askgeniearthur · 6 years
This also applies to this blog as well!
Announcement - Hiatus
Sorry everyone. I’ve been busy and when I haven’t been busy I’ve been wanting to rest from work. Actually, so at the end of July is my last day of work in Japan, and after that in mid-August I will be moving back to America (cries). Things are going to be a little bit hectic and busy until that time, so I probably won’t have the time or energy to write. I really do want to write and I will definitely continue. I still have fics I need to finish and ideas for new ones. But unfortunately, I’ve just had no motivation or will. 
So, I’m putting this blog on hiatus until I come back to the US. Once i get settled I”ll try to start writing again. Until then, have a lovely time everyone and I wish you all the best.
In the meantime, you should check out @gallifreyanlibertea‘s fics and others! I highly recommend. Thank you everyone for your support until now. I’ll still be around on tumblr if you wanna chat, I just won’t be able to post any writing. 
Thank you!!
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
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Arthur: Genies aren’t born genies. We apply to become one as a job. Also, I met Alfred at the GMV when I was renewing my license and he was getting his first one.
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
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mun: no tea no wishes 
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
pancake mix
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
xD Lmao wait, wait. So with the GMV since in the tags you said you only witched the D for a G.. Does that mean it stands for Genie of Motor Vehicles
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Arthur: We have to get it properly verified and certified before they start letting just random people run around using magic and granting wishes.
mun: ahahhahaha…….Genie of Motor Vehicles…. ahah who would……… do such a silly thing……….make… such a mistake… aahahahaha that would just be… silly…. L o l ! !! 
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
mun replies to asks
look for responses under the read more!
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Thank you so much sorry I didn’t respond to these before.
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Unfortunately, I’m still kinda sick. I’ve been coughing for over two months now and I’m not really sure why.... I’ve gone to the doctor a couple times but none of the antibiotics he gave me worked. Oh well lol. But I wanna get back into drawing and stuff so hopefully...........-sweats- I’ll maybe be posting more? 
Also it’s getting so cold here I’m not going to survive winter. It snowed tonight I’m crying right now because of it. 
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I still don’t know what you mean by this ask I am sorry. 
...BuuUuUUuuuuT soft what light from yonder window breaks...
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You’re just jealous of how rich I am. Admit it.
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
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Arthur: Genies aren’t born genies. We apply to become one as a job. Also, I met Alfred at the GMV when I was renewing my license and he was getting his first one.
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
haha guess what so after my arm got better guess who got bronchitis and has had it for three weeks? 
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
∑( ̄□ ̄;) I hope your arm feels better soon!!
Thank you!! ; - ; It is feeling a bit better so I’m glad about that.
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
Is this blog dead?
It’s not dead I just have a lot of work and a little while ago I got pneumonia and now I’ve messed up my right arm so I can’t draw. 
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
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New summer outfit!
Arthur: Since a certain someone ripped my other clothes..... I thought I would change into a summer outfit. 
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
Arthur: I hate you. 
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Arthur’s not too fond of Alfred’s clothes. 
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
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Arthur’s not too fond of Alfred’s clothes. 
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
Have you ever had feelings for one of your masters before? Did it make things more painful (assuming they were mortal) when they died?
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askgeniearthur · 7 years
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Artie: Saying my name over and over won’t help either. I already heard you the first time. 
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