Gotta be honest, I really don't have motivation for this blog at the moment. I've been trying to sit down and answer asks but I just can't.
I dunno if or when I'll answer asks again, but unless I do, please assume that this blog is pretty much dead.
I might come back to it someday, but it won't be anytime soon.
Sorry for everyone who liked this blog, but thank you for the asks and support you gave me!
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Absolutely!!! :D
- There was a lot of trial and error when learning to speak, and the Skeksis mostly kept to their own language when not around the Gelfling.
- skekSo decreed that nobody is to discuss the fates of skekHak and skekYi. Even skekOk was forbidden to write about them.
- That was one of his very few serious decrees early on. After things calmed down, he'd just make up bullshit to see if the other Skeksis would listen to him.
- All of the Skeksis had different coloring and style of feathers, with skekSil having the least and skekSa having the most.
- skekLach was quite the brute in her younger years and was good sparring partners with both skekVar and skekUng (she began to interact with skekOk more once she developed pustules and wasn't able to fight as much anymore)
- Every Skeksis quickly found at least one other Skeksis to call a close ally.
- "my lords, please wear some clothes"
- skekEkt refuses to discuss when they would only wear shabby robes and cloaks.
- He also refuses to discuss the fact that said robes and cloaks were made out of random curtains he found throughout the Castle.
- He was also the one to suggest they wear clothes in the first place ("the other creatures do it, we should too!")
- Most of the Skeksis had a very large amount of distrust towards Raunip for reasons they never fully understood.
- There were a lot of different titles and title changes over time. Some titles being purely to mock a Skeksis and said mocking titles were only mentioned within the Castle. Some include:
+ skekEkt the Draper
+ skekShod the Bashed
+ skekNa the Cyclops
+ skekSa the Wet Fizzgig
+ skekMal the Screaming Fizzgig
+ skekOk the Sightless
- (the mocking titles stopped after skekMal heard about his and refused to share his hunt for a full trine)
- Skeksis without titles would just help with whatever duties needed to be done in the Castle that nobody else was doing.
- Skeksis also had to actually earn their titles or have them bestowed upon by the Emperor.
- Even when the Gelfling started to help the Skeksis, skekMal was the main source of where they got meat from for a long time.
- After they began interacting with Gelfling, they learned that there were a number of foods that Skeksis could eat and Gelfling couldn't, and vice versa.
- There was quite a scuffle when the Skeksis were served Peachberry pie.
- They actually tried to work with Podlings the same degree they did with the Gelfling, but none of the Skeksis had the patience to learn the language.
- A lot of trial and error when trying food. For a while, they ate whatever was in the Castle, but quickly discovered that not everything was edible.
- skekOk drank ink and freaked everyone out when he rushed into the throne room and his whole mouth was black.
- There is a book somewhere in skekOks library with a big skekVar shaped bite taken out of it.
- skekSil was very sly and always convinced other Skeksis to do something for the first time so he could see whether it was safe or not.
- He figured out that Skeksis can't fly, that you can't drink ink, and that you cannot eat a book, amongst many other things.
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TekSil? For the soul?
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TekSil for the soul!!
And while were at it, a couple of TekSil headcanons, cause why not.
- skekTek has a bad habit of staying up for days on end and then crashing hard. SkekSil does his best to maneuver Tek to sleeping in either his bed or at his worktable instead of in the middle of hallways or at the dining table.
- Tek isn't the best with speaking affectionately, so he usually gives Sil gifts instead.
- When he does try to give verbal affection, it's bad and awkward, but Sil appreciates it anyways.
- Whenever Tek is having an extremely stressed day, Sil will sometimes quietly sing for them.
- Sometimes, Tek will end up humming along to the songs.
- If either one (or both) are especially irritated with another Skeksis, they'll both take turns mocking the culprit until both forget about the original irritation.
- If Tek skips a meal, Sil will make sure to bring some food for him.
- Sometimes, Sil will discuss his nefarious ideas with Tek. Tek does not hesitate to point out every flaw in the ideas.
- If Tek has hit a wall, he will bounce ideas off of Sil until he finally solves his issue.
- Their most common mutual form of affection is tail holding.
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How would react the skeksis if they meet a human, who are taller than them ?
I think it would depend on the Skeksis.
For the shorter ones and weaker (such as skekOk, or skekTek), they probably wouldn't mind too much. They might be a little intimidated, but they're already used to being on the shorter side.
The taller Skeksis and stronger (such as skekSo and skekVar), they would likelu feel massively intimidated by another intelligent creature being taller, but they would mask that intimidation either in the form of challenging the human or quickly ensuring the human stays on their good side.
(If I remember correctly, one of the people that worked on AOR confirmed that Skeksis are fairly short, so anyone over 5' would probably be taller than them)
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You think skekTek would love seeing the technology that Earth has? I feel like he'd would crazy wanting to study all of it.
Oh he absolutely would. He'd have a little notebook, taking notes on anything and everything. However, he would want to understand it, so anything he could get his hands on, he would probably tear apart and try to put back together which, 99% of the time, would result in him having a broken object and making something new with it.
He would probably be most entertained by tiny robots and would want a bunch to keep as pets study.
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Any random hcs about the skeksis in their youth?
Hehehehe, plenty.
- When they first started growing their feathers, they freaked out a bit and it took some Gelfling to explain that it happens to some creatures on Thra and was normal, which calmed them down.
- On the same note, the first time they started molting resulted in an equally intense freakout.
- A lot of stepping on tails, even more tripping over them.
- For a while, the Skeksis were the least graceful creatures on all of Thra and would often stumble and trip over themselves.
- They alternated a lot between 2 legs and being on all fours before settling more on 2 legs.
- A few of them took to imitating other creatures. Nobody brings up the time skekMal did nothing but scream like a Fizzgig for a week.
- skekOk always had troubles seeing, so would often run into anything and everything before he had glasses.
- skekTek always really liked animals, but at the beginning never had anywhere to put them, so he would sneak animals into his room and hope nobody would find them.
- (he was found out after a land strider got loose in the Castle)
- skekAyuk learned a lot of his cooking from the Gelfling and Podlings and built upon what they taught him (a lot of his early foods were very burnt)
- Somebody (who happens to be the Chamberlain) told skekVar that because they had feathers, they could fly. Thankfully, skekVar didn't jump from too high.
- skekUng drooled less in his youth, but only because it got all in his feathers.
- skekSils voice cracked a lot in his younger years, which is a major source of humiliation for him.
- skekSa was the first to almost drown, and also the first to learn how to swim.
- skekMal, skekVar, and skekUng were the main three to bring in food before the Skeksis began trading with the Gelfling.
- skekLi picked up instruments quickly and was one of the only Skeksis to ever learn to play some for the sheer enjoyment of it.
- (toss a coin to your Emperor~)
- Punishments were a lot more lax back then, since skekZok had yet to make many rituals.
- Punishments were mainly the Emperor bashing his scepter against someone, but he wouldn't hit as hard after skekShod.
- skekZok: [looks at literally anything] I can make a religion out of this!
- They treated the Podlings a lot better and were nearly as respectful to them as they were to the Gelfling.
- A few Skeksis genuinely liked Aughra and got along very well with her (with skekTek being the closest)
- skekTek was the only one Aughra ever confided in about her feelings about Raunip.
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If skekMal was attracted to someone, how would he show it? Would it be in secret? Or would he not care if someone saw?
He is a mix of both and I see his love language being a physical one.
He would act very aloof, but would insist to be super close to whoever he's attracted to, and would get very agitated if they had to be away from him for prolonged periods of time. He would really find any reason he could to be around them and somehow touching or being super close to them.
If ever confronted on his feelings, he would vehemently deny any attraction, even when he gives the biggest piece of meat to his attraction under the guise that they "need to build their strength".
However, if he ever saw anyone flirting with his attraction, or saw his attraction in danger... He would act quickly, being SUPER possessive over them.
And he definitely wouldn't purr when around them or anything...
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(Shipping ask) Poly ship of Sil/Li/So? More of the happy ending please, tears do not wish to be spilled on agnst. I'd imagine all of the 3 lads end up catching feelings for each other & So may do a bit of spying on the other two to figure it out? Just what ever ya think would fit.
Ah, the truest challenge for me... No angst...
At the beginning, it would probably be just Sil and So. While both would catch feelings, So would never outright admit it, and Sil would have to be very patient to get the hand of the Emperor.
Sil, while unlikely to say anything outright, would likely start to nudge So in the wanted direction. Due to pride, So would probably take a while before he accepts a relationship with Sil, but would end up in a (secret) relationship all the same.
I like to imagine that Sil likes to keep tabs on the Skeksis that are out of the Castle as best be can, and Li would definitely be one of those that is kept an eye on. Through the sneaky interactions, Sil and Li would likely fall for one another.
(Sil is smart enough to not cheat on the Emperor and Li is still suspicious enough to not immediately act on any feelings)
That's when Sil begins to plot for the Satirist to return to the Castle. He'd slowly build up Lis reputation, first amongst the main court, then to the Emperor himself. It would take a lot of time, but eventually he would be able to get Li back into the Castle.
Li would be on a tight leash for a while now, and I imagine So and Sil would both keep an eye on him personally (So would be especially extra vigilant in case the Satirist gets sneaky).
Through it, So and Li would interact almost as much as So and Sil do. Any budding feelings would leave the both in HEAVY denial.
That is where, once again, the Chamberlain comes through, quickly catching on to them both and slowly, VERY slowly, getting them both to accept their feelings.
There would be some confusion as how the three should proceed before they all figure out that they can make it work with the three of them.
Going the happy route, having two sneaky sneaks who have a way with words leave So in a very powerful position as he will be able to maneuver anything with the aid of Li and Sil.
Sil, having the backing of the Emperor, would have the potential to be blinded by the power, but Li would help keep him grounded and to not go too far.
And Li would have at least two Skeksis that respect him and don't treat him like a mere jester.
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What if a single skeksis and urru switched minds for a little while? It’s on accident and completely unexpected, and suddenly they’re in a body they’re only half familiar with, surrounded but other skeksis/urru that have no idea why skek[whoever]/ur[whoever] is suddenly being so strange. Clearly Gra and Goh would be chill and go about business as usual, but what about everyone else? Should they try to blend in, experiment, scheme? I imagine it would be a nightmare for Ursol
Oh this is amazing and I am loving this so much. (Almost all would probably be found out in one way or another, especially the Mystics)
SkekSo/UrSu: Both would be smart enough to not reveal that they switched, but both would be miserable. SkekSo would give himself away quickly, but the other Urru respect the Master too much to make a big deal and would hope for it to pass. UrSu would struggle being mean to the Skeksis, but everyone else would be pretty happy/suspicious that the 'Emperor' is being so kind lately.
SkekSil/UrSol: skekSil causes problems on purpose and urSol would mess with everyone by using skekSils 'real voice'. Highjinks ensue.
SkekVar/UrMa: skekVar, thinking its Mystic voodoo, would quickly give himself away one way or another. If he sees an opportunity to be a "spy", the other Urru would probably leave him be. UrMa would probably be able to sneak around for a while, but his reluctance to punch the Chamberlain even a little would give him away.
SkekZok/UrZah: [cries in religion]
SkekTek/UrTih: skekTek would have no idea what to do in a calm environment where he isn't worried about being beaten up every 5 seconds. He'd probably freak out and maybe lash out, so he'd be found out immediately. UrTih... Would do better at not revealing himself, but... ;-;
SkekOk/UrAc: urAc would go through and rewrite all of skekOks bad fanfiction stories and be mostly left alone (skekLach would probably notice the change).
SkekLach/UrSen: skekLach would be happy over the lack of pustules, unhappy about literally everything else. UrSen would be super chill, even when found out ("it is what it is")
SkekEkt/UrUtt: Both would scream at the others fashion for entirely different reasons.
SkekAyuk/UrAmaj: Both would freak out over the others cooking practices.
SkekShod/UrYod: skekShod, like Tek, wouldn't really know what to do in a calm environment, but would accept it a lot more. UrYod would need a hug. Many hugs.
SkekNa/UrNol: Poor urNol... Would immediately be found out because hes too much of a softy. SkekNa would cause many issues, would likely tear up the garden.
SkekUng/UrIm: urIm would be horrified of the Skeksis medical practices. SkekUng would live in bliss over the lack of Chamberlain.
SkekMal/UrVa: skekMal would be searching for urVa in a desperate attempt to change it. UrVa would be watching for the trees, just enjoying himself. He'd let skekMal find him... Eventually...
SkekGra/UrGoh: urGoh probably wouldn't mind too much (he would probably only be bothered by the confined back arms and being so upright), but skekGra would struggle a lot in a body that goes so slow.
At least he could use more puppets.
SkekSa/UrSan: urSan would party with the Sifa while skekSa looks on from the water, very, very angry.
SkekLi/UrLii: Both would absolutely go ham in the others body and I'll just let you imagine what they'd do.
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(Kinda Shipping Ask) Any HC's on Sil/Ayuk but less like love & more just a brotp/bromance? More like Sil actually sees Ayuk like a really good friend & it feels nice being around him.
Honestly, I see Ayuk as being the one Skeksis that could be friends with nearly everyone. As the Gourmand, his job isn't one that poses a risk to anyone else and he doesn't seem overly invested in the politics of the Castle.
Given that, in the show, Sil and Ayuk do aim playful jabs (Ayuk: "I eat when I'm stressed" Sil: "must often be stressed" Ayuk: "all the time!"), so I can easily see a good friendship between the two.
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How would the Skesis react to memes?
Doesn't get them or like them: Zok, So, Mal, Ung, Lach
Doesn't understand them but pretends they do: Ok, Var, Ayuk
Only uses outdated memes: Shod, Gra
Fully understands memes: Tek, Sa, Ekt
Uses memes for malicious purposes: Sil, Li, Na
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I'm definitely Vapran lol.
Thank you for the tag, I love picrews! :D
For tagging, I'll just say that whoever wants to do it, have at it!!
ok so use this picrew to make a Gelfling version of yourself! Or if u don’t like that one feel free to browse and use another one! I’ll start by tagging ppl but join in if u want by all means!!
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I kinda like the Sifa but idk if Gelfling me fits in with the Sifa :((
I tag @simplysparrow14 @amethystgelfling @creatureofmidnight21 @gelfyerself @himbo-supreme-gurjin 💟💟
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Sorry this blog has been so quiet lately. Real life has been very stressful and I'm just not in a good place tbh.
This blog isn't dead or anything, but answering asks or anything is definitely gonna be pretty slow for a while.
Sorry bout this, hope y'all have a good day.
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So/var hcs? For the soul?
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I will always oblige with some So/Var!
- They took forever getting together because So is very egotistical and Var went through a long period of confusing love and loyalty.
- Var likes to think of himself as strong and stoic, but he is an open book emotion wise (it's the snorts that give it away)
- In private, if he knows that Var is in a bad mood (sad snort), So will inquire about it as nonchalantly as possible.
- So tries to act like he doesn't care much about Var, but the one time the General got really sick, he was a complete and total mess the whole time (which he still denies)
- Var secretly loves romance, but fears he will be seen as weak if he indulges in it too much. So knows this and makes them have "obligatory date nights" at least once a weak (Vars favorite day)
- Var also secretly loves sweets and there is always a mysterious package of crawlies and sweet cake outside his bedroom door after dinner.
- Var loves scratches, especially on his head.
- So loves giving scratches (he will also deny this)
- So doesn't play favorites. Except with Var. Var is his favorite.
- Var is actually able to read, but is severely dyslexic, so it's especially hard for him. So knows this (but Var doesn't know that he knows) and will often read aloud if he is reading and Var is around.
- So is noticeably much angrier whenever Var is away from the Castle.
- They have a shared bedchamber, as well as separate ones. They didn't use it a whole bunch until So started getting nightmares. He finds comfort having Var with him during those times.
- Var loves to compliment So, but he always asks for permission before doing so.
- So absolutely uses his authority as Emperor to let Var get off the hook for things that would get other Skeksis punished (not that Var does much to warrant punishment)
- Var gives lovely shoulder massages... But only for So.
- Var will drop whatever he is doing if he hears So call for him (no matter where he is in the Castle)
- He once burst through a wall of the Castle cause he got too impatient to find the door. So was a mix of angry and impressed.
- So is one for more subtle compliments, but sometimes he will give Var a very blunt compliment (Ex: "you look lovely today, General.")
- Fun fact: blunt compliments (especially from the Emperor) make Var very, very flustered.
- So absolutely hates seeing Var sad and if he so much as hears a sad snort, he will be on an escapade to deal with whatever made his General sad.
- Once, Var was sad that his favorite helmet got ruined in battle and the next day, So had 10 exact replicas of that helmet built and gifted to Var.
- Var sometimes sends So his favorite flowers or jewels and the note (in Vars messy handwriting) always read that it's from a "secret admirer" with a cute little message written out as well (the note is misspelled every time)
- So absolutely knows its Var, but says nothing. He has a giant dresser filled with just the little notes Var has left him over the trine.
- So will always make it bluntly known whenever he is displeased with Var (any angry feelings don't last long because So cracks the moment he hears a sad snort)
- They fight on occassion (mainly So), but they are quick to make up as neither like seeing the other upset.
- Var has a tendency to copy (to a degree) those that he respects. So sometimes tricks Var into complimenting himself.
- Since his experiments with the Darkening, So gets injured and sick easier than before. Var helps him out a lot even before he learns of the experiments.
- One of the few times Var started a fight is when he learned of the Darkening experiments. So eased up on them for a while, but didn't fully stop them.
- Var is the only Skeksis that So trusts wholeheartedly and, only once, has even confided how much he truly trusts and cares for the General.
- Var isn't the best with words, so he tends to stick to physical affection and gifts.
- So loves whenever Var tries his best with words, no matter how bad it sounds.
- If So makes even half a mention as to something he wants, Var immediately starts searching for it.
(Also, I haven't been drawing much, so heres a little doodle!)
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Before I pass out, may I have some more ekt/ayuk hcs to wake up to
Oh of course!
- Ekt and Ayuk are both very paternal and if they notice a Gelfling with their baby, they will 100% use their authority as lords to hold the baby.
- Because so much of his work requires up close detail, Ekt is actually fairly near sighted (though his sight isn't as bad as Oks). He thinks glasses will make him look ugly, but Ayuk makes sure that he at least wears some whenever the two are alone or if Ekt is working so his eyes don't get worse.
- Ayuk always has some mouth fresheners on hand after he learned the hard way to not give Ekt any pecks and kisses after eatting spicy food.
- Ayuk does occasionally have a criticism for one of Ekts outfits or designs and he always starts the criticism off with "I love you, my perfect crawlie dumpling, but..."
- Even if Ekt absolutely hates any new foods Ayuk wants him to try, he won't spit it out (though he will not be the nicest in his criticisms if he especially hated the food)
- Ayuk has eatten so many extreme sides of the food spectrum that he can't taste most lightly seasoned foods anymore, so Ekt has helped him in categorizing every seasoning, food, and how intense they are for regular Skeksis.
- Ekt once tried going on a diet after being worried about his figure (this was in the early days of the Skeksis rule). It was one of the only times he ever made Ayuk cry.
- Ayuk was still very supportive, even though he was very insistent that Ekt was perfect no matter what.
- The two have their own private bed chambers as well as one shared one.
- Sometimes, they'll be dorks and one will sleep in their own bed chamber while the other will sneak there in the midst of the night like they did when they were young.
- (bit gross) Ayuk always makes sure that every animal that is killed before dinner is properly skinned or deboned so Ekt has fresh materials.
- He also supplies the grosser aspects of Ekts makeup.
- If it isn't a busy day, they love to go about the Castle, maybe have a picnic by the telescope or enjoy a couples massage.
- "Where's my husband?" "IM HERE, HUSBAND IS HERE, I LOVE YOU!!"
- (That is both of them, with equal intensity)
- Ayuk intentionally supplies more foods that he knows Ekt likes.
- Ekt notices every little detail about Ayuk and will sew up even the tiniest tear he notices on his outfits.
- Ayuk has nearly as much clothes as Ekt because Ekt loves making clothes for him.
- They only ever had one super big fight and neither can remember what it was for.
- When they were younger, they were always sneaky, since they didn't think their relationship was okay.
- Literally everyone knew about it, but the one time Ok brought it up to Ekt, he went on an unum long tirade about how they toooooottally weren't dating.
- It took them about 50 trine to finally come clean and everybody had to feign being shocked.
- (Ayuk also knew that everyone else knew by the 10 trine mark, but he found it fun to be sneaky with Ekt)
- Ayuk wakes up at least half an hour before Ekt just so he can admire him.
- Though both are very protective of each other, Ekt will straight up throat punch someone if he feels they disrespected Ayuk enough.
- Ekt is still trying hard to be able to carry Ayuk bridal style someday (hes getting close!)
- (and this is just for fun) Ayuk apologizing to Ekt:
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If it isn't asked before, what would any of the castle skeksis think and do if they were sent to modern (america) and unable to speak english?
Aside from giving a hilarious mental image of the Skeksis just popping out of nowhere in the middle of a city, I would say that it is unlikely to go well at all.
Aside from a few Skeksis (namely Tek, Shod, Ok, and potentially Sil and Ekt), most Skeksis' first instincts would be to try and fight the giant, bipedal creatures on an unknown planet.
It would not go well for them in the slightest and their best bet would be to all somehow survive and find a forest to live in while skekTek tries his hardest to implement a way for them to return to Thra before the Earth is the end of them.
... The other, more unlikely possibility is that the Skeksis somehow get welcomed onto Earth, learn english, and all have to get actual jobs. Which would be a brand new hilarity itself.
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(Ship ask) Zok/Sil with Zok catching dem feels first? Personal HC that Zok stumbbled upon Sil singing on the balconey & he caught them hiding feels.
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SkekSil rarely ever sings, especially in any place public. Singing isn't necessary for his position, so it is almost never done, no matter how lovely his singing voice is.
Yet, there are times when he has to take off the mask he wears and allow himself to go through complex emotions such as sadness or grief.
Maybe after someone's banishing or skekSa leaving the Castle for good, but the Chamberlain needed to be somewhere fast where he may allow his emotions to settle in the only way he knows how; song.
He had slipped away at some point and skekZok had been sent to look for him. He had always been on neutral grounds, knowing better than to trust skekSil in most cases, so he had no issue with skekSil. During his searching, that is when he began to hear soft notes, barely audible to even a Skeksis.
He followed those notes, thinking perhaps a Podling or Gelfling was messing around. The music was strangely hypnotic and there was such an intense underlying sadness behind the music that had skekZok completly enthralled.
You can imagine his surprise when he found skekSil, singing a quiet, somber song in the dead of night. For a moment skekZok thought he was part of some elaborate trick, so he watched skekSil for a bit, waiting for when the trick to reveal itself. Yet it never did.
SkekZok quickly left, feeling he saw something that he shouldn't have. SkekSil being able to sing couldn't really be used as blackmail, and there was something so raw about the emotion in the Chamberlains singing that began to stir the Ritual Masters feelings.
I wouldn't say he was immediately smitten with skekSil after that, given how skekZok is much less emotionally oriented when compared to some other Skeksis, but he definitely began to pay much closer attention to skekSil.
Feelings slowly build from there. It takes a good couple trine for skekZok to fully develop feelings for skekSil, but once he does, he immediately accepts it and springs into action.
He is incredibly subtle in his flirting, even more so than other Skeksis. He leaves small little things he knows skekSil likes, makes small, kind comments that are not obvious, but enough to grab the Chamberlains attention.
When skekSil catches on, should he begin to feel the same way, he'll return those same subtle advances. They flirt for a good while, but when both can see the things they want are so close, they quickly lose patience.
They quickly go from flirting to dating and both have no shame in announcing it. They are both in high positions, right next to the Emperor, and the only one that would be willing to say anything about the matter would be skekSo himself.
Both are actually decent for one another. SkekZok is someone that skekSil can't easily lie to and get away with, but he is also someone that can come to the Chamberlains aid should he get in over his head. And skekSil isn't one to judge skekZoks darker side and even helps with thinking of new punishment and torture methods.
As for the pregnancy, how the others react would depend on if others have had Skeklings yet. If so, then they would be rather chill about it, though skekZok is definitely the kind of Skeksis that isn't going to want childlings until he sees his own (which he will love, even if he isn't the most affectionate father).
If they are the first, however, there is mass panic at the beginning and skekZok takes a long time questioning if this is a punishment or a gift and what this means for the Skeksis hierarchy as a whole. SkekSo begins as very concerned that this will impact his claim to the throne, but settles down once he realizes (with some nudging from skekSil) that this is a great chance to further the Skeksis empire.
SkekSil ends up spending a lot of time with skekTek, who chronicles every tiny detail about the pregnancy, comparing it to the pregnancy of every other creature on Thra, even debating on if they should contact the Urru in order to see if they have had any pregnant Mystics.
It's a bit of a shock to learn that, while Skeksis pregnancies only last for about half the time as a Gelflings, the eggs they lay take nearly a full trine to hatch (for the first time, it was an absolutely nerve wracking time, waiting everyday for the eggs to hatch)
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