#skekekt x skekayuk
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Propaganda under the cut
SkekEkt X SkekAyuk (EktAyuk) - The Dark Crystal
Skeksis are a violent evil species who all fight each other and backstab. Not SkekEkt and SkekAyuk. They hang out, gossip, discuss their tastes and health, and SkekAyuk held a welcome home banquet just for SkekEkt. There is a reason why the fandom has shipped them and seen them as the Gomez and Morticia of TDC for years.
SkekVar/SkekZok - The dark crystal
Big man x freak man
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
One of the funniest things in SkekAyuk X SkekEkt is how they are a perfect couple who adore each other and agree with everything except one thing : politics. SkekEkt wants SkekSil to be Emperor and SkekAyuk wants SkekZok as such
That must be the ONE topic they avoid because if they do they argue so hard one ends up screaming and the other flips the table and they sleep separately for the night
No couple is perfect
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darkskek · 2 years
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unpurelemon · 2 years
My Weird Skeksis Ships
The One-Sided(So X Var)
Angry Grump(Ung) X Cunning Chill-Pill(Sil)
Overly Flirty(Zok) X *Screams In Gay*(Tek)
The Old Couple(Ok X Lach)
The Crude Critics(Ekt X Ayuk)
ShyAwkward(Shod) X 'LOOK HOW CUTE MY MATE IS!!'(Na)
Scary(Mal) X Innocent(Gra)
The Outcasts(Sa X Li)
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ladystormcrow · 4 years
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The finished version! 
I kinda mixed and matched versions of the characters. SkekEkt is the Johnny Depp version of Sweeney because his costume is fancier and I figured that’s what Ekt would go for, while skekAyuk is the Angela Lansbury version of Lovett purely because I like that version best (I wanted to see Ayuk with the hair buns). 
For a silly idea that started from a Discord discussion, I’m quite happy with it! 
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skekshroom · 4 years
Can we have more skeksis with a pregnant reader please and thank you! ❤
ab !! so !! lutely!!
- SkekSo, as I’ve said before, is a very very anxious padre. He’s constantly having SkekTek give you a checkup,making sure you and the baby is ok, monitoring your diet, etc. His fear of death extends to his fear of his family dying as well. 
- SkekTek is actually very calm about the whole situation. Its surprising given how anxious he is in general. Must be something about the scientific aspect of monitoring your body is familiar and soothing to him. Because as soon as his halfskeks are born... all that goes out the window and he cries.
- SkekLi is delighted to know that the babies can hear him in there. He talks to them constantly, makes jokes, etc. He’s so excited to meet them, he’s already got these ideas of them in his head. He imagines the kind of family you’re all going to be and he gets giddy.
- SkekSa is a nervous madre, but she will be with you every step of the way. You two have already decorated the nursery, and she sits with you every night, talking to you both. She kisses your belly and jokingly tells the little halflings inside you that they best come out soon, their parent needs some wine.
- SkekGra and UrGoh are doting as the word may allow. They want you to take it easy, you’re carrying both their little ones! They really wish they could carry instead, that would distribute the “workload” a little more evenly... Or not, because then you’d have TWO pregnant beings in need of care. They cant wait to see what their childlings look like, they’ve already started making clothes for them! That begs the question though... How many arms do they sew for?
- SkekEkt and SkekAyuk are overjoyed, and you can be sure you’ll want for nothing as their pampering knows no bounds. Cravings are taken care of, comfy clothes, also taken care of. You three spend hours coming up with names because all of you are incredibly indecisive. You end up with an extensive list to ensure no matter how many end up in the world at once, all will have beautiful names.
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Before I pass out, may I have some more ekt/ayuk hcs to wake up to
Oh of course!
- Ekt and Ayuk are both very paternal and if they notice a Gelfling with their baby, they will 100% use their authority as lords to hold the baby.
- Because so much of his work requires up close detail, Ekt is actually fairly near sighted (though his sight isn't as bad as Oks). He thinks glasses will make him look ugly, but Ayuk makes sure that he at least wears some whenever the two are alone or if Ekt is working so his eyes don't get worse.
- Ayuk always has some mouth fresheners on hand after he learned the hard way to not give Ekt any pecks and kisses after eatting spicy food.
- Ayuk does occasionally have a criticism for one of Ekts outfits or designs and he always starts the criticism off with "I love you, my perfect crawlie dumpling, but..."
- Even if Ekt absolutely hates any new foods Ayuk wants him to try, he won't spit it out (though he will not be the nicest in his criticisms if he especially hated the food)
- Ayuk has eatten so many extreme sides of the food spectrum that he can't taste most lightly seasoned foods anymore, so Ekt has helped him in categorizing every seasoning, food, and how intense they are for regular Skeksis.
- Ekt once tried going on a diet after being worried about his figure (this was in the early days of the Skeksis rule). It was one of the only times he ever made Ayuk cry.
- Ayuk was still very supportive, even though he was very insistent that Ekt was perfect no matter what.
- The two have their own private bed chambers as well as one shared one.
- Sometimes, they'll be dorks and one will sleep in their own bed chamber while the other will sneak there in the midst of the night like they did when they were young.
- (bit gross) Ayuk always makes sure that every animal that is killed before dinner is properly skinned or deboned so Ekt has fresh materials.
- He also supplies the grosser aspects of Ekts makeup.
- If it isn't a busy day, they love to go about the Castle, maybe have a picnic by the telescope or enjoy a couples massage.
- "Where's my husband?" "IM HERE, HUSBAND IS HERE, I LOVE YOU!!"
- (That is both of them, with equal intensity)
- Ayuk intentionally supplies more foods that he knows Ekt likes.
- Ekt notices every little detail about Ayuk and will sew up even the tiniest tear he notices on his outfits.
- Ayuk has nearly as much clothes as Ekt because Ekt loves making clothes for him.
- They only ever had one super big fight and neither can remember what it was for.
- When they were younger, they were always sneaky, since they didn't think their relationship was okay.
- Literally everyone knew about it, but the one time Ok brought it up to Ekt, he went on an unum long tirade about how they toooooottally weren't dating.
- It took them about 50 trine to finally come clean and everybody had to feign being shocked.
- (Ayuk also knew that everyone else knew by the 10 trine mark, but he found it fun to be sneaky with Ekt)
- Ayuk wakes up at least half an hour before Ekt just so he can admire him.
- Though both are very protective of each other, Ekt will straight up throat punch someone if he feels they disrespected Ayuk enough.
- Ekt is still trying hard to be able to carry Ayuk bridal style someday (hes getting close!)
- (and this is just for fun) Ayuk apologizing to Ekt:
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holic-user · 4 years
Au where So and Su married and there's no more feuding. Now they're trying to keep their 30+ "kids" in order
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I had this pic unfinished for over a month and just now decided, 'I need to finish this'
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Looking at the drawing again made me realize that this movie poster is perfect for editing.
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kiraleestudios · 4 years
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When you’re showing your crawlie dumpling the power of Starbucks
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Skekayuk has made a dish for Skekekt, and the Ornamentalist feels the deepest affection. Little surprises like this are regular, to make Skekekt happy. These gestures are taken well, long as they talk about fashion, and him over the meal.
I definitely ship these two, obviously or not so obviously
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shortpirateking · 5 years
I won't lie I kinda wanna see Skekekt and Skekayuk as a couple. I even imagine them sharing a human pet to pamper, spoil, and experiment on. Whether it be dressing them up with Ekt's latest models or stuffing them with Ayuk's food. What do you think?
I’ve seen a lot of people shipping them, though at first I never understood why until I looked at the 1982 movie again. 
I can see it, both being odd ones out(especially since one is tall and skinny and the other short and fat, making them almost pure opposites). So i’m slowly inching my way into the Ekt/Ayuk ship bandwagon. 
As for humans, yes I can absolutely see it! whatever human one adopts, the other adopts as well! which means the human gets the finest clothes but also the best food Ayuk can make! This human would be beyond spoiled and pampered compared to the other human companions, and probably is living a better life than half of the skeksis are. 
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loveforskekshod · 2 years
My Skeksis OTPs
SkekShod x SkekZok
SkekGra x SkekMal
SkekTek x SkekUng
SkekOk x SkekLach
SkekEkt x SkekAyuk
SkekSo x SkekVar
SkekSil x SkekNa
SkekSa x SkekLi
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candythemew · 4 years
How about skekEkt X skekAyuk?
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EktAyuk is a classic Skeksis ship! And you can really trust them to treat eachother right! I think their dynamic is very cute and lighthearted. Kinda like a fairytale. Or at least to them anyways! Also they got the height difference thing going on and That’s super cute AGG! I personally love drawing the ornamentalist like a beanpole so that makes it even better. I think it was a good move on the writers of AoR to flesh out their relationship more since they knew they were a popular Skeksis ship in the fan base since the beggining. Just agh!! Cute!! I’d draw more of them if people would like me to. I just know my She/Her Ekt HC is a little controversial so I usually hold off from drawing her even though she’s one of my favorite Skeksis.
If you’re craving some REALLY GOOD EktAyuk content, There’s a really good story written by @frou-frou-palace-idiot That I definitely recommend reading to any EktAyuk fans out there! It’s Called:
Hallway Whispers
and It’s probably the best EktAyuk fic out there. It does great justice to all the characters in there and it’s just a wonderful piece of writing!
So, TLDR; I think they’re cute together!
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skekheck · 4 years
What are your favorite ships besides MalVa also your reasoning why would be great too!
Oh I have a few! 
EktAyuk (Not sure what else their ship would be called. Fancy Gourmet? I dunno lol): I think everyone can agree there’s something going on with these two. I did ship them since the movie. Like after rewatching it with a friend, it clicked for me. Also the little bits we got of these two have been nice. For example, when skekAyuk told skekEkt to be careful when he approached skekMal. It’s nice: I need more of that. 
GraGoh: Self-explanatory. Their dynamic is so funny and interesting and I suppose they were my gateway to shipping MalVa too. Also it’s nice they’re relationship is canon!
Tavraonica: Another cute canon ship. Well at least book canon, although the show might have dropped a little hint that those two are together. If we ever get any continuation of the series I hope they confirm they’re a thing in that timeline too. It would be a shame because they’re a goddamn power team in the books. 
I also really like the idea of Brea with Kylan or Rek’yr. Brea and Kylan I see having a lot of chemistry especially since Kylan is a songteller. On the other hand, I do like the idea of Brea and Rek’yr because they’re from different worlds and it’s interesting to see how they learn from each other and such. That dynamic could be really fun to think about. 
And I think that’s it. I think I’m fine with all other canon ships and whatnot, except Stonegrot and Kensho x Thurma. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
SkekEkt x SkekAyuk x Reader, Their reaction to hearing the fact that the Reader hasn't been eating as much as they should.
They are so qualified for this ask smH
[SkekEkt x reader x SkekAyuk]
- It was a casual comment, you hadn’t eaten since yesterday. Not on purpose, you said- you’ve just been in the zone. SkekEkt understands completely, they’re an artist after all. They get what its like to be so engrossed in something you forget to take care of yourself.
- Understanding =/= quiet. They make a huge scene. “(Y/N), YOU’RE WASTING AWAY, HOW COULD YOU NEGLECT YOURSELF LIKE THIS AAAGGGHHHHH!!!”
- But you’re not alone and therefore have no excuse to go hungry when you have a master chef as your love! These two are immediately in kahoots trying to help you with a meal plan, and making sure you have only the most delicious thing to eat. After all, if its tasty and beautiful, how could you not look forward to dinner time?
- SkekAyuk loves to provide, and encourages you to tell him what you’re craving. He’ll make it happen! And out of the two, he’s actually going to remember to remind you to eat. He has to do the same with SkekEkt, after all.
- I imagine SkekEKt does that thing your tia or friends mom does when you serve a small plate “don’t be shy put some more! there’s plenty, have some more!”
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Skekayuk, do you like Skekekt?
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I think they are particularly fond of one another
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