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You may no longer have a blog, Twinky, but you will always be my bae.
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Not dead!
But going on a full-on (and possibly permanent) hiatus now. Sorry guys. With school steadily becoming more stressful, I doubt I can keep this blog up. My skeebo blog had already been deleted. Two blogs, I can run, but that's simply the limit.
Don't be surprised I ever abandon it forever. I'm certainly not deleting it, for it held such great memories for when I was an RP-newbie who only just reached the appropriate age of roleplaying here. All three ghost ladies will always hold a special place in my heart. Who knows? Perhaps you might see them again.
I quit the PMATGA fandom years ago. Way too much drama in there. I moved on to other fandoms here on Tumblr. If you ever want to contact me (or roleplay), find me on the roleplay blogs thehandybeavercan (HTF for Handy) and/or curiouslxttleshepherdess (Don't Starve for Winnie).
See you there!
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LGBT pride series
EDIT: I added Trans and Genderqueer. :D 
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I don’t give a damn about my reputation [LOUD GUITAR]
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Necklace fake-calls wearers’ mobiles as an excuse to leave uncomfortable situations
Women experience street harassment on a regular basis, but it takes many forms — some subtle and some less so. We’ve already seen Cuff jewelry include a discreet smart rape alarm that can be activated in the case of an actual street attack, but now Guardian Angel is a necklace or bracelet that can trigger a fake call to wearers’ cell phones to give them an excuse to remove themselves from an uncomfortable situation. READ MORE…
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oh god what did i do
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I know not that many people joined but we have enough contestants for me to announce the winners!
Congratulations to:
1st place: ilovepac-manandghostgang
(Prize: Full body picture of a character of their choice. Will be fully colored and shaded)
2nd place: askoblate
(Prize: Waist-up picture of a character of their choice. Will be colored and have a minimum amount of shading) 
3rd place: natalie-and-her-friends
(Prize: Headshot of a character of their choice. Will be colored but not shaded in)
The winners shall receive a message in their inbox asking if they will accept their prize. They have 48 hours to accept it before someone else receives the prize. Thank you for joining the art giveaway! I'll see you again some time (perhaps the summer).
Ta-ta for now!
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(I'm REALLY sorry for logging off so abruptly but all of a sudden I'm really exhausted and now I'm nearly falling alseep on the keyboard
Night guys. Good luck for those who entered the art giveaway!)
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"Zat's what I often wonder," The grey ghost's eyes seem to glaze over as she lost herself in thought, "We have ectoplasm though, wich can be bitten though... But the bite marks will 'eal zee minute they are inflicted... I 'ave no idea idea...."
Trick or Treat! (Twinky)
14. Bite mark
How does one even bite a ghost? They have no flesh!
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Today (10/31) shall be the last day I RP on this blog before it goes into semi-hiatus.
I already held an art giveaway for those who follow me. There's still time to enter, so I encourage you to enter if you wish!
Before I shut off this blog for a while, I'd like to take one last day and RP with the ghost lady trio until this blog goes to shutdown. Once I come offline, I'll choose the winners for the art giveaway and put this blog on semi-hiatus until I have enough time to run it again. I'll be reblogging halloween-themed memes.
If you'd like to interact with my three ghosties for the last time in a length period of time, today's the day to do so!
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This blog will be accepting trick or treaters for the entire weekend of Halloween!
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{Halloween just so happens to fall on a Friday this year, which leaves all of Saturday and Sunday free, so why not extend the celebration?
This blog will accept any trick or treaters from Friday- Sunday (Oct 31 - Nov 2nd)}
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(Haha, I know I’m not going to reach 150 followers soon so there’s no point in waiting anyways.
This is the first time I do an art giveaway, so bear with me here! This is pretty much a farewell gift before I put this blog on semi-hiatus (since this blog is pretty much dead), as well as a gift for all of my 142 followers, including those who supported me until the end. Thank you all so much for this! Even if I don’t know a majority of you IRL, I just want to let you know how much I appreciate it!
Anyways, back to the giveaway.
- You must be following me! Don’t just follow for the giveaway you know. That’s pretty rude.
- One like and reblog per entry!
- I’ll pick three winners through a random number generator.
- I will NOT draw NSFW stuff. 
- I have various art styles, so if you win, try to specify which art style you want me to draw in. If you ask nicely, I’d be happy to submit a few pictures using the art styles I have to give you a taste of them and giving you a choice of what art style you want!
-1st place winner gets a full body picture of a character of their choice, colored and shaded.
-2nd place winner gets a waist-up picture of a character of their choice, colored
-3rd place winner gets a headshot of a character of their choice
Remember, the giveaway ends November 1st.
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(Made two designs for new anthropomorphic animal OC's I'm making.
First one's a silly and hyperactive chinchilla-rabbit bookworm who believes high school stereotypes and cliches are real.
Second one's a fun-loving, aggressive, tomboyish wolf that loves to cause mischief and flirts with lots of people.
Both are still WIP's!)
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That would be Mario...
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