Free fic idea because I don’t write fic but needed to share the idea.
Making Up for Lost Time
Bob and rebrained Helmut decide to make up for lost lost time buy using Helut’s Time stopping powers to freeze time for years so they can have all their years back without worrying about their bodies getting older. Maybe they don’t do it all at once but they get to have 20 more years together to make up for the 20 Helmut spent on Ice
places this gentley on the tumblr feed for the fanfic authors to slurp up as they wish
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vaspider · 5 years
So I actually do remember the post that pear/tree is talking about they have unsurprisingly cut out a lot of the context. Cause the post in question specially mentioned a scenario where the porn was appropriately tagged with all the trigger warnings it might require. As in can’t blame it, it said what it was That sort of thing is really common on my Mastodon instance. Post: CW: Pic of my Genitals Click to See Me: *clicks* Me: Ugh I didn’t want to see this Me: Oh wait
So there was a post that said ‘if your offspring clicked on something that was clearly tagged with what it was, and they clicked on it, and were like, oh no, save me from that’, and I said something to the effect of ‘it was labeled, come on.’
There’s a difference between ‘you’re responsible for curating your experience and reading the tags on things before you click on the thing’ and ‘it’s your fault you’re upset, how dare.’
Look. I am phobic of centipedes. If I click on a link that says GIANT PICTURES OF CENTIPEDES BEHIND THIS LINK, TW CENTIPEDES, TW TOO MANY LEGS, TW VERY CREEPY THINGS, and I see centipedes and it upsets me, then yes, that’s my fault. 
If a fifteen year old clicks on a link that says THERE IS PORN HERE and sees porn, that is ... not the fault of the person who posted the porn. The fault lies with either a) the parents for not supervising their kids’ internet time sufficiently or b) the kid, for clicking on the link.
The entire world is not going to make itself SFW. The entire internet is not going to be a walled garden where it’s safe for minors to do whatever they want and ignore all the warning signs that say ‘this isn’t for you, this is not intended for people under the age of eighteen, don’t click here if you’re a minor, here there be things not appropriate for children, possibly also dragons’. That’s just not going to exist, nor should it. 
So, yes, in that context, that would be @mistresskabooms‘ fault... if... you know. That... ever happened. And if she were a minor. Which she isn’t. She’s an adult. 
Strangely, though, we’ve never had that issue with MK. Ever. I’ve never had to deal with a situation in which MK saw disturbing porn. Possibly because we raised her to be aware of her own boundaries and to curate her own experience? Possibly because we raised her with the idea that she’s responsible for reading the warning labels on things?
Now, if back in the day when MK was a minor, if she saw porn which upset her after clicking on a clearly-labeled link, and she came to me and said ‘Hey, Mom, this happened,’ would I be like ‘lol that’s your fault’?
Of course not. She’s my daughter. 
In this fictionalized incident, what I’d do is firstly comfort her and make sure she was emotionally okay. Once she was emotionally okay, I’d ask her about the situation: how did this come to pass? Where was she? How did she come across this? 
After all, I came across video of the Christchurch Shooting on my Twitter feed. It was... beyond disturbing. I saw a man die outside his house of worship. It wasn’t properly tagged, obviously, because people wanted us to be assaulted with it. I managed to get it shut down quickly, but it still haunts my dreams. Literally, haunts my dreams. So I get having disturbing things (like, truly disturbing things, not ‘I’m freaked out by frogs and someone posted a picture of a frog’) popping up without warning. That’s terrible. No one should have to deal with that. 
And if, after we were sure she was emotionally okay and we’d comforted her and talked through the content she saw, the situation came down to ‘I clicked on a link that said PORN IS HERE, it had lots of tags saying what it was, I saw porn, it upset me,’ then we’d have a talk about establishing your own boundaries online, and understanding that the internet is not required to be safe for minors, and how to avoid seeing unwanted content in the future. You know, establishing skills for her future, and giving her the ability to take care of her own mental and emotional well-being online.
If the porn was posted somewhere without tagging, then we’d handle that a different way, dependent on where it was posted. But... that’s not the theoretical situation, is it?
In fact, we had that kind of conversation about online responsibility and curating your online experience many times while MK was growing up, which is probably why we never had the problem of MK seeing porn that bothered her. 
Go figure. 
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humandisastersquad · 6 years
Hey where have you been watching Spider-Man (the current season) I had been watching on the Disney Now app but I fell off it and now the App is doing my Streaming Pet Peeve of not having all the episodes available and only having the most resent season
right here friendo! 
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malainastarling · 4 years
stars or clouds / tony stark or steve rogers / buzzfeed unsolved or buzzfeed worth it  / lavender or rose / chocolate or vanilla / latte or americano / police procedural shows or hospital shows / fast zombies or slow zombies / modern films or classic films / musicals or plays / hamilton or in the heights  / blue lightsaber or green lightsaber or purple lightsaber / hats or headbands / queen or elton john / multi-coloured lights or white lights / pastels or neon / flowers or succulents / log cabin or hotel / sprinkles or cookie crumbs / ghosts or aliens / single book or book series / library or bookstore / brunch or dinner / snow or leaves / jean jacket or leather jacket / tea cup or mug / galaxies or constellations
tagged by @existentialmalaises thanks!   I’m tagging @jacksonperseus​ , @cdrshiphard​, @null507​ @brodhi-rook​ @princessntheblog​ @our-lady-of--singularities​  
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fandomsandfeminism · 8 years
Have you seen "Your Name" I watched it as an In Flight Movie recently and it was really fun. It's about a girl who works at a shrine in the country and a boy who works at a cafe in Tokyo and for a few weeks when ever they fall a sleep they switch bodies back and forth.
I’ve seen all the hype for it, but I havent gotten to watch it yet. I heard it was great
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generalthirstclub · 3 years
I thought you would like this
YOOOOO i saw that just a little bit ago!!! scrolling thru my dash and being like “wait - wait that’s the shot from saw - wait - MUPPETS” was a fantastic experience. i am honored you thought to send this to me
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Raz in Psychonauts 1: My name is Razputin. But everyone calls me Raz.
Donatello and Nona: Oh my dear sweet Pootie
Dion and Frazie: Leave me alone Pooter.
Raz: Everyone calls me Raz
Raz: Maybe If I Say It Enough, It Will Be True!
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vaspider · 5 years
Also while I am in your ask box I would like to say that I love the patches I ordered from NerdyKeppie and that as soon as I find the best garment to put them on I’m probably going to order more from you
Heck yeah! :D 
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fandomsandfeminism · 8 years
Your "Your lie in April" Video was very good. I'm now thinking about the train in the show and wondering if it was also a visual metaphor still not sure what it might represent if it does in fact represent anything
In general  trains, if used as metaphors, tend to either symbolize the passage of time (since they run on schedules, and carry people away from the “past”) or routine (if its a commuter train) / freedom (if its a trip somewhere new) 
I’d need to rewatch Your Lie in April specifically for the trains to see if there’s a pattern for how it comes up. Seems reasonable though. 
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ineffable-raccoon · 9 years
Had a thought because I know your a fellow Potterfan in education: Hogwarts sounds like a nightmare to teach at. There is one professor for each subject and 7 years of classes to plan for. And while the wizarding population is definitely smaller, if grade sizes are same as a single city's High School your looking at thousands of students for each teacher. I mean some are electives but if you've got a Core Class you can't possibly have a life outside of work.
We’re still unclear about how BIG Hogwarts actually is. 
If ALL of Harry’s classmates are mentioned (about 5 boys and 5 girls per year, per house) and that’s the normal amount, then there’s only 70 kids per house TOTAL, (40 kids per year in every house) and only 280 students in the WHOLE SCHOOL. 
Now…that’s still a HELL of a lot of students. Like, Snape is the ONLY Potions teacher. If he has EVERY kid from years 1-5 (200 students) plus however many 6 and 7 years have potions in their career track after OWLs, that’s like…250-ish students maybe? Which is fucking….way too many.
But in an interview JK said once that the ACTUAL population of Hogwarts is like…1000. And like…HOW. HOW WOULD ONE TEACHER HAVE AT A MINIMUM OF 500 STUDENTS AT ONCE? DO HOUSE ELVES DO THE GRADING?! WHAT?!?!?!? 
(Calculations done by http://millatheshieldmaiden.tumblr.com/) 
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Heal Check to remove an arrow from a foot? Better use a double-Nat 20.
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I have this idea for Raz developing a specialty power that he can teach to others. Like if in a future game we get an adult Raz giving out merit badges. I have this idea of him using TK to tether to things. Like rather than pull an object to him he can pull himself to an object. He can also use it to swing by holding the tether at a set distance. So it sort of works like extending arms or web slinging powers wise.
His mental level is full of Platforms and Trapeze that are too far to reach with a jump. Plenty of trapezes fall to prompt you to tether to their former hooks and swing on your TK Tether
That’s a really fun idea, I love the idea of using the power in a big expansive level built around it with all these tall heights
Raz becoming a counselor or teacher of some sort always gets me in just the right way, he’s so hungry to learn all he can himself that giving other kids the chance to do that for themselves just feels right
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malainastarling · 9 years
Blue Money Quality
Blue: Probably Janelle Monae’s Q.U.E.E.N. 
Money: Pay off my parents house buy a house of my own, pay off my student loans. Start a business and invest the rest.
Quality: Writingwithcolor, reverseracism, Jewishzevran
ask me more!
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asktwsstucky · 10 years
Do Sam and Bucky get along ?
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"They had a pretty shaky start, but Sam trusts him as long as I do."
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aromanticgcallen · 11 years
Alixson I recently heard of a new type of pairing called a ProTP which is like professional bfftp or otp but for people who would make an awesome professional duo.
there are literal hearts in my eyes right now
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ineffable-raccoon · 10 years
Is it just me or is it impossible to imagine Orion without a fedora?
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