askmemearchive · 5 years
Send “It’s OK. I’m here” to comfort my muse after a nightmare.
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askmemearchive · 6 years
* soft angst starters
‘ stay with me tonight? ’
‘ don’t talk. save your strength. ’
‘ hey, i’ve got you. it’s okay. ’
‘ i’ll be right here. don’t worry. ’
‘ i think we’re done. ’
‘ hold my hand. ’
‘ it’s all been a lie, hasn’t it? ’
‘ we’re out of time. ’
‘ you’ll always be a friend. ’
‘ just hold me. ’
‘ i have to leave you behind. i’m sorry. ’
‘ don’t do that. it’ll only hurt. ’
‘ go on, cry. ’
‘ keep your eyes open. ’
‘ can i hug you? ’
‘ i trusted you. ’
‘ do you remember? ’
‘ i loved you. ’ 
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askmemearchive · 6 years
“i can’t believe you.”
“are you serious?”
“we’re not finished. i’m not just going to let this go.”
“so you don’t trust me?”
“fuck you.”
“you know me! and the fact that you still think i’d do that hurts the most.”
“i miss the old you. i don’t want the person you’ve become.”
“you never understand.”
“you said the same thing last time.”
“i’m so tired of constantly doing this with you.”
“you don’t even try to see it from my perspective.”
“i’m not apologizing.”
“hell if i care.”
“this is fucking bullshit.”
“why are you always the one who’s breaking my heart?”
“i can’t do this anymore.”
“you don’t mean that.”
“i hate you.”
“you never keep your promises.”
“out of all the things you’ve told me, what was true?”
“i can’t even look at you.”
“do you even love me anymore?”
“i’m fucking done.”
“i shouldn’t have ever trusted you.”
“you’re being unfair.”
“i’m not going to keep being your little secret. i deserve better.”
“i’m leaving.”
“just… just go.”
“i thought you’d be the one to make me happy.”
“you don’t even pretend to care about me.”
“i don’t even remember the last time you told me you loved me.”
“don’t go.”
“i never asked for this.”
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askmemearchive · 6 years
Captured Sentence Starters
May contain some uncomfortable scenarios.
“Thrash all you want, you can ever escape this cage.” 
“I’ve finally caught you.” 
“Aw, is it too tight? Good.” 
“You will never leave this place alive.” 
“You are a marvelous creature, trapped in such a small little cell.” 
“Let me go!” 
“You think you’ve won, huh?!” 
“Quit struggling, you will only make it worse.” 
“You seem rather calm for being in your position.” 
“You can’t keep me in here forever!” 
“W-what are you going to do to me?” 
“I’ve been looking for something new to experiment on…” 
“What a fine specimen! Yes, you will do just fine.” 
“I won’t become some lab rat!” 
“As soon as I get my hands on you, you will regret trapping me in here.” 
“What…what is this place?” 
“Where am I?” 
“If you keep struggling, you may lose a limb.” 
“Please! You got to help me!” 
“I’ve done nothing wrong!” 
“If you answer a just a couple of questions, I may let you go.” 
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for something like you?” 
“You’ve hit the end of the road, ___.” 
“Do you really think bindings and bars will keep you safe?” 
“I will kill you!” 
“You are not quite reacting like I’d assumed…” 
!?+ add your own!
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askmemearchive · 6 years
    concerned meme
“ are you okay? ”
“ you don’t look so good ”
“ sit down, you look faint ”
“ have you eaten today? ”
“ please, just rest for a minute please ”
“ i’m worried about you ”
“ what the hell happened? ”
“ did someone do this to you? ”
“ what’s wrong? ”
“ how long has this been going on? ”
“ why didn’t you tell me? ”
“ i can’t not care about you ”
“ don’t tell me you’re fine. this is not fine ”
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askmemearchive · 6 years
worried starters
trigger warnings apply! ( mental illness, drugs and alcohol use, self-destructive behaviours, and vomiting )
“You haven’t slept for days, have you?” “Are you eating properly? You don’t look it.” “Why do you keep stumbling over your words? Just how tired are you?” “You need to think about yourself every once in a while.” “I know your work is important, but you’re going to end up in hospital if you go on like this!” “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” “You look so… empty. I’m worried for you, please talk to me.” “Are you alright in there? You’re so quiet.” “How did you get these bruises? Please don’t lie to me.” “There’s something bothering you that you’re not telling me and I can see it slowly destroying you. What happened?” “You’re sleep deprived and you haven’t been eating. Why do you think you’re feeling dizzy?” “I can give you some pills to help you sleep. They aren’t healthy, but this is even less healthy.” “If you didn’t just blink I would’ve sworn you were dead, that’s how sickly you’re looking. Go to bed, please!” “Have you drank all of these bottles in one weekend?!” “I know you don’t want this, but it’s for your own good. Sign the papers so they can pick you up tomorrow and you can get clean.” “What the hell are you doing?! Did you do that to yourself?!” “When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” “Here, just keep breathing. It’ll be okay. Better out than in…” “This can’t go on like this! You’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, you barely talk!” “I’m sorry. I went through your room and found this. Explain what the hell this is doing in your room!” “I thought you’d quit! How long have you been lying to me?” “I’m only trying to help and right now I think I have a much better idea of what you need than you do.” “Did you take anything? Why are you passing out? Hey! Stay with me!”
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askmemearchive · 6 years
You find my Muse on the floor/ground unconscious how does your muse react.
*or you can reverse it and have my muse find your muse unconscious*
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askmemearchive · 6 years
Shit Said on Discord Part 1
❝ I probably would burn the place down.... if it were legal... ❞
❝ Taco bell is pure ass. ❞
❝ That feeling when you take a nap and when you wake up 90% of what your friends talked about were memes. ❞
❝ I'm so confused why is there suddenly 849295 gay British tv shows. ❞
❝ I don’t know what that is but my mind went to ‘It's raining tacos, hallelujah, it's raining tacos’. ❞
❝ I don’t think you’re appreciating my Snapchat messages. ❞
❝ I'm doing the emo do with Nickleback playing in the background and you can’t stop me! ❞
 ❝ No one gets me , fuck off. ❞
❝ I’m not the one listening to dick songs. ❞
❝ Your epidermis is showing. ❞
❝ I literally forgot your name for a solid 10 seconds. ❞
❝ I saw you typing don’t you ignore me. ❞
❝ Did somebody say smack dAB? ❞
❝ I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now that I’m officially a unicycle. ❞
❝ Welcome to Daddy Hell. ❞
❝ #NOTMYDADDY... never thought I’d have to type\say that but here we are. ❞
❝ Excuse you you’re the ones that took the u out of colour. ❞
❝ it is really weird to tag "bug daddy" just so you all know. ❞
❝ How fucking dare! ❞
❝ God fucking damn what the hell is that Satanic monstrosity, begone thot! ❞
❝ I’m not wrong I’m ashamed of myself. ❞
❝ “Fix-It Felix would treat me right”... I’m having a stroke! ❞
❝ Dancing queen, young and sweet, at 18??? I think not! ❞
❝ My birthday passed you butt. ❞
❝ brb dying of laughter. ❞
❝ You’re not being fun! ❞
❝ Oh wow fuck you too. ❞
❝ What math is that? ❞
❝ God has left the chat. ❞
❝ Don’t yell at me you’re scaring me to dead. ❞
❝ Oh good there's the pain i was wondering when it would show up. ❞
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askmemearchive · 6 years
Salty Game Grumps Sentence Starters
I wanted it so I made it
“Yeah, of course you do, you stupid fucking bastard.”
“Oh, man, what a surprise. I really thought you had it.”
While laughing, “You’re such a dick.”
“It was awesome how you didn’t cheat. I mean like- GOD. You’d think winning THAT strongly, cheating would’ve been involved in some way.”
“You just need to remember that fire goes out. Especially near water.”
“Bro, I fuckin DESTROYED you.”
“OOOOOHHHHHH! you got fuckin’ SERVED.”
“I will actually smash you in the facial region.”
“First of all: Your insults need a little work.”
“Retire. Just give up.”
“You’ve really been fucking it up lately.”
“Why did you jinx me like that?! You stupid piece of shit-” 
“You’re a fucking witch doctor! How did you get these powers?!”
“Really one of the better… friends in my life.”
“That’s better than being on the stanky ass court with your smelly ass.”
“I believe in your ability to die at my hands.”
“Oh my god. What-the-fuck-ever.”
“That’s the kind of talk that’s gonna get you thrown right in the leopard pit.”
“I think you’re amazing… At being an asshole.”
“I will body slam you if you get saucy with me.”
“Just shut up once for- in your fuckin’ life.”
“You are on just the thinnest of ice.”
“You are just one mean fellow.”
“This game is really tearing us apart and I do not care.”
“I’m gonna actually punch you in the head.”
“I don’t mean to toot my own horn but- TOOT TOOT!”
“I refuse to finish this.”
“Well, you see…. This is how a loser acts.”
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askmemearchive · 6 years
Spotify Top 100 Songs for 2018
Send me a number 1 - 100 and I’ll write you a starter based on my favorite lyric of the corresponding song
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askmemearchive · 6 years
Starters: Apology Edition
“I’m sorry.”
“I feel like I have to apologize for what I did earlier.”
“Why should I say sorry? I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know just saying that I’m sorry won’t undo what I’ve done.”
“Go on! Tell him you are sorry.”
“I didn’t mean that. Sorry.”
“Can you forgive me?”
“You should apologize.”
“What else do you want? I already said that I’m sorry. What else do I need to do that you can forgive me?”
“A simple apology won’t be enough.”
“He already said he’s sorry. Why can’t you forgive him?”
“I brought you this. See it as an apology for what I’ve done earlier.”
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askmemearchive · 6 years
𝟝𝟝 𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤
“Stop lying.” “I like your style.” “I’m better off alone.” “Tell me what you want!” “Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth.” “I think it’s working.” “This is important to me!” “I’m staying.” “I can’t stay.” “Please stay.” “Leave and never come back.” “We’re wasting time.” “Hurry up!” “I can handle it.” “I won’t let you take this from me!” “I have a dream.” “I didn’t mean it.” “I’m sorry.” “I’m not sorry.” “Please give me another chance.” “You always forgive me.” “You never listen.” “Listen to me for once!” “Knowledge is power.” “You’re afraid.” “Just trust me.” “I’m glad that you came.” “I’m back for a while.” “Show some control.” “You’re being ridiculous.” “I got here all by myself.” “I don’t need your help.” “I need your help.” “I’m in my own hell.” “I’m in heaven.” “Why so serious?” “Stop being so serious.” “Start taking this seriously!” “I’m okay.” “I’m not okay.” “You’re tying me down.” “I want to let go.” “I don’t want to let go.” “I’m not going to live in the past anymore.” “I want to turn back time.” “I want to live with no regrets.” “What if it doesn’t last?” “It has to last.” “I wouldn’t change you.” “It was an accident.” “It was a mistake.” “It’s not going to happen.” “Keep dreaming.” “Are you pulling my leg?” “Stop joking.”
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askmemearchive · 6 years
send a symbol.
because i felt like making one of these, fuck you.
LEARN SOMETHING ⛈ - what is the muse like at their worst? 📖 - deadly sin that applies to them the most? 🍁 - favorite season? 🏹 - have they ever committed a murder? 💝 - have they ever been in love, and with who? ⚠️ - the worst deed they’ve done/crime they’ve committed? ⛔ - do they believe in revenge? 💫 - do they believe in fate/propecy/destiny? 🥀 - have they ever felt heartbreak? 🌵 - do they consider themselves dangerous? 🍀 - do they believe in luck? 🌙 - do they believe in magic? ☄️ - what is their biggest regret? 🍷  - do they drink? 🍹 - alcohol tolerance? 🍳  - do they know how to cook? ☀  - night or day?
DO SOMETHING 🙈 - muse is blind for [#] asks. 🙉 - muse can’t hear for [#] asks. 🙊 - muse can’t speak for [#] asks. 💥 - muse feels agonizing pain when they raise their voice for [#] asks. 🐔 - muse is uncontrollably afraid/paranoid for [#] asks. ⚡ - muse has unstable emotions for [#] asks. 🍺 - muse acts like they are when they’re drunk for [#] asks. 🍬 - muse is hyper as fuck for [#] asks. 🎭 - muse can only speak in cryptic phrases for [#] asks. 🎬 - any noise becomes deafening to the muse for [#] asks. 🌋 - the muse is unable to control their anger for [#] asks. 🔦  - muse becomes light-sensitive for [#] asks. 👁‍🗨 - muse feels like they’re being watched for [#] asks. gets worse as it continues. 🚫 - the muse hallucinates their worst fear for [#] asks. gets worse as it continues. ♾️ - the muse is in constant pain for [#] asks. gets worse at it goes along. (bonus if the pain is an old wound/scar.) ⛅ - the muse hides their emotions for [#] asks. emotions come spilling through when m!a ends. ✨ - muse is in a state of hypnosis for [#] asks. go wild.
OTHER ♠️ - the muse’s ‘worse side’ shows for [#] asks. ♥️ - the muse’s ‘better side’ shows for [#] asks. ♦️ - the muse becomes emotionless for [#] asks. ♣️ - the muse feels temporarily free from doubt for [#] asks. ♈ - the muse has an ego boost for [#] asks. ♉ - the muse is unreasonably stubborn/bitter/petty for [#] asks. ♊ - the muse is split into two versions of themself for [#] asks. (emotion/logic, happy/sad, etc.) ♋ - muse becomes overwhelmingly pessimistic for [#] asks. ♌  - muse becomes incredibly fucking arrogant for [#] asks. ♍ - muse is shy as hell for [#] asks. ♎ - muse is obsessed with keeping things ‘stable’ or ‘balanced’ for [#] asks. ♏ - muse is unbearably rude/cruel/violent for [#] asks. ♐ - muse is more ‘pleasant’ than usual for [#] asks. ♑ - muse loses all self-control for [#] asks. ♒ - muse acts incredibly aloof for [#] asks. ♓ - muse is overwhelmed by sadness for [#] asks. ⛎ - wildcard. mun’s zodiac applies to the muse. (ex: i’m a cancer, so if i was sent ophiuchus, muse would get the effects of cancer.)
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askmemearchive · 6 years
starters  /  memes taken from various conversations had over discord servers  &  dm’s .  some are nsfw .  feel free to change around pronouns  /  nouns as need be !
“ i don’t have my license ” “ know who else had legs?  my bastard father ” “ eat my ass , fucker ” “ can you not talk about vore for like one day? ” “ i don’t believe in ghosts because i know they like watersports and i’m running from it ” “ i know you wanna fuck tony the tiger but it makes me uncomfortable ” “ i’ll hunt down your organs ” “ hentai is a national treasure ” “ can i wear you?  i bet you’d be cozy ” “ why are you the literal fucking devil? ” “ if you sleep i’m gutting you like a fish and hanging your skin on the wall ” “ i wish i could step inside your skin ” “ why are your kids always getting tied up due to their threat to the general public? ” “ i can’t compare my cat to their children ” “ the hundai sonata is my favorite animal ” “ man i get so excited when lesbians exist ” “ if you’re scared you should be but it’s okay ” “ i am nothing if not a loving , supportive pain in the ass ” “ dolphin masturbation sobered me up ” “ my dick is hard as a diamond right now ” “ can i be your sexy catheter? ” “ an entire jar of queso counts as dinner ” “ you’re a heart attack in the form of a human being ” “ apparently i could be best friends with shrek and i have to go die now ” “ wake up i need to cry about naruto ” “ you wear a furry mask one time and suddenly you’re a furry ” “ this tv show has way too much heterosexuality for me to handle ” “ well my temperature is 120 and i’m legally dead ” “ stabbing me would hurt less ” “ you may be an accursed being but i cant let even you see this monstrosity ” “ he peed on my wall i literally don’t understand ” “ this is the third time in one morning where i’ve been fully prepared to kill you ” “ i had a dream where seto kaiba made love to me last night ” “ making somebody parallel park is twink discrimination and i won’t stand for it ” “ thanks for letting me keep my arms ” “ i don’t think worms have cocks ” “ god is real but you can only see him when he’s doing the macarena at the foot of your bed at 8am while you’re high on sleep deprivation ” “ i’m great i’m thriving i’m ready to die ” “ they’re gay cats ” “ make like a spine and split ” “ i’m sorry i forgot i abide by a contract with god ” “ they think you’re a little green man ”
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askmemearchive · 6 years
Jacksepticeye Starter Sentences!
"Top of the morning to ya laddies!"
"There's nobody even in my car! So who you peeping at?"
"This is awesome!"
"Dude, I'm fucking awesome!"
"A wooshey woosh!!"
"Mother fuckers! Stay in there!"
"All I know is darkness, ___!"
"Fuck you, needles!! I don't needle you anymore!!"
"I don't give a shit about anything. Except CHEESECAKE!"
"I'm fucking stuck!!"
"Who wrote 'murf' on this tree?"
"Is this game broken or something?!"
"You're gonna fall down and hurt yourself!"
"I only fucked up a little bit!"
"Who are you? Why are you in my room?"
"Go go gadget teddy bear attack!"
"You can call me sugar tits."
"Here! You look very pretty! Here's a head of cabbage."
"Get me down! Gimme down!!"
"What are you talking about you chimpanzee's ass?!"
"Your book's name can be 'I'm a Stupid Bitch!'"
"Stop winking at me!!!"
"Get in your pod!"
"Is that a bear?!"
"My life is a sinkhole."
"I'm too fucking scared!"
"Why do I randomly burst into blood sometimes?"
"That's just sneezing your fucking brains out through your nose-holes..."
"That cat was naked in that car!!"
"___, what are you doing?!"
"Shouldn't ___ be leading if he/she/they had the [weapon]? What if he/she/they accidentally hits me?"
"I'm losing my fucking mind!!!"
"Put food here."
"Slay the innocents, let the streets run cold with blood."
"No! Slay the innocent!"
"I want a taco!"
"Ohhhh! I killed her!"
"Aaahhhh Jesus!"
"No! No! No ya don't! No ya fuckin' don't!"
"This is a bunch of bullshit!"
"Stabbing~ Stabbing! Stabbing a plant to death~"
"Don't you be doing that to me you bitch!!!"
"Hey! Wake up so I can kill you!!"
"Poke it..."
"I was getting fucked up by a flower there for a second."
"Did you just fart at me?!"
"Just call me Eggs Benedict from now on."
"Don't taze me, bro!"
"Also,I should point out that I'm still kind of sick."
"I was singing to get rid of the tension..."
"Go away twinkle toes!"
"I can hear my stomach grumbling because I'm really fucking hungry."
"Well aren't I lucky that you're blind as fuck!"
"Am I wearing fucking salami on my feet?!"
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askmemearchive · 6 years
Send me    “ what happened to you? “    for your muse to find mine bandaging up a wound. 
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askmemearchive · 6 years
Game Grumps — Skyward Sword Playthrough  {Sentence Starters}
“So dangerous…”
“Hello, again, asshole.”
“It’s just an apocalypse.”
“Which is strange, I know.”
“Oh, that’s a really bad lie.”
“I just thought it was a race.”
“She’s a little crazy. I like her.”
“Land on your feet, I beg you.”
“Oh, the things I’ll show you…”
“Well, fuck him, he attacked you.”
“Dost thou desire a grilled cheese?”
“Can you, like… do something nice?”
“Even metaphorically, I can’t hook up.”
“We’ll live off of pudding and our love.”
“Are you trying to out-monologue me?”
“Hmm. Neat. Whatever. I’ve seen better.”
“Are you being sassy with me, right now?”
“It’s cool… it’s not like you almost killed him.”
“There were, like, five separate almost kisses.”
“What did I tell you about falling over the edge?”
“How dead do you think he is? On a scale of 1 to 10?”
“So help me god, if you make a move on my daughter…”
“I mean, I do have stairs, but I’m not letting you in my house.”
“So, I’m going to need a reason why I shouldn’t beat your ass, now.”
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