jun-hyungs · 5 months
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some expy doodles ft. mirio from @splatcurioshop / @frostyscephalohub
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askammoknightsjr · 2 years
Demise looked at the twins.. People called Demise small, but these two?? tiny. Outright miniscule (what ever that word meant.) It tilted it's head, something obviously on it's mind… Might as well just ask it.
"How do you both get weapons off the top of the shelf???" @splatcurioshop
Before Shelly can answer...
Donny - "Ladders."
They both stare at Demise.
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askthepromokids · 2 years
(@splatcurioshop )
"Are you all really ok with getting your weapon uhm... Stickered? if you lost in turfwar? How does a sticker stop you from playing anyway, and if everyone is stickered up wont it be boring to not play with anyone??" The little octoling asked. It was curious about this whole system the Big Eight had going.
Ah you must be that small octoling kid I met one day in that rustic shop! I'll be glad to answer your questions because one day, you may wish to go against me, and it won't be pretty.
My black label stickers are to block the inking mechanism of a weapon, rendering the weapon useless. I'll provide you some examples down below.
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It has a very strong adhesive. No amount of pulling or tugging can make the sticker peel off unfortunately. You have to wait it out.
As for if everyone gets labeled, that's nothing to me. Rather it is entertainment for me and my colleagues. The labels are a reminder that the weak shall stay weak, and be exposed as weak. I have no time for incompetent inklings and octolings who cannot as much as lift a finger against me. That's the rule of the Splatsville Hierarchy.
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glowflygraveyard · 2 years
" You're the ghost girl that stops by Boss's store!!" Demise pointed at the Urchin, her name slipping it's mind (Even if Boss has said it in front of him before.. Demise was terrible at names.)
"I already asked Boss this but you're prolly an expert on spooky stuff. Are zombies and ghosts real? AND and Say some squid dies, can there be a ghost AND a zombie of 'em? "
( @splatcurioshop )
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an expert... yuzu's eye practically sparkles, eager to prove her knowledge about the subject.
"oh, ghosts are definitely real. it's hard to see them, but if you have stuff like ouija boards, you can communicate with them," she says seriously. "zombies are real, too. and since ghosts leave people's bodies after they die while zombies are reanimated corpses, i think both can exist at the same time."
yuzu turns briefly to undo the lock on the gate leading to the graveyard, then pushes it open. she hesitates for a moment before looking back at the octoling, pulling a flashlight from her bag.
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"if you want, i can show you," she flicks on the flashlight to illuminate her face ominously. "a real zombie, i mean. if you're not scared."
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
Mirio wasn't too sure even now in his life, was he suppose to crouch down to speak to people shorter then him? What ever, the inkling will have to deal with the height difference.
"Sooo, whats the plan for your future or do the turfwar games really pay that well?"
Goggles looks at Mirio, a little saddened. However, he still carries the wide smile as usual.
Oh uhhhh,,, I kinda wanna stop doing turf. I had a bad run in with an x rank for around 10 months. Splatsville isn't the same as Inkopolis. I'm thinking about working for Sean maybe?
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askammoknights · 2 years
Mirio has heard some things. He's not going to say from who, but that a certain chitinous store owner was a total nightmare to deal with in battle. "Hey." The urchin smugged. Usually he would have kept standing, but honestly he wanted to read Sheldon's reaction under his shell, so he crouched down. (Is that why he wore ridiculous glasses? did he also have issues seeing because of his shell?) "I've heard down the line that if you wanted to learn how to play a certain children's card game, you needed to get into contact with a certain weapons dealer." (@splatcurioshop )
"Oh, hello!"
His pleasant smile turns into something more alongg the lines of a smug smirk at the urchin's words, and Sheldon leans back slightly, resting his hands on his hips.
"Children's card game?" His voice still remains chipper. "I hope you're not referring to Tableturf. But if you are...Marigold handles most of that, but it's true I know a few things."
He reaches inside his vest and pulls out an olive-green bag, taking one of his custom-sleeved cards out of it to show him.
"Were you interested in trying it out?"
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zsfacade · 2 years
( @splatcurioshop )
The little Octoling managed to stumble across a ‘familiar’ face, it scrambled to meet up with the inkfish. Boy, Demise was jealous, every adult walked super fast with those long limbs, it had to almost use all 4 tentacles just to keep up!
“Uhmm.. I wanna say sorry ‘cause boss isn’t always mean! And he said you gotta be nice to the customers- so uh..” It fiddled around with it’s tentacles not sure what exactly had happened between it’s boss and this inkling. Old people stuff? Old people stuff.
“Is it safe for grannies to play turfwar? ‘Cause my babysitter said old inklings stop producing ink an’ that’s why you don’t see them in turf matches.”
The inkling turns around to see the same child who called her granny in the shop. The senior comments don't stop coming, do they?
"Oh, hey there!" She crouched down to Demise's level, trying not to sound threatening. "Don't worry about what happened. Your boss wasn't 'mean' necessarily, he was just- I don't like drawing attention to myself so, that's why I got weirded out by what he said."
"And, uh, to answer your question, I'm not a granny. If I was, I wouldn't be able to play like your babysitter said. A lot of people think I'm older than I am, so I'm used to hearing that by now."
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frostyscephalohub · 2 years
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I'm gonna be inactive for a few days while I travel to go visit my parents for the holidays! I can still draw but there's a chance I wont be as active as usual!
Also I am running on low for asks on @splatcurioshop! If y'all wanna send me some stuff I'd be much appreciated!
Or for other rp/ask blogs, if you guys would like some silly anons sent your way I can totally do that, let me know! or if you want something from either Mirio or Demise I can do that as well! I'd love to send those two out more but I'm really shy OTL;; (If you need something specific feel free to dm me! )
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glowflygraveyard · 2 years
It didn't take Mirio very long to get there after Yuzu's text- Honestly he wasn't expecting this sort of text so soon- but it'd absolutely be on his conscious if she texted him and something happened to the younger urchin. He took a good look at the stranger he was warned about. "Hey, bud. You always approaching kids this late? Might want to think about getting a new hobby- heard sitting on your hands at home is getting popular."
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the stranger folds his umbrella and rests his hands on the handle with a slightly annoyed expression.
"and who are you supposed to be? a friend of her father's?" he asks, but he doesn't sound at all interested in the answer. "i am murasaki, owner of brinewater springs. that child is my niece."
looking down at yuzu, murasaki studies her closely.
"yuzu," he starts, "your mother was my sister. she was a zapfish like me. she ran away with a sea urchin, and then she had you. is that correct?"
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yuzu doesn't reply, but she does regard murasaki curiously. she's never heard of him, but then again, her mother never really talked about her family.
turning his attention back to mirio, murasaki narrows his eyes.
"i'm not here to take her away or anything. but as someone who is not of our kind, there are some things her father can't provide for her. especially in his current condition," he explains, though it seems to be more for yuzu to hear than mirio. "it's a genetics thing. you understand, right?"
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glowflygraveyard · 2 years
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coming soon to a splatfest near you
ft. @splatcurioshop
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glowflygraveyard · 2 years
Mirio@Yuzu: "Now look at that! A successful student AND a successful career! I hope your business doesn't get in the way of your studies at exam time now."
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"it can be hard to balance sometimes," yuzu comments, admittedly feeling more comfortable around another sea urchin. "but my parents always tell me to put my studies first. even though dad says they don't teach the important things in school, like how to do taxes."
turning the page of her textbook, she glances up at mirio.
"will this stuff really be useful to know in the future?"
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
Mirio glanced down at the baby Zapfish. Huh. He's never really considered the little electricity producing creatures as pets but.. honestly this might just be good for Googles.
"I feel like there should be some sort of specialist-doctor figure that looks after the little guys so they dont get sick-.. You aren't just feeding this lil guy pickled plums are you???" Mirio paused before a even more concerning question popped in his head,, "You.. you HAVE more food at home that isn't just pickled plums, right???"
Goggles lets the baby zapfish crawl on his shoulder. He smiles at the tall urchin.
Oh she eats more than my pickled plums,,, She just gets into the jar when I'm not looking!
Said zapfish flings sparks of static electricity at the other, clearly not fond of his presence. Goggles pats the small fish on the head, calming her.
The strangest thing happened a few days ago. I was on a mission in this place called Alterna yeah? Well there's a bunch of fuzzy stuff everywhere! I ate some and it made my tentacles really fluffy!
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So then I guess Pickles got into some power eggs and KABOOM! She burnt the fuzzy stuff into burnt crisps! I know Mitsuami has a small friend that looks like Pickles and it does the same thing but eats it instead.
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
( @splatcurioshop )
Mirio had been worried about Goggles since he heard from the sea anemone that he had "gotten caught".  Caught?? and missing for weeks. Mirio couldn't just text the guy, he'd given Goggles his number after all, not the other way around.
Almost getting a tentacle torn off, getting tricked into buying the hellspawn stuffed creature Mirio had found, coming to Mirio about planning on taking the fall for something and going to jail, the video of Goggles attacking one of the squid sisters and now the kids in the hospital after almost freezing. Mirio had brought some fruits. Those were things you give others at hospitals, right? Guilt fruits.
There were so many questions Mirio wanted to ask this guy. What were you thinking? What exactly are you doing here in Splatsville? the SQUID SISTERS??? Where were you!!! Just what were you up to to get just this level of frozen you ended up in the hospital!! Did they hurt you??  None of these were appropriate at the time.  
Deep breath. Smile,  even if it's just a small one.
" Hey, kid.  You feeling ok?"
Goggles looked deeply disturbed. It showed on his face. He couldn't feel anything at all, but for some reason he could also feel a sheer amount of fear. Fear and anger. He backs up in his hospital bed, looking like some sort of cornered animal. Whatever happened messed up something inside his brain. This wasn't the Goggles everyone knew and loved.
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
slides splatcurioshop on over to you....
( Who? / I know them they're chill / Pretty darn coolio / Can we be friends? / Friends! / Best friend! / HOLY F- )
( Goggles absolutely wants to be friends with Mirio. Demise? Also would like to be chill with them! )
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frostyscephalohub · 2 years
Temporary pin for now!!
I can't keep track of RP/ask blogs on my main so I made a rp hub >:")
I will be tossing art/splatoon stuff onto here!! :") RP / Ask blogs: @splatcurioshop
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