asksansvoice · 8 years
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asksansvoice · 8 years
Uh. great... Now monsters are starting to make tumblr accounts? dude i hate monsters!! they friggin deserve to be back underground.
replace the word “monsters” with “humans” in these sentences. 
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asksansvoice · 8 years
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asksansvoice · 8 years
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asksansvoice · 8 years
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asksansvoice · 8 years
I need some advice, I have a friend who always puts herself above me and when I ask her a favor she always makes excuses. When I do something bad she doesn't hesitate to point it out but when I do it bad or not she freaks out, I don't know what to do
this doesn’t sound like a friend to me.
i don’t have a great understanding of your situation, since you’ve only brought up a few examples of her behavior. i don’t want to assume or judge things without knowing more, but from mention of “puts herself above me”, being unwilling to help you, (pals should be willing to help pals), and being unable to be honest with her, these sound like red flags of what people consider a “toxic friendship”. 
so my suggestion is this; try and get some serious talk in about this “inequality”. preface it as something important you need to talk about to her, if you gotta- so it catches her attention. 
if she doesn’t give you a chance to speak up honestly about your feelings or thoughts without butting in and interrupting with how she feels (continues to voice complaints about you without hearing your side of things), you may wanna re-evaluate her importance to you in your life. it’s ok to put distance between yourself and her if she isn’t giving you any happiness.
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asksansvoice · 8 years
I disagree with the anon. I very much enjoyed the video. Lmao! I have watched it over 12 times. My youngest brother enjoyed it a lot as well.
see, this friend, on the other hand, can appreciate a humerus, well intentioned joke. i’m glad to hear it tickled you and your lil bro’s funny bone. 
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asksansvoice · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyXVjMUTGD0) So… my bro and I did a little trolling today. I hope you enjoy! XD
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asksansvoice · 8 years
Ok sans im honestly don't like the new song.. now not because i want megalovania, I don't even want it, but because if this is part of you and your friends's daily uploads then im disappointed.. I WAITED ONE WHOLE WEEK JUST THINKING OF WHAT WOULD BE THE NEXT SONG!
someone sure doesn’t have a funny bone. it’s ok to laugh a little and have some fun, my friends and i just wanted to blow off a lil’ steam.
the musical is still continuing, and we still have songs lined up to release - try to find some humerus moments in your life, smile, and don’t worry.
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asksansvoice · 8 years
nice day out.
You wanted more Sans. You REALLY wanted more Sans. Half the comments on Spider Dance were about how it wasn’t what you expected, and another quarter where “When’s Megalovania…”
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asksansvoice · 8 years
doctor w-(!) - doctor who?
Knock knock.
who’s there?
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asksansvoice · 8 years
Knock knock.
who’s there?
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asksansvoice · 8 years
Hey sans do you know steven universe?
i hear steven universe is a pretty cool cat, yeah. fightin’ to save the world with some rock buddies is always a great feat. 
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asksansvoice · 8 years
Heya Sansy! I'm curious about your pet rock. Did you get it or was it a gift? What's its name? Now that you guys are on the surface, have you thought of getting the kind of pets that humans have? Like a cat or something?
heya otterhugs. i picked up my pet rock from somewhere special in waterfall. i alternate between calling it rocky or rockefeller. 
papyrus spoke about wanting these creatures called “temmy”s, they’re like cats… dogs? catdogs. but i dunno, its more stuff to clean up on top of that sock i just don’t wanna pick up, so i advised against it. 
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asksansvoice · 8 years
Hope you're having a good day so far. There have been days where I want to curl into a ball and hide in the shadows, or days where a weight is pressing down on my back and I don't know how to push myself back up again. Any words of encouragement for anyone who deals with stress on a daily basis?
i’m havin’ a pretty chill day, though i’m real sorry to hear that you’re dealing with such stressful situations, ellynore. i can tell you that even “fakin’ it to make it” doesn’t always work ‘cuz you feel that pressure eating away atcha from the inside and hurting you even when you’re putting on a big smile on the outside so others don’t see that you’re stressin’ and end up feelin’ that too - and lemme tell you, it’s sure not easy to deal with. whatever it is, know that you’re very strong that you are trying and pushing for it, and not having given up.
hey, by all means, if curling up and hiding does good for you, sometimes it might be a good retreat for a temporary time, if those situations get overwhelming for you. everyone needs to retreat and recover from things that are a huge and constant source of stress. there ain’t anything wrong with some good ol’ r&r time if you truly need it. my bro knows i avoid him sometimes and lock myself up in my room, but he understands i have moments. even if i pop out on occasion to accent his tiny misfortunes with incidental trombone. 
don’t isolate yourself from the world completely though, sometimes being around good company helps relieve some personal tension. that’s why i hit up grillby’s every now and then. the additional perspective helps you maybe realize that you’re not alone in this struggle and sharing some laughs and stories helps everyone out.
when you find a window of opportunity, take a nice nap, cool off for a bit in the shadows, disconnect from people, don’t conform to anyone’s expectations for a bit. turn off any noisemakin’ or any jarring, bright light devices too, (cuz, dang, those things can be distracting with all those notifications n’ sensory overload goin’ on), give yourself some me-only time. 
do something that you like doing that circulates and restores some of that mental energy, write or draw your thoughts down, read, listen to soothing music or ambient sounds (my personal favorite is water noise). i like using this website, mynoise, and its myriad of noise machines, sometimes to calm my racing mind down.
while i’m not sure what sort of stress you’re dealing with in your life on a regular basis, i hope you can somehow do something that will reduce the stress for you. take care, don’t neglect your physical health either. eat, drink and take a nice shower (or bath) to clear your head. just occupying yourself with those simple activities that are easily overlooked and pushed aside.. take time to -digest- those actions, savor that great meal you’re eating, soaking up that refreshing cup of water, letting yourself relax in the bath, whichever it is, just slow down and take some time to appreciate the simple little things you have in your life, away from your stress source. 
it’s okay to let yourself loosen up a little and get away from things. it’ll be a bit easier to take on some of the bigger things that you might be facin’ when you give yourself some time to take it easy. i wish you the best, and i hope this response helped, even a little.
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asksansvoice · 8 years
How DO you feel about the Doctor's ability to go about time and space, doing what he wants, with what seems like no consequence whatsoever... even when he puts his "companions" in danger? Personally, on my side of this, I think it's just weird. I mean he is the last Timelord, but I don't think he should have the ability to go about changing whatever he wants. In fact, he CAUSED Pompeii!!
y’know the old saying “with great power comes great responsibility,” ? i think that would be true in his case.
indeed, being the last of his kind isn’t an excuse to act recklessly and not consider what his actions cause. all actions have consequences, and when going back in time-space, the weight of that is more severe. 
if you’ve ever read about the butterfly effect theory, that basically sums up my thoughts on this matter. small changes are potentially capable of causing large consequences, much like a domino lineup. this is employed typically in the example of a butterfly wing flap being the forefront of a series of gusts that are capable of forming an eventual hurricane. 
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asksansvoice · 8 years
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Don’t come back.
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