asktwsstucky · 5 years
Still lowkey thinks about this blog
still lowkey thinks about and reminisces about this blog too.what year is it
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
Sooooooooo new question time! Since October is around the corner, do you two have anything planned for Halloween? Seeing as Bucky really liked Captain America merchandise, maybe he could dress up as that. C'mon Steve, I'm sure he'd fit in your suit. Or he could be a kitty. Kitties are cute. :D
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"Liberty. Freedom. Punching Hitler. Yadda yadda."
"… that is not what I look like.”
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
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((ooc explanation beneath the cut~))
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First of all, I'm so sorry for disappearing off the face of the planet without an explanation. It was very rude of me to leave you guys and not tell you why I'm gone. Please forgive my horrible behavior. :c
Initially, I was taking a break. I needed some time to myself, so I just decided to avoid the blog for about a week before doing anything else. As soon as that happened, though, I got busy with other things. I had to start thinking about school, packing to move into a new apartment, etc. It got to the point that I just had no motivation at all to draw.
Now I'm back at school and this semester has already put a lot of work on me. I'm also working for the newspaper here on campus, so that takes time out of my life. I just haven't had time for this blog amongst it all.
Excuses aside, I'm sorry again for being a jerk. You all are such sweet followers and I just stepped all over you. Sorry. I'll try not to leave for a long period again without first saying something. D:
That being said, this blog will still not be very active.
I'm far too busy to keep up the motivation to work on drawings for this blog, so, while I'll still be answering questions, they will be slow and there might be a lot more uncolored pics than there used to be. Such as the drawing above; several might just be sketchy lineart. It all depends on how much time I have and how much effort I'm willing to put in.
Also, I'm going to delete every ask I have right now and start over fresh. Those have been sitting in my inbox for ages. My apologies for not answering them.
Sorry again! Here I am. This blog's still on a bit of a hiatus, but thanks to those of you who have stuck with me. =)
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
bucky, did you ever learn how to use eyeliner?
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"I don’t wear eyeliner.
           —And I definitely didn’t buy some to ‘learn how to use it.’”
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
Bucky, have you remembered something else about your past with Steve? Anything at all, even if fragmented or blurry?
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"I remember little things here and there.
             —Sometimes at completely random moments.”
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
Hey Steve! I was just wondering... Have you and Bucky kissed before? Even on accident?
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"Yes, we have.
        The first kiss we had was back on the night before Bucky was shipped         off to war. I had returned to our apartment, expecting Bucky to be out        with the two dates he had gotten for us, but I found him sitting there         waiting for me.
One thing led to another. Bucky kissed me—probably because of the emotions of that moment. That was when I found out how he felt after I had, uhh… well, ‘pined’ over him for years.”
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
ok, wait...? confused anon here, so does bucky know about steve's feelings for him, and does steve know about bucky's feelings for him? or are they both just a dense box of rocks? :o ( no offense to you to!!
// They’re both aware! Well, it’s a bit complicated. Bucky’s aware of Steve’s feelings for him, but Bucky still isn’t sure how he feels about Steve.Here’s what happened in chronological order:http://asktwsstucky.tumblr.com/post/90558724879http://asktwsstucky.tumblr.com/post/91394007939http://asktwsstucky.tumblr.com/post/91591489569Hope that helped clear things up a bit! Bucky’s just a bit cautious about it all.
—Also, on a sidenote, sorry for how long I’ve been taking with replies~ I’m going to try to have an ask done tonight or tomorrow!
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
What did Tony think of Bucky's arm?
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"Tony seems to forget that the arm belongs to Bucky, not him."
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
So you guys lived together back in New York pre-serum and before the war. How has the years and changes you guys have gone through changed your daily chores/division of labor? ;)
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"Not that polishing the shield is a necessity, but it’s the thought that counts."
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
Awww glad yur feeling better!!!! And yes show him indeed! ^_^ 《: love yur work! (Ps. Have u tired giving him an over-sizied sweater and drowning him in laughter and happiness! xD always worked 4 me in rough faus/times
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"It might’ve had more of a benefit on me, actually."
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
Bucky seems to be getting a lot better! I guess if you're going clothes shopping, its safe/comfortable for him to leave, so What's your favorite thing to do out of the house?
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"We enjoy the fresh air, and I usually tell Bucky a story or two about the past while we’re there."
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
Hello! I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to be fairly busy this week, so I might not get to any of my asks until Thursday or Friday. Feel free to continue sending them, but just remember it'll be awhile before I get to them. Thanks again for all of the support I've had with this blog! You guys keep me running. =) I appreciate it.
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
Do Sam and Bucky get along ?
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"They had a pretty shaky start, but Sam trusts him as long as I do."
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
This question is for Bucky...why did you choose to go to Steve?
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"No amount of research was going to help me remember who I used to be. I knew all about James Buchanan Barnes and his part in the war, but that wasn’t on a personal level.
     The only person who knew ‘Bucky’ personally was Steve, so I sought      after him in hopes that he would help spark some memories.”
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
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