be told, secrets to shared and a lot more I hope you enjoy reading and asking about this au as much as I enjoy working on it.
The list of Autobots and their partners goes east to west
(Also the human with Jazz, her name is different than on the quiz because her name on the quiz was the nickname my friend gave her and I forgot it wasn't her actual name (whoops))
In New York
Bumblebee and Bri
Jazz and Kaya
In Michigan
Arcee and Aiden
Bulkhead and "E"
In Nevada
Elita-One and Emma
Iornhide and Jonathan
In Oregon
Moonracer and Mason
Wheeljack and Cadence
The main Decepticon threats
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