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Film - The Fly.
Released - 1958, Multiple release dates.
Directed by Kurt Nuemann.
Film.Co - 20th Century Fox.
History - During the inclining production of science fiction films, the 1950's was practically filling to the brim with science fiction films. Movies like the original Godzilla, the beast from 20,000 fathoms, and THEM! were lining the halls of movie theaters with their posters. Over time, the critical audiences of feature films became skeptical of the sci-fi genre and pre-empted that The Fly would be just another flick. Today, The Fly is held within the American film collection as cultural significant to the film industry for special effects, aesthetic quality, acting, and foundation building for a genre.
Plot - Following the investigation of a brutal and gory murder, Francios finds himself unfortunately involved. Worse is the case that the murder victim is Andre, his brother. Adding to the pain of this discovery is that Andre's wife, has claimed responsibility for the murder. Admitting to crushing her husbands head and arm with a high pressure steal press, Helena (The wife), is quickly dismissed by investigators and nurses as clinically insane. Francios, distraught in this claim pleads that Helena has had no prior history of such activities and that there is something more to this case then a simple murder. What Francios eventually draws from the reluctant wife is a tale of science gone horribly wrong. A teleportation experiment deemed impossible by the world is made possible by Andre, however, a terrible mistake leads to an anatomical disaster that could drive any sane mind crazy.... even the dainty and loving Helena.
Personal Rating - 9 OUT OF 10 = Few science fiction films of the time drew heavy on the influence of psychology. It was the norm for films to include the essence of the times, cold war monsters of radiation and hate drew next to aliens who claimed the world feeble to the might of the extraterrestrial invaders, despite the new growing age of technology. The direct relation to a crazed mind and the acts of a poor unfortunate scientist create a heavy atmosphere of uncertainty and fear. the wrath of an unthinking and inconsiderate machine simply going about its program is matched by the inconvenience and unthinkable horrors that a common house fly can create. The film has a plot that is made of pure coincidental situations.... normally that would create a sense of "that would never happen" or "that was sheer luck/bad luck". However, this matter of incidental occurrences and miscalculations truly expose the delicate and strategic procedures that occur in moments of heavy science and that if all effects and equations are not heeded, the outcomes will be dire.
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- The regular colorful tone of the TOHO kaiju films are completely gone in this film. Almost all of the Godzilla films had a somewhat bright colortone to them, this film however, the entire earth tone grey colorpallet that masks this film gives it an eerie setting. Godzilla 2014 had a brighter color scheme then this. Godzilla Resurgence is a film that is going to take itself seriously.
- Godzilla is expertly replicated in the vision of 1954 but with a twist that gives the monster the sense of true horror.
- All Godzilla films that involved Godzilla as a stand alone monster has always offered "character development" for the big G. I am profoundly curious as to what in the film will offer to the layers of character that Godzilla has.
- I am in no way skeptical of this film and are hyped as hell.
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Im..... i'm alive? Sweet.....
....I think
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ATTENTION FOLLOWERS - This blog has been somewhat turbulent in the means of follower interaction as well as activity along with Strange tumblr glitches for the tablet that don't allow me to upload some of the most small and simple files. I am work on a way to fix that and In the meantime I have created an Invader Zim rp blog for cannon and OC characters. I am a roleplayer with 4 plus years of experience and are open to many writing styles. The invader zim fandom is slighty more active then the kaiju fandom but I will still be coming back here once the technical issues have been sorted. Follow me at @defective-of-irk-95
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Film - Gojira.
Release date - December, 1954.
Director - Ishiro Honda.
Film Co. TOHO LTD.
Monster List - Gojira.
PROS - 1 = The first Japanese kaiju film ever produced and led the way for countless shows, tv shows, and sub cultures and has contributed Greatly to the culture of japan.
              2 = Expertly crafted story of an atomic allegory and nuclear holocaust.
              3 = A star studded cast that has launched the film as one the most memorable and greatest films in Japanese history.
              4 = Pave the way for modern practical effects.
              5 = Filmed in glorious black and white.
CONS - 1 = Not enough Dr. Serizawa.
              2 = The romantic plot. While symbolic of the hope and love of the Japanese people despite the pain of the past, the romantic Subplot almost feels forced and unneeded. 
              3 = Did I say not enough Serizawa? His role was one of the most dynamic and tragic characters in the entire movie. He creates a moral tension that surpasses even that of the great kaiju destruction.
Personal rating = 10 out of 10.
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A NEW FORMAT IS COMING! First though id like to thank you guys for sticking around these random breaks im trying to make them less frequent but I am still around.  I am still open for request of movies, I have only gotten several. Remember that the more you guys are involved the more active I am. I feed off of your attention because im a slut like that. THE NEW FORMAT! After looking through my old reviews I caught a briefness in the actual review themselves. I will be going through the Godzilla films in order and placing beneath a PRO's and CON's with at least three of each and a better and comprehensive review score. I am still open in-between to do scifi reviews so please bring them in. As of now till 12 eastern standard I will take in 4 request and will have the first pro and con review up by tonight!! SEND THEM IN! STAY GIANT
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WOW this is neat! Name- Ryan. 2 Nickname - Bread. 3 Birthday - 6/5/95. 4 - Sign Gemini. 5 Favorite colors - Purple. 6 Gender - uuummm, when I find out i'll letcha know. 7 Height - 6'3. 8 Current time - 12:57. 9 Average sleep hours - 5 - 7. 10 Lucky numbers - 2995 and 0329 and 1003. 11 Last thing I googled - FLCL. 12 - First word that popped into your head - poop. 13 happy place - Upstairs and my girls room. 14 Celebrity crush - Adrian Brody. 15 favorite book - The Collector. 16 Last movie I watched - Godzilla vs. Megalon balla. 17 dream trip - Osaka japan. Dream Job - Freelance author.
Tagged by @pxnkinpie
Rules are to tag 10 people you wanna learn more about.
1. Name - Samantha
2. Nickname - Sam, Sammi
3. Birthday - August 4th
4. Sign - Leo
5. Favorite colors - teal, midnight blue, lilac
6. Gender - Demigirl (She/they)
7. Height - 5'0 8. Current time - 1:43am
9. Average hours of sleep - 2-3
10. Lucky number - 3,7,13
11. Last thing I googled - If I put hot tea in my glass water bottle full of ice, will it crack?
12. First word popped into my head - Wolf (reading teen wolf fanfic tbh)
13. Happy Place - My bedroom
14. Celebrity crush - Scarlett Johansson
15. Favorite book - Rage
16. Last movie I watched - The Judge
17. Dream trip - Christmas in Disney World
18. Dream job - Forensic Tech
I’ll tag @honeymish @yournerdygirl @morningstarbuckssex @fateswarning91 @saved–by-music @morgasmblr @smolgayprincess @dripsofjupiterinmyhair
I literally have no idea who else to tag so y’know, sorry and all that but I’m only tagging 8 people.
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GRAB SOME TASTY REQUEST SPOTS! I'm open for requests today! I have 4 request spaces open! Request must either be a kaiju film, vintage scifi or cult movie. It also must ne one I have not reviewed yet! First four request will ne accepted!  
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From Katsuro Onoue‘s twitter. Looks like this is the real deal.
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Film - The Alligator People.
Release Date - July 1959.
Directed by Roy Del Ruth.
Film Co. Associated Producers Inc.
The director never made another film after this one. However before its release, the strange promise of a psychological horror within a cheesy man in a rubber suit sci-fi film still seemed to intrigue enough viewers to go and actually see the film. Made at the beginning of monster movie genre boom, The Alligator people makes its muddy mark in the cinema collection of horror and rubber.
Plot - Joyce, the new bride to a wonderful young man named Paul, finds herself searching for him after a train ride. For a strange and unapparent reason, Paul leaves in a hurried dash to make a phone call once the train stops and then suddenly disappears. With no where to go, she is caught up while waiting by a strange package for its owner and by sheer luck or doomed unluckiness, she is picked up by Mannon, a handy man to a local plantation whose horrific encounters with alligators has left him with a missing hand and a furious hatred for the reptiles. The plantation is less then welcoming due to its overly certain owner over the whereabouts and relation to Joyce's husband causes Joyce to be forced to agree to stay the night in forced agreement to have her room locked from the outside. As the night passes and a day slips by, Joyce slips out of her room upon hearing the haunting sounds of a piano playing only to find a being that she could never suspect...
Personal Rating - (In process of acquiring the DVD) = With the promise of a strange psychological twist amongst the film and its cheesy rubber suit are far more then I can restrain from. I feel a deep desire to watch this film and will stop at nothing to get it. The feeling it get from seeing pictures and trailers of this film reminds me of staying up late on Friday night with cold pizza and wide red eyes glued to a tv screen. If drive through still existed in the mass they once did, you could expect me their any day.
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Film - Gorgo.
Release Date - March 29th, 1961.
Directed by Eugene Lourie.
Film Co. King Brothers Production.
With the realization that giant monster movies and scifi films were gaining an incredibly steady popularity in the world, it was only in time that the film companies of the world would start jumping up to produce their own. Britain created their masterpiece Gorgo which like many other monster films at the time, were over looked and simply put away by anyone other then the fans whose opinions where usually never heard in media leading this film to the typical treatment and mockery. Regardless, Gorgo holds its ground as a skillfully shot and lesson holding thriller that maintains a regional feel.
Plot - Captain Ryan and his assistant Slade are at the high seas on search for treasure that may have rose up after a series of small tremors off the coast of Ireland. However, they did not expect to have a monster released from the tremors as well. After submerging to investigate, Ryan and Slade instantly feel that the creature is within easy grasp and containment and see the creature as a money hive by exploiting it in a circus. With little care for the creatures well being, they instantly embark to trap the creature and end in success. However, a local boy with a strange sympathy for the monster sneaks onto the ship that is transporting the monster hoping to free it. Only guided by a strange sense of kindness, the boy simply declares he is trying to save the two selfish treasure hunters. His warning goes unheeded while underneath the same sea's is the mother of the apparent young captive whose very being is filled with motherly rage and hate for the small animals who have taken her brood. the direction of her wrath, London.
Personal Rating - 9 OUT OF 10 = This film is a strange one. Generally the lesson of most Monster movies is either that nature shouldn't be tampered with or that curiosity kills the cat. Instead, its a tale of human greed and animal cruelty that takes the stage in an explosive manner. The main characters are actually the antagonists for nothing that they do is heroic and everything they do makes the viewers skin crawl with anger and frustration. This is a new perspective and a new story with the only thing being possibly similar in scope is the masterful Japanese film, Mothra.
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GREAT NEWS KAIJU FANS! I NOW HAVE MESSEGING! The more you message me, the more content will be posted. I work this blog based on the fan base and its interactivity. Ipost more when the blog is active with followers! Message more and interact more for more content! Im open to messages now till 9:45!
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ATTENTION KAIJU FREAKS! A tumblr update has alerted me that on my personal blog, I now have tumblr messaging. It took a while for it to on my tumblr since I use a Microsoft surface tablet and formatting it is different for all devices. The alert hasn't come up for this blog yet but I expect in due time. I will be open to threaded messaging so that we can live review and even get recommendations and discussions on film I have either not reviewed or films were my review wasn't as agreeable. I will alert you when I gain the ability to due so. If I don't respond instantly, expect a return message within 24 hours. I am a full time student and a part time worker with a life so at times I may be absent for hours on hand. I look forward to chatting with my followers! As for the film reviews, next up on my list is GORGO! aka British Godzilla!!
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Film - Pulgasari.
Released Unknown, 1985.
Directed by Shin Sang-Ok.
Film Co. Korean Government Sponsored Media.
North Korea is a bizarre country. Ruled by an intolerant dictatorship party and one bent on militarism and possibly world conquest, Its easy to see why they are one of the least Liked countries of all time. Once rich with boundless culture, military take overs and harsh war followed by government unrest, the now communist country is now a ghost of its former self. At the time of the films release, the current leader was the infamous Kim-Jon-ill, a ruthless leader who has tested the world time and time again with bluffs of nuclear weapons. With his life tarnished with blood and horror, its was strange to see this man have a bizarre interest in kaiju movies. Using the Korean intelligence agency, the dictator was able to kidnap a Japanese director and his ex-wife while the vacationed in south Korea and forced then to create a kaiju movie for the 'All powerful ruler'.
Plot - The ancient Monarchy of Korea is in troubling times. The Monarchy is corrupt with greed and expanding wealth and has now furthered the reach by being active In small rural farm lands. Ever needing to further their greed and armies, they resort to stealing the iron and steel of the poor peasant farm workers. The outrage is intense and creates a rebellion of works who refuse to cooperate with the horrendous acts of the monarchy but are soon swiftly dismantled by the powerful army of the king. One of the elders of the group is captured along with the youth rebels begins a food strike in prison and finds himself close to death. In his final moments, using some food, dirt and his own blood, he blesses a small creature statue he created and prayed hoping that he would be able to leave a blessing for those who are the victims of the king. His prayers are answered as the statue turns into a living creature that eats metal, the vital tool of the king army. Growing ever larger with every ounce of metal it eats, it turns into a vital ally for the farmers as they wage war against the king.
Personal Rating - 8.5 OUT OF 10 = This film is one large propaganda mess as obvious representations of capitalistic allegories and nationalistic power fill the film and yet, the miniatures and larger models are almost flawless. The acting feels genuine as the monster action fills the screen with intense violence and horror. The film acts more as a fantasy tragedy then a legend kaiju film and makes it an incredibly unique.
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